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10 <h1>AliHLTMessage.cxx</h1><a href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment">00001 <span class="comment">// $Id$</span>
11 00002 
12 00008 <span class="comment">// This is the original Root TMessage implementation with a few minor</span>
13 00009 <span class="comment">// modifications, original revision:</span>
14 00010 <span class="comment">// root/net: v5-14-00 $: TMessage.cxx,v 1.6 2004/05/07 09:51:58 brun</span>
15 00011 <span class="comment">// Author: Fons Rademakers   19/12/96</span>
16 00012 
17 00013 <span class="comment">/*************************************************************************</span>
18 00014 <span class="comment"> * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *</span>
19 00015 <span class="comment"> * All rights reserved.                                                  *</span>
20 00016 <span class="comment"> *                                                                       *</span>
21 00017 <span class="comment"> * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *</span>
22 00018 <span class="comment"> * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *</span>
23 00019 <span class="comment"> *************************************************************************/</span>
24 00020 
25 00022 <span class="comment">//                                                                      //</span>
26 00023 <span class="comment">// TMessage                                                             //</span>
27 00024 <span class="comment">//                                                                      //</span>
28 00025 <span class="comment">// Message buffer class used for serializing objects and sending them   //</span>
29 00026 <span class="comment">// over a network. This class inherits from TBuffer the basic I/O       //</span>
30 00027 <span class="comment">// serializer.                                                          //</span>
31 00028 <span class="comment">//                                                                      //</span>
32 00030 <span class="comment"></span>
33 00031 <span class="preprocessor">#include "<a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8h.html">AliHLTMessage.h</a>"</span>
34 00032 <span class="preprocessor">#include "Bytes.h"</span>
35 00033 <span class="preprocessor">#include "TFile.h"</span>
36 00034 
37 00035 <span class="keyword">extern</span> <span class="stringliteral">"C"</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html#a1">R__zip</a> (Int_t cxlevel, Int_t *nin, <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *bufin, Int_t *lout, <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *bufout, Int_t *nout);
38 00036 <span class="keyword">extern</span> <span class="stringliteral">"C"</span> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html#a2">R__unzip</a>(Int_t *nin, UChar_t *bufin, Int_t *lout, <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *bufout, Int_t *nout);
39 <a name="l00037"></a><a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html#a0">00037</a> <span class="keyword">const</span> Int_t <a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html#a0">kMAXBUF</a> = 0xffffff;
40 00038 
41 00039 
42 <a name="l00040"></a><a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html#a3">00040</a> <a class="code" href="AliHLTPHOSRawAnalyzerPeakFinder_8cxx.html#a0">ClassImp</a>(<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html">AliHLTMessage</a>)
43 00041 
44 00042 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
45 00043 <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html">AliHLTMessage</a>::<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html">AliHLTMessage</a>(UInt_t what) 
46 00044   :
47 00045 # ifdef ROOT_TBufferFile
48 00046   TBufferFile(kWrite),
49 00047 # else
50 00048   TBuffer(kWrite),
51 00049 # endif
52 00050   <a class="code" href="classAliHLTLogging.html">AliHLTLogging</a>()
53 00051 {
54 00052    <span class="comment">// Create a AliHLTMessage object for storing objects. The "what" integer</span>
55 00053    <span class="comment">// describes the type of message. Predifined ROOT system message types</span>
56 00054    <span class="comment">// can be found in MessageTypes.h. Make sure your own message types are</span>
57 00055    <span class="comment">// unique from the ROOT defined message types (i.e. 0 - 10000 are</span>
58 00056    <span class="comment">// reserved by ROOT). In case you OR "what" with kMESS_ACK, the message</span>
59 00057    <span class="comment">// will wait for an acknowledgement from the remote side. This makes</span>
60 00058    <span class="comment">// the sending process synchronous. In case you OR "what" with kMESS_ZIP,</span>
61 00059    <span class="comment">// the message will be compressed in TSocket using the zip algorithm</span>
62 00060    <span class="comment">// (only if message is &gt; 256 bytes).</span>
63 00061 
64 00062    <span class="comment">// space at the beginning of the message reserved for the message length</span>
65 00063    UInt_t   reserved = 0;
66 00064    *<span class="keyword">this</span> &lt;&lt; reserved;
67 00065 
68 00066    fWhat  = what;
69 00067    *<span class="keyword">this</span> &lt;&lt; what;
70 00068 
71 00069    fClass      = 0;
72 00070    fCompress   = 0;
73 00071    fBufComp    = 0;
74 00072    fBufCompCur = 0;
75 00073    fCompPos    = 0;
76 00074 }
77 00075 
78 00076 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
79 <a name="l00077"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a1">00077</a> <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a0">AliHLTMessage::AliHLTMessage</a>(<span class="keywordtype">void</span> *buf, Int_t bufsize)
80 00078   :
81 00079 # if defined(ROOT_TBufferFile) || defined(HAVE_TBUFFERFILE_H)
82 00080   TBufferFile(kRead, bufsize, buf, 0),
83 00081 # else
84 00082   TBuffer(kRead, bufsize, buf, 0),
85 00083 # endif
86 00084   <a class="code" href="classAliHLTLogging.html">AliHLTLogging</a>()
87 00085 {
88 00086    <span class="comment">// Create a AliHLTMessage object for reading objects. The objects will be</span>
89 00087    <span class="comment">// read from buf. Use the What() method to get the message type.</span>
90 00088 
91 00089    <span class="comment">// skip space at the beginning of the message reserved for the message length</span>
92 00090    fBufCur += <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t);
93 00091 
94 00092    *<span class="keyword">this</span> &gt;&gt; fWhat;
95 00093 
96 00094    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r2">fCompress</a>   = 0;
97 00095    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>    = 0;
98 00096    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = 0;
99 00097    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r5">fCompPos</a>    = 0;
100 00098 
101 00099    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a> &amp; kMESS_ZIP) {
102 00100       <span class="comment">// if buffer has kMESS_ZIP set, move it to fBufComp and uncompress</span>
103 00101       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>    = fBuffer;
104 00102       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = fBuffer + bufsize;
105 00103       fBuffer     = 0;
106 00104       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a13">Uncompress</a>();
107 00105    }
108 00106 
109 00107    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a> == kMESS_OBJECT) {
110 00108       InitMap();
111 00109       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r1">fClass</a> = ReadClass();     <span class="comment">// get first the class stored in message</span>
112 00110       SetBufferOffset(<span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t) + <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a>));
113 00111       ResetMap();
114 00112    } <span class="keywordflow">else</span> {
115 00113       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r1">fClass</a> = 0;
116 00114    }
117 00115 }
118 00116 
119 00117 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
120 <a name="l00118"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a2">00118</a> <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a2">AliHLTMessage::~AliHLTMessage</a>()
121 00119 {
122 00120    <span class="comment">// Clean up compression buffer.</span>
123 00121    <span class="keyword">delete</span> [] fBufComp;
124 00122 }
125 00123 
126 00124 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
127 <a name="l00125"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a4">00125</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a4">AliHLTMessage::Forward</a>()
128 00126 {
129 00127    <span class="comment">// Change a buffer that was received into one that can be send, i.e.</span>
130 00128    <span class="comment">// forward a just received message.</span>
131 00129 
132 00130    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (IsReading()) {
133 00131       SetWriteMode();
134 00132       SetBufferOffset(fBufSize);
135 00133 
136 00134       <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (fBufComp) {
137 00135          <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r5">fCompPos</a> = fBufCur;
138 00136       }
139 00137    }
140 00138 }
141 00139 
142 00140 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
143 <a name="l00141"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a6">00141</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a6">AliHLTMessage::Reset</a>()
144 00142 {
145 00143    <span class="comment">// Reset the message buffer so we can use (i.e. fill) it again.</span>
146 00144 
147 00145    SetBufferOffset(<span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t) + <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a>));
148 00146    ResetMap();
149 00147 
150 00148    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (fBufComp) {
151 00149       <span class="keyword">delete</span> [] fBufComp;
152 00150       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>    = 0;
153 00151       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = 0;
154 00152       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r5">fCompPos</a>    = 0;
155 00153    }
156 00154 }
157 00155 
158 00156 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
159 <a name="l00157"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a3">00157</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a3">AliHLTMessage::SetLength</a>()<span class="keyword"> const</span>
160 00158 <span class="keyword"></span>{
161 00159    <span class="comment">// Set the message length at the beginning of the message buffer.</span>
162 00160 
163 00161    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (IsWriting()) {
164 00162       <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *buf = Buffer();
165 00163       *((UInt_t*)buf) = (UInt_t)(Length() - <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t));
166 00164 
167 00165       <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (fBufComp) {
168 00166          buf = fBufComp;
169 00167          *((UInt_t*)buf) = (UInt_t)(Length() - <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t));
170 00168       }
171 00169    }
172 00170 }
173 00171 
174 00172 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
175 <a name="l00173"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a9">00173</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a9">AliHLTMessage::SetWhat</a>(UInt_t what)
176 00174 {
177 00175    <span class="comment">// Using this method one can change the message type a-posteriory.</span>
178 00176    <span class="comment">// In case you OR "what" with kMESS_ACK, the message will wait for</span>
179 00177    <span class="comment">// an acknowledgement from the remote side. This makes the sending</span>
180 00178    <span class="comment">// process synchronous.</span>
181 00179 
182 00180    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a> = what;
183 00181 
184 00182    <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *buf = Buffer();
185 00183    buf += <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t);   <span class="comment">// skip reserved length space</span>
186 00184    tobuf(buf, what);
187 00185 
188 00186    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (fBufComp) {
189 00187       buf = fBufComp;
190 00188       buf += <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t);   <span class="comment">// skip reserved length space</span>
191 00189       tobuf(buf, what | kMESS_ZIP);
192 00190    }
193 00191 }
194 00192 
195 00193 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
196 <a name="l00194"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a10">00194</a> <span class="keywordtype">void</span> <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a10">AliHLTMessage::SetCompressionLevel</a>(Int_t level)
197 00195 {
198 00196    <span class="comment">// Set the message compression level. Can be between 0 and 9 with 0</span>
199 00197    <span class="comment">// being no compression and 9 maximum compression. In general the default</span>
200 00198    <span class="comment">// level of 1 is the best compromise between achieved compression and</span>
201 00199    <span class="comment">// cpu time. Compression will only happen when the message is &gt; 256 bytes.</span>
202 00200 
203 00201    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (level &lt; 0) level = 0;
204 00202    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (level &gt; 9) level = 9;
205 00203 
206 00204    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (level != <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r2">fCompress</a> &amp;&amp; fBufComp) {
207 00205       <span class="keyword">delete</span> [] fBufComp;
208 00206       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>    = 0;
209 00207       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = 0;
210 00208       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r5">fCompPos</a>    = 0;
211 00209    }
212 00210    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r2">fCompress</a> = level;
213 00211 }
214 00212 
215 00213 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
216 <a name="l00214"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a12">00214</a> Int_t <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a12">AliHLTMessage::Compress</a>()
217 00215 {
218 00216    <span class="comment">// Compress the message. The message will only be compressed if the</span>
219 00217    <span class="comment">// compression level &gt; 0 and the if the message is &gt; 256 bytes.</span>
220 00218    <span class="comment">// Returns -1 in case of error (when compression fails or</span>
221 00219    <span class="comment">// when the message increases in size in some pathological cases),</span>
222 00220    <span class="comment">// otherwise returns 0.</span>
223 00221 
224 00222    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r2">fCompress</a> == 0) {
225 00223       <span class="comment">// no compression specified</span>
226 00224       <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (fBufComp) {
227 00225          <span class="keyword">delete</span> [] fBufComp;
228 00226          <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>    = 0;
229 00227          <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = 0;
230 00228          <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r5">fCompPos</a>    = 0;
231 00229       }
232 00230       <span class="keywordflow">return</span> 0;
233 00231    }
234 00232 
235 00233    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a> &amp;&amp; <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r5">fCompPos</a> == fBufCur) {
236 00234       <span class="comment">// the message was already compressed</span>
237 00235       <span class="keywordflow">return</span> 0;
238 00236    }
239 00237 
240 00238    <span class="comment">// remove any existing compressed buffer before compressing modified message</span>
241 00239    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (fBufComp) {
242 00240       <span class="keyword">delete</span> [] fBufComp;
243 00241       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>    = 0;
244 00242       <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = 0;
245 00243       fCompPos    = 0;
246 00244    }
247 00245 
248 00246    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (Length() &lt;= (Int_t)(256 + 2*<span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t))) {
249 00247       <span class="comment">// this message is too small to be compressed</span>
250 00248       <span class="keywordflow">return</span> 0;
251 00249    }
252 00250 
253 00251    Int_t hdrlen   = 2*<span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t);
254 00252    Int_t messlen  = Length() - hdrlen;
255 00253    Int_t nbuffers = messlen / kMAXBUF;
256 00254    Int_t chdrlen  = 3*<span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t);   <span class="comment">// compressed buffer header length</span>
257 00255    Int_t buflen   = TMath::Max(512, chdrlen + messlen + 9*nbuffers);
258 00256    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>       = <span class="keyword">new</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span>[buflen];
259 00257    <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *messbuf  = Buffer() + hdrlen;
260 00258    <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *bufcur   = <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a> + chdrlen;
261 00259    Int_t noutot   = 0;
262 00260    Int_t nzip     = 0;
263 00261    Int_t nout, bufmax;
264 00262    <span class="keywordflow">for</span> (Int_t i = 0; i &lt;= nbuffers; i++) {
265 00263       <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (i == nbuffers)
266 00264          bufmax = messlen - nzip;
267 00265       <span class="keywordflow">else</span>
268 00266          bufmax = kMAXBUF;
269 00267       <a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html#a1">R__zip</a>(<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r2">fCompress</a>, &amp;bufmax, messbuf, &amp;bufmax, bufcur, &amp;nout);
270 00268       <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (nout == 0 || nout &gt;= messlen) {
271 00269          <span class="comment">//this happens when the buffer cannot be compressed</span>
272 00270          <span class="keyword">delete</span> [] fBufComp;
273 00271          <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a>    = 0;
274 00272          <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = 0;
275 00273          fCompPos    = 0;
276 00274          <span class="keywordflow">return</span> -1;
277 00275       }
278 00276       bufcur  += nout;
279 00277       noutot  += nout;
280 00278       messbuf += kMAXBUF;
281 00279       nzip    += kMAXBUF;
282 00280    }
283 00281    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r4">fBufCompCur</a> = bufcur;
284 00282    fCompPos    = fBufCur;
285 00283 
286 00284    bufcur = fBufComp;
287 00285    tobuf(bufcur, (UInt_t)(<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a15">CompLength</a>() - <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t)));
288 00286    Int_t what = <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a> | kMESS_ZIP;
289 00287    tobuf(bufcur, what);
290 00288    tobuf(bufcur, Length());    <span class="comment">// original uncompressed buffer length</span>
291 00289 
292 00290    <span class="keywordflow">return</span> 0;
293 00291 }
294 00292 
295 00293 <span class="comment">//______________________________________________________________________________</span>
296 <a name="l00294"></a><a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a13">00294</a> Int_t <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#a13">AliHLTMessage::Uncompress</a>()
297 00295 {
298 00296    <span class="comment">// Uncompress the message. The message will only be uncompressed when</span>
299 00297    <span class="comment">// kMESS_ZIP is set. Returns -1 in case of error, 0 otherwise.</span>
300 00298 
301 00299    <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (!<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a> || !(<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a> &amp; kMESS_ZIP))
302 00300       <span class="keywordflow">return</span> -1;
303 00301 
304 00302    Int_t buflen;
305 00303    Int_t hdrlen = 2*<span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t);
306 00304    UChar_t *bufcur = (UChar_t*)<a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r3">fBufComp</a> + hdrlen;
307 00305    frombuf((<span class="keywordtype">char</span> *&amp;)bufcur, &amp;buflen);
308 00306    fBuffer  = <span class="keyword">new</span> <span class="keywordtype">char</span>[buflen];
309 00307    fBufSize = buflen;
310 00308    fBufCur  = fBuffer + <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(UInt_t) + <span class="keyword">sizeof</span>(fWhat);
311 00309    fBufMax  = fBuffer + fBufSize;
312 00310    <span class="keywordtype">char</span> *messbuf = fBuffer + hdrlen;
313 00311 
314 00312    Int_t nin, nout, nbuf;
315 00313    Int_t noutot = 0;
316 00314    <span class="keywordflow">while</span> (1) {
317 00315       nin  = 9 + ((Int_t)bufcur[3] | ((Int_t)bufcur[4] &lt;&lt; 8) | ((Int_t)bufcur[5] &lt;&lt; 16));
318 00316       nbuf = (Int_t)bufcur[6] | ((Int_t)bufcur[7] &lt;&lt; 8) | ((Int_t)bufcur[8] &lt;&lt; 16);
319 00317       <a class="code" href="AliHLTMessage_8cxx.html#a2">R__unzip</a>(&amp;nin, bufcur, &amp;nbuf, messbuf, &amp;nout);
320 00318       <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (!nout) <span class="keywordflow">break</span>;
321 00319       noutot += nout;
322 00320       <span class="keywordflow">if</span> (noutot &gt;= buflen - hdrlen) <span class="keywordflow">break</span>;
323 00321       bufcur  += nin;
324 00322       messbuf += nout;
325 00323    }
326 00324 
327 00325    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r0">fWhat</a> &amp;= ~kMESS_ZIP;
328 00326    <a class="code" href="classAliHLTMessage.html#r2">fCompress</a> = 1;
329 00327 
330 00328    <span class="keywordflow">return</span> 0;
331 00329 }
332 00330 
333 </pre></div><hr size="1"><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Fri May 4 04:49:52 2007 for AliHLTPHOS by&nbsp;
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