]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - HIJING/hijing1_36/hijing.F
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HIJING / hijing1_36 / hijing.F
1 * $Id$
2 C     Version 1.36
3 C     Nothing important has been changed here. A few 'garbage' has been
4 C     cleaned up here, like common block HIJJET3 for the sea quark strings
5 C     which were originally created to implement the DPM scheme which
6 C     later was abadoned in the final version. The lines which operate
7 C     on these data are also deleted in the program.
8 C
9 C
10 C     Version 1.35
11 C     There are some changes in the program: subroutine HARDJET is now
12 C     consolidated with HIJHRD. HARDJET is used to re-initiate PYTHIA
13 C     for the triggered hard processes. Now that is done  altogether
14 C     with other normal hard processes in modified JETINI. In the new
15 C     version one calls JETINI every time one calls HIJHRD. In the new
16 C     version the effect of the isospin of the nucleon on hard processes,
17 C     especially direct photons is correctly considered.
18 C     For A+A collisions, one has to initilize pythia
19 C     separately for each type of collisions, pp, pn,np and nn,
20 C     or hp and hn for hA collisions. In JETINI we use the following
21 C     catalogue for different types of collisions:
22 C     h+h: h+h (I_TYPE=1)
23 C     h+A: h+p (I_TYPE=1), h+n (I_TYPE=2)
24 C     A+h: p+h (I_TYPE=1), n+h (I_TYPE=2)
25 C     A+A: p+p (I_TYPE=1), p+n (I_TYPE=2), n+p (I_TYPE=3), n+n (I_TYPE=4)
26 C*****************************************************************
27 c
28 C
29 C     Version 1.34
30 C     Last modification on January 5, 1998. Two misstakes are corrected in
31 C     function G. A Misstake in the subroutine Parton is also corrected.
32 C     (These are pointed out by Ysushi Nara).
33 C
34 C
35 C       Last modifcation on April 10, 1996. To conduct final
36 C       state radiation, PYTHIA reorganize the two scattered
37 C       partons and their final momenta will be a little
38 C       different. The summed total momenta of the partons
39 C       from the final state radiation are stored in HINT1(26-29)
40 C       and HINT1(36-39) which are little different from 
41 C       HINT1(21-24) and HINT1(41-44).
42 C
43 C       Version 1.33
44 C
45 C       Last modfication  on September 11, 1995. When HIJING and
46 C       PYTHIA are initialized, the shadowing is evaluated at
47 C       b=0 which is the maximum. This will cause overestimate
48 C       of shadowing for peripheral interactions. To correct this
49 C       problem, shadowing is set to zero when initializing. Then
50 C       use these maximum  cross section without shadowing as a
51 C       normalization of the Monte Carlo. This however increase
52 C       the computing time. IHNT2(16) is used to indicate whether
53 C       the sturcture function is called for (IHNT2(16)=1) initialization
54 C       or for (IHNT2(16)=0)normal collisions simulation
55 C
56 C       Last modification on Aagust 28, 1994. Two bugs associate
57 C       with the impact parameter dependence of the shadowing is
58 C       corrected.
59 C
60 C
61 c       Last modification on October 14, 1994. One bug is corrected
62 c       in the direct photon production option in subroutine
63 C       HIJHRD.( this problem was reported by Jim Carroll and Mike Beddo).
64 C       Another bug associated with keeping the decay history
65 C       in the particle information is also corrected.(this problem
66 C       was reported by Matt Bloomer)
67 C
68 C
69 C       Last modification on July 15, 1994. The option to trig on
70 C       heavy quark production (charm IHPR2(18)=0 or beauty IHPR2(18)=1) 
71 C       is added. To do this, set IHPR2(3)=3. For inclusive production,
72 C       one should reset HIPR1(10)=0.0. One can also trig larger pt
73 C       QQbar production by giving HIPR1(10) a nonvanishing value.
74 C       The mass of the heavy quark in the calculation of the cross
75 C       section (HINT1(59)--HINT1(65)) is given by HIPR1(7) (the
76 C       default is the charm mass D=1.5). We also include a separate
77 C       K-factor for heavy quark and direct photon production by
78 C       HIPR1(23)(D=2.0).
79 C
80 C       Last modification on May 24, 1994.  The option to
81 C       retain the information of all particles including those
82 C       who have decayed is IHPR(21)=1 (default=0). KATT(I,3) is 
83 C       added to contain the line number of the parent particle 
84 C       of the current line which is produced via a decay. 
85 C       KATT(I,4) is the status number of the particle: 11=particle
86 C       which has decayed; 1=finally produced particle.
87 C
88 C
89 C       Last modification on May 24, 1994( in HIJSFT when valence quark
90 C       is quenched, the following error is corrected. 1.2*IHNT2(1) --> 
91 C       1.2*IHNT2(1)**0.333333, 1.2*IHNT2(3) -->1.2*IHNT(3)**0.333333)
92 C
93 C
94 C       Last modification on March 16, 1994 (heavy flavor production
95 C       processes MSUB(81)=1 MSUB(82)=1 have been switched on,
96 C       charm production is the default, B-quark option is
97 C       IHPR2(18), when it is switched on, charm quark is 
98 C       automatically off)
99 C
100 C
101 C       Last modification on March 23, 1994 (an error is corrected
102 C       in the impact parameter dependence of the jet cross section)
103 C
104 C       Last modification Oct. 1993 to comply with non-vax
105 C       machines' compiler 
106 C
107 C*********************************************
108 C       LAST MODIFICATION April 5, 1991
109 CQUARK DISTRIBUTIOIN (1-X)**A/(X**2+C**2/S)**B 
110 C(A=HIPR1(44),B=HIPR1(46),C=HIPR1(45))
112 C TWO COLOR CHANGES, (1-W)**2,W*(1-W),W*(1-W),AND W*2, W=HIPR1(18), 
114 C
115 C       gluon jets can form a single string system
116 C
117 C       initial state radiation is included
118 C       
119 C       all QCD subprocesses are included
120 c
121 c       direct particles production is included(currently only direct
122 C               photon)
123 c
124 C       Effect of high P_T trigger bias on multiple jets distribution
125 c
126 C******************************************************************
127 C                               HIJING.10                         *
128 C                 Heavy Ion Jet INteraction Generator             *
129 C                                  by                             *
130 C                  X. N. Wang      and   M. Gyulassy              *
131 C                     Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory                *
132 C                                                                 *
133 C******************************************************************
134 C
135 C******************************************************************
136 C NFP(K,1),NFP(K,2)=flavor of q and di-q, NFP(K,3)=present ID of  *
137 C proj, NFP(K,4) original ID of proj.  NFP(K,5)=colli status(0=no,*
138 C 1=elastic,2=the diffrac one in single-diffrac,3= excited string.*
139 C |NFP(K,6)| is the total # of jet production, if NFP(K,6)<0 it   *
140 C can not produce jet anymore. NFP(K,10)=valence quarks scattering*
141 C (0=has not been,1=is going to be, -1=has already been scattered *
142 C NFP(k,11) total number of interactions this proj has suffered   *
143 C PP(K,1)=PX,PP(K,2)=PY,PP(K,3)=PZ,PP(K,4)=E,PP(K,5)=M(invariant  *
144 C mass), PP(K,6,7),PP(K,8,9)=transverse momentum of quark and     *
145 C diquark,PP(K,10)=PT of the hard scattering between the valence  *
146 C quarks; PP(K,14,15)=the mass of quark,diquark.                  * 
147 C******************************************************************
148 C
149 C****************************************************************
150 C
152 C
153 C****************************************************************
155         CHARACTER FRAME*8
156         DIMENSION SCIP(300,300),RNIP(300,300),SJIP(300,300),JTP(3),
157      &                  IPCOL(90000),ITCOL(90000)
158 #define BLANKET_SAVE
159 #include "hiparnt.inc"
160 C
161 #include "hijcrdn.inc"
162 #include "himain1.inc"
163 #include "himain2.inc"
164 #include "histrng.inc"
165 #include "hijjet1.inc"
166 #include "hijjet2.inc"
167 #include "hijjet4.inc"
168 C
169 #include "lujets_hijing.inc"
170 #include "ludat1_hijing.inc"
171         SAVE
173         BMAX=MIN(BMAX0,HIPR1(34)+HIPR1(35))
174         BMIN=MIN(BMIN0,BMAX)
175         IF(IHNT2(1).LE.1 .AND. IHNT2(3).LE.1) THEN
176                 BMIN=0.0
177                 BMAX=2.5*SQRT(HIPR1(31)*0.1/HIPR1(40))
178         ENDIF
179 C                       ********HIPR1(31) is in mb =0.1fm**2
182 C
183         YP(1,1)=0.0
184         YP(2,1)=0.0
185         YP(3,1)=0.0
186         IF(IHNT2(1).LE.1) GO TO 14
187         DO 10 KP=1,IHNT2(1)
188 5       R=HIRND(1)
189         X=RLU_HIJING(0)
190         CX=2.0*X-1.0
191         SX=SQRT(1.0-CX*CX)
192 C               ********choose theta from uniform cos(theta) distr
193         PHI=RLU_HIJING(0)*2.0*HIPR1(40)
194 C               ********choose phi form uniform phi distr 0 to 2*pi
195         YP(1,KP)=R*SX*COS(PHI)
196         YP(2,KP)=R*SX*SIN(PHI)
197         YP(3,KP)=R*CX
198         IF(HIPR1(29).EQ.0.0) GO TO 10
199         DO 8  KP2=1,KP-1
200                 DNBP1=(YP(1,KP)-YP(1,KP2))**2
201                 DNBP2=(YP(2,KP)-YP(2,KP2))**2
202                 DNBP3=(YP(3,KP)-YP(3,KP2))**2
203                 DNBP=DNBP1+DNBP2+DNBP3
204                 IF(DNBP.LT.HIPR1(29)*HIPR1(29)) GO TO 5
205 C                       ********two neighbors cannot be closer than 
206 C                               HIPR1(29)
207 8       CONTINUE
208 10      CONTINUE
209         DO 12 I=1,IHNT2(1)-1
210         DO 12 J=I+1,IHNT2(1)
211         IF(YP(3,I).GT.YP(3,J)) GO TO 12
212         Y1=YP(1,I)
213         Y2=YP(2,I)
214         Y3=YP(3,I)
215         YP(1,I)=YP(1,J)
216         YP(2,I)=YP(2,J)
217         YP(3,I)=YP(3,J)
218         YP(1,J)=Y1
219         YP(2,J)=Y2
220         YP(3,J)=Y3
221 12      CONTINUE
222 C
223 C******************************
224 14      YT(1,1)=0.0
225         YT(2,1)=0.0
226         YT(3,1)=0.0
227         IF(IHNT2(3).LE.1) GO TO 24
228         DO 20 KT=1,IHNT2(3)
229 15      R=HIRND(2)
230         X=RLU_HIJING(0)
231         CX=2.0*X-1.0
232         SX=SQRT(1.0-CX*CX)
233 C               ********choose theta from uniform cos(theta) distr
234         PHI=RLU_HIJING(0)*2.0*HIPR1(40)
235 C               ********chose phi form uniform phi distr 0 to 2*pi
236         YT(1,KT)=R*SX*COS(PHI)
237         YT(2,KT)=R*SX*SIN(PHI)
238         YT(3,KT)=R*CX
239         IF(HIPR1(29).EQ.0.0) GO TO 20
240         DO 18  KT2=1,KT-1
241                 DNBT1=(YT(1,KT)-YT(1,KT2))**2
242                 DNBT2=(YT(2,KT)-YT(2,KT2))**2
243                 DNBT3=(YT(3,KT)-YT(3,KT2))**2
244                 DNBT=DNBT1+DNBT2+DNBT3
245                 IF(DNBT.LT.HIPR1(29)*HIPR1(29)) GO TO 15
246 C                       ********two neighbors cannot be closer than 
247 C                               HIPR1(29)
248 18      CONTINUE
249 20      CONTINUE
250         DO 22 I=1,IHNT2(3)-1
251         DO 22 J=I+1,IHNT2(3)
252         IF(YT(3,I).LT.YT(3,J)) GO TO 22
253         Y1=YT(1,I)
254         Y2=YT(2,I)
255         Y3=YT(3,I)
256         YT(1,I)=YT(1,J)
257         YT(2,I)=YT(2,J)
258         YT(3,I)=YT(3,J)
259         YT(1,J)=Y1
260         YT(2,J)=Y2
261         YT(3,J)=Y3
262 22      CONTINUE
264 C********************
265 24      MISS=-1
267 50      MISS=MISS+1
268         IF(MISS.GT.50) THEN
269            WRITE(6,*) 'infinite loop happened in  HIJING'
270            STOP
271         ENDIF
273         NATT=0
274         JATT=0
275         EATT=0.0
276         CALL HIJINI
277         NLOP=0
278 C                       ********Initialize for a new event
279 60      NT=0
280         NP=0
281         N0=0
282         N01=0
283         N10=0
284         N11=0
285         NSG=0
286         NCOLT=0
290 C       BY THE ANGLE PHI  FOR EACH COLLISION.******************
291 C
292         BB=SQRT(BMIN**2+RLU_HIJING(0)*(BMAX**2-BMIN**2))
293         PHI=2.0*HIPR1(40)*RLU_HIJING(0)
294         BBX=BB*COS(PHI)
295         BBY=BB*SIN(PHI)
296         HINT1(19)=BB
297         HINT1(20)=PHI
298 C
299         DO 70 JP=1,IHNT2(1)
300         DO 70 JT=1,IHNT2(3)
301            SCIP(JP,JT)=-1.0
302            B2=(YP(1,JP)+BBX-YT(1,JT))**2+(YP(2,JP)+BBY-YT(2,JT))**2
303            R2=B2*HIPR1(40)/HIPR1(31)/0.1
304 C               ********mb=0.1*fm, YP is in fm,HIPR1(31) is in mb
305            RRB1=MIN((YP(1,JP)**2+YP(2,JP)**2)
306      &          /1.2**2/REAL(IHNT2(1))**0.6666667,1.0)
307            RRB2=MIN((YT(1,JT)**2+YT(2,JT)**2)
308      &          /1.2**2/REAL(IHNT2(3))**0.6666667,1.0)
309            APHX1=HIPR1(6)*4.0/3.0*(IHNT2(1)**0.3333333-1.0)
310      &           *SQRT(1.0-RRB1)
311            APHX2=HIPR1(6)*4.0/3.0*(IHNT2(3)**0.3333333-1.0)
312      &           *SQRT(1.0-RRB2)
313            HINT1(18)=HINT1(14)-APHX1*HINT1(15)
314      &                  -APHX2*HINT1(16)+APHX1*APHX2*HINT1(17)
315            IF(IHPR2(14).EQ.0.OR.
316      &          (IHNT2(1).EQ.1.AND.IHNT2(3).EQ.1)) THEN
317               GS=1.0-EXP(-(HIPR1(30)+HINT1(18))*ROMG(R2)/HIPR1(31))
318               RANTOT=RLU_HIJING(0)
319               IF(RANTOT.GT.GS) GO TO 70
320               GO TO 65
321            ENDIF
322            GSTOT_0=2.0*(1.0-EXP(-(HIPR1(30)+HINT1(18))
323      &             /HIPR1(31)/2.0*ROMG(0.0)))
324            R2=R2/GSTOT_0
325            GS=1.0-EXP(-(HIPR1(30)+HINT1(18))/HIPR1(31)*ROMG(R2))
326            GSTOT=2.0*(1.0-SQRT(1.0-GS))
327            RANTOT=RLU_HIJING(0)*GSTOT_0
328            IF(RANTOT.GT.GSTOT) GO TO 70
329            IF(RANTOT.GT.GS) THEN
330               CALL HIJCSC(JP,JT)
331               GO TO 70
332 C                       ********perform elastic collisions
333            ENDIF
334  65        SCIP(JP,JT)=R2
335            RNIP(JP,JT)=RANTOT
336            SJIP(JP,JT)=HINT1(18)
337            NCOLT=NCOLT+1
338            IPCOL(NCOLT)=JP
339            ITCOL(NCOLT)=JT
340 70      CONTINUE
341 C               ********total number interactions proj and targ has
342 C                               suffered
343         IF(NCOLT.EQ.0) THEN
344            NLOP=NLOP+1
345            IF(NLOP.LE.20.OR.
346      &           (IHNT2(1).EQ.1.AND.IHNT2(3).EQ.1)) GO TO 60
349            RETURN
350         ENDIF
351 C               ********At large impact parameter, there maybe no
352 C                       interaction at all. For NN collision
353 C                       repeat the event until interaction happens
354 C
355         IF(IHPR2(3).NE.0) THEN
356            NHARD=1+INT(RLU_HIJING(0)*(NCOLT-1)+0.5)
357            NHARD=MIN(NHARD,NCOLT)
358            JPHARD=IPCOL(NHARD)
359            JTHARD=ITCOL(NHARD)
360         ENDIF
361 C
362         IF(IHPR2(9).EQ.1) THEN
363                 NMINI=1+INT(RLU_HIJING(0)*(NCOLT-1)+0.5)
364                 NMINI=MIN(NMINI,NCOLT)
365                 JPMINI=IPCOL(NMINI)
366                 JTMINI=ITCOL(NMINI)
367         ENDIF
368 C               ********Specifying the location of the hard and
369 C                       minijet if they are enforced by user
370 C
371         DO 200 JP=1,IHNT2(1)
372         DO 200 JT=1,IHNT2(3)
373         IF(SCIP(JP,JT).EQ.-1.0) GO TO 200
374                 NFP(JP,11)=NFP(JP,11)+1
375                 NFT(JT,11)=NFT(JT,11)+1
376         IF(NFP(JP,5).LE.1 .AND. NFT(JT,5).GT.1) THEN
377                 NP=NP+1
378                 N01=N01+1
379         ELSE IF(NFP(JP,5).GT.1 .AND. NFT(JT,5).LE.1) THEN
380                 NT=NT+1
381                 N10=N10+1
382         ELSE IF(NFP(JP,5).LE.1 .AND. NFT(JT,5).LE.1) THEN
383                 NP=NP+1
384                 NT=NT+1
385                 N0=N0+1
386         ELSE IF(NFP(JP,5).GT.1 .AND. NFT(JT,5).GT.1) THEN
387                 N11=N11+1
388         ENDIF
389         JOUT=0
390         NFP(JP,10)=0
391         NFT(JT,10)=0
392 C*****************************************************************
393         IF(IHPR2(8).EQ.0 .AND. IHPR2(3).EQ.0) GO TO 160
394 C               ********When IHPR2(8)=0 no jets are produced
395         IF(NFP(JP,6).LT.0 .OR. NFT(JT,6).LT.0) GO TO 160
396 C               ********jets can not be produced for (JP,JT)
397 C                       because not enough energy avaible for 
398 C                               JP or JT 
399         R2=SCIP(JP,JT)
400         HINT1(18)=SJIP(JP,JT)
401         TT=ROMG(R2)*HINT1(18)/HIPR1(31)
402         TTS=HIPR1(30)*ROMG(R2)/HIPR1(31)
403         NJET=0
405            CALL JETINI(JP,JT,1)
406            CALL HIJHRD(JP,JT,0,JFLG,0)
407            HINT1(26)=HINT1(47)
408            HINT1(27)=HINT1(48)
409            HINT1(28)=HINT1(49)
410            HINT1(29)=HINT1(50)
411            HINT1(36)=HINT1(67)
412            HINT1(37)=HINT1(68)
413            HINT1(38)=HINT1(69)
414            HINT1(39)=HINT1(70)
415 C
416            IF(ABS(HINT1(46)).GT.HIPR1(11).AND.JFLG.EQ.2) NFP(JP,7)=1
417            IF(ABS(HINT1(56)).GT.HIPR1(11).AND.JFLG.EQ.2) NFT(JT,7)=1
418            IF(MAX(ABS(HINT1(46)),ABS(HINT1(56))).GT.HIPR1(11).AND.
419      &                          JFLG.GE.3) IASG(NSG,3)=1
420            IHNT2(9)=IHNT2(14)
421            IHNT2(10)=IHNT2(15)
422            DO 105 I05=1,5
423               HINT1(20+I05)=HINT1(40+I05)
424               HINT1(30+I05)=HINT1(50+I05)
425  105       CONTINUE
426            JOUT=1
427            IF(IHPR2(8).EQ.0) GO TO 160
428            RRB1=MIN((YP(1,JP)**2+YP(2,JP)**2)/1.2**2
429      &          /REAL(IHNT2(1))**0.6666667,1.0)
430            RRB2=MIN((YT(1,JT)**2+YT(2,JT)**2)/1.2**2
431      &          /REAL(IHNT2(3))**0.6666667,1.0)
432            APHX1=HIPR1(6)*4.0/3.0*(IHNT2(1)**0.3333333-1.0)
433      &           *SQRT(1.0-RRB1)
434            APHX2=HIPR1(6)*4.0/3.0*(IHNT2(3)**0.3333333-1.0)
435      &           *SQRT(1.0-RRB2)
436            HINT1(65)=HINT1(61)-APHX1*HINT1(62)
437      &                  -APHX2*HINT1(63)+APHX1*APHX2*HINT1(64)
438            TTRIG=ROMG(R2)*HINT1(65)/HIPR1(31)
439            NJET=-1
440 C               ********subtract the trigger jet from total number
441 C                       of jet production  to be done since it has
442 C                               already been produced here
443            XR1=-ALOG(EXP(-TTRIG)+RLU_HIJING(0)*(1.0-EXP(-TTRIG)))
444  106       NJET=NJET+1
445            XR1=XR1-ALOG(RLU_HIJING(0))
446            IF(XR1.LT.TTRIG) GO TO 106
447            XR=0.0
448  107       NJET=NJET+1
449            XR=XR-ALOG(RLU_HIJING(0))
450            IF(XR.LT.TT-TTRIG) GO TO 107
451            NJET=NJET-1
452            GO TO 112
453         ENDIF
454 C               ********create a hard interaction with specified P_T
455 c                                when IHPR2(3)>0
457 C               ********create at least one pair of mini jets 
458 C                       when IHPR2(9)=1
459 C
460         IF(IHPR2(8).GT.0 .AND.RNIP(JP,JT).LT.EXP(-TT)*
461      &          (1.0-EXP(-TTS))) GO TO 160
462 C               ********this is the probability for no jet production
463 110     XR=-ALOG(EXP(-TT)+RLU_HIJING(0)*(1.0-EXP(-TT)))
464 111     NJET=NJET+1
465         XR=XR-ALOG(RLU_HIJING(0))
466         IF(XR.LT.TT) GO TO 111
467 112     NJET=MIN(NJET,IHPR2(8))
468         IF(IHPR2(8).LT.0)  NJET=ABS(IHPR2(8))
469 C               ******** Determine number of mini jet production
470 C
471         DO 150 I_JET=1,NJET
472            CALL JETINI(JP,JT,0)
473            CALL HIJHRD(JP,JT,JOUT,JFLG,1)
474 C               ********JFLG=1 jets valence quarks, JFLG=2 with 
475 C                       gluon jet, JFLG=3 with q-qbar prod for
476 C                       (JP,JT). If JFLG=0 jets can not be produced 
477 C                       this time. If JFLG=-1, error occured abandon
478 C                       this event. JOUT is the total hard scat for
479 C                       (JP,JT) up to now.
480            IF(JFLG.EQ.0) GO TO 160
481            IF(JFLG.LT.0) THEN
482               IF(IHPR2(10).NE.0) WRITE(6,*) 'error occured in HIJHRD'
483               GO TO 50
484            ENDIF
485            JOUT=JOUT+1
486            IF(ABS(HINT1(46)).GT.HIPR1(11).AND.JFLG.EQ.2) NFP(JP,7)=1
487            IF(ABS(HINT1(56)).GT.HIPR1(11).AND.JFLG.EQ.2) NFT(JT,7)=1
488            IF(MAX(ABS(HINT1(46)),ABS(HINT1(56))).GT.HIPR1(11).AND.
489      &                  JFLG.GE.3) IASG(NSG,3)=1
490 C               ******** jet with PT>HIPR1(11) will be quenched
491  150    CONTINUE
492  160    CONTINUE
494         IF(IERROR.NE.0) THEN
495            IF(IHPR2(10).NE.0) WRITE(6,*) 'error occured in HIJSFT'
496            GO TO 50
497         ENDIF
498 C
499 C               ********conduct soft scattering between JP and JT
500         JATT=JATT+JOUT
502 200     CONTINUE
504 C********perform jet quenching for jets with PT>HIPR1(11)**********
506         IF((IHPR2(8).NE.0.OR.IHPR2(3).NE.0).AND.IHPR2(4).GT.0.AND.
507      &                  IHNT2(1).GT.1.AND.IHNT2(3).GT.1) THEN
508                 DO 271 I=1,IHNT2(1)
509                         IF(NFP(I,7).EQ.1) CALL QUENCH(I,1)
510 271             CONTINUE
511                 DO 272 I=1,IHNT2(3)
512                         IF(NFT(I,7).EQ.1) CALL QUENCH(I,2)
513 272             CONTINUE
514                 DO 273 ISG=1,NSG
515                         IF(IASG(ISG,3).EQ.1) CALL QUENCH(ISG,3)
516 273             CONTINUE
517         ENDIF
518 C
519 C**************fragment all the string systems in the following*****
520 C
521 C********N_ST is where particle information starts
522 C********N_STR+1 is the number of strings in fragmentation
523 C********the number of strings before a line is stored in K(I,4)
524 C********IDSTR is id number of the string system (91,92 or 93)
525 C
526         IF(IHPR2(20).NE.0) THEN
527            DO 360 ISG=1,NSG
528                 CALL HIJFRG(ISG,3,IERROR)
529                 IF(MSTU(24).NE.0 .OR.IERROR.GT.0) THEN
530                    MSTU(24)=0
531                    MSTU(28)=0
532                    IF(IHPR2(10).NE.0) THEN
533                       call LULIST_HIJING(1)
534                       WRITE(6,*) 'error occured, repeat the event'
535                    ENDIF
536                    GO TO 50
537                 ENDIF
538 C                       ********Check errors
539 C
540                 N_ST=1
541                 IDSTR=92
542                 IF(IHPR2(21).EQ.0) THEN
543                    CALL LUEDIT_HIJING(2)
544                 ELSE
545 351                N_ST=N_ST+1
546                    IF(K(N_ST,2).LT.91.OR.K(N_ST,2).GT.93) GO TO  351
547                    IDSTR=K(N_ST,2)
548                    N_ST=N_ST+1
549                 ENDIF
550 C
551                 IF(FRAME.EQ.'LAB') THEN
552                         CALL HIBOOST
553                 ENDIF
554 C               ******** boost back to lab frame(if it was in)
555 C
556                 N_STR=0
557                 DO 360 I=N_ST,N
558                    IF(K(I,2).EQ.IDSTR) THEN
559                       N_STR=N_STR+1
560                       GO TO 360
561                    ENDIF
562                    K(I,4)=N_STR
563                    NATT=NATT+1
564                    KATT(NATT,1)=K(I,2)
565                    KATT(NATT,2)=20
566                    KATT(NATT,4)=K(I,1)
567                    IF(K(I,3).EQ.0 .OR. K(K(I,3),2).EQ.IDSTR) THEN
568                       KATT(NATT,3)=0
569                    ELSE
570                       KATT(NATT,3)=NATT-I+K(I,3)+N_STR-K(K(I,3),4)
571                    ENDIF
572 C       ****** identify the mother particle
573                    PATT(NATT,1)=P(I,1)
574                    PATT(NATT,2)=P(I,2)
575                    PATT(NATT,3)=P(I,3)
576                    PATT(NATT,4)=P(I,4)
577                    VATT(NATT,1)=V(I,1)
578                    VATT(NATT,2)=V(I,2)
579                    VATT(NATT,3)=V(I,3)
580                    VATT(NATT,4)=V(I,4)
582                    EATT=EATT+P(I,4)
583 360        CONTINUE
584 C               ********Fragment the q-qbar jets systems *****
585 C
586            JTP(1)=IHNT2(1)
587            JTP(2)=IHNT2(3)
588            DO 400 NTP=1,2
589            DO 400 J_JTP=1,JTP(NTP)
590                 CALL HIJFRG(J_JTP,NTP,IERROR)
591                 IF(MSTU(24).NE.0 .OR. IERROR.GT.0) THEN
592                    MSTU(24)=0
593                    MSTU(28)=0
594                    IF(IHPR2(10).NE.0) THEN
595                       call LULIST_HIJING(1)
596                       WRITE(6,*) 'error occured, repeat the event'
597                    ENDIF
598                    GO TO 50
599                 ENDIF
600 C                       ********check errors
601 C
602                 N_ST=1
603                 IDSTR=92
605                 NFTP=NFP(J_JTP,5)
606                 IF(NTP.EQ.2) NFTP=10+NFT(J_JTP,5)
608                 IF(IHPR2(21).EQ.0) THEN
609                    CALL LUEDIT_HIJING(2)
610                 ELSE IF (NFTP.EQ. 3 .OR. NFTP .EQ. 13) THEN
611 381                N_ST=N_ST+1
612                    IF(K(N_ST,2).LT.91.OR.K(N_ST,2).GT.93) GO TO  381
613                    IDSTR=K(N_ST,2)
614                    N_ST=N_ST+1
615                 ENDIF
616                 IF(FRAME.EQ.'LAB') THEN
617                         CALL HIBOOST
618                 ENDIF
619 C               ******** boost back to lab frame(if it was in)
620 C
621                 N_STR=0
622                 DO 390 I=N_ST,N
623                    IF(K(I,2).EQ.IDSTR) THEN
624                       N_STR=N_STR+1
625                       GO TO 390
626                    ENDIF
627                    K(I,4)=N_STR
628                    NATT=NATT+1
629                    KATT(NATT,1)=K(I,2)
630                    KATT(NATT,2)=NFTP
631                    KATT(NATT,4)=K(I,1)
632                    IF(K(I,3).EQ.0 ) THEN
633                       KATT(NATT,3)=0
634                    ELSE
635                       IF(K(K(I,3),2).EQ.IDSTR) THEN
636                          KATT(NATT,3)=0
637                       ELSE
638                          KATT(NATT,3)=NATT-I+K(I,3)+N_STR-K(K(I,3),4)
639                       ENDIF
640                    ENDIF
641 C       ****** identify the mother particle
642                    PATT(NATT,1)=P(I,1)
643                    PATT(NATT,2)=P(I,2)
644                    PATT(NATT,3)=P(I,3)
645                    PATT(NATT,4)=P(I,4)
646                    VATT(NATT,1)=V(I,1)
647                    VATT(NATT,2)=V(I,2)
648                    VATT(NATT,3)=V(I,3)
649                    VATT(NATT,4)=V(I,4)
651                    EATT=EATT+P(I,4)
652 390             CONTINUE 
653 400        CONTINUE
654 C               ********Fragment the q-qq related string systems
655         ENDIF
657         DO 450 I=1,NDR
658                 NATT=NATT+1
659                 KATT(NATT,1)=KFDR(I)
660                 KATT(NATT,2)=40
661                 KATT(NATT,3)=0
662                 PATT(NATT,1)=PDR(I,1)
663                 PATT(NATT,2)=PDR(I,2)
664                 PATT(NATT,3)=PDR(I,3)
665                 PATT(NATT,4)=PDR(I,4)
666                 VATT(NATT,1)=V(I,1)
667                 VATT(NATT,2)=V(I,2)
668                 VATT(NATT,3)=V(I,3)
669                 VATT(NATT,4)=V(I,4)
671                 EATT=EATT+PDR(I,4)
672 450     CONTINUE
673 C                       ********store the direct-produced particles
674 C
675         DENGY=EATT/(IHNT2(1)*HINT1(6)+IHNT2(3)*HINT1(7))-1.0
676         IF(ABS(DENGY).GT.HIPR1(43).AND.IHPR2(20).NE.0
677      &     .AND.IHPR2(21).EQ.0) THEN
678         IF(IHPR2(10).NE.0) WRITE(6,*) 'Energy not conserved, repeat the
679      &     event'
680 C               call LULIST_HIJING(1)
681                 GO TO 50
682         ENDIF
684         RETURN
685         END