1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
18 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
20 // Zero Degree Calorimeter //
21 // This class contains the basic functions for the ZDCs; //
22 // functions specific to one particular geometry are //
23 // contained in the derived classes //
25 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 #include <TClonesArray.h>
30 #include <TGeometry.h>
36 // --- AliRoot header files
37 #include "AliDetector.h"
39 #include "AliZDCHit.h"
40 #include "AliZDCSDigit.h"
41 #include "AliZDCDigit.h"
42 #include "AliZDCDigitizer.h"
43 #include "AliZDCRawStream.h"
44 #include "AliZDCCalibData.h"
46 #include "AliRawDataHeader.h"
47 #include "AliLoader.h"
57 //_____________________________________________________________________________
65 // Default constructor for the Zero Degree Calorimeter base class
76 //_____________________________________________________________________________
77 AliZDC::AliZDC(const char *name, const char *title) :
78 AliDetector(name,title),
84 // Standard constructor for the Zero Degree Calorimeter base class
92 fHits = new TClonesArray("AliZDCHit",1000);
93 gAlice->GetMCApp()->AddHitList(fHits);
95 char sensname[5],senstitle[25];
96 sprintf(sensname,"ZDC");
97 sprintf(senstitle,"ZDC dummy");
98 SetName(sensname); SetTitle(senstitle);
104 //____________________________________________________________________________
118 //_____________________________________________________________________________
119 AliZDC::AliZDC(const AliZDC& ZDC) :
120 AliDetector("ZDC","ZDC")
123 fNoShower = ZDC.fNoShower;
124 fCalibData = ZDC.fCalibData;
125 fZDCCalibFName = ZDC.fZDCCalibFName;
128 //_____________________________________________________________________________
129 AliZDC& AliZDC::operator=(const AliZDC& ZDC)
131 // assignement operator
133 fNoShower = ZDC.fNoShower;
134 fCalibData = ZDC.fCalibData;
135 fZDCCalibFName = ZDC.fZDCCalibFName;
139 //_____________________________________________________________________________
140 void AliZDC::AddHit(Int_t track, Int_t *vol, Float_t *hits)
143 // Add a ZDC hit to the hit list.
144 // -> We make use of 2 array of hits:
145 // [1] fHits (the usual one) that contains hits for each PRIMARY
146 // [2] fStHits that contains hits for each EVENT and is used to
147 // obtain digits at the end of each event
150 static Float_t primKinEn, xImpact, yImpact, sFlag;
152 AliZDCHit *newquad, *curprimquad;
153 newquad = new AliZDCHit(fIshunt, track, vol, hits);
154 TClonesArray &lhits = *fHits;
157 // First hit -> setting flag for primary or secondary particle
158 Int_t primary = gAlice->GetMCApp()->GetPrimary(track);
159 if(track != primary){
160 newquad->SetSFlag(1); // SECONDARY particle entering the ZDC
162 else if(track == primary){
163 newquad->SetSFlag(0); // PRIMARY particle entering the ZDC
165 sFlag = newquad->GetSFlag();
166 primKinEn = newquad->GetPrimKinEn();
167 xImpact = newquad->GetXImpact();
168 yImpact = newquad->GetYImpact();
171 newquad->SetPrimKinEn(primKinEn);
172 newquad->SetXImpact(xImpact);
173 newquad->SetYImpact(yImpact);
174 newquad->SetSFlag(sFlag);
178 for(j=0; j<fNhits; j++){
179 // If hits are equal (same track, same volume), sum them.
180 curprimquad = (AliZDCHit*) lhits[j];
181 if(*curprimquad == *newquad){
182 *curprimquad = *curprimquad+*newquad;
184 /*if(newquad->GetEnergy() != 0. || newquad->GetLightPMC() != 0. ||
185 newquad->GetLightPMQ() != 0.){
186 printf("\n\t --- Equal hits found\n");
187 curprimquad->Print("");
189 printf("\t --- Det. %d, Quad. %d: X = %f, E = %f, LightPMC = %f, LightPMQ = %f\n",
190 curprimquad->GetVolume(0),curprimquad->GetVolume(1),curprimquad->GetXImpact(),
191 curprimquad->GetEnergy(), curprimquad->GetLightPMC(), curprimquad->GetLightPMQ());
199 //Otherwise create a new hit
200 new(lhits[fNhits]) AliZDCHit(*newquad);
203 /*printf("\n\t New ZDC hit added! fNhits = %d\n", fNhits);
204 printf("\t Det. %d, Quad.t %d: X = %f, E = %f, LightPMC = %f, LightPMQ = %f\n",
205 newquad->GetVolume(0),newquad->GetVolume(1),newquad->GetXImpact(),
206 newquad->GetEnergy(), newquad->GetLightPMC(), newquad->GetLightPMQ());
211 //_____________________________________________________________________________
212 void AliZDC::BuildGeometry()
215 // Build the ROOT TNode geometry for event display
216 // in the Zero Degree Calorimeter
217 // This routine is dummy for the moment
222 const int kColorZDC = kBlue;
225 top=gAlice->GetGeometry()->GetNode("alice");
228 brik = new TBRIK("S_ZDC","ZDC box","void",300,300,5);
230 node = new TNode("ZDC","ZDC","S_ZDC",0,0,600,"");
231 node->SetLineColor(kColorZDC);
235 //____________________________________________________________________________
236 Float_t AliZDC::ZMin(void) const
238 // Minimum dimension of the ZDC module in z
242 //____________________________________________________________________________
243 Float_t AliZDC::ZMax(void) const
245 // Maximum dimension of the ZDC module in z
250 //_____________________________________________________________________________
251 void AliZDC::MakeBranch(Option_t *opt)
254 // Create Tree branches for the ZDC
258 sprintf(branchname,"%s",GetName());
260 const char *cH = strstr(opt,"H");
262 if (cH && fLoader->TreeH())
263 fHits = new TClonesArray("AliZDCHit",1000);
265 AliDetector::MakeBranch(opt);
268 //_____________________________________________________________________________
269 void AliZDC::Hits2SDigits()
271 // Create summable digits from hits
273 AliDebug(1,"\n Entering AliZDC::Hits2Digits() ");
275 fLoader->LoadHits("read");
276 fLoader->LoadSDigits("recreate");
277 AliRunLoader* runLoader = fLoader->GetRunLoader();
279 AliZDCSDigit* psdigit = &sdigit;
282 for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents(); iEvent++) {
283 Float_t pmCZN = 0, pmCZP = 0, pmQZN[4], pmQZP[4], pmZEM1 = 0, pmZEM2 = 0;
284 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) pmQZN[i] = pmQZP[i] = 0;
286 runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
287 TTree* treeH = fLoader->TreeH();
288 Int_t ntracks = (Int_t) treeH->GetEntries();
293 for (Int_t itrack = 0; itrack < ntracks; itrack++) {
294 treeH->GetEntry(itrack);
295 for (AliZDCHit* zdcHit = (AliZDCHit*)FirstHit(-1); zdcHit;
296 zdcHit = (AliZDCHit*)NextHit()) {
298 sector[0] = zdcHit->GetVolume(0);
299 sector[1] = zdcHit->GetVolume(1);
300 if ((sector[1] < 1) || (sector[1] > 4)) {
301 Error("Hits2SDigits", "sector[0] = %d, sector[1] = %d",
302 sector[0], sector[1]);
305 Float_t lightQ = zdcHit->GetLightPMQ();
306 Float_t lightC = zdcHit->GetLightPMC();
308 if (sector[0] == 1) { //ZN
310 pmQZN[sector[1]-1] += lightQ;
311 } else if (sector[0] == 2) { //ZP
313 pmQZP[sector[1]-1] += lightQ;
314 } else if (sector[0] == 3) { //ZEM
315 if (sector[1] == 1) pmZEM1 += lightC;
316 else pmZEM2 += lightQ;
321 // create the output tree
322 fLoader->MakeTree("S");
323 TTree* treeS = fLoader->TreeS();
324 const Int_t kBufferSize = 4000;
325 treeS->Branch(GetName(), "AliZDCSDigit", &psdigit, kBufferSize);
327 // Create sdigits for ZN
328 sector[0] = 1; // Detector = ZN
329 sector[1] = 0; // Common PM ADC
330 new(psdigit) AliZDCSDigit(sector, pmCZN);
331 if (pmCZN > 0) treeS->Fill();
332 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
333 sector[1] = j+1; // Towers PM ADCs
334 new(psdigit) AliZDCSDigit(sector, pmQZN[j]);
335 if (pmQZN[j] > 0) treeS->Fill();
338 // Create sdigits for ZP
339 sector[0] = 2; // Detector = ZP
340 sector[1] = 0; // Common PM ADC
341 new(psdigit) AliZDCSDigit(sector, pmCZP);
342 if (pmCZP > 0) treeS->Fill();
343 for (Int_t j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
344 sector[1] = j+1; // Towers PM ADCs
345 new(psdigit) AliZDCSDigit(sector, pmQZP[j]);
346 if (pmQZP[j] > 0) treeS->Fill();
349 // Create sdigits for ZEM
351 sector[1] = 1; // Detector = ZEM1
352 new(psdigit) AliZDCSDigit(sector, pmZEM1);
353 if (pmZEM1 > 0) treeS->Fill();
354 sector[1] = 2; // Detector = ZEM2
355 new(psdigit) AliZDCSDigit(sector, pmZEM2);
356 if (pmZEM2 > 0) treeS->Fill();
358 // write the output tree
359 fLoader->WriteSDigits("OVERWRITE");
362 fLoader->UnloadHits();
363 fLoader->UnloadSDigits();
366 //_____________________________________________________________________________
367 AliDigitizer* AliZDC::CreateDigitizer(AliRunDigitizer* manager) const
369 // Create the digitizer for ZDC
371 return new AliZDCDigitizer(manager);
374 //_____________________________________________________________________________
375 void AliZDC::Digits2Raw()
377 // Convert ZDC digits to raw data
379 // Format: 22 interger values -> ZN1 (C+Q1-4), ZP1 (C+Q1-4), ZEM1, 2, ZN (C+Q1-4), ZP2 (C+Q1-4))
380 // For the CAEN module V965 we have an header, the Data Words and an End Of Block
381 // 24 channels read on 1st ADC module, 20 channels read on 2nd ADC module
382 const int knADCData1=24, knADCData2=20;
384 UInt_t lADCData1[knADCData1];
387 UInt_t lADCData2[knADCData2];
392 fLoader->LoadDigits("read");
394 AliZDCDigit* pdigit = &digit;
395 TTree* treeD = fLoader->TreeD();
397 treeD->SetBranchAddress("ZDC", &pdigit);
398 //printf("\t AliZDC::Digits2raw -> TreeD has %d entries\n",(Int_t) treeD->GetEntries());
399 //digit.Print(""); // Ch. debug
404 UInt_t lADCHeaderGEO = 0;
405 UInt_t lADCHeaderCRATE = 0;
406 UInt_t lADCHeaderCNT1 = knADCData1;
407 UInt_t lADCHeaderCNT2 = knADCData2;
409 lADCHeader1 = lADCHeaderGEO << 27 | 0x1 << 25 | lADCHeaderCRATE << 16 |
410 lADCHeaderCNT1 << 8 ;
412 lADCHeader2 = lADCHeaderGEO << 27 | 0x1 << 25 | lADCHeaderCRATE << 16 |
413 lADCHeaderCNT2 << 8 ;
415 //printf("\t lADCHeader1 = %x, lADCHeader2 = %x\n",lADCHeader1, lADCHeader2);
418 UInt_t lADCDataGEO = lADCHeaderGEO;
419 UInt_t lADCDataValue1[knADCData1];
420 UInt_t lADCDataValue2[knADCData2];
421 UInt_t lADCDataOvFlw1[knADCData1];
422 UInt_t lADCDataOvFlw2[knADCData2];
423 for(Int_t i = 0; i<knADCData1 ; i++){
424 lADCDataValue1[i] = 0;
425 lADCDataOvFlw1[i] = 0;
427 for(Int_t i = 0; i<knADCData2 ; i++){
428 lADCDataValue2[i] = 0;
429 lADCDataOvFlw2[i] = 0;
431 UInt_t lADCDataChannel = 0;
434 for (Int_t iDigit = 0; iDigit<treeD->GetEntries(); iDigit++) {
435 treeD->GetEntry(iDigit);
436 if (!pdigit) continue;
439 Int_t index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
440 // ADC #1 (ZN1, ZP1, ZEM1,2)
441 if(digit.GetSector(0)==1 || digit.GetSector(0)==2 || digit.GetSector(0)==3){
442 if(digit.GetSector(0)==1 || digit.GetSector(0)==2){
443 index1 = (digit.GetSector(0)-1) + digit.GetSector(1)*4; // ZN1 or ZP1
444 lADCDataChannel = (digit.GetSector(0)-1)*8 + digit.GetSector(1);
446 else if(digit.GetSector(0)==3){ // ZEM 1,2
447 index1 = 20 + (digit.GetSector(1)-1);
448 lADCDataChannel = 5 + (digit.GetSector(1)-1)*8;
451 /*printf("\t AliZDC::Digits2raw -> det %d, quad %d, index = %d, ADCch = %d\n",
452 digit.GetSector(0),digit.GetSector(1),index1,lADCDataChannel);// Ch. debug
455 lADCDataValue1[index1] = digit.GetADCValue(0); // High gain ADC ch.
456 if(lADCDataValue1[index1] > 2047) lADCDataOvFlw1[index1] = 1;
457 lADCDataValue1[index1+2] = digit.GetADCValue(1); // Low gain ADC ch.
458 if(lADCDataValue1[index1+2] > 2047) lADCDataOvFlw1[index1+2] = 1;
460 lADCData1[index1] = lADCDataGEO << 27 | lADCDataChannel << 17 |
461 lADCDataOvFlw1[index1] << 12 | (lADCDataValue1[index1] & 0xfff);
462 lADCData1[index1+2] = lADCDataGEO << 27 | lADCDataChannel << 17 | 0x1 << 16 |
463 lADCDataOvFlw1[index1+2] << 12 | (lADCDataValue1[index1+2] & 0xfff);
466 else if(digit.GetSector(0)==4 || digit.GetSector(0)==5){
467 index2 = (digit.GetSector(0)-4) + digit.GetSector(1)*4; // ZN2 or ZP2
468 lADCDataChannel = (digit.GetSector(0)-4)*8 + digit.GetSector(1);
470 /*printf("\t AliZDC::Digits2raw -> det %d, quad %d, index = %d, ADCch = %d\n",
471 digit.GetSector(0),digit.GetSector(1),index1,lADCDataChannel); // Ch. debug
474 lADCDataValue2[index2] = digit.GetADCValue(0);
475 if (lADCDataValue2[index2] > 2047) lADCDataOvFlw2[index2] = 1;
476 lADCDataValue2[index2+2] = digit.GetADCValue(1);
477 if (lADCDataValue2[index2+2] > 2047) lADCDataOvFlw2[index2+2] = 1;
479 lADCData2[index2] = lADCDataGEO << 27 | lADCDataChannel << 17 |
480 lADCDataOvFlw2[index2] << 12 | (lADCDataValue2[index2] & 0xfff);
481 lADCData2[index2+2] = lADCDataGEO << 27 | lADCDataChannel << 17 | 0x1 << 16 |
482 lADCDataOvFlw2[index2+2] << 12 | (lADCDataValue2[index2+2] & 0xfff);
484 if((index1<0) || (index1>23)) {
485 Error("Digits2Raw", "sector[0] = %d, sector[1] = %d",
486 digit.GetSector(0), digit.GetSector(1));
489 if((index2<0) || (index2>19)) {
490 Error("Digits2Raw", "sector[0] = %d, sector[1] = %d",
491 digit.GetSector(0), digit.GetSector(1));
497 //for(Int_t i=0;i<24;i++) printf("\t ADCData1[%d] = %x\n",i,lADCData1[i]);
498 //for(Int_t i=0;i<20;i++) printf("\t ADCData2[%d] = %x\n",i,lADCData2[i]);
501 UInt_t lADCEndBlockGEO = lADCHeaderGEO;
502 UInt_t lADCEndBlockEvCount = gAlice->GetEventNrInRun();
504 lADCEndBlock = lADCEndBlockGEO << 27 | 0x1 << 26 | lADCEndBlockEvCount;
506 //printf("\t ADCEndBlock = %d\n",lADCEndBlock);
509 // open the output file
511 strcpy(fileName,AliDAQ::DdlFileName("ZDC",0));
513 ofstream file(fileName, ios::binary);
515 ofstream file(fileName);
518 // write the DDL data header
519 AliRawDataHeader header;
520 header.fSize = sizeof(header) + sizeof(lADCHeader1) + sizeof(lADCData1) +
521 sizeof(lADCEndBlock)+ sizeof(lADCHeader2) + sizeof(lADCData2) + sizeof(lADCEndBlock);
522 /*printf("sizeof header = %d, ADCHeader1 = %d, ADCData1 = %d, ADCEndBlock = %d\n",
523 sizeof(header),sizeof(lADCHeader1),sizeof(lADCData1),sizeof(lADCEndBlock));
524 printf("sizeof header = %d, ADCHeader2 = %d, ADCData2 = %d, ADCEndBlock = %d\n",
525 sizeof(header),sizeof(lADCHeader2),sizeof(lADCData2),sizeof(lADCEndBlock));*/
526 header.SetAttribute(0); // valid data
527 file.write((char*)(&header), sizeof(header));
529 // write the raw data and close the file
530 file.write((char*) &lADCHeader1, sizeof (lADCHeader1));
531 file.write((char*)(lADCData1), sizeof(lADCData1));
532 file.write((char*) &lADCEndBlock, sizeof(lADCEndBlock));
533 file.write((char*) &lADCHeader2, sizeof (lADCHeader2));
534 file.write((char*)(lADCData2), sizeof(lADCData2));
535 file.write((char*) &lADCEndBlock, sizeof(lADCEndBlock));
539 fLoader->UnloadDigits();
542 //______________________________________________________________________
543 void AliZDC::SetTreeAddress(){
544 // Set branch address for the Trees.
551 if (fLoader->TreeH() && (fHits == 0x0))
552 fHits = new TClonesArray("AliZDCHit",1000);
554 AliDetector::SetTreeAddress();
558 //Calibration methods (by Alberto Colla)
561 //________________________________________________________________
562 void AliZDC::CreateCalibData()
565 //if (fCalibData) delete fCalibData; // delete previous version
566 fCalibData = new AliZDCCalibData(GetName());
568 //________________________________________________________________
569 void AliZDC::WriteCalibData(Int_t option)
572 const int kCompressLevel = 9;
573 char* fnam = GetZDCCalibFName();
574 if (!fnam || fnam[0]=='\0') {
575 fnam = gSystem->ExpandPathName("$(ALICE_ROOT)/data/AliZDCCalib.root");
576 Warning("WriteCalibData","No File Name is provided, using default %s",fnam);
578 TFile* cdfile = TFile::Open(fnam,"UPDATE","",kCompressLevel);
580 // Writes Calibration Data to current directory.
581 // User MUST take care of corresponding file opening and ->cd()... !!!
582 // By default, the object is overwritten. Use 0 option for opposite.
583 if (option) option = TObject::kOverwrite;
584 if (fCalibData) fCalibData->Write(0,option);
585 else if (fCalibData) fCalibData->Write(0,option);
591 //________________________________________________________________
592 void AliZDC::LoadCalibData()
595 char* fnam = GetZDCCalibFName();
596 if (!fnam || fnam[0]=='\0') return;
597 if (!gAlice->IsFileAccessible(fnam)) {
598 Error("LoadCalibData","ZDC Calibration Data file is not accessible, %s",fnam);
601 TFile* cdfile = TFile::Open(fnam);
603 // Loads Calibration Data from current directory.
604 // User MUST take care of corresponding file opening and ->cd()...!!!
606 if (fCalibData) delete fCalibData; // delete previous version
607 TString dtname = "Calib_";
609 fCalibData = (AliZDCCalibData*) gDirectory->Get(dtname.Data());
611 Error("LoadCalibData","No Calibration data found for %s",GetName());
620 //Calibration methods (by Alberto Colla)