]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/history - HBTAN
Using EINCLUDE instead of EXPORT to access HIJING/AliHijingRndm.h from THijing
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HBTAN /
2003-03-21 hristovMerging correctly the changes with the previous code...
2003-03-21 skowron3D added in Lednicky alg.(L.Malinina)
2003-03-19 hristovCorrections to obey the coding conventions
2003-03-11 hristovWrongly committed files reverted
2003-03-11 hristovCorrections to obey the coding conventions
2003-03-11 hristovCorrections to obey the coding conventions
2003-03-10 hristovCorrections to obey the coding conventions
2003-03-10 hristovCorrections to obey the coding conventions
2003-03-06 hristovMissing include files added
2003-03-06 skowroncode cleaning
2003-01-14 alibraryCleanup of STEER coding conventions
2003-01-08 skowronKt resolution VS Qinv function added
2003-01-08 skowronBug correction: uninitialized fPartX
2003-01-08 skowronSetDisplayInfo added
2003-01-08 skowronMinor correction
2002-12-06 skowronaccepting border values
2002-11-22 hristovA fortran function must return value (icc)
2002-11-19 hristovMultievent loop improved (Yu.Belikov)
2002-11-12 skowronbug correction: Init not called
2002-11-11 skowronbug correction
2002-11-11 skowronMonitor function ProcessDiff ProcessSame substituted...
2002-11-11 skowronCut inherits now from TNamed -> possiblity of writing...
2002-11-11 skowroniostram include removed
2002-11-11 skowronnull pointer guardings added, comments improved
2002-11-11 skowroncout substituted with Info
2002-11-11 skowronReader inherits now from TNamed -> Can be written to...
2002-11-11 skowronUninitialized value corrected
2002-11-11 skowronFunction base classes redesign
2002-11-01 skowronBrend new classes added back
2002-11-01 skowronbug correction
2002-10-31 alibraryRemoving old classes from LinkDef
2002-10-31 skowronbug correction
2002-10-31 skowronSetting title in GetResult removed
2002-10-31 skowronUnnacessary printout removed
2002-10-31 skowronMemory leak corrected
2002-10-31 skowronUpdate by Ludmila Malinina
2002-10-31 skowronCosmetic corrections
2002-10-31 skowronKStart cut added. Memory leaks corrected
2002-10-31 skowronWeight update: new files (PID,ThorFctn)
2002-10-31 skowronUpdate by Ludmila Malinina: Code rearranged for easier...
2002-10-31 skowronInitial Revision.
2002-10-31 skowronMemory leaks removed in non ident mode
2002-10-31 skowronfCalcMass not copied in ctor. with TParticle parameter
2002-10-31 hristovInitializations to avoid warnings (gcc 3.2)
2002-10-30 skowronvirtual destructors
2002-10-30 skowroncosmetics
2002-10-30 skowronvirtual destructor
2002-10-29 skowronCut is checked only on particles. All cout's substitute...
2002-10-29 skowronIn Two Pair Functions only particle pair is checked...
2002-10-29 skowronAll cout's substituted with Info's. IsOwner implemeted...
2002-10-29 skowronTwoKStar Correl. Fctn. added
2002-10-23 skowronbug correction
2002-10-23 skowronsupport for reading Internal format added
2002-10-21 alibraryRemoving unused variables
2002-10-17 skowronLookup of both parameters setup
2002-10-14 hristovMerging the VirtualMC branch to the main development...
2002-10-11 skowronLink to not existing class removed
2002-10-10 skowronSetting of magnetic filed adapted to new schema
2002-09-27 skowronQinvResVsQinv, Phi and Theta pair open angle resolution...
2002-09-27 skowronMonitor functions implemented by Z.Chajecki.
2002-09-27 skowronexample analysis macro extended for monitor functions
2002-09-27 skowronMonitor functions implemented by Z.Chajecki. Initial...
2002-09-27 skowron Bug Correction: simultanous cut on particles and tracks
2002-09-06 skowronBug correction - Fortan sources where not commpiled
2002-09-06 skowronFaster mixing implemented for non-identical particles
2002-09-06 skowronSetOwner method implemented
2002-09-06 skowronIsEmpty and PassPairProp methods implemented (fornon...
2002-09-06 skowronIsEmpty method implemented
2002-07-01 hristovExtra Control-Ms removed
2002-06-27 skowronUnnecessary output removed
2002-06-26 skowronLednicy's weights. Initial revision
2002-06-25 skowronLednicky's algorithm added to the package
2002-06-25 skowronC++ interface to Lednicky's algorithm. Initial revision
2002-06-25 skowronLednicy's weights. Initial revision
2002-06-25 skowronfNBinsToScale initialized properly in TwoPairFctn1D
2002-06-20 skowronScale method added to Two Pair 1D Function
2002-05-22 skowronBug correction
2002-05-21 skowronReaderInternal: Internal data format implementation
2002-05-21 skowronMacro for converting data into internal format ~DST
2002-04-10 skowronSetNumberOfBinsToScale implemented
2002-04-09 skowronPID code check
2002-04-09 skowrongetters for OnePartCut added
2002-03-06 skowronBuffer Size can be defined
2002-02-20 skowroncheck on swapped pair
2002-01-30 skowronDefault values of contructors corrected
2002-01-30 skowronorder of filling in 2D hitsos and GetValues mthod corre...
2002-01-30 skowronITSv2 tracker interface changed
2002-01-30 skowronTwo Track Efficiency Function Added
2002-01-30 skowronfirst commit
2002-01-30 skowronwarning removed
2002-01-30 skowronCMSLC
2002-01-30 skowroncuts on Q out, side, long added
2002-01-30 skowronnew ctors
2002-01-30 skowronAbs for Q side, long, out
2002-01-10 skowronBack to previus version
2002-01-10 skowronBug correction: files closed to early
2002-01-09 skowron3D Q cuts added
2002-01-09 skowronClassImp's for 3D Q cuts added
2002-01-09 skowronlibHBTAnalysis renamed to libHBTAN
2002-01-09 skowronTwoPart Fctn -> OnePair; FourPart -> TwoPair