]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - RICH/AliRICH.h
RAW DDL first attempt, also virtual hidded problem addressed
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RICH / AliRICH.h
1 #ifndef AliRICH_h
2 #define AliRICH_h
3 /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4  * See cxx source for full Copyright notice                               */
6 //#include <Riostream.h>
7 #include <TClonesArray.h>
8 #include <TObjArray.h>
9 #include <TVector.h>
10 #include <TVector3.h>
12 #include "AliRICHDigitizer.h"
13 #include "AliRICHParam.h"
14 #include <AliDetector.h>
15 #include <AliDigit.h>
16 #include <AliHit.h>
18 //__________________AliRICHhit______________________________________________________________________
19 class AliRICHhit : public AliHit
20 {
21 public:
22            AliRICHhit():AliHit(),fChamber(kBad),fEloss(kBad) {fInX3.SetXYZ(0,0,0);fOutX3.SetXYZ(0,0,0);}
23            AliRICHhit(Int_t c,Int_t tid,TVector3 in,TVector3 out,Double_t e):AliHit(0,tid)
24                                           {fChamber=c;fInX3=in; fOutX3=out;fEloss=e; fX=out.X();fY=out.Y();fZ=out.Z();}
25   virtual ~AliRICHhit()                   {;}
27   Int_t    C()                       const{return fChamber;}              //chamber number 
28   Int_t    Chamber()                 const{return fChamber;}              //chamber number 
29   Float_t  Eloss()                   const{return fEloss;}                //energy lost by track inside amplification gap  
30   TVector3 InX3()                    const{return fInX3;}                 //track position at the faceplane of the gap 
31   TVector3 OutX3()                   const{return fOutX3;}                //track position at the backplane of the gap 
32   Double_t Length()                  const{return (fOutX3-fInX3).Mag();}  //track length inside the amplification gap
33   void     Print(Option_t *option="")const;                               //virtual
34 protected:
35   Int_t     fChamber;                      //chamber number
36   Double_t  fEloss;                        //ionisation energy lost in GAP
37   TVector3  fInX3;                         //position at the entrance of the GAP   
38   TVector3  fOutX3;                        //position at the exit of the GAP
39   ClassDef(AliRICHhit,2)                   //RICH hit class
40 };//class AliRICHhit
42 //__________________AliRICHdigit____________________________________________________________________
43 class AliRICHdigit :public AliDigit
44 {
45 public:
46   AliRICHdigit():AliDigit(),fCFM(0),fChamber(0),fPadX(0),fPadY(0),fQdc(kBad){fTracks[0]=fTracks[1]=fTracks[2]=kBad;}
47   AliRICHdigit(Int_t c,TVector pad,Double_t q,Int_t cfm,Int_t tid0,Int_t tid1,Int_t tid2)  
48        {fPadX=(Int_t)pad[0];fPadY=(Int_t)pad[1];fQdc=q;fChamber=10*c+AliRICHParam::Pad2Sec(pad);fCFM=cfm;fTracks[0]=tid0;fTracks[1]=tid1;fTracks[2]=tid2;}
49   virtual ~AliRICHdigit() {;}  
50   Int_t    Compare(const TObject *pObj) const
51                  {if(Id()==((AliRICHdigit*)pObj)->Id())return 0;else if(Id()>((AliRICHdigit*)pObj)->Id())return 1;else return -1;}  //virtual      
52   virtual Bool_t   IsSortable()                 const{return kTRUE;}                              //sort interface
53   virtual void     Print(Option_t *option="")   const;                                            //virtual
54   Int_t    ChFbMi()                     const{return fCFM;}                               //particle mixture for this digit
55   Int_t    C()                          const{return fChamber/10;}                        //chamber number
56   Int_t    S()                          const{return fChamber-(fChamber/10)*10;}          //sector number
57   Int_t    X()                          const{return fPadX;}                              //x position of the pad
58   Int_t    Y()                          const{return fPadY;}                              //y postion of the pad
59   TVector  Pad()                        const{Float_t v[2]={fPadX,fPadY}; return TVector(2,v);}
60   Int_t    Id()                         const{return fChamber*10000000+fPadX*1000+fPadY;} //absolute id of this pad
61   Double_t Q()                          const{return fQdc;}                               //charge in terms of ADC channels
62   void     AddTidOffset(Int_t offset) 
63     {for (Int_t i=0; i<3; i++) if (fTracks[i]>0) fTracks[i]+=offset;};
64 protected:
65   Int_t    fCFM;  //1000000*Ncerenkovs+1000*Nfeedbacks+Nmips  
66   Int_t    fChamber;  //10*chamber number+ sector number 
67   Int_t    fPadX;     //pad number along X
68   Int_t    fPadY;     //pad number along Y
69   Double_t fQdc;      //QDC value, fractions are permitted for summable procedure  
70   ClassDef(AliRICHdigit,3) //RICH digit class       
71 };//class AliRICHdigit
73 //__________________AliRICHcluster__________________________________________________________________
74 class AliRICHcluster :public TObject
75 {
76 public:
77   enum ClusterStatus {kEdge,kShape,kSize,kRaw,kResolved,kEmpty}; 
78                     AliRICHcluster():TObject(),fCFM(0),fSize(0),fShape(0),fQdc(0),fChamber(0),fX(0),fY(0),fStatus(kEmpty),fDigits(0) {}    
79   virtual          ~AliRICHcluster()                 {AliDebug(1,"Start");/*Reset();*/}  
80          void       Reset()                          {DeleteDigits();fCFM=fSize=fShape=fQdc=fChamber=0;fX=fY=0;fStatus=kEmpty;} //cleans the cluster
81          void       DeleteDigits()                   {if(fDigits) {delete fDigits;} fDigits=0;}           //deletes the list of digits  
82   AliRICHcluster&   operator=(const AliRICHcluster&) {return *this;}                                 
83          Int_t      Nlocals()                   const{return fSize-10000*(fSize/10000);}                //number of local maximums
84          Int_t      Size()                      const{return fSize/10000;}                              //number of digits in cluster
85          Int_t      Fsize()                     const{return fSize;}                                    //
86          Int_t      Shape()                     const{return fShape;}                                   //cluster shape rectangulare
87          Int_t      C()                         const{return fChamber/10;}                              //chamber number
88          Int_t      S()                         const{return fChamber-(fChamber/10)*10;}                //sector number
89          Int_t      Fchamber()                  const{return fChamber;}                                 //
90          Int_t      Q()                         const{return fQdc;}                                     //cluster charge in QDC channels 
91          Double_t   X()                         const{return fX;}                                       //cluster x position in LRS
92          Double_t   Y()                         const{return fY;}                                       //cluster y position in LRS 
93          Int_t      Status()                    const{return fStatus;}                                  //
94          void       SetStatus(Int_t status)         {fStatus=status;}                                     //
95          Int_t      Nmips()                     const{return fCFM-1000000*Ncerenkovs()-1000*Nfeedbacks();} //
96          Int_t      Ncerenkovs()                const{return fCFM/1000000;}                                //
97          Int_t      Nfeedbacks()                const{return (fCFM-1000000*Ncerenkovs())/1000;}            //
98          Bool_t     IsPureMip()                 const{return fCFM<1000;}                                   //
99          Bool_t     IsPureCerenkov()            const{return Nmips()==0&&Nfeedbacks()==0;}                 //
100          Bool_t     IsPureFeedback()            const{return Nmips()==0&&Ncerenkovs()==0;}                 //
101          Bool_t     IsSingleMip()               const{return Nmips()==1&&Ncerenkovs()==0&&Nfeedbacks()==0;}  //
102          Bool_t     IsSingleCerenkov()          const{return Nmips()==0&&Ncerenkovs()==1&&Nfeedbacks()==0;}  //
103          Bool_t     IsSingleFeedback()          const{return Nmips()==0&&Ncerenkovs()==0&&Nfeedbacks()==1;}  //
104          Bool_t     IsMip()                     const{return Nmips()!=0;}                                  //
105          Bool_t     IsCerenkov()                const{return Ncerenkovs()!=0;}                             //
106          Bool_t     IsFeedback()                const{return Nfeedbacks()!=0;}                             //
107          Int_t      CombiPid()                  const{return fCFM;}                                        //
108          void       CFM(Int_t c,Int_t f,Int_t m)     {fCFM=1000000*c+1000*f+m;}                            //cluster contributors
109          TObjArray* Digits()                    const{return fDigits;}                                     //  
110   virtual void      Print(Option_t *option="")const;                                                   //
111   inline  void      AddDigit(AliRICHdigit *pDig);                                                      //
112   inline  void      CoG(Int_t nLocals);                                                                //calculates center of gravity
113           void      Fill(AliRICHcluster *pRaw,Double_t x,Double_t y,Double_t q,Int_t cfm)              //form new resolved cluster from raw one
114                     {fCFM=cfm;fChamber=pRaw->Fchamber();fSize=pRaw->Fsize();fQdc=(Int_t)(q*pRaw->Q());fX=x;fY=y;fStatus=kResolved;} 
115          Double_t   DistTo(TVector2 x)          const{return TMath::Sqrt((x.X()-fX)*(x.X()-fX)+(x.Y()-fY)*(x.Y()-fY));} //distance to given point 
116          Double_t   DistX(TVector2 x)           const{return (x.X()-fX);} //distance in x to given point 
117          Double_t   DistY(TVector2 x)           const{return (x.Y()-fY);} //distance to given point 
118 protected:
119   Int_t         fCFM;         //1000000*Ncerenkovs+1000*Nfeedbacks+Nmips  
120   Int_t         fSize;        //10000*(how many digits belong to this cluster) + nLocalMaxima     
121   Int_t         fShape;       //100*xdim+ydim box containing the cluster
122   Int_t         fQdc;         //QDC value
123   Int_t         fChamber;     //10*module number+sector number 
124   Double_t      fX;           //local x postion 
125   Double_t      fY;           //local y postion  
126   Int_t         fStatus;      //flag to mark the quality of the cluster   
127   TObjArray    *fDigits;      //! list of digits forming this cluster
128   ClassDef(AliRICHcluster,2)  //RICH cluster class       
129 };//class AliRICHcluster
130 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
131 void AliRICHcluster::AddDigit(AliRICHdigit *pDig)
132 {
133 // Adds a given digit to the list of digits belonging to this cluster    
134   if(!fDigits) {fQdc=fSize=fCFM=0;fDigits = new TObjArray;}
135   fQdc+=(Int_t)pDig->Q(); fDigits->Add(pDig);
136   fChamber=10*pDig->C()+pDig->S();
137   fSize+=10000;
138   fStatus=kRaw;
139 }
140 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
141 void AliRICHcluster::CoG(Int_t nLocals)
142 {
143 // Calculates naive cluster position as a center of gravity of its digits.
144   Float_t xmin=999,ymin=999,xmax=0,ymax=0;   
145   fX=fY=0;
146   for(Int_t iDig=0;iDig<Size();iDig++) {
147     AliRICHdigit *pDig=(AliRICHdigit*)fDigits->At(iDig);
148     TVector pad=pDig->Pad(); Double_t q=pDig->Q();
149     TVector2 x2=AliRICHParam::Pad2Loc(pad);
150     fX += x2.X()*q;fY +=x2.Y()*q;
151     if(pad[0]<xmin)xmin=pad[0];if(pad[0]>xmax)xmax=pad[0];if(pad[1]<ymin)ymin=pad[1];if(pad[1]>ymax)ymax=pad[1];
152    }
153    fX/=fQdc;fY/=fQdc;//Center of Gravity
155    TVector2 center = AliRICHParam::Pad2Loc(AliRICHParam::Loc2Pad(TVector2(fX,fY)));
156    fX += AliRICHParam::CogCorr(fX-center.X());
158    fShape=Int_t(100*(xmax-xmin+1)+ymax-ymin+1);//find box containing cluster
159    fSize+=nLocals;
160    fStatus=kRaw;
161 }//CoG()
163 //__________________AliRICH_________________________________________________________________________
164 class AliESD;
166 class AliRICH : public AliDetector 
167 {
168 public:
169 //ctor & dtor    
170             AliRICH();                                            
171             AliRICH(const char *name, const char *title);
172             AliRICH(const AliRICH& RICH):AliDetector(RICH) {;}  //copy ctor 
173   virtual  ~AliRICH();                                            
175   AliRICH&  operator=(const AliRICH&)                 {return *this;}
176 //framework part  
177   virtual Int_t         IsVersion()                           const =0;                                  //interface from         
178   virtual void          StepManager()                               =0;                                  //interface from AliMC
179   virtual void          Hits2SDigits();                                                                  //interface from AliSimulation
180   virtual void          Digits2Raw();                                                                    //interface from AliSimulation
181   virtual AliDigitizer* CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* man) const {return new AliRICHDigitizer(man);}  //interface from AliSimulation
182   virtual void          SetTreeAddress();                                                                //interface from AliLoader
183   virtual void          MakeBranch(Option_t *opt=" ");                                                   //interface from AliLoader
184   virtual void          CreateMaterials();                                                               //interface from AliMC
185   virtual void          CreateGeometry();                                                                //interface from AliMC
186           void          GeomPadPanelFrame()const;                                                        //defines PPF geometry
187           void          GeomAmpGap()       const;                                                        //defines gap geometry + anod wires
188           void          GeomRadiators()    const;                                                        //defines radiators geometry
189           void          GeomSandBox()      const;                                                        //defines sandbox geometry
190           void          GeomRadioSrc()     const;                                                        //defines radio source geometry
191           void          GeomAerogel()      const;                                                        //defines aerogel geometry
192   virtual void          BuildGeometry();                                                                 //interface 
193 //private part  
194   static  Float_t Fresnel(Float_t ene,Float_t pdoti, Bool_t pola);       //deals with Fresnel absorption
195   inline  void    CreateHits();                                          //create hits container as a simple list
196   inline  void    CreateSDigits();                                       //create sdigits container as a simple list
197   inline  void    CreateDigits();                                        //create digits container as 7 lists, one per chamber
198   inline  void    CreateClusters();                                      //create clusters container  as 7 lists, one per chamber
199           void    ResetSDigits()             {fNsdigits=0;  if(fSdigits)  fSdigits ->Clear();}                                 
200           void    ResetDigits()              {if(fDigitsNew)for(int i=0;i<kNchambers;i++){fDigitsNew->At(i)->Clear();fNdigitsNew[i]=0;}} //virtual
201           void    ResetClusters()            {if(fClusters) for(int i=0;i<kNchambers;i++){fClusters ->At(i)->Clear();fNclusters[i]=0;}}
202   TClonesArray*   SDigits()             const{return fSdigits;}
203   TClonesArray*   Digits(Int_t iC)      const{if(fDigitsNew) return (TClonesArray *)fDigitsNew->At(iC-1);else return 0;}
204   TClonesArray*   Clusters(Int_t iC)    const{if(fClusters)  return (TClonesArray *)fClusters->At(iC-1);else return 0;}
205   AliRICHChamber* C(Int_t iC)           const{return fpParam->C(iC);}   //provides pointer to a given chamber
206   AliRICHParam*   P()                   const{return fpParam;}          //provides pointer to a RICH params
207   AliRICH*        R()                        {return this;}             //provides pointer to RICH main object
208   TVector         Counters()            const{return fCounters;}        //provides a set of counters
209   void            ControlPlots();                                       //creates ~/RCP.root with a set of QA plots
210   virtual void    Print(Option_t *option="")               const;       //prints current RICH status
211   void            PrintHits    (Int_t iEvent=0);                        //prints a list of hits for a given event
212   void            PrintSDigits (Int_t iEvent=0);                        //prints a list of sdigits for a given event
213   void            PrintDigits  (Int_t iEvent=0);                        //prints a list of digits for a given event
214   void            PrintClusters(Int_t iEvent=0);                        //prints a list of clusters for a given event
215   void            PrintTracks  (Int_t iEvent=0);                        //prints a list of tracks for a given event
216   void            CheckPR      ()const;                                 //utility-> run staff for stack ??????     
217   AliRICHhit*     Hit(Int_t tid)const;                                  //returns pointer of the first RICH hit created by a given particle 
218   inline void AddHit(Int_t chamber,Int_t tid,TVector3 in3,TVector3 out3,Double_t eloss=0);           //add new hit
219   inline void AddSDigit(Int_t c,TVector pad,Double_t q,Int_t pid,Int_t tid);                         //add new sdigit
220   inline void AddDigit(int c,TVector pad,int q,int cfm,int *tid);                                    //add new digit
221 //  void AddDigit(Int_t c,TVector pad,Int_t q)//for real data digits
222 //       {TClonesArray &tmp=*((TClonesArray*)fDigitsNew->At(0));new(tmp[fNdigitsNew[0]++])AliRICHdigit(c,pad,q,0,-1,-1,-1);}  
223   inline void AddCluster(AliRICHcluster &cl);                                                        //add new cluster                        
224   using AliModule::AddHit;                                              //to get rid of virtual hidden warning
225   using AliModule::AddDigit;                                            //to get rid of virtual hidden warning 
226   using AliModule::Digits;                                              //to get rid of virtual hidden warning 
227 protected:  
228   enum                  EMedia {kAir=1,kRoha,kSiO2,kC6F14,kCH4,kCsI,kGridCu,kOpSiO2,kGap,kAl,kGlass,kCu,kW,kSteel,kPerpex,kSr90,kMylar,kGel,kReflector};
229   enum                  ECounters {kStepManager=0,kCerProdTot,kCerProdRad,kCerKillTot,kCerKillRad,kCerKillRef,kEleProdTot};
230   AliRICHParam         *fpParam;                   //main RICH parametrization     
231                                                    //fHits and fDigits belong to AliDetector
232   TClonesArray         *fSdigits;                  //! list of sdigits  
233   Int_t                 fNsdigits;                 //! current number of sdigits
235   TObjArray            *fDigitsNew;                //! each chamber holds it's one lists of digits
236   Int_t                 fNdigitsNew[7];            //! array of current numbers of digits
238   TObjArray            *fClusters;                 //! each chamber holds it's one lists of clusters 
239   Int_t                 fNclusters[7];             //! array of current numbers of raw clusters
241   TVector               fCounters;                 //Particle history counters, explanation in StepManager() 
243   ClassDef(AliRICH,7)                              //Main RICH class 
244 };//class AliRICH  
246 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
247 void AliRICH::CreateHits()
248 {
249   if(fHits) return;
250   AliDebug(1,"creating hits container.");
251   fHits=new TClonesArray("AliRICHhit",10000);   fNhits=0;
252 }
253 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
254 void AliRICH::CreateSDigits()
255 {
256   if(fSdigits) return;
257   AliDebug(1,"creating sdigits container.");
258   fSdigits=new TClonesArray("AliRICHdigit",10000); fNsdigits=0;
259 }
260 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
261 void AliRICH::CreateDigits()
262 {
263   if(fDigitsNew) return;
264   AliDebug(1,"creating digits containers.");
265   fDigitsNew = new TObjArray(kNchambers);  
266   for(Int_t i=0;i<kNchambers;i++) {fDigitsNew->AddAt(new TClonesArray("AliRICHdigit",10000), i); fNdigitsNew[i]=0;}
267 }
268 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
269 void AliRICH::CreateClusters()
270 {
271   if(fClusters) return;
272   AliDebug(1,"creating clusters containers.");
273   fClusters = new TObjArray(kNchambers);  
274   for(Int_t i=0;i<kNchambers;i++) {fClusters->AddAt(new TClonesArray("AliRICHcluster",10000), i); fNclusters[i]=0;}
275 }
276 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
277 void AliRICH::AddHit(Int_t c,Int_t tid,TVector3 i3,TVector3 o3,Double_t eloss)
278 {
279 //add new RICH hit to the list of hits  
280   TClonesArray &tmp=*fHits;
281   new(tmp[fNhits++])AliRICHhit(c,tid,i3,o3,eloss);
282 }//AddHit()
283 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
284 void AliRICH::AddSDigit(Int_t c,TVector pad,Double_t q,Int_t pid,Int_t tid) 
286   Int_t cfm;  
287   switch(pid){
288     case 50000050: cfm=1000000;break;//cerenkov
289     case 50000051: cfm=1000;   break;//feedback
290     default:       cfm=1;      break;//mip
291   }   
292   TClonesArray &tmp=*fSdigits; new(tmp[fNsdigits++])AliRICHdigit(c,pad,q,cfm,tid,kBad,kBad);
293 }
294 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
295 void AliRICH::AddDigit(int c,TVector pad,int q,int cfm,int *tid)
296 {
297   TClonesArray &tmp=*((TClonesArray*)fDigitsNew->At(c-1));
298   new(tmp[fNdigitsNew[c-1]++])AliRICHdigit(c,pad,q,cfm,tid[0],tid[1],tid[2]);
299 }    
300 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
301 void AliRICH::AddCluster(AliRICHcluster &cl)                     
302 {
303   Int_t c=cl.C()-1;TClonesArray &tmp=*((TClonesArray*)fClusters->At(c));
304   new(tmp[fNclusters[c]++])AliRICHcluster(cl);
305 }
306 #endif//#ifndef AliRICH_h