]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/history - PWG4
make scan of dEdx blocks consistent, there is only one block
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG4 /
2011-02-21 slindalCoverity fixes
2011-02-21 slindalFrom Kenneth: Coverity fixes
2011-02-21 jgrosseoupdated calculation of dphi correlation histograms
2011-02-21 gconesabcoverity fix 2
2011-02-21 gconesabcoverity fix
2011-02-21 kleinbAdded protections and PostData in UserCreateOutputObjects
2011-02-18 kleinbnew flags for handling of delta AODs
2011-02-18 kleinbAdded PostData to UserCreateOutputObjects
2011-02-18 kleinbfix to avoid crash when runnign with option 1
2011-02-18 jgrosseobug fix in finding particle's mother
2011-02-17 amarinExtra cut number to allow a cut using TOF signal
2011-02-17 kleinbfixed typo
2011-02-17 kleinbmore coverity fixes
2011-02-17 kleinbfixed typo
2011-02-17 loizideshas to be positive otherwise no clusters made
2011-02-17 gconesabremove data member with name of currently analyzed...
2011-02-17 kleinbincluding new options for high p_T QA (ITSRefit) adding...
2011-02-17 gconesabcoverity fix continued
2011-02-17 gconesabcoverity fixes
2011-02-16 gconesabremove double initialization of emcal geometry, use...
2011-02-16 kleinbfixed type
2011-02-16 kleinbfixed seeting of eta cut
2011-02-15 kleinbadded histograms and methods for fetching the leading...
2011-02-15 kleinbsetting the eta range for clustered tracks, adding...
2011-02-15 gconesabset matching residuals
2011-02-15 slindalremoving PartCorrDep dependencies
2011-02-15 slindalAdded cut to branch name
2011-02-14 cnattrasFixing bug caught by Marcelo
2011-02-13 cnattrasMacros which calculate PID and neutral energy correctio...
2011-02-12 loizidesDue to a wrongly overloaded function need to call SetDi...
2011-02-12 kleinbcoverity fixes
2011-02-12 kleinbclean up in spectrum task, added area histograms and...
2011-02-11 loizidesImplemented interface to NxM clusterizer
2011-02-11 slindalAdd debuglevel
2011-02-10 slindalfix warnings
2011-02-10 slindalwork both for gammaconv aod and aliaodconvparticle
2011-02-10 slindalUpdated to q
2011-02-09 amarinchanges for PbPb from RR
2011-02-09 amarinChanges from RR for PbPb, correction fromMW for direct...
2011-02-09 loizidesUse of loadbranch to speed up singel user analysis...
2011-02-09 cnattrasImplementing PID cuts to make the systematic error...
2011-02-09 gconesabadd possibility to smear cluster energy, only for MC...
2011-02-08 kleinbUpdated to Jet embedding to add real jets (J. Klein)
2011-02-08 gconesabadd declaration of missing data member
2011-02-08 gconesabAdd path to new class
2011-02-08 amarinextra cut for clusters
2011-02-08 gconesabAdd histograms to check for special clusters with high...
2011-02-08 gconesabAliAnaPhoton: add histograms for conversion photons...
2011-02-08 gconesabImplement different event selection based on goodness...
2011-02-08 gconesabSimple analysis task to count events under different...
2011-02-08 amarinadding histos to measure contamination in photon sample...
2011-02-08 kleinbLatest additions for Pb+Pb and p+p with background...
2011-02-08 kleinbCleaning up the task from unused histograms
2011-02-03 cnattrasFixing one more warning identified by Coverity
2011-02-03 cnattrasFixing warnings identified by Coverity and changing...
2011-02-02 amarinBug fixes for rotation method
2011-02-01 gconesabPut track multiplicity in the array for event selection...
2011-02-01 gconesabupdate misalignment matrices, update comments, include...
2011-02-01 gconesabCaloFilter: Include time dependent corrections, get...
2011-02-01 slindalAdd protcection that tracks exist
2011-02-01 slindalUpdate to set tag correctly
2011-02-01 slindalSet Chi2 for AliAODConversionParticle
2011-01-30 kleinbundo accidental commit of CMake and LinkDef file withou...
2011-01-30 kleinbwrite also background subtracted jets to the delta...
2011-01-30 gconesabchanges in the declaration of the data members to make...
2011-01-29 morschCoverity fix.
2011-01-28 amarinadding z distribution of vertex, separated spd and...
2011-01-28 odjuvsla- fixing use of centrality class
2011-01-28 amarinPut V0AND condition as first, before any vertex cut
2011-01-28 amarinadding ND,DD,SD histos for evtq4 and 5, were missing...
2011-01-28 amarinEta Dalitz contamination also included
2011-01-28 amarinadding identifier for dalitz contamination
2011-01-28 amarinAdding histo with all MC pi0s versus rapidity, independ...
2011-01-27 kleinbcoverity fixes
2011-01-27 morschCoverity fixes.
2011-01-27 kleinbChanged handling of extra AODs, allow to run several...
2011-01-26 hristovCorrection for bug #77355: Generation of PARs
2011-01-26 kleinbfix coverty reports
2011-01-25 amarinusing tpcclusterinfo to correct the number of findable...
2011-01-25 amarinadding Histos for bck under pi0 vs pt
2011-01-24 cnattrasUpdates to get jobs running on the grid
2011-01-24 slindalAdding new helper class to convert from Gamma conversio...
2011-01-22 gconesabCorrect the filling of some histograms in case of AOD...
2011-01-22 kleinbMore coverty problems fixed
2011-01-22 gconesabSelect events within a given centrality bin, move centr...
2011-01-22 kleinbnew task for jet response
2011-01-21 kleinbFixing some coverty reports
2011-01-21 kleinbfix for par file compilation (B. Bathen)
2011-01-21 kleinbsome changes for grid running
2011-01-21 kleinbSeveral updates for grid running (B. Bathen and J....
2011-01-21 kleinbFixing Coverty reports
2011-01-19 slindalFixing bug preventing pi0s to be added to tclonesarray...
2011-01-19 hristovCorrections for bug #77126: PWG4 par file (PWGJetTasks...
2011-01-19 kleinbprotection agains missing aod vertex added
2011-01-18 kleinbenable SetAODFill also for AOD->AOD
2011-01-18 kleinbMagalis and Alexandres new background estimates
2011-01-18 gconesabMove the rejection of events with large z vertex from...
2011-01-18 amarinadding pt histos for contamination in gammas, adding...
2011-01-18 gconesabRemove unnecessary print from QA class
2011-01-16 gconesabAdd method to trace back the first common ancestor...