1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
19 // lu@physi.uni-heidelberg.de
23 grep " AliTRDdEdxBaseUtils::" AliTRDdEdxBaseUtils.cxx | grep "=" -v | grep -v "[6]" | grep -v printf |wc
24 grep "(" AliTRDdEdxBaseUtils.h | grep ";" | grep -v grep | grep -v ClassDef | grep -v "{" | grep -v typedef | wc
40 #include "TTreeStream.h"
53 class AliTRDdEdxBaseUtils
56 //===================================================================================
58 //===================================================================================
59 static void BinLogX(TAxis *axis);
60 static void GetCDFCuts(const TH1D *hh, Int_t ncut, Double_t cuts[], const Double_t cdfs[], Double_t thres);
61 static Double_t GetMeanRMS(Double_t nn, Double_t sum, Double_t w2s, Double_t * grms=0x0, Double_t * gerr=0x0);
62 static Double_t TruncatedMean(Int_t nx, const Double_t xdata[], Double_t lowfrac, Double_t highfrac, Double_t * grms=0x0, Double_t * gerr=0x0, Double_t *wws=0x0);
63 static Double_t TruncatedMean(const TH1 *hh, Double_t lowfrac, Double_t highfrac, Double_t * grms=0x0, Double_t * gerr=0x0);
64 static void FitSlicesY(const TH2D *hh, TH1D *&hnor, TH1D *&hmpv, TH1D *&hwid, TH1D *&hres, Double_t thres, Double_t lowfrac, Double_t highfrac);
66 //===================================================================================
67 // TRD Analysis Fast Tool
68 //===================================================================================
69 static Int_t GetNtracklet(const AliESDEvent *esd);
70 static AliTRDtrackV1 * GetTRDtrackV1(const AliESDtrack * esdtrack);
71 static Bool_t IsInSameStack(const AliTRDtrackV1 *trdtrack);
72 static AliTRDseedV1 * GetFirstTracklet(const AliTRDtrackV1 *trdtrack);
73 static AliTRDseedV1 * GetLastTracklet(const AliTRDtrackV1 *trdtrack);
74 static void GetFirstSectorStackMomentum(const AliTRDtrackV1 *trdtrack, Int_t & isec, Int_t & istk, Double_t & mom);
75 static Double_t GetRedefinedPhi(Double_t phi);
76 static Double_t Getdydx(const AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet);
77 static Double_t Getdzdx(const AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet);
78 static Double_t Getdldx(const AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet);
80 //===================================================================================
81 // Detector, Data and Control Constant
82 //===================================================================================
84 static Int_t NTRDchamber(){return 18*5*6;} //540
85 static Int_t NTRDtimebin(){return NTRDchamber()*31;} //16740
86 static Int_t ToDetector(Int_t gtb);
87 static Int_t ToTimeBin(Int_t gtb);
88 static Int_t ToSector(Int_t gtb);
89 static Int_t ToStack(Int_t gtb);
90 static Int_t ToLayer(Int_t gtb);
92 static void CheckRunB(TString listrun1kg, Int_t run, TString & type);
93 static TString GetRunType(Int_t run);
95 static void SetQ0Frac(Double_t q0){ fgQ0Frac = q0; }
96 static void SetQ1Frac(Double_t q1){ fgQ1Frac = q1; }
97 static void SetTimeBinCountCut(Double_t tbc){ fgTimeBinCountCut = tbc; }
98 static void SetCalibTPCnclsCut(Int_t tpc){ fgCalibTPCnclsCut = tpc; }
99 static void SetExBOn(Bool_t kon){ fgExBOn = kon; }
100 static void SetPadGainOn(Bool_t kon){ fgPadGainOn = kon; }
101 static void SetQScale(Double_t scale){ fgQScale = scale; }
103 static Double_t Q0Frac(){return fgQ0Frac;}
104 static Double_t Q1Frac(){return fgQ1Frac;}
105 static Double_t TimeBinCountCut(){return fgTimeBinCountCut;}
106 static Int_t CalibTPCnclsCut(){return fgCalibTPCnclsCut;}
107 static Bool_t IsExBOn(){return fgExBOn;}
108 static Bool_t IsPadGainOn(){return fgPadGainOn;}
109 static Double_t QScale(){return fgQScale;}
111 static void PrintControl();
113 //===================================================================================
114 // dEdx Parameterization
115 //===================================================================================
116 static void FastFitdEdxTR(TH1 * hh);
118 static Double_t ALEPH(const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par);
119 static Double_t MeandEdx(const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par);
120 static Double_t MeanTR(const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par);
121 static Double_t MeandEdxTR(const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par);
123 static Double_t QMeanTPC(Double_t bg);
124 static Double_t Q0MeanTRDpp(Double_t bg);
125 static Double_t Q1MeanTRDpp(Double_t bg);
126 static Double_t Q0MeanTRDPbPb(Double_t bg);
127 static Double_t Q1MeanTRDPbPb(Double_t bg);
129 typedef Double_t (*FFunc)(const Double_t *xx, const Double_t *par);
131 static Double_t MeandEdxLogx(const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par){return ToLogx(MeandEdx, xx, par);}
132 static Double_t MeanTRLogx(const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par){return ToLogx(MeanTR, xx, par);}
133 static Double_t MeandEdxTRLogx(const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par){return ToLogx(MeandEdxTR, xx, par);}
136 //dEdx Parameterization
137 static Double_t ToLogx(FFunc func, const Double_t * xx, const Double_t * par);
140 static Double_t fgQ0Frac; //q0frac
141 static Double_t fgQ1Frac; //q1frac
142 static Double_t fgTimeBinCountCut; //tbcut
143 static Int_t fgCalibTPCnclsCut; //tpccut
144 static Bool_t fgExBOn; //exbon
145 static Bool_t fgPadGainOn; //pad gain
146 static Double_t fgQScale; //Qscale