]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - STEER/AliGRPObject.cxx
AliTPCcalibCalib.cxx - use also alignmnet - not implemented yet
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliGRPObject.cxx
1 /**************************************************************************\r
2  * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *\r
3  *                                                                        *\r
4  * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project.                                    *\r
5  * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate.              *\r
6  *                                                                        *\r
7  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its   *\r
8  * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted   *\r
9  * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all   *\r
10  * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice   *\r
11  * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims     *\r
12  * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is          *\r
13  * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.                  *\r
14  **************************************************************************/\r
15 \r
16 /* $Id$ */\r
17 \r
18 // **********************\r
19 // Class containing the GRP data that have to be stored in the OCDB.\r
20 // Data come either from DAQ logbook or from DCS DB.\r
21 // Processing of the data can also be performed here.\r
22 // **********************\r
23 \r
24 #include <TMap.h>\r
25 #include <TObject.h>\r
26 #include <TObjString.h>\r
27 \r
28 #include "AliGRPObject.h"\r
29 #include "AliDCSSensor.h"\r
30 #include "AliLog.h"\r
31 \r
32 ClassImp(AliGRPObject)\r
33         \r
34 const Float_t AliGRPObject::fgkInvalidFloat = 1E-33; // value to identify invalid data - float\r
35 const TString AliGRPObject::fgkInvalidString = "";  // value to identify invalid data - string\r
36 const Char_t AliGRPObject::fgkInvalidChar = -1;         // value to identify invalid data - uchar\r
37 const Int_t AliGRPObject::fgkInvalidInt = -1;  // value to identify invalid data - uint\r
38 const Int_t AliGRPObject::fgkInvalidUInt = 0;  // value to identify invalid data - uint\r
39 const Int_t AliGRPObject::fgknDCSDPHallProbes = 40;   // number of dcs dps\r
40 const char* AliGRPObject::fgkDCSDataPointsHallProbes[AliGRPObject::fgknDCSDPHallProbes] = {\r
41                    "L3_BSF17_H1",\r
42                    "L3_BSF17_H2",\r
43                    "L3_BSF17_H3",\r
44                    "L3_BSF17_Temperature",\r
45                    "L3_BSF4_H1",\r
46                    "L3_BSF4_H2",\r
47                    "L3_BSF4_H3",\r
48                    "L3_BSF4_Temperature",\r
49                    "L3_BKF17_H1",\r
50                    "L3_BKF17_H2",\r
51                    "L3_BKF17_H3",\r
52                    "L3_BKF17_Temperature",\r
53                    "L3_BKF4_H1",\r
54                    "L3_BKF4_H2",\r
55                    "L3_BKF4_H3",\r
56                    "L3_BKF4_Temperature",\r
57                    "L3_BSF13_H1",\r
58                    "L3_BSF13_H2",\r
59                    "L3_BSF13_H3",\r
60                    "L3_BSF13_Temperature",\r
61                    "L3_BSF8_H1",\r
62                    "L3_BSF8_H2",\r
63                    "L3_BSF8_H3",\r
64                    "L3_BSF8_Temperature",\r
65                    "L3_BKF13_H1",\r
66                    "L3_BKF13_H2",\r
67                    "L3_BKF13_H3",\r
68                    "L3_BKF13_Temperature",\r
69                    "L3_BKF8_H1",\r
70                    "L3_BKF8_H2",\r
71                    "L3_BKF8_H3",\r
72                    "L3_BKF8_Temperature",\r
73                    "Dipole_Inside_H1",\r
74                    "Dipole_Inside_H2",\r
75                    "Dipole_Inside_H3",\r
76                    "Dipole_Inside_Temperature",\r
77                    "Dipole_Outside_H1",\r
78                    "Dipole_Outside_H2",\r
79                    "Dipole_Outside_H3",\r
80                    "Dipole_Outside_Temperature",\r
81                  };\r
82 \r
83 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
84 AliGRPObject::AliGRPObject():\r
85         TObject(),\r
86         fPoints(5),\r
87         fDimension(0),\r
88         fTimeStart((time_t)fgkInvalidFloat),\r
89         fTimeEnd((time_t)fgkInvalidFloat),\r
90         fBeamEnergy(fgkInvalidFloat),\r
91         fBeamType(fgkInvalidString),\r
92         fNumberOfDetectors(fgkInvalidChar),\r
93         fDetectorMask(fgkInvalidUInt),\r
94         fLHCPeriod(fgkInvalidString),\r
95         fRunType(fgkInvalidString),\r
96         fLHCState(fgkInvalidString),\r
97         fLHCLuminosity(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
98         fLHCLuminositySplineFit(0x0),\r
99         fBeamIntensity(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
100         fBeamIntensitySplineFit(0x0),\r
101         fL3Polarity(fgkInvalidChar),\r
102         fDipolePolarity(fgkInvalidChar),\r
103         fL3Current(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
104         fDipoleCurrent(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
105         fCavernTemperature(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
106         fCavernAtmosPressure(0x0),\r
107         fCavernAtmosPressure2(0x0),\r
108         fSurfaceAtmosPressure(0x0),\r
109         fHallProbes(0x0)\r
110 {\r
111 \r
112         //\r
113         // AliGRPObject default ctor\r
114         //\r
115 \r
116         fDimension = fgknDCSDPHallProbes*fPoints;\r
117         fHallProbes = new Float_t[fDimension];\r
118 \r
119         for (Int_t nhp=0; nhp< fDimension; nhp++){\r
120                 fHallProbes[nhp] = fgkInvalidFloat;\r
121         }\r
122 \r
123         for (Int_t i = 0; i < fPoints; i++){\r
124 \r
125                 fLHCLuminosity[i] = fgkInvalidFloat;\r
126                 fBeamIntensity[i] = fgkInvalidFloat;\r
127                 fL3Current[i] = fgkInvalidFloat;\r
128                 fDipoleCurrent[i] = fgkInvalidFloat;\r
129                 fCavernTemperature[i] = fgkInvalidFloat;\r
130         }\r
131 }\r
132 \r
133 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
134 \r
135 AliGRPObject::AliGRPObject(const AliGRPObject &obj):\r
136         TObject(obj),\r
137         fPoints(obj.fPoints),\r
138         fDimension(obj.fDimension),\r
139         fTimeStart(obj.fTimeStart),\r
140         fTimeEnd(obj.fTimeEnd),\r
141         fBeamEnergy(obj.fBeamEnergy),\r
142         fBeamType(obj.fBeamType),\r
143         fNumberOfDetectors(obj.fNumberOfDetectors),\r
144         fDetectorMask(obj.fDetectorMask),\r
145         fLHCPeriod(obj.fLHCPeriod),\r
146         fRunType(obj.fRunType),\r
147         fLHCState(obj.fLHCState),\r
148         fLHCLuminosity(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
149         fLHCLuminositySplineFit(obj.fLHCLuminositySplineFit),\r
150         fBeamIntensity(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
151         fBeamIntensitySplineFit(obj.fBeamIntensitySplineFit),\r
152         fL3Polarity(obj.fL3Polarity),\r
153         fDipolePolarity(obj.fDipolePolarity),\r
154         fL3Current(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
155         fDipoleCurrent(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
156         fCavernTemperature(new Float_t[fPoints]),\r
157         fCavernAtmosPressure(obj.fCavernAtmosPressure),\r
158         fCavernAtmosPressure2(obj.fCavernAtmosPressure2),\r
159         fSurfaceAtmosPressure(obj.fSurfaceAtmosPressure),\r
160         fHallProbes(0x0)\r
161 \r
162 {\r
163 \r
164         //\r
165         // AliGRPObject copy ctor\r
166         //\r
167 \r
168         fHallProbes = new Float_t[fDimension]; \r
169 \r
170         for (Int_t nhp=0; nhp< fDimension; nhp++){\r
171                 fHallProbes[nhp] = obj.fHallProbes[nhp];\r
172         }\r
173 \r
174         for (Int_t i = 0; i < fPoints; i++){\r
175 \r
176                 fLHCLuminosity[i] = obj.fLHCLuminosity[i];\r
177                 fBeamIntensity[i] = obj.fBeamIntensity[i];\r
178                 fL3Current[i] = obj.fL3Current[i];\r
179                 fDipoleCurrent[i] = obj.fDipoleCurrent[i];\r
180                 fCavernTemperature[i] = obj.fCavernTemperature[i];\r
181         }\r
182 }\r
183 \r
184 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
185 \r
186 AliGRPObject& AliGRPObject:: operator=(const AliGRPObject & obj) \r
187 {\r
188 \r
189         //\r
190         // AliGRPObject assignment operator\r
191         //\r
192 \r
193         if (&obj == this) return *this; \r
194 \r
195         TObject::operator=(obj);\r
196         this->fTimeStart = obj.GetTimeStart();\r
197         this->fTimeEnd = obj.GetTimeEnd();\r
198         this->fBeamEnergy = obj.GetBeamEnergy();\r
199         this->fBeamType = obj.GetBeamType();\r
200         this->fNumberOfDetectors = obj.GetNumberOfDetectors();\r
201         this->fDetectorMask = obj.GetDetectorMask();\r
202         this->fLHCPeriod = obj.GetLHCPeriod();\r
203         this->fRunType = obj.GetRunType();\r
204         this->fLHCState = obj.GetLHCState();\r
205         this->fLHCLuminositySplineFit = obj.GetLHCLuminositySplineFit();\r
206         this->fBeamIntensitySplineFit = obj.GetBeamIntensitySplineFit();\r
207         this->fL3Polarity = obj.GetL3Polarity();\r
208         this->fDipolePolarity = obj.GetDipolePolarity();\r
209         this->fCavernAtmosPressure = obj.GetCavernAtmosPressure();\r
210         this->fCavernAtmosPressure2 = obj.GetCavernAtmosPressure2();\r
211         this->fSurfaceAtmosPressure = obj.GetSurfaceAtmosPressure();\r
212         this->fPoints = obj.GetPoints();\r
213         this->fDimension = obj.GetDimension();\r
214 \r
215         this->fLHCLuminosity = new Float_t[fPoints];\r
216         this->fBeamIntensity = new Float_t[fPoints];\r
217         this->fL3Current = new Float_t[fPoints];\r
218         this->fDipoleCurrent = new Float_t[fPoints];\r
219         this->fCavernTemperature = new Float_t[fPoints];\r
220         \r
221         if (this->fHallProbes==NULL) this->fHallProbes = new Float_t[this->fDimension]; \r
222         for (Int_t nhp=0; nhp< fDimension; nhp++){\r
223                 this->fHallProbes[nhp] = obj.GetHallProbes(nhp);\r
224 \r
225         }\r
226         for (Int_t i = 0; i < fPoints; i++){\r
227 \r
228                 this->fLHCLuminosity[i] = obj.GetLHCLuminosity((Stats)i);\r
229                 this->fBeamIntensity[i] = obj.GetBeamIntensity((Stats)i);\r
230                 this->fL3Current[i] = obj.GetL3Current((Stats)i);\r
231                 this->fDipoleCurrent[i] = obj.GetDipoleCurrent((Stats)i);\r
232                 this->fCavernTemperature[i] = obj.GetCavernTemperature((Stats)i);\r
233         }\r
234 \r
235         return *this;\r
236 }\r
237 \r
238 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
239 \r
240 AliGRPObject::~AliGRPObject() {\r
241 \r
242         //\r
243         // dtor\r
244         //\r
245 \r
246         \r
247         delete [] fHallProbes;\r
248         delete [] fLHCLuminosity;\r
249         delete [] fBeamIntensity;\r
250         delete [] fL3Current;\r
251         delete [] fDipoleCurrent;\r
252         delete [] fCavernTemperature;\r
253 \r
254         if (fLHCLuminositySplineFit){\r
255                 delete fLHCLuminositySplineFit;\r
256                 fLHCLuminositySplineFit = 0x0;\r
257         }\r
258         if (fBeamIntensitySplineFit){\r
259                 delete fBeamIntensitySplineFit;\r
260                 fBeamIntensitySplineFit = 0x0;\r
261         }\r
262         if (fCavernAtmosPressure){\r
263                 delete fCavernAtmosPressure;\r
264                 fCavernAtmosPressure = 0x0;\r
265         }\r
266         if (fCavernAtmosPressure2){\r
267                 delete fCavernAtmosPressure2;\r
268                 fCavernAtmosPressure2 = 0x0;\r
269         }\r
270         if (fSurfaceAtmosPressure){\r
271                 delete fSurfaceAtmosPressure;\r
272                 fSurfaceAtmosPressure = 0x0;\r
273         }\r
274 }\r
275 \r
276 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
277 Float_t* AliGRPObject::GetHallProbesArray(DP_HallProbes hp) const {\r
278 \r
279         //\r
280         // method to return array of statistical\r
281         // variables for Hall Probe hp\r
282         //\r
283 \r
284         Float_t* array = new Float_t[fPoints];\r
285         Int_t shift = fPoints*(Int_t)hp; \r
286         for (Int_t i=0;i<fPoints; i++){\r
287 \r
288                 array[i] = fHallProbes[shift+i];\r
289 \r
290         }\r
291 \r
292         return array;\r
293 }\r
294 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
295 \r
296 void AliGRPObject::SetHallProbes(DP_HallProbes hp, const Float_t* hall_probe){\r
297 \r
298         //\r
299         // method to set hall probe hp \r
300         // from a given array\r
301         //\r
302 \r
303         Int_t shift = fPoints*hp;\r
304         for (Int_t i = 0; i< fPoints; i++){\r
305 \r
306                 fHallProbes[i+shift] =  hall_probe[i];\r
307         }\r
308         return;\r
309 }\r
310 \r
311 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r
312 \r
313 void AliGRPObject::ReadValuesFromMap(const TMap* mapGRP){\r
314 \r
315         //\r
316         // method to set the values of the GRP parameters \r
317         // reading them from the old format of the GRP \r
318         // object, i.e. a TMap\r
319         //\r
320 \r
321         if (mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceStartTime")){\r
322                 SetTimeStart((time_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceStartTime")))->GetString()).Atoi());\r
323         }\r
324         else {\r
325                 AliError(Form("No fAliceStartTime value found in GRP map!"));\r
326         }\r
327         if (mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceStopTime")){\r
328                 SetTimeEnd((time_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceStopTime")))->GetString()).Atoi());\r
329         }\r
330         \r
331         else { \r
332                 AliError(Form("No fAliceStopTime value found in GRP map!"));\r
333         }\r
334 \r
335         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceBeamEnergy")){\r
336           double be = (((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceBeamEnergy")))->GetString()).Atof();\r
337           if (IsBeamEnergyIsSqrtSHalfGeV()) be/=2;   // old format was storig sqrt(s)\r
338           SetBeamEnergy(be);\r
339         }\r
340         else { \r
341                 AliError(Form("No fAliceBeamEnergy value found in GRP map!"));\r
342         }\r
343         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceBeamType")){\r
344                 SetBeamType(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fAliceBeamType")))->GetString());\r
345         }\r
346         else { \r
347                 AliError(Form("No fAliceBeamType value found in GRP map!"));\r
348         }\r
349         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fNumberOfDetectors")){\r
350                 SetNumberOfDetectors((Char_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fNumberOfDetectors")))->GetString()).Atoi()); \r
351         }\r
352         else { \r
353                 AliError(Form("No fNumberOfDetectors value found in GRP map!"));\r
354         }\r
355         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fDetectorMask")){\r
356                 SetDetectorMask((UInt_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fDetectorMask")))->GetString()).Atoi());  \r
357         }\r
358         else { \r
359                 AliError(Form("No fDetectorMask value found in GRP map!"));\r
360         }\r
361         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fLHCPeriod")){\r
362                 SetLHCPeriod(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fLHCPeriod")))->GetString());\r
363         }\r
364         else { \r
365                 AliError(Form("No fLHCPeriod value found in GRP map!"));\r
366         }\r
367         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fRunType")){\r
368                 SetRunType(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fRunType")))->GetString());\r
369         }\r
370         else { \r
371                 AliError(Form("No fRunType value found in GRP map!"));\r
372         }\r
373         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fLHCState")){\r
374                 SetLHCState(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fLHCState")))->GetString());\r
375         }\r
376         else { \r
377                 AliError(Form("No fLHCState value found in GRP map!"));\r
378         }\r
379         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fLHCluminosity")){\r
380                 AliInfo(Form("fLHCLuminosity found, but porting only average to the new object, since the other values are not available in the old object"));\r
381                 SetLHCLuminosity((Float_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fLHCLuminosity")))->GetString()).Atof(),(Stats)0);\r
382         }       \r
383         else { \r
384                 AliError(Form("No fLHCLuminosity value found in GRP map!"));\r
385         }\r
386         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fBeamIntensity")){\r
387                 AliInfo(Form("fBeamIntensity found, but porting only average to the new object, since the other values are not available in the old object"));\r
388                 SetBeamIntensity((Float_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fBeamIntensity")))->GetString()).Atof(),(Stats)0);\r
389         }       \r
390         else { \r
391                 AliError(Form("No fBeamIntensity value found in GRP map!"));\r
392         }\r
393         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fL3Polarity")){\r
394                 SetL3Polarity((Char_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fL3Polarity")))->GetString()).Atoi());\r
395         }       \r
396         else { \r
397                 AliError(Form("No fL3Polarity value found in GRP map!"));\r
398         }\r
399         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fDipolePolarity")){\r
400                 SetDipolePolarity((Char_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fDipolePolarity")))->GetString()).Atoi());  \r
401         }       \r
402         else { \r
403                 AliError(Form("No fDipolePolarity value found in GRP map!"));\r
404         }\r
405         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fL3Current")){\r
406                 AliInfo(Form("fL3Current found, but porting only average to the new object, since the other values are not available in the old object"));\r
407                 SetL3Current((Float_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fL3Current")))->GetString()).Atof(),(Stats)0);\r
408         }       \r
409         else { \r
410                 AliError(Form("No fL3Current value found in GRP map!"));\r
411         }\r
412         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fDipoleCurrent")){\r
413                 AliInfo(Form("fDipoleCurrent found, but porting only average to the new object, since the other values are not available in the old object"));\r
414                 SetDipoleCurrent((Float_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fDipoleCurrent")))->GetString()).Atof(),(Stats)0);\r
415         }       \r
416         else { \r
417                 AliError(Form("No fDipoleCurrent value found in GRP map!"));\r
418         }\r
419         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fCavernTemperature")){\r
420                 AliInfo(Form("fCaverntemperature found, but porting only average to the new object, since the other values are not available in the old object"));\r
421                 SetCavernTemperature((Float_t)(((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fCavernTemperature")))->GetString()).Atof(),(Stats)0);\r
422         }       \r
423         else { \r
424                 AliError(Form("No fCavernTemperature value found in GRP map!"));\r
425         }\r
426         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fCavernAtmosPressure")){\r
427                 AliInfo(Form("fCavernAtmosPressure found, but not ported to the new object since of a different type"));\r
428         }       \r
429         else { \r
430                 AliError(Form("No fCavernAtmosPressure value found in GRP map!"));\r
431         }\r
432         if(mapGRP->GetValue("fP2Pressure")){\r
433                 SetSurfaceAtmosPressure((AliDCSSensor*)((TObjString*)(mapGRP->GetValue("fP2Pressure"))));\r
434         }\r
435         else { \r
436                 AliError(Form("No fP2Pressure value found in GRP map!"));\r
437         }\r
438         \r
439         return;\r
440 \r
441 }\r