1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 // Implementation of the V0 vertex class
19 // Origin: Iouri Belikov, IReS, Strasbourg, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch
20 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 #include "AliV0vertex.h"
24 #include "AliITStrackV2.h"
28 AliV0vertex::AliV0vertex(const AliITStrackV2 &n, const AliITStrackV2 &p) {
29 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
31 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
32 for (Int_t i=0; i<6; i++) {
38 fNidx=n.GetLabel(); fPidx=p.GetLabel(); //indices in the array of ESD tracks
40 //Trivial estimation of the vertex parameters
41 Double_t pt, phi, x, par[5];
42 Double_t alpha, cs, sn;
44 n.GetExternalParameters(x,par); alpha=n.GetAlpha();
45 pt=1./TMath::Abs(par[4]);
46 phi=TMath::ASin(par[2]) + alpha;
47 Double_t px1=pt*TMath::Cos(phi), py1=pt*TMath::Sin(phi), pz1=pt*par[3];
48 cs=TMath::Cos(alpha); sn=TMath::Sin(alpha);
49 Double_t x1=x*cs - par[0]*sn;
50 Double_t y1=x*sn + par[0]*cs;
52 Double_t sx1=sn*sn*n.GetSigmaY2(), sy1=cs*cs*n.GetSigmaY2();
54 p.GetExternalParameters(x,par); alpha=p.GetAlpha();
55 pt=1./TMath::Abs(par[4]);
56 phi=TMath::ASin(par[2]) + alpha;
57 Double_t px2=pt*TMath::Cos(phi), py2=pt*TMath::Sin(phi), pz2=pt*par[3];
58 cs=TMath::Cos(alpha); sn=TMath::Sin(alpha);
59 Double_t x2=x*cs - par[0]*sn;
60 Double_t y2=x*sn + par[0]*cs;
62 Double_t sx2=sn*sn*p.GetSigmaY2(), sy2=cs*cs*p.GetSigmaY2();
64 Double_t sz1=n.GetSigmaZ2(), sz2=p.GetSigmaZ2();
65 Double_t wx1=sx2/(sx1+sx2), wx2=1.- wx1;
66 Double_t wy1=sy2/(sy1+sy2), wy2=1.- wy1;
67 Double_t wz1=sz2/(sz1+sz2), wz2=1.- wz1;
68 fPos[0]=wx1*x1 + wx2*x2; fPos[1]=wy1*y1 + wy2*y2; fPos[2]=wz1*z1 + wz2*z2;
70 //fPos[0]=0.5*(x1+x2); fPos[1]=0.5*(y1+y2); fPos[2]=0.5*(z1+z2);
71 fNmom[0]=px1; fNmom[1]=py1; fNmom[2]=pz1;
72 fPmom[0]=px2; fPmom[1]=py2; fPmom[2]=pz2;
74 Double_t e1=TMath::Sqrt(0.13957*0.13957 + px1*px1 + py1*py1 + pz1*pz1);
75 Double_t e2=TMath::Sqrt(0.13957*0.13957 + px2*px2 + py2*py2 + pz2*pz2);
76 fEffMass=TMath::Sqrt((e1+e2)*(e1+e2)-
77 (px1+px2)*(px1+px2)-(py1+py2)*(py1+py2)-(pz1+pz2)*(pz1+pz2));