1 void Digits2RecParticles(){
2 gSystem->Setenv("CONFIG_SPLIT_FILE","1") ;
4 TFile * fRootFile = TFile::Open("galice.root","update");
6 //========== Get AliRun object from file
7 gAlice = (AliRun*) fRootFile->Get("gAlice") ;
9 //=========== Get the PHOS object and associated geometry from the file
10 AliPHOSv1 * fPHOS = (AliPHOSv1 *)gAlice->GetDetector("PHOS") ;
11 AliPHOSGeometry * fGeom = AliPHOSGeometry::GetInstance( fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetName(), fPHOS->GetGeometry()->GetTitle() );
13 AliPHOSIndexToObject * fObjGetter = AliPHOSIndexToObject::GetInstance(fPHOS) ;
17 //========== Create the Clusterizer
18 AliPHOSClusterizerv1 * fClu = new AliPHOSClusterizerv1() ;
20 //========== Creates the track segment maker
21 AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1 * fTrs = new AliPHOSTrackSegmentMakerv1() ;
22 // fTrs->UnsetUnfoldFlag() ;
24 //========== Creates the particle identifier
25 AliPHOSPIDv1* fPID = new AliPHOSPIDv1() ;
26 fPID->SetShowerProfileCuts(0.3, 1.8, 0.3, 1.8 ) ;
28 //========== Creates the Reconstructioner
29 AliPHOSReconstructor * fRec = new AliPHOSReconstructor(fClu, fTrs, fPID) ;
30 // fRec -> SetDebugReconstruction(kTRUE);
34 gAlice->TreeD()->GetEvent(0) ;
36 if (gSystem->Getenv("CONFIG_SPLIT_FILE"))
37 if(gAlice->TreeR() == 0) gAlice->MakeTree("R","Reco.PHOS.root");
39 if(gAlice->TreeR() == 0) gAlice->MakeTree("R");
41 //=========== Do the reconstruction
42 fPHOS->Reconstruction(fRec);