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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSsegmentationSSD.cxx
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3  *                                                                        *
4  * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project.                                    *
5  * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate.              *
6  *                                                                        *
7  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its   *
8  * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted   *
9  * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all   *
10  * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice   *
11  * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims     *
12  * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is          *
13  * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.                  *
14  **************************************************************************/
16 /* $Id$ */
18 #include <Riostream.h>
19 #include <TMath.h>
20 #include "AliITSsegmentationSSD.h"
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
23 // Segmentation class for                           //
24 // silicon strips                                   //
25 //                                                  //
26 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 const Float_t AliITSsegmentationSSD::fgkDxDefault = 72960.;
28 const Float_t AliITSsegmentationSSD::fgkDzDefault = 40000.;
29 const Float_t AliITSsegmentationSSD::fgkDyDefault = 300.;
30 const Float_t AliITSsegmentationSSD::fgkPitchDefault = 95.;
31 const Int_t AliITSsegmentationSSD::fgkNstripsDefault = 768;
33 ClassImp(AliITSsegmentationSSD)
34 AliITSsegmentationSSD::AliITSsegmentationSSD(): AliITSsegmentation(){
35     // default constructor
36 }
37 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
38 AliITSsegmentationSSD::AliITSsegmentationSSD(AliITSgeom *geom){
39     // constuctor
40     fGeom = geom;
41     fCorr = 0;
42     SetDetSize(fgkDxDefault,fgkDzDefault,fgkDyDefault);
43     SetPadSize(fgkPitchDefault,0.);
44     SetNPads(fgkNstripsDefault,0);
45     SetAngles();
46     fLayer = 0;
47 }
49 //______________________________________________________________________
50 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::Copy(TObject &obj) const {
51   // protected method. copy this to obj
52   AliITSsegmentation::Copy(obj);
53   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).Clear();
54   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fNstrips = fNstrips;
55   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fStereoP = fStereoP;
56   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fStereoN = fStereoN;
57   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fStereoPl5 = fStereoPl5;
58   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fStereoNl5 = fStereoNl5;
59   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fStereoPl6 = fStereoPl6;
60   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fStereoNl6 = fStereoNl6;
61   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fLayer   = fLayer;
62   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fPitch   = fPitch;
63   ((AliITSsegmentationSSD& ) obj).fLayer   = fLayer;
65 }
67 //______________________________________________________________________
68 AliITSsegmentationSSD& AliITSsegmentationSSD::operator=(
69                         const AliITSsegmentationSSD &source){
70 // Operator =
71   if(this != &source){
72     source.Copy(*this);
73   }
74   return *this;
75 }
76 //______________________________________________________________________
77 AliITSsegmentationSSD::AliITSsegmentationSSD(const AliITSsegmentationSSD &source):
78     AliITSsegmentation(source){
79     // copy constructor
80   source.Copy(*this);
81 }
82 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
83 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::Init(){
84     // standard initalizer
86     SetPadSize(fgkPitchDefault,0.);
87     SetNPads(fgkNstripsDefault,0);
88     SetAngles();
89 }
90 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
91 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::Angles(Float_t &aP,Float_t &aN) const{
92   // P and N side stereo angles
93     if (fLayer == 5){
94         aP = fStereoPl5;
95         aN = fStereoNl5;
96     } // end if
97     if (fLayer == 6){
98         aP = fStereoPl6;
99         aN = fStereoNl6;
100     } // end if
101 }
102 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
103 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::SetLayer(Int_t l){
104   //set fLayer data member (only 5 or 6 are allowed)
105     if (l==5) fLayer =5;
106     if (l==6) fLayer =6;
107     if((l!=5) && (l!=6))Error("SetLayer","Layer can be 5 or 6, not %d",l);
108 }
109 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
110 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::GetPadTxz(Float_t &x,Float_t &z) const{
111     // returns P and N sided strip numbers for a given location.
112     // Transformation from microns detector center local coordinates
113     // to detector P and N side strip numbers..
114     /*                       _-  Z
115                     + angle /    ^
116         fNstrips           v     |   N-Side        ...0
117             \-------/------------|-----------\--------\
118             |\\\\\\/////////////.|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
119             |0\\\\/////////////..|.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
120             |00\\/////////////...|..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
121        X <--|000/////////////... |...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
122             |00/////////////...  | ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
123             |0/////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
124             |//////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
125             /-----\--------------|--------------------/
126         fNstrips-1             P-Side              ...0
127                      |0\
128                      |00\
129         Dead region: |000/
130                      |00/
131                      |0/
132     // expects x, z in microns
133     */
134     Float_t stereoP, stereoN;
135     Angles(stereoP,stereoN);
136     Float_t tanP = TMath::Tan(stereoP);
137     Float_t tanN = TMath::Tan(-stereoN);
138     Float_t x1 = x;
139     Float_t z1 = z;
140     x1 += fDx/2;
141     z1 += fDz/2;
142     x   = (x1 - z1*tanP)/fPitch;
143     z   = (x1 - tanN*(z1 - fDz))/fPitch;
144 }
145 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
146 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::GetPadIxz(Float_t x,Float_t z,Int_t &iP,Int_t &iN) const {
147   // returns P and N sided strip numbers for a given location.
148     /*                       _-  Z
149                     + angle /    ^
150         fNstrips           v     |   N-Side        ...0
151             \-------/------------|-----------\--------\
152             |\\\\\\/////////////.|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
153             |0\\\\/////////////..|.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
154             |00\\/////////////...|..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
155        X <--|000/////////////... |...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
156             |00/////////////...  | ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
157             |0/////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
158             |//////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
159             /-----\--------------|--------------------/
160         fNstrips-1             P-Side              ...0
161                      |0\
162                      |00\
163         Dead region: |000/
164                      |00/
165                      |0/
167     // expects x, z in microns
168   */ 
170     Float_t stereoP, stereoN;
171     Angles(stereoP,stereoN);
172     Float_t tanP=TMath::Tan(stereoP);
173     Float_t tanN=TMath::Tan(stereoN);
174     Float_t x1=x,z1=z;
175     x1 += fDx/2;
176     z1 += fDz/2;
177     Float_t  ldX = x1 - z1*tanP;          // distance from left-down edge 
178     iP = (Int_t)(ldX/fPitch);
179     iP = (iP<0)? -1: iP;      
180     iP = (iP>fNstrips)? -1: iP;
182     ldX = x1 - tanN*(fDz - z1);
183     iN = (Int_t)(ldX/fPitch);
184     iN = (iN<0)? -1: iN;
185     iN = (iN>fNstrips)? -1: iN;
187 }
188 //-------------------------------------------------------
189 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::GetPadCxz(Int_t iP,Int_t iN,Float_t &x,Float_t &z) const {
190     // actually this is the GetCrossing(Float_t &,Float_t &)
191     // returns local x, z  in microns !
193     Float_t lDx = fDx; // detector size in x direction, microns
194     Float_t lDz = fDz; // detector size in z direction, microns
195     Float_t xP; // x coordinate in the P side from the first P strip
196     Float_t xN; // x coordinate in the N side from the first N strip
197     Float_t stereoP, stereoN;
198     Angles(stereoP,stereoN);
199     Float_t kP=TMath::Tan(stereoP);
200     Float_t kN=TMath::Tan(stereoN);
202     xP=iP*fPitch;
203     xN=iN*fPitch; 
204     x = xP + kP*(lDz*kN-xP+xN)/(kP+kN);
205     z = (lDz*kN-xP+xN)/(kP+kN); 
206     x -= lDx/2;
207     z -= lDz/2;
208     //if(TMath::Abs(z) > Dz/2) cout<<"Warning, wrong z local ="<<z<<endl; 
209     // Check that zL is inside the detector for the 
210     // correspondent xP and xN coordinates
212     return;   
213 }
214 //______________________________________________________________________
215 Bool_t AliITSsegmentationSSD::LocalToDet(Float_t x,Float_t z,
216                                        Int_t &iP,Int_t &iN) const {
217     // Transformation from Geant cm detector center local coordinates
218     // to detector P and N side strip numbers..
219     /*                       _-  Z
220                     + angle /    ^
221         fNstrips           v     |   N-Side        ...0
222             \-------/------------|-----------\--------\
223             |\\\\\\/////////////.|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
224             |0\\\\/////////////..|.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
225             |00\\/////////////...|..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
226        X <--|000/////////////... |...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
227             |00/////////////...  | ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
228             |0/////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
229             |//////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
230             /-----\--------------|--------------------/
231         fNstrips-1             P-Side              ...0
232                      |0\
233                      |00\
234         Dead region: |000/
235                      |00/
236                      |0/
237     */
238     const Double_t kconst = 1.0E-04; // convert microns to cm.
240     x /= kconst;  // convert to microns
241     z /= kconst;  // convert to microns
242     this->GetPadTxz(x,z);
244     // first for P side
245     iP = (Int_t) x;
246     if(iP<0 || iP>=fNstrips) iP=-1; // strip number must be in range.
247     // Now for N side)
248     iN = (Int_t) z;
249     if(iN<0 || iN>=fNstrips) iN=-1; // strip number must be in range.
250     return kTRUE;
251 }
252 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
253 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::DetToLocal(Int_t ix,Int_t iPN,
254                                        Float_t &x,Float_t &z) const{
255     // Transformation from detector segmentation/cell coordiantes starting
256     // from 0. iPN=0 for P side and 1 for N side strip. Returned is z=0.0
257     // and the corresponding x value..
258     /*                       _-  Z
259                     + angle /    ^
260         fNstrips           v     |   N-Side        ...0
261             \-------/------------|-----------\--------\
262             |\\\\\\/////////////.|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
263             |0\\\\/////////////..|.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
264             |00\\/////////////...|..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
265        X <--|000/////////////... |...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
266             |00/////////////...  | ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
267             |0/////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
268             |//////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
269             /-----\--------------|--------------------/
270         fNstrips-1             P-Side              ...0
271                      |0\
272                      |00\
273         Dead region: |000/
274                      |00/
275                      |0/
276     */
277     // for strips p-side
278     // x = a + b + z*tan(fStereoP); a = Dpx(iP)*(iP+0.5)-dx; b = dz*th;
279     // for strips n-side
280     // x = a + b + z*tan(fStereoP); a = Dpx(iN)*(iN+0.5)-dx; b = -dz*th;
281     const Double_t kconst = 1.0E-04; // convert microns to cm.
282     Float_t flag=kconst*Dx(); // error value
283     Double_t th=0.0,dx,dz,i,a,b=0.0,xb[4],zb[4];
284     Float_t stereoP, stereoN;
285     Angles(stereoP,stereoN);
287     z = 0.0;  // Strip center in z.
288     if(iPN<0 || iPN>1){// if error return full detector size in x.
289         x = z = flag; 
290         return;
291     } // end if
292     if(ix<0 || ix>=fNstrips) { // if error return full detector size in x.
293         x = z = flag;
294         return;
295     } // end if
296     i  = (Double_t) ix;      // convert to double
297     dx = 0.5*kconst*Dx();    // half distance in x in cm
298     dz = 0.5*kconst*Dz();    // half distance in z in cm
299     a  = kconst*Dpx(ix)*(i+0.5)-dx; // Min x value.
300     if(iPN==0){ //P-side angle defined backwards.
301         th = TMath::Tan(stereoP); 
302         b  = dz*th;
303     }else if(iPN==1){ // N-side
304          th = TMath::Tan(-stereoN);
305          b  = -dz*th;
306     } // end if
307     // compute average/center position of the strip.
308     xb[0] = +dx; if(th!=0.0) zb[0] = (+dx-a-b)/th; else zb[0] = 0.0;
309     xb[1] = -dx; if(th!=0.0) zb[1] = (-dx-a-b)/th; else zb[1] = 0.0;
310     xb[2] = a+b+dz*th; zb[2] = +dz;
311     xb[3] = a+b-dz*th; zb[3] = -dz;
312     x = 0.0; z = 0.0;
313     for(Int_t j=0;j<4;j++){
314         if(xb[j]>=-dx && xb[j]<=dx && zb[j]>=-dz && zb[j]<=dz){
315             x += xb[j];
316             z += zb[j];
317         } // end if
318     } // end for
319     x *= 0.5;
320     z *= 0.5;
321     return;
322 }
323 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
324 Bool_t AliITSsegmentationSSD::GetCrossing(Int_t iP,Int_t iN,
325                                           Float_t &x,Float_t &z,
326                                           Float_t c[2][2]){
327     // Given one P side strip and one N side strip, Returns kTRUE if they
328     // cross each other and the location of the two crossing strips and
329     // their correxlation matrix c[2][2].
330     /*                       _-  Z
331                     + angle /    ^
332         fNstrips           v     |   N-Side        ...0
333             \-------/------------|-----------\--------\
334             |\\\\\\/////////////.|\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
335             |0\\\\/////////////..|.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
336             |00\\/////////////...|..\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
337        X <--|000/////////////... |...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
338             |00/////////////...  | ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
339             |0/////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
340             |//////////////...   |  ...\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\|
341             /-----\--------------|--------------------/
342         fNstrips-1             P-Side              ...0
343                      |0\
344                      |00\
345         Dead region: |000/
346                      |00/
347                      |0/
348        c[2][2] is defined as follows
349        /c[0][0]  c[0][1]\ /delta iP\ = /delta x\
350        \c[1][0]  c[1][1]/ \delta iN/ = \delta z/
351     */
352     const Double_t kconst = 1.0E-04; // convert microns to cm.
353     Double_t thp,thn,th,dx,dz,p,ip,in;
354     Float_t stereoP, stereoN;
355     Angles(stereoP,stereoN);
357     thp = TMath::Tan(stereoP);
358     thn = TMath::Tan(-stereoN);
359     th  = thp-thn;
360     if(th==0.0) { // parall strips then never cross.
361         x = 0.0;
362         z = 0.0;
363         c[0][0] = c[1][0] = c[0][1] = c[1][1] = 0.0;
364         return kFALSE;
365     } // end if
366     // The strips must cross some place in space.
367     ip = (Double_t) iP;       // convert to double now for speed
368     in = (Double_t) iN;       // convert to double now for speed
369     dx = 0.5*kconst*Dx();     // half distance in x in cm
370     dz = 0.5*kconst*Dz();     // half distance in z in cm
371     p  = kconst*Dpx(iP);      // Get strip spacing/pitch now
372     x  = 0.5*p+dx + (p*(in*thp-ip*thn)-2.0*dz*thp*thn)/th;
373     z  =(p*(in-ip)-dz*(thp+thn))/th;
374     // compute correlations.
375     c[0][0] = -thn*p/th; // dx/diP
376     c[1][1] = p/th;      // dz/diN
377     c[0][1] = p*thp/th;  // dx/diN
378     c[1][0] = -p/th;     // dz/diP
379     if(x<-dx || x>dx || z<-dz || z>dz) return kFALSE; // crossing is outside
380                                                       // of the detector so
381                                                       // these strips don't
382                                                       // cross.
383     return kTRUE;
384 }
386 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
387 void AliITSsegmentationSSD::PrintDefaultParameters() const {
388 // Print default values for parameters. 
389 // Values specified as static const data members are shown
391   cout<<"fgkDxDefault = "<<fgkDxDefault<<endl;
392   cout<<"fgkDzDefault = "<<fgkDzDefault<<endl;
393   cout<<"fgkDyDefault = "<<fgkDyDefault<<endl;
394   cout<<"fgkPitchDefault = "<<fgkPitchDefault<<endl;
395   cout<<"fgkNstripsDefault = "<<fgkNstripsDefault<<endl;
396 }