1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 // T0 ( T-zero) detector version 1 //
24 <img src="gif/AliT0v1Class.gif">
29 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 #include <Riostream.h>
34 #include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
35 #include "TGeoManager.h"
36 #include "TGeoMatrix.h"
39 #include <TGeoGlobalMagField.h>
41 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
43 #include <TVirtualMC.h>
51 #include "AliT0Parameters.h"
54 #include "AliCDBLocal.h"
55 #include "AliCDBStorage.h"
56 #include "AliCDBManager.h"
57 #include "AliCDBEntry.h"
58 #include "AliTrackReference.h"
63 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
64 AliT0v1::AliT0v1(): AliT0(),
70 // Standart constructor for T0 Detector version 0
72 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
73 AliT0v1::AliT0v1(const char *name, const char *title):
80 // Standart constructor for T0 Detector version 0
83 AliT0Parameters* param = AliT0Parameters::Instance();
84 for (Int_t i=0; i<24; i++){
85 TGraph* grEff = param ->GetPMTeff(i);
86 fEffPMT.AddAtAndExpand(grEff,i);
89 //_____________________________________________________________________________
96 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 void AliT0v1::CreateGeometry()
100 // Create the geometry of T0 Detector version 0
104 <img src="gif/AliT0v0.gif">
109 Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray();
111 AliT0Parameters* param = AliT0Parameters::Instance();
113 Float_t zdetC = param->GetZposition(0);
114 Float_t zdetA = param->GetZposition(1);
116 Float_t zdetC = 69.7;
117 Float_t zdetA = 373.;
123 Float_t pstartR[18]={0., 360., 5.,
124 -6.8, 4.25, 10., //-76.5+0.00+69.7
125 // -0.75 , 4.45, 10., // -76.5+6.05+69.7
126 // 1.25 , 4.45, 10., //-76.5+8.05+69.7
127 -0.75 , 4.5, 10., // -76.5+6.05+69.7
128 1.25 , 4.5, 10., //-76.5+8.05+69.7
129 1.25 , 5.1, 10, //-76.5+8.05+69.7
130 6.8 , 5.1, 10.}; //-62.9+0.00+69.7
132 Float_t pstart[3]={4., 12.5,6.8};
133 Float_t pinstart[3]={0.,1.45,6.5};
134 Float_t ppmt[3]={0.,1.4,3.5};
135 Float_t ptop[3]={0.,1.,1.0};
136 Float_t preg[3]={0., 1.0, 0.005}; //photcathode dobavil bogdanov
137 Float_t ptopout[3]={1.,1.01, 1.}; //metal air around raiator for photos reflection
138 Float_t pbot[3]={0.6,1.2,0.1};
139 Float_t pglass[3]={1.2,1.3,2.};
140 Float_t pcer[3]={0.9,1.1,1.35};
141 Float_t psteel[3]={0.9,1.1,0.15};
142 Float_t psupport1[3] = {4.51,4.52,4.0};//C kozhuh vnutri
143 Float_t psupport2[3] = {9.5,9.6,4.0};// snaruzhi C
144 Float_t psupport3[3] = {4.52,9.5, 0.05};//kryshki C
145 Float_t psupport5[3] = {1.44,1.45,6.5}; // stakanchik dlai feu C
146 Float_t psupport6[3] = {0,1.4,0.04}; //kryshechka stakanchika Al
147 Float_t psupport7[3] = {1.44,1.45,0.4}; //kolechko snaruzhu stakanchika Al
149 // Mother Volume katushka dlia krepezha vokrug truby k Absorbru
150 AliMatrix(idrotm[901], 90., 0., 90., 90., 180., 0.);
220 gMC->Gsvolu("0SUP", "PCON", idtmed[kAir], ppcon,42);
222 gMC->Gspos("0SUP",1,"ALIC",0.,0.,z,idrotm[901],"ONLY");
224 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
226 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
229 gMC->Gsvolu("0STR","PCON",idtmed[kAir],pstartR,18);
230 gMC->Gspos("0STR",1,"ALIC",0.,0.,-zdetC+pstartR[3],idrotm[901],"ONLY");
231 // gMC->Gspos("0STL",1,"ALIC",0.,0.,zdetA+pstart[2],0,"ONLY");
234 gMC->Gsvolu("0INS","TUBE",idtmed[kAir],pinstart,3);
235 gMC->Gsvolu("0PMT","TUBE",idtmed[kAir],ppmt,3);
237 gMC->Gsvolu("0SU1","TUBE",idtmed[kC],psupport1,3);//C kozhuh vnutri
238 gMC->Gsvolu("0SU2","TUBE",idtmed[kC],psupport2,3);// snaruzhi C
239 gMC->Gsvolu("0SU3","TUBE",idtmed[kC],psupport3,3);//kryshka perednaiai C
240 gMC->Gsvolu("0SU4","TUBE",idtmed[kC],psupport3,3);//kryshka zadnaiai C
241 // gMC->Gsvolu("0SU5","TUBE",idtmed[kAir],psupport4,3);// dyrki dlia feu v zadnej kryshke Air
242 gMC->Gsvolu("0SU6","TUBE",idtmed[kC],psupport5,3);// stakanchik dlai feu C
243 gMC->Gsvolu("0SU7","TUBE",idtmed[kAl],psupport6,3);//kryshechka stakanchika Al
244 gMC->Gsvolu("0SU8","TUBE",idtmed[kAl],psupport7,3);//kolechko snaruzhu stakanchika Al
248 //non-absorber side support and T0A !!!!!!!!
250 TGeoPcon * supPgon = new TGeoPcon("0supPgon",0.,360.,4);
251 supPgon->DefineSection(0, 0, 4.1, 5.5);
252 supPgon->DefineSection(1, 10.5 , 4.1, 5.5);
253 supPgon->DefineSection(2, 10.5 , 4.1, 4.9);
254 supPgon->DefineSection(3, 12.5 , 4.1, 4.9);
255 TGeoTranslation *trPgon = new TGeoTranslation("0trPgon",0,0,0);
256 trPgon->RegisterYourself();
258 TGeoVolumeAssembly * stlin = new TGeoVolumeAssembly("0STL");//empty segment
259 TGeoVolume *ins = gGeoManager->GetVolume("0INS");
261 new TGeoTube("0HOLE", 0, 1.51, 6.5);
262 TGeoTranslation *tr [12];
263 Double_t angle = 2 * TMath::Pi() / 12;
265 for (Int_t itr=0; itr<12; itr++) {
266 sprintf (nameTr,"0TR%i",itr+1);
267 x = 6.5 * TMath::Sin(itr * angle);
268 y = 6.5 * TMath::Cos(itr * angle);
269 tr[itr] = new TGeoTranslation(nameTr,x,y,6.5);
270 tr[itr]->RegisterYourself();
271 stlin->AddNode(ins,itr+13,tr[itr]);
273 TGeoCompositeShape *supsh = new TGeoCompositeShape("0supsh","0supPgon:0trPgon-(0HOLE:0TR1+0HOLE:0TR2+0HOLE:0TR3+0HOLE:0TR4+0HOLE:0TR5+0HOLE:0TR6+0HOLE:0TR7+0HOLE:0TR8+0HOLE:0TR9+0HOLE:0TR10+0HOLE:0TR11+0HOLE:0TR12)");
275 TGeoMedium *medal = gGeoManager->GetMedium("T0_Aluminium$");
276 TGeoVolume *supA = new TGeoVolume("0SUA",supsh,medal);
277 stlin->AddNode(supA,1,new TGeoTranslation(0,0,0));
279 TGeoVolume *alice = gGeoManager->GetVolume("ALIC");
280 alice->AddNode(stlin,1,new TGeoTranslation(0,0, zdetA ));
285 // first ring: 12 units of Scintillator+PMT+divider
286 Float_t theta = (180 / TMath::Pi()) * TMath::ATan(6.6 / zdetC);
288 for (is=0; is<12; is++)
291 x = 6.6 * TMath::Sin(is * angle);
292 y = 6.6 * TMath::Cos(is * angle);
295 phi[1] = 90 - is * 30;
296 phi[2] = 90 - is * 30;
297 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 3; j++)
298 if (phi[j] < 0) phi[j] += 360;
300 AliMatrix (idrotm[902 + is], 90., phi[0],
303 z=-pstart[2]+pinstart[2]+0.3;
304 gMC->Gspos ("0INS", is + 1, "0STR", x, y, z, idrotm[902 + is], "ONLY");
309 // z=-pinstart[2]+ppmt[2]+psupport6[2]*2;
310 z=-pinstart[2]+ppmt[2]+0.08; //+psupport6[2];
311 gMC->Gspos("0PMT",1,"0INS",x,y,z,0,"ONLY");
314 // Entry window (glass)
315 gMC->Gsvolu("0TOP","TUBE",idtmed[kOpGlass],ptop,3); //glass
317 gMC->Gspos("0TOP",1,"0PMT",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
318 //"metal" air volume to simulate reclection
319 gMC->Gsvolu("0TOO","TUBE",idtmed[kOpAir],ptopout,3);
320 gMC->Gspos("0TOO",1,"0PMT",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
323 gMC->Gsvolu ("0REG", "TUBE", idtmed[kOpGlassCathode], preg, 3);
324 z = -ppmt[2] + 2 * ptop[2] + preg[2];
325 gMC->Gspos ("0REG", 1, "0PMT", 0, 0, z, 0, "ONLY");
327 gMC->Gsvolu("0BOT","TUBE",idtmed[kGlass],pbot,3);
329 gMC->Gspos("0BOT",1,"0PMT",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
330 // Side cylinder glass
331 gMC->Gsvolu("0OUT","TUBE",idtmed[kGlass],pglass,3);
333 gMC->Gspos("0OUT",1,"0PMT",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
334 //PMT electrodes support structure
335 gMC->Gsvolu("0CER","TUBE",idtmed[kCer],pcer,3);
336 gMC->Gsvolu("0STE","TUBE",idtmed[kSteel],psteel,3);
337 z=-ppmt[2]+2*ptop[2]+0.3 + pcer[2];
338 gMC->Gspos("0CER",1,"0PMT",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
339 z +=psteel[2]+pcer[2];
340 gMC->Gspos("0STE",1,"0PMT",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
342 //Support absorber (C) side
343 z=-pstart[2]+psupport1[2];// 0.05; //0.1;
344 gMC->Gspos("0SU1",1,"0STR",0,0,z,0,"ONLY"); //C kozhuh snaruzhi
345 gMC->Gspos("0SU2",1,"0STR",0,0,z,0,"ONLY"); //C kozhuh vnutri
346 z=-pstart[2]+psupport3[2];// - 0.1;
347 gMC->Gspos("0SU3",1,"0STR",0,0,z,0,"ONLY"); //peredniaia kryshka
348 z=-pstart[2]+2.*psupport1[2];//+0.1;
349 gMC->Gspos("0SU4",1,"0STR",0,0,z,0,"MANY"); //zadnaiai kryshka
350 gMC->Gspos("0SU6",1,"0INS",0,0,0,0,"ONLY");//C stakanchik dlia feu
351 z=-pinstart[2]+psupport6[2]; //-0.1;
352 gMC->Gspos("0SU7",1,"0INS",0,0,z,0,"ONLY"); //Al kryshechka
354 z=pinstart[2]-psupport7[2];
355 gMC->Gspos("0SU8",1,"0SU6",0,0,z,0,"ONLY"); //Al kolechko
362 gMC->Gsvolu("0SC0","TUBE",idtmed[kC],par,3);
364 gMC->Gspos("0SC0",1,"0SUP",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
369 gMC->Gsvolu("0SC1","TUBE",idtmed[kC],par,3);
371 gMC->Gspos("0SC1",1,"0SUP",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
376 gMC->Gsvolu("0SC2","TUBE",idtmed[kC],par,3);
378 gMC->Gspos("0SC2",1,"0SUP",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
385 gMC->Gsvolu("0SA1","TUBE",idtmed[kAl],par,3);
389 gMC->Gspos("0SA1",1,"0SUP",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
394 gMC->Gsvolu("0SA2","TUBE",idtmed[kAl],par,3);
396 gMC->Gspos("0SA2",1,"0SUP",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
398 par[0]=3.16; // eta chast' prikruchena k absorberu
401 gMC->Gsvolu("0SA3","TUBE",idtmed[kAl],par,3);
403 z = ppcon[39] - par[2];
404 gMC->Gspos("0SA3",1,"0SUP",0,0,z,0,"ONLY");
405 par[0]=3.16; // gvozdi eta chast' prikruchena k absorberu
408 gMC->Gsvolu("0SN2","TUBE",idtmed[kSteel],par,3);
409 gMC->Gspos("0SN2",1,"0SUP",0,0,z,0,"MANY");
415 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
416 void AliT0v1::AddAlignableVolumes() const
419 // Create entries for alignable volumes associating the symbolic volume
420 // name with the corresponding volume path. Needs to be syncronized with
421 // eventual changes in the geometry.
425 // TString symName, sn;
433 TString vpA = "/ALIC_1/0STL_1/0INS_";
434 TString vpC = "/ALIC_1/0STR_1/0INS_";
435 TString vpInside = "/0PMT_1/0TOP_1";
436 TString vpAalign = "/ALIC_1/0STL_1";
437 TString vpCalign = "/ALIC_1/0STR_1";
439 for (Int_t imod=0; imod<26; imod++)
444 { volPath = vpC; sn="T0/C/PMT";}
446 { volPath = vpA; sn="T0/A/PMT";}
453 {volPath = vpCalign; symName="/ALIC_1/0STR_1";}
455 {volPath = vpAalign; symName="/ALIC_1/0STL_1";}
457 AliDebug(2,"--------------------------------------------");
458 AliDebug(2,Form("Alignable object %d", imod));
459 AliDebug(2,Form("volPath=%s\n",volPath.Data()));
460 AliDebug(2,Form("symName=%s\n",symName.Data()));
461 AliDebug(2,"--------------------------------------------");
462 if(!gGeoManager->SetAlignableEntry(symName.Data(),volPath.Data()))
463 AliFatal(Form("Alignable entry %s not created. Volume path %s not valid",
464 symName.Data(),volPath.Data()));
467 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 void AliT0v1::CreateMaterials()
470 Int_t isxfld = ((AliMagF*)TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField())->Integ();
471 Float_t sxmgmx = ((AliMagF*)TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->GetField())->Max();
472 // Float_t a,z,d,radl,absl,buf[1];
476 Float_t aAir[4]={12.0107,14.0067,15.9994,39.948};
477 Float_t zAir[4]={6.,7.,8.,18.};
478 Float_t wAir[4]={0.000124,0.755267,0.231781,0.012827};
479 Float_t dAir = 1.20479E-3;
482 Float_t ascin[2]={1.01,12.01};
483 Float_t zscin[2]={1,6};
484 Float_t wscin[2]={1,1};
485 Float_t denscin=1.03;
486 //Lucite C(CH3)CO2CH3
487 Float_t alucite[3]={1.01,12.01,15.999};
488 Float_t zlucite[3]={1,6,8};
489 Float_t wlucite[3]={8,5,2};
490 Float_t denlucite=1.16;
492 Float_t aglass[2]={28.0855,15.9994};
493 Float_t zglass[2]={14.,8.};
494 Float_t wglass[2]={1.,2.};
496 // Ceramic 97.2% Al2O3 , 2.8% SiO2
497 // Float_t wcer[2]={0.972,0.028};
498 Float_t aCeramic[2] = { 26.981539,15.9994 };
499 Float_t zCeramic[2] = { 13.,8. };
500 Float_t wCeramic[2] = { 2.,3. };
501 Float_t denscer = 3.6;
503 // Brass 80% Cu, 20% Zn
504 Float_t abrass[2] = {63.546,65.39};
505 Float_t zbrass[2] = {29,30};
506 Float_t wbrass[2] = {0.8,0.2};
507 Float_t denbrass=8.96;
510 Float_t aribber[3] = {12.,1.,32.};
511 Float_t zribber[3] = {6.,1.,16.};
512 Float_t wribber[3] = {6.,12.,1.};
513 Float_t denribber=0.8;
515 Float_t asupport[2] = {12.,1.};
516 Float_t zsupport[2] = {6.,1.};
517 Float_t wsupport[2] = {1.,1.};
518 Float_t densupport=0.1;
520 //*** Definition Of avaible T0 materials ***
521 AliMaterial(0, "Steel$", 55.850,26.,7.87,1.76,999);
522 AliMaterial(1, "Vacuum$", 1.e-16,1.e-16,1.e-16,1.e16,999);
523 AliMixture(2, "Air$", aAir, zAir, dAir,4,wAir);
524 AliMaterial(10, "CarbonPlastic$", 12.01, 6.0, 2.26, 18.8,999);
525 AliMaterial(11, "Aliminium$", 26.98, 13.0, 2.7, 8.9,999);
527 AliMixture( 3, "Ceramic $",aCeramic, zCeramic, denscer, -2, wCeramic);
528 AliMixture( 4, "PMT glass $",aglass,zglass,dglass,-2,wglass);
532 gMC->Gfmate((*fIdmate)[3], namate, a, z, d, radl, absl, buf, nbuf);
536 gMC->Gfmate((*fIdmate)[4], namate, a, z, d, radl, absl, buf, nbuf);
539 AliMixture( 11, "Ceramic $", acer, zcer, denscer, 2, wcer);
541 AliMixture( 5, "Scintillator$",ascin,zscin,denscin,-2,wscin);
542 AliMixture( 6, "Brass $", abrass, zbrass, denbrass, 2, wbrass);
543 AliMixture( 7, "Ribber $",aribber,zribber,denribber,-3,wribber);
544 AliMixture( 8, "Lucite$",alucite,zlucite,denlucite,-3,wlucite);
545 AliMixture( 9, "Penoplast$",asupport,zsupport,densupport,-2,wsupport);
546 AliMixture( 21, "PMT Optical glass $",aglass,zglass,dglass,-2,wglass);
547 AliMixture( 24, "PMT Optical glass cathode $",aglass,zglass,dglass,-2,wglass);
548 AliMixture(22, "T0 Opt Air$", aAir, zAir, dAir,4,wAir);
549 AliMixture(23, "T0 Opt Air Next$", aAir, zAir, dAir,4,wAir);
551 AliMedium(1, "T0 Air$", 2, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .1, 1., .003, .003);
552 AliMedium(2, "Scintillator$", 5, 1, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, 1., .003, .003);
553 AliMedium(3, "Vacuum$", 1, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, .1, .003, .003);
554 AliMedium(4, "Ceramic$", 3, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, .1, .003, .003);
555 AliMedium(6, "Glass$", 4, 1, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, .1, .003, .003);
556 AliMedium(8, "Steel$", 0, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 1., .001, 1., .001, .001);
557 AliMedium(9, "Ribber $", 7, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, .1, .003, .003);
558 AliMedium(11, "Brass $", 6, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, .1, .003, .003);
559 AliMedium(12, "Lucite$", 8, 1, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, 1., .003, .003);
560 AliMedium(13, "CarbonPlastic$", 10, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, 1., .003, .003);
561 AliMedium(14, "PenoPlast$", 9, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, 1., .003, .003);
562 AliMedium(15, "Aluminium$", 11, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, 1., .003, .003);
563 AliMedium(16, "OpticalGlass$", 21, 1, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, .1, .003, .003);
564 AliMedium(17, "T0 OpAir$", 22, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .1, 1., .003, .003);
565 AliMedium(18, "T0 OpAirNext$", 23, 0, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .1, 1., .003, .003);
566 AliMedium(19, "OpticalGlassCathode$", 24, 1, isxfld, sxmgmx, 10., .01, .1, .003, .003);
568 AliDebugClass(1,": ++++++++++++++Medium set++++++++++");
572 //---------------------------------------------------------------------
573 void AliT0v1::DrawDetector()
576 // Draw a shaded view of the Forward multiplicity detector version 0
579 //Set ALIC mother transparent
580 gMC->Gsatt("ALIC","SEEN",0);
582 //Set volumes visible
583 // gMC->Gsatt("0STR","SEEN",0);
584 // gMC->Gsatt("0INS","SEEN",0);
585 // gMC->Gsatt("0PMT","SEEN",1);
586 // gMC->Gsatt("0DIV","SEEN",1);
588 gMC->Gdopt("hide","off");
589 gMC->Gdopt("shad","on");
590 gMC->SetClipBox(".");
591 gMC->SetClipBox("*",0,1000,-1000,1000,-1000,1000);
593 gMC->Gdraw("alic",90,0,0,-35,9.5,.6,0.6);
594 //gMC->Gdraw("alic",0,0,0,10,9.5,.8,0.8); //other side view
595 gMC->Gdhead(1111,"T-Zero detector");
596 gMC->Gdopt("hide","off");
599 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
600 void AliT0v1::DefineOpticalProperties()
602 // Optical properties definition.
603 Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray();
604 // Definition Cherenkov parameters
606 const Int_t kNbins=31;
608 Float_t rindexSiO2[kNbins], efficAll[kNbins], rindexAir[kNbins], absorAir[kNbins],rindexCathodeNext[kNbins], absorbCathodeNext[kNbins];
611 Float_t aAbsSiO2[kNbins]={29.0, 28.6, 28.3, 27.7, 27.3, 26.7, 26.4,
612 25.9, 25.3, 24.9, 24.5, 23.7,
613 23.2, 22.8, 22.4, 21.8, 21.3,
614 22.8, 22.1, 21.7, 21.2, 20.5,
615 19.9, 19.3, 18.7, 18.0, 17.1,
616 16.3, 15.3, 14.3, 14.3 };
618 Float_t aPckov[kNbins] ={3.87, 3.94, 4.02, 4.11, 4.19, 4.29, 4.38,
619 4.48, 4.58, 4.69, 4.81, 4.93,
620 5.05, 5.19, 5.33, 5.48, 5.63,
621 5.8, 5.97, 6.16, 6.36, 6.57,
622 6.8, 7.04, 7.3, 7.58, 7.89,
623 8.22, 8.57, 8.97, 9.39 };
625 Float_t effCathode[kNbins]={0.11, 0.13, 0.15, 0.16, 0.18, 0.19, 0.20,
626 0.21, 0.22, 0.23, 0.24, 0.26,
627 0.27, 0.29, 0.30, 0.29, 0.29,
628 0.28, 0.28, 0.27, 0.26, 0.25,
629 0.25, 0.23, 0.20, 0.19, 0.17,
630 0.17, 0.17, 0.2, 0.23};
632 // Float_t aAbsSiO2[kNbins]; //quartz 30mm
633 for(i=0;i<kNbins;i++)
635 aPckov[i]=aPckov[i]*1e-9;//Photons energy bins 4 eV - 8.5 eV step 0.1 eV
637 rindexSiO2[i]=1.458; //refractive index for qwarts
638 rindexCathodeNext[i]=0;
641 // aAbsSiO2[i]=28.5; //quartz 30mm
643 absorbCathodeNext[i]=0;
648 gMC->SetCerenkov (idtmed[kOpGlass], kNbins, aPckov, aAbsSiO2, efficAll, rindexSiO2 );
649 // gMC->SetCerenkov (idtmed[kOpGlassCathode], kNbins, aPckov, aAbsSiO2, effCathode, rindexSiO2 );
650 gMC->SetCerenkov (idtmed[kOpGlassCathode], kNbins, aPckov, aAbsSiO2,efficAll , rindexSiO2 );
651 gMC->SetCerenkov (idtmed[kOpAir], kNbins, aPckov,absorAir , efficAll,rindexAir );
652 gMC->SetCerenkov (idtmed[kOpAirNext], kNbins, aPckov,absorbCathodeNext , efficAll, rindexCathodeNext);
655 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
658 // Initialises version 0 of the Forward Multiplicity Detector
661 fIdSens1=gMC->VolId("0REG");
663 AliDebug(1,Form("%s: *** T0 version 1 initialized ***\n",ClassName()));
666 //-------------------------------------------------------------------
668 void AliT0v1::StepManager()
671 // Called for every step in the T0 Detector
674 static Float_t hits[6];
679 // TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits;
681 if(!gMC->IsTrackAlive()) return; // particle has disappeared
683 id=gMC->CurrentVolID(copy);
685 // Check the sensetive volume
687 if(gMC->IsTrackEntering()) {
688 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(2,copy);
690 gMC->CurrentVolOffID(3,copy1);
692 gMC->TrackPosition(pos);
696 if(pos[2]<0) vol[0] = 2;
697 if(pos[2]>=0) vol[0] = 1;
699 Float_t etot=gMC->Etot();
701 Int_t iPart= gMC->TrackPid();
702 Int_t partID=gMC->IdFromPDG(iPart);
704 Float_t ttime=gMC->TrackTime();
706 if (gMC->TrackPid() == 50000050) // If particles is photon then ...
708 if(RegisterPhotoE(vol[1]-1,hits[3])) {
709 AddHit(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(),vol,hits);
710 // Create a track reference at the exit of photocatode
715 if ( gMC->TrackCharge() )
716 AddTrackReference(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(), AliTrackReference::kT0);
719 printf("track(%i) alive(%i) disap(%i) enter(%i) exit(%i) inside(%i) out(%i) stop(%i) new(%i) \n",
720 gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(),
722 gMC->IsTrackDisappeared(),
723 gMC->IsTrackEntering(),
724 gMC->IsTrackExiting(),
725 gMC->IsTrackInside(),
737 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
738 Bool_t AliT0v1::RegisterPhotoE(Int_t ipmt,Double_t energy)
742 // Float_t hc=197.326960*1.e6; //mev*nm
743 Double_t hc=1.973*1.e-6; //gev*nm
744 Float_t lambda=hc/energy;
745 Float_t eff = ((TGraph*) fEffPMT.At(ipmt))->Eval(lambda);
746 Double_t p = gRandom->Rndm();
754 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------