1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
17 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 // This class contains the basic functions for the Time Of Flight //
21 // detector. Functions specific to one particular geometry are //
22 // contained in the derived classes //
25 // ============================================================ //
29 // Volume sensibile : FPAD //
34 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
37 <img src="picts/AliTOFClass.gif">
41 #include <TClonesArray.h>
47 #include <TVirtualMC.h>
48 #include <TStopwatch.h>
51 #include "AliLoader.h"
56 #include "AliRawReader.h"
58 //#include "AliTOFDDLRawData.h"
59 #include "AliTOFDigitizer.h"
60 #include "AliTOFdigit.h"
61 #include "AliTOFhitT0.h"
62 #include "AliTOFhit.h"
63 #include "AliTOFGeometry.h"
64 #include "AliTOFSDigitizer.h"
65 #include "AliTOFSDigit.h"
67 #include "AliTOFrawData.h"
68 #include "AliTOFRawStream.h"
74 extern TVirtualMC *gMC;
76 extern AliRun *gAlice;
80 //_____________________________________________________________________________
92 fTOFRawWriter(AliTOFDDLRawData())
95 // Default constructor
98 //by default all sectors switched on
99 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<18; ii++) fTOFSectors[ii]=0;
107 //_____________________________________________________________________________
108 AliTOF::AliTOF(const char *name, const char *title, Option_t *option)
110 AliDetector(name,title),
116 fReconParticles(0x0),
121 fTOFRawWriter(AliTOFDDLRawData())
124 // AliTOF standard constructor
126 // Here are fixed some important parameters
129 // Initialization of hits, sdigits and digits array
130 // added option for time zero analysis
132 fTOFGeometry = new AliTOFGeometry();
134 //by default all sectors switched on
135 for (Int_t ii=0; ii<18; ii++) fTOFSectors[ii]=0;
137 if (strstr(option,"tzero")){
138 fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhitT0", 1000);
140 // AliWarning("tzero option requires AliTOFv4T0/AliTOFv5T0 as TOF version (check Your Config.C)");
142 fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhit", 1000);
146 AliFatal("gAlice==0 !");
149 AliMC *mcApplication = (AliMC*)gAlice->GetMCApp();
151 if (mcApplication->GetHitLists())
152 mcApplication->AddHitList(fHits);
153 else AliError("gAlice->GetHitLists()==0");
156 fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000);
157 fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 1000);
160 // Digitization parameters
162 // (Transfer Functions to be inserted here)
164 //PH SetMarkerColor(7);
165 //PH SetMarkerStyle(2);
166 //PH SetMarkerSize(0.4);
169 //fGapA = 4.; //cm Gap beetween tilted strip in A-type plate
170 //fGapB = 6.; //cm Gap beetween tilted strip in B-type plate
172 // Physical performances
173 //fTimeRes = 100.;//ps
174 //fChrgRes = 100.;//pC
178 //____________________________________________________________________________
179 void AliTOF::SetTOFSectors(Int_t * const sectors)
181 // Setter for partial/full TOF configuration
183 for(Int_t isec=0;isec<18;isec++){
184 fTOFSectors[isec]=sectors[isec];
187 //____________________________________________________________________________
188 void AliTOF::GetTOFSectors(Int_t *sectors) const
190 // Getter for partial/full TOF configuration
192 for(Int_t isec=0;isec<18;isec++){
193 sectors[isec]=fTOFSectors[isec];
197 //_____________________________________________________________________________
198 void AliTOF::CreateTOFFolders()
200 // create the ALICE TFolder
201 // create the ALICE TTasks
202 // create the ALICE main TFolder
203 // to be done by AliRun
205 TFolder * alice = new TFolder();
206 alice->SetNameTitle("FPAlice", "Alice Folder") ;
207 gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->Add(alice) ;
209 TFolder * aliceF = alice->AddFolder("folders", "Alice memory Folder") ;
210 // make it the owner of the objects that it contains
213 TFolder * geomF = aliceF->AddFolder("Geometry", "Geometry objects") ;
214 TFolder * aliceT = alice->AddFolder("tasks", "Alice tasks Folder") ;
215 // make it the owner of the objects that it contains
218 TTask * aliceDi = new TTask("(S)Digitizer", "Alice SDigitizer & Digitizer") ;
219 aliceT->Add(aliceDi);
221 TTask * aliceRe = new TTask("Reconstructioner", "Alice Reconstructioner") ;
222 aliceT->Add(aliceRe);
224 const Int_t kSize=80;
225 //char * tempo = new char[80] ;
228 // creates the TOF Digitizer and adds it to alice main (S)Digitizer task
229 snprintf(tempo,kSize, "%sDigitizers container",GetName() ) ;
230 fDTask = new TTask(GetName(), tempo);
231 aliceDi->Add(fDTask) ;
233 // creates the TOF reconstructioner and adds it to alice main Reconstructioner task
234 snprintf(tempo,kSize, "%sReconstructioner container",GetName() ) ;
235 fReTask = new TTask(GetName(), tempo);
236 aliceRe->Add(fReTask) ;
240 // creates the TOF geometry folder
241 geomF->AddFolder("TOF", "Geometry for TOF") ;
244 //_____________________________________________________________________________
248 // it remove also the alice folder
249 // and task that TOF creates instead of AliRun
250 /* PH Temporarily commented because of problems
251 TFolder * alice = (TFolder*)gROOT->GetListOfBrowsables()->FindObject("FPAlice") ;
276 fReconParticles->Delete ();
277 delete fReconParticles;
283 //_____________________________________________________________________________
284 void AliTOF::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits)
288 // new with placement used
290 TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits;
291 new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliTOFhit(fIshunt, track, vol, hits);
294 //_____________________________________________________________________________
295 void AliTOF::AddT0Hit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits)
299 // new with placement used
301 TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits;
302 new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliTOFhitT0(fIshunt, track, vol, hits);
305 //_____________________________________________________________________________
306 void AliTOF::AddDigit(Int_t *tracks, Int_t *vol, Int_t *digits)
310 // new with placement used
312 TClonesArray &ldigits = *fDigits;
313 new (ldigits[fNdigits++]) AliTOFdigit(tracks, vol, digits);
316 //_____________________________________________________________________________
317 void AliTOF::AddSDigit(Int_t tracknum, Int_t *vol, Int_t *digits)
324 TClonesArray &lSDigits = *fSDigits;
325 new(lSDigits[fNSDigits++]) AliTOFSDigit(tracknum, vol, digits);
328 //_____________________________________________________________________________
329 void AliTOF::SetTreeAddress ()
331 // Set branch address for the Hits and Digits Tree.
333 if (fLoader->TreeH())
337 if (fTZero) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhitT0", 1000);
338 else fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhit", 1000);
341 AliDetector::SetTreeAddress ();
345 if (fLoader->TreeS () )
347 branch = fLoader->TreeS ()->GetBranch ("TOF");
349 if (fSDigits == 0x0) fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000);
350 branch->SetAddress (&fSDigits);
354 if (fLoader->TreeR() )
356 branch = fLoader->TreeR()->GetBranch("TOF");
359 if (fReconParticles == 0x0) fReconParticles = new TClonesArray("AliTOFcluster", 1000);
360 branch->SetAddress(&fReconParticles);
365 if (fLoader->TreeR() && fReconParticles) //I do not know where this array is created - skowron
367 branch = fLoader->TreeR()->GetBranch("TOF");
370 branch->SetAddress(&fReconParticles) ;
376 //_____________________________________________________________________________
377 void AliTOF::CreateGeometry()
380 // Common geometry code
384 <img src="picts/AliTOFv23.gif">
391 if (IsVersion()==8) {
393 xTof = 124.5;//fTOFGeometry->StripLength()+2.*(0.3+0.03); // cm, x-dimension of FTOA volume
394 yTof = fTOFGeometry->Rmax()-fTOFGeometry->Rmin(); // cm, y-dimension of FTOA volume
395 Float_t zTof = fTOFGeometry->ZlenA(); // cm, z-dimension of FTOA volume
397 // TOF module internal definitions
398 TOFpc(xTof, yTof, zTof);
400 } else if (IsVersion()==7) {
402 xTof = 124.5;//fTOFGeometry->StripLength()+2.*(0.3+0.03); // cm, x-dimension of FTOA volume
403 yTof = fTOFGeometry->Rmax()-fTOFGeometry->Rmin(); // cm, y-dimension of FTOA volume
404 Float_t zTof = fTOFGeometry->ZlenA(); // cm, z-dimension of FTOA volume
406 // TOF module internal definitions
407 TOFpc(xTof, yTof, zTof, fTOFGeometry->ZlenB());
411 Float_t wall = 4.;//cm // frame inbetween TOF modules
413 // Sizes of TOF module with its support etc..
414 xTof = 2.*(fTOFGeometry->Rmin()*TMath::Tan(10.*kDegrad)-wall/2.-0.5);
415 yTof = fTOFGeometry->Rmax()-fTOFGeometry->Rmin();
417 // TOF module internal definitions
418 TOFpc(xTof, yTof, fTOFGeometry->ZlenC(), fTOFGeometry->ZlenB(), fTOFGeometry->ZlenA(), fTOFGeometry->MaxhZtof());
424 //___________________________________________
425 void AliTOF::ResetHits ()
427 // Reset number of clusters and the cluster array for this detector
428 AliDetector::ResetHits ();
431 //____________________________________________
432 void AliTOF::ResetDigits ()
435 // Reset number of digits and the digits array for this detector
436 AliDetector::ResetDigits ();
439 //____________________________________________
440 void AliTOF::ResetSDigits ()
443 // Reset number of sdigits and the sdigits array for this detector
448 //_____________________________________________________________________________
452 // Initialise TOF detector after it has been built
454 // Set id of TOF sensitive volume
455 if (IsVersion() !=0) fIdSens=gMC->VolId("FPAD");
459 TDirectory* saveDir = gDirectory;
460 AliRunLoader::Instance()->CdGAFile();
461 fTOFGeometry->Write("TOFGeometry");
466 //____________________________________________________________________________
467 void AliTOF::MakeBranch(Option_t* option)
470 // Initializes the Branches of the TOF inside the
471 // trees written for each event.
472 // AliDetector::MakeBranch initializes just the
473 // Branch inside TreeH. Here we add the branches in
474 // TreeD, TreeS and TreeR.
476 const char *oH = strstr(option,"H");
477 if (fLoader->TreeH() && oH)
481 if (fTZero) fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhitT0", 1000);
482 else fHits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFhit", 1000);
486 AliDetector::MakeBranch(option);
488 Int_t buffersize = 4000;
489 const Int_t kSize=10;
490 Char_t branchname[kSize];
491 snprintf(branchname,kSize,"%s",GetName());
493 const char *oD = strstr(option,"D");
494 const char *oS = strstr(option,"S");
495 const char *oR = strstr(option,"R");
497 if (fLoader->TreeD() && oD){
498 if (fDigits == 0x0) fDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFdigit", 1000);
499 MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeD(), branchname, &fDigits,buffersize, 0) ;
502 if (fLoader->TreeS() && oS){
503 if (fSDigits == 0x0) fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000);
504 MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeS(), branchname, &fSDigits,buffersize, 0) ;
507 if (fLoader->TreeR() && oR){
508 if (fReconParticles == 0x0) fReconParticles = new TClonesArray("AliTOFcluster", 1000);
509 MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeR(), branchname, &fReconParticles,buffersize, 0) ;
513 if (fReconParticles && fLoader->TreeR() && oR){
514 MakeBranchInTree(fLoader->TreeR(), branchname, &fReconParticles,buffersize, 0) ;
519 //____________________________________________________________________________
520 void AliTOF::Makehits(Bool_t hits)
522 // default argument used, see AliTOF.h
523 // Enable/Disable the writing of the TOF-hits branch
525 // by default : enabled for TOFv1, v2, v3, v4, v5
526 // disabled for TOFv0
528 if (hits && (IsVersion()!=0))
529 fIdSens = gMC->VolId("FPAD");
531 AliInfo("Option for writing the TOF-hits branch on TreeH: disabled");
534 //____________________________________________________________________________
535 void AliTOF::FinishEvent()
540 //____________________________________________________________________________
541 void AliTOF::Hits2SDigits()
544 // Use the TOF SDigitizer to make TOF SDigits
547 // AliInfo("Start...");
549 AliRunLoader * rl = fLoader->GetRunLoader();
550 AliDebug(2,"Initialized runLoader");
551 AliTOFSDigitizer sd((rl->GetFileName()).Data());
552 AliDebug(2,"Initialized TOF sdigitizer");
553 //ToAliDebug(1, sd.Print(""));
554 //AliInfo("ToAliDebug");
559 AliDebug(2,"I am sorting from AliTOF class");
563 //____________________________________________________________________________
564 void AliTOF::Hits2SDigits(Int_t evNumber1, Int_t evNumber2)
567 // Use the TOF SDigitizer to make TOF SDigits
570 if ((evNumber2-evNumber1)==1)
571 AliDebug(1, Form("I am making sdigits for the %dth event", evNumber1));
572 if ((evNumber2-evNumber1)>1)
573 AliDebug(1, Form("I am making sdigits for the events from the %dth to the %dth", evNumber1, evNumber2-1));
575 AliRunLoader * rl = fLoader->GetRunLoader();
576 AliTOFSDigitizer sd((rl->GetFileName()).Data(),evNumber1,evNumber2) ;
577 ToAliDebug(1, sd.Print(""));
583 //___________________________________________________________________________
584 AliDigitizer* AliTOF::CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const
586 AliDebug(2,"I am creating the TOF digitizer");
587 return new AliTOFDigitizer(manager);
590 //___________________________________________________________________________
591 Bool_t AliTOF::CheckOverlap(const Int_t * const vol,
592 Int_t* digit,Int_t Track)
595 // Checks if 2 or more hits belong to the same pad.
596 // In this case the data assigned to the digit object
597 // are the ones of the first hit in order of Time.
598 // 2 hits from the same track on the same pad are collected.
599 // Called only by Hits2SDigits.
600 // This procedure has to be optimized in the next TOF release.
603 Bool_t overlap = kFALSE;
606 for (Int_t ndig=0; ndig<fSDigits->GetEntries(); ndig++){
607 AliTOFdigit* currentDigit = (AliTOFdigit*)(fSDigits->UncheckedAt(ndig));
608 currentDigit->GetLocation(vol2);
610 // check on digit volume
611 for (Int_t i=0;i<=4;i++){
613 if (vol[i]!=vol2[i]) idem=kFALSE;}
615 if (idem){ // same pad fired
616 Int_t tdc2 = digit[0];
617 Int_t tdc1 = currentDigit->GetTdc();
619 // we separate two digits on the same pad if
620 // they are separated in time by at least 25 ns
621 // remember that tdc time is given in ps
623 if (TMath::Abs(tdc1-tdc2)<25000){
624 // in case of overlap we take the earliest
626 currentDigit->SetTdc(tdc2);
627 currentDigit->SetAdc(digit[1]);
630 currentDigit->SetTdc(tdc1);
631 currentDigit->SetAdc(digit[1]);
633 currentDigit->AddTrack(Track); // add track number in the track array
639 } // close if (idem) -> two digits on the same TOF pad
641 } // end loop on existing sdigits
645 //____________________________________________________________________________
646 void AliTOF::Digits2Raw()
649 // Starting from the TOF digits, writes the Raw Data objects
652 TStopwatch stopwatch;
655 fLoader->LoadDigits();
657 TTree* digits = fLoader->TreeD();
659 AliError("no digits tree");
663 //AliTOFDDLRawData rawWriter;
664 fTOFRawWriter.Clear();
665 fTOFRawWriter.SetVerbose(0);
666 if (fTOFRawWriter.GetPackedAcquisitionMode()) {
667 if(fTOFRawWriter.GetMatchingWindow()>8192)
668 AliWarning(Form("You are running in packing mode and the matching window is %.2f ns, i.e. greater than 199.8848 ns",
669 fTOFRawWriter.GetMatchingWindow()*AliTOFGeometry::TdcBinWidth()*1.e-03));
672 AliDebug(1,"Formatting raw data for TOF");
674 fTOFRawWriter.RawDataTOF(digits->GetBranch("TOF"));
676 fLoader->UnloadDigits();
678 AliDebug(1, Form("Execution time to write TOF raw data : R:%.2fs C:%.2fs",
679 stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
683 //____________________________________________________________________________
684 void AliTOF::RecreateSDigitsArray() {
686 // delete TClonesArray fSDigits and create it again
687 // needed for backward compatability with PPR test production
691 //____________________________________________________________________________
692 void AliTOF::CreateSDigitsArray() {
694 // create TClonesArray fSDigits
695 // needed for backward compatability with PPR test production
697 fSDigits = new TClonesArray("AliTOFSDigit", 1000);
699 //____________________________________________________________________________
700 Bool_t AliTOF::Raw2SDigits(AliRawReader* rawReader)
703 // Converts raw data to sdigits for TOF
706 TStopwatch stopwatch;
709 if(!GetLoader()->TreeS()) {MakeTree("S"); MakeBranch("S");}
710 //TClonesArray &aSDigits = *fSDigits;
712 AliTOFRawStream tofRawStream = AliTOFRawStream();
713 tofRawStream.Raw2SDigits(rawReader, fSDigits);
715 GetLoader()->TreeS()->Fill(); GetLoader()->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE");//write out sdigits
716 Int_t nSDigits = fSDigits->GetEntries();
720 AliDebug(1, Form("Got %d TOF sdigits", nSDigits));
721 AliDebug(1, Form("Execution time to read TOF raw data and fill TOF sdigit tree : R:%.2fs C:%.2fs",
722 stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));
728 //____________________________________________________________________________
729 void AliTOF::Raw2Digits(AliRawReader* rawReader)
732 // Converts raw data to digits for TOF
735 TStopwatch stopwatch;
738 if(!GetLoader()->TreeD()) {MakeTree("D"); MakeBranch("D");}
739 //TClonesArray &aDigits = *fDigits;
741 AliTOFRawStream tofRawStream = AliTOFRawStream();
742 tofRawStream.Raw2Digits(rawReader, fDigits);
744 GetLoader()->TreeD()->Fill(); GetLoader()->WriteDigits("OVERWRITE");//write out digits
745 Int_t nDigits = fDigits->GetEntries();
749 AliDebug(1, Form("Got %d TOF digits", nDigits));
750 AliDebug(1, Form("Execution time to read TOF raw data and fill TOF digit tree : R:%.2fs C:%.2fs",
751 stopwatch.RealTime(),stopwatch.CpuTime()));