1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18 Revision 1.7 2000/07/03 12:28:06 gosset
19 Printout at the right place after extrapolation to vertex
21 Revision 1.6 2000/06/30 12:01:06 gosset
22 Correction for hit search in the right chamber (JPC)
24 Revision 1.5 2000/06/30 10:15:48 gosset
25 Changes to EventReconstructor...:
26 precision fit with multiple Coulomb scattering;
27 extrapolation to vertex with Branson correction in absorber (JPC)
29 Revision 1.4 2000/06/27 14:11:36 gosset
30 Corrections against violations of coding conventions
32 Revision 1.3 2000/06/16 07:27:08 gosset
33 To remove problem in running RuleChecker, like in MUON-dev
35 Revision 2000/06/16 07:00:26 gosset
36 To remove problem in running RuleChecker
38 Revision 2000/06/12 08:00:07 morsch
39 Dummy streamer to solve CINT compilation problem (to be investigated !)
41 Revision 2000/06/09 20:59:57 morsch
42 Make includes consistent with new file structure.
44 Revision 2000/06/09 12:58:05 gosset
45 Removed comment beginnings in Log sections of .cxx files
46 Suppressed most violations of coding rules
48 Revision 2000/06/07 14:44:53 gosset
49 Addition of files for track reconstruction in C++
52 //__________________________________________________________________________
54 // MUON event reconstructor in ALICE
56 // This class contains as data:
57 // * the parameters for the event reconstruction
58 // * a pointer to the array of hits to be reconstructed (the event)
59 // * a pointer to the array of segments made with these hits inside each station
60 // * a pointer to the array of reconstructed tracks
62 // It contains as methods, among others:
63 // * MakeEventToBeReconstructed to build the array of hits to be reconstructed
64 // * MakeSegments to build the segments
65 // * MakeTracks to build the tracks
66 //__________________________________________________________________________
73 #include "AliCallf77.h"
74 #include "AliMUONEventReconstructor.h"
76 #include "AliMUONHitForRec.h"
77 #include "AliMUONSegment.h"
78 #include "AliMUONHit.h"
79 #include "AliMUONRawCluster.h"
80 #include "AliMUONTrack.h"
81 #include "AliMUONChamber.h"
82 #include "AliMUONTrackHit.h"
84 #include "TParticle.h"
87 # define initfield initfield_
88 # define reco_gufld reco_gufld_
90 # define initfield INITFIELD
91 # define reco_gufld RECO_GUFLD
96 void type_of_call initfield();
97 void type_of_call reco_gufld(Double_t *Coor, Double_t *Field);
100 //************* Defaults parameters for reconstruction
101 static const Double_t kDefaultMinBendingMomentum = 3.0;
102 static const Double_t kDefaultMaxSigma2Distance = 16.0;
103 static const Double_t kDefaultBendingResolution = 0.01;
104 static const Double_t kDefaultNonBendingResolution = 0.144;
105 static const Double_t kDefaultChamberThicknessInX0 = 0.03;
106 // Simple magnetic field:
107 // Value taken from macro MUONtracking.C: 0.7 T, hence 7 kG
108 // Length and Position from reco_muon.F, with opposite sign:
109 // Length = ZMAGEND-ZCOIL
110 // Position = (ZMAGEND+ZCOIL)/2
111 // to be ajusted differently from real magnetic field ????
112 static const Double_t kDefaultSimpleBValue = 7.0;
113 static const Double_t kDefaultSimpleBLength = 428.0;
114 static const Double_t kDefaultSimpleBPosition = 1019.0;
115 static const Int_t kDefaultRecGeantHits = 0;
116 static const Double_t kDefaultEfficiency = 0.95;
118 static const Int_t kDefaultPrintLevel = 0;
120 ClassImp(AliMUONEventReconstructor) // Class implementation in ROOT context
122 //__________________________________________________________________________
123 AliMUONEventReconstructor::AliMUONEventReconstructor(void)
125 // Constructor for class AliMUONEventReconstructor
126 SetReconstructionParametersToDefaults();
127 // Memory allocation for the TClonesArray of hits for reconstruction
128 // Is 10000 the right size ????
129 fHitsForRecPtr = new TClonesArray("AliMUONHitForRec", 10000);
130 fNHitsForRec = 0; // really needed or GetEntriesFast sufficient ????
131 // Memory allocation for the TClonesArray's of segments in stations
132 // Is 2000 the right size ????
133 for (Int_t st = 0; st < kMaxMuonTrackingStations; st++) {
134 fSegmentsPtr[st] = new TClonesArray("AliMUONSegment", 2000);
135 fNSegments[st] = 0; // really needed or GetEntriesFast sufficient ????
137 // Memory allocation for the TClonesArray of reconstructed tracks
138 // Is 10 the right size ????
139 fRecTracksPtr = new TClonesArray("AliMUONTrack", 10);
140 fNRecTracks = 0; // really needed or GetEntriesFast sufficient ????
142 // Initialize magnetic field
143 // using Fortran subroutine INITFIELD in "reco_muon.F".
144 // Should rather use AliMagF ???? and remove prototyping ...
146 // Impression de quelques valeurs
147 Double_t coor[3], field[3];
151 reco_gufld(coor, field);
152 cout << "coor: " << coor[0] << ", " << coor[1] << ", " << coor[2] << endl;
153 cout << "field: " << field[0] << ", " << field[1] << ", " << field[2] << endl;
155 reco_gufld(coor, field);
156 cout << "coor: " << coor[0] << ", " << coor[1] << ", " << coor[2] << endl;
157 cout << "field: " << field[0] << ", " << field[1] << ", " << field[2] << endl;
160 if (fPrintLevel >= 0) {
161 cout << "AliMUONEventReconstructor constructed with defaults" << endl; Dump();}
165 AliMUONEventReconstructor::AliMUONEventReconstructor (const AliMUONEventReconstructor& Reconstructor)
167 // Dummy copy constructor
170 AliMUONEventReconstructor & AliMUONEventReconstructor::operator=(const AliMUONEventReconstructor& Reconstructor)
172 // Dummy assignment operator
176 //__________________________________________________________________________
177 AliMUONEventReconstructor::~AliMUONEventReconstructor(void)
179 // Destructor for class AliMUONEventReconstructor
180 delete fHitsForRecPtr; // Correct destruction of everything ???? or delete [] ????
181 for (Int_t st = 0; st < kMaxMuonTrackingStations; st++)
182 delete fSegmentsPtr[st]; // Correct destruction of everything ????
186 //__________________________________________________________________________
187 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::SetReconstructionParametersToDefaults(void)
189 // Set reconstruction parameters to default values
190 // Would be much more convenient with a structure (or class) ????
191 fMinBendingMomentum = kDefaultMinBendingMomentum;
192 fMaxSigma2Distance = kDefaultMaxSigma2Distance;
194 AliMUON *pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON");
195 // ******** Parameters for making HitsForRec
197 // like in TRACKF_STAT:
198 // 2 degrees for stations 1 and 2, or ch(0...) from 0 to 3;
199 // 30 cm for stations 3 to 5, or ch(0...) from 4 to 9
200 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < kMaxMuonTrackingChambers; ch++) {
201 if (ch < 4) fRMin[ch] = TMath::Abs((&(pMUON->Chamber(ch)))->Z()) *
202 2.0 * TMath::Pi() / 180.0;
203 else fRMin[ch] = 30.0;
206 // like in TRACKF_STAT (10 degrees ????)
207 fRMax[0] = fRMax[1] = 91.5;
208 fRMax[2] = fRMax[3] = 122.5;
209 fRMax[4] = fRMax[5] = 158.3;
210 fRMax[6] = fRMax[7] = 260.0;
211 fRMax[8] = fRMax[9] = 260.0;
213 // ******** Parameters for making segments
214 // should be parametrized ????
215 // according to interval between chambers in a station ????
216 // Maximum distance in non bending plane
217 // 5 * 0.22 just to remember the way it was made in TRACKF_STAT
219 for (Int_t st = 0; st < kMaxMuonTrackingStations; st++)
220 fSegmentMaxDistNonBending[st] = 5. * 0.22;
221 // Maximum distance in bending plane
222 // values from TRACKF_STAT corresponding to (J psi 20cm)
223 fSegmentMaxDistBending[0] = 1.5;
224 fSegmentMaxDistBending[1] = 1.5;
225 fSegmentMaxDistBending[2] = 3.0;
226 fSegmentMaxDistBending[3] = 6.0;
227 fSegmentMaxDistBending[4] = 6.0;
229 fBendingResolution = kDefaultBendingResolution;
230 fNonBendingResolution = kDefaultNonBendingResolution;
231 fChamberThicknessInX0 = kDefaultChamberThicknessInX0;
232 fSimpleBValue = kDefaultSimpleBValue;
233 fSimpleBLength = kDefaultSimpleBLength;
234 fSimpleBPosition = kDefaultSimpleBPosition;
235 fRecGeantHits = kDefaultRecGeantHits;
236 fEfficiency = kDefaultEfficiency;
237 fPrintLevel = kDefaultPrintLevel;
241 //__________________________________________________________________________
242 Double_t AliMUONEventReconstructor::GetImpactParamFromBendingMomentum(Double_t BendingMomentum)
244 // Returns impact parameter at vertex in bending plane (cm),
245 // from the signed bending momentum "BendingMomentum" in bending plane (GeV/c),
246 // using simple values for dipole magnetic field.
247 // The sign is the sign of the charge.
248 return (-0.0003 * fSimpleBValue * fSimpleBLength * fSimpleBPosition /
252 //__________________________________________________________________________
253 Double_t AliMUONEventReconstructor::GetBendingMomentumFromImpactParam(Double_t ImpactParam)
255 // Returns signed bending momentum in bending plane (GeV/c),
256 // from the impact parameter "ImpactParam" at vertex in bending plane (cm),
257 // using simple values for dipole magnetic field.
258 // The sign is the sign of the charge.
259 return (-0.0003 * fSimpleBValue * fSimpleBLength * fSimpleBPosition /
263 //__________________________________________________________________________
264 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::SetBkgGeantFile(Text_t *BkgGeantFileName)
266 // Set background file ... for GEANT hits
267 // Must be called after having loaded the firts signal event
268 if (fPrintLevel >= 0) {
269 cout << "Enter SetBkgGeantFile with BkgGeantFileName ``"
270 << BkgGeantFileName << "''" << endl;}
271 if (strlen(BkgGeantFileName)) {
272 // BkgGeantFileName not empty: try to open the file
273 if (fPrintLevel >= 2) {cout << "Before File(Bkg)" << endl; gDirectory->Dump();}
274 fBkgGeantFile = new TFile(BkgGeantFileName);
275 if (fPrintLevel >= 2) {cout << "After File(Bkg)" << endl; gDirectory->Dump();}
276 if (fBkgGeantFile-> IsOpen()) {
277 if (fPrintLevel >= 0) {
278 cout << "Background for GEANT hits in file: ``" << BkgGeantFileName
279 << "'' successfully opened" << endl;}
282 cout << "Background for GEANT hits in file: " << BkgGeantFileName << endl;
283 cout << "NOT FOUND: EXIT" << endl;
284 exit(0); // right instruction for exit ????
286 // Arrays for "particles" and "hits"
287 fBkgGeantParticles = new TClonesArray("TParticle", 200);
288 fBkgGeantHits = new TClonesArray("AliMUONHit", 2000);
289 // Event number to -1 for initialization
290 fBkgGeantEventNumber = -1;
291 // Back to the signal file:
292 // first signal event must have been loaded previously,
293 // otherwise, Segmentation violation at the next instruction
294 // How is it possible to do smething better ????
295 ((gAlice->TreeK())->GetCurrentFile())->cd();
296 if (fPrintLevel >= 2) {cout << "After cd(gAlice)" << endl; gDirectory->Dump();}
301 //__________________________________________________________________________
302 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::NextBkgGeantEvent(void)
304 // Get next event in background file for GEANT hits
305 // Goes back to event number 0 when end of file is reached
308 if (fPrintLevel >= 0) {
309 cout << "Enter NextBkgGeantEvent" << endl;}
310 // Clean previous event
311 if(fBkgGeantTK) delete fBkgGeantTK;
313 if(fBkgGeantParticles) fBkgGeantParticles->Clear();
314 if(fBkgGeantTH) delete fBkgGeantTH;
316 if(fBkgGeantHits) fBkgGeantHits->Clear();
317 // Increment event number
318 fBkgGeantEventNumber++;
319 // Get access to Particles and Hits for event from background file
320 if (fPrintLevel >= 2) {cout << "Before cd(Bkg)" << endl; gDirectory->Dump();}
322 if (fPrintLevel >= 2) {cout << "After cd(Bkg)" << endl; gDirectory->Dump();}
323 // Particles: TreeK for event and branch "Particles"
324 sprintf(treeName, "TreeK%d", fBkgGeantEventNumber);
325 fBkgGeantTK = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(treeName);
327 if (fPrintLevel >= 0) {
328 cout << "Cannot find Kine Tree for background event: " <<
329 fBkgGeantEventNumber << endl;
330 cout << "Goes back to event 0" << endl;
332 fBkgGeantEventNumber = 0;
333 sprintf(treeName, "TreeK%d", fBkgGeantEventNumber);
334 fBkgGeantTK = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(treeName);
336 cout << "ERROR: cannot find Kine Tree for background event: " <<
337 fBkgGeantEventNumber << endl;
342 fBkgGeantTK->SetBranchAddress("Particles", &fBkgGeantParticles);
343 fBkgGeantTK->GetEvent(0); // why event 0 ???? necessary ????
344 // Hits: TreeH for event and branch "MUON"
345 sprintf(treeName, "TreeH%d", fBkgGeantEventNumber);
346 fBkgGeantTH = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get(treeName);
348 cout << "ERROR: cannot find Hits Tree for background event: " <<
349 fBkgGeantEventNumber << endl;
352 if (fBkgGeantTH && fBkgGeantHits) {
353 branch = fBkgGeantTH->GetBranch("MUON");
354 if (branch) branch->SetAddress(&fBkgGeantHits);
356 fBkgGeantTH->GetEntries(); // necessary ????
357 // Back to the signal file
358 ((gAlice->TreeK())->GetCurrentFile())->cd();
359 if (fPrintLevel >= 2) {cout << "After cd(gAlice)" << endl; gDirectory->Dump();}
363 //__________________________________________________________________________
364 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::EventReconstruct(void)
366 // To reconstruct one event
367 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter EventReconstruct" << endl;
368 MakeEventToBeReconstructed();
374 //__________________________________________________________________________
375 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::ResetHitsForRec(void)
377 // To reset the array and the number of HitsForRec,
378 // and also the number of HitsForRec
379 // and the index of the first HitForRec per chamber
380 if (fHitsForRecPtr) fHitsForRecPtr->Clear();
382 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < kMaxMuonTrackingChambers; ch++)
383 fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch] = fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] = 0;
387 //__________________________________________________________________________
388 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::ResetSegments(void)
390 // To reset the TClonesArray of segments and the number of Segments
392 for (Int_t st = 0; st < kMaxMuonTrackingStations; st++) {
393 if (fSegmentsPtr[st]) fSegmentsPtr[st]->Clear();
399 //__________________________________________________________________________
400 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::ResetTracks(void)
402 // To reset the TClonesArray of reconstructed tracks
403 if (fRecTracksPtr) fRecTracksPtr->Clear();
408 //__________________________________________________________________________
409 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::MakeEventToBeReconstructed(void)
411 // To make the list of hits to be reconstructed,
412 // either from the GEANT hits or from the raw clusters
413 // according to the parameter set for the reconstructor
414 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter MakeEventToBeReconstructed" << endl;
416 if (fRecGeantHits == 1) {
417 // Reconstruction from GEANT hits
418 // Back to the signal file
419 ((gAlice->TreeK())->GetCurrentFile())->cd();
421 // AliMUON *MUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
422 // Security on MUON ????
423 AddHitsForRecFromGEANT(gAlice->TreeH());
425 AddHitsForRecFromBkgGEANT(fBkgGeantTH, fBkgGeantHits);
426 // Sort HitsForRec in increasing order with respect to chamber number
427 SortHitsForRecWithIncreasingChamber();
430 // Reconstruction from raw clusters
431 // AliMUON *MUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
432 // Security on MUON ????
433 // TreeR assumed to be be "prepared" in calling function
434 // by "MUON->GetTreeR(nev)" ????
435 TTree *treeR = gAlice->TreeR();
436 AddHitsForRecFromRawClusters(treeR);
437 // No sorting: it is done automatically in the previous function
439 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
440 cout << "end of MakeEventToBeReconstructed" << endl;
441 cout << "NHitsForRec: " << fNHitsForRec << endl;
442 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < kMaxMuonTrackingChambers; ch++) {
443 cout << "chamber(0...): " << ch
444 << " NHitsForRec: " << fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch]
445 << " index(first HitForRec): " << fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch]
447 for (Int_t hit = fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch];
448 hit < fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] + fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch];
450 cout << "HitForRec index(0...): " << hit << endl;
451 ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[hit])->Dump();
458 //__________________________________________________________________________
459 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::AddHitsForRecFromGEANT(TTree *TH)
461 // To add to the list of hits for reconstruction
462 // the GEANT signal hits from a hit tree TH.
463 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
464 cout << "enter AddHitsForRecFromGEANT with TH: " << TH << endl;
465 if (TH == NULL) return;
466 AliMUON *pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
467 // Security on MUON ????
468 // See whether it could be the same for signal and background ????
469 // Loop over tracks in tree
470 Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) TH->GetEntries();
471 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
472 cout << "ntracks: " << ntracks << endl;
473 for (Int_t track = 0; track < ntracks; track++) {
478 for (AliMUONHit* mHit = (AliMUONHit*) pMUON->FirstHit(-1);
480 mHit = (AliMUONHit*) pMUON->NextHit(), hit++) {
481 NewHitForRecFromGEANT(mHit,track, hit, 1);
483 } // end of track loop
487 //__________________________________________________________________________
488 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::AddHitsForRecFromBkgGEANT(TTree *TH, TClonesArray *Hits)
490 // To add to the list of hits for reconstruction
491 // the GEANT background hits from a hit tree TH and a pointer Hits to a hit list.
492 // How to have only one function "AddHitsForRecFromGEANT" ????
493 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
494 cout << "enter AddHitsForRecFromBkgGEANT with TH: " << TH << endl;
495 if (TH == NULL) return;
496 // Loop over tracks in tree
497 Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) TH->GetEntries();
498 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
499 cout << "ntracks: " << ntracks << endl;
500 for (Int_t track = 0; track < ntracks; track++) {
501 if (Hits) Hits->Clear();
504 for (Int_t hit = 0; hit < Hits->GetEntriesFast(); hit++) {
505 NewHitForRecFromGEANT((AliMUONHit*) (*Hits)[hit], track, hit, 0);
507 } // end of track loop
511 //__________________________________________________________________________
512 AliMUONHitForRec* AliMUONEventReconstructor::NewHitForRecFromGEANT(AliMUONHit* Hit, Int_t TrackNumber, Int_t HitNumber, Int_t Signal)
514 // To make a new hit for reconstruction from a GEANT hit pointed to by "Hit",
515 // with hit number "HitNumber" in the track numbered "TrackNumber",
516 // either from signal ("Signal" = 1) or background ("Signal" = 0) event.
517 // Selects hits in tracking (not trigger) chambers.
518 // Takes into account the efficiency (fEfficiency)
519 // and the smearing from resolution (fBendingResolution and fNonBendingResolution).
520 // Adds a condition on the radius between RMin and RMax
521 // to better simulate the real chambers.
522 // Returns the pointer to the new hit for reconstruction,
523 // or NULL in case of inefficiency or non tracking chamber or bad radius.
524 // No condition on at most 20 cm from a muon from a resonance
525 // like in Fortran TRACKF_STAT.
526 AliMUONHitForRec* hitForRec;
527 Double_t bendCoor, nonBendCoor, radius;
528 Int_t chamber = Hit->fChamber - 1; // chamber(0...)
529 // only in tracking chambers (fChamber starts at 1)
530 if (chamber >= kMaxMuonTrackingChambers) return NULL;
531 // only if hit is efficient (keep track for checking ????)
532 if (gRandom->Rndm() > fEfficiency) return NULL;
533 // only if radius between RMin and RMax
535 nonBendCoor = Hit->fX;
536 radius = TMath::Sqrt((bendCoor * bendCoor) + (nonBendCoor * nonBendCoor));
537 if ((radius < fRMin[chamber]) || (radius > fRMax[chamber])) return NULL;
538 // new AliMUONHitForRec from GEANT hit and increment number of AliMUONHitForRec's
539 hitForRec = new ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[fNHitsForRec]) AliMUONHitForRec(Hit);
541 // add smearing from resolution
542 hitForRec->SetBendingCoor(bendCoor + gRandom->Gaus(0., fBendingResolution));
543 hitForRec->SetNonBendingCoor(nonBendCoor
544 + gRandom->Gaus(0., fNonBendingResolution));
545 // more information into HitForRec
546 // resolution: angular effect to be added here ????
547 hitForRec->SetBendingReso2(fBendingResolution * fBendingResolution);
548 hitForRec->SetNonBendingReso2(fNonBendingResolution * fNonBendingResolution);
550 hitForRec->SetHitNumber(HitNumber);
551 hitForRec->SetTHTrack(TrackNumber);
552 hitForRec->SetGeantSignal(Signal);
553 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
554 cout << "track: " << TrackNumber << " hit: " << HitNumber << endl;
556 cout << "AliMUONHitForRec number (1...): " << fNHitsForRec << endl;
561 //__________________________________________________________________________
562 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::SortHitsForRecWithIncreasingChamber()
564 // Sort HitsForRec's in increasing order with respect to chamber number.
565 // Uses the function "Compare".
566 // Update the information for HitsForRec per chamber too.
567 Int_t ch, nhits, prevch;
568 fHitsForRecPtr->Sort();
569 for (ch = 0; ch < kMaxMuonTrackingChambers; ch++) {
570 fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch] = 0;
571 fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] = 0;
573 prevch = 0; // previous chamber
574 nhits = 0; // number of hits in current chamber
575 // Loop over HitsForRec
576 for (Int_t hit = 0; hit < fNHitsForRec; hit++) {
577 // chamber number (0...)
578 ch = ((AliMUONHitForRec*) ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[hit]))->GetChamberNumber();
579 // increment number of hits in current chamber
580 (fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch])++;
581 // update index of first HitForRec in current chamber
582 // if chamber number different from previous one
584 fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] = hit;
591 // //__________________________________________________________________________
592 // void AliMUONEventReconstructor::AddHitsForRecFromCathodeCorrelations(TTree* TC)
595 // // To add to the list of hits for reconstruction
596 // // the (cathode correlated) raw clusters
597 // // No condition added, like in Fortran TRACKF_STAT,
598 // // on the radius between RMin and RMax.
599 // AliMUONHitForRec *hitForRec;
600 // if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter AddHitsForRecFromCathodeCorrelations" << endl;
601 // AliMUON *MUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
602 // // Security on MUON ????
603 // // Loop over tracking chambers
604 // for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < kMaxMuonTrackingChambers; ch++) {
605 // // number of HitsForRec to 0 for the chamber
606 // fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch] = 0;
607 // // index of first HitForRec for the chamber
608 // if (ch == 0) fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] = 0;
609 // else fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] = fNHitsForRec;
610 // TClonesArray *reconst_hits = MUON->ReconstHitsAddress(ch);
611 // MUON->ResetReconstHits();
613 // Int_t ncor = (Int_t)reconst_hits->GetEntries();
614 // // Loop over (cathode correlated) raw clusters
615 // for (Int_t cor = 0; cor < ncor; cor++) {
616 // AliMUONReconstHit * mCor =
617 // (AliMUONReconstHit*) reconst_hits->UncheckedAt(cor);
618 // // new AliMUONHitForRec from (cathode correlated) raw cluster
619 // // and increment number of AliMUONHitForRec's (total and in chamber)
620 // hitForRec = new ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[fNHitsForRec]) AliMUONHitForRec(mCor);
622 // (fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch])++;
623 // // more information into HitForRec
624 // hitForRec->SetChamberNumber(ch);
625 // hitForRec->SetHitNumber(cor);
626 // // Z coordinate of the chamber (cm) with sign opposite to GEANT sign
627 // // could (should) be more exact from chamber geometry ????
628 // hitForRec->SetZ(-(&(MUON->Chamber(ch)))->Z());
629 // if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
630 // cout << "chamber (0...): " << ch <<
631 // " cathcorrel (0...): " << cor << endl;
633 // cout << "AliMUONHitForRec number (1...): " << fNHitsForRec << endl;
634 // hitForRec->Dump();}
635 // } // end of cluster loop
636 // } // end of chamber loop
640 //__________________________________________________________________________
641 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::AddHitsForRecFromRawClusters(TTree* TR)
643 // To add to the list of hits for reconstruction all the raw clusters
644 // No condition added, like in Fortran TRACKF_STAT,
645 // on the radius between RMin and RMax.
646 AliMUONHitForRec *hitForRec;
647 AliMUONRawCluster *clus;
649 TClonesArray *rawclusters;
650 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter AddHitsForRecFromRawClusters" << endl;
651 AliMUON *pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
652 // Security on MUON ????
653 // Loop over tracking chambers
654 for (Int_t ch = 0; ch < kMaxMuonTrackingChambers; ch++) {
655 // number of HitsForRec to 0 for the chamber
656 fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch] = 0;
657 // index of first HitForRec for the chamber
658 if (ch == 0) fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] = 0;
659 else fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] = fNHitsForRec;
660 rawclusters = pMUON->RawClustAddress(ch);
661 pMUON->ResetRawClusters();
662 TR->GetEvent((Int_t) (TR->GetEntries()) - 1); // to be checked ????
663 nclus = (Int_t) (rawclusters->GetEntries());
664 // Loop over (cathode correlated) raw clusters
665 for (iclus = 0; iclus < nclus; iclus++) {
666 clus = (AliMUONRawCluster*) rawclusters->UncheckedAt(iclus);
667 // new AliMUONHitForRec from raw cluster
668 // and increment number of AliMUONHitForRec's (total and in chamber)
669 hitForRec = new ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[fNHitsForRec]) AliMUONHitForRec(clus);
671 (fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch])++;
672 // more information into HitForRec
673 // resolution: info should be already in raw cluster and taken from it ????
674 hitForRec->SetBendingReso2(fBendingResolution * fBendingResolution);
675 hitForRec->SetNonBendingReso2(fNonBendingResolution * fNonBendingResolution);
676 // original raw cluster
677 hitForRec->SetChamberNumber(ch);
678 hitForRec->SetHitNumber(iclus);
679 // Z coordinate of the chamber (cm)
680 // could (should) be more exact from chamber geometry ????
681 hitForRec->SetZ((&(pMUON->Chamber(ch)))->Z());
682 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
683 cout << "chamber (0...): " << ch <<
684 " raw cluster (0...): " << iclus << endl;
686 cout << "AliMUONHitForRec number (1...): " << fNHitsForRec << endl;
688 } // end of cluster loop
689 } // end of chamber loop
693 //__________________________________________________________________________
694 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::MakeSegments(void)
696 // To make the list of segments in all stations,
697 // from the list of hits to be reconstructed
698 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter MakeSegments" << endl;
700 // Loop over stations
701 for (Int_t st = 0; st < kMaxMuonTrackingStations; st++)
702 MakeSegmentsPerStation(st);
703 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
704 cout << "end of MakeSegments" << endl;
705 for (Int_t st = 0; st < kMaxMuonTrackingStations; st++) {
706 cout << "station(0...): " << st
707 << " Segments: " << fNSegments[st]
710 seg < fNSegments[st];
712 cout << "Segment index(0...): " << seg << endl;
713 ((*fSegmentsPtr[st])[seg])->Dump();
720 //__________________________________________________________________________
721 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::MakeSegmentsPerStation(Int_t Station)
723 // To make the list of segments in station number "Station" (0...)
724 // from the list of hits to be reconstructed.
725 // Updates "fNSegments"[Station].
726 // Segments in stations 4 and 5 are sorted
727 // according to increasing absolute value of "impact parameter"
728 AliMUONHitForRec *hit1Ptr, *hit2Ptr;
729 AliMUONSegment *segment;
731 Double_t bendingSlope, distBend, distNonBend, extBendCoor, extNonBendCoor,
732 impactParam, maxImpactParam;
733 AliMUON *pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
734 if (fPrintLevel >= 1)
735 cout << "enter MakeSegmentsPerStation (0...) " << Station << endl;
736 // first and second chambers (0...) in the station
737 Int_t ch1 = 2 * Station;
739 // variable true for stations downstream of the dipole:
740 // Station(0..4) equal to 3 or 4
741 if ((Station == 3) || (Station == 4)) {
743 // maximum impact parameter (cm) according to fMinBendingMomentum...
745 TMath::Abs(GetImpactParamFromBendingMomentum(fMinBendingMomentum));
747 else last2st = kFALSE;
748 // extrapolation factor from Z of first chamber to Z of second chamber
749 // dZ to be changed to take into account fine structure of chambers ????
750 Double_t extrapFact =
751 (&(pMUON->Chamber(ch2)))->Z() / (&(pMUON->Chamber(ch1)))->Z();
752 // index for current segment
753 Int_t segmentIndex = 0;
754 // Loop over HitsForRec in the first chamber of the station
755 for (Int_t hit1 = fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch1];
756 hit1 < fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch1] + fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch1];
758 // pointer to the HitForRec
759 hit1Ptr = (AliMUONHitForRec*) ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[hit1]);
761 // on the straight line joining the HitForRec to the vertex (0,0,0),
762 // to the Z of the second chamber of the station
763 extBendCoor = extrapFact * hit1Ptr->GetBendingCoor();
764 extNonBendCoor = extrapFact * hit1Ptr->GetNonBendingCoor();
765 // Loop over HitsForRec in the second chamber of the station
766 for (Int_t hit2 = fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch2];
767 hit2 < fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch2] + fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch2];
769 // pointer to the HitForRec
770 hit2Ptr = (AliMUONHitForRec*) ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[hit2]);
771 // absolute values of distances, in bending and non bending planes,
772 // between the HitForRec in the second chamber
773 // and the previous extrapolation
774 distBend = TMath::Abs(hit2Ptr->GetBendingCoor() - extBendCoor);
775 distNonBend = TMath::Abs(hit2Ptr->GetNonBendingCoor() - extNonBendCoor);
778 bendingSlope = (hit1Ptr->GetBendingCoor() - hit2Ptr->GetBendingCoor()) /
779 (hit1Ptr->GetZ() - hit2Ptr->GetZ());
780 // absolute value of impact parameter
782 TMath::Abs(hit1Ptr->GetBendingCoor() - hit2Ptr->GetZ() * bendingSlope);
784 // check for distances not too large,
785 // and impact parameter not too big if stations downstream of the dipole.
786 // Conditions "distBend" and "impactParam" correlated for these stations ????
787 if ((distBend < fSegmentMaxDistBending[Station]) &&
788 (distNonBend < fSegmentMaxDistNonBending[Station]) &&
789 (!last2st || (impactParam < maxImpactParam))) {
791 segment = new ((*fSegmentsPtr[Station])[segmentIndex])
792 AliMUONSegment(hit1Ptr, hit2Ptr);
793 // update "link" to this segment from the hit in the first chamber
794 if (hit1Ptr->GetNSegments() == 0)
795 hit1Ptr->SetIndexOfFirstSegment(segmentIndex);
796 hit1Ptr->SetNSegments(hit1Ptr->GetNSegments() + 1);
797 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
798 cout << "segmentIndex(0...): " << segmentIndex
799 << " distBend: " << distBend
800 << " distNonBend: " << distNonBend
803 cout << "HitForRec in first chamber" << endl;
805 cout << "HitForRec in second chamber" << endl;
808 // increment index for current segment
812 } // for (Int_t hit1...
813 fNSegments[Station] = segmentIndex;
814 // Sorting according to "impact parameter" if station(1..5) 4 or 5,
815 // i.e. Station(0..4) 3 or 4, using the function "Compare".
816 // After this sorting, it is impossible to use
817 // the "fNSegments" and "fIndexOfFirstSegment"
818 // of the HitForRec in the first chamber to explore all segments formed with it.
819 // Is this sorting really needed ????
820 if ((Station == 3) || (Station == 4)) (fSegmentsPtr[Station])->Sort();
821 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "Station: " << Station << " NSegments: "
822 << fNSegments[Station] << endl;
826 //__________________________________________________________________________
827 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::MakeTracks(void)
829 // To make the tracks,
830 // from the list of segments and points in all stations
831 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter MakeTracks" << endl;
833 // Look for candidates from at least 3 aligned points in stations(1..) 4 and 5
834 MakeTrackCandidates();
835 // Follow tracks in stations(1..) 3, 2 and 1
840 //__________________________________________________________________________
841 Int_t AliMUONEventReconstructor::MakeTrackCandidatesWithTwoSegments(AliMUONSegment *BegSegment)
843 // To make track candidates with two segments in stations(1..) 4 and 5,
844 // the first segment being pointed to by "BegSegment".
845 // Returns the number of such track candidates.
846 Int_t endStation, iEndSegment, nbCan2Seg;
847 AliMUONSegment *endSegment, *extrapSegment;
848 AliMUONTrack *recTrack;
850 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter MakeTrackCandidatesWithTwoSegments" << endl;
851 // Station for the end segment
852 endStation = 7 - (BegSegment->GetHitForRec1())->GetChamberNumber() / 2;
853 // multiple scattering factor corresponding to one chamber
855 GetBendingMomentumFromImpactParam(BegSegment->GetBendingImpact());
856 mcsFactor = fChamberThicknessInX0 * mcsFactor * mcsFactor;
857 // linear extrapolation to end station
859 BegSegment->CreateSegmentFromLinearExtrapToStation(endStation, mcsFactor);
860 // number of candidates with 2 segments to 0
862 // Loop over segments in the end station
863 for (iEndSegment = 0; iEndSegment < fNSegments[endStation]; iEndSegment++) {
864 // pointer to segment
865 endSegment = (AliMUONSegment*) ((*fSegmentsPtr[endStation])[iEndSegment]);
866 // test compatibility between current segment and "extrapSegment"
867 // 4 because 4 quantities in chi2
869 NormalizedChi2WithSegment(extrapSegment,
870 fMaxSigma2Distance)) <= 4.0) {
871 // both segments compatible:
872 // make track candidate from "begSegment" and "endSegment"
873 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
874 cout << "TrackCandidate with Segment " << iEndSegment <<
875 " in Station(0..) " << endStation << endl;
876 // flag for both segments in one track:
877 // to be done in track constructor ????
878 BegSegment->SetInTrack(kTRUE);
879 endSegment->SetInTrack(kTRUE);
880 recTrack = new ((*fRecTracksPtr)[fNRecTracks])
881 AliMUONTrack(BegSegment, endSegment, this);
883 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) recTrack->RecursiveDump();
884 // increment number of track candidates with 2 segments
887 } // for (iEndSegment = 0;...
888 delete extrapSegment; // should not delete HitForRec's it points to !!!!
892 //__________________________________________________________________________
893 Int_t AliMUONEventReconstructor::MakeTrackCandidatesWithOneSegmentAndOnePoint(AliMUONSegment *BegSegment)
895 // To make track candidates with one segment and one point
896 // in stations(1..) 4 and 5,
897 // the segment being pointed to by "BegSegment".
898 Int_t ch, ch1, ch2, endStation, iHit, iHitMax, iHitMin, nbCan1Seg1Hit;
899 AliMUONHitForRec *extrapHitForRec, *hit;
900 AliMUONTrack *recTrack;
902 if (fPrintLevel >= 1)
903 cout << "enter MakeTrackCandidatesWithOneSegmentAndOnePoint" << endl;
904 // station for the end point
905 endStation = 7 - (BegSegment->GetHitForRec1())->GetChamberNumber() / 2;
906 // multiple scattering factor corresponding to one chamber
908 GetBendingMomentumFromImpactParam(BegSegment->GetBendingImpact());
909 mcsFactor = fChamberThicknessInX0 * mcsFactor * mcsFactor;
910 // first and second chambers(0..) in the end station
911 ch1 = 2 * endStation;
913 // number of candidates to 0
915 // Loop over chambers of the end station
916 for (ch = ch2; ch >= ch1; ch--) {
917 // linear extrapolation to chamber
919 BegSegment->CreateHitForRecFromLinearExtrapToChamber(ch, mcsFactor);
920 // limits for the hit index in the loop
921 iHitMin = fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch];
922 iHitMax = iHitMin + fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch];
923 // Loop over HitForRec's in the chamber
924 for (iHit = iHitMin; iHit < iHitMax; iHit++) {
925 // pointer to HitForRec
926 hit = (AliMUONHitForRec*) ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[iHit]);
927 // test compatibility between current HitForRec and "extrapHitForRec"
928 // 2 because 2 quantities in chi2
930 NormalizedChi2WithHitForRec(extrapHitForRec,
931 fMaxSigma2Distance)) <= 2.0) {
932 // both HitForRec's compatible:
933 // make track candidate from begSegment and current HitForRec
934 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
935 cout << "TrackCandidate with HitForRec " << iHit <<
936 " in Chamber(0..) " << ch << endl;
937 // flag for beginning segments in one track:
938 // to be done in track constructor ????
939 BegSegment->SetInTrack(kTRUE);
940 recTrack = new ((*fRecTracksPtr)[fNRecTracks])
941 AliMUONTrack(BegSegment, hit, this);
942 // the right place to eliminate "double counting" ???? how ????
944 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) recTrack->RecursiveDump();
945 // increment number of track candidates
948 } // for (iHit = iHitMin;...
949 delete extrapHitForRec;
950 } // for (ch = ch2;...
951 return nbCan1Seg1Hit;
954 //__________________________________________________________________________
955 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::MakeTrackCandidates(void)
957 // To make track candidates
958 // with at least 3 aligned points in stations(1..) 4 and 5
959 // (two Segment's or one Segment and one HitForRec)
960 Int_t begStation, iBegSegment, nbCan1Seg1Hit, nbCan2Seg;
961 AliMUONSegment *begSegment;
962 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "enter MakeTrackCandidates" << endl;
963 // Loop over stations(1..) 5 and 4 for the beginning segment
964 for (begStation = 4; begStation > 2; begStation--) {
965 // Loop over segments in the beginning station
966 for (iBegSegment = 0; iBegSegment < fNSegments[begStation]; iBegSegment++) {
967 // pointer to segment
968 begSegment = (AliMUONSegment*) ((*fSegmentsPtr[begStation])[iBegSegment]);
969 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
970 cout << "look for TrackCandidate's with Segment " << iBegSegment <<
971 " in Station(0..) " << begStation << endl;
972 // Look for track candidates with two segments,
973 // "begSegment" and all compatible segments in other station.
974 // Only for beginning station(1..) 5
975 // because candidates with 2 segments have to looked for only once.
977 nbCan2Seg = MakeTrackCandidatesWithTwoSegments(begSegment);
978 // Look for track candidates with one segment and one point,
979 // "begSegment" and all compatible HitForRec's in other station.
980 // Only if "begSegment" does not belong already to a track candidate.
981 // Is that a too strong condition ????
982 if (!(begSegment->GetInTrack()))
983 nbCan1Seg1Hit = MakeTrackCandidatesWithOneSegmentAndOnePoint(begSegment);
984 } // for (iBegSegment = 0;...
985 } // for (begStation = 4;...
989 //__________________________________________________________________________
990 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::FollowTracks(void)
992 // Follow tracks in stations(1..) 3, 2 and 1
993 // too long: should be made more modular !!!!
994 AliMUONHitForRec *bestHit, *extrapHit, *hit;
995 AliMUONSegment *bestSegment, *extrapSegment, *segment;
996 AliMUONTrack *track, *nextTrack;
997 AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam1, trackParam[2], trackParamVertex;
998 Int_t ch, chInStation, chBestHit, iHit, iSegment, station, trackIndex;
999 Double_t bestChi2, chi2, dZ1, dZ2, dZ3, maxSigma2Distance, mcsFactor;
1000 AliMUON *pMUON = (AliMUON*) gAlice->GetModule("MUON"); // necessary ????
1001 // local maxSigma2Distance, for easy increase in testing
1002 maxSigma2Distance = fMaxSigma2Distance;
1003 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
1004 cout << "enter FollowTracks" << endl;
1005 // Loop over track candidates
1006 track = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->First();
1009 // Follow function for each track candidate ????
1011 nextTrack = (AliMUONTrack*) fRecTracksPtr->After(track); // prepare next track
1012 if (fPrintLevel >= 2)
1013 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex << endl;
1014 // Fit track candidate
1015 track->SetFitMCS(0); // without multiple Coulomb scattering
1016 track->SetFitNParam(3); // with 3 parameters (X = Y = 0)
1017 track->SetFitStart(0); // from parameters at vertex
1019 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
1020 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex
1021 << " after fit in stations(0..) 3 and 4" << endl;
1022 track->RecursiveDump();
1024 // Loop over stations(1..) 3, 2 and 1
1025 // something SPECIAL for stations 2 and 1 for majority 3 coincidence ????
1026 // otherwise: majority coincidence 2 !!!!
1027 for (station = 2; station >= 0; station--) {
1028 // Track parameters at first track hit (smallest Z)
1029 trackParam1 = ((AliMUONTrackHit*)
1030 (track->GetTrackHitsPtr()->First()))->GetTrackParam();
1031 // extrapolation to station
1032 trackParam1->ExtrapToStation(station, trackParam);
1033 extrapSegment = new AliMUONSegment(); // empty segment
1034 // multiple scattering factor corresponding to one chamber
1035 // and momentum in bending plane (not total)
1036 mcsFactor = 0.0136 * trackParam1->GetInverseBendingMomentum();
1037 mcsFactor = fChamberThicknessInX0 * mcsFactor * mcsFactor;
1038 // Z difference from previous station
1039 dZ1 = (&(pMUON->Chamber(2 * station)))->Z() -
1040 (&(pMUON->Chamber(2 * station + 2)))->Z();
1041 // Z difference between the two previous stations
1042 dZ2 = (&(pMUON->Chamber(2 * station + 2)))->Z() -
1043 (&(pMUON->Chamber(2 * station + 4)))->Z();
1044 // Z difference between the two chambers in the previous station
1045 dZ3 = (&(pMUON->Chamber(2 * station)))->Z() -
1046 (&(pMUON->Chamber(2 * station + 1)))->Z();
1047 extrapSegment->SetBendingCoorReso2(fBendingResolution * fBendingResolution);
1049 SetNonBendingCoorReso2(fNonBendingResolution * fNonBendingResolution);
1050 extrapSegment->UpdateFromStationTrackParam
1051 (trackParam, mcsFactor, dZ1, dZ2, dZ3, station,
1052 trackParam1->GetInverseBendingMomentum());
1055 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
1056 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex
1057 << " Look for segment in station(0..): " << station << endl;
1059 // Loop over segments in station
1060 for (iSegment = 0; iSegment < fNSegments[station]; iSegment++) {
1061 // Look for best compatible Segment in station
1062 // should consider all possibilities ????
1063 // multiple scattering ????
1064 // separation in 2 functions: Segment and HitForRec ????
1065 segment = (AliMUONSegment*) ((*fSegmentsPtr[station])[iSegment]);
1066 chi2 = segment->NormalizedChi2WithSegment(extrapSegment, maxSigma2Distance);
1067 if (chi2 < bestChi2) {
1068 // update best Chi2 and Segment if better found
1069 bestSegment = segment;
1074 // best segment found: add it to track candidate
1075 track->AddSegment(bestSegment);
1076 // set track parameters at these two TrakHit's
1077 track->SetTrackParamAtHit(track->GetNTrackHits() - 2, &(trackParam[0]));
1078 track->SetTrackParamAtHit(track->GetNTrackHits() - 1, &(trackParam[1]));
1079 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
1080 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex
1081 << " Added segment in station(0..): " << station << endl;
1082 track->RecursiveDump();
1086 // No best segment found:
1087 // Look for best compatible HitForRec in station:
1088 // should consider all possibilities ????
1089 // multiple scattering ???? do about like for extrapSegment !!!!
1090 extrapHit = new AliMUONHitForRec(); // empty hit
1093 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
1094 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex
1095 << " Segment not found, look for hit in station(0..): " << station
1098 // Loop over chambers of the station
1099 for (chInStation = 0; chInStation < 2; chInStation++) {
1100 // coordinates of extrapolated hit
1102 SetBendingCoor((&(trackParam[chInStation]))->GetBendingCoor());
1104 SetNonBendingCoor((&(trackParam[chInStation]))->GetNonBendingCoor());
1105 // resolutions from "extrapSegment"
1106 extrapHit->SetBendingReso2(extrapSegment->GetBendingCoorReso2());
1107 extrapHit->SetNonBendingReso2(extrapSegment->GetNonBendingCoorReso2());
1108 // Loop over hits in the chamber
1109 ch = 2 * station + chInStation;
1110 for (iHit = fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch];
1111 iHit < fIndexOfFirstHitForRecPerChamber[ch] +
1112 fNHitsForRecPerChamber[ch];
1114 hit = (AliMUONHitForRec*) ((*fHitsForRecPtr)[iHit]);
1115 // condition for hit not already in segment ????
1116 chi2 = hit->NormalizedChi2WithHitForRec(extrapHit, maxSigma2Distance);
1117 if (chi2 < bestChi2) {
1118 // update best Chi2 and HitForRec if better found
1121 chBestHit = chInStation;
1126 // best hit found: add it to track candidate
1127 track->AddHitForRec(bestHit);
1128 // set track parameters at this TrackHit
1129 track->SetTrackParamAtHit(track->GetNTrackHits() - 1,
1130 &(trackParam[chBestHit]));
1131 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
1132 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex
1133 << " Added hit in station(0..): " << station << endl;
1134 track->RecursiveDump();
1138 // Remove current track candidate and update fNRecTracks
1139 // To be checked: recursive delete of TrackHit's !!!!
1140 // For cleaner implementation: call track->Remove()
1141 // to be coded, with all cleanings,
1142 // including links between HitForRec's and TrackHit's !!!!
1143 fRecTracksPtr->Remove(track);
1145 delete extrapSegment;
1146 break; // stop the search for this candidate:
1147 // exit from the loop over station
1150 delete extrapSegment;
1151 // Sort track hits according to increasing Z
1152 track->GetTrackHitsPtr()->Sort();
1153 // Update track parameters at first track hit (smallest Z)
1154 trackParam1 = ((AliMUONTrackHit*)
1155 (track->GetTrackHitsPtr()->First()))->GetTrackParam();
1157 // with multiple Coulomb scattering if all stations
1158 if (station == 0) track->SetFitMCS(1);
1159 // without multiple Coulomb scattering if not all stations
1160 else track->SetFitMCS(0);
1161 track->SetFitNParam(5); // with 5 parameters (momentum and position)
1162 track->SetFitStart(1); // from parameters at first hit
1164 if (fPrintLevel >= 10) {
1165 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex
1166 << " after fit from station(0..): " << station << " to 4" << endl;
1167 track->RecursiveDump();
1169 // Track extrapolation to the vertex through the absorber (Branson)
1170 // after going through the first station
1172 trackParamVertex = *trackParam1;
1173 (&trackParamVertex)->ExtrapToVertex();
1174 track->SetTrackParamAtVertex(&trackParamVertex);
1175 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) {
1176 cout << "FollowTracks: track candidate(0..): " << trackIndex
1177 << " after extrapolation to vertex" << endl;
1178 track->RecursiveDump();
1181 } // for (station = 2;...
1182 // go really to next track
1185 // Compression of track array (necessary after Remove ????)
1186 fRecTracksPtr->Compress();
1190 //__________________________________________________________________________
1191 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::EventDump(void)
1193 // Dump reconstructed event (track parameters at vertex and at first hit),
1194 // and the particle parameters
1196 AliMUONTrack *track;
1197 AliMUONTrackParam *trackParam, *trackParam1;
1198 TClonesArray *particles; // pointer to the particle list
1200 Double_t bendingSlope, nonBendingSlope, pYZ;
1201 Double_t pX, pY, pZ, x, y, z, c;
1202 Int_t np, trackIndex, nTrackHits;
1204 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) cout << "****** enter EventDump ******" << endl;
1205 if (fPrintLevel >= 1) {
1206 cout << " Number of Reconstructed tracks :" << fNRecTracks << endl;
1208 fRecTracksPtr->Compress(); // for simple loop without "Next" since no hole
1209 // Loop over reconstructed tracks
1210 for (trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < fNRecTracks; trackIndex++) {
1211 if (fPrintLevel >= 1)
1212 cout << " track number: " << trackIndex << endl;
1213 // function for each track for modularity ????
1214 track = (AliMUONTrack*) ((*fRecTracksPtr)[trackIndex]);
1215 nTrackHits = track->GetNTrackHits();
1216 if (fPrintLevel >= 1)
1217 cout << " number of track hits: " << nTrackHits << endl;
1218 // track parameters at Vertex
1219 trackParam = track->GetTrackParamAtVertex();
1220 x = trackParam->GetNonBendingCoor();
1221 y = trackParam->GetBendingCoor();
1222 z = trackParam->GetZ();
1223 bendingSlope = trackParam->GetBendingSlope();
1224 nonBendingSlope = trackParam->GetNonBendingSlope();
1225 pYZ = 1/TMath::Abs(trackParam->GetInverseBendingMomentum());
1226 pZ = pYZ/TMath::Sqrt(1+bendingSlope*bendingSlope);
1227 pX = pZ * nonBendingSlope;
1228 pY = pZ * bendingSlope;
1229 c = TMath::Sign(1.0, trackParam->GetInverseBendingMomentum());
1230 if (fPrintLevel >= 1)
1231 printf(" track parameters at Vertex z= %f: X= %f Y= %f pX= %f pY= %f pZ= %f c= %f\n",
1232 z, x, y, pX, pY, pZ, c);
1234 // track parameters at first hit
1235 trackParam1 = ((AliMUONTrackHit*)
1236 (track->GetTrackHitsPtr()->First()))->GetTrackParam();
1237 x = trackParam1->GetNonBendingCoor();
1238 y = trackParam1->GetBendingCoor();
1239 z = trackParam1->GetZ();
1240 bendingSlope = trackParam1->GetBendingSlope();
1241 nonBendingSlope = trackParam1->GetNonBendingSlope();
1242 pYZ = 1/TMath::Abs(trackParam1->GetInverseBendingMomentum());
1243 pZ = pYZ/TMath::Sqrt(1.0 + bendingSlope * bendingSlope);
1244 pX = pZ * nonBendingSlope;
1245 pY = pZ * bendingSlope;
1246 c = TMath::Sign(1.0, trackParam1->GetInverseBendingMomentum());
1247 if (fPrintLevel >= 1)
1248 printf(" track parameters at z= %f: X= %f Y= %f pX= %f pY= %f pZ= %f c= %f\n",
1249 z, x, y, pX, pY, pZ, c);
1251 // informations about generated particles
1252 particles = gAlice->Particles();
1253 np = particles->GetEntriesFast();
1254 printf(" **** number of generated particles: %d \n", np);
1256 for (Int_t iPart = 0; iPart < np; iPart++) {
1257 p = (TParticle*) particles->UncheckedAt(iPart);
1258 printf(" particle %d: type= %d px= %f py= %f pz= %f pdg= %d\n",
1259 iPart, p->GetPdgCode(), p->Px(), p->Py(), p->Pz(), p->GetPdgCode());
1264 void AliMUONEventReconstructor::Streamer(TBuffer &R__b)