]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - PHOS/PHOS-HTML/index.html
fix problem with fXpos11 in LoadXPos (Philippe C., thanks to Christian)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PHOS / PHOS-HTML / index.html
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67             <table align=center>
68               <tr>
69                 <td align=right>
70                   <h3> <font color="#FF0000"> Introduction </font> </h3>
71                 </td>
72                 <td valign=baseline>
73                   <a href="introduction.html" onMouseOver="Bouton0.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton0.src = image0.src">
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76               </tr>
77               <tr>
78                 <td align=right>
79                   <h3> <font color="#FF0000"> PHOS Simulations </font> </h3>
80                 </td>
81                 <td valign=baseline>
82                   <a href="simulation.html" onMouseOver="Bouton1.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton1.src = image1.src">
83                     <img SRC="./images/tournesol.jpg" NAME="Bouton1" BORDER="0" WIDTH="44" HEIGHT="30"></a>
84                 </td>
85               </tr>
86               <tr>
87                 <td align=right>
88                   <h3> <font color="#FF0000"> Event Generator </font></h3>
89                 </td>
90                 <td valign=baseline>
91                   <a href="generator.html" onMouseOver="Bouton2.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton2.src = image3.src">
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93                 </td>
94               </tr> 
95               <tr>
96                 <td align=right>
97                   <h3> <font color="#FF0000"> PHOS Reconstruction</font></h3>
98                 </td>
99                 <td valign=baseline>
100                   <a href="reconstruction.html"  onMouseOver="Bouton3.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton3.src = image5.src">
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102                 </td>
103               </tr>
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105                 <td align=right>
106                   <h3> <font color="#FF0000"> Fast simulation</font></h3>
107                 </td>
108                 <td valign=baseline>
109                   <a href="fastsimulation.html"  onMouseOver="Bouton4.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton4.src = image7.src">
110                     <img SRC="./images/ufi.jpg" NAME="Bouton4" BORDER="0" WIDTH="44" HEIGHT="30"></a>        
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116             <table>
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118                 <td> 
119                   <a href="./html/ClassIndex.html"  onMouseOver="Bouton6.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton6.src = image9.src">
120                     <img SRC="./images/rootlogo.gif" NAME="Bouton6" BORDER="0" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="60"></a>           
121                 </td>
122                 <td align = right>
123                   <h1> The Root generated documentation </h1>
124                 </td>
125               </tr>
126               <tr> 
127                 <td> 
128                   <a href="http://AliSoft.cern.ch/cgi-bin/cvsweb/"  onMouseOver="Bouton7.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton7.src = image10.src">
129                     <img SRC="./images/CVS_name.gif" NAME="Bouton7" BORDER="0" WIDTH="120" HEIGHT="60"></a>          
130                 </td>
131                 <td align = right>
132                   <h1> The CVS server at CERN </h1>
133                 </td>
134               </tr>
135               <tr> 
136                 <td> 
137                   <a href="./images/usecase.gif"  onMouseOver="Bouton9.src = image2.src" onMouseOut="Bouton9.src = image11.src">
138                     <img SRC="./images/usecase.gif" NAME="Bouton9" BORDER="0" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="60"></a>            
139                 </td>
140                 <td align = right>
141                   <h1> The Use Case (UML) </h1>
142                 </td>
143               </tr>
144             </table>
145           </td>
146         </tr>
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149       <address class="left">
150         &copy; <a href="mailto:schutz@in2p3.fr">Groupe Photons Subatech</a> <a href="http://www-subatech.in2p3.fr/~photons/subatech/en_index.shtml">[Go
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154         <!-- Created: Tue Oct 26 19:52:56 CEST 1999 -->
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