]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/commitdiff
Added temporary configuration for alternative output and task for 900GeV analysis
authorpulvir <pulvir@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Mon, 7 Jun 2010 13:18:47 +0000 (13:18 +0000)
committerpulvir <pulvir@f7af4fe6-9843-0410-8265-dc069ae4e863>
Mon, 7 Jun 2010 13:18:47 +0000 (13:18 +0000)
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.h [new file with mode: 0644]
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnTOFT0maker.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnTOFT0maker.h [new file with mode: 0644]
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValue.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValue.h [new file with mode: 0644]
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValueList.cxx [new file with mode: 0644]
PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValueList.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 5d1cc9cb319c299f43def366a4424c5d68b5a904..91a216ba980101ac889a96defc4fff50248f637e 100644 (file)
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
 #pragma link C++ class AliRsnPairDef+;
+#pragma link C++ class AliRsnValue+;
+#pragma link C++ class AliRsnValueList+;
 #pragma link C++ class AliRsnFunction+;
 #pragma link C++ class AliRsnFunctionAxis+;
@@ -39,4 +41,7 @@
 #pragma link C++ class AliRsnAnalysisEffSE+;
 #pragma link C++ class AliRsnAnalysisTrackEffSE+;
+#pragma link C++ class AliRsnTOFT0maker+;
+#pragma link C++ class AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV+;
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.cxx b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9b53671
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TParticle.h"
+#include "TRandom.h"
+#include "TLorentzVector.h"
+#include "AliLog.h"
+#include "AliESDEvent.h"
+#include "AliESDVertex.h"
+#include "AliESDtrack.h"
+#include "AliStack.h"
+#include "AliMCEvent.h"
+#include "AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.h"
+AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV(const char *name) :
+  AliAnalysisTaskSE(name),
+  fUseMC(kFALSE),
+  fPDG(0),
+  fIM(0.0),
+  fPt(0.0),
+  fY(0.0),
+  fEta(0.0),
+  fDCAr(1E6),
+  fDCAz(1E6),
+  fChi2(1E6),
+  fNTPC(0),
+  fMinTPC(-1E6),
+  fMaxTPC( 1E6),
+  fOutTree(0x0),
+  fTOFSigma(210.0),
+  fTOFmaker(0x0),
+  fTOFSettings(AliRsnTOFT0maker::kNone)
+// Constructor
+  DefineOutput(1, TTree::Class());
+AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV(const AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV& copy) :
+  AliAnalysisTaskSE(copy),
+  fUseMC(copy.fUseMC),
+  fPDG(0),
+  fIM(0.0),
+  fPt(0.0),
+  fY(0.0),
+  fEta(0.0),
+  fDCAr(copy.fDCAr),
+  fDCAz(copy.fDCAz),
+  fChi2(copy.fChi2),
+  fNTPC(copy.fNTPC),
+  fMinTPC(copy.fMinTPC),
+  fMaxTPC(copy.fMaxTPC),
+  fOutTree(0x0),
+  fTOFESD(copy.fTOFESD),
+  fTOFSigma(copy.fTOFSigma),
+  fTOFmaker(0x0),
+  fTOFSettings(copy.fTOFSettings)
+// Copy constructor
+AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV& AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::operator=(const AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV& copy)
+// Assignment operator
+  fUseMC = copy.fUseMC;
+  fDCAr = copy.fDCAr;
+  fDCAz = copy.fDCAz;
+  fChi2 = copy.fChi2;
+  fNTPC = copy.fNTPC;
+  fMinTPC = copy.fMinTPC;
+  fMaxTPC = copy.fMaxTPC;
+  fTOFESD      = copy.fTOFESD;
+  fTOFSigma    = copy.fTOFSigma;
+  fTOFSettings = copy.fTOFSettings;
+  return (*this);
+// Destructor
+  if (fOutTree) delete fOutTree;
+void AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::UserCreateOutputObjects()
+// Create the output data container
+  // setup TOF maker
+  fTOFmaker = new AliRsnTOFT0maker;
+  fTOFmaker->SetTimeResolution(fTOFSigma * 1E-12);
+  fTOFmaker->SetESDdata(fTOFESD);
+  fTOFmaker->fSettings = fTOFSettings;
+  AliInfo(Form("TOF sigma    = %f", fTOFSigma));
+  AliInfo(Form("TOF ESD      = %s", (fTOFESD ? "YES" : "NO")));
+  AliInfo(Form("TOF settings = %s", fTOFmaker->Settings().Data()));
+  // load dead channel map
+  fTOFmaker->LoadChannelMap("tofmap.root");
+  fTOFmaker->SetMaskOffChannel();
+  // initialize random
+  gRandom->SetSeed(0);
+  // create output trees
+  OpenFile(1);
+  fOutTree = new TTree("rsnTree", "Pairs");
+  fOutTree->Branch("pdg", &fPDG, "pdg/S");
+  fOutTree->Branch("im" , &fIM , "im/F" );
+  fOutTree->Branch("y"  , &fY  , "y/F"  );
+  fOutTree->Branch("pt" , &fPt , "pt/F" );
+  fOutTree->Branch("eta", &fEta, "eta/F");
+void AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::UserExec(Option_t *)
+// Main execution function
+  // retrieve ESD event and related stack (if available)
+  AliESDEvent *esd   = dynamic_cast<AliESDEvent*>(fInputEvent);
+  AliStack    *stack = (fMCEvent ? fMCEvent->Stack() : 0x0);
+  // get the best primary vertex:
+  // first try the one with tracks
+  Int_t type = 0;
+  const AliESDVertex *v = esd->GetPrimaryVertexTracks();
+  if(v->GetNContributors() < 1)
+  {
+    // if not good, try SPD vertex
+    type = 1;
+    v = esd->GetPrimaryVertexSPD();
+    // if this is not good skip this event
+    if (v->GetNContributors() < 1) return;
+  }
+  // if the Z position is larger than 10, skip this event
+  if (TMath::Abs(v->GetZv()) > 10.0) return;
+  // smear TOF times in case of MC
+  if (stack) RemakeTOFtimeMC(esd);
+  // get time zero for TOF
+  Double_t *tof = fTOFmaker->RemakePID(esd);
+  if (!fUseMC) ProcessESD(esd, v, tof[0], stack);
+  else ProcessMC(stack);
+void AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::Terminate(Option_t *)
+// Terminate
+void AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::ProcessESD
+(AliESDEvent *esd, const AliESDVertex *v, Double_t time0, AliStack *stack)
+// This function works with the ESD object
+  // prepare to look on all tracks to select the ones
+  // which pass all the cuts
+  Int_t   ntracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks();
+  TArrayI pos(ntracks);
+  TArrayI neg(ntracks);
+  // define fixed functions for TOF compatibility range
+  Double_t a1 = 0.01, a2 = -0.03;
+  Double_t b1 = 0.25, b2 =  0.25;
+  Double_t c1 = 0.05, c2 = -0.03;
+  Double_t ymax, ymin;
+  // loop on all tracks
+  Int_t    i, charge, nSPD, npos = 0, nneg = 0;
+  Float_t  chi2, b[2], bCov[3];
+  Double_t tpc, bb, mom, tofTime, tofRef, tofRel, times[10];
+  Bool_t   okTOF;
+  for (i = 0; i < ntracks; i++)
+  {
+    AliESDtrack *track = esd->GetTrack(i);
+    if (!track) continue;
+    // skip if it has not the required flags
+    if (!track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCin)) continue;
+    if (!track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit)) continue;
+    if (!track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)) continue;
+    // skip if it has not the TPC inner wall projection
+    if (!track->GetInnerParam()) continue;
+    // skip kink daughters
+    if ((Int_t)track->GetKinkIndex(0) > 0) continue;
+    // check clusters in TPC
+    if (track->GetTPCclusters(0) < fNTPC) continue;
+    // check chi2
+    chi2  = (Float_t)track->GetTPCchi2();
+    chi2 /= (Float_t)track->GetTPCclusters(0);
+    if (chi2 > fChi2) continue;
+    // check that has at least 1 SPD cluster
+    nSPD = 0;
+    if (track->HasPointOnITSLayer(0)) nSPD++;
+    if (track->HasPointOnITSLayer(1)) nSPD++;
+    if (nSPD < 1) continue;
+    // check primary by reverting to vertex
+    // and checking DCA
+    if (!track->RelateToVertex(v, esd->GetMagneticField(), kVeryBig)) continue;
+    track->GetImpactParameters(b, bCov);
+    if (b[0] > fDCAr) continue;
+    if (b[1] > fDCAz) continue;
+    // check TPC dE/dx
+    AliExternalTrackParam trackIn(*track->GetInnerParam());
+    mom = trackIn.P();
+    tpc = (Double_t)track->GetTPCsignal();
+    bb  = AlephBB(mom);
+    tpc = (tpc - bb) / bb;
+    if (tpc < fMinTPC || tpc > fMaxTPC) continue;
+    // if possible, check TOF
+    okTOF = kTRUE;
+    if (track->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kTOFpid))
+    {
+      mom = track->P();
+      if (mom <= 0.26)
+        okTOF = kTRUE;
+      else
+      {
+        track->GetIntegratedTimes(times);
+        tofTime = (Double_t)track->GetTOFsignal() - time0;
+        tofRef  = times[AliPID::kKaon];
+        tofRel  = (tofTime - tofRef) / tofRef;
+        ymax    = a1 / (mom - b1) + c1;
+        ymin    = a2 / (mom - b2) + c2;
+        okTOF   = (tofRel >= ymin && tofRel <= ymax);
+      }
+    }
+    if (!okTOF) continue;
+    // if we arrive here, all cuts were passed
+    // and we add the track to one array depending on charge
+    charge = (Int_t)track->Charge();
+    if (charge > 0)
+      pos[npos++] = i;
+    else if (charge < 0)
+      neg[nneg++] = i;
+  }
+  // resize arrays accordingly
+  pos.Set(npos);
+  neg.Set(nneg);
+  // loop to compute invariant mass
+  Int_t           ip, in, lp, ln;
+  AliPID          pid;
+  Double_t        kmass = pid.ParticleMass(AliPID::kKaon);
+  Double_t        phimass = 1.019455;
+  TParticle      *partp = 0x0, *partn = 0x0;
+  AliESDtrack    *tp = 0x0, *tn = 0x0;
+  TLorentzVector  vp, vn, vsum, vref;
+  for (ip = 0; ip < npos; ip++)
+  {
+    tp = esd->GetTrack(pos[ip]);
+    lp = TMath::Abs(tp->GetLabel());
+    if (stack) partp = stack->Particle(lp);
+    for (in = 0; in < nneg; in++)
+    {
+      if (pos[ip] == neg[in]) continue;
+      tn = esd->GetTrack(neg[in]);
+      ln = TMath::Abs(tn->GetLabel());
+      if (stack) partn = stack->Particle(ln);
+      fPDG = 0;
+      if (partp && partn)
+      {
+        if (partp->GetFirstMother() == partn->GetFirstMother())
+        {
+          if (partp->GetFirstMother() > 0)
+          {
+            TParticle *mum = stack->Particle(partp->GetFirstMother());
+            fPDG = mum->GetPdgCode();
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      fPDG = TMath::Abs(fPDG);
+      vp.SetXYZM(tp->Px(), tp->Py(), tp->Pz(), kmass);
+      vn.SetXYZM(tn->Px(), tn->Py(), tn->Pz(), kmass);
+      vsum = vp + vn;
+      vref.SetXYZM(vsum.X(), vsum.Y(), vsum.Z(), phimass);
+      fIM  = (Float_t)vsum.M();
+      fPt  = (Float_t)vsum.Perp();
+      fEta = (Float_t)vsum.Eta();
+      fY   = (Float_t)vref.Rapidity();
+      fOutTree->Fill();
+    }
+  }
+void AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::ProcessMC(AliStack *stack)
+// Function to process stack only
+  if (!stack) return;
+  Int_t nPart = stack->GetNtrack();
+  // loop to compute invariant mass
+  Int_t           ip, in;
+  AliPID          pid;
+  Double_t        kmass = pid.ParticleMass(AliPID::kKaon);
+  Double_t        phimass = 1.019455;
+  TParticle      *partp = 0x0, *partn = 0x0;
+  TLorentzVector  vp, vn, vsum, vref;
+  for (ip = 0; ip < nPart; ip++)
+  {
+    partp = stack->Particle(ip);
+    if (partp->GetPdgCode() != 321) continue;
+    for (in = 0; in < nPart; in++)
+    {
+      partn = stack->Particle(in);
+      if (partn->GetPdgCode() != -321) continue;
+      fPDG = 0;
+      if (partp->GetFirstMother() == partn->GetFirstMother())
+      {
+        if (partp->GetFirstMother() > 0)
+        {
+          TParticle *mum = stack->Particle(partp->GetFirstMother());
+          fPDG = mum->GetPdgCode();
+        }
+      }
+      fPDG = TMath::Abs(fPDG);
+      if (fPDG != 333) continue;
+      vp.SetXYZM(partp->Px(), partp->Py(), partp->Pz(), kmass);
+      vn.SetXYZM(partn->Px(), partn->Py(), partn->Pz(), kmass);
+      vsum = vp + vn;
+      vref.SetXYZM(vsum.X(), vsum.Y(), vsum.Z(), phimass);
+      fIM  = (Float_t)vsum.M();
+      fPt  = (Float_t)vsum.Perp();
+      fEta = (Float_t)vsum.Eta();
+      fY   = (Float_t)vref.Rapidity();
+      fOutTree->Fill();
+    }
+  }
+Double_t AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::AlephBB(Double_t p, Double_t mass)
+// Compute expected Bethe-Bloch for that momentum and mass
+  if (mass < 1E-6) return 0.0;
+  Double_t aa, bb, out, beta, bg;
+  bg   = p / mass;
+  beta = bg / TMath::Sqrt(1.0 + bg * bg);
+  aa   = TMath::Power(beta, fTPCpar[3]);
+  bb   = TMath::Power(1./bg, fTPCpar[4]);
+  bb   = TMath::Log(fTPCpar[2] + bb);
+  out  = (fTPCpar[1] - aa - bb) * fTPCpar[0]/aa;
+  return out;
+Double_t AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV::RemakeTOFtimeMC(AliESDEvent *& esd)
+// Smear initial time for TOF in order to reproduce data resolution
+  Double_t t0 = gRandom->Gaus(0,135.); //spread in ps
+  Int_t ntracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks();
+  Double_t sigmaStandard = 80.; // 80 ps from TOF
+  while (ntracks--) 
+  {
+    AliESDtrack *t = esd->GetTrack(ntracks);
+    if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout) == 0 || (t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTIME)==0) continue;
+    Double_t time = t->GetTOFsignal();
+    if(fTOFSigma > sigmaStandard)
+    {
+      Double_t sigmaAdded = TMath::Sqrt(fTOFSigma*fTOFSigma - sigmaStandard*sigmaStandard);
+      Double_t timerandomtrack = gRandom->Gaus(0, sigmaAdded); //spread in ps
+      time += timerandomtrack;
+   }
+   time += t0;
+   t->SetTOFsignal(time);
+ }
+ return t0;
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.h b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7a8789a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h"
+#include "AliRsnTOFT0maker.h"
+class TTree;
+class AliESDEvent;
+class AliESDVertex;
+class AliStack;
+class AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV : public AliAnalysisTaskSE
+  public:
+    AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV(const char *name = "Phi900GeV");
+    AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV(const AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV& copy);
+    AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV& operator=(const AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV& copy);
+    virtual ~AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV();
+    void            SetUseMC(Bool_t yn = kTRUE) {fUseMC = yn;}
+    void            SetMaxDCAr(Double_t v) {fDCAr = v;}
+    void            SetMaxDCAz(Double_t v) {fDCAz = v;}
+    void            SetMaxChi2(Double_t v) {fChi2 = v;}
+    void            SetMinNTPC(Int_t    n) {fNTPC = n;}
+    void            SetTPCrange(Double_t min, Double_t max) {fMinTPC = min; fMaxTPC = max;}
+    void            SetTPCpar(Double_t p0, Double_t p1, Double_t p2, Double_t p3, Double_t p4)
+                    {fTPCpar[0]=p0;fTPCpar[1]=p1;fTPCpar[2]=p2;fTPCpar[3]=p3;fTPCpar[4]=p4;}
+    virtual void    UserCreateOutputObjects();
+    virtual void    UserExec(Option_t *option = "");
+    virtual void    Terminate(Option_t *option = "");
+  private:
+    void     ProcessESD(AliESDEvent *esd, const AliESDVertex *v, Double_t time0, AliStack *stack);
+    void     ProcessMC(AliStack *stack);
+    Double_t AlephBB(Double_t p, Double_t mass = 0.493677);
+    Double_t RemakeTOFtimeMC(AliESDEvent *& esd);
+    Bool_t   fUseMC;
+    Float_t  fPDG;
+    Float_t  fIM;
+    Float_t  fPt;
+    Float_t  fY;
+    Float_t  fEta;
+    Double_t fDCAr;
+    Double_t fDCAz;
+    Double_t fChi2;
+    Int_t    fNTPC;
+    Double_t fTPCpar[5];
+    Double_t fMinTPC;
+    Double_t fMaxTPC;
+    TTree   *fOutTree;
+    Bool_t                       fTOFESD;              //  TOF flag to check if ESD data should be used
+    Double_t                     fTOFSigma;            //  TOF default resolution
+    AliRsnTOFT0maker            *fTOFmaker;            //! TOF time0 computator
+    AliRsnTOFT0maker::ESettings  fTOFSettings;         //  TOF settings
+    // ROOT dictionary
+    ClassDef(AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV,1)
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnTOFT0maker.cxx b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnTOFT0maker.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3588aa8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+ * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
+ *                                                                        *
+ * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project.                                    *
+ * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate.              *
+ *                                                                        *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its   *
+ * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted   *
+ * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all   *
+ * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice   *
+ * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims     *
+ * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is          *
+ * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.                  *
+ **************************************************************************/
+/* $Id: AliRsnTOFT0maker.cxx,v 1.8 2010/01/19 16:32:20 noferini Exp $ */
+//                                                                         //
+//  This class contains the basic functions for the time zero              //
+//  evaluation with TOF detector informations.                             //
+// Use case in an analysis task:                                           //
+//                                                                         //
+// Create the object in the task constructor (fTOFmakerANA is a private var)  //
+// fTOFmakerANA = new AliRsnTOFT0maker();                                        //
+// fTOFmakerANA->SetTimeResolution(115.0e-12); // if you want set the TOF res //
+// 115 ps is the TOF default resolution value                              //
+//                                                                         //
+// Use the RemakePID method in the task::Exec                              //
+// Double_t* calcolot0;                                                    //
+// calcolot0=fTOFmakerANA->RemakePID(fESD);                                   //
+// //calcolot0[0] = calculated event time                                  // 
+// //calcolot0[1] = event time time resolution                             //
+// //calcolot0[2] = average event time for the current fill                //
+//                                                                         //
+// Let consider that:                                                      //
+// - the PIF is automatically recalculated with the event time subtrction  //
+//                                                                         //
+#include <Riostream.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "AliTOFT0v1.h"
+#include "AliTOFcalibHisto.h"
+#include "AliPID.h"
+#include "AliESDpid.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "AliRsnTOFT0maker.h"
+  AliRsnTOFT0maker::AliRsnTOFT0maker():
+    fSettings(kNone),
+    fCalib(new AliTOFcalibHisto()),
+    fESDswitch(0),
+    fTimeResolution(115),
+    fT0sigma(1000),
+    fHmapChannel(0),
+    fKmask(0),
+    fNoTOFT0(0)
+  fCalculated[0] = 0;
+  fCalculated[1] = 0;
+  fCalculated[2] = 0;
+  fCalculated[3] = 0;
+  fCalib->LoadCalibPar();
+  if(AliPID::ParticleMass(0) == 0) new AliPID();
+AliRsnTOFT0maker::AliRsnTOFT0maker(const AliRsnTOFT0maker & t) :
+  TObject(),
+  fSettings(t.fSettings),
+  fCalib(t.fCalib),
+  fESDswitch(t.fESDswitch),
+  fTimeResolution(t.fTimeResolution),
+  fT0sigma(t.fT0sigma),
+  fHmapChannel(t.fHmapChannel),
+  fKmask(t.fKmask),
+  fNoTOFT0(t.fNoTOFT0)
+AliRsnTOFT0maker& AliRsnTOFT0maker::operator=(const AliRsnTOFT0maker &t)
+ //
+  // assign. operator
+  //
+  fSettings = t.fSettings;
+  if (this == &t)
+    return *this;
+  fCalib = t.fCalib;
+  fESDswitch = t.fESDswitch;
+  fTimeResolution = t.fTimeResolution;
+  fT0sigma = t.fT0sigma;
+  return *this;
+  // dtor
+  if(fCalib) delete fCalib;
+Double_t* AliRsnTOFT0maker::RemakePID(AliESDEvent *esd,Double_t t0time,Double_t t0sigma){
+  //
+  // Remake TOF PID probabilities
+  //
+  Double_t *t0tof;
+  if(fKmask) ApplyMask(esd);
+  AliTOFT0v1* t0makerANA=new AliTOFT0v1(esd);
+//   t0makerANA->SetCalib(fCalib);
+  t0makerANA->SetTimeResolution(fTimeResolution*1e-12);
+  if(! fESDswitch){
+    TakeTimeRawCorrection(esd);
+  }
+  t0tof=t0makerANA->DefineT0("all");
+  Float_t lT0Current=0.;
+  fT0sigma=1000;
+  Int_t nrun = 0;//esd->GetRunNumber();
+  Double_t t0fill = 175;//GetT0Fill(nrun);
+  if (fSettings == kPass2 || fSettings == kPass4)      // cambiato!!!!!!!!
+  {
+   nrun = esd->GetRunNumber();
+   t0fill = GetT0Fill(nrun);
+  }
+  else if (fSettings == kLHC09d10) // e' il MC del pass2?
+  {
+   t0fill = GetT0Fill(nrun);
+  } 
+  fCalculated[0]=-1000*t0tof[0];
+  fCalculated[1]=1000*t0tof[1];
+  fCalculated[2] = t0fill;
+  fCalculated[3] = t0tof[2];
+  if(fCalculated[1] < 150 && TMath::Abs(fCalculated[0] - t0fill) < 500){
+    fT0sigma=fCalculated[1];
+    lT0Current=fCalculated[0];
+  }
+  if(t0sigma < 1000){
+    if(fT0sigma < 1000){
+      Double_t w1 = 1./t0sigma/t0sigma;
+      Double_t w2 = 1./fCalculated[1]/fCalculated[1];
+      Double_t wtot = w1+w2;
+      lT0Current = (w1*t0time + w2*fCalculated[0]) / wtot;
+      fT0sigma = TMath::Sqrt(1./wtot);
+    }
+    else{
+      lT0Current=t0time;
+      fT0sigma=t0sigma;
+    }
+  }
+  if(fT0sigma >= 1000 || fNoTOFT0){
+    lT0Current = t0fill;
+    fT0sigma = 135;
+    fCalculated[0] = t0fill;
+    fCalculated[1] = 150;
+  }
+  RemakeTOFpid(esd,lT0Current);
+  return fCalculated;
+void AliRsnTOFT0maker::TakeTimeRawCorrection(AliESDEvent * const esd){
+  //
+  // Take raw corrections for time measurements
+  //
+  Int_t ntracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks();
+  while (ntracks--) {
+    AliESDtrack *t=esd->GetTrack(ntracks);
+    if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout)==0) continue;
+    Double_t time=t->GetTOFsignalRaw();
+    Double_t tot = t->GetTOFsignalToT();
+    Int_t chan = t->GetTOFCalChannel();
+    Double_t corr = fCalib->GetFullCorrection(chan,tot) - fCalib->GetCorrection(AliTOFcalibHisto::kTimeSlewingCorr,chan,0);
+    time -= corr*1000;
+    //Int_t crate = Int_t(fCalib->GetCalibMap(AliTOFcalibHisto::kDDL,chan));
+//     if(crate == 63 || crate == 62){
+//       time += 9200;
+//    }
+//     if(crate == 63 || crate == 62|| crate == 61){
+//  printf("%i) %f\n",crate,time);
+//     getchar();
+//   }
+    t->SetTOFsignal(time);
+  }
+void AliRsnTOFT0maker::RemakeTOFpid(AliESDEvent *esd,Float_t timezero){
+  //
+  // Recalculate TOF PID probabilities
+  //
+  AliESDpid pidESD;
+  pidESD.GetTOFResponse().SetTimeResolution(TMath::Sqrt(fT0sigma*fT0sigma + fTimeResolution*fTimeResolution));
+  pidESD.MakePID(esd,kFALSE,timezero);
+Double_t AliRsnTOFT0maker::GetT0Fill(Int_t nrun) const {
+  //
+  // Return T0 of filling
+  //
+  Double_t t0;
+  if(nrun==104065) t0= 1771614;
+  else if(nrun==104068) t0= 1771603;
+  else if(nrun==104070) t0= 1771594;
+  else if(nrun==104073) t0= 1771610;
+  else if(nrun==104080) t0= 1771305;
+  else if(nrun==104083) t0= 1771613;
+  else if(nrun==104157) t0= 1771665;
+  else if(nrun==104159) t0= 1771679;
+  else if(nrun==104160) t0= 1771633;
+  else if(nrun==104316) t0= 1764344;
+  else if(nrun==104320) t0= 1764342;
+  else if(nrun==104321) t0= 1764371;
+  else if(nrun==104439) t0= 1771750;
+  else if(nrun==104792) t0= 1771755;
+  else if(nrun==104793) t0= 1771762;
+  else if(nrun==104799) t0= 1771828;
+  else if(nrun==104800) t0= 1771788;
+  else if(nrun==104801) t0= 1771796;
+  else if(nrun==104802) t0= 1771775;
+  else if(nrun==104803) t0= 1771795;
+  else if(nrun==104824) t0= 1771751;
+  else if(nrun==104825) t0= 1771763;
+  else if(nrun==104845) t0= 1771792;
+  else if(nrun==104852) t0= 1771817;
+  else if(nrun==104864) t0= 1771825;
+  else if(nrun==104865) t0= 1771827;
+  else if(nrun==104867) t0= 1771841;
+  else if(nrun==104876) t0= 1771856;
+  else if(nrun==104878) t0= 1771847;
+  else if(nrun==104879) t0= 1771830;
+  else if(nrun==104892) t0= 1771837;
+  else t0= 487;
+  if(fESDswitch) t0 -= 487;
+  else { if (fSettings == kPass4) t0 -=37*1024*24.4; }
+  return t0;
+void  AliRsnTOFT0maker::LoadChannelMap(char *filename){
+  // Load the histo with the channel off map
+  TFile *f= new TFile(filename);
+  if(!f){
+    printf("Cannot open the channel map file (%s)\n",filename);
+    return;
+  }
+  fHmapChannel = (TH1F *) f->Get("hChEnabled");
+  if(!fHmapChannel){
+    printf("Cannot laod the channel map histo (from %s)\n",filename);
+    return;
+  }
+void AliRsnTOFT0maker::ApplyMask(AliESDEvent *esd){
+  // Switch off the disable channel
+  if(!fHmapChannel){
+    printf("Channel Map is not available\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  Int_t ntracks = esd->GetNumberOfTracks();
+  while (ntracks--) {
+    AliESDtrack *t=esd->GetTrack(ntracks);
+    if ((t->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTOFout)==0) continue;
+    Int_t chan = t->GetTOFCalChannel();
+    if(fHmapChannel->GetBinContent(chan) < 0.01){
+      t->ResetStatus(AliESDtrack::kTOFout);
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnTOFT0maker.h b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnTOFT0maker.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8403a01
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
+ * See cxx source for full Copyright notice                               */
+/* $Id: AliRsnTOFT0maker.h,v 1.8 2010/01/19 16:32:20 noferini Exp $ */
+//                                          //
+//  Manager class for time zero evaluation   //
+//  with TOF informations                    //
+//                                          //
+#include "TObject.h"
+#include "TString.h"
+#include "AliESDEvent.h"
+#include "AliStack.h"
+#include "TH1F.h"
+class AliTOFcalibHisto;
+class AliTOFT0v1;
+class AliRsnTOFT0maker : public TObject {
+  enum ESettings
+  {
+    kNone,
+    kPass2,
+    kPass4,
+    kLHC09d10
+  };
+  ESettings fSettings;
+  TString Settings()
+  {
+    TString out;
+    switch (fSettings)
+    {
+      case kPass2:    out = "pass 2"; break;
+      case kPass4:    out = "pass 4"; break;
+      case kLHC09d10: out = "LHC09d10"; break;
+      default:        out = "none specific"; break;
+    }
+    return out;
+  }
+  AliRsnTOFT0maker() ;
+  virtual ~AliRsnTOFT0maker() ; // dtor
+  AliRsnTOFT0maker(const AliRsnTOFT0maker & t);
+  AliRsnTOFT0maker & operator=(const AliRsnTOFT0maker & t);
+  void SetESDdata(Bool_t val=kTRUE){fESDswitch=val;};
+  // return (fCalculated[0]=event time -- fCalculated[1]=sigma event time in ps -- fCalculated[2]=mean event time for each fill -- fCalculated[3]=number of tracks at the TOF level) if you can subtruct the event time; return NULL if there is no event time
+  Double_t *RemakePID(AliESDEvent *esd,Double_t t0time=0.,Double_t t0sigma=1000.); // t0time and t0sigma in ps
+  void      SetTimeResolution(Double_t timeresolution){fTimeResolution=timeresolution;};// TOF timeresolution in [s] e.g. for 120 ps -> 1.2e-10
+  Double_t  GetTimeResolution() const {return fTimeResolution;}
+  void LoadChannelMap(char *filename="$ALICE_ROOT/TOF/enableMap.104892.root"); //load the enable channel map
+  void ApplyMask(AliESDEvent *esd);
+  void SetNoTOFT0(Bool_t status=kTRUE){fNoTOFT0=status;}; // disable the TOF T0 info
+  void SetMaskOffChannel(Bool_t status=kTRUE){fKmask=status;}; // swith for the map off channel
+ private:
+  void TakeTimeRawCorrection(AliESDEvent * const esd);
+  void RemakeTOFpid(AliESDEvent *esd,Float_t timezero);
+  Double_t GetT0Fill(Int_t nrun) const ;
+  AliTOFcalibHisto *fCalib; // TOF calibration object pointer
+  Bool_t fESDswitch; // if you want take the ESD time instead of the raw + time slewing correction
+  Double_t fCalculated[4]; // contains the parameters with the event time
+  Double_t fTimeResolution;  // global time resolution used to calculate T0
+  Float_t fT0sigma; // T0 resolution
+  TH1F *fHmapChannel; // histo with the channel map
+  Bool_t fKmask;
+  Bool_t fNoTOFT0;
+  ClassDef(AliRsnTOFT0maker,1);  // Calculate the time zero using TOF detector */
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValue.cxx b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValue.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f8ce81d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// Class AliRsnValue
+// Definition of a single value which can be computed
+// from any of the defined input objects implemented
+// in the resonance package.
+#include "AliRsnEvent.h"
+#include "AliRsnDaughter.h"
+#include "AliRsnPairParticle.h"
+#include "AliRsnPairDef.h"
+#include "AliRsnValue.h"
+AliRsnValue::AliRsnValue(EAxisType type) : fType(type)
+// Constructor
+const char* AliRsnValue::GetName() const
+// Return the name of this object defined by the type
+  switch (fType)
+  {
+    case kTrackPt:        return "PT";
+    case kTrackEta:       return "ETA";
+    case kTrack1P:        return "P1";
+    case kTrack2P:        return "P2";
+    case kTrack1Pt:       return "PT1";
+    case kTrack2Pt:       return "PT2";
+    case kPairInvMass:    return "IM";
+    case kPairInvMassMC:  return "IMMC";
+    case kPairInvMassRes: return "IMRES";
+    case kPairPt:         return "PT";
+    case kPairEta:        return "ETA";
+    case kPairMt:         return "MT";
+    case kPairY:          return "Y";
+    case kEventMult:      return "MULT";
+    default:              return "UNDEF";
+  }
+AliRsnValue::EAxisObject AliRsnValue::GetAxisObject() const
+// Tells what kind of object must be evaluated for this axis
+  switch (fType)
+  {
+    // values coming from single track
+    case kTrackPt:
+    case kTrackEta:
+      return kParticle;
+    // values coming from pair
+    case kTrack1P:
+    case kTrack2P:
+    case kTrack1Pt:
+    case kTrack2Pt:
+    case kPairInvMass:
+    case kPairInvMassMC:
+    case kPairInvMassRes:
+    case kPairPt:
+    case kPairEta:
+    case kPairMt:
+    case kPairY:
+      return kPair;
+    // values coming from event
+    case kEventMult:
+      return kEvent;
+    default:
+      return kNone;
+  }
+Double_t AliRsnValue::Eval(TObject * const obj, const AliRsnPairDef *pairDef) const
+// Evaluation of the required value.
+// Checks that the passed object is of the right type
+// and if this check is successful, returns the required value.
+// The output of the function tells if it was successful,
+// and the values must be taken with GetValue().
+  // dynamic casting
+  AliRsnDaughter     *track = dynamic_cast<AliRsnDaughter*>(obj);
+  AliRsnPairParticle *pair  = dynamic_cast<AliRsnPairParticle*>(obj);
+  AliRsnEvent        *event = dynamic_cast<AliRsnEvent*>(obj);
+  // check that the object type and required input match
+  EAxisObject requiredInput = GetAxisObject();
+  Double_t    mass          = pairDef->GetMotherMass();
+  if (requiredInput == kParticle && !track)
+    return 0.0;
+  else if (requiredInput == kPair)
+  {
+    if (!pair)
+      return 0.0;
+    else
+    {
+      // if we are filling a pair, we need the pair def
+      if (pairDef)
+        mass = pairDef->GetMotherMass();
+      else
+      {
+        AliError("Cannot compute a 'pair' value if I don't have a vaild PairDef");
+        return 0.0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else if (requiredInput == kEvent && !event)
+  {
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    AliError(Form("Failed computation: expected type %d, passed a '%s'", (Int_t)requiredInput, obj->ClassName()));
+    return 0.0;
+  }
+  switch (fType)
+  {
+    case kTrackPt:
+      return track->Pt();
+    case kTrackEta:
+      return track->Eta();
+    case kTrack1P:
+      return pair->GetDaughter(0)->P();
+    case kTrack2P:
+      return pair->GetDaughter(1)->P();
+    case kTrack1Pt:
+      return pair->GetDaughter(0)->Pt();
+    case kTrack2Pt:
+      return pair->GetDaughter(1)->Pt();
+    case kPairInvMass:
+      return pair->GetInvMass(pairDef->GetMass(0), pairDef->GetMass(1));
+    case kPairInvMassMC:
+      return pair->GetInvMassMC(pairDef->GetMass(0), pairDef->GetMass(1));
+    case kPairInvMassRes:
+      {
+        Double_t value;
+        value  = pair->GetInvMass  (pairDef->GetMass(0), pairDef->GetMass(1));
+        value -= pair->GetInvMassMC(pairDef->GetMass(0), pairDef->GetMass(1));
+        value /= pair->GetInvMassMC(pairDef->GetMass(0), pairDef->GetMass(1));
+        return value;
+      }
+    case kPairPt:
+      return pair->GetPt();
+    case kPairEta:
+      return pair->GetEta();
+    case kPairMt:
+      if (TMath::Abs(mass) < 1E-5) AliWarning(Form("Suspicious mass value specified: %f", mass));
+      return (TMath::Sqrt(pair->GetPt()*pair->GetPt() + mass*mass) - mass);
+    case kPairY:
+      if (TMath::Abs(mass) < 1E-5) AliWarning(Form("Suspicious mass value specified: %f", mass));
+      return pair->GetY(mass);
+    case kEventMult:
+      return (Double_t)event->GetMultiplicity();
+    default:
+      AliWarning("Invalid value type");
+      return 0.0;
+  }
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValue.h b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValue.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..65ddf65
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// Class AliRsnValue
+// Definition of a single value which can be computed
+// from any of the defined input objects implemented
+// in the resonance package.
+class AliRsnPairDef;
+class AliRsnValue : public TObject
+  public:
+    enum EAxisType
+    {
+      kTrackPt,
+      kTrackEta,
+      kTrack1P,
+      kTrack2P,
+      kTrack1Pt,
+      kTrack2Pt,
+      kPairInvMass,
+      kPairInvMassMC,
+      kPairInvMassRes,
+      kPairPt,
+      kPairEta,
+      kPairMt,
+      kPairY,
+      kEventMult,
+      kAxisTypes
+    };
+    enum EAxisObject
+    {
+      kParticle,
+      kPair,
+      kEvent,
+      kNone
+    };
+    AliRsnValue(EAxisType type = kAxisTypes);
+    virtual ~AliRsnValue() { }
+    virtual const char* GetName() const;
+    EAxisObject         GetAxisObject() const;
+    void                SetType(EAxisType type) {fType = type;}
+    EAxisType           GetAxisType() {return fType;}
+    Double_t            Eval(TObject * const obj, const AliRsnPairDef *pairDef = 0x0) const;
+  private:
+    EAxisType fType;    // value type
+    // ROOT dictionary
+    ClassDef(AliRsnValue, 1)
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValueList.cxx b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValueList.cxx
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7e76d88
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// Class AliRsnValueList
+// This class defines a base classe to implement a function
+// which uses the internal RSN package event format (AliRsnEvent).
+// It contains some default flags which turn out to be useful:
+//  - a flag to select only the "true" pairs (tracks from same resonance)
+//  - a flag to know if the computation is done over two events (mixing)
+// Any kind of analysis object should be implemented as inheriting from this
+// because the AliRsnAnalyzer which executes the analysis will accept a collection
+// of such objects, in order to have a unique format of processing method
+// The user who implements a kind of computation type should inherit from
+// this class and override the virtual functions defined in it, which
+// initialize the final output histogram and define how to process data.
+// author: A. Pulvirenti             (email: alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it)
+#include <TString.h>
+#include "AliLog.h"
+#include "AliRsnDaughter.h"
+#include "AliRsnEvent.h"
+#include "AliRsnPairDef.h"
+#include "AliRsnPairParticle.h"
+#include "AliRsnValue.h"
+#include "AliRsnValueList.h"
+AliRsnValueList::AliRsnValueList() :
+  TNamed(),
+  fValueList("AliRsnValue", 0),
+  fArray(0)
+// Constructor.
+AliRsnValueList::AliRsnValueList(const AliRsnValueList &copy) :
+  TNamed(copy),
+  fValueList(copy.fValueList),
+  fArray(copy.fArray)
+// Copy constructor.
+const AliRsnValueList& AliRsnValueList::operator=(const AliRsnValueList& copy)
+// Assignment operator.
+  // copy name and title
+  SetName(copy.GetName());
+  SetTitle(copy.GetTitle());
+  // add a copy of each axis to this list
+  // this will update the value list accordingly
+  Int_t i, n = copy.fValueList.GetEntries();
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+  {
+    AliRsnValue *val = (AliRsnValue*)copy.fValueList[i];
+    AddValue(val);
+  }
+  return *this;
+void AliRsnValueList::AddValue(const AliRsnValue *axis)
+// Adds a new value to the list
+// and upgrades the list of values accordingly
+  Int_t size = fValueList.GetEntries();
+  new(fValueList[size]) AliRsnValue(*axis);
+  fArray.Set(size + 1);
+Bool_t AliRsnValueList::Eval(TObject * const obj, const AliRsnPairDef *pairDef)
+// Fill function histogram using the passed object,
+// whose type is dynamically casted when used and checked.
+  AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug +2,"->");
+  Int_t  i, size = fValueList.GetSize();
+  for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
+  {
+    AliRsnValue *val = (AliRsnValue*)fValueList[i];
+    fArray[i] = val->Eval(obj, pairDef);
+  }
diff --git a/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValueList.h b/PWG2/RESONANCES/AliRsnValueList.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d6be7d9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Class AliRsn Fcn
+// This class defines a base classe to implement a typical computation
+// which uses the internal RSN package event format (AliRsnEvent).
+// It contains some default flags which turn out to be useful:
+//  - a flag to select only the "true" pairs (tracks from same resonance)
+//  - a flag to know if the computation is done over two events (mixing)
+// Any kind of analysis object should be implemented as inheriting from this
+// because the AliRsnAnalyzer which executes the analysis will accept a collection
+// of such objects, in order to have a unique format of processing method
+// The user who implements a kind of computation type should inherit from
+// this class and override the virtual functions defined in it, which
+// initialize the final output histogram and define how to process data.
+// author: A. Pulvirenti             (email: alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it)
+#include <TClonesArray.h>
+#include <TArrayD.h>
+#include <TNamed.h>
+class AliRsnValue;
+class AliRsnPairParticle;
+class AliRsnPairDef;
+class AliRsnValueList : public TNamed
+  public:
+    AliRsnValueList();
+    AliRsnValueList(const AliRsnValueList &copy);
+    virtual ~AliRsnValueList() { Clear(""); }
+    const AliRsnValueList& operator=(const AliRsnValueList &copy);
+    virtual void Clear(Option_t* /*option = ""*/) {fValueList.Delete();}
+    Int_t        GetNumberOfValues() {return fValueList.GetEntries();}
+    void         AddValue(const AliRsnValue * const axis);
+    Bool_t       Eval(TObject * const obj, const AliRsnPairDef *pairDef = 0x0);
+    Double_t     GetValue(Int_t i) {if (i>=0 && i<fArray.GetSize()) return fArray[i]; return 0.0;}
+  protected:
+    TClonesArray  fValueList;  // list of computators
+    TArrayD       fArray;      // list of values
+    // ROOT dictionary
+    ClassDef(AliRsnValueList, 3)
index 5c3874b70c429078f137ad9b473eebdb2e3bcd3c..bb8c250d23b801ff6b69eff19e038ee6a631e67d 100644 (file)
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ SRCS= RESONANCES/AliRsnDaughter.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnPIDDefESD.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnEvent.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnPairDef.cxx \
+      RESONANCES/AliRsnValue.cxx \
+      RESONANCES/AliRsnValueList.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnFunction.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnFunctionAxis.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnPair.cxx \
@@ -29,6 +31,8 @@ SRCS= RESONANCES/AliRsnDaughter.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisME.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisEffSE.cxx \
       RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisTrackEffSE.cxx \
+      RESONANCES/AliRsnTOFT0maker.cxx \
+      RESONANCES/AliRsnAnalysisPhi900GeV.cxx
 HDRS= $(SRCS:.cxx=.h)
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ DHDR:=PWG2resonancesLinkDef.h
 ifeq (win32gcc,$(ALICE_TARGET))