]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - PWGCF/Correlations/DPhi/DiHadronPID/AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID.h
Analysis code update (Matt Steinpreis)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGCF / Correlations / DPhi / DiHadronPID / AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID.h
4#include "TFormula.h"
5#include "TH1F.h"
6#include "TH2F.h"
7#include "TH3F.h"
8#include "TList.h"
10class AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID : public TNamed
15 enum HistoClass {kAllCharged = 0, kPositive = 1, kNegative = 2,
16 kAllPion = 3, kPosPion = 4, kNegPion = 5,
17 kAllKaon = 6, kPosKaon = 7, kNegKaon = 8,
18 kAllProton = 9, kPosProton = 10, kNegProton = 11};
21 AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID(); // Default Constructor
22 AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID(const char* name); // Named Constructor
23 virtual ~AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID(); // Destructor
24 virtual Long64_t Merge(TCollection* list); // Merger
f054df96 26private:
27 AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID(const AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID&);
28 AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID& operator=(const AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID&);
6788af99 30// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
31// Interface, methods used to get information about the track cuts, and to
32// retrieve filled histograms.
33// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 void PrintCuts(); // Gives an overview of the cuts.
38// Return the list of QA histos
39 TList* GetListOfDataQAHistos() const{
40 if (fDataTrackQAHistos) {return fDataTrackQAHistos;}
41 else return 0x0;
42 }
43 TList* GetListOfPrimRecMCTrackQAHistos() const{
44 if (fPrimRecMCTrackQAHistos) {return fPrimRecMCTrackQAHistos;}
45 else return 0x0;
46 }
47 TList* GetListOfPrimGenMCTrackQAHistos() const {
48 if (fPrimGenMCTrackQAHistos) {return fPrimGenMCTrackQAHistos;}
49 else return 0x0;
50 }
51 TList* GetListOfSecRecMCTrackQAHistos() const {
52 if (fSecRecMCTrackQAHistos) return fSecRecMCTrackQAHistos;
53 else return 0x0;
54 }
55 TList* GetListOfSecGenMCTrackQAHistos() const {
56 if (fSecGenMCTrackQAHistos) return fSecGenMCTrackQAHistos;
57 else return 0x0;
58 }
60// Note that the PID histograms have in principle a different number of pT bins.
61// FIXME: This is not very nice...
62 Int_t GetNPtBins() const {return fNPtBins;}
63 Int_t GetNPtBinsPID(Int_t ptclass = -1) const {
64 // if class = -1, then return the sum.
65 if (ptclass == -1) {
66 Int_t nptbinspid = 0;
67 for (Int_t iPtClass = 0; iPtClass < 5; iPtClass++) {
68 nptbinspid += fNPtBinsPID[iPtClass];
69 }
70 return nptbinspid;
71 } else if (ptclass >= 0 && ptclass < 5) {
72 return fNPtBinsPID[ptclass];
73 } else {return -999;}
74 }
76// Returns the Pt axis for PID and other histograms.
77 Double_t* GetPtAxis() {return fPtAxis;}
50dfda71 78 Double_t* GetPtAxisPID() const {
6788af99 79 const Int_t nptbinspid = GetNPtBinsPID();
50dfda71 80 Double_t* ptaxis = new Double_t[nptbinspid + 1];
6788af99 81 for (Int_t iPtBin = 0; iPtBin < nptbinspid; iPtBin++) {
82 ptaxis[iPtBin] = GetPtMinPID(iPtBin + 1);
83 }
84 ptaxis[nptbinspid] = GetPtMaxPID(nptbinspid);
85 return ptaxis;
86 }
88// Return data histogram with a specific name. Since the histograms are not streamed, and only the
89// TList containing them is, we have to retrieve them from the list.
90 TObject* GetHistData(const char* name) const {return fDataTrackQAHistos->FindObject(name);}
91 TObject* GetHistPrimRecMC(const char* name) const {return fPrimRecMCTrackQAHistos->FindObject(name);}
92 TObject* GetHistPrimGenMC(const char* name) const {return fPrimGenMCTrackQAHistos->FindObject(name);}
93 TObject* GetHistSecRecMC(const char* name) const {return fSecRecMCTrackQAHistos->FindObject(name);}
94 TObject* GetHistSecGenMC(const char* name) const {return fSecGenMCTrackQAHistos->FindObject(name);}
96// Since we will often want to have TOF histograms, here are a few methods which return the
97// appropriate projections. The class does not own these projections, and the user must take care of them.
98 TH1F* GetHistDataTOFProjection(Int_t charge, Int_t species, Int_t ptbin);
99 TH1F* GetHistDataTOFMismatch(Int_t charge, Int_t species, Int_t ptbin);
100 Double_t GetPtMinPID(Int_t bin) const {
101 Int_t ptclass = GetPtClass(bin);
102 Int_t bininptclass = GetBinInPtClass(bin);
103 Double_t minpt = fPtBoundaryPID[ptclass];
104 Double_t maxpt = fPtBoundaryPID[ptclass+1];
105 Double_t ptres = (maxpt - minpt)/((Double_t)fNPtBinsPID[ptclass]);
106 return (minpt + ptres * ((Double_t)(bininptclass - 1)) );
107 }
108 Double_t GetPtMaxPID(Int_t bin) const {
109 Int_t ptclass = GetPtClass(bin);
110 Int_t bininptclass = GetBinInPtClass(bin);
111 Double_t minpt = fPtBoundaryPID[ptclass];
112 Double_t maxpt = fPtBoundaryPID[ptclass+1];
113 Double_t ptres = (maxpt - minpt)/((Double_t)fNPtBinsPID[ptclass]);
114 return (minpt + ptres * ((Double_t)(bininptclass)) );
115 }
116 Double_t GetPtClassMin(Int_t ptclass) const {
117 if (ptclass >= 0 && ptclass < 5) {
118 return fPtBoundaryPID[ptclass];
119 } else {return -999;}
120 }
121 Double_t GetPtClassMax(Int_t ptclass) const {
122 if (ptclass >= 0 && ptclass < 5) {
123 return fPtBoundaryPID[ptclass+1];
124 } else {return -999;}
125 }
127 Double_t GetPtBinWidthPID(Int_t bin) const {return (GetPtMaxPID(bin) - GetPtMinPID(bin)); }
129// BE CAREFUL! Following methods do not apply to the ptaxis of the PID histograms! For that, call
130// the GetPtMinPID and GetPtMaxPID methods.
131 Double_t GetPtMin(Int_t bin) const {
132 if ((bin < 1) || (bin > fNPtBins + 1)) {cout<<"Bin is out of range..."<<endl; return -999.;}
133 else {return fPtAxis[bin - 1];}
134 }
135 Double_t GetPtMax(Int_t bin) const {
136 if ((bin < 1) || (bin > fNPtBins + 1)) {cout<<"Bin is out of range..."<<endl; return -999.;}
137 else {return fPtAxis[bin];}
138 }
139 Double_t GetPtBinWidth(Int_t bin) const {return (GetPtMax(bin) - GetPtMin(bin)); }
141 Int_t GetNTOFbins(Int_t ptclass, Int_t species) const {return fTOFbins[ptclass][species];}
142 Double_t GetTOFmin(Int_t ptclass, Int_t species) const {return fTOFLowerBound[ptclass][species];}
143 Double_t GetTOFmax(Int_t ptclass, Int_t species) const {return fTOFUpperBound[ptclass][species];}
145 Int_t GetNTPCbins(Int_t ptclass, Int_t species) const {return fTPCbins[ptclass][species];}
146 Double_t GetTPCmin(Int_t ptclass, Int_t species) const {return fTPCLowerBound[ptclass][species];}
147 Double_t GetTPCmax(Int_t ptclass, Int_t species) const {return fTPCUpperBound[ptclass][species];}
149// Getters (Cuts)
150 UInt_t GetFilterMask() const {return fFilterMask;}
151 Double_t GetMaxEta() const {return fMaxEta;}
152 ULong_t GetDemandedFlags() const {return fDemandedFlags;}
153 TFormula* GetPtDeptDCACutFormula() const {return fPtDeptDCAxyCutFormula;}
154 Double_t GetDCAzCut() const {return fDCAzCut;}
155 UInt_t GetMinSPDHitsForPtDeptDCACut() const {return fMinSPDHitsForPtDeptDCAcut;}
157// Getters (Settings)
158 Bool_t GetIsMC() const {return fIsMC;}
160 Int_t GetDebugLevel() const {return fDebug;}
162// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
163// Methods used to configure the track cuts object, to be called at
164// initialization, i.e., before the object is added to an analysis task.
165// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
169// Request Certain QA histograms being filled.
170 Bool_t RequestQAHistos(Int_t histoclass, Bool_t Enable3DSpectra = kFALSE, Bool_t EnablePIDHistos = kFALSE) {
171 if ((histoclass > -1) && (histoclass < 12)) {
172 fHistRequested[histoclass] = kTRUE;
173 f3DSpectraEnabeled[histoclass] = Enable3DSpectra;
174 fPIDHistosEnabeled[histoclass] = EnablePIDHistos;
175 //cout<<"histoclass: "<<histoclass<<" requested: "<<fHistRequested[histoclass]<<endl;
176 return kTRUE;
177 } else {
178 return kFALSE;
179 }
180 }
182// Setters (Cuts)
183 void SetPtRange(Double_t minpt, Double_t maxpt) {
184 fMinPt = minpt;
185 fMaxPt = maxpt;
186 fTestPt = kTRUE;
187 }
188 void SetFilterMask(UInt_t filtermask) {
189 fFilterMask = filtermask;
190 fTestFilterMask = kTRUE;
191 }
192 void SetMaxEta(Double_t maxeta) {
193 fMaxEta = maxeta;
194 fTestMaxEta = kTRUE;
195 }
196 void SetMaxRapidity(Double_t maxrapidity) {
197 fMaxRapidity = maxrapidity;
198 fTestMaxRapidity = kTRUE;
199 }
200 void SetDemandNoMismatch() {
201 fTestTOFmismatch = kTRUE;
202 }
203 void SetDemandFlags(ULong_t demandedflags) {
204 fDemandedFlags = demandedflags;
205 fTestFlags = kTRUE;
206 }
207 void SetPtDeptDCACut(TFormula* DCAxyCutFormula, Double_t DCAzCut, UInt_t MinSPDHits = 1) {
208 fPtDeptDCAxyCutFormula = DCAxyCutFormula;
209 fDCAzCut = DCAzCut;
210 fMinSPDHitsForPtDeptDCAcut = MinSPDHits;
211 fTestPtDeptDCAcut = kTRUE;
212 }
214// Setters (Settings)
215 void SetIsMC(Bool_t ismc = kTRUE) {fIsMC = ismc;}
217 void SetDebugLevel(Int_t debuglevel) {fDebug = debuglevel;}
219// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
220// Methods called by the analysis task.
221// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
225// These two functions signal the beginning and the end of a new event.
226 void StartNewEvent(); // Some things are set to zero.
227 void EventIsDone(Bool_t IsMC); // Some final histograms are filled.
228 void CreateHistos(); // Should be called by the UserCreateOutput() function of the analysis task.
230// Is Selected, for different types of tracks.
231 Bool_t IsSelectedData(AliTrackDiHadronPID* track, Double_t randomhittime = -1.e20);
232 Bool_t IsSelectedGeneratedMC(AliAODMCParticle* particle);
233 Bool_t IsSelectedReconstructedMC(AliTrackDiHadronPID* track);
235// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
236// Internal methods.
237// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
241// For PID histograms we have a certain number of bins in pT, spread out over five
242// large histograms, i.e., one for the lowest pT, and the biggest range in TOF/TPC,
243// one for the higher pT and smaller range in TOF/TPC, etc. The following methods
244// are a mapping between the total pT bin (what the user uses), and the pt bin
245// within one of the five histograms (what's used internally)
246 Int_t GetPtClass(const Int_t ptbin) const {
248 // Returns a number [0..4]
249 Int_t currentptclass = 0;
250 Int_t currentptbin = fNPtBinsPID[0];
251 while (currentptbin < ptbin) {
252 currentptclass++;
253 if (currentptclass == 5) {break;}
254 currentptbin += fNPtBinsPID[currentptclass];
255 }
256 if (currentptclass == 5) {cout<<"GetPtClass -> ptbin out of range!"<<endl; return -1;}
257 return currentptclass;
258 }
259 Int_t GetBinInPtClass(const Int_t ptbin) const {
261 // Returns a number [1..Nbins]
262 Int_t ptclass = GetPtClass(ptbin);
263 if (ptclass == -1) {return -1;}
265 Int_t ptbinout = ptbin;
266 for (Int_t iPtClass = 0; iPtClass < ptclass; iPtClass++) {ptbinout -= fNPtBinsPID[iPtClass];}
268 return ptbinout;
270 }
274// Checks, return kTRUE if track passes the cut.
275 Bool_t CheckPt(Double_t pt) const {
276 if (!fTestPt) return kTRUE;
277 if ((pt > fMinPt) && (pt < fMaxPt)) return kTRUE;
278 return kFALSE;
279 }
280 Bool_t CheckMaxEta(Double_t eta) const {
281 if (!fTestMaxEta) return kTRUE; // Accepted if there is no check on this parameter.
282 if (TMath::Abs(eta) < fMaxEta) return kTRUE;
283 return kFALSE;
284 }
285 Bool_t CheckRapidity(Double_t rap) const {
286 if (!fTestMaxRapidity) return kTRUE;
287 if (TMath::Abs(rap) < fMaxRapidity) return kTRUE;
288 return kFALSE;
289 }
290 Bool_t CheckFilterMask(UInt_t filtermap) const {
291 if (!fTestFilterMask) return kTRUE;
292 if ((fFilterMask & filtermap) == fFilterMask) return kTRUE;
293 return kFALSE;
294 }
295 Bool_t CheckFlags(ULong_t flags) const {
296 if (!fTestFlags) return kTRUE;
297 if ((flags & fDemandedFlags) == fDemandedFlags) return kTRUE;
298 return kFALSE;
299 }
300 Bool_t CheckTOFmismatch(Bool_t ismismatch) const {
301 if (!fTestTOFmismatch) return kTRUE; // if we're not cutting on mismatch, then it's accepted.
302 if (!ismismatch) return kTRUE; // so if the track is not a mismatch, then it is accepted.
303 return kFALSE; // if it is a mismatch, then it's not accepted.
304 }
305 Bool_t CheckPtDeptDCACut(Double_t dcaz, Double_t dcaxy, Double_t pt, UInt_t SPDhits) const {
306 if (!fTestPtDeptDCAcut) return kTRUE;
307 if (SPDhits < fMinSPDHitsForPtDeptDCAcut) return kTRUE; // If there are not enough SPD hits to do the cut.
308 if ((dcaz < fDCAzCut) && (dcaxy < fPtDeptDCAxyCutFormula->Eval(pt))) return kTRUE;
309 return kFALSE;
310 }
312// Filling QA histograms.
313 Bool_t FillDataHistos(Int_t histoclass, AliTrackDiHadronPID* track);
314 Bool_t FillTOFMismatchHistos(Int_t histoclass, AliTrackDiHadronPID* track, Double_t randomhittime);
315 Bool_t FillGenMCHistos(Int_t histoclass, AliAODMCParticle* particle);
316 Bool_t FillRecMCHistos(Int_t histoclass, AliTrackDiHadronPID* track);
318// Initializing QA histograms.
319 Bool_t InitializeDataHistos(Int_t histoclass);
320 Bool_t InitializeGenMCHistos(Int_t histoclass);
321 Bool_t InitializeRecMCHistos(Int_t histoclass);
323 void InitializeDefaultHistoNamesAndAxes();
325 TH1F* InitializePtSpectrum(const char* name, Int_t histoclass);
50dfda71 326 TH3F* InitializePhiEtaPt(const char* name, Int_t histoclass);
6788af99 327 TH1F* InitializeNTracksHisto(const char* name, Int_t histoclass);
328 TH1F* InitializeDCAxyHisto(const char* name, Int_t histoclass);
329 TH1F* InitializeDCAzHisto(const char* name, Int_t histoclass);
330 TH3F* InitializeAcceptanceHisto(const char* /*name*/, Int_t /*histoclass*/); // TO BE IMPLEMENTED.
331 TH2F* InitializeDCASpectrum(const char* name, Int_t histoclass);
334 TH3F* InitializePIDHisto(const char* name, Int_t histoclass, Int_t expspecies, Int_t ptclass);
335 TH2F* InitializeTOFMismatchHisto(const char* name, Int_t histoclass, Int_t expspecies, Int_t ptclass);
337// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
338// Data members.
339// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
342// Track Cuts
343 Double_t fMinPt;
344 Double_t fMaxPt;
345 UInt_t fFilterMask; // FilterMask to-be-checked.
346 Double_t fMaxEta; // Max Eta of the track.
347 Double_t fMaxRapidity; // Rapidity cut (only done for PID plots!!)
348 ULong_t fDemandedFlags; // Flags demanded on the track.
349 UInt_t fMinSPDHitsForPtDeptDCAcut; // Required number of SPD hits for performing Pt-Dept DCA cut.
350 TFormula* fPtDeptDCAxyCutFormula; // Formula for the Pt-Dept DCA cut.
351 Double_t fDCAzCut; // Max z at DCA.
353// Settings
354 Bool_t fIsMC; // Is the current event MC or not.
356// Requested Histograms;
357 Bool_t fHistRequested[12]; //
358 Bool_t f3DSpectraEnabeled[12]; //
359 Bool_t fPIDHistosEnabeled[12]; //
361// Which Track Cuts will be tested.
362 Bool_t fTestPt; //
363 Bool_t fTestFilterMask; //
364 Bool_t fTestMaxEta; //
365 Bool_t fTestMaxRapidity; //
366 Bool_t fTestFlags; //
367 Bool_t fTestTOFmismatch; //
368 Bool_t fTestPtDeptDCAcut; //
370// QA histograms for Data.
371 TList* fDataTrackQAHistos; //
372 TH1F* fHistDataPt[3]; //! Pt distribution of tracks passing this cut.
50dfda71 373 TH3F* fHistDataPhiEtaPt[3]; //! Pt, Eta, Phi distribution.
6788af99 374 TH1F* fHistDataNTracks[3]; //! Number of tracks passing the cut per event (filling by EventIsDone()).
375 TH1F* fHistDataDCAxy[3]; //! DCA_{xy} distribution.
376 TH1F* fHistDataDCAz[3]; //! DCA_{z} distribution
377 TH2F* fHistDataDCAxyOneSigma[12]; //! DCA_{xy} distribution of particles as identified by 1 sigma method.
378 Int_t fNTracks[3]; //! Number of tracks
380 TH3F* fHistDataPID[3][3][5]; //! TPC/TOF v.s. pT, [charge][mass assumption][ptclass]
381 TH2F* fHistTOFMismatch[3][3][5]; //! TOF Mismatch histograms, [charge][mass assumption][ptclass]
383// QA histograms for Primary Reconstructed MC tracks.
384 TList* fPrimRecMCTrackQAHistos; //
385 TH1F* fHistPrimRecMCPt[12]; //! Pt distribution of reconstructed MC track passing this cut.
386 TH1F* fHistPrimRecNTracks[12]; //!
387 TH2F* fHistPrimRecMCDCA[12]; //! DCA_xy distribution of reconstructed MC track passing this cut.
389// QA histograms for Primary Generated MC particles.
390 TList* fPrimGenMCTrackQAHistos; //
391 TH1F* fHistPrimGenMCPt[12]; //! Pt distribution of generated MC particles passing this cut.
393// QA histograms for Secondary Reconstructed MC tracks.
394 TList* fSecRecMCTrackQAHistos; //
395 TH1F* fHistSecRecMCPt[12]; //! Pt distribution of reconstructed MC track passing this cut.
396 TH2F* fHistSecRecMCDCAMat[12]; //! DCA_xy distribution of material decay particles.
397 TH2F* fHistSecRecMCDCAWeak[12]; //! DCA_xy distribution of weak decay.
399// QA histograms for Secondary Generated MC particles.
400 TList* fSecGenMCTrackQAHistos; //
401 TH1F* fHistSecGenMCPt[12]; //! Pt distribution of generated MC particles passing this cut.
403// Binning of all the histograms.
50dfda71 404 Double_t fPtAxis[57]; // Pt axis used in all histograms, except PID and Mismatch histograms.
6788af99 405 Int_t fNPtBins; // Number of bins in the pt-axis.
50dfda71 406 Int_t fNEtaBins; //
407 Int_t fNPhiBins; //
6788af99 408
409 Double_t fPtBoundaryPID[6]; // There are five different PID histo's. This array gives the pT range of these histograms.
410 Int_t fNPtBinsPID[5]; // This array gives the number of pT bins for each of these histograms.
412 Double_t fTOFLowerBound[5][3]; // These arrays give the lower and upper bound of the TOF axes,
413 Double_t fTOFUpperBound[5][3]; // for each species, as well as the number of bins. The numbers
414 Int_t fTOFbins[5][3]; // size of the array is [ptrange][species].
416 Double_t fTPCLowerBound[5][3]; // The same, but now for TPC.
417 Double_t fTPCUpperBound[5][3];
418 Int_t fTPCbins[5][3];
420// Naming conventions of the histograms.
421 TString fHistoName[12]; // Names of the histogram classes.
422 TString fHistoLatex[12]; // Names of the histogram classes in LaTeX.
423 TString fParticleName[3]; // Names of the particles (Pion, Kaon, Proton)
424 TString fPtClassName[5]; // Names of the ptclasses (should only be for internal use)
426 Int_t fDebug; // Debug flag.
428 ClassDef(AliAODTrackCutsDiHadronPID,4);