]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - PDF/spdf/srctq22.F
New methods and data member added by M. Horner.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PDF / spdf / srctq22.F
1 *
2 * $Id$
3 *
4 * $Log$
5 * Revision  1996/10/30 08:30:54  cernlib
6 * Version 7.04
7 *
8 * Revision  1996/04/12 15:29:48  plothow
9 * Version 7.01
10 *
11 *
12 #include "pdf/pilot.h"
13 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
15      +                     DUPV,DDNV,DSEA,DSEAD,DSTR,DCHM,DBOT,DTOP,DGL)
16 C
17 C   ********************************************************************
18 C   *                                                                  *
19 C   *        Interface to CTEQset of structure functions               *
20 C   *                                                                  *
21 C   *        Author:    H. Plothow-Besch (CERN-PPE)                    *
22 C   *                                                                  *
23 C   ********************************************************************
24 C
25 C :::::::::::: Structure functions from Morfin and Wu-Ki Tung
26 C :::::::::::: Lambda = 0.213 GeV (MSb)  (CTEQ2M)
27 C
28 #include "pdf/expdp.inc"
30       REAL   X, Q
31       PARAMETER (ISET=1)
32 #include "pdf/w50511.inc"
33 C
34       X = DX
35       Q = DSCAL
36 C
37 C     generate the individual structure fcn calls
38 C
39       UPV = Ctq2pPd(ISET, 1,X,Q,IFL)
40       DUPV = UPV
41       DNV = Ctq2pPd(ISET, 2,X,Q,IFL)
42       DDNV = DNV
43       SEAU = Ctq2pPd(ISET,-1,X,Q,IFL)
44       DSEA = SEAU
45       SEAD = Ctq2pPd(ISET,-2,X,Q,IFL)
46       DSEAD = SEAD
47       STR = Ctq2pPd(ISET,-3,X,Q,IFL)
48       DSTR = STR
49       CHM = Ctq2pPd(ISET,-4,X,Q,IFL)
50       DCHM = CHM
51       BOT = Ctq2pPd(ISET,-5,X,Q,IFL)
52       DBOT = BOT
53       TOP = 0.
54       IF (DSCAL.GT.TMAS) TOP = Ctq2pPd(ISET,-6,X,Q,IFL)
55       DTOP = TOP
56       GL = Ctq2pPd(ISET, 0,X,Q,IFL)
57       DGL = GL
58 C
59       RETURN
60       END