1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18 // This class is extracted from the AliRun class
19 // and contains all the MC-related functionality
20 // The number of dependencies has to be reduced...
21 // Author: F.Carminati
22 // Federico.Carminati@cern.ch
26 #include <TClonesArray.h>
27 #include <TGeoManager.h>
28 #include <TStopwatch.h>
30 #include <TVirtualMC.h>
31 #include <TParticle.h>
36 #include "AliDetector.h"
37 #include "AliGenerator.h"
38 #include "AliHeader.h"
46 #include "AliTrackReference.h"
47 #include "AliSimulation.h"
48 #include "AliGeomManager.h"
49 #include "AliCDBManager.h"
50 #include "AliCDBStorage.h"
51 #include "AliCDBEntry.h"
56 //_______________________________________________________________________
81 //_______________________________________________________________________
82 AliMC::AliMC(const char *name, const char *title) :
83 TVirtualMCApplication(name, title),
93 fImedia(new TArrayI(1000)),
96 fHitLists(new TList()),
99 fTrackReferences("AliTrackReference", 100),
100 fTmpTrackReferences("AliTrackReference", 100)
103 // Set transport parameters
106 // Prepare the tracking medium lists
107 for(Int_t i=0;i<1000;i++) (*fImedia)[i]=-99;
110 //_______________________________________________________________________
111 AliMC::AliMC(const AliMC &mc) :
112 TVirtualMCApplication(mc),
129 fTmpTrackReferences()
132 // Copy constructor for AliMC
137 //_______________________________________________________________________
145 // Delete track references
148 //_______________________________________________________________________
149 void AliMC::Copy(TObject &) const
151 //dummy Copy function
152 AliFatal("Not implemented!");
155 //_______________________________________________________________________
156 void AliMC::ConstructGeometry()
159 // Either load geometry from file or create it through usual
160 // loop on detectors. In the first case the method
161 // AliModule::CreateMaterials() only builds fIdtmed and is postponed
162 // at InitGeometry().
165 if(gAlice->IsRootGeometry()){ //load geometry either from CDB or from file
166 if(gAlice->IsGeomFromCDB()){
167 AliInfo("Loading geometry from CDB default storage");
168 AliCDBPath path("GRP","Geometry","Data");
169 AliCDBEntry *entry=AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get(path.GetPath());
170 if(!entry) AliFatal("Unable to load geometry from CDB!");
172 gGeoManager = (TGeoManager*) entry->GetObject();
173 if (!gGeoManager) AliFatal("TGeoManager object not found in the specified CDB entry!");
176 const char *geomfilename = gAlice->GetGeometryFileName();
177 if(gSystem->ExpandPathName(geomfilename)){
178 AliInfo(Form("Loading geometry from file:\n %40s",geomfilename));
179 TGeoManager::Import(geomfilename);
181 AliInfo(Form("Geometry file %40s not found!\n",geomfilename));
186 // Create modules, materials, geometry
188 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
190 AliDebug(1, "Geometry creation:");
191 while((detector = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(next()))) {
193 // Initialise detector materials and geometry
194 detector->CreateMaterials();
195 detector->CreateGeometry();
196 AliInfo(Form("%10s R:%.2fs C:%.2fs",
197 detector->GetName(),stw.RealTime(),stw.CpuTime()));
203 //_______________________________________________________________________
204 Bool_t AliMC::MisalignGeometry()
206 // Call misalignment code if AliSimulation object was defined.
208 if(!gAlice->IsRootGeometry()){
209 //Set alignable volumes for the whole geometry
210 SetAllAlignableVolumes();
212 // Misalign geometry via AliSimulation instance
213 if (!AliSimulation::GetInstance()) return kFALSE;
214 AliGeomManager::SetGeometry(gGeoManager);
215 if(!AliGeomManager::CheckSymNamesLUT("ALL"))
216 AliFatal("Current loaded geometry differs in the definition of symbolic names!");
218 return AliSimulation::GetInstance()->MisalignGeometry(gAlice->GetRunLoader());
221 //_______________________________________________________________________
222 void AliMC::ConstructOpGeometry()
225 // Loop all detector modules and call DefineOpticalProperties() method
228 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
230 AliInfo("Optical properties definition");
231 while((detector = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(next()))) {
232 // Initialise detector optical properties
233 detector->DefineOpticalProperties();
237 //_______________________________________________________________________
238 void AliMC::InitGeometry()
241 // Initialize detectors
244 AliInfo("Initialisation:");
246 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
248 while((detector = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(next()))) {
250 // Initialise detector geometry
251 if(gAlice->IsRootGeometry()) detector->CreateMaterials();
253 AliInfo(Form("%10s R:%.2fs C:%.2fs",
254 detector->GetName(),stw.RealTime(),stw.CpuTime()));
258 //_______________________________________________________________________
259 void AliMC::SetAllAlignableVolumes()
262 // Add alignable volumes (TGeoPNEntries) looping on all
266 AliInfo(Form("Setting entries for all alignable volumes of active detectors"));
268 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
269 while((detector = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(next()))) {
270 detector->AddAlignableVolumes();
274 //_______________________________________________________________________
275 void AliMC::GeneratePrimaries()
278 // Generate primary particles and fill them in the stack.
281 Generator()->Generate();
284 //_______________________________________________________________________
285 void AliMC::SetGenerator(AliGenerator *generator)
288 // Load the event generator
290 if(!fGenerator) fGenerator = generator;
293 //_______________________________________________________________________
294 void AliMC::ResetGenerator(AliGenerator *generator)
297 // Load the event generator
301 AliWarning(Form("Replacing generator %s with %s",
302 fGenerator->GetName(),generator->GetName()));
305 AliWarning(Form("Replacing generator %s with NULL",
306 fGenerator->GetName()));
309 fGenerator = generator;
312 //_______________________________________________________________________
313 void AliMC::FinishRun()
315 // Clean generator information
316 AliDebug(1, "fGenerator->FinishRun()");
317 fGenerator->FinishRun();
319 //Output energy summary tables
320 AliDebug(1, "EnergySummary()");
321 ToAliDebug(1, EnergySummary());
324 //_______________________________________________________________________
325 void AliMC::BeginPrimary()
328 // Called at the beginning of each primary track
333 ResetTrackReferences();
336 //_______________________________________________________________________
337 void AliMC::PreTrack()
339 // Actions before the track's transport
340 TObjArray &dets = *gAlice->Modules();
343 for(Int_t i=0; i<=gAlice->GetNdets(); i++)
344 if((module = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(dets[i])))
350 //_______________________________________________________________________
351 void AliMC::Stepping()
354 // Called at every step during transport
356 Int_t id = DetFromMate(gMC->CurrentMedium());
360 if ( gMC->IsNewTrack() &&
361 gMC->TrackTime() == 0. &&
363 fRDecayMax > fRDecayMin &&
364 gMC->TrackPid() == fDecayPdg )
366 FixParticleDecaytime();
372 // --- If lego option, do it and leave
374 gAlice->Lego()->StepManager();
377 //Update energy deposition tables
378 AddEnergyDeposit(gMC->CurrentVolID(copy),gMC->Edep());
380 // write tracke reference for track which is dissapearing - MI
382 if (gMC->IsTrackDisappeared() && !(gMC->IsTrackAlive())) {
383 if (gMC->Etot() > 0.05) AddTrackReference(GetCurrentTrackNumber(),
384 AliTrackReference::kDisappeared);
389 //Call the appropriate stepping routine;
390 AliModule *det = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(gAlice->Modules()->At(id));
391 if(det && det->StepManagerIsEnabled()) {
392 if(AliLog::GetGlobalDebugLevel()>0) fMCQA->StepManager(id);
398 //_______________________________________________________________________
399 void AliMC::EnergySummary()
402 // Print summary of deposited energy
408 Int_t kn, i, left, j, id;
409 const Float_t kzero=0;
410 Int_t ievent=gAlice->GetRunLoader()->GetHeader()->GetEvent()+1;
412 // Energy loss information
414 printf("***************** Energy Loss Information per event (GEV) *****************\n");
415 for(kn=1;kn<fEventEnergy.GetSize();kn++) {
418 fEventEnergy[ndep]=kn;
423 ed2=100*TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(ed2-ed*ed,kzero))/ed;
426 fSummEnergy[ndep]=ed;
427 fSum2Energy[ndep]=TMath::Min(static_cast<Float_t>(99.),TMath::Max(ed2,kzero));
432 for(kn=0;kn<(ndep-1)/3+1;kn++) {
434 for(i=0;i<(3<left?3:left);i++) {
436 id=Int_t (fEventEnergy[j]+0.1);
437 printf(" %s %10.3f +- %10.3f%%;",gMC->VolName(id),fSummEnergy[j],fSum2Energy[j]);
442 // Relative energy loss in different detectors
443 printf("******************** Relative Energy Loss per event ********************\n");
444 printf("Total energy loss per event %10.3f GeV\n",edtot);
445 for(kn=0;kn<(ndep-1)/5+1;kn++) {
447 for(i=0;i<(5<left?5:left);i++) {
449 id=Int_t (fEventEnergy[j]+0.1);
450 printf(" %s %10.3f%%;",gMC->VolName(id),100*fSummEnergy[j]/edtot);
454 for(kn=0;kn<75;kn++) printf("*");
458 // Reset the TArray's
459 // fEventEnergy.Set(0);
460 // fSummEnergy.Set(0);
461 // fSum2Energy.Set(0);
464 //_____________________________________________________________________________
465 void AliMC::BeginEvent()
468 // Clean-up previous event
470 AliDebug(1, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
471 AliDebug(1, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
472 AliDebug(1, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
473 AliDebug(1, " BEGINNING EVENT ");
474 AliDebug(1, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
475 AliDebug(1, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
476 AliDebug(1, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
478 AliRunLoader *runloader=gAlice->GetRunLoader();
480 /*******************************/
481 /* Clean after eventual */
483 /*******************************/
486 //Set the next event in Run Loader -> Cleans trees (TreeK and all trees in detectors),
487 gAlice->SetEventNrInRun(gAlice->GetEventNrInRun()+1);
488 runloader->SetEventNumber(gAlice->GetEventNrInRun());// sets new files, cleans the previous event stuff, if necessary, etc.,
489 AliDebug(1, Form("EventNr is %d",gAlice->GetEventNrInRun()));
491 fEventEnergy.Reset();
492 // Clean detector information
494 if (runloader->Stack())
495 runloader->Stack()->Reset();//clean stack -> tree is unloaded
497 runloader->MakeStack();//or make a new one
500 if(gAlice->Lego() == 0x0)
502 AliDebug(1, "fRunLoader->MakeTree(K)");
503 runloader->MakeTree("K");
506 AliDebug(1, "gMC->SetStack(fRunLoader->Stack())");
507 gMC->SetStack(gAlice->GetRunLoader()->Stack());//Was in InitMC - but was moved here
508 //because we don't have guarantee that
509 //stack pointer is not going to change from event to event
510 //since it bellobgs to header and is obtained via RunLoader
512 // Reset all Detectors & kinematics & make/reset trees
515 runloader->GetHeader()->Reset(AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetRun(),gAlice->GetEvNumber(),
516 gAlice->GetEventNrInRun());
517 // fRunLoader->WriteKinematics("OVERWRITE"); is there any reason to rewrite here since MakeTree does so
521 gAlice->Lego()->BeginEvent();
526 AliDebug(1, "ResetHits()");
529 AliDebug(1, "fRunLoader->MakeTree(H)");
530 runloader->MakeTree("H");
534 MakeTmpTrackRefsTree();
535 //create new branches and SetAdresses
536 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
538 while((detector = (AliModule*)next()))
540 AliDebug(2, Form("%s->MakeBranch(H)",detector->GetName()));
541 detector->MakeBranch("H");
545 //_______________________________________________________________________
546 void AliMC::ResetHits()
549 // Reset all Detectors hits
551 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
553 while((detector = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(next()))) {
554 detector->ResetHits();
558 //_______________________________________________________________________
559 void AliMC::PostTrack()
561 // Posts tracks for each module
562 TObjArray &dets = *gAlice->Modules();
565 for(Int_t i=0; i<=gAlice->GetNdets(); i++)
566 if((module = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(dets[i])))
570 //_______________________________________________________________________
571 void AliMC::FinishPrimary()
574 // Called at the end of each primary track
576 AliRunLoader *runloader=gAlice->GetRunLoader();
577 // static Int_t count=0;
578 // const Int_t times=10;
579 // This primary is finished, purify stack
580 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE > 262152
581 if (!(gMC->SecondariesAreOrdered())) {
582 if (runloader->Stack()->ReorderKine()) RemapHits();
585 if (runloader->Stack()->PurifyKine()) RemapHits();
587 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
589 while((detector = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(next()))) {
590 detector->FinishPrimary();
591 AliLoader* loader = detector->GetLoader();
594 TTree* treeH = loader->TreeH();
595 if (treeH) treeH->Fill(); //can be Lego run and treeH can not exist
599 // Write out track references if any
600 if (fTmpTreeTR) fTmpTreeTR->Fill();
603 void AliMC::RemapHits()
606 // Remaps the track labels of the hits
607 AliRunLoader *runloader=gAlice->GetRunLoader();
608 AliStack* stack = runloader->Stack();
609 TList* hitLists = GetHitLists();
610 TIter next(hitLists);
611 TCollection *hitList;
613 while((hitList = dynamic_cast<TCollection*>(next()))) {
614 TIter nexthit(hitList);
616 while((hit = dynamic_cast<AliHit*>(nexthit()))) {
617 hit->SetTrack(stack->TrackLabel(hit->GetTrack()));
622 // This for detectors which have a special mapping mechanism
623 // for hits, such as TPC and TRD
627 TObjArray* modules = gAlice->Modules();
628 TIter nextmod(modules);
630 while((module = (AliModule*) nextmod())) {
631 AliDetector* det = dynamic_cast<AliDetector*> (module);
632 if (det) det->RemapTrackHitIDs(stack->TrackLabelMap());
635 RemapTrackReferencesIDs(stack->TrackLabelMap());
638 //_______________________________________________________________________
639 void AliMC::FinishEvent()
642 // Called at the end of the event.
647 if(gAlice->Lego()) gAlice->Lego()->FinishEvent();
649 TIter next(gAlice->Modules());
651 while((detector = dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(next()))) {
652 detector->FinishEvent();
655 //Update the energy deposit tables
657 for(i=0;i<fEventEnergy.GetSize();i++)
659 fSummEnergy[i]+=fEventEnergy[i];
660 fSum2Energy[i]+=fEventEnergy[i]*fEventEnergy[i];
663 AliRunLoader *runloader=gAlice->GetRunLoader();
665 AliHeader* header = runloader->GetHeader();
666 AliStack* stack = runloader->Stack();
667 if ( (header == 0x0) || (stack == 0x0) )
668 {//check if we got header and stack. If not cry and exit aliroot
669 AliFatal("Can not get the stack or header from LOADER");
670 return;//never reached
672 // Update Header information
673 header->SetNprimary(stack->GetNprimary());
674 header->SetNtrack(stack->GetNtrack());
676 // Write out the kinematics
677 if (!gAlice->Lego()) stack->FinishEvent();
679 // Synchronize the TreeTR with TreeK
680 if (fTmpTreeTR) ReorderAndExpandTreeTR();
682 // Write out the event Header information
683 TTree* treeE = runloader->TreeE();
686 header->SetStack(stack);
691 AliError("Can not get TreeE from RL");
694 if(gAlice->Lego() == 0x0)
696 runloader->WriteKinematics("OVERWRITE");
697 runloader->WriteTrackRefs("OVERWRITE");
698 runloader->WriteHits("OVERWRITE");
701 AliDebug(1, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
702 AliDebug(1, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
703 AliDebug(1, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
704 AliDebug(1, " FINISHING EVENT ");
705 AliDebug(1, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
706 AliDebug(1, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
707 AliDebug(1, "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
710 //_______________________________________________________________________
711 void AliMC::Field(const Double_t* x, Double_t* b) const
713 // Calculates field "b" at point "x"
717 //_______________________________________________________________________
722 //=================Create Materials and geometry
724 // Set alignable volumes for the whole geometry (with old root)
725 #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE < 331527
726 SetAllAlignableVolumes();
728 //Read the cuts for all materials
730 //Build the special IMEDIA table
733 //Compute cross-sections
736 //Initialise geometry deposition table
737 fEventEnergy.Set(gMC->NofVolumes()+1);
738 fSummEnergy.Set(gMC->NofVolumes()+1);
739 fSum2Energy.Set(gMC->NofVolumes()+1);
742 fMCQA = new AliMCQA(gAlice->GetNdets());
744 // Register MC in configuration
745 AliConfig::Instance()->Add(gMC);
749 //_______________________________________________________________________
750 void AliMC::MediaTable()
753 // Built media table to get from the media number to
757 Int_t kz, nz, idt, lz, i, k, ind;
759 TObjArray &dets = *gAlice->Detectors();
761 Int_t ndets=gAlice->GetNdets();
764 for (kz=0;kz<ndets;kz++) {
765 // If detector is defined
766 if((det=dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(dets[kz]))) {
767 TArrayI &idtmed = *(det->GetIdtmed());
768 for(nz=0;nz<100;nz++) {
770 // Find max and min material number
771 if((idt=idtmed[nz])) {
772 det->LoMedium() = det->LoMedium() < idt ? det->LoMedium() : idt;
773 det->HiMedium() = det->HiMedium() > idt ? det->HiMedium() : idt;
776 if(det->LoMedium() > det->HiMedium()) {
780 if(det->HiMedium() > fImedia->GetSize()) {
781 AliError(Form("Increase fImedia from %d to %d",
782 fImedia->GetSize(),det->HiMedium()));
785 // Tag all materials in rage as belonging to detector kz
786 for(lz=det->LoMedium(); lz<= det->HiMedium(); lz++) {
793 // Print summary table
794 AliInfo("Tracking media ranges:");
796 for(i=0;i<(ndets-1)/6+1;i++) {
797 for(k=0;k< (6<ndets-i*6?6:ndets-i*6);k++) {
799 det=dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(dets[ind]);
801 printf(" %6s: %3d -> %3d;",det->GetName(),det->LoMedium(),
804 printf(" %6s: %3d -> %3d;","NULL",0,0);
811 //_______________________________________________________________________
812 void AliMC::ReadTransPar()
815 // Read filename to set the transport parameters
819 const Int_t kncuts=10;
820 const Int_t knflags=11;
821 const Int_t knpars=kncuts+knflags;
822 const char kpars[knpars][7] = {"CUTGAM" ,"CUTELE","CUTNEU","CUTHAD","CUTMUO",
825 "MULS","PAIR","PHOT","RAYL"};
831 Int_t i, itmed, iret, ktmed, kz;
834 // See whether the file is there
835 filtmp=gSystem->ExpandPathName(fTransParName.Data());
836 lun=fopen(filtmp,"r");
839 AliWarning(Form("File %s does not exist!",fTransParName.Data()));
844 // Initialise cuts and flags
845 for(i=0;i<kncuts;i++) cut[i]=-99;
846 for(i=0;i<knflags;i++) flag[i]=-99;
848 for(i=0;i<256;i++) line[i]='\0';
849 // Read up to the end of line excluded
850 iret=fscanf(lun,"%[^\n]",line);
856 // Read the end of line
859 if(line[0]=='*') continue;
861 iret=sscanf(line,"%s %d %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",
862 detName,&itmed,&cut[0],&cut[1],&cut[2],&cut[3],&cut[4],&cut[5],&cut[6],&cut[7],&cut[8],
863 &cut[9],&flag[0],&flag[1],&flag[2],&flag[3],&flag[4],&flag[5],&flag[6],&flag[7],
864 &flag[8],&flag[9],&flag[10]);
868 AliWarning(Form("Error reading file %s",fTransParName.Data()));
871 // Check that the module exist
872 AliModule *mod = gAlice->GetModule(detName);
874 // Get the array of media numbers
875 TArrayI &idtmed = *mod->GetIdtmed();
876 // Check that the tracking medium code is valid
877 if(0<=itmed && itmed < 100) {
880 AliWarning(Form("Invalid tracking medium code %d for %s",itmed,mod->GetName()));
883 // Set energy thresholds
884 for(kz=0;kz<kncuts;kz++) {
886 AliDebug(2, Form("%-6s set to %10.3E for tracking medium code %4d for %s",
887 kpars[kz],cut[kz],itmed,mod->GetName()));
888 gMC->Gstpar(ktmed,kpars[kz],cut[kz]);
891 // Set transport mechanisms
892 for(kz=0;kz<knflags;kz++) {
894 AliDebug(2, Form("%-6s set to %10d for tracking medium code %4d for %s",
895 kpars[kncuts+kz],flag[kz],itmed,mod->GetName()));
896 gMC->Gstpar(ktmed,kpars[kncuts+kz],Float_t(flag[kz]));
900 AliWarning(Form("Invalid medium code %d",itmed));
904 AliDebug(1, Form("%s not present",detName));
910 //_______________________________________________________________________
911 void AliMC::SetTransPar(const char *filename)
914 // Sets the file name for transport parameters
916 fTransParName = filename;
919 //_______________________________________________________________________
920 void AliMC::Browse(TBrowser *b)
923 // Called when the item "Run" is clicked on the left pane
924 // of the Root browser.
925 // It displays the Root Trees and all detectors.
927 //detectors are in folders anyway
928 b->Add(fMCQA,"AliMCQA");
931 //_______________________________________________________________________
932 void AliMC::AddHit(Int_t id, Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits) const
935 // Add a hit to detector id
937 TObjArray &dets = *gAlice->Modules();
938 if(dets[id]) dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(dets[id])->AddHit(track,vol,hits);
941 //_______________________________________________________________________
942 void AliMC::AddDigit(Int_t id, Int_t *tracks, Int_t *digits) const
945 // Add digit to detector id
947 TObjArray &dets = *gAlice->Modules();
948 if(dets[id]) dynamic_cast<AliModule*>(dets[id])->AddDigit(tracks,digits);
951 //_______________________________________________________________________
952 Int_t AliMC::GetCurrentTrackNumber() const {
954 // Returns current track
956 return gAlice->GetRunLoader()->Stack()->GetCurrentTrackNumber();
959 //_______________________________________________________________________
960 void AliMC::DumpPart (Int_t i) const
963 // Dumps particle i in the stack
965 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
966 if (runloader->Stack())
967 runloader->Stack()->DumpPart(i);
970 //_______________________________________________________________________
971 void AliMC::DumpPStack () const
974 // Dumps the particle stack
976 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
977 if (runloader->Stack())
978 runloader->Stack()->DumpPStack();
981 //_______________________________________________________________________
982 Int_t AliMC::GetNtrack() const {
984 // Returns number of tracks in stack
987 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
988 if (runloader->Stack())
989 ntracks = runloader->Stack()->GetNtrack();
993 //_______________________________________________________________________
994 Int_t AliMC::GetPrimary(Int_t track) const
997 // return number of primary that has generated track
999 Int_t nprimary = -999;
1000 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1001 if (runloader->Stack())
1002 nprimary = runloader->Stack()->GetPrimary(track);
1006 //_______________________________________________________________________
1007 TParticle* AliMC::Particle(Int_t i) const
1009 // Returns the i-th particle from the stack taking into account
1010 // the remaping done by PurifyKine
1011 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1013 if (runloader->Stack())
1014 return runloader->Stack()->Particle(i);
1018 //_______________________________________________________________________
1019 const TObjArray* AliMC::Particles() const {
1021 // Returns pointer to Particles array
1023 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1025 if (runloader->Stack())
1026 return runloader->Stack()->Particles();
1030 //_______________________________________________________________________
1031 void AliMC::PushTrack(Int_t done, Int_t parent, Int_t pdg, Float_t *pmom,
1032 Float_t *vpos, Float_t *polar, Float_t tof,
1033 TMCProcess mech, Int_t &ntr, Float_t weight, Int_t is) const
1035 // Delegate to stack
1037 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1039 if (runloader->Stack())
1040 runloader->Stack()->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg, pmom, vpos, polar, tof,
1041 mech, ntr, weight, is);
1044 //_______________________________________________________________________
1045 void AliMC::PushTrack(Int_t done, Int_t parent, Int_t pdg,
1046 Double_t px, Double_t py, Double_t pz, Double_t e,
1047 Double_t vx, Double_t vy, Double_t vz, Double_t tof,
1048 Double_t polx, Double_t poly, Double_t polz,
1049 TMCProcess mech, Int_t &ntr, Float_t weight, Int_t is) const
1051 // Delegate to stack
1053 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1055 if (runloader->Stack())
1056 runloader->Stack()->PushTrack(done, parent, pdg, px, py, pz, e, vx, vy, vz, tof,
1057 polx, poly, polz, mech, ntr, weight, is);
1060 //_______________________________________________________________________
1061 void AliMC::SetHighWaterMark(Int_t nt) const
1064 // Set high water mark for last track in event
1065 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1067 if (runloader->Stack())
1068 runloader->Stack()->SetHighWaterMark(nt);
1071 //_______________________________________________________________________
1072 void AliMC::KeepTrack(Int_t track) const
1075 // Delegate to stack
1077 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1079 if (runloader->Stack())
1080 runloader->Stack()->KeepTrack(track);
1083 //_______________________________________________________________________
1084 void AliMC::FlagTrack(Int_t track) const
1086 // Delegate to stack
1088 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1090 if (runloader->Stack())
1091 runloader->Stack()->FlagTrack(track);
1094 //_______________________________________________________________________
1095 void AliMC::SetCurrentTrack(Int_t track) const
1098 // Set current track number
1100 AliRunLoader * runloader = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1102 if (runloader->Stack())
1103 runloader->Stack()->SetCurrentTrack(track);
1106 //_______________________________________________________________________
1107 AliTrackReference* AliMC::AddTrackReference(Int_t label, Int_t id)
1110 // add a trackrefernce to the list
1111 Int_t primary = GetPrimary(label);
1112 Particle(primary)->SetBit(kKeepBit);
1114 Int_t nref = fTmpTrackReferences.GetEntriesFast();
1115 return new(fTmpTrackReferences[nref]) AliTrackReference(label, id);
1120 //_______________________________________________________________________
1121 void AliMC::ResetTrackReferences()
1124 // Reset all references
1126 fTmpTrackReferences.Clear();
1129 void AliMC::RemapTrackReferencesIDs(Int_t *map)
1132 // Remapping track reference
1133 // Called at finish primary
1136 Int_t nEntries = fTmpTrackReferences.GetEntries();
1137 for (Int_t i=0; i < nEntries; i++){
1138 AliTrackReference * ref = dynamic_cast<AliTrackReference*>(fTmpTrackReferences.UncheckedAt(i));
1140 Int_t newID = map[ref->GetTrack()];
1141 if (newID>=0) ref->SetTrack(newID);
1143 ref->SetBit(kNotDeleted,kFALSE);
1144 fTmpTrackReferences.RemoveAt(i);
1148 fTmpTrackReferences.Compress();
1151 void AliMC::FixParticleDecaytime()
1154 // Fix the particle decay time according to rmin and rmax for decays
1158 gMC->TrackMomentum(p);
1159 Double_t tmin, tmax;
1162 // Transverse velocity
1163 Double_t vt = p.Pt() / p.E();
1165 if ((b = gAlice->Field()->SolenoidField()) > 0.) { // [kG]
1169 Double_t rho = p.Pt() / 0.0003 / b; // [cm]
1171 // Revolution frequency
1173 Double_t omega = vt / rho;
1175 // Maximum and minimum decay time
1177 // Check for curlers first
1178 if (fRDecayMax * fRDecayMax / rho / rho / 2. > 1.) return;
1182 tmax = TMath::ACos(1. - fRDecayMax * fRDecayMax / rho / rho / 2.) / omega; // [ct]
1183 tmin = TMath::ACos(1. - fRDecayMin * fRDecayMin / rho / rho / 2.) / omega; // [ct]
1185 tmax = fRDecayMax / vt; // [ct]
1186 tmin = fRDecayMin / vt; // [ct]
1190 // Dial t using the two limits
1191 Double_t t = tmin + (tmax - tmin) * gRandom->Rndm(); // [ct]
1194 // Force decay time in transport code
1196 gMC->ForceDecayTime(t / 2.99792458e10);
1199 void AliMC::MakeTmpTrackRefsTree()
1201 // Make the temporary track reference tree
1202 fTmpFileTR = new TFile("TrackRefsTmp.root", "recreate");
1203 fTmpTreeTR = new TTree("TreeTR", "Track References");
1204 TClonesArray* pRef = &fTmpTrackReferences;
1205 fTmpTreeTR->Branch("TrackReferences", "TClonesArray", &pRef, 4000);
1208 void AliMC::ReorderAndExpandTreeTR()
1211 // Reorder and expand the temporary track reference tree in order to match the kinematics tree
1214 AliRunLoader *rl = gAlice->GetRunLoader();
1217 AliDebug(1, "fRunLoader->MakeTrackRefsContainer()");
1218 rl->MakeTrackRefsContainer();
1219 TTree * treeTR = rl->TreeTR();
1221 // make branch for central track references
1223 TClonesArray* pRef = &fTrackReferences;
1224 branch = treeTR->Branch("TrackReferences", &pRef);
1225 branch->SetAddress(&pRef);
1228 AliStack* stack = rl->Stack();
1229 Int_t np = stack->GetNprimary();
1230 Int_t nt = fTmpTreeTR->GetEntries();
1232 // Loop over tracks and find the secondaries with the help of the kine tree
1235 for (Int_t ip = np - 1; ip > -1; ip--) {
1236 TParticle *part = stack->Particle(ip);
1237 //printf("Particle %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d \n", ip, part->GetPdgCode(), part->GetFirstMother(), part->GetFirstDaughter(), part->GetLastDaughter());
1239 // Skip primaries that have not been transported
1240 Int_t dau1 = part->GetFirstDaughter();
1242 if (!part->TestBit(kTransportBit)) continue;
1244 fTmpTreeTR->GetEntry(it++);
1245 Int_t nh = fTmpTrackReferences.GetEntries();
1246 // Determine range of secondaries produced by this primary
1248 Int_t inext = ip - 1;
1251 part = stack->Particle(inext);
1252 dau2 = part->GetFirstDaughter();
1253 if (!(part->TestBit(kTransportBit)) || dau2 == -1 || dau2 < np) {
1254 // if (dau2 == -1 || dau2 < np) {
1260 dau2 = stack->GetNtrack() - 1;
1263 } // find upper bound
1265 // printf("Check (1) %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d \n", ip, np, it, dau1, dau2);
1267 // Loop over reference hits and find secondary label
1268 for (Int_t id = dau1; (id <= dau2) && (dau1 > -1); id++) {
1269 for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nh; ih++) {
1270 AliTrackReference* tr = (AliTrackReference*) fTmpTrackReferences.At(ih);
1271 Int_t label = tr->Label();
1273 if (label == ip) continue;
1274 if (label > dau2 || label < dau1)
1275 AliWarning(Form("Track Reference Label out of range !: %5d %5d %5d \n", label, dau1, dau2));
1278 Int_t nref = fTrackReferences.GetEntriesFast();
1279 new(fTrackReferences[nref]) AliTrackReference(*tr);
1283 fTrackReferences.Clear();
1288 // Now loop again and write the primaries
1290 for (Int_t ip = 0; ip < np; ip++) {
1291 TParticle* part = stack->Particle(ip);
1292 // if ((part->GetFirstDaughter() == -1 && part->GetStatusCode() <= 1) || part->GetFirstDaughter() >= np)
1293 if (part->TestBit(kTransportBit))
1295 // Skip particles that have not been transported
1296 fTmpTreeTR->GetEntry(it--);
1297 Int_t nh = fTmpTrackReferences.GetEntries();
1299 // Loop over reference hits and find primary labels
1300 for (Int_t ih = 0; ih < nh; ih++) {
1301 AliTrackReference* tr = (AliTrackReference*) fTmpTrackReferences.At(ih);
1302 Int_t label = tr->Label();
1304 Int_t nref = fTrackReferences.GetEntriesFast();
1305 new(fTrackReferences[nref]) AliTrackReference(*tr);
1310 fTrackReferences.Clear();
1314 if (ifills != stack->GetNtrack())
1315 AliWarning(Form("Number of entries in TreeTR (%5d) unequal to TreeK (%5d) \n", ifills, stack->GetNtrack()));
1319 fTmpFileTR->Close();
1321 fTmpTrackReferences.Clear();
1322 gSystem->Exec("rm -rf TrackRefsTmp.root");