3 /* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
11 // Produces the data needed to calculate the quality assurance.
12 // All data must be mergeable objects.
13 // Y. Schutz CERN July 2007
17 // --- ROOT system ---
19 #include <TObjArray.h>
28 class AliDetectorRecoParam;
30 // --- Standard library ---
32 // --- AliRoot header files ---
34 #include "AliRecoParam.h"
36 class AliQADataMaker: public TNamed {
40 AliQADataMaker(const char * name="", const char * title="") ; // ctor
41 AliQADataMaker(const AliQADataMaker& qadm) ;
42 virtual ~AliQADataMaker() {} // dtor
44 virtual Int_t Add2DigitsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE) = 0 ;
45 virtual Int_t Add2ESDsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE) = 0 ;
46 virtual Int_t Add2HitsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE) = 0 ;
47 virtual Int_t Add2RecPointsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE) = 0 ;
48 virtual Int_t Add2RawsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE, const Bool_t saveForCorr = kFALSE) = 0 ;
49 virtual Int_t Add2SDigitsList(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE) = 0 ;
50 virtual void Exec(AliQA::TASKINDEX_t, TObject * data) = 0 ;
51 virtual void EndOfCycle() = 0 ;
52 virtual void EndOfCycle(AliQA::TASKINDEX_t ) = 0 ;
54 virtual TH1 * GetDigitsData(const Int_t index) = 0 ;
55 virtual TH1 * GetESDsData(const Int_t index) = 0 ;
56 virtual TH1 * GetHitsData(const Int_t index) = 0 ;
57 virtual TH1 * GetRecPointsData(const Int_t index) = 0 ;
58 virtual TH1 * GetRawsData(const Int_t index) = 0 ;
59 virtual TH1 * GetSDigitsData(const Int_t index) = 0 ;
60 const char * GetDetectorDirName() const { return fDetectorDirName.Data() ; }
61 TList * GetParameterList() const { return fParameterList[AliRecoParam::AConvert(fEventSpecie)] ; }
62 Int_t Increment() { return ++fCycleCounter ; }
63 virtual TObjArray** Init(AliQA::TASKINDEX_t, Int_t cycles = -1) = 0 ;
64 virtual void Init(AliQA::TASKINDEX_t, TObjArray ** list, Int_t run, Int_t cycles = -1) = 0 ;
65 Bool_t IsCycleDone() const { return fCycleCounter > fCycle ? kTRUE : kFALSE ; }
66 void Reset() { fCycleCounter = 0 ; }
67 void SetCycle(Int_t nevts) { fCycle = nevts ; }
68 void SetWriteExpert() { fWriteExpert = kTRUE ; }
69 virtual void StartOfCycle(Int_t run = -1) = 0 ;
70 virtual void StartOfCycle(AliQA::TASKINDEX_t, Int_t run, const Bool_t sameCycle = kFALSE) = 0 ;
71 void UnSetWriteExpert() { fWriteExpert = kFALSE ; }
72 Bool_t WriteExpert() { return fWriteExpert ; }
73 void SetEventSpecie(AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t es) { fEventSpecie = es ; }
74 void SetEventSpecie(Int_t es) { fEventSpecie = AliRecoParam::Convert(es) ; }
75 virtual void SetRecoParam(const AliDetectorRecoParam */*param*/) {AliInfo("To be implemented by AliQADataMakerRec, not needed yet in Sim") ; }
79 Int_t Add2List(TH1 * hist, const Int_t index, TObjArray ** list, const Bool_t expert = kFALSE, const Bool_t saveForCorr = kFALSE) ;
80 TH1 * CloneMe(TH1 * hist, Int_t specie) const ;
81 virtual void DefaultEndOfDetectorCycle(AliQA::TASKINDEX_t task ) ;
82 virtual void EndOfDetectorCycle(AliQA::TASKINDEX_t task, TObjArray ** list ) = 0 ;
83 TObject * GetData(TObjArray ** list, const Int_t index) ;
84 virtual void InitDigits() = 0 ;
85 virtual void InitESDs() = 0 ;
86 virtual void InitHits() = 0 ;
87 //virtual void InitRecParticles() = 0 ;
88 virtual void InitRecPoints() = 0 ;
89 virtual void InitRaws() = 0 ;
90 virtual void InitSDigits() = 0 ;
91 //virtual void InitTrackSegments() = 0 ;
92 virtual void MakeESDs(AliESDEvent * ) = 0 ;
93 virtual void MakeHits(TClonesArray * ) = 0 ;
94 virtual void MakeHits(TTree * ) = 0 ;
95 virtual void MakeDigits(TClonesArray * ) = 0 ;
96 virtual void MakeDigits(TTree * ) = 0 ;
97 //virtual void MakeRecParticles(TClonesArray * ) = 0 ;
98 virtual void MakeRaws(AliRawReader *) = 0 ;
99 virtual void MakeRecPoints(TTree * ) = 0 ;
100 virtual void MakeSDigits(TClonesArray * ) = 0 ;
101 virtual void MakeSDigits(TTree * ) = 0 ;
102 //virtual void MakeTrackSegments(TTree * ) = 0 ;
103 void ResetCycle() { fCurrentCycle++ ; fCycleCounter = 0 ; }
104 virtual void StartOfDetectorCycle() = 0 ;
106 TFile * fOutput ; //! output root file
107 TDirectory * fDetectorDir ; //! directory for the given detector in the file
108 TString fDetectorDirName ; //! detector directory name in the quality assurance data file
109 Int_t fCurrentCycle ; //! current cycle number
110 Int_t fCycle ; //! length (# events) of the QA data acquisition cycle
111 Int_t fCycleCounter ; //! cycle counter
112 Bool_t fWriteExpert ; //! flag to write or not the expert QA data
113 TList ** fParameterList ; //! list of QA data parameters
114 Int_t fRun ; //! run number
115 AliRecoParam::EventSpecie_t fEventSpecie ; //! event specie, see AliRecoParam
117 AliQADataMaker& operator = (const AliQADataMaker& /*qadm*/); // Not implemented
120 ClassDef(AliQADataMaker,1) // description
124 #endif // AliQADataMaker_H