]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - ITS/AliITSVertexer3D.cxx
New binning for default histograms. Updated defaults (checked on PbPb run 137161)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSVertexer3D.cxx
... / ...
2 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
15#include <TTree.h>
16#include "AliRunLoader.h"
17#include "AliESDVertex.h"
18#include "AliLog.h"
19#include "AliStrLine.h"
20#include "AliTracker.h"
21#include "AliITSDetTypeRec.h"
22#include "AliITSRecPoint.h"
23#include "AliITSRecPointContainer.h"
24#include "AliITSgeomTGeo.h"
25#include "AliVertexerTracks.h"
26#include "AliITSVertexer3D.h"
27#include "AliITSVertexerZ.h"
28#include "AliITSSortTrkl.h"
30// this class implements a method to determine
31// the 3 coordinates of the primary vertex
32// optimized for
33// p-p collisions
36const Int_t AliITSVertexer3D::fgkMaxNumOfClDefault = 300;
37const Int_t AliITSVertexer3D::fgkMaxNumOfClRebinDefault = 500;
38const Int_t AliITSVertexer3D::fgkMaxNumOfClDownscaleDefault = 1000;
39const Float_t AliITSVertexer3D::fgk3DBinSizeDefault = 0.1;
43/* $Id$ */
47 AliITSVertexer(),
48 fLines("AliStrLine",1000),
49 fVert3D(),
50 fCoarseDiffPhiCut(0.),
51 fFineDiffPhiCut(0.),
52 fCutOnPairs(0.),
53 fCoarseMaxRCut(0.),
54 fMaxRCut(0.),
55 fMaxRCut2(0.),
56 fZCutDiamond(0.),
57 fMaxZCut(0.),
58 fDCAcut(0.),
59 fDiffPhiMax(0.),
60 fMeanPSelTrk(0.),
61 fMeanPtSelTrk(0.),
62 fUsedCluster(kMaxCluPerMod*kNSPDMod),
63 fZHisto(0),
64 fDCAforPileup(0.),
65 fDiffPhiforPileup(0.),
66 fBinSizeR(0.),
67 fBinSizeZ(0.),
68 fPileupAlgo(0),
69 fMaxNumOfCl(fgkMaxNumOfClDefault),
70 fMaxNumOfClForRebin(fgkMaxNumOfClRebinDefault),
71 fMaxNumOfClForDownScale(fgkMaxNumOfClDownscaleDefault),
72 fNRecPLay1(0),
73 fNRecPLay2(0),
74 f3DBinSize(fgk3DBinSizeDefault),
75 fDoDownScale(kFALSE),
76 fGenerForDownScale(0),
77 f3DPeak(),
78 fHighMultAlgo(1),
79 fSwitchAlgorithm(kFALSE)
81 // Default constructor
82 SetCoarseDiffPhiCut();
83 SetFineDiffPhiCut();
84 SetCutOnPairs();
85 SetCoarseMaxRCut();
86 SetMaxRCut();
87 SetMaxRCutAlgo2();
88 SetZCutDiamond();
89 SetMaxZCut();
90 SetDCACut();
91 SetDiffPhiMax();
92 SetMeanPSelTracks();
93 SetMeanPtSelTracks();
94 SetMinDCAforPileup();
95 SetDeltaPhiforPileup();
96 SetPileupAlgo();
97 SetBinSizeR();
98 SetBinSizeZ();
99 Double_t binsize=0.02; // default 200 micron
100 Int_t nbins=static_cast<Int_t>(1+2*fZCutDiamond/binsize);
101 fZHisto=new TH1F("hz","",nbins,-fZCutDiamond,-fZCutDiamond+binsize*nbins);
102 fGenerForDownScale=new TRandom3(987654321);
106AliITSVertexer3D::~AliITSVertexer3D() {
107 // Destructor
108 fLines.Clear("C");
109 if(fZHisto) delete fZHisto;
110 if(fGenerForDownScale) delete fGenerForDownScale;
114void AliITSVertexer3D::ResetVert3D(){
115 //
116 ResetVertex();
117 fVert3D.SetXv(0.);
118 fVert3D.SetYv(0.);
119 fVert3D.SetZv(0.);
120 fVert3D.SetDispersion(0.);
121 fVert3D.SetNContributors(0);
122 fUsedCluster.ResetAllBits(0);
125AliESDVertex* AliITSVertexer3D::FindVertexForCurrentEvent(TTree *itsClusterTree){
126 // Defines the AliESDVertex for the current event
127 ResetVert3D();
128 AliDebug(1,"FindVertexForCurrentEvent - 3D - PROCESSING NEXT EVENT");
129 fLines.Clear("C");
130 fCurrentVertex = NULL;
132 Int_t nolines = FindTracklets(itsClusterTree,0);
133 Int_t rc;
134 if(nolines>=2){
135 if(fSwitchAlgorithm) {
136 rc = Prepare3DVertexPbPb();
137 FindVertex3D(itsClusterTree);
138 } else {
139 rc=Prepare3DVertex(0);
140 if(fVert3D.GetNContributors()>0){
141 fLines.Clear("C");
142 nolines = FindTracklets(itsClusterTree,1);
143 if(nolines>=2){
144 rc=Prepare3DVertex(1);
145 if(fPileupAlgo == 2 && rc == 0) FindVertex3DIterative();
146 else if(fPileupAlgo!=2 && rc == 0) FindVertex3D(itsClusterTree);
147 if(rc!=0) fVert3D.SetNContributors(0); // exclude this vertex
148 }
149 }
150 }
151 }
153 if(!fCurrentVertex){
154 AliITSVertexerZ vertz(GetNominalPos()[0],GetNominalPos()[1]);
155 vertz.SetDetTypeRec(GetDetTypeRec());
156 AliDebug(1,"Call Vertexer Z\n");
157 vertz.SetLowLimit(-fZCutDiamond);
158 vertz.SetHighLimit(fZCutDiamond);
159 AliESDVertex* vtxz = vertz.FindVertexForCurrentEvent(itsClusterTree);
160 if(vtxz){
161 Double_t position[3]={GetNominalPos()[0],GetNominalPos()[1],vtxz->GetZv()};
162 Double_t covmatrix[6];
163 vtxz->GetCovMatrix(covmatrix);
164 Double_t chi2=99999.;
165 Int_t nContr=vtxz->GetNContributors();
166 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(position,covmatrix,chi2,nContr);
167 fCurrentVertex->SetDispersion(vtxz->GetDispersion());
168 fCurrentVertex->SetTitle("vertexer: Z");
169 fCurrentVertex->SetName("SPDVertexZ");
170 delete vtxz;
171 }
173 }
174 if(fComputeMultiplicity) FindMultiplicity(itsClusterTree);
175 return fCurrentVertex;
179void AliITSVertexer3D::FindVertex3D(TTree *itsClusterTree){
181 Double_t vRadius=TMath::Sqrt(fVert3D.GetXv()*fVert3D.GetXv()+fVert3D.GetYv()*fVert3D.GetYv());
182 if(vRadius<GetPipeRadius() && fVert3D.GetNContributors()>0){
183 Double_t position[3]={fVert3D.GetXv(),fVert3D.GetYv(),fVert3D.GetZv()};
184 Double_t covmatrix[6];
185 fVert3D.GetCovMatrix(covmatrix);
186 Double_t chi2=99999.;
187 Int_t nContr=fVert3D.GetNContributors();
188 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(position,covmatrix,chi2,nContr);
189 fCurrentVertex->SetTitle("vertexer: 3D");
190 fCurrentVertex->SetName("SPDVertex3D");
191 fCurrentVertex->SetDispersion(fVert3D.GetDispersion());
192 fNoVertices=1;
194 switch(fPileupAlgo){
195 case 0: PileupFromZ(); break;
196 case 1: FindOther3DVertices(itsClusterTree); break;
197 case 3: break; // no pileup algo
198 default: AliError("Wrong pileup algorithm"); break;
199 }
200 if(fNoVertices==1){
201 fVertArray = new AliESDVertex[1];
202 fVertArray[0]=(*fCurrentVertex);
203 }
204 }
208void AliITSVertexer3D::FindVertex3DIterative(){
209 //
211 Int_t nLines=fLines.GetEntriesFast();
212 Int_t maxPoints=nLines*(nLines-1)/2;
213 Double_t* xP=new Double_t[maxPoints];
214 Double_t* yP=new Double_t[maxPoints];
215 Double_t* zP=new Double_t[maxPoints];
216 Int_t* index1=new Int_t[maxPoints];
217 Int_t* index2=new Int_t[maxPoints];
218 Double_t xbeam=fVert3D.GetXv();
219 Double_t ybeam=fVert3D.GetYv();
221 Int_t iPoint=0;
222 for(Int_t ilin1=0; ilin1<nLines; ilin1++){
223 AliStrLine *l1 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(ilin1);
224 for(Int_t ilin2=ilin1+1; ilin2<nLines; ilin2++){
225 AliStrLine *l2 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(ilin2);
226 Double_t dca=l1->GetDCA(l2);
227 if(dca > fDCAcut || dca<0.00001) continue;
228 Double_t point[3];
229 Int_t retc = l1->Cross(l2,point);
230 if(retc<0)continue;
231 Double_t rad=TMath::Sqrt(point[0]*point[0]+point[1]*point[1]);
232 if(rad>fCoarseMaxRCut)continue;
233 Double_t distFromBeam=TMath::Sqrt((point[0]-xbeam)*(point[0]-xbeam)+(point[1]-ybeam)*(point[1]-ybeam));
234 if(distFromBeam>fMaxRCut2) continue;
235 xP[iPoint]=point[0];
236 yP[iPoint]=point[1];
237 zP[iPoint]=point[2];
238 index1[iPoint]=ilin1;
239 index2[iPoint]=ilin2;
240 iPoint++;
241 }
242 }
243 Int_t npoints=iPoint++;
244 Int_t index=0;
245 Short_t* mask=new Short_t[npoints];
246 for(Int_t ip=0;ip<npoints;ip++) mask[ip]=-1;
248 for(Int_t ip1=0;ip1<npoints;ip1++){
249 if(mask[ip1]==-1) mask[ip1]=index++;
250 for(Int_t ip2=ip1+1; ip2<npoints; ip2++){
251 if(mask[ip2]==mask[ip1] && mask[ip2]!=-1) continue;
252 Double_t dist2=(xP[ip1]-xP[ip2])*(xP[ip1]-xP[ip2]);
253 dist2+=(yP[ip1]-yP[ip2])*(yP[ip1]-yP[ip2]);
254 dist2+=(zP[ip1]-zP[ip2])*(zP[ip1]-zP[ip2]);
255 if(dist2<fCutOnPairs*fCutOnPairs){
256 if(mask[ip2]==-1) mask[ip2]=mask[ip1];
257 else{
258 for(Int_t ip=0; ip<npoints;ip++){
259 if(mask[ip]==mask[ip2]) mask[ip]=mask[ip1];
260 }
261 }
262 }
263 }
264 }
267 // Count multiplicity of trackelts in clusters
268 UInt_t* isIndUsed=new UInt_t[index+1];
269 for(Int_t ind=0;ind<index+1;ind++) isIndUsed[ind]=0;
270 for(Int_t ip=0; ip<npoints;ip++){
271 Int_t ind=mask[ip];
272 isIndUsed[ind]++;
273 }
275 // Count clusters/vertices and sort according to multiplicity
276 Int_t nClusters=0;
277 Int_t* sortedIndex=new Int_t[index+1];
278 for(Int_t ind1=0;ind1<index+1;ind1++){
279 if(isIndUsed[ind1]<=1) isIndUsed[ind1]=0;
280 else nClusters++;
281 UInt_t cap=9999999;
282 if(ind1>0) cap=isIndUsed[sortedIndex[ind1-1]];
283 UInt_t bigger=0;
284 Int_t biggerindex=-1;
285 for(Int_t ind2=0;ind2<index+1;ind2++){
286 Bool_t use=kTRUE;
287 for(Int_t ind3=0; ind3<ind1; ind3++)
288 if(ind2==sortedIndex[ind3]) use=kFALSE;
289 if(use && isIndUsed[ind2]>bigger && isIndUsed[ind2]<=cap){
290 bigger=isIndUsed[ind2];
291 biggerindex=ind2;
292 }
293 }
294 sortedIndex[ind1]=biggerindex;
295 }
296 AliDebug(3,Form("Number of clusters before merging = %d\n",nClusters));
298 // Assign lines to clusters/vertices and merge clusters which share 1 line
299 Int_t nClustersAfterMerge=nClusters;
300 Int_t* belongsTo=new Int_t[nLines];
301 for(Int_t ilin=0; ilin<nLines; ilin++) belongsTo[ilin]=-1;
302 for(Int_t iclu=0;iclu<nClusters;iclu++){
303 Int_t actualCluIndex=iclu;
304 for(Int_t ip=0; ip<npoints;ip++){
305 if(mask[ip]==sortedIndex[iclu]){
306 Int_t ind1=index1[ip];
307 if(belongsTo[ind1]==-1) belongsTo[ind1]=actualCluIndex;
308 else if(belongsTo[ind1]<actualCluIndex){
309 Int_t newCluIndex=belongsTo[ind1];
310 for(Int_t ilin=0; ilin<nLines; ilin++){
311 if(belongsTo[ilin]==actualCluIndex) belongsTo[ilin]=newCluIndex;
312 }
313 AliDebug(10,Form("Merged cluster %d with %d\n",actualCluIndex,newCluIndex));
314 actualCluIndex=newCluIndex;
315 nClustersAfterMerge--;
316 }
317 Int_t ind2=index2[ip];
318 if(belongsTo[ind2]==-1) belongsTo[ind2]=actualCluIndex;
319 else if(belongsTo[ind2]<actualCluIndex){
320 Int_t newCluIndex=belongsTo[ind2];
321 for(Int_t ilin=0; ilin<nLines; ilin++){
322 if(belongsTo[ilin]==actualCluIndex) belongsTo[ilin]=newCluIndex;
323 }
324 AliDebug(10,Form("Merged cluster %d with %d\n",actualCluIndex,newCluIndex));
325 actualCluIndex=newCluIndex;
326 nClustersAfterMerge--;
327 }
328 }
329 }
330 }
331 AliDebug(3,Form("Number of clusters after merging = %d\n",nClustersAfterMerge));
333 // Count lines associated to each cluster/vertex
334 UInt_t *cluSize=new UInt_t[nClusters];
335 for(Int_t iclu=0;iclu<nClusters;iclu++){
336 cluSize[iclu]=0;
337 for(Int_t ilin=0; ilin<nLines; ilin++){
338 if(belongsTo[ilin]==iclu) cluSize[iclu]++;
339 }
340 }
342 // Count good vertices (>1 associated tracklet)
343 UInt_t nGoodVert=0;
344 for(Int_t iclu=0;iclu<nClusters;iclu++){
345 AliDebug(3,Form("Vertex %d Size=%d\n",iclu,cluSize[iclu]));
346 if(cluSize[iclu]>1) nGoodVert++;
347 }
349 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of good vertices = %d\n",nGoodVert));
350 // Calculate vertex coordinates for each cluster
351 if(nGoodVert>0){
352 fVertArray = new AliESDVertex[nGoodVert];
353 Int_t iVert=0;
354 for(Int_t iclu=0;iclu<nClusters;iclu++){
355 Int_t size=cluSize[iclu];
356 if(size>1){
357 AliStrLine **arrlin = new AliStrLine*[size];
358 Int_t nFilled=0;
359 for(Int_t ilin=0; ilin<nLines; ilin++){
360 if(belongsTo[ilin]==iclu){
361 arrlin[nFilled++] = dynamic_cast<AliStrLine*>(fLines[ilin]);
362 }
363 }
364 AliDebug(3,Form("Vertex %d N associated tracklets = %d out of %d\n",iVert,size,nFilled));
366 fVertArray[iVert]=AliVertexerTracks::TrackletVertexFinder(arrlin,nFilled);
367 Double_t peak[3];
368 fVertArray[iVert].GetXYZ(peak);
369 AliStrLine **arrlin2 = new AliStrLine*[size];
370 Int_t nFilled2=0;
371 for(Int_t i=0; i<nFilled;i++){
372 AliStrLine *l1 = arrlin[i];
373 if(l1->GetDistFromPoint(peak)< fDCAcut)
374 arrlin2[nFilled2++] = dynamic_cast<AliStrLine*>(l1);
375 }
376 if(nFilled2>1){
377 AliDebug(3,Form("Vertex %d recalculated with %d tracklets\n",iVert,nFilled2));
378 fVertArray[iVert]=AliVertexerTracks::TrackletVertexFinder(arrlin2,nFilled2);
379 }
380 delete [] arrlin;
381 delete [] arrlin2;
382 ++iVert;
383 }
384 }
386 if(nGoodVert > 1){
387 fIsPileup = kTRUE;
388 fNTrpuv = fVertArray[1].GetNContributors();
389 fZpuv = fVertArray[1].GetZv();
390 }
392 Double_t vRadius=TMath::Sqrt(fVertArray[0].GetXv()*fVertArray[0].GetXv()+fVertArray[0].GetYv()*fVertArray[0].GetYv());
393 if(vRadius<GetPipeRadius() && fVertArray[0].GetNContributors()>0){
394 Double_t position[3]={fVertArray[0].GetXv(),fVertArray[0].GetYv(),fVertArray[0].GetZv()};
395 Double_t covmatrix[6];
396 fVertArray[0].GetCovMatrix(covmatrix);
397 Double_t chi2=99999.;
398 Int_t nContr=fVertArray[0].GetNContributors();
399 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(position,covmatrix,chi2,nContr);
400 fCurrentVertex->SetTitle("vertexer: 3D");
401 fCurrentVertex->SetName("SPDVertex3D");
402 fCurrentVertex->SetDispersion(fVertArray[0].GetDispersion());
403 }
404 }
406 delete [] index1;
407 delete [] index2;
408 delete [] mask;
409 delete [] isIndUsed;
410 delete [] sortedIndex;
411 delete [] belongsTo;
412 delete [] cluSize;
413 delete [] xP;
414 delete [] yP;
415 delete [] zP;
418void AliITSVertexer3D::FindVertex3DIterativeMM(){
419 // Defines the AliESDVertex for the current event
420 Int_t numsor=fLines.GetEntriesFast()*(fLines.GetEntriesFast()-1)/2;
421 //cout<<"AliITSVertexer3D::FindVertexForCurentEvent: Number of tracklets selected for vertexing "<<fLines.GetEntriesFast()<<"; Number of pairs: "<<numsor<<endl;
422 AliITSSortTrkl srt(fLines,numsor,fCutOnPairs,fCoarseMaxRCut);
423 srt.FindClusters();
424 AliInfo(Form("Number of vertices: %d",srt.GetNumberOfClusters()));
426 fNoVertices = srt.GetNumberOfClusters();
427 //printf("fNoVertices = %d \n",fNoVertices);
428 if(fNoVertices>0){
429 fVertArray = new AliESDVertex[fNoVertices];
430 for(Int_t kk=0; kk<srt.GetNumberOfClusters(); kk++){
431 Int_t size = 0;
432 Int_t *labels = srt.GetTrackletsLab(kk,size);
433 /*
434 Int_t *pairs = srt.GetClusters(kk);
435 Int_t nopai = srt.GetSizeOfCluster(kk);
436 cout<<"***** Vertex number "<<kk<<". Pairs: \n";
437 for(Int_t jj=0;jj<nopai;jj++){
438 cout<<pairs[jj]<<" - ";
439 if(jj>0 & jj%8==0)cout<<endl;
440 }
441 cout<<endl;
442 cout<<"***** Vertex number "<<kk<<". Labels: \n";
443 */
444 AliStrLine **tclo = new AliStrLine* [size];
445 for(Int_t jj=0;jj<size;jj++){
446 // cout<<labels[jj]<<" - ";
447 // if(jj>0 & jj%8==0)cout<<endl;
448 tclo[jj] = dynamic_cast<AliStrLine*>(fLines[labels[jj]]);
449 }
450 // cout<<endl;
451 delete []labels;
452 fVertArray[kk]=AliVertexerTracks::TrackletVertexFinder(tclo,size);
453 delete [] tclo;
454 // fVertArray[kk].PrintStatus();
455 if(kk == 1){
456 // at least one second vertex is present
457 fIsPileup = kTRUE;
458 fNTrpuv = fVertArray[kk].GetNContributors();
459 fZpuv = fVertArray[kk].GetZv();
460 }
461 }
462 Double_t vRadius=TMath::Sqrt(fVertArray[0].GetXv()*fVertArray[0].GetXv()+fVertArray[0].GetYv()*fVertArray[0].GetYv());
463 if(vRadius<GetPipeRadius() && fVertArray[0].GetNContributors()>0){
464 Double_t position[3]={fVertArray[0].GetXv(),fVertArray[0].GetYv(),fVertArray[0].GetZv()};
465 Double_t covmatrix[6];
466 fVertArray[0].GetCovMatrix(covmatrix);
467 Double_t chi2=99999.;
468 Int_t nContr=fVertArray[0].GetNContributors();
469 fCurrentVertex = new AliESDVertex(position,covmatrix,chi2,nContr);
470 fCurrentVertex->SetTitle("vertexer: 3D");
471 fCurrentVertex->SetName("SPDVertex3D");
472 fCurrentVertex->SetDispersion(fVertArray[0].GetDispersion());
473 }
474 }
479Bool_t AliITSVertexer3D::DistBetweenVertices(AliESDVertex &a, AliESDVertex &b, Double_t test, Double_t &dist){
480 // method to compare the distance between vertices a and b with "test"
481 //it returns kTRUE is the distance is less or equal to test
482 dist = (a.GetX()-b.GetX()) * (a.GetX()-b.GetX());
483 dist += (a.GetY()-b.GetY()) * (a.GetY()-b.GetY());
484 dist += (a.GetZ()-b.GetZ()) * (a.GetZ()-b.GetZ());
485 dist = TMath::Sqrt(dist);
486 if(dist <= test)return kTRUE;
487 return kFALSE;
492Int_t AliITSVertexer3D::FindTracklets(TTree *itsClusterTree, Int_t optCuts){
493 // All the possible combinations between recpoints on layer 1and 2 are
494 // considered. Straight lines (=tracklets)are formed.
495 // The tracklets are processed in Prepare3DVertex
497 TClonesArray *itsRec = 0;
498 if(optCuts==0) fZHisto->Reset();
499 // gc1 are local and global coordinates for layer 1
500 Float_t gc1f[3]={0.,0.,0.};
501 Double_t gc1[3]={0.,0.,0.};
502 // gc2 are local and global coordinates for layer 2
503 Float_t gc2f[3]={0.,0.,0.};
504 Double_t gc2[3]={0.,0.,0.};
505 AliITSRecPointContainer* rpcont=AliITSRecPointContainer::Instance();
506 rpcont->FetchClusters(0,itsClusterTree);
507 if(!rpcont->IsSPDActive()){
508 AliWarning("No SPD rec points found, 3D vertex not calculated");
509 return -1;
510 }
512 // Set values for cuts
513 Double_t xbeam=GetNominalPos()[0];
514 Double_t ybeam=GetNominalPos()[1];
515 Double_t zvert=0.;
516 Double_t deltaPhi=fCoarseDiffPhiCut;
517 Double_t deltaR=fCoarseMaxRCut;
518 Double_t dZmax=fZCutDiamond;
519 if(optCuts==1){
520 xbeam=fVert3D.GetXv();
521 ybeam=fVert3D.GetYv();
522 zvert=fVert3D.GetZv();
523 deltaPhi = fDiffPhiMax;
524 deltaR=fMaxRCut;
525 dZmax=fMaxZCut;
526 if(fPileupAlgo == 2){
527 dZmax=fZCutDiamond;
528 deltaR=fMaxRCut2;
529 }
530 } else if(optCuts==2){
531 xbeam=fVert3D.GetXv();
532 ybeam=fVert3D.GetYv();
533 deltaPhi = fDiffPhiforPileup;
534 deltaR=fMaxRCut;
535 }
537 fNRecPLay1=rpcont->GetNClustersInLayerFast(1);
538 fNRecPLay2=rpcont->GetNClustersInLayerFast(2);
539 if(fNRecPLay1 == 0 || fNRecPLay2 == 0){
540 AliDebug(1,Form("No RecPoints in at least one SPD layer (%d %d)",fNRecPLay1,fNRecPLay2));
541 return -1;
542 }
543 AliDebug(1,Form("RecPoints on Layer 1,2 = %d, %d\n",fNRecPLay1,fNRecPLay2));
544 fDoDownScale=kFALSE;
545 fSwitchAlgorithm=kFALSE;
547 Float_t factDownScal=1.;
548 Int_t origLaddersOnLayer2=fLadOnLay2;
550 switch(fHighMultAlgo){
551 case 0:
552 if(fNRecPLay1>fMaxNumOfClForDownScale || fNRecPLay2>fMaxNumOfClForDownScale){
553 if(optCuts==2) return -1; // do not try to search for pileup
554 SetLaddersOnLayer2(2);
555 fDoDownScale=kTRUE;
556 factDownScal=(Float_t)fMaxNumOfClForDownScale*(Float_t)fMaxNumOfClForDownScale/(Float_t)fNRecPLay1/(Float_t)fNRecPLay2;
557 if(optCuts==1){
558 factDownScal*=(fCoarseDiffPhiCut/fDiffPhiMax)*10;
559 if(factDownScal>1.){
560 fDoDownScale=kFALSE;
561 SetLaddersOnLayer2(origLaddersOnLayer2);
562 }
563 }
564 if(fDoDownScale)AliDebug(1,Form("Too many recpoints on SPD(%d %d ), downscale by %f",fNRecPLay1,fNRecPLay2,factDownScal));
565 }
566 break;
567 case 1:
568 if(fNRecPLay1>fMaxNumOfCl || fNRecPLay2>fMaxNumOfCl) {
569 if(optCuts==2) return -1; // do not try to search for pileup
570 fSwitchAlgorithm=kTRUE;
571 }
572 break;
573 default: break; // no pileup algo
574 }
576 if(!fDoDownScale && !fSwitchAlgorithm){
577 if(fNRecPLay1>fMaxNumOfClForRebin || fNRecPLay2>fMaxNumOfClForRebin){
578 SetLaddersOnLayer2(2);
579 }
580 }
582 Double_t a[3]={xbeam,ybeam,0.};
583 Double_t b[3]={xbeam,ybeam,10.};
584 AliStrLine zeta(a,b,kTRUE);
585 static Double_t bField=TMath::Abs(AliTracker::GetBz()/10.); //T
586 SetMeanPPtSelTracks(bField);
588 Int_t nolines = 0;
589 // Loop on modules of layer 1
590 Int_t firstL1 = TMath::Max(0,AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(1,1,1));
591 Int_t lastL1 = AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(2,1,1)-1;
592 for(Int_t modul1= firstL1; modul1<=lastL1;modul1++){ // Loop on modules of layer 1
593 if(!fUseModule[modul1]) continue;
595 UShort_t ladder=modul1/4+1; // ladders are numbered starting from 1
596 TClonesArray *prpl1=rpcont->UncheckedGetClusters(modul1);
597 Int_t nrecp1 = prpl1->GetEntries();
598 for(Int_t j=0;j<nrecp1;j++){
599 if(j>kMaxCluPerMod) continue;
600 UShort_t idClu1=modul1*kMaxCluPerMod+j;
601 if(fUsedCluster.TestBitNumber(idClu1)) continue;
602 if(fDoDownScale && !fSwitchAlgorithm){
603 if(fGenerForDownScale->Rndm()>factDownScal) continue;
604 }
605 AliITSRecPoint *recp1 = (AliITSRecPoint*)prpl1->At(j);
606 recp1->GetGlobalXYZ(gc1f);
607 for(Int_t ico=0;ico<3;ico++)gc1[ico]=gc1f[ico];
609 Double_t phi1 = TMath::ATan2(gc1[1]-ybeam,gc1[0]-xbeam);
610 if(phi1<0)phi1=2*TMath::Pi()+phi1;
611 for(Int_t ladl2=0 ; ladl2<fLadOnLay2*2+1;ladl2++){
612 for(Int_t k=0;k<4;k++){
613 Int_t ladmod=fLadders[ladder-1]+ladl2;
614 if(ladmod>AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNLadders(2)) ladmod=ladmod-AliITSgeomTGeo::GetNLadders(2);
615 Int_t modul2=AliITSgeomTGeo::GetModuleIndex(2,ladmod,k+1);
616 if(modul2<0)continue;
617 if(!fUseModule[modul2]) continue;
618 itsRec=rpcont->UncheckedGetClusters(modul2);
619 Int_t nrecp2 = itsRec->GetEntries();
620 for(Int_t j2=0;j2<nrecp2;j2++){
621 if(j2>kMaxCluPerMod) continue;
622 UShort_t idClu2=modul2*kMaxCluPerMod+j2;
623 if(fUsedCluster.TestBitNumber(idClu2)) continue;
625 AliITSRecPoint *recp2 = (AliITSRecPoint*)itsRec->At(j2);
626 recp2->GetGlobalXYZ(gc2f);
627 for(Int_t ico=0;ico<3;ico++)gc2[ico]=gc2f[ico];
628 Double_t phi2 = TMath::ATan2(gc2[1]-ybeam,gc2[0]-xbeam);
629 if(phi2<0)phi2=2*TMath::Pi()+phi2;
630 Double_t diff = TMath::Abs(phi2-phi1);
631 if(diff>TMath::Pi())diff=2.*TMath::Pi()-diff;
632 if(optCuts==0 && diff<fDiffPhiforPileup){
633 Double_t r1=TMath::Sqrt(gc1[0]*gc1[0]+gc1[1]*gc1[1]);
634 Double_t zc1=gc1[2];
635 Double_t r2=TMath::Sqrt(gc2[0]*gc2[0]+gc2[1]*gc2[1]);
636 Double_t zc2=gc2[2];
637 Double_t zr0=(r2*zc1-r1*zc2)/(r2-r1); //Z @ null radius
638 fZHisto->Fill(zr0);
639 }
640 if(diff>deltaPhi)continue;
641 AliStrLine line(gc1,gc2,kTRUE);
642 Double_t cp[3];
643 Int_t retcode = line.Cross(&zeta,cp);
644 if(retcode<0)continue;
645 Double_t dca = line.GetDCA(&zeta);
646 if(dca<0.) continue;
647 if(dca>deltaR)continue;
648 Double_t deltaZ=cp[2]-zvert;
649 if(TMath::Abs(deltaZ)>dZmax)continue;
652 if(nolines == 0){
653 if(fLines.GetEntriesFast()>0)fLines.Clear("C");
654 }
655 Float_t cov[6];
656 recp2->GetGlobalCov(cov);
659 Double_t rad1=TMath::Sqrt(gc1[0]*gc1[0]+gc1[1]*gc1[1]);
660 Double_t rad2=TMath::Sqrt(gc2[0]*gc2[0]+gc2[1]*gc2[1]);
661 Double_t factor=(rad1+rad2)/(rad2-rad1); //factor to account for error on tracklet direction
663 Double_t curvErr=0;
664 if(bField>0.00001){
665 Double_t curvRadius=fMeanPtSelTrk/(0.3*bField)*100; //cm
666 Double_t dRad=TMath::Sqrt((gc1[0]-gc2[0])*(gc1[0]-gc2[0])+(gc1[1]-gc2[1])*(gc1[1]-gc2[1]));
667 Double_t aux=dRad/2.+rad1;
668 curvErr=TMath::Sqrt(curvRadius*curvRadius-dRad*dRad/4.)-TMath::Sqrt(curvRadius*curvRadius-aux*aux); //cm
669 }
670 Double_t sigmasq[3];
671 sigmasq[0]=(cov[0]+curvErr*curvErr/2.)*factor*factor;
672 sigmasq[1]=(cov[3]+curvErr*curvErr/2.)*factor*factor;
673 sigmasq[2]=cov[5]*factor*factor;
675 // Multiple scattering
676 Double_t pOverMass=fMeanPSelTrk/0.140;
677 Double_t beta2=pOverMass*pOverMass/(1+pOverMass*pOverMass);
678 Double_t p2=fMeanPSelTrk*fMeanPSelTrk;
679 Double_t rBP=GetPipeRadius();
680 Double_t dBP=0.08/35.3; // 800 um of Be
681 Double_t dL1=0.01; //approx. 1% of radiation length
682 Double_t theta2BP=14.1*14.1/(beta2*p2*1e6)*dBP;
683 Double_t theta2L1=14.1*14.1/(beta2*p2*1e6)*dL1;
684 Double_t rtantheta1=(rad2-rad1)*TMath::Tan(TMath::Sqrt(theta2L1));
685 Double_t rtanthetaBP=(rad1-rBP)*TMath::Tan(TMath::Sqrt(theta2BP));
686 for(Int_t ico=0; ico<3;ico++){
687 sigmasq[ico]+=rtantheta1*rtantheta1*factor*factor/3.;
688 sigmasq[ico]+=rtanthetaBP*rtanthetaBP*factor*factor/3.;
689 }
690 Double_t wmat[9]={1.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,1.};
691 if(sigmasq[0]!=0.) wmat[0]=1./sigmasq[0];
692 if(sigmasq[1]!=0.) wmat[4]=1./sigmasq[1];
693 if(sigmasq[2]!=0.) wmat[8]=1./sigmasq[2];
694 new(fLines[nolines++])AliStrLine(gc1,sigmasq,wmat,gc2,kTRUE,idClu1,idClu2);
696 }
697 }
698 }
699 }
700 }
702 SetLaddersOnLayer2(origLaddersOnLayer2);
704 if(nolines == 0)return -2;
705 return nolines;
709Int_t AliITSVertexer3D::Prepare3DVertex(Int_t optCuts){
710 // Finds the 3D vertex information using tracklets
711 Int_t retcode = -1;
712 Double_t xbeam=GetNominalPos()[0];
713 Double_t ybeam=GetNominalPos()[1];
714 Double_t zvert=0.;
715 Double_t deltaR=fCoarseMaxRCut;
716 Double_t dZmax=fZCutDiamond;
717 if(optCuts==1){
718 xbeam=fVert3D.GetXv();
719 ybeam=fVert3D.GetYv();
720 zvert=fVert3D.GetZv();
721 deltaR=fMaxRCut;
722 dZmax=fMaxZCut;
723 if(fPileupAlgo == 2){
724 dZmax=fZCutDiamond;
725 deltaR=fMaxRCut2;
726 }
727 }else if(optCuts==2){
728 xbeam=fVert3D.GetXv();
729 ybeam=fVert3D.GetYv();
730 deltaR=fMaxRCut;
731 }
733 Double_t origBinSizeR=fBinSizeR;
734 Double_t origBinSizeZ=fBinSizeZ;
735 Bool_t rebinned=kFALSE;
736 if(fDoDownScale){
737 SetBinSizeR(0.05);
738 SetBinSizeZ(0.05);
739 rebinned=kTRUE;
740 }else{
741 if(optCuts==0 && (fNRecPLay1>fMaxNumOfClForRebin || fNRecPLay2>fMaxNumOfClForRebin)){
742 SetBinSizeR(0.1);
743 SetBinSizeZ(0.2);
744 rebinned=kTRUE;
745 }
746 }
747 Double_t rl=-fCoarseMaxRCut;
748 Double_t rh=fCoarseMaxRCut;
749 Double_t zl=-fZCutDiamond;
750 Double_t zh=fZCutDiamond;
751 Int_t nbr=(Int_t)((rh-rl)/fBinSizeR+0.0001);
752 Int_t nbz=(Int_t)((zh-zl)/fBinSizeZ+0.0001);
753 Int_t nbrcs=(Int_t)((rh-rl)/(fBinSizeR*2.)+0.0001);
754 Int_t nbzcs=(Int_t)((zh-zl)/(fBinSizeZ*2.)+0.0001);
756 TH3F *h3d = new TH3F("h3d","xyz distribution",nbr,rl,rh,nbr,rl,rh,nbz,zl,zh);
757 TH3F *h3dcs = new TH3F("h3dcs","xyz distribution",nbrcs,rl,rh,nbrcs,rl,rh,nbzcs,zl,zh);
759 // cleanup of the TCLonesArray of tracklets (i.e. fakes are removed)
760 Int_t vsiz = fLines.GetEntriesFast();
761 Int_t *validate = new Int_t [vsiz];
762 for(Int_t i=0; i<vsiz;i++)validate[i]=0;
763 for(Int_t i=0; i<vsiz-1;i++){
764 AliStrLine *l1 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
765 for(Int_t j=i+1;j<fLines.GetEntriesFast();j++){
766 AliStrLine *l2 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(j);
767 Double_t dca=l1->GetDCA(l2);
768 if(dca > fDCAcut || dca<0.00001) continue;
769 Double_t point[3];
770 Int_t retc = l1->Cross(l2,point);
771 if(retc<0)continue;
772 Double_t deltaZ=point[2]-zvert;
773 if(TMath::Abs(deltaZ)>dZmax)continue;
774 Double_t rad=TMath::Sqrt(point[0]*point[0]+point[1]*point[1]);
775 if(rad>fCoarseMaxRCut)continue;
776 Double_t deltaX=point[0]-xbeam;
777 Double_t deltaY=point[1]-ybeam;
778 Double_t raddist=TMath::Sqrt(deltaX*deltaX+deltaY*deltaY);
779 if(raddist>deltaR)continue;
780 validate[i]=1;
781 validate[j]=1;
782 h3d->Fill(point[0],point[1],point[2]);
783 h3dcs->Fill(point[0],point[1],point[2]);
784 }
785 }
787 Int_t numbtracklets=0;
788 for(Int_t i=0; i<vsiz;i++)if(validate[i]>=1)numbtracklets++;
789 if(numbtracklets<2){
790 delete [] validate;
791 delete h3d;
792 delete h3dcs;
793 SetBinSizeR(origBinSizeR);
794 SetBinSizeZ(origBinSizeZ);
795 return retcode;
796 }
798 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
799 if(validate[i]<1)fLines.RemoveAt(i);
800 }
801 fLines.Compress();
802 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of tracklets (after compress)%d ",fLines.GetEntriesFast()));
803 delete [] validate;
805 // Exit here if Pileup Algorithm 2 has been chosen during second loop
806 if(fPileupAlgo == 2 && optCuts==1){
807 delete h3d;
808 delete h3dcs;
809 SetBinSizeR(origBinSizeR);
810 SetBinSizeZ(origBinSizeZ);
811 return 0;
812 }
814 // Find peaks in histos
816 Double_t peak[3]={0.,0.,0.};
817 Int_t ntrkl,ntimes;
818 FindPeaks(h3d,peak,ntrkl,ntimes);
819 delete h3d;
820 Double_t binsizer=(rh-rl)/nbr;
821 Double_t binsizez=(zh-zl)/nbz;
822 if(optCuts==0 && (ntrkl<=2 || ntimes>1)){
823 ntrkl=0;
824 ntimes=0;
825 FindPeaks(h3dcs,peak,ntrkl,ntimes);
826 binsizer=(rh-rl)/nbrcs;
827 binsizez=(zh-zl)/nbzcs;
828 if(ntrkl==1 || ntimes>1){
829 delete h3dcs;
830 SetBinSizeR(origBinSizeR);
831 SetBinSizeZ(origBinSizeZ);
832 return retcode;
833 }
834 }
835 delete h3dcs;
837 Double_t bs=(binsizer+binsizez)/2.;
838 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
839 AliStrLine *l1 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
840 if(l1->GetDistFromPoint(peak)>2.5*bs)fLines.RemoveAt(i);
841 }
842 fLines.Compress();
843 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of tracklets (after 2nd compression) %d",fLines.GetEntriesFast()));
845 // Finer Histo in limited range in case of high mult.
846 if(rebinned){
847 SetBinSizeR(0.01);
848 SetBinSizeZ(0.01);
849 Double_t xl=peak[0]-0.3;
850 Double_t xh=peak[0]+0.3;
851 Double_t yl=peak[1]-0.3;
852 Double_t yh=peak[1]+0.3;
853 zl=peak[2]-0.5;
854 zh=peak[2]+0.5;
855 Int_t nbxfs=(Int_t)((xh-xl)/fBinSizeR+0.0001);
856 Int_t nbyfs=(Int_t)((yh-yl)/fBinSizeR+0.0001);
857 Int_t nbzfs=(Int_t)((zh-zl)/fBinSizeZ+0.0001);
859 TH3F *h3dfs = new TH3F("h3dfs","xyz distribution",nbxfs,xl,xh,nbyfs,yl,yh,nbzfs,zl,zh);
860 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast()-1;i++){
861 AliStrLine *l1 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
862 for(Int_t j=i+1;j<fLines.GetEntriesFast();j++){
863 AliStrLine *l2 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(j);
864 Double_t dca=l1->GetDCA(l2);
865 if(dca > fDCAcut || dca<0.00001) continue;
866 Double_t point[3];
867 Int_t retc = l1->Cross(l2,point);
868 if(retc<0)continue;
869 Double_t deltaZ=point[2]-zvert;
870 if(TMath::Abs(deltaZ)>dZmax)continue;
871 Double_t rad=TMath::Sqrt(point[0]*point[0]+point[1]*point[1]);
872 if(rad>fCoarseMaxRCut)continue;
873 Double_t deltaX=point[0]-xbeam;
874 Double_t deltaY=point[1]-ybeam;
875 Double_t raddist=TMath::Sqrt(deltaX*deltaX+deltaY*deltaY);
876 if(raddist>deltaR)continue;
877 h3dfs->Fill(point[0],point[1],point[2]);
878 }
879 }
880 ntrkl=0;
881 ntimes=0;
883 Double_t newpeak[3]={0.,0.,0.};
884 FindPeaks(h3dfs,newpeak,ntrkl,ntimes);
885 if(ntimes==1){
886 for(Int_t iCoo=0; iCoo<3; iCoo++) peak[iCoo]=newpeak[iCoo];
887 binsizer=fBinSizeR;
888 binsizez=fBinSizeZ;
889 }
890 delete h3dfs;
891 bs=(binsizer+binsizez)/2.;
892 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
893 AliStrLine *l1 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
894 if(l1->GetDistFromPoint(peak)>2.5*bs)fLines.RemoveAt(i);
895 }
896 fLines.Compress();
897 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of tracklets (after 3rd compression) %d",fLines.GetEntriesFast()));
898 }
899 SetBinSizeR(origBinSizeR);
900 SetBinSizeZ(origBinSizeZ);
903 // Second selection loop
906 if(fLines.GetEntriesFast()>1){
907 retcode=0;
908 // find a first candidate for the primary vertex
909 fVert3D=AliVertexerTracks::TrackletVertexFinder(&fLines,0);
910 // make a further selection on tracklets based on this first candidate
911 fVert3D.GetXYZ(peak);
912 AliDebug(1,Form("FIRST V candidate: %f ; %f ; %f",peak[0],peak[1],peak[2]));
913 Int_t *validate2 = new Int_t [fLines.GetEntriesFast()];
914 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++) validate2[i]=1;
915 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
916 if(validate2[i]==0) continue;
917 AliStrLine *l1 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
918 if(l1->GetDistFromPoint(peak)> fDCAcut)fLines.RemoveAt(i);
919 if(optCuts==2){ // temporarily only for pileup
920 for(Int_t j=i+1; j<fLines.GetEntriesFast();j++){
921 AliStrLine *l2 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(j);
922 if(l1->GetDCA(l2)<0.00001){
923 Int_t delta1=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(0)-(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(0);
924 Int_t delta2=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(1)-(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(1);
925 Int_t deltamod1=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(0)/kMaxCluPerMod
926 -(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(0)/kMaxCluPerMod;
927 Int_t deltamod2=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(1)/kMaxCluPerMod
928 -(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(1)/kMaxCluPerMod;
929 // remove tracklets sharing a point
930 if( (delta1==0 && deltamod2==0) ||
931 (delta2==0 && deltamod1==0) ) validate2[j]=0;
932 }
933 }
934 }
935 }
936 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
937 if(validate2[i]==0) fLines.RemoveAt(i);
938 }
939 delete [] validate2;
940 fLines.Compress();
941 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of tracklets (after 3rd compression) %d",fLines.GetEntriesFast()));
942 if(fLines.GetEntriesFast()>1){// this new tracklet selection is used
943 fVert3D=AliVertexerTracks::TrackletVertexFinder(&fLines,0);
944 }
945 }
946 return retcode;
950Int_t AliITSVertexer3D::Prepare3DVertexPbPb(){
951 // Finds the 3D vertex information in Pb-Pb events using tracklets
952 AliDebug(1,"High multiplicity event.\n");
954 Int_t nxy=(Int_t)(2.*fCoarseMaxRCut/f3DBinSize);
955 Double_t xymi= -nxy*f3DBinSize/2.;
956 Double_t xyma= nxy*f3DBinSize/2.;
957 Int_t nz=(Int_t)(2.*fZCutDiamond/f3DBinSize);
958 Double_t zmi=-nz*f3DBinSize/2.;
959 Double_t zma=nz*f3DBinSize/2.;
960 Int_t nolines=fLines.GetEntriesFast();
961 TH3F *h3dv = new TH3F("h3dv","3d tracklets",nxy,xymi,xyma,nxy,xymi,xyma,nz,zmi,zma);
963 for(Int_t itra=0; itra<nolines; itra++){
964 Double_t wei = GetFraction(itra);
965 //printf("tracklet %d ) - weight %f \n",itra,wei);
966 if(wei>1.e-6){
967 AliStrLine *str=(AliStrLine*)fLines.At(itra);
968 Double_t t1,t2;
969 if(str->GetParamAtRadius(fCoarseMaxRCut,t1,t2)){
970 do{
971 Double_t punt[3];
972 str->ComputePointAtT(t1,punt);
973 h3dv->Fill(punt[0],punt[1],punt[2],wei);
974 t1+=f3DBinSize/3.;
975 } while(t1<t2);
976 }
977 }
978 }
979 Int_t noftrk,noftim;
980 FindPeaks(h3dv,f3DPeak,noftrk,noftim); // arg: histo3d, peak, # of contrib., # of other peak with same magnitude
983 // Remove all the tracklets which are not passing near peak
985 while(nolines--){
986 AliStrLine *str=(AliStrLine*)fLines.At(nolines);
987 Double_t dist = str->GetDistFromPoint(f3DPeak);
988 if(dist>(2.*f3DBinSize)) fLines.RemoveAt(nolines);
989 }
990 fLines.Compress();
991 nolines=fLines.GetEntriesFast();
993 delete h3dv;
995 Int_t *validate2 = new Int_t [fLines.GetEntriesFast()];
996 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++) validate2[i]=1;
997 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
998 if(validate2[i]==0) continue;
999 AliStrLine *l1 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
1000 if(l1->GetDistFromPoint(f3DPeak)> fDCAcut)fLines.RemoveAt(i);
1001 for(Int_t j=i+1; j<fLines.GetEntriesFast();j++){
1002 AliStrLine *l2 = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(j);
1003 if(l1->GetDCA(l2)<0.00001){
1004 Int_t delta1=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(0)-(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(0);
1005 Int_t delta2=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(1)-(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(1);
1006 Int_t deltamod1=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(0)/kMaxCluPerMod
1007 -(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(0)/kMaxCluPerMod;
1008 Int_t deltamod2=(Int_t)l1->GetIdPoint(1)/kMaxCluPerMod
1009 -(Int_t)l2->GetIdPoint(1)/kMaxCluPerMod;
1010 // remove tracklets sharing a point
1011 if( (delta1==0 && deltamod2==0) ||
1012 (delta2==0 && deltamod1==0) ) validate2[j]=0;
1014 }
1015 }
1016 }
1017 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
1018 if(validate2[i]==0) fLines.RemoveAt(i);
1019 }
1021 delete [] validate2;
1022 fLines.Compress();
1025 AliDebug(1,Form("Number of tracklets (after 3rd compression) %d",fLines.GetEntriesFast()));
1027 fVert3D=AliVertexerTracks::TrackletVertexFinder(&fLines,0);
1028 fVert3D.GetXYZ(f3DPeak);
1030 return 0;
1034void AliITSVertexer3D::SetMeanPPtSelTracks(Double_t fieldTesla){
1035 // Sets mean values of Pt based on the field
1036 // for P (used in multiple scattering) the most probable value is used
1037 if(TMath::Abs(fieldTesla-0.5)<0.01){
1038 SetMeanPSelTracks(0.375);
1039 SetMeanPtSelTracks(0.630);
1040 }else if(TMath::Abs(fieldTesla-0.4)<0.01){
1041 SetMeanPSelTracks(0.375);
1042 SetMeanPtSelTracks(0.580);
1043 }else if(TMath::Abs(fieldTesla-0.2)<0.01){
1044 SetMeanPSelTracks(0.375);
1045 SetMeanPtSelTracks(0.530);
1046 }else if(fieldTesla<0.00001){
1047 SetMeanPSelTracks(0.375);
1048 SetMeanPtSelTracks(0.230);
1049 }else{
1050 SetMeanPSelTracks();
1051 SetMeanPtSelTracks();
1052 }
1056void AliITSVertexer3D::FindPeaks(TH3F* histo, Double_t *peak, Int_t &nOfTracklets, Int_t &nOfTimes){
1057 // Finds bin with max contents in 3D histo of tracket intersections
1058 TAxis *xax = histo->GetXaxis();
1059 TAxis *yax = histo->GetYaxis();
1060 TAxis *zax = histo->GetZaxis();
1061 peak[0]=0.;
1062 peak[1]=0.;
1063 peak[2]=0.;
1064 nOfTracklets = 0;
1065 nOfTimes=0;
1066 Int_t peakbin[3]={0,0,0};
1067 Int_t peak2bin[3]={-1,-1,-1};
1068 Int_t bc2=-1;
1069 for(Int_t i=xax->GetFirst();i<=xax->GetLast();i++){
1070 Double_t xval = xax->GetBinCenter(i);
1071 for(Int_t j=yax->GetFirst();j<=yax->GetLast();j++){
1072 Double_t yval = yax->GetBinCenter(j);
1073 for(Int_t k=zax->GetFirst();k<=zax->GetLast();k++){
1074 Double_t zval = zax->GetBinCenter(k);
1075 Int_t bc =(Int_t)histo->GetBinContent(i,j,k);
1076 if(bc==0) continue;
1077 if(bc>nOfTracklets){
1078 nOfTracklets=bc;
1079 peak[2] = zval;
1080 peak[1] = yval;
1081 peak[0] = xval;
1082 peakbin[2] = k;
1083 peakbin[1] = j;
1084 peakbin[0] = i;
1085 peak2bin[2] = -1;
1086 peak2bin[1] = -1;
1087 peak2bin[0] = -1;
1088 bc2=-1;
1089 nOfTimes = 1;
1090 }else if(bc==nOfTracklets){
1091 if(TMath::Abs(i-peakbin[0])<=1 && TMath::Abs(j-peakbin[1])<=1 && TMath::Abs(k-peakbin[2])<=1){
1092 peak2bin[2] = k;
1093 peak2bin[1] = j;
1094 peak2bin[0] = i;
1095 bc2=bc;
1096 nOfTimes = 1;
1097 }else{
1098 nOfTimes++;
1099 }
1100 }
1101 }
1102 }
1103 }
1104 if(peak2bin[0]>=-1 && bc2!=-1){ // two contiguous peak-cells with same contents
1105 peak[0]=0.5*(xax->GetBinCenter(peakbin[0])+xax->GetBinCenter(peak2bin[0]));
1106 peak[1]=0.5*(yax->GetBinCenter(peakbin[1])+yax->GetBinCenter(peak2bin[1]));
1107 peak[2]=0.5*(zax->GetBinCenter(peakbin[2])+zax->GetBinCenter(peak2bin[2]));
1108 nOfTracklets+=bc2;
1109 nOfTimes=1;
1110 }
1113void AliITSVertexer3D::MarkUsedClusters(){
1114 // Mark clusters of tracklets used in vertex claulation
1115 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
1116 AliStrLine *lin = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
1117 Int_t idClu1=lin->GetIdPoint(0);
1118 Int_t idClu2=lin->GetIdPoint(1);
1119 fUsedCluster.SetBitNumber(idClu1);
1120 fUsedCluster.SetBitNumber(idClu2);
1121 }
1124Int_t AliITSVertexer3D::RemoveTracklets(){
1125 // Remove trackelts close to first found vertex
1126 Double_t vert[3]={fVert3D.GetXv(),fVert3D.GetYv(),fVert3D.GetZv()};
1127 Int_t nRemoved=0;
1128 for(Int_t i=0; i<fLines.GetEntriesFast();i++){
1129 AliStrLine *lin = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(i);
1130 if(lin->GetDistFromPoint(vert)<fDCAforPileup){
1131 Int_t idClu1=lin->GetIdPoint(0);
1132 Int_t idClu2=lin->GetIdPoint(1);
1133 fUsedCluster.SetBitNumber(idClu1);
1134 fUsedCluster.SetBitNumber(idClu2);
1135 fLines.RemoveAt(i);
1136 ++nRemoved;
1137 }
1138 }
1139 fLines.Compress();
1140 return nRemoved;
1143void AliITSVertexer3D::FindOther3DVertices(TTree *itsClusterTree){
1144 // pileup identification based on 3D vertexing with not used clusters
1146 fVertArray = new AliESDVertex[kMaxPileupVertices+1];
1147 fVertArray[0]=(*fCurrentVertex);
1148 Int_t nFoundVert=1;
1149 for(Int_t iPilV=1; iPilV<=kMaxPileupVertices; iPilV++){
1150 MarkUsedClusters();
1151 fLines.Clear("C");
1152 Int_t nolines = FindTracklets(itsClusterTree,2);
1153 if(nolines>=2){
1154 Int_t nr=RemoveTracklets();
1155 nolines-=nr;
1156 if(nolines>=2){
1157 Int_t rc=Prepare3DVertex(2);
1158 if(rc==0){
1159 fVert3D=AliVertexerTracks::TrackletVertexFinder(&fLines,0);
1160 if(fVert3D.GetNContributors()>=fMinTrackletsForPilup){
1161 fIsPileup=kTRUE;
1162 fVertArray[nFoundVert]=fVert3D;
1163 nFoundVert++;
1164 if(nFoundVert==2){
1165 fZpuv=fVert3D.GetZv();
1166 fNTrpuv=fVert3D.GetNContributors();
1167 }
1168 }
1169 }
1170 }
1171 }
1172 }
1173 fNoVertices=nFoundVert;
1176void AliITSVertexer3D::PileupFromZ(){
1177 // Calls the pileup algorithm of ALiITSVertexerZ
1178 Int_t binmin, binmax;
1179 Int_t nPeaks=AliITSVertexerZ::GetPeakRegion(fZHisto,binmin,binmax);
1180 if(nPeaks==2)AliWarning("2 peaks found");
1181 Int_t firstPeakCont=0;
1182 Double_t firstPeakPos=0.;
1183 for(Int_t i=binmin-1;i<=binmax+1;i++){
1184 firstPeakCont+=static_cast<Int_t>(fZHisto->GetBinContent(i));
1185 firstPeakPos+=fZHisto->GetBinContent(i)*fZHisto->GetBinCenter(i);
1186 }
1187 if(firstPeakCont>0){
1188 firstPeakPos/=firstPeakCont;
1189 Int_t ncontr2=0;
1190 if(firstPeakCont>fMinTrackletsForPilup){
1191 Float_t secPeakPos;
1192 ncontr2=AliITSVertexerZ::FindSecondPeak(fZHisto,binmin,binmax,secPeakPos);
1193 if(ncontr2>=fMinTrackletsForPilup){
1194 fIsPileup=kTRUE;
1195 fNoVertices=2;
1196 AliESDVertex secondVert(secPeakPos,0.1,ncontr2);
1197 fVertArray = new AliESDVertex[2];
1198 fVertArray[0]=(*fCurrentVertex);
1199 fVertArray[1]=secondVert;
1200 fZpuv=secPeakPos;
1201 fNTrpuv=ncontr2;
1202 }
1203 }
1204 }
1208Double_t AliITSVertexer3D::GetFraction(Int_t itr) const {
1209 // this method is used to fill a 3D histogram representing
1210 // the trajectories of the candidate tracklets
1211 // The computed fraction is used as a weight at filling time
1212 AliStrLine *str = (AliStrLine*)fLines.At(itr);
1213 Double_t spigolo=10.;
1214 Double_t cd[3];
1215 str->GetCd(cd);
1216 Double_t par=0.;
1217 Double_t maxl=TMath::Sqrt(3.)*spigolo;
1218 // intersection with a plane normal to the X axis
1219 if(TMath::AreEqualAbs(cd[0],0.,1.e-9)){
1220 par=1000000.;
1221 }
1222 else {
1223 par=spigolo/cd[0];
1224 }
1225 Double_t zc=cd[2]*par;
1226 Double_t yc=cd[1]*par;
1227 if((-spigolo<=yc && yc<=spigolo) && (-spigolo<=zc && zc<=spigolo))return TMath::Abs(par/maxl);
1228 // intersection with a plane normal to the Y axis
1229 if(TMath::AreEqualAbs(cd[1],0.,1.e-9)){
1230 par=1000000.;
1231 }
1232 else {
1233 par=spigolo/cd[1];
1234 }
1235 zc=cd[2]*par;
1236 Double_t xc=cd[0]*par;
1237 if((-spigolo<=xc && xc<=spigolo) && (-spigolo<=zc && zc<=spigolo))return TMath::Abs(par/maxl);
1238 // intersection with a plane normal to the Z axis
1239 if(TMath::AreEqualAbs(cd[2],0.,1.e-9)){
1240 par=1000000.;
1241 }
1242 else {
1243 par=spigolo/cd[2];
1244 }
1245 yc=cd[1]*par;
1246 xc=cd[0]*par;
1247 if((-spigolo<=xc && xc<=spigolo) && (-spigolo<=yc && yc<=spigolo))return TMath::Abs(par/maxl);
1248 // control should never reach the following lines
1249 AliError(Form("anomalous tracklet direction for tracklet %d in fLines\n",itr));
1250 str->PrintStatus();
1251 return 0.;
1255void AliITSVertexer3D::PrintStatus() const {
1256 // Print current status
1257 printf("========= First step selections =====================\n");
1258 printf("Cut on diamond (Z) %f\n",fZCutDiamond);
1259 printf("Loose cut on Delta Phi %f\n",fCoarseDiffPhiCut);
1260 printf("Loose cut on tracklet DCA to Z axis %f\n",fCoarseMaxRCut);
1261 printf("Cut on DCA - tracklet to tracklet and to vertex %f\n",fDCAcut);
1262 printf("========= Second step selections ====================\n");
1263 printf("Cut on tracklet-to-first-vertex Z distance %f\n",fMaxZCut);
1264 printf("Max Phi difference: %f\n",fDiffPhiMax);
1265 printf("Cut on tracklet DCA to beam axis %f\n",fMaxRCut);
1266 printf("Cut on tracklet DCA to beam axis (algo2) %f\n",fMaxRCut2);
1267 printf("========= Pileup selections =========================\n");
1268 printf("Pileup algo: %d\n",fPileupAlgo);
1269 printf("Min DCA to 1st vertex for pileup (algo 0 and 1): %f\n",fDCAforPileup);
1270 printf("Cut on distance between pair-vertices (algo 2): %f\n",fCutOnPairs);
1271 printf("Maximum number of clusters on L1 or L2 for downscale: %d\n",fMaxNumOfClForDownScale);
1272 printf("Maximum number of clusters on L1 or L2 for histo rebin: %d\n",fMaxNumOfClForRebin);
1273 printf("=======================================================\n");