1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
18 // Implementation of the TRD PID class //
20 // Assigns the electron and pion likelihoods to each ESD track. //
21 // The function MakePID(AliESD *event) calculates the probability //
22 // of having dedx and a maximum timbin at a given //
23 // momentum (mom) and particle type k //
24 // from the precalculated distributions. //
26 // Original version: //
27 // Prashant Shukla <shukla@pi0.physi.uni-heidelberg.de> //
29 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 #include "AliESDtrack.h"
35 #include "AliTRDpidESD.h"
36 #include "AliTRDgeometry.h"
37 #include "AliTRDcalibDB.h"
38 #include "Cal/AliTRDCalPIDLQ.h"
40 ClassImp(AliTRDpidESD)
42 Bool_t AliTRDpidESD::fCheckTrackStatus = kTRUE;
43 Bool_t AliTRDpidESD::fCheckKinkStatus = kFALSE;
44 Int_t AliTRDpidESD::fMinPlane = 0;
46 //_____________________________________________________________________________
47 AliTRDpidESD::AliTRDpidESD():TObject()
50 // Default constructor
56 //_____________________________________________________________________________
57 AliTRDpidESD::AliTRDpidESD(const AliTRDpidESD &p):TObject(p)
60 // AliTRDpidESD copy constructor
63 ((AliTRDpidESD &) p).Copy(*this);
67 //_____________________________________________________________________________
68 AliTRDpidESD &AliTRDpidESD::operator=(const AliTRDpidESD &p)
71 // Assignment operator
74 if (this != &p) ((AliTRDpidESD &) p).Copy(*this);
79 //_____________________________________________________________________________
80 void AliTRDpidESD::Copy(TObject &p) const
86 ((AliTRDpidESD &) p).fCheckTrackStatus = fCheckTrackStatus;
87 ((AliTRDpidESD &) p).fCheckKinkStatus = fCheckKinkStatus;
88 ((AliTRDpidESD &) p).fMinPlane = fMinPlane;
92 //_____________________________________________________________________________
93 Int_t AliTRDpidESD::MakePID(AliESD *event)
96 // This function calculates the PID probabilities based on TRD signals
98 // So far this method produces probabilities based on the total charge
99 // in each layer and the position of the maximum time bin in each layer.
100 // In a final version this should also exploit the charge measurement in
101 // the different slices of a given layer.
105 Int_t nSpecies = AliPID::kSPECIES;
108 Double_t probTotal = 0.0;
110 AliTRDcalibDB *calibration = AliTRDcalibDB::Instance();
112 AliErrorGeneral("AliTRDpidESD::MakePID"
113 ,"No access to calibration data\n");
117 // Retrieve the CDB container class with the probability distributions
118 const AliTRDCalPIDLQ *pd = calibration->GetPIDLQObject();
120 AliErrorGeneral("AliTRDpidESD::MakePID"
121 ,"No access to AliTRDCalPIDLQ\n");
125 // Loop through all ESD tracks
126 Int_t ntrk = event->GetNumberOfTracks();
127 for (Int_t i = 0; i < ntrk; i++) {
129 AliESDtrack *t = event->GetTrack(i);
131 // Check the ESD track status
132 if (fCheckTrackStatus) {
133 if (((t->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTRDout ) == 0) &&
134 ((t->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTRDrefit) == 0)) {
139 // Check for ESD kink tracks
140 if (fCheckKinkStatus) {
141 if (t->GetKinkIndex(0) != 0) {
146 // Skip tracks that have no TRD signal at all
147 if (t->GetTRDsignal() == 0) {
154 for (Int_t iSpecies = 0; iSpecies < nSpecies; iSpecies++) {
158 // Check the different detector layers
159 for (Int_t iPlan = 0; iPlan < AliTRDgeometry::kNplan; iPlan++) {
161 // Use the total charge in a given plane
162 Double_t dedx = t->GetTRDsignals(iPlan,-1);
163 Int_t timebin = t->GetTRDTimBin(iPlan);
169 // Get the probabilities for the different particle species
170 for (Int_t iSpecies = 0; iSpecies < nSpecies; iSpecies++) {
172 p[iSpecies] *= pd->GetProbability(iSpecies,mom,dedx);
173 p[iSpecies] *= pd->GetProbabilityT(iSpecies,mom,timebin);
174 p[iSpecies] *= 100.0; // ??????????????
176 probTotal += p[iSpecies];
184 for (Int_t iSpecies = 0; iSpecies < nSpecies; iSpecies++) {
185 if ((probTotal > 0.0) &&
186 (nPlanePID > fMinPlane)) {
187 p[iSpecies] /= probTotal;