2 /**************************************************************************
3 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
5 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
6 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
8 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
9 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
10 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
11 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
12 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
13 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
14 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
15 **************************************************************************/
17 // Class for spectrum correction
18 // Subtraction of hadronic background, Unfolding of the data and
19 // Renormalization done here
20 // The following containers have to be set:
21 // - Correction framework container for real data
22 // - Correction framework container for MC (Efficiency Map)
23 // - Correction framework container for background coming from data
24 // - Correction framework container for background coming from MC
27 // Raphaelle Bailhache <R.Bailhache@gsi.de>
28 // Markus Fasel <M.Fasel@gsi.de>
34 #include <TObjArray.h>
41 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
48 #include "AliCFContainer.h"
49 #include "AliCFDataGrid.h"
50 #include "AliCFEffGrid.h"
51 #include "AliCFGridSparse.h"
52 #include "AliCFUnfolding.h"
55 #include "AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase.h"
56 #include "AliHFEcuts.h"
57 #include "AliHFEcontainer.h"
58 #include "AliHFEtools.h"
60 ClassImp(AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase)
62 //____________________________________________________________
63 AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase(const char *name):
65 fCFContainers(new TObjArray(kNbCFContainers)),
67 fEfficiencyFunction(NULL),
69 fSetSmoothing(kFALSE),
75 fStepBeforeCutsV0(-1),
77 fStepGuessedUnfolding(-1),
78 fNumberOfIterations(10),
79 fChargeChoosen(kAllCharge),
80 fTestCentralityLow(-1),
81 fTestCentralityHigh(-1)
84 // Default constructor
87 memset(fEtaRange, 0, sizeof(Double_t) * 2);
88 memset(fEtaRangeNorm, 0, sizeof(Double_t) * 2);
89 memset(fDims, 0, sizeof(Double_t) * 3);
93 //____________________________________________________________
94 AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase(const AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase &ref):
98 fEfficiencyFunction(NULL),
99 fEtaSelected(ref.fEtaSelected),
100 fSetSmoothing(ref.fSetSmoothing),
101 fNbDimensions(ref.fNbDimensions),
102 fNEvents(ref.fNEvents),
103 fStepMC(ref.fStepMC),
104 fStepTrue(ref.fStepTrue),
105 fStepData(ref.fStepData),
106 fStepBeforeCutsV0(ref.fStepBeforeCutsV0),
107 fStepAfterCutsV0(ref.fStepAfterCutsV0),
108 fStepGuessedUnfolding(ref.fStepGuessedUnfolding),
109 fNumberOfIterations(ref.fNumberOfIterations),
110 fChargeChoosen(ref.fChargeChoosen),
111 fTestCentralityLow(ref.fTestCentralityLow),
112 fTestCentralityHigh(ref.fTestCentralityHigh)
120 //____________________________________________________________
121 AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase &AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::operator=(const AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase &ref){
123 // Assignment operator
129 //____________________________________________________________
130 void AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::Copy(TObject &o) const {
132 // Copy into object o
134 AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase &target = dynamic_cast<AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase &>(o);
135 target.fCFContainers = fCFContainers;
136 target.fCorrelation = fCorrelation;
137 target.fEfficiencyFunction = fEfficiencyFunction;
138 target.fEtaSelected = fEtaSelected;
139 target.fSetSmoothing = fSetSmoothing;
140 target.fNbDimensions = fNbDimensions;
141 target.fNEvents = fNEvents;
142 target.fStepMC = fStepMC;
143 target.fStepTrue = fStepTrue;
144 target.fStepData = fStepData;
145 target.fStepBeforeCutsV0 = fStepBeforeCutsV0;
146 target.fStepAfterCutsV0 = fStepAfterCutsV0;
147 target.fStepGuessedUnfolding = fStepGuessedUnfolding;
148 target.fNumberOfIterations = fNumberOfIterations;
149 target.fChargeChoosen = fChargeChoosen;
150 target.fTestCentralityLow = fTestCentralityLow;
151 target.fTestCentralityHigh = fTestCentralityHigh;
152 target.fDims[0] = fDims[0];
153 target.fDims[1] = fDims[1];
154 target.fDims[2] = fDims[2];
155 target.fEtaRange[0] = fEtaRange[0];
156 target.fEtaRange[1] = fEtaRange[1];
157 target.fEtaRangeNorm[0] = fEtaRangeNorm[0];
158 target.fEtaRangeNorm[1] = fEtaRangeNorm[1];
162 //____________________________________________________________
163 AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::~AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase(){
167 if(fCFContainers) delete fCFContainers;
170 //__________________________________________________________________________________
171 TGraphErrors *AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::Normalize(THnSparse * const spectrum) const {
173 // Normalize the spectrum to 1/(2*Pi*p_{T})*dN/dp_{T} (GeV/c)^{-2}
174 // Give the final pt spectrum to be compared
179 TH1D* projection = spectrum->Projection(0);
180 AliHFEtools::NormaliseBinWidth(projection);
181 TGraphErrors *graphError = NormalizeTH1(projection);
190 //__________________________________________________________________________________
191 TGraphErrors *AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::Normalize(AliCFDataGrid * const spectrum) const {
193 // Normalize the spectrum to 1/(2*Pi*p_{T})*dN/dp_{T} (GeV/c)^{-2}
194 // Give the final pt spectrum to be compared
198 TH1D* projection = (TH1D *) spectrum->Project(0);
199 AliHFEtools::NormaliseBinWidth(projection);
200 TGraphErrors *graphError = NormalizeTH1(projection);
210 //__________________________________________________________________________________
211 TGraphErrors *AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::NormalizeTH1(TH1 *input) const {
213 // Normalize the spectrum to 1/(2*Pi*p_{T})*dN/dp_{T} (GeV/c)^{-2}
214 // Give the final pt spectrum to be compared
216 Double_t chargecoefficient = 0.5;
217 if(fChargeChoosen != 0) chargecoefficient = 1.0;
219 Double_t etarange = fEtaSelected ? fEtaRangeNorm[1] - fEtaRangeNorm[0] : 1.6;
220 printf("Normalizing Eta Range %f\n", etarange);
221 printf("Number of events in Normalisation: %d\n", fNEvents);
222 AliDebug(3, Form("charge coefficient: %f\n", chargecoefficient));
225 TGraphErrors *spectrumNormalized = new TGraphErrors(input->GetNbinsX());
226 Double_t p = 0, dp = 0; Int_t point = 1;
227 Double_t n = 0, dN = 0;
228 Double_t nCorr = 0, dNcorr = 0;
229 //Double_t errdN = 0, errdp = 0;
231 for(Int_t ibin = input->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); ibin <= input->GetXaxis()->GetLast(); ibin++){
232 point = ibin - input->GetXaxis()->GetFirst();
233 p = input->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ibin);
234 dp = input->GetXaxis()->GetBinWidth(ibin)/2.;
235 n = input->GetBinContent(ibin);
236 AliDebug(6, Form("p: %f, n: %e\n", p, n));
237 dN = input->GetBinError(ibin);
239 nCorr = chargecoefficient * 1./etarange * 1./(Double_t)(fNEvents) * 1./(2. * TMath::Pi() * p) * n;
240 errdN = 1./(2. * TMath::Pi() * p);
241 //errdp = 1./(2. * TMath::Pi() * p*p) * n;
242 //dNcorr = chargecoefficient * 1./etarange * 1./(Double_t)(fNEvents) * TMath::Sqrt(errdN * errdN * dN *dN + errdp *errdp * dp *dp);
243 dNcorr = chargecoefficient * 1./etarange * 1./(Double_t)(fNEvents) * TMath::Sqrt(errdN * errdN * dN *dN);
245 spectrumNormalized->SetPoint(point, p, nCorr);
246 spectrumNormalized->SetPointError(point, dp, dNcorr);
248 spectrumNormalized->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T} [GeV/c]");
249 spectrumNormalized->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#frac{1}{2 #pi p_{T}} #frac{dN}{dp_{T}} / [GeV/c]^{-2}");
250 spectrumNormalized->SetMarkerStyle(22);
251 spectrumNormalized->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
252 spectrumNormalized->SetLineColor(kBlue);
254 return spectrumNormalized;
262 //____________________________________________________________
263 void AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::SetContainer(AliCFContainer *cont, AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::CFContainer_t type){
265 // Set the container for a given step to the
267 if(!fCFContainers) fCFContainers = new TObjArray(kNbCFContainers);
268 fCFContainers->AddAt(cont, type);
271 //____________________________________________________________
272 AliCFContainer *AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::GetContainer(AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::CFContainer_t type){
274 // Get Correction Framework Container for given type
276 if(!fCFContainers) return NULL;
277 return dynamic_cast<AliCFContainer *>(fCFContainers->At(type));
279 //____________________________________________________________
280 AliCFContainer *AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::GetSlicedContainer(AliCFContainer *container, Int_t nDim, Int_t *dimensions,Int_t source,Chargetype_t charge, Int_t centralitylow, Int_t centralityhigh, Bool_t doCentralityProjection) {
282 // Slice bin for a given source of electron
283 // nDim is the number of dimension the corrections are done
284 // dimensions are the definition of the dimensions
285 // source is if we want to keep only one MC source (-1 means we don't cut on the MC source)
286 // positivenegative if we want to keep positive (1) or negative (0) or both (-1)
287 // centrality (-1 means we do not cut on centrality)
289 const double kVerySmall = 1e-5;
291 Double_t *varMin = new Double_t[container->GetNVar()],
292 *varMax = new Double_t[container->GetNVar()];
295 for(Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < container->GetNVar(); ivar++){
297 binLimits = new Double_t[container->GetNBins(ivar)+1];
298 container->GetBinLimits(ivar,binLimits);
299 varMin[ivar] = binLimits[0];
300 varMax[ivar] = binLimits[container->GetNBins(ivar)];
303 if((source>= 0) && (source<container->GetNBins(ivar))) {
304 varMin[ivar] = container->GetAxis(4,0)->GetBinLowEdge(container->GetAxis(4,0)->FindBin(binLimits[source]));
305 varMax[ivar] = container->GetAxis(4,0)->GetBinUpEdge(container->GetAxis(4,0)->FindBin(binLimits[source]));
310 if(charge != kAllCharge){
311 varMin[ivar] = container->GetAxis(3,0)->GetBinLowEdge(container->GetAxis(3,0)->FindBin(charge));
312 varMax[ivar] = container->GetAxis(3,0)->GetBinUpEdge(container->GetAxis(3,0)->FindBin(charge));
317 for(Int_t ic = 1; ic <= container->GetAxis(1,0)->GetLast(); ic++)
318 AliDebug(1, Form("eta bin %d, min %f, max %f\n", ic, container->GetAxis(1,0)->GetBinLowEdge(ic), container->GetAxis(1,0)->GetBinUpEdge(ic)));
320 varMin[ivar] = fEtaRange[0];
321 varMax[ivar] = fEtaRange[1];
325 fEtaRangeNorm[0] = container->GetAxis(1,0)->GetBinLowEdge(container->GetAxis(1,0)->FindBin(fEtaRange[0]));
326 fEtaRangeNorm[1] = container->GetAxis(1,0)->GetBinUpEdge(container->GetAxis(1,0)->FindBin(fEtaRange[1]));
327 AliInfo(Form("Normalization done in eta range [%f,%f]\n", fEtaRangeNorm[0], fEtaRangeNorm[1]));
331 if((centralitylow>= 0) && (centralitylow<container->GetNBins(ivar)) && (centralityhigh>= 0) && (centralityhigh<container->GetNBins(ivar)) && doCentralityProjection) {
332 varMin[ivar] = binLimits[centralitylow]+ kVerySmall;
333 varMax[ivar] = binLimits[centralityhigh]+ kVerySmall;
335 TAxis *axistest = container->GetAxis(5,0);
336 AliDebug(1, Form("Number of bin in centrality direction %d\n",axistest->GetNbins()));
337 AliDebug(1, Form("Project from %f to %f\n",binLimits[centralitylow],binLimits[centralityhigh]));
338 Double_t lowcentrality = axistest->GetBinLowEdge(axistest->FindBin(binLimits[centralitylow]));
339 Double_t highcentrality = axistest->GetBinUpEdge(axistest->FindBin(binLimits[centralityhigh]));
340 AliDebug(1, Form("Low centrality %f and high centrality %f\n",lowcentrality,highcentrality));
344 // Protect varmax against overflow
345 if(TMath::Abs(varMax[ivar] - binLimits[container->GetNBins(ivar)]) < kVerySmall){
346 AliInfo("Protection against overflow bin");
347 varMax[ivar] -= kVerySmall;
349 if(varMax[ivar] > binLimits[container->GetNBins(ivar)]){
350 AliError("Upper limit exceeds allowed range");
351 varMax[ivar] = binLimits[container->GetNBins(ivar)] - kVerySmall;
354 // Protect varmin against overflow
355 if(TMath::Abs(varMin[ivar] - binLimits[container->GetNBins(ivar)]) < kVerySmall){
356 AliInfo("Protection against overflow bin");
357 varMin[ivar] -= kVerySmall;
359 if(varMin[ivar] > binLimits[container->GetNBins(ivar)]){
360 AliError("Upper limit exceeds allowed range");
361 varMin[ivar] = binLimits[container->GetNBins(ivar)] - kVerySmall;
363 AliDebug(1, Form("variable %d: Settting limits to %f and %f\n", ivar, varMin[ivar], varMax[ivar]));
368 AliCFContainer *k = container->MakeSlice(nDim, dimensions, varMin, varMax);
369 delete[] varMin; delete[] varMax;
375 //_________________________________________________________________________
376 THnSparseF *AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::GetSlicedCorrelation(THnSparseF *correlationmatrix, Int_t nDim, Int_t *dimensions,Chargetype_t charge,Int_t centralitylow, Int_t centralityhigh, Bool_t doCentralityProjection) const {
381 Int_t ndimensions = correlationmatrix->GetNdimensions();
382 //printf("Number of dimension %d correlation map\n",ndimensions);
383 if(ndimensions < (2*nDim)) {
384 AliError("Problem in the dimensions");
388 // Cut in centrality is centrality > -1
389 if((5+((Int_t)(ndimensions/2.))) < ndimensions) {
390 if((centralitylow >=0) && (centralityhigh >=0)) {
392 TAxis *axiscentrality0 = correlationmatrix->GetAxis(5);
393 TAxis *axiscentrality1 = correlationmatrix->GetAxis(5+((Int_t)(ndimensions/2.)));
395 Int_t bins0 = axiscentrality0->GetNbins();
396 Int_t bins1 = axiscentrality1->GetNbins();
398 AliDebug(1, Form("Number of centrality bins: %d and %d\n",bins0,bins1));
400 AliError("Problem in the dimensions");
404 if((centralitylow>= 0) && (centralitylow<bins0) && (centralityhigh>= 0) && (centralityhigh<bins0) && doCentralityProjection) {
405 axiscentrality0->SetRangeUser(centralitylow,centralityhigh);
406 axiscentrality1->SetRangeUser(centralitylow,centralityhigh);
408 Double_t lowcentrality0 = axiscentrality0->GetBinLowEdge(axiscentrality0->FindBin(centralitylow));
409 Double_t highcentrality0 = axiscentrality0->GetBinUpEdge(axiscentrality0->FindBin(centralityhigh));
410 Double_t lowcentrality1 = axiscentrality1->GetBinLowEdge(axiscentrality1->FindBin(centralitylow));
411 Double_t highcentrality1 = axiscentrality1->GetBinUpEdge(axiscentrality1->FindBin(centralityhigh));
412 AliDebug(1,Form("0 Low centrality %f and high centrality %f\n",lowcentrality0,highcentrality0));
413 AliDebug(1,Form("1 Low centrality %f and high centrality %f\n",lowcentrality1,highcentrality1));
421 if((1+((Int_t)(ndimensions/2.))) < ndimensions) {
423 TAxis *axiseta0 = correlationmatrix->GetAxis(1);
424 TAxis *axiseta1 = correlationmatrix->GetAxis(1+((Int_t)(ndimensions/2.)));
426 Int_t bins0 = axiseta0->GetNbins();
427 Int_t bins1 = axiseta1->GetNbins();
429 AliDebug(1, Form("Number of eta bins: %d and %d\n",bins0,bins1));
431 AliError("Problem in the dimensions");
435 axiseta0->SetRangeUser(fEtaRange[0],fEtaRange[1]);
436 axiseta1->SetRangeUser(fEtaRange[0],fEtaRange[1]);
438 Double_t loweta0 = axiseta0->GetBinLowEdge(axiseta0->FindBin(fEtaRange[0]));
439 Double_t higheta0 = axiseta0->GetBinUpEdge(axiseta0->FindBin(fEtaRange[1]));
440 Double_t loweta1 = axiseta1->GetBinLowEdge(axiseta1->FindBin(fEtaRange[0]));
441 Double_t higheta1 = axiseta1->GetBinUpEdge(axiseta1->FindBin(fEtaRange[1]));
442 AliInfo(Form("0 Low eta %f and high eta %f\n",loweta0,higheta0));
443 AliInfo(Form("1 Low eta %f and high eta %f\n",loweta1,higheta1));
449 if(charge != kAllCharge) {
450 if((3+((Int_t)(ndimensions/2.))) < ndimensions) {
452 TAxis *axischarge0 = correlationmatrix->GetAxis(3);
453 TAxis *axischarge1 = correlationmatrix->GetAxis(3+((Int_t)(ndimensions/2.)));
455 Int_t bins0 = axischarge0->GetNbins();
456 Int_t bins1 = axischarge1->GetNbins();
458 AliDebug(1, Form("Number of charge bins: %d and %d\n",bins0,bins1));
460 AliError("Problem in the dimensions");
464 axischarge0->SetRangeUser(charge,charge);
465 axischarge1->SetRangeUser(charge,charge);
467 Double_t lowcharge0 = axischarge0->GetBinLowEdge(axischarge0->FindBin(charge));
468 Double_t highcharge0 = axischarge0->GetBinUpEdge(axischarge0->FindBin(charge));
469 Double_t lowcharge1 = axischarge1->GetBinLowEdge(axischarge1->FindBin(charge));
470 Double_t highcharge1 = axischarge1->GetBinUpEdge(axischarge1->FindBin(charge));
471 AliInfo(Form("0 Low charge %f and high charge %f\n",lowcharge0,highcharge0));
472 AliInfo(Form("1 Low charge %f and high charge %f\n",lowcharge1,highcharge1));
478 Int_t ndimensionsContainer = (Int_t) ndimensions/2;
480 Int_t *dim = new Int_t[nDim*2];
481 for(Int_t iter=0; iter < nDim; iter++){
482 dim[iter] = dimensions[iter];
483 dim[iter+nDim] = ndimensionsContainer + dimensions[iter];
486 THnSparseF *k = (THnSparseF *) correlationmatrix->Projection(nDim*2,dim);
492 //___________________________________________________________________________
493 void AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::CorrectStatErr(AliCFDataGrid *backgroundGrid) const {
495 // Correct statistical error
498 TH1D *h1 = (TH1D*)backgroundGrid->Project(0);
499 Int_t nbinX = h1->GetNbinsX();
501 for(Long_t i = 1; i <= nbinX; i++) {
503 Float_t content = h1->GetBinContent(i);
505 Float_t error = TMath::Sqrt(content);
506 backgroundGrid->SetElementError(bins, error);
510 //_________________________________________________________________________
511 TObject* AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::GetSpectrum(const AliCFContainer * const c, Int_t step) {
512 AliCFDataGrid* data = new AliCFDataGrid("data","",*c, step);
515 //_________________________________________________________________________
516 TObject* AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::GetEfficiency(const AliCFContainer * const c, Int_t step, Int_t step0){
518 // Create efficiency grid and calculate efficiency
524 AliCFEffGrid* eff = new AliCFEffGrid((const char*)name,"",*c);
525 eff->CalculateEfficiency(step,step0);
528 //____________________________________________________________________________
529 void AliHFECorrectSpectrumBase::SetNbDimensions(Int_t nbDimensions) {
531 // Set the dimensions
533 fNbDimensions = nbDimensions;
534 switch(fNbDimensions){
535 case 1: fDims[0] = 0;
537 case 2: for(Int_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) fDims[i] = i;
539 case 3: for(Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) fDims[i] = i;
542 AliError("Container with this number of dimensions not foreseen (yet)");