]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - TFluka/Fsumcou.h
Correct loop over primary ionisations in case of resuming transport.
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TFluka / Fsumcou.h
1 #ifndef FSUMCOU_H
2 #define FSUMCOU_H 1
4 #include "cfortran.h"
5 #include "Rtypes.h"
7 #include "Fdimpar.h"
9 extern "C" {
10 //*=== Sumcou ===========================================================*
11 //*
12 //*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
13 //*                                                                      *
14 //*     All additions wrt the original one are:                          *
15 //*     Copyright (C) 2005-2005      by    Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala  *
16 //*     All Rights Reserved.                                             *
17 //*                                                                      *
18 //*                                                                      *
19 //*     SUMmary COUnters common for FLUKA9x/200x:                        *
20 //*                                                                      *
21 //*     (New version of the original STARS comon)                        *
22 //*                                                                      *
23 //*                                                                      *
24 //*     Created on    15 may 1990    by    Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala  *
25 //*                                                   Infn - Milan       *
26 //*                                                                      *
27 //*     Last change on  09-jul-05    by    Alfredo Ferrari               *
28 //*                                                                      *
29 //*                                                                      *
30 //*     Variable description:                                            *
31 //*                                                                      *
32 //*        Ntstar = total number of stars generated (modulo 1000000000)  *
33 //*        Neulow = total number of low energy neutron interactions      *
34 //*                (modulo 1000000000)                                   *
35 //*        Numdec = total number of decays (modulo 1000000000)           *
36 //*        Numoph = total number of optical photons generated            *
37 //*                (modulo 1000000000)                                   *
38 //*        Mtstar = total number of stars generated / 100000000          *
39 //*        Meulow = total number of low energy neutron interactions      *
40 //*               / 1000000000                                           *
41 //*        Mumdec = total number of decays / 1000000000                  *
42 //*        Mumoph = total number of optical photons generated /1000000000*
43 //*   Wneulw(k,j) = total weight of the low energy neutron interactions  *
44 //*   Woptph(k,j) = total weight of generated optical photons            *
45 //*   Westar(k,j) = weight of the stars generated by                     *
46 //*                 different particle types                             *
47 //*   Westop(k,j) = weight of particles of different types stopped       *
48 //*   Wedaug(k,j) = weight of the decay products                         *
49 //*   Wekill(k,j) = weight of the time-killed particles                  *
50 //*   Wedecy(k,j) = weight of the particles decayed                      *
51 //*   Weifis(k,j) = weight of high energy fissions generated by particles*
52 //*                 of different kind                                    *
53 //*   Deccts(k,j) = decay c tau scoring                                  *
54 //*   Wdecct(k,j) = weight of the particles decayed for which a c tau    *
55 //*                 scoring is done                                      *
56 //*   Weprdc(k,j) = weight of produced particles of different kind       *
57 //*   Wlwnsc(k,j) = weight of the low energy neutrons interaction secon- *
58 //*                 daries                                               *
59 //*   Wophsc(k,j) = weight of optical photons production/interaction     *
60 //*                 secondaries                                          *
61 //*        Weipri = total weight of the primaries handled                *
62 //*   Edpsco(i,j) = energy deposition scoring (j = 1: prompt particles,  *
63 //*                                            j = 2: decay  particles)  *
64 //*            Edpsco(1,j) = by ionisation                               *
65 //*            Edpsco(2,j) = by pi-zeros and/or EM cascade               *
66 //*            Edpsco(3,j) = by nuclear excitation (or nuclear recoil    *
67 //*                          and heavies if the evaporation module is    *
68 //*                          activated)                                  *
69 //*            Edpsco(4,j) = by stopped particles                        *
70 //*            Edpsco(5,j) = energy leaving the system                   *
71 //*            Edpsco(6,j) = energy carried by discarded particles       *
72 //*            Edpsco(7,j) = by residual excitation energy (only if the  *
73 //*                          evaporation module is activated)            *
74 //*            Edpsco(8,j) = by low energy neutrons (kerma due to low    *
75 //*                          energy neutrons transport is in effect)     *
76 //*            Edpsco(9,j) = energy carried by time killed particles     *
77 //*            Edpsco(10,j)= energy wasted for nuclear binding energy    *
78 //*                          effects for (low energy neutrons excluded)  *
79 //*            Edpsco(11,j)= energy wasted for nuclear binding energy    *
80 //*                          effects for low energy neutrons             *
81 //*                                                                      *
82 //*----------------------------------------------------------------------*
83 //*
85 typedef struct {
86    Double_t westar[2][nallwp+7];
87    Double_t westop[2][nallwp+7];
88    Double_t wedaug[2][nallwp+7];
89    Double_t wekill[2][nallwp+7];
90    Double_t wedecy[2][nallwp+7];
91    Double_t weifis[2][nallwp+7];
92    Double_t deccts[2][nallwp+7];
93    Double_t wdecct[2][nallwp+7];
94    Double_t weprdc[2][nallwp+7];
95    Double_t wlwnsc[2][4];
96    Double_t wophsc[2][4];
97    Double_t edpsco[2][11];
98    Double_t woptph;
99    Double_t wneulw;
100    Double_t weipri;
101    Int_t    numdec;
102    Int_t    ntstar;
103    Int_t    neulow;
104    Int_t    numoph;
105    Int_t    mumdec;
106    Int_t    mtstar;
107    Int_t    meulow;
108    Int_t    mumoph;
109 } sumcouCommon;
110 #define SUMCOU COMMON_BLOCK(SUMCOU,sumcou)
111 COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(sumcouCommon,SUMCOU);
112 }
114 #endif