]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/commitdiff
macro to be updated for newIO
authormasera <masera@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 15:05:39 +0000 (15:05 +0000)
committermasera <masera@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 15:05:39 +0000 (15:05 +0000)
ITS/oldmacros/AliITSComparisonV1.C [new file with mode: 0644]
ITS/oldmacros/AliITSDisplayTracksV1.C [new file with mode: 0644]
ITS/oldmacros/AliITSd2r.C [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/ITS/oldmacros/AliITSComparisonV1.C b/ITS/oldmacros/AliITSComparisonV1.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a8172da
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include "iostream.h"
+void AliITSComparisonV1
+(const char *foundfile = "itstracks.root", const char *truefile = "galice_tracks_0.root", Int_t evnum = 0) {
+       // Make sure that ALICE objects are loaded
+       if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
+               gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
+               loadlibs();
+       }  
+       else {
+               delete gAlice;
+               gAlice=0;
+       }
+       // Load the tree with track data
+       TFile *fileTrueTracks = new TFile(truefile);
+       TTree *treeTrueTracks = (TTree*)fileTrueTracks->Get("Tracks");
+       TFile *fileFoundTracks = new TFile(foundfile);
+       TTree *treeFoundTracks = (TTree*)fileFoundTracks->Get(Form("TreeT%d", evnum));
+       Int_t nTrue = (Int_t)treeTrueTracks->GetEntries();
+       Int_t *cnt = new Int_t[nTrue];
+       for (Int_t i = 0; i < nTrue; i++) cnt[i] = 0;
+       Int_t label, tpc_ok, entry, pdg_code;
+       Double_t px, py, pz, pt;
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("label", &label);
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("entry", &entry);
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("tpc_ok", &tpc_ok);
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("pdg_code", &pdg_code);
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("px", &px);
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("py", &py);
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("pz", &pz);
+       treeTrueTracks->SetBranchAddress("pt", &pt);
+       AliITSIOTrack *iotrack = 0;
+       treeFoundTracks->SetBranchAddress("ITStracks", &iotrack);
+       const Int_t npos = 36, nneg = 31;
+       Int_t pos[npos] = {2212, -11, -13, 211, 321, 3222, 213, 323, 10323, 3224, 
+                          2224, 2214, -1114, -3112, -3312, 3224, -3114, -3314, 411, 
+                          431, 413, 433, -15, 4232, 4222, 4322, 4422, 4412, 4432, 
+                          4224, 4214, 4324, 4424, 4414, 4434, 4444};
+       Int_t neg[nneg] = {2212, 11, 13, -211, -321, 3112, -213, -323, -10323, 3114, 
+                          1114, -2224, -2214, 33112, -3222, 3114, 3314, 3334, -3224,
+                          -411, -431, -413, -433, 15, -4422, -4432, -4214, -4324, 
+                          -4424, -4434, -444};
+       // Evaluation tree definition 
+       Int_t labITS, labTPC, signC;
+       Double_t difpt, diflambda, difphi, Dz, Dr, Dtot, ptg;
+       TTree *treeEvaluation = new TTree("Eval", "Parameters for tracking evaluation");
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("labITS"   , &labITS   , "labITS/I"   );
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("labTPC"   , &labTPC   , "labTPC/I"   );
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("difpt"    , &difpt    , "difpt/D"    ); 
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("diflambda", &diflambda, "diflambda/D");
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("difphi"   , &difphi   , "difphi/D"   );
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("Dz"       , &Dz       , "Dz/D"       );
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("Dr"       , &Dr       , "Dr/D"       );
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("Dtot"     , &Dtot     , "Dtot/D"     );
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("ptg"      , &ptg      , "ptg/D"      );
+       treeEvaluation->Branch("signC"    , &signC    , "signC/I"    );
+       // Make comparison
+       Double_t *var = 0;
+       Bool_t isGood;
+       Int_t nOK, trueEntry;
+       Double_t found_px, found_py, found_pz, found_pt;
+       Double_t found_tgl, found_lambda, found_phi, found_curv;
+       Double_t true_lambda, true_phi, true_px, true_py, true_pz, true_pt;
+       Double_t duepi = 2.*TMath::Pi();         
+       Bool_t ispos, isneg;
+       Int_t countpos = 0, countneg = 0, found_charge;
+       for (Int_t i = 0; i < treeFoundTracks->GetEntries(); i++) {
+               treeFoundTracks->GetEntry(i);
+               labITS = iotrack->GetLabel();
+               labTPC = iotrack->GetTPCLabel();
+               isGood = (labITS >= 0);
+               nOK = treeTrueTracks->Draw("px:py:pz", Form("label==%d && tpc_ok==1", abs(labITS)), "goff");
+               if (!nOK) {
+//                        cerr << "ITS label not found among findable tracks:";
+//                     cerr << "   labITS = " << labITS;
+//                     cerr << "   labTPC = " << labTPC;
+//                     cerr << endl;
+                       isGood = kFALSE;
+               }
+               if (nOK > 1) {
+                       cerr << "More than 1 tracks with label " << labITS << ": taking the first" << endl;
+               }
+               true_px = *treeTrueTracks->GetV1();
+               true_py = *treeTrueTracks->GetV2();
+               true_pz = *treeTrueTracks->GetV3();
+               true_pt = TMath::Sqrt(true_px * true_px + true_py * true_py);
+               true_phi = TMath::ATan2(true_py, true_px);
+               if(true_phi < 0) true_phi += duepi;
+               true_phi *= 1000.0;
+               true_lambda = TMath::ATan(true_pz / true_pt) * 1000.0;
+               ptg = true_pt;
+               // checks if two found good tracks have the same label in ITS
+               treeTrueTracks->Draw("entry", Form("label==%d && tpc_ok==1", abs(labITS)), "goff");
+               trueEntry = (Int_t)*treeTrueTracks->GetV1();
+               if (isGood && cnt[trueEntry] == 0) 
+                       cnt[trueEntry] = 1;
+               else if (isGood) {
+                       cout << "Entry " << trueEntry << " already analyzed!" << endl;
+                       continue;       
+               }
+               // charge matching
+               found_charge = (Int_t)iotrack->GetCharge();
+               ispos = isneg = kFALSE;
+               for (Int_t j = 0; j < npos; j++) ispos = (pdg_code == pos[j]);
+               for (Int_t j = 0; j < nneg; j++) isneg = (pdg_code == neg[j]);
+               if (ispos) countpos++;
+               if (isneg) countneg++;
+               // pt resolution (%)
+               found_px = iotrack->GetPx();
+               found_py = iotrack->GetPy();
+               found_pz = iotrack->GetPz();
+               found_pt = TMath::Sqrt(found_px*found_px + found_py*found_py);
+               difpt = ((found_pt - true_pt) / true_pt) * 100.;
+               //cout << found_pt << " " << true_pt << " " << difpt << endl;
+               // lambda (mrad)
+               found_tgl = iotrack->GetStateTgl();
+               found_lambda = TMath::ATan(found_tgl) * 1000.0;
+               diflambda = found_lambda - true_lambda;
+//             cout << "lambda " << found_lambda << " " << true_lambda << " " << diflambda << endl;
+               // phi (mrad)
+               found_phi = TMath::ACos(found_px / found_pt);
+               if(found_phi > duepi) found_phi -= duepi;
+               if(found_phi < 0.) found_phi += duepi;
+               found_phi *= 1000.0;      
+               difphi = found_phi - true_phi;
+//             cout << "phi " << found_phi << " " << true_phi << " " << difphi << endl;
+               // impact parameters (microns)
+               Dr = iotrack->GetStateD() * 1.e4;
+               Dz = iotrack->GetDz() * 1.e4;
+               Dtot = sqrt(Dr*Dr + Dz*Dz);
+               // curvature sign
+               found_curv = iotrack->GetStateC();
+               signC = (found_curv > 0.) ? 1 : -1;
+               // fill tree
+               treeEvaluation->Fill();
+       }
+       TFile *outFile = new TFile("AliITSComparisonV1.root", "recreate");
+       treeEvaluation->Write("Eval", TObject::kOverwrite);
+       outFile->Close();
diff --git a/ITS/oldmacros/AliITSDisplayTracksV1.C b/ITS/oldmacros/AliITSDisplayTracksV1.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9ea5d11
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24372 @@
+Int_t AliITSDisplayTracksV1(const char *fname = "galice.root", Int_t evNum = 0) {
+       /*********************************************************************
+        *                                                                   *
+        *  Macro to plot reconstructed tracks with the Kalman Filter V1 on  *
+        *  top of the ITS detailed geometry.                                *
+        *                                                                   *
+        *  Authors: Angela Badala' and Roberto Barbera                      *
+        *                                                                   *
+        *********************************************************************/
+       // First of all, here are put some variable declarations
+       // that are useful in the following part:
+       Int_t nparticles; // number of particles
+       // ITS module coordinates [layer = 1, ladder = 2, det = 3] and absolute ID[0] of module [0]
+       TArrayI ID(4);
+       Int_t nmodules, dtype; // Total number of modules and module type (SSD, SPD, SDD)
+       Float_t *x = 0, *y = 0, *z = 0; // Arrays where to store read coords
+       Bool_t *St = 0; // Status of the track (hits only)
+        // create the Canvas
+        c1 = new TCanvas("c1","Track display",50,50,800,800);
+       c1 -> Divide(2,2,0.001,0.001);
+       // It's necessary to load the gAlice shared libs
+       // if they aren't already stored in memory...
+       if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
+       gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
+               loadlibs();
+       }
+  // Anyway, this macro needs to read a gAlice file, so it
+  // clears the gAlice object if there is already one in memory...
+  else {
+               if(gAlice){
+                       delete gAlice;
+                       gAlice = 0;
+               }
+       }
+       // Now is opened the Root input file containing Geometry, Kine and Hits
+  // by default its name must be "galice.root".
+  // When the file is opened, its contens are shown.
+       TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(fname);
+       if (!file) file = new TFile(fname);
+               file->ls();
+       // Then, the macro gets the AliRun object from file.
+       // If this object is not present, an error occurs
+       // and the execution is stopped.
+       // Anyway, this operation needs some time,
+       // don't worry about an apparent absence of output and actions...
+       cout << "\nSearching in '" << fname << "' for an AliRun object ... " << flush;
+       gAlice = (AliRun*)file->Get("gAlice");
+       if (gAlice)
+               cout << "FOUND!" << endl;
+       else {
+               cout<<"NOT FOUND! The Macro can't continue!" << endl;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       // Then, the macro selects the event number specified. Default is 0.
+       nparticles = gAlice->GetEvent(evNum);
+       cout << "\nNumber of particles   = " << nparticles << endl;
+       if (!nparticles) {
+               cout << "With no particles I can't do much... Goodbye!" << endl;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       // The next step is filling the ITS from the AliRun object.
+       AliITS *ITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");
+  ITS->InitModules(-1, nmodules);
+  cout << "Number of ITS modules = " << nmodules << endl;
+       cout << "\nFilling modules (it takes a while, now)..." << flush;
+       ITS->FillModules(0, 0, nmodules, " ", " ");
+  cout << "DONE!" << endl;
+       // Gets geometry...
+       AliITSgeom *gm  = ITS->GetITSgeom();
+       if (!gAlice) {
+               cout << "A problem occurred when getting the geometry!!!" << endl;
+               return;
+       }
+//inserire qui la geometria
+    TNode *node, *top;
+    const Int_t kColorITS=kRed;
+    //
+    //top = gAlice->GetGeometry()->GetNode("alice");
+  TNode *sub1node, *sub2node, *sub3node, *sub4node, *sub5node;
+  // Define some variables for SPD
+  Float_t dits[100];
+  Float_t dits1[3], di101[3], di107[3], di10b[3];  // for layer 1 
+  Float_t di103[3], di10a[3];                      // for layer 1
+  Float_t dits2[3], di1d1[3], di1d7[3], di20b[3];  // for layer 2
+  Float_t di1d3[3], di20a[3];                      // for layer 2  
+  Float_t ddet1=200.;     // total detector thickness on layer 1 (micron)
+  Float_t dchip1=200.;    // total chip thickness on layer 1 (micron)
+  Float_t ddet2=200.;     // total detector thickness on layer 2 (micron)                         
+  Float_t dchip2=200.;    // total chip thickness on layer 2 (micron)
+  Float_t dbus=300.;      // total bus thickness on both layers (micron)
+  ddet1  = ddet1*0.0001/2.; // conversion from tot length in um to half in cm
+  ddet2  = ddet2*0.0001/2.; // conversion from tot length in um to half in cm  
+  dchip1 = dchip1*0.0001/2.;// conversion from tot length in um to half in cm  
+  dchip2 = dchip2*0.0001/2.;// conversion from tot length in um to half in cm  
+  dbus   = dbus*0.0001/2.;  // conversion from tot length in um to half in cm       
+  Float_t deltax, deltay; 
+  Int_t thickness = 1;
+  Int_t option    = 2;
+  // Define some variables for SDD
+  // SDD detector ladder
+  Float_t ySDD;
+  Float_t I302dits[3], I402dits[3], I004dits[3], I005dits[3];
+  Float_t Y_SDD_sep = 0.20;
+  Float_t Z_SDD_lay3[6] = {18.55, 10.95, 3.70, -3.70, -11.20, -18.35};
+  Float_t Z_SDD_lay4[8] = {25.75, 18.60, 11.00, 3.70, -3.70, -11.20, -18.45, -26.05};
+  // Rotation matrices
+  // SPD - option 'a' 
+  if (option == 1) {  
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot238","itsrot238",90.0,144.0,90.0,234.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot236","itsrot236",90.0,180.013702,90.0,270.013702,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot239","itsrot239",90.0,216.0,90.0,306.0,0.0,0.0);     
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot233","itsrot233",90.0,252.000504,90.0,342.000488,0.0,0.0 );     
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot240","itsrot240",90.0,288.0,90.0,18.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot241","itsrot241",90.0,324.0,90.0,54.0,0.0,0.0);          
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot242","itsrot242",90.0,36.0,90.0,126.0,0.0,0.0); 
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot234","itsrot234",90.0,71.9991,90.0,161.9991,0.0,0.0);     
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot243","itsrot243",90.0,108.0,90.0,198.0,0.0,0.0);  
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot244","itsrot244",90.0,180.0,90.0,270.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot245","itsrot245",90.0,162.0,90.0,252.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot246","itsrot246",90.0,310.0,90.0,40.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot247","itsrot247",90.0,319.0,90.0,49.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot248","itsrot248",90.0,328.0,90.0,58.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot249","itsrot249",90.0,337.0,90.0,67.0,0.0,0.0);     
+  }   
+  // SPD - option 'b' (this is the default)  
+  if (option == 2) {  
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot233","itsrot233",90.0,252.000504,90.0,342.000488,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot244","itsrot244",90.0,216.0,90.0,306.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot236","itsrot236",90.0,180.013702,90.0,270.013702,0.0,0.0);  
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot245","itsrot245",90.0,36.0,90.0,126.0,0.0,0.0);     
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot234","itsrot234",90.0,71.9991,90.0,161.9991,0.0,0.0);  
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot246","itsrot246",90.0,108.0,90.0,198.0,0.0,0.0);    
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot247","itsrot247",90.0,144.0,90.0,234.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot248","itsrot248",90.0,288.0,90.0,18.0,0.0,0.0);     
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot249","itsrot249",90.0,324.0,90.0,54.0,0.0,0.0);       
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot238","itsrot238",90.0,180.0,90.0,270.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot239","itsrot239",90.0,162.0,90.0,252.0,0.0,0.0);     
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot240","itsrot240",90.0,310.0,90.0,40.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot241","itsrot241",90.0,319.0,90.0,49.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot242","itsrot242",90.0,328.0,90.0,58.0,0.0,0.0);
+     new TRotMatrix("itsrot243","itsrot243",90.0,337.0,90.0,67.0,0.0,0.0);
+  }   
+  // SDD
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot321","itsrot321",90.0,12.86,90.0,102.86,0.0,0.0);       
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot333","itsrot333",90.0,38.57,90.0,128.57,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot336","itsrot336",90.0,64.29,90.0,154.29,0.0,0.0);      
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot350","itsrot350",90.0,90.0,90.0,180.0,0.0,0.0);    
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot313","itsrot313",90.0,115.71,90.0,205.71,0.0,0.0);   
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot311","itsrot311",90.0,141.43,90.0,231.43,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot310","itsrot310",90.0,167.14,90.0,257.14,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot386","itsrot386",90.0,192.86,90.0,282.86,0.0,0.0);    
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot309","itsrot309",90.0,218.57,90.0,308.57,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot308","itsrot308",90.0,244.29,90.0,334.29,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot356","itsrot356",90.0,270.0,90.0,0.0,0.0,0.0);   
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot307","itsrot307",90.0,295.71,90.0,25.71,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot306","itsrot306",90.0,321.43,90.0,51.43,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot305","itsrot305",90.0,347.14,90.0,77.14,0.0,0.0);              
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot335","itsrot335",90.0,8.18,90.0,98.18,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot332","itsrot332",90.0,24.55,90.0,114.55,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot331","itsrot331",90.0,40.91,90.0,130.91,0.0,0.0);       
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot366","itsrot366",90.0,57.27,90.0,147.27,0.0,0.0);      
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot330","itsrot330",90.0,73.64,90.0,163.64,0.0,0.0);         
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot350","itsrot350",90.0,90.0,90.0,180.0,0.0,0.0);    
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot329","itsrot329",90.0,106.36,90.0,196.36,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot328","itsrot328",90.0,122.73,90.0,212.73,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot327","itsrot327",90.0,139.09,90.0,229.09,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot326","itsrot326",90.0,155.45,90.0,245.45,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot325","itsrot325",90.0,171.82,90.0,261.82,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot324","itsrot324",90.0,188.18,90.0,278.18,0.0,0.0);   
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot323","itsrot323",90.0,204.55,90.0,294.55,0.0,0.0);   
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot322","itsrot322",90.0,220.91,90.0,310.91,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot320","itsrot320",90.0,237.27,90.0,327.27,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot319","itsrot319",90.0,253.64,90.0,343.64,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot318","itsrot318",90.0,270.0,90.0,360.0,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot317","itsrot317",90.0,286.36,90.0,16.36,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot316","itsrot316",90.0,302.73,90.0,32.73,0.0,0.0);      
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot315","itsrot315",90.0,319.09,90.0,49.09,0.0,0.0);      
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot314","itsrot314",90.0,335.45,90.0,65.45,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot334","itsrot334",90.0,351.82,90.0,81.82,0.0,0.0);       
+  //SSD 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot504","itsrot504",90.0,127.06,90.0,217.06,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot505","itsrot505",90.0,116.47,90.0,206.47,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot506","itsrot506",90.0,105.88,90.0,195.88,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot507","itsrot507",90.0,95.29,90.0,185.29,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot508","itsrot508",90.0,84.71,90.0,174.71,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot509","itsrot509",90.0,74.12,90.0,164.12,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot510","itsrot510",90.0,63.53,90.0,153.53,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot511","itsrot511",90.0,52.94,90.0,142.94,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot512","itsrot512",90.0,42.35,90.0,132.35,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot513","itsrot513",90.0,31.76,90.0,121.76,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot653","itsrot653",90.0,21.18,90.0,111.18,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot514","itsrot514",90.0,10.59,90.0,100.59,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot515","itsrot515",90.0,349.41,90.0,79.41,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot516","itsrot516",90.0,338.82,90.0,68.82,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot517","itsrot517",90.0,328.24,90.0,58.24,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot518","itsrot518",90.0,317.65,90.0,47.65,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot519","itsrot519",90.0,307.06,90.0,37.06,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot520","itsrot520",90.0,296.47,90.0,26.47,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot521","itsrot521",90.0,285.88,90.0,15.88,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot522","itsrot522",90.0,275.29,90.0,5.29,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot523","itsrot523",90.0,264.71,90.0,354.71,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot524","itsrot524",90.0,254.12,90.0,344.12,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot525","itsrot525",90.0,243.53,90.0,333.53,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot526","itsrot526",90.0,232.94,90.0,322.94,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot527","itsrot527",90.0,222.35,90.0,312.35,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot528","itsrot528",90.0,211.76,90.0,301.76,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot618","itsrot618",90.0,201.18,90.0,291.18,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot529","itsrot529",90.0,190.59,90.0,280.59,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot533","itsrot533",90.0,180.0,90.0,270.0,0.0,0.0);   
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot530","itsrot530",90.0,169.41,90.0,259.41,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot531","itsrot531",90.0,158.82,90.0,248.82,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot501","itsrot501",90.0,148.24,90.0,238.24,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot503","itsrot503",90.0,137.65,90.0,227.65,0.0,0.0);         
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot532","itsrot532",90.0,360.0,90.0,90.0,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot560","itsrot560",90.0,85.26,90.0,175.26,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot561","itsrot561",90.0,94.74,90.0,184.74,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot562","itsrot562",90.0,104.21,90.0,194.21,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot563","itsrot563",90.0,113.68,90.0,203.68,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot564","itsrot564",90.0,123.16,90.0,213.16,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot565","itsrot565",90.0,132.63,90.0,222.63,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot566","itsrot566",90.0,142.11,90.0,232.11,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot567","itsrot567",90.0,151.58,90.0,241.58,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot568","itsrot568",90.0,161.05,90.0,251.05,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot569","itsrot569",90.0,170.53,90.0,260.53,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot533","itsrot533",90.0,180.0,90.0,270.0,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot534","itsrot534",90.0,189.47,90.0,279.47,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot535","itsrot535",90.0,198.95,90.0,288.95,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot623","itsrot623",90.0,208.42,90.0,298.42,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot537","itsrot537",90.0,217.89,90.0,307.89,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot538","itsrot538",90.0,227.37,90.0,317.37,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot539","itsrot539",90.0,236.84,90.0,326.84,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot540","itsrot540",90.0,246.32,90.0,336.32,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot541","itsrot541",90.0,255.79,90.0,345.79,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot542","itsrot542",90.0,265.26,90.0,355.26,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot543","itsrot543",90.0,274.74,90.0,4.74,0.0,0.0); 
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot544","itsrot544",90.0,284.21,90.0,14.21,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot545","itsrot545",90.0,293.68,90.0,23.68,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot546","itsrot546",90.0,303.16,90.0,33.16,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot547","itsrot547",90.0,312.63,90.0,42.63,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot548","itsrot548",90.0,322.11,90.0,52.11,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot549","itsrot549",90.0,331.58,90.0,61.58,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot550","itsrot550",90.0,341.05,90.0,71.05,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot551","itsrot551",90.0,350.53,90.0,80.53,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot552","itsrot552",90.0,9.47,90.0,99.47,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot553","itsrot553",90.0,18.95,90.0,108.95,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot620","itsrot620",90.0,28.42,90.0,118.42,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot555","itsrot555",90.0,37.89,90.0,127.89,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot556","itsrot556",90.0,47.37,90.0,137.37,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot557","itsrot557",90.0,56.84,90.0,146.84,0.0,0.0);  
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot558","itsrot558",90.0,66.32,90.0,156.32,0.0,0.0);
+  new TRotMatrix("itsrot559","itsrot559",90.0,75.79,90.0,165.79,0.0,0.0);       
+  // --- Define SPD (option 'a') volumes ----------------------------
+  // SPD - option 'a' 
+  // (this is NOT the default)
+  if (option == 1) { 
+    dits1[0] = 0.64;
+    dits1[1] = ddet1;
+    dits1[2] = 3.48;
+    new TBRIK("ITS1","ITS1","void",dits1[0],dits1[1],dits1[2]);
+    dits2[0] = 0.64;
+    dits2[1] = ddet2;
+    dits2[2] = 3.48;
+    new TBRIK("ITS2","ITS2","void",dits2[0],dits2[1],dits2[2]);    
+    di101[0] = 0.705;
+    di101[1] = ddet1;
+    di101[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I101","I101","void",di101[0],di101[1],di101[2]);
+    di1d1[0] = 0.705;
+    di1d1[1] = ddet2;
+    di1d1[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I1D1","I1D1","void",di1d1[0],di1d1[1],di1d1[2]);    
+    di103[0] = 0.793;
+    di103[1] = ddet1+dchip1;
+    di103[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I103","I103","void",di103[0],di103[1],di103[2]);    
+    di1d3[0] = 0.793;
+    di1d3[1] = ddet2+dchip2;
+    di1d3[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I1D3","I1D3","void",di1d3[0],di1d3[1],di1d3[2]);        
+    di10a[0] = 0.843;
+    di10a[1] = ddet1+dchip1+dbus+0.0025;  
+    di10a[2] = 19.344;
+    new TBRIK("I10A","I10A","void",di10a[0],di10a[1],di10a[2]); 
+    di20a[0] = 0.843;
+    di20a[1] = ddet2+dchip2+dbus+0.0025;  
+    di20a[2] = 19.344;
+    new TBRIK("I20A","I20A","void",di20a[0],di20a[1],di20a[2]);     
+    dits[0] = 3.7;
+    dits[1] = 7.7;
+    dits[2] = 24;
+    dits[3] = 57;
+    dits[4] = 100;
+    new TTUBS("I12A","I12A","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2],dits[3],dits[4]);
+    dits[0] = 3.7;
+    dits[1] = 7.75;
+    dits[2] = 26.1;
+    new TTUBE("IT12","IT12","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);  
+  }
+  // --- Define SPD (option 'b') volumes ----------------------------
+  // SPD - option 'b' 
+  // (this is the default)
+  if (option == 2) {
+    dits1[0] = 0.64;
+    dits1[1] = ddet1;
+    dits1[2] = 3.48;
+    new TBRIK("ITS1","ITS1","void",dits1[0],dits1[1],dits1[2]);
+    dits2[0] = 0.64;
+    dits2[1] = ddet2;
+    dits2[2] = 3.48;
+    new TBRIK("ITS2","ITS2","void",dits2[0],dits2[1],dits2[2]);    
+    di101[0] = 0.705;
+    di101[1] = ddet1;
+    di101[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I101","I101","void",di101[0],di101[1],di101[2]);
+    di1d1[0] = 0.705;
+    di1d1[1] = ddet2;
+    di1d1[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I1D1","I1D1","void",di1d1[0],di1d1[1],di1d1[2]);    
+    di107[0] = 0.793;
+    di107[1] = ddet1+dchip1;
+    di107[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I107","I107","void",di107[0],di107[1],di107[2]);    
+    di1d7[0] = 0.7975;
+    di1d7[1] = ddet2+dchip2;
+    di1d7[2] = 3.536;
+    new TBRIK("I1D7","I1D7","void",di1d7[0],di1d7[1],di1d7[2]);        
+    di10b[0] = 0.843;
+    di10b[1] = ddet1+dchip1+dbus+0.0025;  
+    di10b[2] = 19.344;
+    new TBRIK("I10B","I10B","void",di10b[0],di10b[1],di10b[2]); 
+    di20b[0] = 0.843;
+    di20b[1] = ddet2+dchip2+dbus+0.0025;  
+    di20b[2] = 19.344;
+    new TBRIK("I20B","I20B","void",di20b[0],di20b[1],di20b[2]);     
+    dits[0] = 3.7;
+    dits[1] = 7.7;
+    dits[2] = 24;
+    dits[3] = 57;
+    dits[4] = 100;
+    new TTUBS("I12B","I12B","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2],dits[3],dits[4]);
+    dits[0] = 3.7;
+    dits[1] = 7.75;
+    dits[2] = 26.1;
+    new TTUBE("IT12","IT12","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);  
+  }
+  // --- Define SDD volumes ------------------------------------------
+  TPCON *it34 = new TPCON("IT34","IT34","void",0.,360.,6); 
+  it34->DefineSection(0,-34.6,23.49,28.); 
+  it34->DefineSection(1,-23.65,23.49,28.); 
+  it34->DefineSection(2,-23.65,14.59,28.); 
+  it34->DefineSection(3,23.65,14.59,28.); 
+  it34->DefineSection(4,23.65,23.49,28.); 
+  it34->DefineSection(5,34.6,23.49,28.);   
+  I302dits[0] = 3.6250;
+  I302dits[1] = 0.0150;
+  I302dits[2] = 4.3794; 
+  new TBRIK("I302","I302","void",I302dits[0],I302dits[1],I302dits[2]);
+  I004dits[0] = I302dits[0]+0.005;
+  I004dits[1] = 2*I302dits[1]+Y_SDD_sep/2.;
+  I004dits[2] = TMath::Abs(Z_SDD_lay3[0]);
+  if (I004dits[2] < TMath::Abs(Z_SDD_lay3[5])) {
+    I004dits[2] = TMath::Abs(Z_SDD_lay3[5]);
+  }
+  I004dits[2] = I004dits[2] + I302dits[2];  
+  new TBRIK("I004","I004","void",I004dits[0],I004dits[1],I004dits[2]); 
+  dits[0] = 3.50850;
+  dits[1] = 0.01499; 
+  dits[2] = 3.76320;  
+  new TBRIK("ITS3","ITS3","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);    
+  I402dits[0] = 3.6250;
+  I402dits[1] = 0.0150;
+  I402dits[2] = 4.3794; 
+  new TBRIK("I402","I402","void",I402dits[0],I402dits[1],I402dits[2]);
+  I005dits[0] = I402dits[0]+0.005;
+  I005dits[1] = 2*I402dits[1]+Y_SDD_sep/2.;
+  I005dits[2] = TMath::Abs(Z_SDD_lay4[0]);
+  if (I005dits[2] < TMath::Abs(Z_SDD_lay4[7])) {
+    I005dits[2] = TMath::Abs(Z_SDD_lay4[7]);
+  }
+  I005dits[2] = I005dits[2] + I402dits[2];  
+  new TBRIK("I005","I005","void",I005dits[0],I005dits[1],I005dits[2]);   
+  dits[0] = 3.50850;
+  dits[1] = 0.01499; 
+  dits[2] = 3.76320;
+  new TBRIK("ITS4","ITS4","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);
+  // --- Define SSD volumes ------------------------------------------
+  TPCON *it56 = new TPCON("IT56","IT56","void",0.,360.,6); 
+  it56->DefineSection(0,-57.45,43.6,48.); 
+  it56->DefineSection(1,-49.15,43.6,48.); 
+  it56->DefineSection(2,-49.15,36.9,48.); 
+  it56->DefineSection(3,50.55,36.9,48.); 
+  it56->DefineSection(4,50.55,43.6,48.); 
+  it56->DefineSection(5,57.45,43.6,48.);    
+  dits[0] = 3.75;
+  dits[1] = 0.045;
+  dits[2] = 43.3;
+  new TBRIK("I565","I565","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);  
+  dits[0] = 3.75;
+  dits[1] = 0.045;
+  dits[2] = 50.975;
+  new TBRIK("I569","I569","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);  
+  dits[0] = 3.75;
+  dits[1] = 0.015;
+  dits[2] = 2.1;
+  new TBRIK("I562","I562","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);     
+  dits[0] = 3.75;
+  dits[1] = 0.015;
+  dits[2] = 2.1;
+  new TBRIK("I566","I566","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);       
+  dits[0] = 3.65;
+  dits[1] = 0.015;
+  dits[2] = 2;
+  new TBRIK("ITS5","ITS5","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]); 
+  dits[0] = 3.65;
+  dits[1] = 0.015;
+  dits[2] = 2;
+  new TBRIK("ITS6","ITS6","void",dits[0],dits[1],dits[2]);  
+  //
+  //top->cd();
+  // --- Place SSD volumes into their mother volume    
+    // Place IT56 in Alice
+    node = new TNode("IT56","IT56","IT56",0.,0.,0.,"");
+    node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+    node->SetVisibility(0);
+    node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #1 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",0.,38.445,0.,"");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #2 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-7.0924,37.9412,0.,"itsrot514");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #3 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-13.8879,35.8489,0.,"itsrot653");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #4 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-20.3195,32.817,0.,"itsrot513");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #5 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-25.9002,28.4112,0.,"itsrot512");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #6 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-30.8022,23.2608,0.,"itsrot511");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #7 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-34.4146,17.1364,0.,"itsrot510");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #8 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-37.1249,10.563,0.,"itsrot509");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #9 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-38.281,3.5473,0.,"itsrot508");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #10 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-38.4338,-3.5614,0.,"itsrot507");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #11 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-36.9774,-10.521,0.,"itsrot506");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #12 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-34.5519,-17.2048,0.,"itsrot505");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #13 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-30.6798,-23.1683,0.,"itsrot504");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #14 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-26.0036,-28.5246,0.,"itsrot503");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #15 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-20.2387,-32.6866,0.,"itsrot501");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #16 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-13.9434,-35.992,0.,"itsrot531");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #17 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",-7.0643,-37.7904,0.,"itsrot530");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #18 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",0.,-38.5984,0.,"itsrot533");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #19 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",7.0642,-37.7904,0.,"itsrot529");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #20 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",13.9433,-35.992,0.,"itsrot618");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #21 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",20.2387,-32.6866,0.,"itsrot528");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #22 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",26.0036,-28.5246,0.,"itsrot527");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #23 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",30.6798,-23.1683,0.,"itsrot526");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #24 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",34.5519,-17.2048,0.,"itsrot525");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #25 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",36.9774,-10.521,0.,"itsrot524");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #26 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",38.4338,-3.5614,0.,"itsrot523");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #27 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",38.281,3.5472,0.,"itsrot522");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #28 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",37.125,10.5629,0.,"itsrot521");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #29 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",34.4146,17.1364,0.,"itsrot520");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #30 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",30.8022,23.2607,0.,"itsrot519");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #31 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",25.9002,28.4112,0.,"itsrot518");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #32 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",20.3195,32.817,0.,"itsrot517");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #33 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",13.888,35.8489,0.,"itsrot516");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #34 of I565 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I565","I565","I565",7.0925,37.9412,0.,"itsrot515");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,41.1546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,37.2246,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,33.3146,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,29.3846,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,25.4746,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,21.5446,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,17.6346,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,13.7046,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,9.7946,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,5.8645,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,1.9546,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-1.9754,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-5.8855,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-9.8154,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-13.7254,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-17.6555,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-21.5655,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-25.4954,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-29.4054,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-33.3354,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,0.03,-37.2454,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS5 directly in I565
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS5","ITS5","ITS5",0.,-0.03,-41.1554,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #1 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-14.139,41.1856,0.,"itsrot553");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #2 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-20.7978,38.431,0.,"itsrot620");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #3 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-26.7459,34.3631,0.,"itsrot555");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #4 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-32.1494,29.5956,0.,"itsrot556");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #5 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-36.4544,23.8169,0.,"itsrot557");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #6 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-40.0172,17.5532,0.,"itsrot558");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #7 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-42.2125,10.6897,0.,"itsrot559");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #8 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-43.5484,3.6085,0.,"itsrot560");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #9 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-43.3963,-3.5959,0.,"itsrot561");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #10 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-42.3606,-10.7271,0.,"itsrot562");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #11 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-39.8773,-17.4918,0.,"itsrot563");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #12 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-36.5823,-23.9004,0.,"itsrot564");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #13 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-32.0371,-29.4922,0.,"itsrot565");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #14 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-26.8397,-34.4836,0.,"itsrot566");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #15 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-20.7251,-38.2967,0.,"itsrot567");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #16 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-14.1886,-41.33,0.,"itsrot568");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #17 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-7.1673,-42.9511,0.,"itsrot569");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #18 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",0.,-43.6977,0.,"itsrot533");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #19 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",7.1673,-42.9511,0.,"itsrot534");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #20 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",14.1886,-41.33,0.,"itsrot535");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #21 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",20.7251,-38.2967,0.,"itsrot623");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #22 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",26.8397,-34.4836,0.,"itsrot537");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #23 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",32.0371,-29.4922,0.,"itsrot538");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #24 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",36.5822,-23.9004,0.,"itsrot539");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #25 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",39.8773,-17.4918,0.,"itsrot540");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #26 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",42.3606,-10.7272,0.,"itsrot541");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #27 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",43.3963,-3.5959,0.,"itsrot542");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #28 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",43.5484,3.6085,0.,"itsrot543");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #29 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",42.2125,10.6897,0.,"itsrot544");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #30 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",40.0172,17.5532,0.,"itsrot545");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #31 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",36.4544,23.8169,0.,"itsrot546");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #32 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",32.1494,29.5956,0.,"itsrot547");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #33 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",26.7459,34.3631,0.,"itsrot548");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #34 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",20.7978,38.431,0.,"itsrot549");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #35 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",14.139,41.1856,0.,"itsrot550");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #36 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",7.1924,43.1017,0.,"itsrot551");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #37 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",0.,43.545,0.,"");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #38 of I569 in IT56
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I569","I569","I569",-7.1924,43.1017,0.,"itsrot552");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,46.9203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #2 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,43.0103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #3 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,39.1003,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #4 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,35.1903,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #5 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,31.2803,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #6 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,27.3703,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #7 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,23.4603,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #8 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,19.5503,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #9 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,15.6403,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #10 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,11.7303,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #11 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,7.8203,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #12 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,3.9103,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #13 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,0.0003,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);  
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #14 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-3.9097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #15 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-7.8197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #16 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-11.7297,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #17 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-15.6397,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #18 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-19.5497,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #19 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-23.4597,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);   
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #20 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-27.3697,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #21 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-31.2797,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #22 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-35.1897,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #23 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-39.0997,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #24 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,0.03,-43.0097,"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1); 
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();
+         //
+         // Place copy #25 of ITS6 in I569
+          //
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS6","ITS6","ITS6",0.,-0.03,-46.9197,"itsrot532");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+         sub1node->cd();                                                                                                                                                                                         
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();
+    //fNodes->Add(node);
+    c1_1->cd();
+    c1_1->SetTheta(90);
+    c1_1->SetPhi(0);
+    node->Draw();
+    c1_2->cd();
+    c1_2->SetTheta(0);
+    c1_2->SetPhi(0);   
+    node->Draw();
+    c1_3->cd();
+    c1_3->SetTheta(0);
+    c1_3->SetPhi(90); 
+    node->Draw();    
+    c1_4->cd();
+    c1_4->SetTheta(20);
+    c1_4->SetPhi(140);        
+    node->Draw();
+    c1->Update();
+  // --- Place SDD volumes into their mother volume 
+    // Place IT34 in Alice
+    node = new TNode("IT34","IT34","IT34",0.,0.,0.,"");
+    node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+    node->SetVisibility(0);
+    node->cd();
+       //
+       // Place copy #1 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",-3.2777,14.3607,0.,"itsrot321");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #2 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",-9.5581,11.9855,0.,"itsrot333");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #3 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",-13.2713,6.3911,0.,"itsrot336");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #4 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",-15.33,0.,0.,"itsrot350");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #5 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",-13.2713,-6.3911,0.,"itsrot313");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #6 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",-9.5581,-11.9855,0.,"itsrot311");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #7 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",-3.2777,-14.3607,0.,"itsrot310");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #8 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",3.4112,-14.9456,0.,"itsrot386");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #9 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",9.184,-11.5164,0.,"itsrot309");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #10 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",13.8119,-6.6514,0.,"itsrot308");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #11 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",14.73,0.,0.,"itsrot356");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #12 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",13.8119,6.6514,0.,"itsrot307");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #13 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",9.184,11.5164,0.,"itsrot306");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #14 of I004 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I004","I004","I004",3.4113,14.9456,0.,"itsrot305");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS3 directly in I004
+          //
+         ySDD = Y_SDD_sep/2.+I302dits[1];
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS3","ITS3","ITS3",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay3[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #1 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-3.3629,23.3895,-0.15,"itsrot335");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #2 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-10.0447,21.9949,-0.15,"itsrot332");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #3 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-15.4744,17.8584,-0.15,"itsrot331");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #4 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-20.3415,13.0727,-0.15,"itsrot366");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #5 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-22.6728,6.6573,-0.15,"itsrot330");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #6 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-24.18,0.,-0.15,"itsrot350");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #7 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-22.6728,-6.6573,-0.15,"itsrot329");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #8 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-20.3415,-13.0727,-0.15,"itsrot328");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #9 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-15.4744,-17.8584,-0.15,"itsrot327");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #10 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-10.0447,-21.9949,-0.15,"itsrot326");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #11 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",-3.3629,-23.3895,-0.15,"itsrot325");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #12 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",3.4412,-23.9339,-0.15,"itsrot324");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #13 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",9.8163,-21.4946,-0.15,"itsrot323");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #14 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",15.8345,-18.274,-0.15,"itsrot322");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #15 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",19.8788,-12.7753,-0.15,"itsrot320");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #16 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",23.2005,-6.8123,-0.15,"itsrot319");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #17 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",23.63,0.,-0.15,"itsrot318");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #18 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",23.2005,6.8123,-0.15,"itsrot317");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #19 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",19.8788,12.7753,-0.15,"itsrot316");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #20 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",15.8345,18.274,-0.15,"itsrot315");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #21 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",9.8163,21.4946,-0.15,"itsrot314");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+       //
+       // Place copy #22 of I005 in IT34
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I005","I005","I005",3.4412,23.9339,-0.15,"itsrot334");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();
+          //
+          // Place copy #1 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[0],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #2 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[1],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #3 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[2],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #4 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[3],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #5 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[4],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #6 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[5],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #7 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[6],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+          //
+          // Place copy #8 of ITS4 directly in I005
+          //
+         ySDD = -(Y_SDD_sep/2.+I402dits[1]);
+         sub2node = new TNode("ITS4","ITS4","ITS4",0.,-ySDD,Z_SDD_lay4[7],"");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(1);
+          //fNodes->Add(sub2node);
+          sub1node->cd();        
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd();       
+    //fNodes->Add(node);
+    //node->Draw("SAME");
+    //c1->Update();
+  // --- Place SPD (option 'a') volumes into their mother volume 
+  // SPD - option 'a' 
+  // (this is NOT the default)
+  if (option == 1) {
+  }
+  // --- Place SPD (option 'b') volumes into their mother volume 
+  // SPD - option 'b' 
+  // (this is the default)
+  if (option == 2) { 
+    // Place IT12 in Alice
+    //
+    node = new TNode("IT12","IT12","IT12",0.,0.,0.,"");
+    node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+    node->SetVisibility(0);
+    node->cd();    
+       //
+       // Place copy #1 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #2 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot245");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #3 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot234");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #4 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot246");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #5 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot247");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #6 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot236");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #7 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot244");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #8 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot233");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #9 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot248");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+       //
+       // Place copy #10 of I12B in IT12
+       //
+       sub1node = new TNode("I12B","I12B","I12B",0.,0.,0.,"itsrot249");
+       sub1node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+       sub1node->SetVisibility(0);
+       sub1node->cd();    
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(252.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",1.4531+deltax,3.8152+deltay,0.,"itsrot239");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I10B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet1-0.01/2.)+(dchip1-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(270.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I10B","I10B","I10B",0.203+deltax,3.8206+deltay,0.,"itsrot238");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I107 in I10B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I107","I107","I107",-0.0455,-di10b[1]+di107[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I101 in I107
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I101","I101","I101",0.,ddet1,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS1 in I101
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS1","ITS1","ITS1",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #1 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(40.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",3.0174+deltax,6.5143+deltay,0.,"itsrot240");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #2 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(49.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",1.9612+deltax,6.9062+deltay,0.,"itsrot241");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #3 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(58.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",0.8567+deltax,7.1279+deltay,0.,"itsrot242");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+          //
+         // Place copy #4 of I20B in I12B
+         //
+         deltax=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Cos(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);  
+          deltay=((ddet2-0.01/2.)+(dchip2-0.015/2.))*TMath::Sin(67.*TMath::Pi()/180.);
+          sub2node = new TNode("I20B","I20B","I20B",-0.2689+deltax,7.1742+deltay,0.,"itsrot243");
+          sub2node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+          sub2node->SetVisibility(0);
+         sub2node->cd();
+             //
+            // Place copy #1 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();
+                  //               
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+            sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #2 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #3 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-3.536,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+            //
+            // Place copy #4 of I1D7 in I20B
+             //
+            sub3node = new TNode("I1D7","I1D7","I1D7",-0.0455,-di20b[1]+di1d7[1],-10.708,"");
+             sub3node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+             sub3node->SetVisibility(0);
+            sub3node->cd();
+               //
+               // Place copy #1 of I1D1 in I1D7
+                //
+               sub4node = new TNode("I1D1","I1D1","I1D1",0.,ddet2,0.,"");
+                sub4node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);
+                sub4node->SetVisibility(0);
+               sub4node->cd();             
+                  //
+                  // Place copy #1 of ITS2 in I1D1
+                  //
+                  sub5node = new TNode("ITS2","ITS2","ITS2",0.,0.,0.,"");
+                   sub5node->SetLineColor(kColorITS);                   
+                   //fNodes->Add(sub5node);
+                  sub4node->cd();   
+               //fNodes->Add(sub4node);  
+            sub3node->cd(); 
+            //fNodes->Add(sub3node);
+             sub2node->cd(); 
+         //fNodes->Add(sub2node);      
+          sub1node->cd(); 
+       //fNodes->Add(sub1node);
+       node->cd(); 
+    //fNodes->Add(node)
+    //node->Draw("SAME");
+    //c1->Update();
+  } 
+       // Gets Tree of RecPoints...
+       TTree *TR = gAlice->TreeR();
+       if (!TR) {
+               cout << "A problem occurred when getting the TreeR!!!" << endl;
+               return;
+       }
+        AliITSRecPoint *recp=0;        
+        TClonesArray  *recPoints = ITS->RecPoints();
+       // Gets found tracks...
+       const char *filename="itstracks.root";  
+       TFile *file = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(filename);
+       if (!file) file = new TFile(filename);
+       char tname[30];   
+//  get tracks from ITSiotrack.root
+  Int_t nev=0; 
+  sprintf(tname,"TreeT%d",nev);
+   TTree *tracktree=(TTree*)file->Get(tname);
+   TBranch *tbranch=tracktree->GetBranch("ITStracks");
+   //cout<<" nev = "<<nev<<"\n";   
+   //cout<<" open the file \n"; 
+   Int_t nentry=tracktree->GetEntries();
+    Float_t idpoint[6],idmodule[6]; 
+   TObjArray tarray(nentry);
+   printf("Found tracks = %d\n",nentry);
+   for (Int_t i=0; i<nentry; i++) {
+      AliITSIOTrack *iotrack=new AliITSIOTrack;
+       tbranch->SetAddress(&iotrack);
+       tracktree->GetEvent(i);
+       tarray.AddLast(iotrack);
+   }            
+         AliITSIOTrack *iotrack;
+         Float_t global[3], local[3];  
+         Float_t idpoint[6], idmodule[6]; 
+         Float_t xp[7], yp[7], zp[7];  
+         Float_t pxtr, pytr, pztr;
+         Float_t x0tr, y0tr, z0tr;                
+   for (Int_t i=0; i<nentry; i++) {
+     AliITSIOTrack *iotrack=new AliITSIOTrack;         
+        iotrack=(AliITSIOTrack*)tarray.UncheckedAt(i);
+        if(!iotrack) continue;
+     Int_t labITS=iotrack->GetLabel();
+            pxtr=iotrack->GetPx();   
+           pytr=iotrack->GetPy();   
+           pztr=iotrack->GetPz();   
+            x0tr=iotrack->GetX();   
+           y0tr=iotrack->GetY();   
+           z0tr=iotrack->GetZ();           
+     //cout << labITS << " ok" << endl;
+    // Int_t labTPC=iotrack->GetTPCLabel();
+               xp[0] = xp[1] = xp[2] = xp[3] = xp[4] = xp[5] = xp[6] = 0.0;
+               yp[0] = yp[1] = yp[2] = yp[3] = yp[4] = yp[5] = yp[6] = 0.0;
+               zp[0] = zp[1] = zp[2] = zp[3] = zp[4] = zp[5] = zp[6] = 0.0;
+         Int_t np=0;                             
+          xp[0]=x0tr;
+         xp[0]=x0tr;
+          zp[0]=x0tr;
+         for(Int_t ipp=0; ipp<6; ipp++){
+         idpoint[ipp]= iotrack->GetIdPoint(ipp);
+         idmodule[ipp] = iotrack->GetIdModule(ipp);
+         //cout << idmodule[ipp] << " " << idpoint[ipp] << endl;
+        if(idmodule[ipp]>=0){  
+        ITS->ResetRecPoints();          
+    gAlice->TreeR()->GetEvent(idmodule[ipp]); 
+     Int_t npoints=recPoints->GetEntries();    
+        recp =(AliITSRecPoint*)recPoints->UncheckedAt(idpoint[ipp]);
+         local[0]=recp->GetX();
+         local[1]=0.;
+         local[2]= recp->GetZ();
+         //if(i==32) cout<<" local ="<<local[0]<<" "<<local[1]<<" "<<local[2]<<"\n";
+      gm->LtoG(Int_t(idmodule[ipp]),local,global);
+         //if(i==32) cout<<" global ="<<global[0]<<" "<<global[1]<<" "<<global[2]<<"\n";               
+               xp[np+1]=global[0];
+               yp[np+1]=global[1];
+               zp[np+1]=global[2];
+          np++;                        
+         }                       
+         }
+               TPolyLine3D *plxy = new TPolyLine3D(np+1, xp, yp, zp);
+               plxy->SetLineColor(kBlack);
+                c1_1->cd(); 
+               plxy->Draw();
+               c1_2->cd(); 
+               plxy->Draw();
+               c1_3->cd(); 
+               plxy->Draw();
+               c1_4->cd(); 
+               plxy->Draw();
+               c1->Update();
+               //cout<<" i  np = "<<i<<"  "<<np<<"\n";getchar();
+               /*
+               TPolyLine *plxz = new TPolyLine(6, x, z);
+               plxz->SetLineColor(kRed);
+               plxz->Draw();
+               cxz->Update();                    
+      */
+         }
diff --git a/ITS/oldmacros/AliITSd2r.C b/ITS/oldmacros/AliITSd2r.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4c5d09a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
+#include "iostream.h"
+#include "TDatime.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "../STEER/AliRun.h"
+#include "../STEER/AliRunDigitizer.h"
+#include "ITS/AliITSDigitizer.h"
+#include "ITS/AliITS.h"
+#include "ITS/AliITSDetType.h"
+#include "ITS/AliITSresponseSDD.h"
+#include "TStopwatch.h"
+Bool_t GaliceITSok();
+TFile* AccessFile(TString inFile="galice.root", TString acctype="R");
+void writeAR(TFile * fin, TFile *fou);
+Int_t ChangeITSDefaults(TFile *hitfile,AliITS *ITS,TString opt="");
+void loadlibs();
+//#define DEBUG
+Int_t AliITSd2r(TString df="galice.root",TString rf="",TString opt=""){
+    // Produce ITS RecPoints from Digits.
+    // Dynamically link some shared libs
+    if (gClassTable->GetID("AliRun") < 0) {
+       gROOT->LoadMacro("loadlibs.C");
+       loadlibs();
+    } // end if
+    gROOT->LoadMacro("$(ALICE_ROOT)/ITS/AliITSstandard.C");
+    TFile *dfp = 0, *rfp = 0;
+    if(!GaliceITSok()){
+       // gAlice not define. Must open a file and read it in.
+       if(rf.CompareTo(df) == 0 || rf.CompareTo("") == 0) {
+           // Input file = output file
+           dfp = AccessFile(df,"U");  // input file open for update.
+       }else{ // Input file different from output file.
+           dfp = AccessFile(df,"R"); // input file open as read only
+           // open output file and create TreeR on it
+           rfp = new TFile(rp,"NEW");
+       } // end if
+    } // end if !GALICEITSOK()
+    AliITS *ITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetDetector("ITS"); 
+    ChangeITSDefaults(dfp,ITS,opt);
+    // write the AliRun object to the output file if different from input file.
+    if(rfp) {
+       writeAR(dfp,rfp);
+       rfp->Close(); // Manager will open in update mode.
+    } // end if
+    TStopwatch timer;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    cout << "Creating reconstructed points from digits for the ITS..." << endl;
+    if(dfp!=0)
+       AliITSreconstruction *itsr = new AliITSreconstruction(df.Data());
+    else
+       AliITSreconstruction *itsr = new AliITSreconstruction(0);
+    if(df.CompareTo(rf)!=0 && rf.CompareTo("")!=0) {
+       itsr->SetOutputFile(rf.Data());
+    } // end if
+    timer.Start();
+    itsr->Init();
+    itsr->Exec(); 
+    timer.Stop(); 
+    timer.Print();
+    delete itsr;
+    if(rfp!=0){
+       cout <<"After Reconstruction "<<rf<<" size ="<< rfp->GetSize()<< endl;
+    }else if(dfp!=0){
+       cout <<"After Reconstruction "<<df<<" size ="<< dfp->GetSize()<< endl;
+    } // end if sf1!=0
+    return 0;