]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame_incremental - PWGGA/CaloTrackCorrelations/AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation.h
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWGGA / CaloTrackCorrelations / AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation.h
... / ...
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
7// Class that contains the algorithm for the analysis of particle - hadron correlations
8// Particle (for example direct gamma) must be found in a previous analysis
9//-- Author: Gustavo Conesa (INFN-LNF)
11// Modified by Yaxian Mao:
12// 1. add the UE subtraction for corrlation study
13// 2. change the correlation variable
14// 3. Only use leading particle(cluster/track) as trigger for correlation (2010/07/02)
15// 4. Make decay photon-hadron correlations where decay contribute pi0 mass (2010/09/09)
16// 5. fill the pout to extract kt at the end, also to study charge asymmetry(2010/10/06)
17// 6. Add the possibility for event selection analysis based on vertex and multiplicity bins (10/10/2010)
18// 7. change the way of delta phi cut for UE study due to memory issue (reduce histograms)
19// 8. Add the possibility to request the absolute leading particle at the near side or not, set trigger bins, general clean-up (08/2011)
21// --- Analysis system ---
22#include "AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass.h"
23class AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation ;
25class AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation : public AliAnaCaloTrackCorrBaseClass {
27 public:
29 AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation() ; // default ctor
30 virtual ~AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation() ; // virtual dtor
32 // General methods
34 TObjString * GetAnalysisCuts();
36 TList * GetCreateOutputObjects();
38 void InitParameters();
40 void MakeAnalysisFillAOD() ;
42 void MakeAnalysisFillHistograms() ;
44 void Print(const Option_t * opt) const;
46 // Main analysis methods
48 Bool_t GetDecayPhotonMomentum(const AliAODPWG4Particle* trigger, TLorentzVector & mom1,TLorentzVector & mom2);
50 Bool_t MakeChargedCorrelation (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * aodParticle, const TObjArray* pl, const Bool_t bFillHisto) ;
52 Bool_t MakeNeutralCorrelation (AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * aodParticle, const TObjArray* pl, const Bool_t bFillHisto) ;
54 void MakeMCChargedCorrelation(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation * aodParticle) ;
56 void MakeChargedMixCorrelation(AliAODPWG4ParticleCorrelation *aodParticle) ;
58 // Filling histogram methods
60 void FillChargedAngularCorrelationHistograms (const Float_t ptAssoc, const Float_t ptTrig, const Int_t assocBin,
61 const Float_t phiAssoc, const Float_t phiTrig, Float_t & deltaPhi,
62 const Float_t etaAssoc, const Float_t etaTrig,
63 const Bool_t decay, const Float_t hmpidSignal, const Int_t outTOF,
64 const Int_t nTracks, const Int_t mcTag);
66 void FillChargedEventMixPool();
68 Bool_t FillChargedMCCorrelationHistograms (const Float_t mcAssocPt, Float_t mcAssocPhi, const Float_t mcAssocEta,
69 const Float_t mcTrigPt, const Float_t mcTrigPhi, const Float_t mcTrigEta );
72 void FillChargedMomentumImbalanceHistograms (const Float_t ptTrig, const Float_t ptAssoc,
73 const Float_t xE, const Float_t hbpXE,
74 const Float_t zT, const Float_t hbpZT,
75 const Float_t pout, const Int_t nTracks, const Int_t charge,
76 const Int_t assocBin, const Bool_t decay,
77 const Int_t outTOF, const Int_t mcTag );
79 void FillChargedUnderlyingEventHistograms (const Float_t ptTrig, const Float_t ptAssoc,
80 const Float_t deltaPhi, const Int_t nTracks, const Int_t outTOF);
82 void FillChargedUnderlyingEventSidesHistograms(const Float_t ptTrig, const Float_t ptAssoc,
83 const Float_t deltaPhi);
85 void FillDecayPhotonCorrelationHistograms (const Float_t ptAssoc, const Float_t phiAssoc,
86 const TLorentzVector mom1, const TLorentzVector mom2,
87 const Bool_t bChargedOrNeutral);
90 void FillNeutralAngularCorrelationHistograms (const Float_t ptAssoc, const Float_t ptTrig,
91 const Float_t phiAssoc, const Float_t phiTrig, Float_t & deltaPhi,
92 const Float_t etaAssoc, const Float_t etaTrig);
94 void FillNeutralEventMixPool();
97 void FillNeutralUnderlyingEventSidesHistograms(const Float_t ptTrig, const Float_t ptAssoc,
98 const Float_t xE, const Float_t hbpXE,
99 const Float_t zT, const Float_t hbpZT,
100 const Float_t deltaPhi);
102 Int_t GetMCTagHistogramIndex(const Int_t tag);
104 // Parameter setter and getter
106 Float_t GetMinimumTriggerPt() const { return fMinTriggerPt ; }
108 Float_t GetMaximumAssociatedPt() const { return fMaxAssocPt ; }
109 Float_t GetMinimumAssociatedPt() const { return fMinAssocPt ; }
111 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMaxCut() const { return fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; }
112 Double_t GetDeltaPhiMinCut() const { return fDeltaPhiMinCut ; }
114 Double_t GetUeDeltaPhiMaxCut() const { return fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut ; }
115 Double_t GetUeDeltaPhiMinCut() const { return fUeDeltaPhiMinCut ; }
117 void SetMinimumTriggerPt(Float_t min) { fMinTriggerPt = min ; }
119 void SetAssociatedPtRange(Float_t min, Float_t max)
120 { fMaxAssocPt = max ; fMinAssocPt = min ; }
122 void SetDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t phimin, Double_t phimax)
123 { fDeltaPhiMaxCut = phimax ; fDeltaPhiMinCut = phimin ; }
125 void SetUeDeltaPhiCutRange(Double_t uephimin, Double_t uephimax)
126 { fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut = uephimax ; fUeDeltaPhiMinCut = uephimin ; }
128 Bool_t IsSeveralUEOn() const { return fMakeSeveralUE ; }
129 void SwitchOnSeveralUECalculation() { fMakeSeveralUE = kTRUE ; }
130 void SwitchOffSeveralUECalculation() { fMakeSeveralUE = kFALSE ; }
132 // Do trigger-neutral correlation
133 Bool_t DoNeutralCorr() const { return fNeutralCorr ; }
134 void SwitchOnNeutralCorr() { fNeutralCorr = kTRUE ; }
135 void SwitchOffNeutralCorr() { fNeutralCorr = kFALSE ; }
137 // Taking the absolute leading as the trigger or not
138 Bool_t DoAbsoluteLeading() const { return fMakeAbsoluteLeading ; }
139 void SwitchOnAbsoluteLeading() { fMakeAbsoluteLeading = kTRUE ; }
140 void SwitchOffAbsoluteLeading() { fMakeAbsoluteLeading = kFALSE ; }
142 // Taking the near side leading as the trigger or not
143 Bool_t DoNearSideLeading() const { return fMakeNearSideLeading ; }
144 void SwitchOnNearSideLeading() { fMakeNearSideLeading = kTRUE ; }
145 void SwitchOffNearSideLeading() { fMakeNearSideLeading = kFALSE ; }
147 // Do decay-hadron correlation if it is pi0 trigger
148 Bool_t IsPi0Trigger() const { return fPi0Trigger ; }
149 void SwitchOnPi0TriggerDecayCorr() { fPi0Trigger = kTRUE ; }
150 void SwitchOffPi0TriggerDecayCorr() { fPi0Trigger = kFALSE ; }
152 Bool_t IsDecayTrigger() const { return fDecayTrigger ; }
153 void SwitchOnDecayTriggerDecayCorr() { fDecayTrigger = kTRUE ; }
154 void SwitchOffDecayTriggerDecayCorr() { fDecayTrigger = kFALSE ; }
156 Bool_t IsHMPIDCorrelation() const { return fHMPIDCorrelation ; }
157 void SwitchOnHMPIDCorrelation() { fHMPIDCorrelation = kTRUE ; }
158 void SwitchOffHMPIDCorrelation() { fHMPIDCorrelation = kFALSE ; }
160 void SwitchOnFillBradHistograms() { fFillBradHisto = kTRUE ; }
161 void SwitchOffFillBradHistograms() { fFillBradHisto = kFALSE ; }
163 Bool_t OnlyIsolated() const { return fSelectIsolated ; }
164 void SelectIsolated(Bool_t s) { fSelectIsolated = s ; }
166 void SetPi0AODBranchName(TString n) { fPi0AODBranchName = n ; }
168 void SetNAssocPtBins(Int_t n) ;
169 void SetAssocPtBinLimit(Int_t ibin, Float_t pt) ;
171 Bool_t IsMixStoredInReaderOn() const { return fUseMixStoredInReader ; }
172 void SwitchOnUseMixStoredInReader() { fUseMixStoredInReader = kTRUE ; }
173 void SwitchOffUseMixStoredInReader() { fUseMixStoredInReader = kFALSE; }
175 void SwitchOnFillNeutralInMixedEvent() { fFillNeutralEventMixPool = kTRUE ; }
176 void SwitchOffFillNeutralInMixedEvent(){ fFillNeutralEventMixPool = kFALSE ; }
178 void SetM02Cut(Float_t min=0, Float_t max=10) { fM02MinCut = min ; fM02MaxCut = max ; }
180 void SwitchOnCorrelationVzBin() { fCorrelVzBin = kTRUE ; }
181 void SwitchOffCorrelationVzBin() { fCorrelVzBin = kFALSE ; }
183 void SwitchOnFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kTRUE ; }
184 void SwitchOffFillPileUpHistograms() { fFillPileUpHistograms = kFALSE ; }
186 private:
188 Float_t fMinTriggerPt ; // Minimum trigger hadron pt
189 Float_t fMaxAssocPt ; // Maximum associated hadron pt
190 Float_t fMinAssocPt ; // Minimum associated hadron pt
191 Double_t fDeltaPhiMaxCut ; // Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Hadron
192 Double_t fDeltaPhiMinCut ; // Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Hadron
193 Bool_t fSelectIsolated ; // Select only trigger particles isolated
194 Bool_t fMakeSeveralUE ; // Do analysis for several underlying events contribution
195 Double_t fUeDeltaPhiMaxCut ; // Minimum Delta Phi Gamma-Underlying Hadron
196 Double_t fUeDeltaPhiMinCut ; // Maximum Delta Phi Gamma-Underlying Hadron
197 TString fPi0AODBranchName; // Name of AOD branch with pi0, not trigger
198 Bool_t fNeutralCorr ; // switch the analysis with neutral particles
199 Bool_t fPi0Trigger ; // switch the analysis with decay photon from pi0 trigger
200 Bool_t fDecayTrigger ; // switch the analysis with decay photon from photon trigger
201 Bool_t fMakeAbsoluteLeading ; // requesting absolute leading triggers
202 Bool_t fMakeNearSideLeading ; // requesting near side leading (+-90ยบ from trigger particle) triggers
203 Int_t fLeadingTriggerIndex ; // Store here per event the trigger index, to avoid too many loops
204 Bool_t fHMPIDCorrelation ; // Correlate with particles on HMPID or its acceptance
205 Bool_t fFillBradHisto ; // DPhi histograms calculated differently
206 Int_t fNAssocPtBins ; // Number of associated pT bins under study
207 Float_t fAssocPtBinLimit[20] ; // Associated pT under study
208 Bool_t fCorrelVzBin ; // Fill one histogram per vz bin
210 TList ** fListMixTrackEvents ; //![GetNCentrBin()*GetNZvertBin()*GetNRPBin()] Containers for tracks in stored events for mixing
211 TList ** fListMixCaloEvents ; //![GetNCentrBin()*GetNZvertBin()*GetNRPBin()] Containers for calo clusters in stored events for mixing
213 Bool_t fUseMixStoredInReader; // Signal if in the current event the pool was filled
214 Bool_t fFillNeutralEventMixPool; // Add clusters to pool if requested
216 Float_t fM02MaxCut ; // Study photon clusters with l0 smaller than cut
217 Float_t fM02MinCut ; // Study photon clusters with l0 larger than cut
219 Bool_t fFillPileUpHistograms; // Fill pile-up related histograms
221 //Histograms
223 //leading particles
224 TH1F * fhPtInput; //! pT distribution of trigger particles before selection
225 TH1F * fhPtFidCut; //! pT distribution of trigger particles before leading selection, after fiducial selection
226 TH1F * fhPtLeading; //! pT distribution of leading particles
227 TH1F * fhPtLeadingPileUp[7]; //! pT distribution of leading particles
228 TH2F * fhPtLeadingVzBin; //! pT distribution of leading particles vs vz bin
229 TH2F * fhPtLeadingBin; //! pT distribution of leading particles, vs mixing bin
230 TH2F * fhPhiLeading; //! phi distribution vs pT of leading particles
231 TH2F * fhEtaLeading; //! eta distribution vs pT of leading particles
233 TH1F * fhPtLeadingMC[6]; //! pT distribution of leading particles, check the origin of the cluster : decay photon (pi0, eta, other), merged photon (pi0), hadron, rest of photons (prompt, FSR, ISR)
235 TH2F * fhPtLeadingCentrality; //! pT distribution of leading particles vs centrality
236 TH2F * fhPtLeadingEventPlane; //! pT distribution of leading particles vs centrality
237 TH2F * fhLeadingEventPlaneCentrality; //! event plane vs centrality for leading particles
239 TH1F * fhPtLeadingMixed; //! pT distribution of leading particles, used in mixing
240 TH2F * fhPtLeadingMixedVzBin; //! pT distribution of leading particles, used in mixing, vs vz bin
241 TH2F * fhPtLeadingMixedBin; //! pT distribution of leading particles vs mixing bin
242 TH2F * fhPhiLeadingMixed; //! phi distribution vs pT of leading particles, used in mixing
243 TH2F * fhEtaLeadingMixed; //! eta distribution vs pT of leading particles, used in mixing
245 //trigger-charged histograms
246 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaCharged ; //! differences of eta and phi between trigger and charged hadrons
247 TH2F * fhPhiCharged ; //! Phi distribution of charged particles
248 TH2F * fhEtaCharged ; //! Eta distribution of charged particles
249 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
250 TH2F * fhDeltaEtaCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT
251 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPt ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT
252 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeChargedPt ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT
253 TH1F * fhUePart; //! UE particles distribution vs pt trig
254 TH2F * fhXECharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
255 TH2F * fhXEUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
256 TH2F * fhXEPosCharged ; //! Trigger particle -positive charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
257 TH2F * fhXENegCharged ; //! Trigger particle -negative charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
258 TH2F * fhPtHbpXECharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
259 TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
260 TH2F * fhZTCharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
261 TH2F * fhZTUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
262 TH2F * fhZTPosCharged ; //! Trigger particle -positive charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
263 TH2F * fhZTNegCharged ; //! Trigger particle -negative charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
264 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTCharged ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
265 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
267 TH2F * fhXEChargedMC[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram, check the origin of the cluster : decay photon (pi0, eta, other), merged photon (pi0), hadron, rest of photons (prompt, FSR, ISR)
268 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedMC[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron delta phi histogram, check the origin of the cluster : decay photon (pi0, eta, other), merged photon (pi0), hadron, rest of photons (prompt, FSR, ISR)
270 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaChargedPtA3GeV;//! differences of eta and phi between trigger and charged hadrons, pTa > 3 GeV
271 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeV ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV
272 TH2F * fhDeltaEtaChargedPtA3GeV ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV
274 // Events tagged as pileup by SDD,EMCal, or combination
275 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
276 TH2F * fhDeltaEtaChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT
277 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeVPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV
278 TH2F * fhDeltaEtaChargedPtA3GeVPileUp[7] ; //! Difference of charged particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV
279 TH2F * fhXEChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
280 TH2F * fhXEUeChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
281 TH2F * fhZTChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
282 TH2F * fhZTUeChargedPileUp[7] ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
283 TH2F * fhPtTrigChargedPileUp[7] ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt
285 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedOtherBC ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
286 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeVOtherBC ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV
287 TH2F * fhXEChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
288 TH2F * fhXEUeChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
289 TH2F * fhZTChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
290 TH2F * fhZTUeChargedOtherBC ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
291 TH2F * fhPtTrigChargedOtherBC ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt
293 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedBC0 ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
294 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiChargedPtA3GeVBC0 ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, pTa > 3 GeV
295 TH2F * fhXEChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
296 TH2F * fhXEUeChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
297 TH2F * fhZTChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
298 TH2F * fhZTUeChargedBC0 ; //! Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
299 TH2F * fhPtTrigChargedBC0 ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt
301 //if several UE calculation is on, most useful for jet-jet events contribution
302 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of charged particle pT
303 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
304 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftUpCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
305 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightUpCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
306 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftDownCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
307 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightDownCharged; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
308 TH2F * fhXEUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
309 TH2F * fhXEUeRightCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
310 TH2F * fhXEUeLeftUpCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
311 TH2F * fhXEUeRightUpCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
312 TH2F * fhXEUeLeftDownCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
313 TH2F * fhXEUeRightDownCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
314 TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
315 TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeRightCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
316 TH2F * fhZTUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
317 TH2F * fhZTUeRightCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
318 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeLeftCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
319 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeRightCharged ; //! Trigger particle -underlying charged hadron momentum HBP histogram
321 //for pout and kt extraction
322 TH2F * fhPtTrigPout ; //! Pout =associated pt*sin(delta phi) distribution vs trigger pt
323 TH2F * fhPtTrigCharged ; //! trigger and correlated particl pt, to be used for mean value for kt
325 //if different multiplicity analysis asked
326 TH2F ** fhTrigDeltaPhiCharged ; //![GetMultiBin()] differences of phi between trigger and charged hadrons
327 TH2F ** fhTrigDeltaEtaCharged ; //![GetMultiBin()] differences of eta between trigger and charged hadrons
328 TH2F ** fhTrigXECorr ; //![GetMultiBin()] Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
329 TH2F ** fhTrigXEUeCorr ; //![GetMultiBin()] Trigger particle -UE charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
330 TH2F ** fhTrigZTCorr ; //![GetMultiBin()] Trigger particle -charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
331 TH2F ** fhTrigZTUeCorr ; //![GetMultiBin()] Trigger particle -UE charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
333 TH2F * fhAssocPtBkg; //! Trigger pT vs associated pT for background
334 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function eta difference, for different associated bins
335 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt bins
336 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinDEta08; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt bins for Delta eta > 0.8
337 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinDEta0 ; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt bins for Delta eta = 0
338 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinHMPID; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt bins, track with HMPID
339 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiAssocPtBinHMPIDAcc; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt bins, track with HMPIDAcc
340 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiBradAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs dPhi Brad (?) for different associated pt bins
341 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiBrad; //! Trigger pT vs dPhi Brad (?) for different associated pt bins
342 TH2F ** fhXEAssocPtBin ; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs xE for different associated pt bins
343 TH2F ** fhZTAssocPtBin ; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Trigger pT vs zT for different associated pt bins
345 //trigger-neutral histograms
346 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDeltaEtaNeutral ; //! differences of eta and phi between trigger and neutral hadrons (pi0)
347 TH2F * fhPhiNeutral ; //! Phi distribution of neutral particles
348 TH2F * fhEtaNeutral ; //! Eta distribution of neutral particles
349 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
350 TH2F * fhDeltaEtaNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle eta and trigger particle eta as function of trigger particle pT
351 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiNeutralPt ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle particle pT
352 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeNeutralPt ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle particle pT
353 TH2F * fhXENeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
354 TH2F * fhXEUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
355 TH2F * fhPtHbpXENeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral particle momentum HBP histogram
356 TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram
357 TH2F * fhZTNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
358 TH2F * fhZTUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
359 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - neutral particle momentum HBP histogram
360 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeNeutral ; //! Trigger particle - underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram
362 //if several UE calculation is on, most useful for jet-jet events contribution
363 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeLeftNeutral ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi as function of neutral particle pT
364 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiUeRightNeutral ; //! Difference of charged particle from underlying events phi and trigger particle phi
365 TH2F * fhXEUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
366 TH2F * fhXEUeRightNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
367 TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram
368 TH2F * fhPtHbpXEUeRightNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram
369 TH2F * fhZTUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
370 TH2F * fhZTUeRightNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
371 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeLeftNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram
372 TH2F * fhPtHbpZTUeRightNeutral ; //! Trigger particle -underlying neutral hadron momentum HBP histogram
374 //for decay photon trigger correlation
375 TH2F * fhPtPi0DecayRatio ; //! for pi0 pt and ratio of decay photon pt
376 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDecayCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and decay trigger
377 TH2F * fhXEDecayCharged ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0)-charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
378 TH2F * fhZTDecayCharged ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0)-charged hadron momentum imbalance histogram
380 TH2F * fhDeltaPhiDecayNeutral ; //! Difference of neutral particle phi and decay trigger
381 TH2F * fhXEDecayNeutral ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0)-neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
382 TH2F * fhZTDecayNeutral ; //! Trigger particle (decay from pi0)-neutral hadron momentum imbalance histogram
384 TH2F ** fhDeltaPhiDecayChargedAssocPtBin;//![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Tagged as decay Trigger pT vs dPhi for different associated pt bins
385 TH2F ** fhXEDecayChargedAssocPtBin ; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Tagged as decay Trigger pT vs xE for different associated pt bins
386 TH2F ** fhZTDecayChargedAssocPtBin ; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Tagged as decay Trigger pT vs xE for different associated pt bins
388 //if the data is MC, fill MC information
389 TH2F * fh2phiLeadingParticle; //! #phi resolution for triggers
390 TH1F * fhMCPtLeading; //! MC pure pT distribution of leading particles
391 TH2F * fhMCPhiLeading; //! MC pure Phi distribution of leading particles
392 TH2F * fhMCEtaLeading; //! MC pure Eta distribution of leading particles
393 TH2F * fhMCEtaCharged; //! MC pure particles charged primary pt vs eta (both associated)
394 TH2F * fhMCPhiCharged; //! MC pure particles charged primary pt vs phi (both associated)
395 TH2F * fhMCDeltaEtaCharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs delta eta (associated-trigger)
396 TH2F * fhMCDeltaPhiCharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs delta phi (associated-trigger)
397 TH2F * fhMCDeltaPhiDeltaEtaCharged; //! MC pure particles charged associated primary pt vs delta phi (associated-trigger), in away side
398 TH2F * fhMCDeltaPhiChargedPt; //! MC pure particles charged delta phi vs delta eta (associated-trigger)
399 TH2F * fhMCPtXECharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs xE
400 TH2F * fhMCPtXEUeCharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs xE (underlying event)
401 TH2F * fhMCPtHbpXECharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/xE)
402 TH2F * fhMCPtHbpXEUeCharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/xE) (underlying event)
403 TH1F * fhMCUePart; //! MC pure UE particles distribution vs pt trig
404 TH2F * fhMCPtZTCharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs zT
405 TH2F * fhMCPtHbpZTCharged; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs ln(1/zT)
406 TH2F * fhMCPtTrigPout ; //! MC pure particles charged trigger primary pt vs pOut
407 TH2F * fhMCPtAssocDeltaPhi ; //! MC pure particles charged associated primary pt vs delta phi (associated-trigger)
409 // Mixing
410 TH1I * fhNEventsTrigger; //! number of analyzed triggered events
411 TH1F * fhNtracksAll; //! total number of tracks
412 TH1F * fhNtracksTrigger; //! total number of tracks in triggered events
413 TH1F * fhNtracksMB; //! total number of tracks in MB events
414 TH1F * fhNclustersAll; //! total number of clusters
415 TH1F * fhNclustersTrigger; //! total number of clusters in triggered events
416 TH1F * fhNclustersMB; //! total number of clusters in MB events
417 TH2F * fhMixDeltaPhiCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT
418 TH2F * fhMixDeltaPhiDeltaEtaCharged ; //! Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function eta difference
419 TH2F * fhMixXECharged; //! xE for mixed event
420 TH2F * fhMixHbpXECharged; //! ln(1/xE) for mixed event
421 TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiChargedAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, for different associated bins
422 TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiChargedAssocPtBinDEta08; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, for different associated bins, delta eta > 0.8
423 TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiChargedAssocPtBinDEta0; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function of trigger particle pT, for different associated bins, delta eta = 0
424 TH2F ** fhMixDeltaPhiDeltaEtaChargedAssocPtBin; //![fNAssocPtBins*GetNZvertBin()] Difference of charged particle phi and trigger particle phi as function eta difference, for different associated bins
426 TH1I * fhEventBin; //! Number of real events in a particular bin (cen,vz,rp)
427 TH1I * fhEventMixBin; //! Number of mixed events in a particular bin (cen,vz,rp)
429 AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation( const AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & ph) ; // cpy ctor
430 AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & operator = (const AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation & ph) ; // cpy assignment
432 ClassDef(AliAnaParticleHadronCorrelation,27)
433} ;