1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 // (V-zero) detector version 2 as designed by the Lyon group //
21 // All comments should be sent to Brigitte CHEYNIS : //
22 // b.cheynis@ipnl.in2p3.fr //
23 // Geometry of the 26th of november 2003 //
24 // (circular instead of trapezoidal shapes as in previous versions //
25 // plus changes in cell dimensions and offsets) : //
26 // Scintillating cells are now 2 cm thick instead of 0.7 cm //
27 // V0R sits between Z values -89.4 and -85.0 cm //
28 // V0L sits between Z values +350.0 and +352.0 cm //
29 // New coordinate system has been implemented in october 2003 //
31 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
33 // --- Standard libraries ---
34 #include <Riostream.h>
38 // --- ROOT libraries ---
39 #include <TClonesArray.h>
40 #include <TGeometry.h>
41 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
44 #include <TObjectTable.h>
47 #include <TVirtualMC.h>
48 #include <TParticle.h>
50 // --- AliRoot header files ---
56 #include "AliVZEROLoader.h"
57 #include "AliVZEROdigit.h"
58 #include "AliVZEROhit.h"
59 #include "AliVZEROv2.h"
63 //_____________________________________________________________________________
64 AliVZEROv2:: AliVZEROv2():AliVZERO()
66 // Standard default constructor
69 //_____________________________________________________________________________
70 AliVZEROv2::AliVZEROv2(const char *name, const char *title):
74 // Standard constructor for V-zero Detector version 2
76 AliDebug(2,"Create VZERO object");
80 //_____________________________________________________________________________
81 void AliVZEROv2::CreateGeometry()
84 // Creates the GEANT geometry of the V-zero Detector version 2
86 AliDebug(2,"Create VZERO Geometry");
88 Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray()-2999;
98 Float_t height1, height2, height3, height4, height5;
102 Float_t halfThickQua;
106 Float_t pi = TMath::Pi();
108 height1 = 1.82; // height of cell 1, in cm
109 height2 = 3.81; // height of cell 2, in cm
110 height3 = 4.72; // height of cell 3, in cm
111 height4 = 7.12; // height of cell 4, in cm
112 height5 = 10.83; // height of cell 5, in cm
114 theta = pi/6.0/2.0; // half angular opening = 15 degrees
116 halfThickQua= fThickness1/2.0; // half thickness of elementary cell (inner ring)
118 // distance 0.6 cm in zdet accounts for the fact V0R box back lid sits 0.6 away from
119 // absorber nose sitting at 90 cm. Will use -zdet later...
121 zdet = 90.0 - 0.6 -fThickness/2.0; // distance to vertex (along Z axis)
122 r0 = 4.05; // closest distance to center of the beam pipe
123 height = height1 + height2 + height3 + height4 + height5;
126 // Creation of mother volume v0LE - left part - :
127 // Entrance face at +350.0 cm (new coordinate system) ...
133 partube[2] = fThickness1/2.0;
135 gMC->Gsvolu("V0LE","TUBE",idtmed[3005],partube,3);
137 // Creation of five rings - left part - :
138 // Entrance face at +350.0 cm (new coordinate system) ...
140 // Mother volume v0L0 in which will be set 5 scintillator cells
144 Float_t r0Left = 4.3;
145 Float_t height1Left = 2.6;
146 Float_t height2Left = 4.1;
147 Float_t height3Left = 6.4;
148 Float_t height4Left = 10.2;
149 Float_t height5Left = 16.9;
150 Float_t heightLeft = height1Left + height2Left + height3Left
151 + height4Left + height5Left;
152 Float_t r5Left = r0Left + heightLeft;
156 partubs[2] = fThickness1/2.0;
157 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
158 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
160 gMC->Gsvolu("V0L0","TUBS",idtmed[3010],partubs,5); // air volume
162 Float_t r1Left = r0Left + height1Left;
167 gMC->Gsvolu("V0L1","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // quartz volume
168 gMC->Gspos("V0L1",1,"V0L0", 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0,"ONLY");
170 Float_t r2Left = r1Left + height2Left;
175 gMC->Gsvolu("V0L2","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // quartz volume
176 gMC->Gspos("V0L2",1,"V0L0", 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0,"ONLY");
178 Float_t r3Left = r2Left + height3Left;
183 gMC->Gsvolu("V0L3","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // quartz volume
184 gMC->Gspos("V0L3",1,"V0L0", 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0,"ONLY");
186 Float_t r4Left = r3Left + height4Left;
191 gMC->Gsvolu("V0L4","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // quartz volume
192 gMC->Gspos("V0L4",1,"V0L0", 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0,"ONLY");
196 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
197 partubs[4] = 120.0-30.0;
199 gMC->Gsvolu("V0L5","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // quartz volume
200 gMC->Gspos("V0L5",1,"V0L0", 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0,"ONLY");
202 partubs[3] = 120.0-30.0;
203 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
205 gMC->Gsvolu("V0L6","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // quartz volume
206 gMC->Gspos("V0L6",1,"V0L0", 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0, 0,"ONLY");
209 // Creation of mother volume v0RI - right part - :
211 partube[0] = r0 - 0.2;
212 partube[1] = r5 + 1.0;
213 partube[2] = fThickness/2.0;
215 gMC->Gsvolu("V0RI","TUBE",idtmed[3010],partube,3);
217 // Creation of carbon lids (2 mm thick) to keep v0RI box shut...
219 Float_t lidThickness = 0.2;
223 partube[2] = +lidThickness/2.0;
225 gMC->Gsvolu("V0CA","TUBE",idtmed[3001],partube,3);
226 gMC->Gspos("V0CA",1,"V0RI",0.0,0.0, fThickness/2.0-partube[2],0,"ONLY");
227 gMC->Gspos("V0CA",2,"V0RI",0.0,0.0,-fThickness/2.0+partube[2],0,"ONLY");
229 // Creation of aluminum rings to maintain the v0RI pieces ...
231 partube[0] = r0 - 0.2;
233 partube[2] = +fThickness/2.0;
235 gMC->Gsvolu("V0IR","TUBE",idtmed[3003],partube,3);
236 gMC->Gspos("V0IR",1,"V0RI",0.0,0.0,0.0,0,"ONLY");
239 partube[1] = r5 + 1.0;
240 partube[2] = +fThickness/2.0;
242 gMC->Gsvolu("V0ER","TUBE",idtmed[3003],partube,3);
243 gMC->Gspos("V0ER",1,"V0RI",0.0,0.0,0.0,0,"ONLY");
245 // Mother volume v0R0 in which will be set 5 scintillator cells
249 partubs[2] = fThickness/2.0;
250 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
251 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
253 gMC->Gsvolu("V0R0","TUBS",idtmed[3010],partubs,5); // air volume
255 // Elementary cell of ring 1 :
256 // (cells 2 and 3 will be shifted by 1 cm to output fibers)
258 Float_t offsetFibers = 1.0;
259 Float_t offset = fThickness/2.0 - lidThickness - fThickness1/2.0;
260 Float_t r1 = r0 + height1;
264 partubs[2] = fThickness1/2.0;
266 gMC->Gsvolu("V0R1","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // scintillator volume
267 gMC->Gspos("V0R1",1,"V0R0", 0.0, 0.0 , -offset, 0,"ONLY");
269 // Elementary cell of ring 2 :
271 Float_t r2 = r1 + height2;
276 gMC->Gsvolu("V0R2","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // scintillator volume
277 gMC->Gspos("V0R2",1,"V0R0", 0.0, 0.0 , -offset + offsetFibers, 0,"ONLY");
280 // Elementary cell of ring 3 :
282 Float_t r3 = r2 + height3;
287 gMC->Gsvolu("V0R3","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // scintillator volume
288 gMC->Gspos("V0R3",1,"V0R0", 0.0, 0.0 , -offset + 2.0 * offsetFibers, 0,"ONLY");
290 // Elementary cell of ring 4 :
292 Float_t r4 = r3 + height4 ;
297 gMC->Gsvolu("V0R4","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // scintillator volume
298 gMC->Gspos("V0R4",1,"V0R0", 0.0, 0.0 , -offset + 2.0 * offsetFibers, 0,"ONLY");
300 // Elementary cells of ring 5 :
304 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
305 partubs[4] = 120.0-30.0;
307 gMC->Gsvolu("V0R5","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // scintillator volume
308 gMC->Gspos("V0R5",1,"V0R0", 0.0, 0.0 , -offset + 2.0 * offsetFibers, 0,"ONLY");
310 partubs[3] = 120.0-30.0;
311 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
313 gMC->Gsvolu("V0R6","TUBS",idtmed[3005],partubs,5); // scintillator volume
314 gMC->Gspos("V0R6",1,"V0R0", 0.0, 0.0 , -offset + 2.0 * offsetFibers, 0,"ONLY");
316 Float_t phiDeg = 180./6.;
320 for(Float_t phi = 15.0; phi < 360.0; phi = phi + phiDeg)
322 AliMatrix(idrotm[902], 90.0, phi, 90.0, 90.0 +phi, 0.0 , 0.0);
323 gMC->Gspos("V0R0",ndetR,"V0RI",0.0,
324 0.0,0.0,idrotm[902],"ONLY");
328 gMC->Gspos("V0RI",1,"ALIC",0.0,0.0,-zdet,0,"ONLY");
330 ncellsR = (ndetR - 1) * 6;
331 AliInfo(Form("Number of cells on Right side = %d", ncellsR));
335 for(Float_t phi = 15.0; phi < 360.0; phi = phi + phiDeg)
337 AliMatrix(idrotm[902], 90.0, phi, 90.0, 90.0 +phi, 0.0 , 0.0);
338 gMC->Gspos("V0L0",ndetL,"V0LE",0.0,
339 0.0,0.0,idrotm[902],"ONLY");
343 gMC->Gspos("V0LE",1,"ALIC",0.0,0.0,350.0+fThickness1/2.0,0,"ONLY");
345 ncellsL = (ndetL - 1) * 6;
346 AliInfo(Form("Number of cells on Left side = %d", ncellsL));
350 //_____________________________________________________________________________
351 void AliVZEROv2::BuildGeometry()
354 // Builds simple ROOT TNode geometry for event display
356 AliDebug(2,"VZERO BuildGeometry");
360 TNode *v0Rnode, *v0Rnode0, *v0Rnode6 , *v0Rnode7, *v0Rnode8, *v0Rnode9;
361 TNode *v0Rnode1, *v0Rnode2, *v0Rnode3, *v0Rnode4, *v0Rnode5;
362 TNode *v0Lnode, *v0Lnode0;
363 TNode *v0Lnode1, *v0Lnode2, *v0Lnode3, *v0Lnode4, *v0Lnode5, *v0Lnode6;
365 const int kColorVZERO = kGreen;
367 top = gAlice->GetGeometry()->GetNode("alice");
369 Float_t height1, height2, height3, height4, height5;
373 Float_t halfThickQua;
376 Float_t pi = TMath::Pi();
378 height1 = 1.82; // height of cell 1, in cm
379 height2 = 3.81; // height of cell 2, in cm
380 height3 = 4.72; // height of cell 3, in cm
381 height4 = 7.12; // height of cell 4, in cm
382 height5 = 10.83; // height of cell 5, in cm
386 halfThickQua = fThickness1/2.0;
388 zdet = 90.0 - 0.6 - fThickness/2.0;
390 height = height1 + height2 + height3 + height4 + height5;
397 partube[0] = r0 - 0.2;
398 partube[1] = r5 + 1.0;
399 partube[2] = fThickness/2.0;
401 TTUBE *v0RI = new TTUBE("V0RI", "V0RI", "void", partube[0], partube[1], partube[2]);
405 v0Rnode = new TNode("V0RI","V0RI",v0RI,0.0,0.0,-zdet,0);
407 v0Rnode->SetLineColor(kYellow);
408 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode);
409 v0Rnode->SetVisibility(2);
411 // Rondelles de carbone (epaisseur 2 mm) de maintien des cellules ...
413 Float_t lidThickness = 0.2;
417 partube[2] = +lidThickness/2.0;
419 TTUBE *v0CA = new TTUBE("V0CA", "V0CA", "void",partube[0], partube[1], partube[2]);
422 v0Rnode6 = new TNode("V0CA", "V0CA",v0CA,0.0,0.0, fThickness/2.0-partube[2],0);
423 v0Rnode6->SetLineColor(kYellow);
424 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode6);
426 v0Rnode7 = new TNode("V0CA", "V0CA",v0CA,0.0,0.0,-fThickness/2.0+partube[2],0);
427 v0Rnode7->SetLineColor(kYellow);
428 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode7);
430 partube[0] = r0 - 0.2;
432 partube[2] = +fThickness/2.0;
434 TTUBE *v0IR = new TTUBE("V0IR","V0IR","void", partube[0], partube[1], partube[2]);
437 v0Rnode8 = new TNode("V0IR", "V0IR",v0IR,0.0,0.0,0.0,0);
438 v0Rnode8->SetLineColor(kYellow);
439 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode8);
442 partube[1] = r5 + 1.0;
443 partube[2] = +fThickness/2.0;
445 TTUBE *v0ER = new TTUBE("V0ER","V0ER","void", partube[0], partube[1], partube[2]);
448 v0Rnode9 = new TNode("V0ER", "V0ER",v0ER,0.0,0.0,0.0,0);
449 v0Rnode9->SetLineColor(kYellow);
450 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode9);
456 partubs[2] = fThickness/2.0;
457 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
458 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
460 TTUBS *v0R0 = new TTUBS("V0R0", "V0R0", "void",partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
461 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
463 v0R0->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
465 Float_t r1 = r0 + height1;
466 Float_t offset = fThickness/2.0 - lidThickness - fThickness1/2.0;
467 Float_t offsetFibers = 1.0;
471 partubs[2] = fThickness1/2.0;
473 TTUBS *v0R1 = new TTUBS("V0R1", "V0R1", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
474 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
476 v0R1->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
478 Float_t r2 = r1 + height2;
483 TTUBS *v0R2 = new TTUBS("V0R2", "V0R2", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
484 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
486 v0R2->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
488 Float_t r3 = r2 + height3;
493 TTUBS *v0R3 = new TTUBS("V0R3", "V0R3", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
494 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
495 v0R3->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
497 Float_t r4 = r3 + height4;
502 TTUBS *v0R4 = new TTUBS("V0R4", "V0R4", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
503 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
505 v0R4->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
509 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
510 partubs[4] = 120.0-30.0;
512 TTUBS *v0R5 = new TTUBS("V0R5", "V0R5", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
513 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
515 v0R5->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
517 partubs[3] = 120.0-30.0;
518 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
520 TTUBS *v0R6 = new TTUBS("V0R6", "V0R6", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
521 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
523 v0R6->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
526 Float_t phiDeg= 180./6.;
532 for (phi = 15.0; phi < 360.0; phi = phi + phiDeg)
536 TRotMatrix* mat920 = new TRotMatrix("rot920","rot920", 90.0, +phi, 90., 90.+phi, 0.0, 0.0 );
538 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDER%d",ndetR);
541 v0Rnode0 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0R0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,mat920);
542 v0Rnode0->SetLineColor(kYellow);
543 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode0);
546 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDER%d",ndetR);
548 v0Rnode1 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0R1,0.0,0.0, -offset,0);
549 v0Rnode1->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
550 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode1);
553 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDER%d",ndetR);
555 v0Rnode2 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0R2,0.0,0.0, -offset + offsetFibers,0);
556 v0Rnode2->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
557 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode2);
560 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDER%d",ndetR);
562 v0Rnode3 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0R3,0.0,0.0, -offset + 2.0*offsetFibers,0);
563 v0Rnode3->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
564 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode3);
567 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDER%d",ndetR);
569 v0Rnode4 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0R4,0.0,0.0, -offset + 2.0*offsetFibers,0);
570 v0Rnode4->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
571 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode4);
574 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDER%d",ndetR);
576 v0Rnode5 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0R5,0.0,0.0, -offset + 2.0*offsetFibers,0);
577 v0Rnode5->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
578 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode5);
581 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDER%d",ndetR);
583 v0Rnode6 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0R6,0.0,0.0, -offset + 2.0*offsetFibers,0);
584 v0Rnode6->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
585 fNodes->Add(v0Rnode6);
588 v0Rnode0->SetVisibility(2);
592 // Left side of VZERO :
594 Float_t r0Left = 4.3;
595 Float_t height1Left = 2.6;
596 Float_t height2Left = 4.1;
597 Float_t height3Left = 6.4;
598 Float_t height4Left = 10.2;
599 Float_t height5Left = 16.9;
600 Float_t heightLeft = height1Left + height2Left + height3Left
601 + height4Left + height5Left;
602 Float_t r5Left = r0Left + heightLeft;
606 partube[2] = fThickness1/2.0;
608 TTUBE *v0LE = new TTUBE("V0LE", "V0LE", "void", partube[0], partube[1], partube[2]);
612 v0Lnode = new TNode("V0LE","V0LE",v0LE,0.0,0.0,350.0+fThickness1/2.0,0);
614 v0Lnode->SetLineColor(kBlue);
615 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode);
617 v0Lnode->SetVisibility(2);
621 partubs[2] = fThickness1/2.0;
622 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
623 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
625 TTUBS *v0L0 = new TTUBS("V0L0", "V0L0", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
626 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
628 v0L0->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
629 v0L0->SetLineColor(7);
632 offsetLeft = - fThickness1/2.0;
634 Float_t r1Left = r0Left + height1Left;
639 TTUBS *v0L1 = new TTUBS("V0L1", "V0L1", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
640 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
642 v0L1->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
644 Float_t r2Left = r1Left + height2Left;
649 TTUBS *v0L2 = new TTUBS("V0L2", "V0L2", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
650 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
652 v0L2->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
654 Float_t r3Left = r2Left + height3Left;
659 TTUBS *v0L3 = new TTUBS("V0L3", "V0L3", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
660 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
661 v0L3->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
663 Float_t r4Left = r3Left + height4Left;
668 TTUBS *v0L4 = new TTUBS("V0L4", "V0L4", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
669 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
671 v0L4->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
675 partubs[3] = 90.0-15.0;
676 partubs[4] = 120.0-30.0;
678 TTUBS *v0L5 = new TTUBS("V0L5", "V0L5", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
679 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
682 v0L5->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
684 partubs[3] = 120.0-30.0;
685 partubs[4] = 120.0-15.0;
687 TTUBS *v0L6 = new TTUBS("V0L6", "V0L6", "void", partubs[0], partubs[1], partubs[2],
688 partubs[3], partubs[4]);
690 v0L6->SetNumberOfDivisions(ndiv);
694 for (phi = 15.0; phi < 360.0; phi = phi + phiDeg)
698 TRotMatrix* mat920 = new TRotMatrix("rot920","rot920", 90.0, +phi, 90., 90.+phi, 0.0, 0.0 );
701 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDEL%d",ndetL);
704 v0Lnode0 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0L0,0.0,0.0, offsetLeft + halfThickQua,mat920);
705 v0Lnode0->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
706 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode0);
709 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDEL%d",ndetL);
711 v0Lnode1 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0L1,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0);
712 v0Lnode1->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
713 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode1);
716 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDEL%d",ndetL);
718 v0Lnode2 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0L2,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0);
719 v0Lnode2->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
720 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode2);
724 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDEL%d",ndetL);
726 v0Lnode3 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0L3,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0);
727 v0Lnode3->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
728 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode3);
731 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDEL%d",ndetL);
733 v0Lnode4 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0L4,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0);
734 v0Lnode4->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
735 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode4);
738 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDEL%d",ndetL);
740 v0Lnode5 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0L5,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0);
741 v0Lnode5->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
742 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode5);
745 sprintf(nameNode,"SUBDEL%d",ndetL);
747 v0Lnode6 = new TNode(nameNode,nameNode,v0L6,0.0,0.0, 0.0,0);
748 v0Lnode6->SetLineColor(kColorVZERO);
749 fNodes->Add(v0Lnode6);
752 v0Lnode0->SetVisibility(2);
758 //_____________________________________________________________________________
759 void AliVZEROv2::CreateMaterials()
762 // Creates materials used for geometry
764 AliDebug(2,"VZERO create materials");
767 Float_t ppckov[14] = { 5.5e-9, 5.7e-9, 5.9e-9, 6.1e-9, 6.3e-9, 6.5e-9, 6.7e-9,
768 6.9e-9, 7.1e-9, 7.3e-9, 7.5e-9, 7.7e-9, 7.9e-9, 8.1e-9 };
771 Float_t ppckov_alu[14] = { 5.5e-9, 5.7e-9, 5.9e-9, 6.1e-9, 6.3e-9, 6.5e-9, 6.7e-9,
772 6.9e-9, 7.1e-9, 7.3e-9, 7.5e-9, 7.7e-9, 7.9e-9, 8.1e-9 };
774 Float_t rindex_quarz[14] = { 1.52398, 1.53090, 1.53835, 1.54641, 1.55513, 1.56458,
775 1.57488, 1.58611, 1.59842, 1.61197, 1.62696, 1.64362,
778 Float_t absco_quarz[14] = { 105.8, 45.656, 35.665, 28.598, 25.007, 21.04, 17.525,
779 14.177, 9.282, 4.0925, 1.149, 0.3627, 0.1497, 0.05 };
781 Float_t effic_all[14] = { 1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1. };
784 Float_t rindex_alu[14] = { 1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1. };
787 Float_t absco_alu[14] = { 1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,
788 1e-4,1e-4,1e-4,1e-4 };
789 Float_t effic_alu[14] = { 1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1. };
793 Int_t *idtmed = fIdtmed->GetArray()-2999;
796 // Parameters related to Quarz (SiO2) :
798 Float_t aqua[2], zqua[2], densqua, wmatqua[2];
810 // Parameters related to aluminum sheets :
817 // Parameters related to scintillator CH :
819 Float_t ascin[2] = {1.00794,12.011};
820 Float_t zscin[2] = {1.,6.};
821 Float_t wscin[2] = {1.,1.};
822 Float_t denscin = 1.032;
826 Float_t aAir[4]={12.,14.,16.,36.};
827 Float_t zAir[4]={6.,7.,8.,18.};
828 Float_t wAir[4]={0.000124,0.755267,0.231781,0.012827};
829 Float_t dAir = 1.20479E-3;
831 // Definition of materials :
833 AliMixture( 1, "AIR A$", aAir,zAir,dAir,4,wAir);
834 AliMixture(11, "AIR I$", aAir,zAir,dAir,4,wAir);
835 AliMaterial( 2, "CARBON$" , 12.01, 6.0, 2.265, 18.8, 49.9, 0, 0);
836 AliMixture( 3, "QUA", aqua, zqua, densqua, nlmatqua, wmatqua);
837 AliMaterial( 4, "ALUMINIUM1$", 26.98, 13., 2.7, 8.9, 37.2, 0, 0);
838 AliMaterial( 5, "ALUMINIUM2$", aal, zal, densal, radlal, 0, 0, 0);
840 AliMixture( 6, "Scintillator$",ascin,zscin,denscin,-2,wscin);
843 Int_t iSXFLD = gAlice->Field()->Integ();
844 Float_t sXMGMX = gAlice->Field()->Max();
846 Float_t tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin;
855 AliMedium(1, "ACTIVE AIR$", 1, 1, iSXFLD, sXMGMX,
856 10.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 10.0, 0, 0) ;
860 AliMedium(11, "INACTIVE AIR$", 11, 0, iSXFLD, sXMGMX,
861 10.0, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 10.0, 0, 0) ;
863 AliMedium(2, "CARBON$ ", 2, 1, iSXFLD, sXMGMX,
864 tmaxfd, stemax, deemax, epsil, stmin, 0, 0);
866 AliMedium(3, "QUARZ$", 3, 1, iSXFLD, sXMGMX,
867 tmaxfd, fMaxStepQua, fMaxDestepQua, epsil, stmin, 0, 0);
869 AliMedium(4,"ALUMINUM1$",4, 1, iSXFLD, sXMGMX,
870 tmaxfd, fMaxStepAlu, fMaxDestepAlu, epsil, stmin, 0, 0);
873 AliMedium(5,"ALUMINUM2$",5, 1, iSXFLD, sXMGMX,
874 tmaxfd, fMaxStepAlu, fMaxDestepAlu, epsil, stmin, 0, 0);
876 AliMedium(6,"SCINTILLATOR$",6, 1, iSXFLD, sXMGMX, 10.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.003, 0.003, 0, 0);
878 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3000], "LOSS", 1.); // [3000] = air ACTIF [3010] = air INACTIF
879 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3000], "HADR", 1.);
880 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3000], "DCAY", 1.);
881 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3000], "DRAY", 1.);
883 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3001], "LOSS", 1.); // [3001] = carbon
884 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3001], "HADR", 1.);
885 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3001], "DCAY", 1.);
886 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3001], "DRAY", 1.);
888 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3002], "LOSS", 1.); // [3002] = quartz
889 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3002], "HADR", 1.);
890 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3002], "DCAY", 1.);
891 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3002], "DRAY", 1.);
892 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3002], "CUTGAM",0.5E-4) ;
893 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3002], "CUTELE",1.0E-4) ;
895 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3003], "LOSS", 1.); // [3003] = normal aluminum
896 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3003], "HADR", 1.);
897 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3003], "DCAY", 1.);
898 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3003], "DRAY", 1.);
900 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3004], "LOSS", 1.); // [3004] = reflecting aluminum
901 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3004], "HADR", 1.);
902 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3004], "DCAY", 1.);
903 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3004], "DRAY", 1.);
904 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3004], "CUTGAM",0.5E-4) ;
905 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3004], "CUTELE",1.0E-4) ;
907 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3005], "LOSS", 1.); // [3005] = scintillator
908 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3005], "HADR", 1.);
909 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3005], "DCAY", 1.);
910 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3005], "DRAY", 1.);
911 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3005], "CUTGAM",0.5E-4) ;
912 gMC->Gstpar(idtmed[3005], "CUTELE",1.0E-4) ;
915 // geant3->Gsckov(idtmed[3002], 14, ppckov, absco_quarz, effic_all,rindex_quarz);
916 // geant3->Gsckov(idtmed[3004], 14, ppckov_alu, absco_alu, effic_alu, rindex_alu);
918 // gMC->SetCerenkov(idtmed[3002], 14, ppckov, absco_quarz, effic_all,rindex_quarz);
919 // gMC->SetCerenkov(idtmed[3004], 14, ppckov_alu, absco_alu, effic_alu, rindex_alu);
923 //_____________________________________________________________________________
924 void AliVZEROv2::DrawModule() const
927 // Drawing is done in DrawVZERO.C
929 AliDebug(2,"VZERO DrawModule");
933 //_____________________________________________________________________________
934 void AliVZEROv2::Init()
936 // Initialises version 2 of the VZERO Detector
937 // Just prints an information message
939 AliInfo(Form("VZERO version %d initialized",IsVersion()));
941 // gMC->SetMaxStep(fMaxStepAlu);
942 // gMC->SetMaxStep(fMaxStepQua);
949 //_____________________________________________________________________________
950 void AliVZEROv2::StepManager()
953 // Step Manager, called at each step
957 static Float_t hits[19];
958 static Float_t eloss, tlength;
965 Float_t kRaddeg = 180.0/TMath::Pi();
969 Float_t destep, step;
972 // We keep only charged tracks :
974 if ( !gMC->TrackCharge() || !gMC->IsTrackAlive() ) return;
977 vol[0] = gMC->CurrentVolOffID(1, vol[1]);
978 vol[2] = gMC->CurrentVolID(copy);
981 static Int_t idV0R1 = gMC->VolId("V0R1");
982 static Int_t idV0L1 = gMC->VolId("V0L1");
983 static Int_t idV0R2 = gMC->VolId("V0R2");
984 static Int_t idV0L2 = gMC->VolId("V0L2");
985 static Int_t idV0R3 = gMC->VolId("V0R3");
986 static Int_t idV0L3 = gMC->VolId("V0L3");
987 static Int_t idV0R4 = gMC->VolId("V0R4");
988 static Int_t idV0L4 = gMC->VolId("V0L4");
989 static Int_t idV0R5 = gMC->VolId("V0R5");
990 static Int_t idV0L5 = gMC->VolId("V0L5");
991 static Int_t idV0R6 = gMC->VolId("V0R6");
992 static Int_t idV0L6 = gMC->VolId("V0L6");
994 if ( gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0R1 ||
995 gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0L1 )
997 else if ( gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0R2 ||
998 gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0L2 )
1000 else if ( gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0R3 ||
1001 gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0L3 )
1003 else if ( gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0R4 ||
1004 gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0L4 )
1006 else if ( gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0R5 ||
1007 gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0L5 ||
1008 gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0R6 ||
1009 gMC->CurrentVolID(copy) == idV0L6 )
1014 if ( ringNumber > 0.5 ) {
1016 destep = gMC->Edep();
1017 step = gMC->TrackStep();
1021 if ( gMC->IsTrackEntering() ) {
1023 gMC->TrackPosition(pos);
1025 gMC->TrackMomentum(mom);
1026 Double_t tc = mom[0]*mom[0]+mom[1]*mom[1];
1027 Double_t pt = TMath::Sqrt(tc);
1028 Double_t pmom = TMath::Sqrt(tc+mom[2]*mom[2]);
1029 theta = Float_t(TMath::ATan2(pt,Double_t(mom[2])))*kRaddeg;
1030 phi = Float_t(TMath::ATan2(Double_t(pos[1]),Double_t(pos[0])))*kRaddeg;
1032 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1033 Float_t angle1 = Float_t(TMath::ATan2(Double_t(pos[1]),Double_t(pos[0])))*kRaddeg;
1034 if(angle1 < 0.0) angle1 = angle1 + 360.0;
1035 //PH AliDebug(2,Form("RingNumber, copy, phi1 = %f %d %f \n", ringNumber,vol[1],angle1));
1036 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1039 ipart = gMC->TrackPid();
1044 hits[3] = Float_t (ipart);
1046 hits[4] = gMC->TrackTime();
1047 hits[5] = gMC->TrackCharge();
1050 hits[8] = ringNumber;
1058 TParticle *par = gAlice->GetMCApp()->Particle(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber());
1059 hits[14] = par->Vx();
1060 hits[15] = par->Vy();
1061 hits[16] = par->Vz();
1068 if( gMC->IsTrackExiting() || gMC->IsTrackStop() || gMC->IsTrackDisappeared()){
1073 AddHit(gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetCurrentTrackNumber(), vol, hits);
1083 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1084 void AliVZEROv2::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits)
1089 TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits;
1090 new(lhits[fNhits++]) AliVZEROhit(fIshunt,track,vol,hits);
1093 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1094 void AliVZEROv2::AddDigits(Int_t *tracks, Int_t* digits)
1097 // Adds a VZERO digit
1099 TClonesArray &ldigits = *fDigits;
1100 new(ldigits[fNdigits++]) AliVZEROdigit(tracks, digits);
1103 //_____________________________________________________________________________
1104 void AliVZEROv2::MakeBranch(Option_t *option)
1107 // Creates new branches in the current Root Tree
1109 char branchname[10];
1110 sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName());
1111 AliDebug(2,Form("fBufferSize = %d",fBufferSize));
1113 const char *cH = strstr(option,"H");
1115 if (fHits && TreeH() && cH) {
1116 TreeH()->Branch(branchname,&fHits, fBufferSize);
1117 AliDebug(2,Form("Making Branch %s for hits",branchname));
1120 const char *cD = strstr(option,"D");
1122 if (fDigits && fLoader->TreeD() && cD) {
1123 fLoader->TreeD()->Branch(branchname,&fDigits, fBufferSize);
1124 AliDebug(2,Form("Making Branch %s for digits",branchname));