]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - TRD/qaRec/AliTRDcheckDetector.cxx
update for the new Rezidual plots
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TRD / qaRec / AliTRDcheckDetector.cxx
1 #include <TAxis.h>
2 #include <TCanvas.h>
3 #include <TFile.h>
4 #include <TH1F.h>
5 #include <TGaxis.h>
6 #include <TGraph.h>
7 #include <TMath.h>
8 #include <TMap.h>
9 #include <TObjArray.h>
10 #include <TObject.h>
11 #include <TObjString.h>
12 #include <TPad.h>
13 #include <TProfile.h>
14 #include <TProfile2D.h>
15 #include <TROOT.h>
17 #include "AliLog.h"
18 #include "AliTRDcluster.h"
19 #include "AliESDHeader.h"
20 #include "AliESDRun.h"
21 #include "AliESDtrack.h"
22 #include "AliTRDgeometry.h"
23 #include "AliTRDpadPlane.h"
24 #include "AliTRDSimParam.h"
25 #include "AliTRDseedV1.h"
26 #include "AliTRDtrackV1.h"
27 #include "AliTRDtrackerV1.h"
28 #include "AliTRDReconstructor.h"
29 #include "AliTrackReference.h"
30 #include "AliTrackPointArray.h"
31 #include "AliTracker.h"
32 #include "TTreeStream.h"
34 #include "AliTRDtrackInfo/AliTRDtrackInfo.h"
35 #include "AliTRDtrackInfo/AliTRDeventInfo.h"
36 #include "AliTRDcheckDetector.h"
38 #include <cstdio>
39 #include <iostream>
41 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
42 //                                                                        //
43 //  Reconstruction QA                                                     //
44 //                                                                        //
45 //  Task doing basic checks for tracking and detector performance         //
46 //                                                                        //
47 //  Authors:                                                              //
48 //    Anton Andronic <A.Andronic@gsi.de>                                  //
49 //    Markus Fasel <M.Fasel@gsi.de>                                       //
50 //                                                                        //
51 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
53 //_______________________________________________________
54 AliTRDcheckDetector::AliTRDcheckDetector():
55   AliTRDrecoTask("DetChecker", "Basic Detector Checker")
56   ,fEventInfo(0x0)
57   ,fTriggerNames(0x0)
58   ,fReconstructor(0x0)
59   ,fGeo(0x0)
60 {
61   //
62   // Default constructor
63   //
64   DefineInput(1,AliTRDeventInfo::Class());
65   fReconstructor = new AliTRDReconstructor;
66   fReconstructor->SetRecoParam(AliTRDrecoParam::GetLowFluxParam());
67   fGeo = new AliTRDgeometry;
68   InitFunctorList();
69 }
71 //_______________________________________________________
72 AliTRDcheckDetector::~AliTRDcheckDetector(){
73   //
74   // Destructor
75   // 
76   if(fEventInfo) delete fEventInfo;
77   if(fTriggerNames) delete fTriggerNames;
78   delete fReconstructor;
79   delete fGeo;
80 }
82 //_______________________________________________________
83 void AliTRDcheckDetector::ConnectInputData(Option_t *opt){
84   //
85   // Connect the Input data with the task
86   //
87   AliTRDrecoTask::ConnectInputData(opt);
88   fEventInfo = dynamic_cast<AliTRDeventInfo *>(GetInputData(1));
89 }
91 //_______________________________________________________
92 void AliTRDcheckDetector::CreateOutputObjects(){
93   //
94   // Create Output Objects
95   //
96   OpenFile(0,"RECREATE");
97   fContainer = Histos();
98   if(!fTriggerNames) fTriggerNames = new TMap();
99 }
101 //_______________________________________________________
102 void AliTRDcheckDetector::Exec(Option_t *opt){
103   //
104   // Execution function
105   // Filling TRD quality histos
106   //
107   if(!HasMCdata() && fEventInfo->GetEventHeader()->GetEventType() != 7) return; // For real data we select only physical events
108   AliTRDrecoTask::Exec(opt);  
109   Int_t nTracks = 0;            // Count the number of tracks per event
110   Int_t triggermask = fEventInfo->GetEventHeader()->GetTriggerMask();
111   TString triggername =  fEventInfo->GetRunInfo()->GetFiredTriggerClasses(triggermask);
112   if(fDebugLevel > 6)printf("Trigger cluster: %d, Trigger class: %s\n", triggermask, triggername.Data());
113   dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNEventsTrigger))->Fill(triggermask);
114   for(Int_t iti = 0; iti < fTracks->GetEntriesFast(); iti++){
115     if(!fTracks->UncheckedAt(iti)) continue;
116     AliTRDtrackInfo *fTrackInfo = dynamic_cast<AliTRDtrackInfo *>(fTracks->UncheckedAt(iti));
117     if(!fTrackInfo->GetTrack()) continue;
118     nTracks++;
119   }
120   if(nTracks){
121     dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNEventsTriggerTracks))->Fill(triggermask);
122     dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNTracksEventHist))->Fill(nTracks);
123   }
124   if(triggermask <= 20 && !fTriggerNames->FindObject(Form("%d", triggermask))){
125     fTriggerNames->Add(new TObjString(Form("%d", triggermask)), new TObjString(triggername));
126     // also set the label for both histograms
127     TH1 *histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNEventsTriggerTracks));
128     histo->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(histo->FindBin(triggermask), triggername);
129     histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNEventsTrigger));
130     histo->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(histo->FindBin(triggermask), triggername);
131   }
132   PostData(0, fContainer);
133 }
135 //_______________________________________________________
136 void AliTRDcheckDetector::Terminate(Option_t *){
137   //
138   // Terminate function
139   //
140 }
142 //_______________________________________________________
143 Bool_t AliTRDcheckDetector::PostProcess(){
144   //
145   // Do Postprocessing (for the moment set the number of Reference histograms)
146   //
148   TH1 * histo = 0x0;
149   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNTracksEventHist));
150   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Tracks");
151   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events");
152   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNclustersHist));
153   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Clusters");
154   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
155   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNtrackletsHist));
156   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Tracklets");
157   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
158   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNTrackletsVsFindable));
159   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio Found/Findable Tracklets");
160   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
161   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNclusterTrackletHist));
162   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Clusters");
163   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
164   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kChi2));
165   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#chi^2");
166   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
167   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNTracksSectorHist));
168   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Sector");
169   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Number of Tracks");
170   histo = dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kPulseHeight));
171   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Time / 100ns");
172   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Average Pulse Height (a. u.)");
173   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kClusterCharge));
174   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cluster Charge (a.u.)");
175   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
176   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kChargeDeposit));
177   histo->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Charge Deposit (a.u.)");
178   histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Entries");
180   // Calculate the purity of the trigger clusters
181   histo = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNEventsTrigger));
182   TH1F *histoTracks = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->UncheckedAt(kNEventsTriggerTracks));
183   histoTracks->Divide(histo);
184   Float_t purities[20], val = 0;
185   TString triggernames[20];
186   Int_t nTriggerClasses = 0;
187   for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= histo->GetNbinsX(); ibin++){
188     if((val = histoTracks->GetBinContent(ibin))){
189       purities[nTriggerClasses] = val;
190       triggernames[nTriggerClasses] = histoTracks->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(ibin);
191       nTriggerClasses++;
192     }
193   }
194   TH1F *hTriggerInf = new TH1F("fTriggerInf", "Trigger Information", TMath::Max(nTriggerClasses, 1), 0, TMath::Max(nTriggerClasses, 1));
195   for(Int_t ibin = 1; ibin <= nTriggerClasses; ibin++){
196     hTriggerInf->SetBinContent(ibin, purities[ibin-1]);
197     hTriggerInf->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(ibin, triggernames[ibin-1].Data());
198   }
199   hTriggerInf->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Trigger Cluster");
200   hTriggerInf->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Ratio");
201   hTriggerInf->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,1);
202 //      hTriggerInf->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
203 //      hTriggerInf->SetMarkerStyle(22);
204   fContainer->Add(hTriggerInf);
205   fNRefFigures = 11;
206   return kTRUE;
207 }
209 //_______________________________________________________
210 void AliTRDcheckDetector::GetRefFigure(Int_t ifig){
211   //
212   // Setting Reference Figures
213   //
214   TH1 *h = 0x0, *h1 = 0x0, *h2 = 0x0;
215   TGaxis *axis = 0x0;
216   switch(ifig){
217   case 0:       
218     ((TH1F*)fContainer->At(kNTracksEventHist))->Draw("pl");
219     break;
220   case 1:
221     ((TH1F*)fContainer->At(kNclustersHist))->Draw("pl");
222     break;
223   case 2:
224     h = (TH1F*)fContainer->At(kNtrackletsHist);
225     if(!h->GetEntries()) break;
226     h->Scale(100./h->Integral());
227     h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(.5, 6.5);
228     h->SetFillColor(kGreen);
229     h->SetBarOffset(.2);
230     h->SetBarWidth(.6);
231     h->Draw("bar1");
232     break;
233   case 3:
234     h = (TH1F*)fContainer->At(kNTrackletsVsFindable);
235     if(!h->GetEntries()) break;
236     h->Scale(100./h->Integral());
237     h->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(0.005, 1.005);
238     h->SetFillColor(kGreen);
239     h->SetBarOffset(.2);
240     h->SetBarWidth(.6);
241     h->Draw("bar1");
242     break;
243   case 4:
244     ((TH1F*)fContainer->At(kNclusterTrackletHist))->Draw("pc");
245     break;
246   case 5:
247     ((TH1F*)fContainer->At(kChi2))->Draw("");
248     break;
249   case 6:
250     h = (TH1F*)fContainer->At(kNTracksSectorHist);
251     if(!h->GetEntries()) break;
252     h->Scale(100./h->Integral());
253     h->SetFillColor(kGreen);
254     h->SetBarOffset(.2);
255     h->SetBarWidth(.6);
256     h->Draw("bar1");
257     break;
258   case 7:
259     h = (TH1F*)fContainer->At(kPulseHeight);
260     h->SetMarkerStyle(24);
261     h->SetMarkerColor(kBlack);
262     h->SetLineColor(kBlack);
263     h->Draw("e1");
264     // copy the second histogram in a new one with the same x-dimension as the phs with respect to time
265     h1 = (TH1F *)fContainer->At(kPulseHeightDistance);
266     h2 = new TH1F("hphs1","Average PH", 31, -0.5, 30.5);
267     for(Int_t ibin = h1->GetXaxis()->GetFirst(); ibin < h1->GetNbinsX(); ibin++) 
268       h2->SetBinContent(ibin, h1->GetBinContent(ibin));
269     h2->SetMarkerStyle(22);
270     h2->SetMarkerColor(kBlue);
271     h2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
272     h2->Draw("e1same");
273     gPad->Update();
274     // create axis according to the histogram dimensions of the original second histogram
275     axis = new TGaxis(gPad->GetUxmin(),
276                       gPad->GetUymax(),
277                       gPad->GetUxmax(),
278                       gPad->GetUymax(),
279                       -0.08, 4.88, 510,"-L");
280     axis->SetLineColor(kBlue);
281     axis->SetLabelColor(kBlue);
282     axis->SetTextColor(kBlue);
283     axis->SetTitle("x_{c}-x_{0} / cm");
284     axis->Draw();
285     break;
286   case 8:
287     ((TH1F*)fContainer->At(kClusterCharge))->Draw("c");
288     break;
289   case 9:
290     ((TH1F*)fContainer->At(kChargeDeposit))->Draw("c");
291     break;
292   case 10: 
293     h=(TH1F*)fContainer->At(kPurity);
294     h->SetBarOffset(.2);
295     h->SetBarWidth(.6);
296     h->SetFillColor(kGreen);
297     h->Draw("bar1");
298     break;
299   default:
300     ((TH1F*)fContainer->At(kNTracksEventHist))->Draw("pl");
301     break;
302   }
303 }
305 //_______________________________________________________
306 TObjArray *AliTRDcheckDetector::Histos(){
307   //
308   // Create QA histograms
309   //
310   if(fContainer) return fContainer;
312   fContainer = new TObjArray(25);
313   // Register Histograms
314   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hNtrks", "Number of Tracks per event", 100, 0, 100), kNTracksEventHist);
315   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hEventsTriggerTracks", "Trigger Class (Tracks)", 100, 0, 100), kNEventsTriggerTracks);
316   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hNcls", "Nr. of clusters per track", 181, -0.5, 180.5), kNclustersHist);
317   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hNtls", "Nr. tracklets per track", 7, -0.5, 6.5), kNtrackletsHist);
318   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hNtlsFindable", "Ratio of found/findable Tracklets" , 101, -0.005, 1.005), kNTrackletsVsFindable);
319   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hNclTls","Mean Number of clusters per tracklet", 31, -0.5, 30.5), kNclusterTrackletHist);
320   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hChi2", "Chi2", 200, 0, 20), kChi2);
321   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hChi2n", "Norm. Chi2 (tracklets)", 50, 0, 5), kChi2Normalized);
322   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hSM", "Track Counts in Supermodule", 18, -0.5, 17.5), kNTracksSectorHist);
323   // Detector signal on Detector-by-Detector basis
324   fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile("hPHdetector", "Average PH", 31, -0.5, 30.5), kPulseHeight);
325   fContainer->AddAt(new TProfile("hPHdistance", "Average PH", 31, -0.08, 4.88), kPulseHeightDistance);
326   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hQclDetector", "Cluster charge", 200, 0, 1200), kClusterCharge);
327   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hQTdetector", "Total Charge Deposit", 6000, 0, 6000), kChargeDeposit);
328   fContainer->AddAt(new TH1F("hEventsTrigger", "Trigger Class", 100, 0, 100), kNEventsTrigger);
330   return fContainer;
331 }
333 /*
334 * Plotting Functions
335 */
337 //_______________________________________________________
338 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotMeanNClusters(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
339   //
340   // Plot the mean number of clusters per tracklet
341   //
342   if(track) fTrack = track;
343   if(!fTrack){
344     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
345     return 0x0;
346   }
347   TH1 *h = 0x0;
348   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kNclusterTrackletHist)))){
349     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
350     return 0x0;
351   }
352   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
353   for(Int_t itl = 0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
354     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !tracklet->IsOK()) continue;
355     h->Fill(tracklet->GetN());
356   }
357   return h;
358 }
360 //_______________________________________________________
361 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotNClusters(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
362   //
363   // Plot the number of clusters in one track
364   //
365   if(track) fTrack = track;
366   if(!fTrack){
367     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
368     return 0x0;
369   }
370   TH1 *h = 0x0;
371   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kNclustersHist)))){
372     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
373     return 0x0;
374   }
376   Int_t nclusters = 0;
377   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
378   for(Int_t itl = 0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
379     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !tracklet->IsOK()) continue;
380     nclusters += tracklet->GetN();
381     if(fDebugLevel > 2){
382       Int_t crossing = tracklet->GetNChange();
383       AliTRDcluster *c = 0x0;
384       for(Int_t itime = 0; itime < AliTRDtrackerV1::GetNTimeBins(); itime++){
385         if(!(c = tracklet->GetClusters(itime))) continue;
386         break;
387       }
388       Int_t detector = c->GetDetector();
389       Float_t sector = static_cast<Int_t>(detector/AliTRDgeometry::kNdets);
390       Float_t theta = TMath::ATan(tracklet->GetZfit(1));
391       Float_t phi = TMath::ATan(tracklet->GetYfit(1));
392       Float_t momentum = 0.;
393       Int_t pdg = 0;
394       Int_t kinkIndex = fESD ? fESD->GetKinkIndex() : 0;
395       UShort_t TPCncls = fESD ? fESD->GetTPCncls() : 0;
396       if(fMC){
397         if(fMC->GetTrackRef()) momentum = fMC->GetTrackRef()->P();
398         pdg = fMC->GetPDG();
399       }
400       (*fDebugStream) << "NClusters"
401         << "Detector="  << detector
402         << "Sector="    << sector
403         << "crossing="  << crossing
404         << "momentum="  << momentum
405         << "pdg="                               << pdg
406         << "theta="                     << theta
407         << "phi="                               << phi
408         << "kinkIndex=" << kinkIndex
409         << "TPCncls="           << TPCncls
410         << "nclusters=" << nclusters
411         << "\n";
412     }
413   }
414   h->Fill(nclusters);
415   return h;
416 }
418 //_______________________________________________________
419 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotChi2(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
420   //
421   // Plot the chi2 of the track
422   //
423   if(track) fTrack = track;
424   if(!fTrack){
425     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
426     return 0x0;
427   }
428   TH1 *h = 0x0;
429   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kChi2)))){
430     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
431     return 0x0;
432   }
433   h->Fill(fTrack->GetChi2());
434   return h;
435 }
437 //_______________________________________________________
438 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotNormalizedChi2(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
439   //
440   // Plot the chi2 of the track
441   //
442   if(track) fTrack = track;
443   if(!fTrack){
444     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
445     return 0x0;
446   }
447   TH1 *h = 0x0;
448   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kChi2Normalized)))){
449     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
450     return 0x0;
451   }
452   Int_t nTracklets = 0;
453   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
454   for(Int_t itl = 0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
455     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !tracklet->IsOK()) continue;
456     nTracklets++;
457   }
458   h->Fill(fTrack->GetChi2()/nTracklets);
459   return h;
460 }
463 //_______________________________________________________
464 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotNTracklets(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
465   //
466   // Plot the number of tracklets
467   //
468   if(track) fTrack = track;
469   if(!fTrack){
470     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
471     return 0x0;
472   }
473   TH1 *h = 0x0;
474   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kNtrackletsHist)))){
475     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
476     return 0x0;
477   }
478   Int_t nTracklets = GetNTracklets(fTrack);
479   h->Fill(nTracklets);
480   if(fDebugLevel > 3){
481     if(nTracklets == 1){
482       // If we have one Tracklet, check in which layer this happens
483       Int_t layer = -1;
484       AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
485       for(Int_t il = 0; il < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; il++){
486         if((tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(il)) && tracklet->IsOK()){layer =  il; break;}
487       }
488       (*fDebugStream) << "PlotNTracklets"
489         << "Layer=" << layer
490         << "\n";
491     }
492   }
493   return h;
494 }
496 //_______________________________________________________
497 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotTrackletsVsFindable(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
498   //
499   // Plots the ratio of number of tracklets vs.
500   // number of findable tracklets
501   //
502   // Findable tracklets are defined as track prolongation
503   // to layer i does not hit the dead area +- epsilon
504   //
505   // In order to check whether tracklet hist active area in Layer i, 
506   // the track is refitted and the fitted position + an uncertainty 
507   // range is compared to the chamber border (also with a different
508   // uncertainty)
509   //
510   // For the track fit two cases are distinguished:
511   // If the track is a stand alone track (defined by the status bit 
512   // encoding, then the track is fitted with the tilted Rieman model
513   // Otherwise the track is fitted with the Kalman fitter in two steps:
514   // Since the track parameters are give at the outer point, we first 
515   // fit in direction inwards. Afterwards we fit again in direction outwards
516   // to extrapolate the track to layers which are not reached by the track
517   // For the Kalman model, the radial track points have to be shifted by
518   // a distance epsilon in the direction that we want to fit
519   //
520   const Float_t epsilon = 0.01;   // dead area tolerance
521   const Float_t epsilon_R = 1;    // shift in radial direction of the anode wire position (Kalman filter only)
522   const Float_t delta_y = 0.7;    // Tolerance in the track position in y-direction
523   const Float_t delta_z = 7.0;    // Tolerance in the track position in z-direction (Padlength)
524   Double_t x_anode[AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer] = {300.2, 312.8, 325.4, 338.0, 350.6, 363.2}; // Take the default X0
526   if(track) fTrack = track;
527   if(!fTrack){
528     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
529     return 0x0;
530   }
531   TH1 *h = 0x0;
532   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kNTrackletsVsFindable)))){
533     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
534     return 0x0;
535   }
536   Int_t nFound = 0, nFindable = 0;
537   Int_t stack = -1;
538   Double_t ymin = 0., ymax = 0., zmin = 0., zmax = 0.;
539   Double_t y = 0., z = 0.;
540   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
541   AliTRDpadPlane *pp;  
542   for(Int_t il = 0; il < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; il++){
543     if((tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(il)) && tracklet->IsOK()){
544       tracklet->SetReconstructor(fReconstructor);
545       nFound++;
546     }
547   }
548   // 2 Different cases:
549   // 1st stand alone: here we cannot propagate, but be can do a Tilted Rieman Fit
550   // 2nd barrel track: here we propagate the track to the layers
551   AliTrackPoint points[6];
552   Float_t xyz[3];
553   memset(xyz, 0, sizeof(Float_t) * 3);
554   if(((fESD->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTRDout) > 0) && !((fESD->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kTRDin) > 0)){
555     // stand alone track
556     for(Int_t il = 0; il < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; il++){
557       xyz[0] = x_anode[il];
558       points[il].SetXYZ(xyz);
559     }
560     AliTRDtrackerV1::FitRiemanTilt(const_cast<AliTRDtrackV1 *>(fTrack), 0x0, kTRUE, 6, points);
561   } else {
562     // barrel track
563     //
564     // 2 Steps:
565     // -> Kalman inwards
566     // -> Kalman outwards
567     AliTRDtrackV1 copy_track(*fTrack);  // Do Kalman on a (non-constant) copy of the track
568     AliTrackPoint points_inward[6], points_outward[6];
569     for(Int_t il = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; il--;){
570       // In order to avoid complications in the Kalman filter if the track points have the same radial
571       // position like the tracklets, we have to shift the radial postion of the anode wire by epsilon
572       // in the direction we want to go
573       // The track points have to be in reverse order for the Kalman Filter inwards
574       xyz[0] = x_anode[AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer - il - 1] - epsilon_R;
575       points_inward[il].SetXYZ(xyz);
576       xyz[0] = x_anode[il] + epsilon_R;
577       points_outward[il].SetXYZ(xyz);
578     }
579     /*for(Int_t ipt = 0; ipt < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; ipt++)
580       printf("%d. X = %f\n", ipt, points[ipt].GetX());*/
581     // Kalman inwards
582     AliTRDtrackerV1::FitKalman(&copy_track, 0x0, kFALSE, 6, points_inward);
583     memcpy(points, points_inward, sizeof(AliTrackPoint) * 6); // Preliminary store the inward results in the Array points
584     // Kalman outwards
585     AliTRDtrackerV1::FitKalman(&copy_track, 0x0, kTRUE, 6, points_inward);
586     memcpy(points, points_outward, sizeof(AliTrackPoint) * AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer);
587   }
588   for(Int_t il = 0; il < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; il++){
589     y = points[il].GetY();
590     z = points[il].GetZ();
591     if((stack = fGeo->GetStack(z, il)) < 0) continue; // Not findable
592     pp = fGeo->GetPadPlane(il, stack);
593     ymin = pp->GetCol0() + epsilon;
594     ymax = pp->GetColEnd() - epsilon; 
595     zmin = pp->GetRowEnd() + epsilon; 
596     zmax = pp->GetRow0() - epsilon;
597     // ignore y-crossing (material)
598     if((z + delta_z > zmin && z - delta_z < zmax) && (y + delta_y > ymin && y - delta_y < ymax)) nFindable++;
599       if(fDebugLevel > 3){
600         Double_t pos_tracklet[2] = {tracklet ? tracklet->GetYfit(0) : 0, tracklet ? tracklet->GetMeanz() : 0};
601         Int_t hasTracklet = tracklet ? 1 : 0;
602         (*fDebugStream)   << "GetFindableTracklets"
603           << "layer="     << il
604           << "ytracklet=" << pos_tracklet[0]
605           << "ytrack="    << y
606           << "ztracklet=" << pos_tracklet[1]
607           << "ztrack="    << z
608           << "tracklet="  << hasTracklet
609           << "\n";
610       }
611   }
613   h->Fill(nFindable > 0 ? TMath::Min(nFound/static_cast<Double_t>(nFindable), 1.) : 1);
614   if(fDebugLevel > 2) AliInfo(Form("Findable[Found]: %d[%d|%f]", nFindable, nFound, nFound/static_cast<Float_t>(nFindable > 0 ? nFindable : 1)));
615   return h;
616 }
618 //_______________________________________________________
619 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotPulseHeight(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
620   //
621   // Plot the average pulse height
622   //
623   if(track) fTrack = track;
624   if(!fTrack){
625     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
626     return 0x0;
627   }
628   TProfile *h = 0x0;
629   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kPulseHeight)))){
630     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
631     return 0x0;
632   }
633   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
634   AliTRDcluster *c = 0x0;
635   for(Int_t itl = 0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
636     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !tracklet->IsOK())continue;
637     for(Int_t itime = 0; itime < AliTRDtrackerV1::GetNTimeBins(); itime++){
638       if(!(c = tracklet->GetClusters(itime))) continue;
639       Int_t localtime        = c->GetLocalTimeBin();
640       Double_t absolute_charge = TMath::Abs(c->GetQ());
641       h->Fill(localtime, absolute_charge);
642       if(fDebugLevel > 3){
643         Int_t crossing = tracklet->GetNChange();
644         Int_t detector = c->GetDetector();
645         Double_t distance[2];
646         GetDistanceToTracklet(distance, tracklet, c);
647         Float_t sector = static_cast<Int_t>(detector/AliTRDgeometry::kNdets);
648         Float_t theta = TMath::ATan(tracklet->GetZfit(1));
649         Float_t phi = TMath::ATan(tracklet->GetYfit(1));
650         Float_t momentum = 0.;
651         Int_t pdg = 0;
652         Int_t kinkIndex = fESD ? fESD->GetKinkIndex() : 0;
653         UShort_t TPCncls = fESD ? fESD->GetTPCncls() : 0;
654         if(fMC){
655           if(fMC->GetTrackRef()) momentum = fMC->GetTrackRef()->P();
656           pdg = fMC->GetPDG();
657         }
658         (*fDebugStream) << "PulseHeight"
659           << "Detector="        << detector
660           << "Sector="          << sector
661           << "crossing="        << crossing
662           << "Timebin="         << localtime
663           << "Charge="          << absolute_charge
664           << "momentum="        << momentum
665           << "pdg="                             << pdg
666           << "theta="                   << theta
667           << "phi="                             << phi
668           << "kinkIndex="       << kinkIndex
669           << "TPCncls="         << TPCncls
670           << "dy="        << distance[0]
671           << "dz="        << distance[1]
672           << "c.="        << c
673           << "\n";
674       }
675     }
676   }
677   return h;
678 }
680 //_______________________________________________________
681 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotPHSdistance(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
682   //
683   // Plots the average pulse height vs the distance from the anode wire
684   // (plus const anode wire offset)
685   //
686   if(track) fTrack = track;
687   if(!fTrack){
688     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
689     return 0x0;
690   }
691   TProfile *h = 0x0;
692   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TProfile *>(fContainer->At(kPulseHeightDistance)))){
693     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
694     return 0x0;
695   }
696   Int_t offset = AliTRDSimParam::Instance()->GetAnodeWireOffset();
697   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
698   AliTRDcluster *c = 0x0;
699   Double_t distance = 0;
700   for(Int_t itl = 0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
701     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !(tracklet->IsOK())) continue;
702     tracklet->ResetClusterIter();
703     while((c = tracklet->NextCluster())){
704       distance = tracklet->GetX0() - c->GetX() + offset;
705       h->Fill(distance, TMath::Abs(c->GetQ()));
706     }
707   }  
708   return h;
709 }
711 //_______________________________________________________
712 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotClusterCharge(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
713   //
714   // Plot the cluster charge
715   //
716   if(track) fTrack = track;
717   if(!fTrack){
718     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
719     return 0x0;
720   }
721   TH1 *h = 0x0;
722   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kClusterCharge)))){
723     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
724     return 0x0;
725   }
726   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
727   AliTRDcluster *c = 0x0;
728   for(Int_t itl = 0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
729     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !tracklet->IsOK())continue;
730     for(Int_t itime = 0; itime < AliTRDtrackerV1::GetNTimeBins(); itime++){
731       if(!(c = tracklet->GetClusters(itime))) continue;
732       h->Fill(c->GetQ());
733     }
734   }
735   return h;
736 }
738 //_______________________________________________________
739 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotChargeDeposit(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
740   //
741   // Plot the charge deposit per chamber
742   //
743   if(track) fTrack = track;
744   if(!fTrack){
745     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
746     return 0x0;
747   }
748   TH1 *h = 0x0;
749   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kChargeDeposit)))){
750     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
751     return 0x0;
752   }
753   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
754   AliTRDcluster *c = 0x0, *c1 = 0x0;    // c1 for the Debug Stream
755   Double_t Qtot = 0;
756   Int_t nTracklets = 0;
757   if(fDebugLevel > 3)
758     nTracklets = GetNTracklets(fTrack); // fill NTracklet to the Debug Stream
759   for(Int_t itl = 0x0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
760     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !tracklet->IsOK()) continue;
761     Qtot = 0;
762     c1 = 0x0;
763     for(Int_t itime = 0; itime < AliTRDtrackerV1::GetNTimeBins(); itime++){
764       if(!(c = tracklet->GetClusters(itime))) continue;
765       if(!c1) c1 = c;
766       Qtot += TMath::Abs(c->GetQ());
767     }
768     h->Fill(Qtot);
769     if(fDebugLevel > 3){
770       Int_t crossing = tracklet->GetNChange();
771       Int_t detector = c1->GetDetector();
772       Float_t sector = static_cast<Int_t>(detector/AliTRDgeometry::kNdets);
773       Float_t theta = TMath::ATan(tracklet->GetZfit(1));
774       Float_t phi = TMath::ATan(tracklet->GetYfit(1));
775       Float_t momentum = 0.;
776       Int_t pdg = 0;
777       Int_t kinkIndex = fESD ? fESD->GetKinkIndex() : 0;
778       UShort_t TPCncls = fESD ? fESD->GetTPCncls() : 0;
779       if(fMC){
780               if(fMC->GetTrackRef()) momentum = fMC->GetTrackRef()->P();
781         pdg = fMC->GetPDG();
782       }
783       (*fDebugStream) << "ChargeDeposit"
784         << "Detector="  << detector
785         << "Sector="    << sector
786         << "crossing="  << crossing
787         << "momentum="  << momentum
788         << "nTracklets="<< nTracklets
789         << "pdg="                               << pdg
790         << "theta="                     << theta
791         << "phi="                               << phi
792         << "kinkIndex=" << kinkIndex
793         << "TPCncls="           << TPCncls
794         << "QT="        << Qtot
795         << "\n";
796     }
797   }
798   return h;
799 }
801 //_______________________________________________________
802 TH1 *AliTRDcheckDetector::PlotTracksSector(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
803   //
804   // Plot the number of tracks per Sector
805   //
806   if(track) fTrack = track;
807   if(!fTrack){
808     AliWarning("No Track defined.");
809     return 0x0;
810   }
811   TH1 *h = 0x0;
812   if(!(h = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(fContainer->At(kNTracksSectorHist)))){
813     AliWarning("No Histogram defined.");
814     return 0x0;
815   }
816   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
817   AliTRDcluster *c = 0x0;
818   Int_t sector = -1;
819   for(Int_t itl = 0; itl < AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; itl++){
820     if(!(tracklet = fTrack->GetTracklet(itl)) || !tracklet->IsOK()) continue;
821     for(Int_t itime = 0; itime < AliTRDtrackerV1::GetNTimeBins(); itime++){
822       if(!(c = tracklet->GetClusters(itime))) continue;
823       sector = static_cast<Int_t>(c->GetDetector()/AliTRDgeometry::kNdets);
824     }
825     break;
826   }
827   h->Fill(sector);
828   return h;
829 }
831 //_______________________________________________________
832 Int_t AliTRDcheckDetector::GetNTracklets(const AliTRDtrackV1 *track){
833   //
834   // Count the number of tracklets per track
835   //
836   if(!track){
837     AliError("No track");
838     return 0;
839   }
840   Int_t nTracklets = 0;
841   AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet = 0x0;
842   for(Int_t il = AliTRDgeometry::kNlayer; il--;){
843     if((tracklet = track->GetTracklet(il)) && tracklet->IsOK()) nTracklets++;
844   }
845   return nTracklets;
846 }
848 //________________________________________________________
849 void AliTRDcheckDetector::SetRecoParam(AliTRDrecoParam *r)
850 {
852   fReconstructor->SetRecoParam(r);
853 }
855 //________________________________________________________
856 void AliTRDcheckDetector::GetDistanceToTracklet(Double_t *dist, AliTRDseedV1 *tracklet, AliTRDcluster *c){
857   dist[0] = c->GetY() - (tracklet->GetYfit(0) + tracklet->GetYfit(1)*(c->GetX() - tracklet->GetX0()));
858   dist[1] = c->GetZ() - tracklet->GetMeanz();
859 }