1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
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14 **************************************************************************/
16 // Class for spectrum correction
17 // Subtraction of hadronic background, Unfolding of the data and
18 // Renormalization done here
19 // For more information see the implementation file
34 class AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA : public TNamed{
52 kFinalResultUnfolded = 14,
53 kFinalResultDirectEfficiency = 15,
54 kFinalResultUnfSparse = 16,
55 kFinalResultDirectEffSparse = 17,
61 enum EfficiencyCorrection_t{
67 void AddResultAt(TObject *obj,Int_t index);
68 TObject *GetResult(Int_t index);
70 void DrawProjections() const;
71 void DrawSubtractContamination() const;
72 void DrawCorrectWithEfficiency(Int_t typeeff) const;
73 void DrawUnfolding() const;
76 void SetStyle() const;
77 void SetWriteToFile(Bool_t writetofile) {fWriteToFile=writetofile; };
78 void SetPtMax(Double_t ptmax) {fPtMax = ptmax; };
81 TH1D *DivideSpectra(TGraphErrors *ga, TGraphErrors *gb);
84 AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA();
85 AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA(const char* name);
86 ~AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA();
92 static const Char_t* fgkNameCanvas[kNTypeEfficiency]; // Name of canvas
94 AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA(const AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA &);
95 AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA &operator=(const AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA &);
97 Double_t fPtMax; // Pt max to plot
98 TObjArray *fListOfResult; // ListOfResults
99 Bool_t fWriteToFile; // Write plots to eps files
101 ClassDef(AliHFEBeautySpectrumQA, 1)