]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/history - AliGeant4
Correct orientation of modules. (J. Barbosa)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / AliGeant4 /
2001-10-05 ivanatag v3-06-Release commented
2001-10-05 ivanacommented parameters setting commented
2001-10-05 ivanaupdated for changes in Config.C
2001-10-05 ivana-lTHBTprocessor -lhbtprocessor added to LIBS
2001-10-05 ivanaupdated default version of ZDC
2001-10-05 ivanaupdated for changes in Config.C
2001-10-05 ivanaadded methods FillHit(), FillPHOSHit(); LoadHistograms()
2001-10-05 ivanaupdated for changes in Config.C
2001-10-05 ivanachanged defaults: magnetic field on, modules with MANY...
2001-10-05 ivanaSaveTrack(): get PDG code using TG4ParticlesManager...
2001-10-05 ivanaadded tests for existence trackingAction
2001-10-05 ivanaupdated default version of FMD
2001-08-22 ivanaconst additions
2001-08-21 ivanaadded setting PPCUTM, TOFMAX cuts
2001-08-21 ivanaGeneral revision of G3 cuts/process controls (21.8.01)
2001-08-21 ivanaadded tcsh UI
2001-08-21 ivanaremoved as obsolete
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class title, author;
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class title, author;
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class title, author;
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class title, author;
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class title, author;
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class name title,...
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class name title,...
2001-08-09 ivanaInitial version
2001-08-09 ivananot used anymore
2001-08-09 ivanaInitial version
2001-08-09 ivananot used anymore
2001-08-09 ivanaTG4GeometryManager, TG4GeometryServices update, TG4VSen...
2001-08-09 ivananew subcategory digits+hits described
2001-08-09 ivanaAli/Lego/SensitiveDetector, AliSingle/MoreModulesConstr...
2001-08-09 ivanadeleted commands (/aliDet/setAllSensitive, /aliDet...
2001-08-09 ivanadigits+hits added to @CATLIST
2001-08-09 ivanaattributes fSDManager, fAllLVSensitive, fMessenger...
2001-08-09 ivanaattributes fSDManager, fAllLVSensitive, fMessenger...
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from geometry to digits+hits; comment lines separ...
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from geometry to digits+hits
2001-08-09 ivanamethod CreateUserConfiguration() updated for a new...
2001-08-09 ivanaprivate method GetSDConstruction() added; AliSDManager...
2001-08-09 ivanaprivate method GetSDConstruction() added
2001-08-09 ivanaattribute fSDManager removed; methods CreateSensitiveDe...
2001-08-09 ivanaattribute fSDManager removed; methods CreateSensitiveDe...
2001-08-09 ivanaset/forceAllSensitive comands removed
2001-08-09 ivanaset/forceAllSensitive comands removed; comment lines...
2001-08-09 ivanaattributes fAllLVSensitive, fForceAllLVSensitive and...
2001-08-09 ivanaattributes fAllLVSensitive, fForceAllLVSensitive and...
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from geometry to digits+hits; comment lines separ...
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from geometry to digits+hits
2001-08-09 ivanaadded copy constructor and assignement operator (giving...
2001-08-09 ivanacopy constructor and assignement operator added
2001-08-09 ivanaadded comment lines separating methods
2001-08-09 ivanatags T/AliGeant4-3-03__ar-v3-05-Release__g4-3-2 commented
2001-08-08 ivanacategory comment added
2001-08-08 ivanaalirun3/4.in example macros description added
2001-08-08 ivanaInitial version
2001-08-08 ivananew class TG4ListTreeFrame description added
2001-08-08 ivanaadded Gun generator setting
2001-08-08 ivanaadded /aliDet/generateXML, /g4mc/setHadron true as...
2001-08-08 ivanaCVS log correction: added /aliTracking/newVerbose,...
2001-08-08 ivanamethods SetNewVerboseLevel/TrackID(), attributes fNewVe...
2001-08-08 ivanaupdate to geant4 3.2 - RW calls changed to STL
2001-06-06 ivanaupdate for changes in Config.C
2001-06-06 ivanaadded option for default modules versions
2001-06-06 ivanaG4DAWNFILE_VIEWER setting commented
2001-06-06 ivanain PreTrackingAction() added call to AliRun::BeginPrimary()
2001-06-06 ivanamethod ClearPrimaryStack() removed, stackManager->Clear...
2001-06-06 ivanamethod ClearPrimaryStack() removed
2001-06-06 ivanaAliHeader.h include added
2001-06-06 ivanatwo levels of verbose introduced; AliHeader.h include...
2001-06-06 ivanaupdated default versions of FRAME, ITS
2001-05-03 ivanamajor upgrade of the category described
2001-05-03 ivanaupdated default versions of PIPE
2001-05-02 ivanaloading libITS commented (ITS includes TGeant3)
2001-05-02 ivanaupdated default versions of detectors and detector...
2001-05-02 ivanaupdated for changes in Config.C
2001-05-02 ivanarenaming of lego plots, g4.prim added
2001-05-02 ivanaremoved obsolete options AG4_STACKING, AG4_TOY; G4MAKES...
2001-05-02 ivanalibITS filtered out (ITS includes TGeant3); -lTMevSim...
2001-05-02 ivanaupdated to g4 3.1 release (change of G4TrackVector...
2001-05-02 ivanafClearStackCmd removed
2001-05-02 ivanafSteppingAction changed to TG4SteppingAction (from...
2001-05-02 ivanaConstructModules() corrected (both single and dependent...
2001-05-02 ivanafDetSwitchVector moved to protected; GetDetSwitch(...
2001-05-02 ivanacopy constructor changed with usage of = operator
2001-02-13 ivanaadded initialization of local variable version in Gener...
2001-02-13 ivanaTG3Attribute renaming commented
2001-02-13 ivanamajor upgrade of the category described
2001-02-13 ivanamoving TG4G3Cut/Control, TG4G3Cut/ControlVector from...
2001-02-13 ivanaremoved options ALICE_STACKING, ALICE_EMPTY_PHYSICS_LIST
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming of TG3Units
2001-02-13 ivanaremoved options ALICE_STACKING, ALICE_EMPTY_PHYSICS_LIS...
2001-02-13 ivanaadded test to kDoneBit in GenerateAliGeneratorPrimaries()
2001-02-08 ivanasyntax correction
2001-02-07 ivanaInitial version
2001-02-07 ivanainitial version
2001-02-07 ivanaupdated for changes in AliTrackingAction
2001-02-07 ivanafParticlesArray removed (its usage replaced with calls...
2001-02-07 ivanaupdated for changes in Config.C
2001-02-07 ivanaTG4SteppingAction update commented
2001-02-07 ivanaAliPrimaryGeneratorAction update commented