1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
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11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
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14 **************************************************************************/
19 /// \file fastMUONGen.C
20 /// \brief An example how to use the AliGenMUONCocktailpp generator
21 /// without GEANT simulation of the detector
23 /// \author H. Woehri, A. De Falco, INFN Cagliari, April 2007
25 /// The macro switches on all decay modes for the resonances,
26 /// while for the minimum bias Pythia event we additionally
27 /// switch on the muonic decays of pions and Kaons
28 /// Its outcome can be further processed by the macro
31 #if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
32 #include "AliGenerator.h"
33 #include "AliRunLoader.h"
35 #include "AliHeader.h"
37 #include "AliGenCocktail.h"
38 #include "AliDecayerPythia.h"
40 #include "AliGenMUONCocktailpp.h"
42 #include "TParticle.h"
45 AliGenerator* CreateGeneratorMC(Int_t mult);
46 Int_t SetupOutputDirectory();
48 /// The third argument \em mult allows to select at a "pre-trigger" level
49 /// events with "mult" muons in the MUON detector's phase space
50 /// window, which is defined in the method "CreateGeneratorMC(Int_t mult)".
51 /// Note that in this routine also a cut on the muon's origin
52 /// should be placed in order not to trigger on muons from pi/K decays
53 /// that were decayed by Pythia way inside the absorber or in the muon
54 /// spectrometer itself
55 void fastMUONGen(Int_t nev = 1, char* filename = "galice.root", Int_t mult = 2)
57 Int_t runNumber = SetupOutputDirectory();
58 gAlice->SetRunNumber(runNumber);
59 printf("\n\n\n\nsetting run number to %d\n\n\n\n", runNumber);
62 AliPDG::AddParticlesToPdgDataBase();
64 AliRunLoader* rl = AliRunLoader::Open(filename,"FASTRUN","recreate");
65 rl->SetCompressionLevel(2);
66 rl->SetNumberOfEventsPerFile(10000);
67 rl->LoadKinematics("RECREATE");
69 gAlice->SetRunLoader(rl);
72 AliStack* stack = rl->Stack();
73 AliHeader* header = rl->GetHeader();
75 // Create and Initialize Generator
76 AliGenerator *gener = CreateGeneratorMC(mult);
77 gener->SetStack(stack);
80 for (int iev = 0; iev < nev; iev++) {
82 if(iev%1000 == 0) printf("Event %d\n", iev);
85 rl->SetEventNumber(iev);
92 Int_t npart = stack->GetNprimary();
93 for (Int_t part=0; part<npart; part++) {
94 TParticle *MPart = stack->Particle(part);
95 Int_t mpart = MPart->GetPdgCode();
96 printf("Particle %5d %5d %5d\n", part, mpart, MPart->GetFirstMother());
101 header->SetNprimary(stack->GetNprimary());
102 header->SetNtrack(stack->GetNtrack());
105 stack->FinishEvent();
106 header->SetStack(stack);
108 rl->WriteKinematics("OVERWRITE");
112 rl->WriteHeader("OVERWRITE");
116 //===============================================
117 AliGenerator* CreateGeneratorMC(Int_t mult)
119 AliGenMUONCocktailpp* gener = new AliGenMUONCocktailpp();
120 gener->SetPtRange(0.,100.);
121 gener->SetYRange(-4.,-2.4);
122 gener->SetPhiRange(0., 360.);
123 gener->SetMuonMultiplicity(mult);
124 gener->SetMuonPtCut(0.5);
125 gener->SetMuonThetaRange(171.,178.);
126 gener->SetOrigin(0.,0.,0.);
127 gener->SetSigma(0.,0.,5.);
128 gener->SetVertexSmear(kPerEvent);
129 //for resonances: "kAll" all decay modes are openend
130 gener->SetDecayModeResonance(kAll);
131 //for MC Pythia events: all decays, including muonic decays from pion and Kaons are opened
132 gener->SetDecayModePythia(kAllMuonic);
133 gener->SetMuonOriginCut(-130.); //prevent the trigger muon(s) from decaying after 130 cm
134 AliDecayerPythia* decayer = new AliDecayerPythia();
135 gener->SetDecayer(decayer);
138 //===============================================
139 Int_t SetupOutputDirectory(){
141 //Setting up the name for the output directory:
142 static Int_t sseed = 0; // Set 0 to use the current time
143 gRandom->SetSeed(sseed);
144 UInt_t theSeed = gRandom->GetSeed();
145 Int_t labIndex = 5; //1 subatech, 2 clermont, 3 Torino, 4 Orsay
146 // 5 Cagliari, etc...
147 Int_t runNumber = (theSeed%100000000 + 100000000*labIndex);
150 sprintf(name, "touch run_%d", runNumber);