1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
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14 **************************************************************************/
17 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 // Helper -DATA class ESD V0 vertex class
19 // contains effective errror parameterization
20 // Effective parameterization of resolution in DCA and PA as function of radii and momenta
21 // Mini-max coeficient fPMinFraction... fPMaxFraction...
22 // as limits for Error parameterization using Covariance matrix
23 // For detailes : see AliESDv0 class
25 // Origin: Marian Ivanov marian.ivanov@cern.ch
26 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 #include "AliESDV0Params.h"
32 ClassImp(AliESDV0Params)
37 AliESDV0Params::AliESDV0Params() :
39 // These constants are used in the error parameterization using covariance matrix
40 // minimal sigma in AP and DCA
41 fPSigmaOffsetD0(0.03), // minimal sigma of error estimate
42 fPSigmaOffsetAP0(0.005),
44 // Effective parameterization of DCA resolution as function of pt and decay radii
47 fPSigmaOffsetDE(0.06),
52 // Effective parameterization of PA resolution as function of pt and decay radii
54 fPSigmaBase0APE(0.005),
58 fPSigmaP0APE(0.7*0.4),
59 fPSigmaP1APE(0.3*0.4),
64 fPMinFractionAP0(0.5),
65 fPMaxFractionAP0(1.5),
73 fkMinPointAngle(0.85),
74 fkMinPointAngle2(0.99),
77 fkMinPABestConst(0.9999),
79 fkCausality0Cut(0.19),
80 fkLikelihood01Cut(0.45),
81 fkLikelihood1Cut(0.5),
88 fkMinNormDistForbTgl0(3.0),
89 fkMinNormDistForb1(3.0),
90 fkMinNormDistForb2(2.0),
91 fkMinNormDistForb3(1.0),
92 fkMinNormDistForb4(4.0),
93 fkMinNormDistForb5(5.0),
94 fkMinNormDistForbProt(2.0),
95 fkMaxPidProbPionForb(0.5),
96 fkMinRTPCdensity(40.),
97 fkMaxRTPCdensity0(110.),
98 fkMaxRTPCdensity10(120.),
99 fkMaxRTPCdensity20(130.),
100 fkMaxRTPCdensity30(140.),
102 fkMinTPCdensity(0.6),
105 fkMinchi2before0(16.),
106 fkMinchi2before1(16.),
107 fkMinchi2after0(16.),
108 fkMinchi2after1(16.),
109 fkAddchi2SharedCl(18.),
110 fkAddchi2NegCl0(25.),
111 fkAddchi2NegCl1(30.),
122 fkRobustChi2KF(100.),
129 // Default constructor
130 // Consult AliESDv0 to see actual error parameterization