]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - GEANT321/gphys/gmolie.F
New configurale version.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / GEANT321 / gphys / gmolie.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision 1.2  1996/05/02 08:17:11  ravndal
6 * correct spheric coordinate sampling
7 *
8 * Revision  1995/10/24 10:21:27  cernlib
9 * Geant
10 *
11 *
12 *    EX GMOL
13 #include "geant321/pilot.h"
14 *CMZ :  3.21/02 29/03/94  15.41.22  by  S.Giani
15 *-- Author :
17 C.
18 C.    ******************************************************************
19 C.    *                                                                *
20 C     *       Computes MOLIERE multiple scattering for a particle      *
21 C.    *       with parameters VECT in common /GCTRAK/                  *
22 C.    *                                                                *
23 C.    *       This subroutine must be called with the correct values   *
24 C.    *       of the constants OMC & CHC which depend of the medium    *
25 C.    *                                                                *
26 C.    *       OMC AND CHC are computed at initialisation time (GMOLI)  *
27 C.    *       No lateral displacement of the particle with respect     *
28 C.    *       the incident direction is included.                      *
29 C.    *       No path length correction is included                    *
30 C.    *                                                                *
31 C.    *  Generation of multiple scattering according to                *
32 C.    *  Moliere theory corrected for finite angle scattering          *
33 C.    *                                                                *
34 C.    *  evolved from Cern library program MLR                         *
35 C.    *                                                                *
36 C.    *  OMEGA & CHIC are number of scatterings and critical angle     *
37 C.    *  of the medium for a given incident particle                   *
38 C.    *                                                                *
39 C.    *  COSTH and SINTH are the cosine and sine of the generated      *
40 C.    *  scattering angle between 0 and 180 degrees                    *
41 C.    *                                                                *
42 C.    * THRED(NA)=reduced angles of Moliere theory                     *
43 C.    *                                                                *
44 C.    * F0I(NA),F1I(NA),F2I(NA)= integrale of Moliere functions        *
45 C.    *                                                                *
46 C.    *  4 point continued fraction interpolation is used to invert    *
47 C.    *  the total distribution function integral                      *
48 C.    *                                                                *
49 C.    * XINT= argument value                                           *
50 C.    * ARG= argument values of the table (arg,val)                    *
51 C.    * VAL= function values of the table (arg,val)                    *
52 C.    * THRI= the resulting interpolated function value                *
53 C.    *                                                                *
54 C.    *    ==>Called by : GMOLIE                                       *
55 C.    *         Author M.S. Dixit NRCC Ottawa    *********             *
56 C.    *                                                                *
57 C.    *                                                                *
58 C.    ******************************************************************
59 C.
60 #include "geant321/gctrak.inc"
61 #include "geant321/gcphys.inc"
62 #include "geant321/gcmulo.inc"
63 #include "geant321/gconsp.inc"
64       PARAMETER (ENEPER = 2.7182818)
65       DIMENSION DIN(3),RNDM(3)
66       DIMENSION TINT(40),ARG(4),VAL(4),THRED(40),F0I(40),F1I(40),F2I(40)
67       DATA THRED/
68      +   0.00, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30
69      +,  0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.70
70      +,  0.80, 0.90, 1.00, 1.10
71      +,  1.20, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50
72      +,  1.60, 1.70, 1.80, 1.90
73      +,  2.00, 2.20, 2.40, 2.60
74      +,  2.80, 3.00, 3.20, 3.40
75      +,  3.60, 3.80, 4.00, 5.00
76      +,  6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00
77      +, 10.00,11.00,12.00,13.00/
78       DATA F0I/
79      +  0.000000E+00 ,0.995016E-02 ,0.392106E-01 ,0.860688E-01
80      + ,0.147856E+00 ,0.221199E+00 ,0.302324E+00 ,0.387374E+00
81      + ,0.472708E+00 ,0.555142E+00 ,0.632121E+00 ,0.701803E+00
82      + ,0.763072E+00 ,0.815480E+00 ,0.859142E+00 ,0.894601E+00
83      + ,0.922695E+00 ,0.944424E+00 ,0.960836E+00 ,0.972948E+00
84      + ,0.981684E+00 ,0.992093E+00 ,0.996849E+00 ,0.998841E+00
85      + ,0.999606E+00 ,0.999877E+00 ,0.999964E+00 ,0.999990E+00
86      + ,0.999998E+00 ,0.999999E+00 ,0.100000E+01 ,0.100000E+01
87      + ,0.100000E+01 ,0.100000E+01 ,0.100000E+01 ,0.100000E+01
88      + ,1.,1.,1.,1./
89       DATA F1I/
90      +  0.000000E+00,0.414985E-02,0.154894E-01,0.310312E-01
91      + ,0.464438E-01,0.569008E-01,0.580763E-01,0.468264E-01
92      + ,0.217924E-01,-0.163419E-01,-0.651205E-01,-0.120503E+00
93      + ,-0.178272E+00,-0.233580E+00,-0.282442E+00,-0.321901E+00
94      + ,-0.350115E+00,-0.366534E+00,-0.371831E+00,-0.367378E+00
95      + ,-0.354994E+00,-0.314803E+00,-0.266539E+00,-0.220551E+00
96      + ,-0.181546E+00,-0.150427E+00,-0.126404E+00,-0.107830E+00
97      + ,-0.933106E-01,-0.817375E-01,-0.723389E-01,-0.436650E-01
98      + ,-0.294700E-01,-0.212940E-01,-0.161406E-01,-0.126604E-01
99      + ,-0.102042E-01,-0.840465E-02,-0.704261E-02,-0.598886E-02/
100       DATA F2I/
101      +  0.0,0.121500E-01,0.454999E-01,0.913000E-01
102      + ,0.137300E+00,0.171400E+00,0.183900E+00,0.170300E+00
103      + ,0.132200E+00,0.763000E-01,0.126500E-01,-0.473500E-01
104      + ,-0.936000E-01,-0.119750E+00,-0.123450E+00,-0.106300E+00
105      + ,-0.732800E-01,-0.312400E-01,0.128450E-01,0.528800E-01
106      + ,0.844100E-01,0.114710E+00,0.106200E+00,0.765830E-01
107      + ,0.435800E-01,0.173950E-01,0.695001E-03,-0.809500E-02
108      + ,-0.117355E-01,-0.125449E-01,-0.120280E-01,-0.686530E-02
109      + ,-0.385275E-02,-0.231115E-02,-0.147056E-02,-0.982480E-03
110      + ,-0.682440E-03,-0.489715E-03,-0.361190E-03,-0.272582E-03/
111 *
112 *     ------------------------------------------------------------------
113 *
114 *
115 * *** Compute Theta angle from Moliere distribution
116 *
118       COSTH=1.
119       SINTH=0.
121       CNST=LOG(OMEGA)
122       B=5.
123       DO 10 L=1,10
124          IF(ABS(B).LT.1.E-10)THEN
125             B=1.E-10
126          ENDIF
127          DB=-(B-LOG(ABS(B))-CNST)/(1.-1./B)
128          B=B+DB
129          IF(ABS(DB).LE.0.0001)GO TO 20
130    10 CONTINUE
131       GO TO 90
132    20 CONTINUE
133       IF(B.LE.0.)GO TO 90
134       BINV = 1./B
135       TINT(1) = 0.
136       DO 30 JA=2,4
137          TINT(JA)=F0I(JA)+(F1I(JA)+F2I(JA)*BINV)*BINV
138    30 CONTINUE
139       NMAX = 4
140    40 CONTINUE
141       CALL GRNDM(RNDM,3)
142       XINT=RNDM(2)
143       DO 50 NA=3,40
144          IF(NA.GT.NMAX) THEN
145             TINT(NA)=F0I(NA)+(F1I(NA)+F2I(NA)*BINV)*BINV
146             NMAX=NA
147          ENDIF
148          IF(XINT.LE.TINT(NA-1)) GO TO 60
149    50 CONTINUE
150       IF(XINT.LE.TINT(40)) THEN
151          NA=40
152          GOTO 60
153       ELSE
154          TMP=1.-(1.-B*(1.-XINT))**5
155          IF(TMP.LE.0.)GO TO 40
156          THRI=5./TMP
157          GO TO 80
158       ENDIF
159    60 CONTINUE
160       NA = MAX(NA-1,3)
161       NA3 = NA-3
162       DO 70 M=1,4
163          NA3M=NA3+M
164          ARG(M)=TINT(NA3M)
165          VAL(M)=THRED(NA3M)**2
166    70 CONTINUE
167       F=THRED(NA)*.02
169    80 CONTINUE
171       IF(TH.GT.PI)GO TO 40
172       SINTH=SIN(TH)
173       TEST=TH*(RNDM(3))**2
174       IF(TEST.GT.SINTH)GO TO 40
175       COSTH=COS(TH)
176       GOTO 100
177    90 CONTINUE
178       CALL GRNDM(RNDM,1)
179 *
180 * *** Calculate SINE and COSINE of a random angle between 0 and 360 deg
181 *
182   100 PHI = RNDM(1)*TWOPI
183 *
184       DIN(1) = SINTH*COS(PHI)
185       DIN(2) = SINTH*SIN(PHI)
186       DIN(3) = COSTH
187 *
188       END