]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - PWGHF/base/runAnalysisTaskPtMothFromPtDaug.C
Update from Prabhat - DptDpt Corr
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGHF / base / runAnalysisTaskPtMothFromPtDaug.C
1 void runAnalysisTaskPtMothFromPtDaug(TH1F* histPtDaug=0x0, 
2          Bool_t readKineFromNtupla=kTRUE,const char* galiceList="galice.txt")
3  {
4 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
5 //  Run-macro to extract pt-spectra (and ptMin-spectra) for mothers        //
6 //  input: 1) pT histogram of daughter particles                           //
7 //         2) boolean flag:kFALSE -> read Kinematics.root to evaluate      //
8 //                                 correction factors, create a TNtuple    //
9 //                                 with kinematic informations of mothers  //
10 //                                 and daughters and store it in the file  //
11 //                                 "DecayKine.root"                        //
12 //                         kTRUE  -> read the TNtupla from the file        //
13 //                                 "DecayKine.root" (after it is created)  //
14 //                                 to evaluate correction factors          //
15 //         3) name of file with the list of "galice.root" files to read    //
16 //            kinematics (not needed after the TNtupla is created)         //
17 //                                                                         //
18 //  output: 1) file Mothers.root which contains pt-spectra and ptMin       //
19 //             spectra of mothers particles                                //  
20 //          2) TNtupla with kinematic informations (optional)              //
21 //                                                                         //
22 //      Origin:  Giuseppe.Bruno@ba.infn.it, Fiorella.Fionda@ba.infn.it     //
23 //                                                                         //   
24 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
26   char *ntuplaFileName = "DecayKine.root"; // default name of the Ntupla
27   char *mode = "local"; // analysis mode (select local or proof) 
28   char *dataset = "/COMMON/COMMON/LHC09a14_0.9TeV_0.5T"; // define dataset for proof
30   if(mode == "proof") loadLib();   
31   else{
32   gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS.so"); 
33   gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice.so");           
34   gSystem->Load("libPWGHFbase.so");
35   }
36   // Set AliPtMothFromPtDaugh object 
37   AliPtMothFromPtDaugh *ptExtr = new AliPtMothFromPtDaugh();
38   ptExtr->SetDefaultAnalysis(AliPtMothFromPtDaugh::kBtoJPSI);
39   ptExtr->SetBinsPtMoth(0.,10,20,1);
40   ptExtr->SetBinsPtMinMoth(0.,10,20,1);
41   ptExtr->SetEtaMothers(-1.5,1.5);
42   ptExtr->SetEtaDaughter(-1.,1.);
43   if(!ptExtr->ReadHistoPtDaught(histPtDaug))
44      { printf("Daughter pt-Histogram is not defined \n"); return; }
45   if(!ptExtr->CreateWeights()) return;
46   //
47   // create Analysis manager with MC and Input handlers
48   //
49   AliAnalysisManager *mgr  = new AliAnalysisManager("mgr", "Analysis Manager");
50   AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler();
51   mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler);
52   AliInputEventHandler *inputHandler =0x0; 
53   mgr->SetInputEventHandler(inputHandler);
55   TChain *chain=0x0;
56   if(mode=="local"){
57   if(!readKineFromNtupla) chain = CreateChain(galiceList); // create a chain with galice.root files
58   else  mgr->SetExternalLoop(kTRUE); // to abort event loop when Ntupla is already created
59   }
60   //
61   // create task and add it to the manager
62   //
63   AliAnalysisTaskPtMothFromPtDaugh *task = new AliAnalysisTaskPtMothFromPtDaugh(readKineFromNtupla);
64   task->SetPtMothFromPtDaugh(ptExtr); // set AliPtMothFromPtDaugh object to the task
65   task->SetNtuplaFileName(ntuplaFileName);
66   mgr->AddTask(task);  
67    //
68    // create input / output containers
69    //
70   AliAnalysisDataContainer *cOutput = mgr->CreateContainer("Mothers", TList::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer,"Mothers.root");
71   mgr->ConnectOutput(task, 1, cOutput);
72   // optional output for TNtupla
73   AliAnalysisDataContainer *cOutput1 = 0x0;
74   if(!readKineFromNtupla){
75   cOutput1 = mgr->CreateContainer("DecayKine", TNtuple::Class(), AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer,ntuplaFileName);
76   mgr->ConnectInput(task,  0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer());
77   mgr->ConnectOutput(task,2,cOutput1);
78   }
79   //
80   // run analysis locally
81   //
82   Int_t result=mgr->InitAnalysis();
83   if (!result){
84     Error("RunAnalysis","Could not initialise Analysis.");
85     return 0;
86   }
87   mgr->PrintStatus();
88   if(mode=="local") mgr->StartAnalysis(mode,chain);
89   else if(mode=="proof") mgr->StartAnalysis(mode,dataset);
90   if(readKineFromNtupla) mgr->Terminate();
91   return;
92  }
94 TChain *CreateChain(const char* galiceName)
95  {
96   //
97   // Create a chain from a list of galice.root
98   //
99   ifstream in;
100   in.open(galiceName);
101   if (!in.is_open()) return 0x0;
102   TChain *chain=new TChain("TE");
103   TString line;
104    while(in.good()) {
105      in >> line;
106      if (!line.IsNull()) chain->AddFile(line);
107      }
108   return chain;
109  }
111 void loadLib(){
112 printf("****** Connect to PROOF *******\n");
113 gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy","2");
114 TProof::Open("alicecaf.cern.ch");
115 gProof->UploadPackage("STEERBase.par");
116 gProof->EnablePackage("STEERBase.par");
117 gProof->UploadPackage("ESD.par");
118 gProof->EnablePackage("ESD.par");
119 gProof->UploadPackage("AOD.par");
120 gProof->EnablePackage("AOD.par");
121 gProof->UploadPackage("ANALYSIS.par");
122 gProof->EnablePackage("ANALYSIS.par");
123 gProof->UploadPackage("ANALYSISalice.par");
124 gProof->EnablePackage("ANALYSISalice.par");
125 gProof->UploadPackage("PWG3base.par");
126 gProof->EnablePackage("PWG3base.par");
127 }