1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
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14 **************************************************************************/
17 // VZERO event plane task for 2010
18 // Gain equalization + Recentering
26 #include <AliVEvent.h>
32 class AliHFEVZEROEventPlane : public TNamed {
34 AliHFEVZEROEventPlane();
35 AliHFEVZEROEventPlane(const char *name, const Char_t *title);
36 AliHFEVZEROEventPlane(const AliHFEVZEROEventPlane &ref);
37 AliHFEVZEROEventPlane& operator=(const AliHFEVZEROEventPlane &ref);
38 virtual void Copy(TObject &o) const;
39 ~AliHFEVZEROEventPlane();
41 void ProcessEvent(AliVEvent *event);
43 void SetNameFile(TString namefile) {fnamefile = namefile;};
44 Bool_t OpenInfoCalbration(Int_t run);
46 Double_t GetEventPlaneV0A() const {return fEventPlaneV0A;};
47 Double_t GetEventPlaneV0C() const {return fEventPlaneV0C;};
48 Double_t GetEventPlaneV0() const {return fEventPlaneV0;};
50 TList *GetOutputList() const {return fOutputList;};
53 virtual void Analyze(AliVEvent* esdEvent);
55 Double_t fEventPlaneV0A; // Corrected event plane V0A
56 Double_t fEventPlaneV0C; // Corrected event plane V0C
57 Double_t fEventPlaneV0; // Corrected event plane V0
59 AliVEvent* fESD; //! ESD object
60 Int_t fRun; // Run number
61 TProfile *fMultV0; //! fMultiplicityV0
62 Float_t fV0Cpol,fV0Apol; // fV0Cpol, fV0Apol
63 static const Int_t fgknCentrBin = 9; // Centrality bins
64 Float_t fMeanQ[fgknCentrBin][2][2]; // mean for centering
65 Float_t fWidthQ[fgknCentrBin][2][2]; // rms for centering
66 TString fnamefile; // name of the file with the coefficient
67 TList *fOutputList; //! Output list
68 TProfile *fMultV0Before; //! fMultiplicityV0 Before
69 TProfile *fMultV0After; //! fMultiplicityV0 After
70 TH1F *fQBefore[fgknCentrBin][2][2]; //! Q centering before
71 TH1F *fQAfter[fgknCentrBin][2][2]; //! Q centering after
74 ClassDef(AliHFEVZEROEventPlane, 1); //Analysis task for high pt analysis