1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 // AliMUONSDigitizerv1 digitizes hits from the input stream into s-digits.
21 // The s-digits are written to the s-digit tree TreeS.
22 // The same algorithm is implemented as for AliMUONDigitizerv1 however the
23 // chamber response is not applied to the s-digits and we write to TreeS and
26 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
28 #include "AliMUONSDigitizerv1.h"
30 #include "AliMUONLoader.h"
31 #include "AliMUONConstants.h"
32 #include "AliMUONChamber.h"
33 #include "AliMUONData.h"
34 #include "AliMUONDigit.h"
35 #include "AliMUONHit.h"
36 #include "AliMUONTransientDigit.h"
39 ClassImp(AliMUONSDigitizerv1)
41 //___________________________________________
42 AliMUONSDigitizerv1::AliMUONSDigitizerv1()
45 // Default ctor - don't use it
48 //___________________________________________
49 AliMUONSDigitizerv1::AliMUONSDigitizerv1(AliRunDigitizer* manager)
50 : AliMUONDigitizer(manager)
52 // ctor which should be used
55 //___________________________________________
56 AliMUONSDigitizerv1::~AliMUONSDigitizerv1()
61 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
62 void AliMUONSDigitizerv1::GenerateTransientDigits()
64 // Loops over all tracks and hits in the current selected event and calls
65 // MakeTransientDigitsFromHit for each hit.
66 // Note: Charge correlation is applied to the tracking chambers.
68 TTree* treeH = fGime->TreeH();
69 AliDebug(2, Form("Generating transient digits using treeH = 0x%X"
73 Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeH->GetEntries();
74 for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++)
76 AliDebug(3, Form("Processing track %d...", itrack));
77 fMUONData->ResetHits();
78 treeH->GetEvent(itrack);
81 TClonesArray* hits = fMUONData->Hits();
82 for (Int_t ihit = 0; ihit < hits->GetEntriesFast(); ihit++)
84 AliMUONHit* mHit = static_cast<AliMUONHit*>( hits->At(ihit) );
85 Int_t ichamber = mHit->Chamber()-1; // chamber number
86 if (ichamber > AliMUONConstants::NCh()-1)
88 AliError(Form("Hit 0x%X has a invalid chamber number: %d", ichamber));
92 //Dumping Hit content:
93 AliDebug(3,Form("Hit %d: chamber = %d\tX = %f\tY = %f\tZ = %f\teloss = %f",
94 ihit, mHit->Chamber(), mHit->X(), mHit->Y(), mHit->Z(), mHit->Eloss()
97 // Inititializing Correlation
98 AliMUONChamber& chamber = fMUON->Chamber(ichamber);
99 chamber.ChargeCorrelationInit();
100 if (ichamber < AliMUONConstants::NTrackingCh())
103 // Initialize hit position (cursor) in the segmentation model
104 if (GetSegmentation() == 1) // old segmentation
105 chamber.SigGenInit(mHit->X(), mHit->Y(), mHit->Z());
107 chamber.SigGenInit(mHit);
109 } // else do nothing for Trigger Chambers
111 MakeTransientDigitsFromHit(itrack, ihit, mHit);
116 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
117 void AliMUONSDigitizerv1::MakeTransientDigitsFromHit(Int_t track, Int_t iHit, AliMUONHit * mHit)
119 // This method is called for every hit in an event to generate AliMUONTransientDigits
120 // from the hit and add these to fTDList.
121 // The AliMUONChamber::DisIntegration method us used to figure out which pads are
122 // fired for a given hit. We then loop over the fired pads and add an AliMUONTransientDigit
125 AliDebug(4,Form("Making transient digit for hit number %d.", iHit));
128 // Calls the charge disintegration method of the current chamber
129 AliDebug(5,"Calling AliMUONChamber::DisIngtegration...");
131 Float_t newdigit[6][500]; // Pad information
132 Int_t nnew=0; // Number of touched Pads per hit
133 Int_t ichamber = mHit->Chamber()-1;
134 AliMUONChamber& chamber = fMUON->Chamber(ichamber);
135 if (GetSegmentation() == 1)
136 chamber.DisIntegration(mHit->Eloss(), mHit->Age(), mHit->X(), mHit->Y(), mHit->Z(), nnew, newdigit);
138 chamber.DisIntegration(mHit, nnew, newdigit);
140 // Creating new TransientDigits from hit
141 for(Int_t iTD = 0; iTD < nnew; iTD++)
146 digits[0] = Int_t(newdigit[1][iTD]); // Padx of the Digit
147 digits[1] = Int_t(newdigit[2][iTD]); // Pady of the Digit
148 digits[2] = Int_t(newdigit[5][iTD]); // Cathode plane
149 digits[3] = Int_t(newdigit[3][iTD]); // Induced charge in the Pad
153 digits[4] = Int_t(newdigit[3][iTD]); // Signal due to physics
157 charge = digits[3] + fMask;
158 digits[4] = 0; // No signal due to physics since this is now background.
160 digits[5] = iHit+fMask; // Hit number in the list
161 if (GetSegmentation() == 1)
164 digits[6] = mHit->DetElemId();
166 AliDebug(5,Form("MakeTransientDigitsFromHit",
167 "DisIntegration result %d: PadX %d\tPadY %d\tPlane %d\tCharge %d\tHit %d\tidDE %d",
168 iTD, digits[0], digits[1], digits[2], digits[3], digits[5], digits[6]));
170 AliMUONTransientDigit* mTD = new AliMUONTransientDigit(ichamber, digits);
171 mTD->AddToTrackList(track + fMask, charge);
173 OnCreateTransientDigit(mTD, mHit);
174 AddOrUpdateTransientDigit(mTD);
178 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 void AliMUONSDigitizerv1::AddDigit(Int_t chamber, Int_t tracks[kMAXTRACKS], Int_t charges[kMAXTRACKS], Int_t digits[7])
181 // Derived to write to the s-digit tree TreeS.
183 fMUONData->AddSDigit(chamber, tracks, charges, digits);
186 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
187 Int_t AliMUONSDigitizerv1::GetSignalFrom(AliMUONTransientDigit* td)
189 // Returns the transient digit signal as is without applying the chamber response.
190 AliDebug(4,"Returning TransientDigit signal.");
194 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 Bool_t AliMUONSDigitizerv1::InitOutputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader)
197 // Overridden to initialise the output tree to be TreeS rather than TreeD.
198 AliDebug(3,"Creating s-digits branch and setting the tree address.");
200 fMUONData->SetLoader(muonloader);
202 // New branch per chamber for MUON digit in the tree of digits
203 if (muonloader->TreeS() == NULL)
205 muonloader->MakeSDigitsContainer();
206 if (muonloader->TreeS() == NULL)
208 AliError("Could not create TreeS.");
213 fMUONData->MakeBranch("S");
214 fMUONData->SetTreeAddress("S");
219 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
220 void AliMUONSDigitizerv1::FillOutputData()
222 // Overridden to fill TreeS rather than TreeD.
224 AliDebug(3,"Filling trees with s-digits.");
225 fMUONData->Fill("S");
226 fMUONData->ResetSDigits();
229 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
230 void AliMUONSDigitizerv1::CleanupOutputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader)
232 // Overridden to write and then cleanup TreeS that was initialised in InitOutputData.
233 AliDebug(3,"Writing s-digits and releasing pointers.");
234 muonloader->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE");
235 fMUONData->ResetSDigits();
236 muonloader->UnloadSDigits();
239 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
240 Bool_t AliMUONSDigitizerv1::InitInputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader)
242 // Derived to initialise the input to read from TreeH the hits tree.
243 // If the hits are not loaded then we load the hits using the muon loader.
245 AliDebug(3, "Loading hits in READ mode and setting the tree address.");
247 fMUONData->SetLoader(muonloader);
249 if (muonloader->TreeH() == NULL)
251 muonloader->LoadHits("READ");
252 if (muonloader->TreeH() == NULL)
254 AliError("Can not load the hits tree.");
259 fMUONData->SetTreeAddress("H");
263 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 void AliMUONSDigitizerv1::CleanupInputData(AliMUONLoader* muonloader)
266 // Derived to release the loaded hits and unload them.
268 AliDebug(3, "Releasing loaded hits.");
269 fMUONData->ResetHits();
270 muonloader->UnloadHits();