1 #ifndef AliPHOSRecCpvManager_H
2 #define AliPHOSRecCpvManager_H
3 /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
6 //_________________________________________________________________________
7 // Class for the management of the CPV reconstruction.
8 // Author : Boris Polichtchouk (IHEP, Protvino)
11 #include "AliPHOSRecManager.h"
12 //class AliPHOSGeometry ;
14 class AliPHOSRecCpvManager : public AliPHOSRecManager {
18 AliPHOSRecCpvManager();
19 ~AliPHOSRecCpvManager(void);
22 void AG(Float_t e, Float_t dx, Float_t dy, Float_t& a, Float_t& gradx, Float_t& grady );
23 Float_t Dispersion(Float_t etot, Float_t ai) const;
25 Float_t OneGamChi2(Float_t ai, Float_t ei, Float_t etot, Float_t& gi) const ;
26 Float_t TwoGamChi2(Float_t ai, Float_t ei, Float_t etot, Float_t& gi) const ;
28 Float_t OneGamChisqCut() const { return fOneGamChisqCut; }
29 Float_t OneGamInitialStep() const { return fOneGamInitialStep; }
30 Float_t OneGamChisqMin() const { return fOneGamChisqMin; }
31 Float_t OneGamStepMin() const { return fOneGamStepMin; }
32 Int_t OneGamNumOfIterations() const { return fOneGamNumOfIterations; }
34 Float_t TwoGamInitialStep() const { return fTwoGamInitialStep; }
35 Float_t TwoGamChisqMin() const { return fTwoGamChisqMin; }
36 Float_t TwoGamEmin() const { return fTwoGamEmin; }
37 Float_t TwoGamStepMin() const { return fTwoGamStepMin; }
38 Int_t TwoGamNumOfIterations() const { return fTwoGamNumOfIterations; }
40 Float_t KillGamMinEnergy() const { return fThr0; }
41 Float_t MergeGammasMinDistanceCut() const { return fSqdCut; }
43 void SetTwoPointsMinDistance(Float_t dist) { fSqdCut=dist; }
44 void SetPointMinEnergy(Float_t emin) { fThr0=emin; }
48 Float_t Fcml(Float_t x, Float_t y); // what is it ?
49 Float_t GradX(Float_t x, Float_t y); // what is it ?
50 Float_t GradY(Float_t x, Float_t y); // what is it ?
52 Float_t fOneGamChisqCut; // what is it ?
54 Float_t fOneGamInitialStep; // what is it ?
55 Float_t fOneGamChisqMin; // what is it ?
56 Float_t fOneGamStepMin; // what is it ?
57 Int_t fOneGamNumOfIterations; // what is it ?
59 Float_t fTwoGamInitialStep; // what is it ?
60 Float_t fTwoGamChisqMin; // what is it ?
61 Float_t fTwoGamEmin; // what is it ?
62 Float_t fTwoGamStepMin; // what is it ?
63 Int_t fTwoGamNumOfIterations; // what is it ?
65 Float_t fThr0; // what is it ?
66 Float_t fSqdCut; // what is it ?
68 ClassDef(AliPHOSRecCpvManager,1) // CPV reconstruction management class
72 #endif // AliPHOSRecCpvManager_H