3 * @file rec-sdd-from-hltout.C
4 * @brief SDD reconstruction from HLTOUT data
6 * Example macro to run SDD reconstruction from the HLTOUT data
7 * instead of the original detector data.
9 * Usage: aliroot -b -q rec-sdd-from-hltout.C | tee rec-sdd-from-hltout.log
11 * The macro asumes SDD ddl raw data to be available in the HLTOUT,
12 * e.g. simulated by sim-sddraw-hltout.C this publishes ITSSDD raw data
13 * into HLTOUT. Input replacement is run for the ITS.
15 * The HLTOUT handler implemented in libAliHLTITS.lib is used to
16 * redirect data blocks of type {DDLRAW :ITS } from the HLTOUT to the
17 * reconstruction input.
19 * @author Matthias.Richter@ift.uib.no
22 void rec_sdd_from_hltout()
24 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
25 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 // setup of the HLT system
28 AliHLTSystem* pHLT=AliHLTPluginBase::GetInstance();
30 cerr << "fatal error: can not get HLT instance" << endl;
32 // disable chains from the library agent, not of interest for
33 // this example of data redirection
34 pHLT->ScanOptions("chains=");
36 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 // setup of the reconstruction
40 AliReconstruction rec;
42 rec.SetRunLocalReconstruction("ITS HLT");
43 rec.SetRunTracking("ITS");
44 rec.SetFillESD("ITS HLT");
46 rec.SetFillTriggerESD(kFALSE);
48 // set the redirection for ITS SDD
49 rec.SetUseHLTData("ITSSDD");