]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - HMPID/AliHMPIDCluster.cxx
Corected initialization of static data member
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / HMPID / AliHMPIDCluster.cxx
d3da6dc4 1// **************************************************************************
2// * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3// * *
4// * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5// * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6// * *
7// * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8// * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9// * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10// * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11// * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12// * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13// * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14// **************************************************************************
76fd1a96 16#include <TVirtualFitter.h> //Solve()
d3da6dc4 17#include <TMinuit.h> //Solve()
18#include <TClonesArray.h> //Solve()
d1bf51e1 19#include <TMarker.h> //Draw()
27311693 20
76fd1a96 21#include "AliLog.h" //FitFunc()
76fd1a96 22#include "AliHMPIDCluster.h" //class header
69ed32de 24Bool_t AliHMPIDCluster::fgDoCorrSin=kTRUE;
27311693 25
d3da6dc4 26ClassImp(AliHMPIDCluster)
76fd1a96 27
55a829a5 28
29void AliHMPIDCluster::SetClusterParams(Double_t xL,Double_t yL,Int_t iCh )
31 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 //Set the cluster properties for the AliCluster3D part
33 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 //Get the volume ID from the previously set PNEntry
36 UShort_t volId=AliGeomManager::LayerToVolUID(AliGeomManager::kHMPID,iCh);
39 //get L->T cs matrix for a given chamber
40 const TGeoHMatrix *t2l= AliGeomManager::GetTracking2LocalMatrix(volId);
b38ac33a 42 if(fParam->GetInstType()) //if there is no geometry we cannot retrieve the volId (only for monitoring)
b87365d5 43 {
44 new(this) AliCluster3D(); return;
45 }
55a829a5 46
48 //transformation from the pad cs to local
b38ac33a 49 xL -= 0.5*fParam->SizeAllX(); //size of all pads with dead zones included
50 yL -= 0.5*fParam->SizeAllY();
55a829a5 51
52 // Get the position in the tracking cs
53 Double_t posL[3]={xL, yL, 0.}; //this is the LORS of HMPID
54 Double_t posT[3];
55 t2l->MasterToLocal(posL,posT);
57 //Get the cluster covariance matrix in the tracking cs
58 Double_t covL[9] = {
59 0.8*0.8/12., 0., 0.0, //pad size X
60 0., 0.84*0.84/12., 0.0, //pad size Y
61 0., 0., 0.1, //just 1 , no Z dimension ???
62 };
64 TGeoHMatrix m;
65 m.SetRotation(covL);
66 m.Multiply(t2l);
67 m.MultiplyLeft(&t2l->Inverse());
68 Double_t *covT = m.GetRotationMatrix();
70 new(this) AliCluster3D(volId, // Can be done safer
71 posT[0],posT[1],posT[2],
72 covT[0],covT[1],covT[2],
73 covT[4],covT[5],
74 covT[8],
75 0x0); // No MC labels ?
80 if(fDigs) delete fDigs; fDigs=0;
81 }
d3da6dc4 83//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
84void AliHMPIDCluster::CoG()
86// Calculates naive cluster position as a center of gravity of its digits.
87// Arguments: none
d1bf51e1 88// Returns: none
e4a3eae8 89 Int_t minPadX=999,minPadY=999,maxPadX=-1,maxPadY=-1; //for box finding
90 if(fDigs==0) return; //no digits in this cluster
894758d4 91 fXX=fYY=fQRaw=0; //init summable parameters
e4a3eae8 92 Int_t maxQpad=-1,maxQ=-1; //to calculate the pad with the highest charge
aa85549f 93 AliHMPIDDigit *pDig=0x0;
e4a3eae8 94 for(Int_t iDig=0;iDig<fDigs->GetEntriesFast();iDig++){ //digits loop
95 pDig=(AliHMPIDDigit*)fDigs->At(iDig); //get pointer to next digit
97 if(pDig->PadPcX() > maxPadX) maxPadX = pDig->PadPcX(); // find the minimum box that contain the cluster MaxX
98 if(pDig->PadPcY() > maxPadY) maxPadY = pDig->PadPcY(); // MaxY
99 if(pDig->PadPcX() < minPadX) minPadX = pDig->PadPcX(); // MinX
100 if(pDig->PadPcY() < minPadY) minPadY = pDig->PadPcY(); // MinY
102 Float_t q=pDig->Q(); //get QDC
894758d4 103 fXX += pDig->LorsX()*q;fYY +=pDig->LorsY()*q; //add digit center weighted by QDC
e4a3eae8 104 fQRaw+=q; //increment total charge
105 if(q>maxQ) {maxQpad = pDig->Pad();maxQ=(Int_t)q;} // to find pad with highest charge
d3da6dc4 106 }//digits loop
e4a3eae8 107
108 fBox=(maxPadX-minPadX+1)*100+maxPadY-minPadY+1; // dimension of the box: format Xdim*100+Ydim
3a94c321 110 if ( fQRaw != 0 ) {fXX/=fQRaw;fYY/=fQRaw;} //final center of gravity
27311693 111
69ed32de 112 if(fDigs->GetEntriesFast()>1&&fgDoCorrSin)CorrSin(); //correct it by sinoid
e4a3eae8 113
c5c19d6a 114 fQ = fQRaw; // Before starting fit procedure, Q and QRaw must be equal
115 fCh=pDig->Ch(); //initialize chamber number
116 fMaxQpad = maxQpad; fMaxQ=maxQ; //store max charge pad to the field
117 fChi2=0; // no Chi2 to find
118 fNlocMax=0; // proper status from this method
d3da6dc4 119 fSt=kCoG;
55a829a5 120
b38ac33a 121 if(fParam->GetInstType()) SetClusterParams(fXX,fYY,fCh); //need to fill the AliCluster3D part
55a829a5 122
d3da6dc4 123}//CoG()
125void AliHMPIDCluster::CorrSin()
127// Correction of cluster x position due to sinoid, see HMPID TDR page 30
128// Arguments: none
129// Returns: none
1d4857c5 130 Int_t pc,px,py;
b38ac33a 131 fParam->Lors2Pad(fXX,fYY,pc,px,py); //tmp digit to get it center
132 Float_t x=fXX-fParam->LorsX(pc,px); //diff between cluster x and center of the pad contaning this cluster
894758d4 133 fXX+=3.31267e-2*TMath::Sin(2*TMath::Pi()/0.8*x)-2.66575e-3*TMath::Sin(4*TMath::Pi()/0.8*x)+2.80553e-3*TMath::Sin(6*TMath::Pi()/0.8*x)+0.0070;
d3da6dc4 134}
d1bf51e1 136void AliHMPIDCluster::Draw(Option_t*)
a1d55ff3 138 TMarker *pMark=new TMarker(X(),Y(),5); pMark->SetUniqueID(fSt);pMark->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); pMark->Draw();
d1bf51e1 139}
557ca324 141void AliHMPIDCluster::FitFunc(Int_t &iNpars, Double_t* deriv, Double_t &chi2, Double_t *par, Int_t iflag)
d3da6dc4 142{
143// Cluster fit function
144// par[0]=x par[1]=y par[2]=q for the first Mathieson shape
145// par[3]=x par[4]=y par[5]=q for the second Mathieson shape and so on up to iNpars/3 Mathieson shapes
76fd1a96 146// For each pad of the cluster calculates the difference between actual pad charge and the charge induced to this pad by all Mathieson distributions
d3da6dc4 147// Then the chi2 is calculated as the sum of this value squared for all pad in the cluster.
148// Arguments: iNpars - number of parameters which is number of local maxima of cluster * 3
149// chi2 - function result to be minimised
150// par - parameters array of size iNpars
151// Returns: none
76fd1a96 152
153 AliHMPIDCluster *pClu=(AliHMPIDCluster*)TVirtualFitter::GetFitter()->GetObjectFit();
155 Int_t nPads = pClu->Size();
76fd1a96 156
d3da6dc4 157 chi2 = 0;
76fd1a96 158
159 Int_t iNshape = iNpars/3;
76fd1a96 161 for(Int_t i=0;i<nPads;i++){ //loop on all pads of the cluster
162 Double_t dQpadMath = 0;
163 for(Int_t j=0;j<iNshape;j++){ //Mathiesons loop as all of them may contribute to this pad
164 Double_t fracMathi = pClu->Dig(i)->IntMathieson(par[3*j],par[3*j+1]);
165 dQpadMath+=par[3*j+2]*fracMathi; // par[3*j+2] is charge par[3*j] is x par[3*j+1] is y of current Mathieson
76fd1a96 166 }
167 if(dQpadMath>0 && pClu->Dig(i)->Q()>0) {
168 chi2 +=TMath::Power((pClu->Dig(i)->Q()-dQpadMath),2)/pClu->Dig(i)->Q(); //chi2 function to be minimized
169 }
170 }
557ca324 171//---calculate gradients...
172 if(iflag==2) {
173 Double_t **derivPart;
175 derivPart = new Double_t*[iNpars];
177 for(Int_t j=0;j<iNpars;j++){
178 deriv[j] = 0;
179 derivPart[j] = new Double_t[nPads];
180 for(Int_t i=0;i<nPads;i++){
181 derivPart[j][i] = 0;
182 }
183 }
185 for(Int_t i=0;i<nPads;i++){ //loop on all pads of the cluster
186 for(Int_t j=0;j<iNshape;j++){ //Mathiesons loop as all of them may contribute to this pad
187 Double_t fracMathi = pClu->Dig(i)->IntMathieson(par[3*j],par[3*j+1]);
188 derivPart[3*j ][i] += par[3*j+2]*(pClu->Dig(i)->Mathieson(par[3*j]-pClu->Dig(i)->LorsX()-0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadX())-
189 pClu->Dig(i)->Mathieson(par[3*j]-pClu->Dig(i)->LorsX()+0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadX()))*
190 pClu->Dig(i)->IntPartMathi(par[3*j+1],2);
191 derivPart[3*j+1][i] += par[3*j+2]*(pClu->Dig(i)->Mathieson(par[3*j+1]-pClu->Dig(i)->LorsY()-0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadY())-
192 pClu->Dig(i)->Mathieson(par[3*j+1]-pClu->Dig(i)->LorsY()+0.5*AliHMPIDParam::SizePadY()))*
193 pClu->Dig(i)->IntPartMathi(par[3*j],1);
194 derivPart[3*j+2][i] += fracMathi;
195 }
196 }
197 //loop on all pads of the cluster
198 for(Int_t i=0;i<nPads;i++){ //loop on all pads of the cluster
199 Double_t dQpadMath = 0; //pad charge collector
200 for(Int_t j=0;j<iNshape;j++){ //Mathiesons loop as all of them may contribute to this pad
201 Double_t fracMathi = pClu->Dig(i)->IntMathieson(par[3*j],par[3*j+1]);
202 dQpadMath+=par[3*j+2]*fracMathi;
203 if(dQpadMath>0 && pClu->Dig(i)->Q()>0) {
204 deriv[3*j] += 2/pClu->Dig(i)->Q()*(pClu->Dig(i)->Q()-dQpadMath)*derivPart[3*j ][i];
205 deriv[3*j+1] += 2/pClu->Dig(i)->Q()*(pClu->Dig(i)->Q()-dQpadMath)*derivPart[3*j+1][i];
206 deriv[3*j+2] += 2/pClu->Dig(i)->Q()*(pClu->Dig(i)->Q()-dQpadMath)*derivPart[3*j+2][i];
207 }
76fd1a96 208 }
d3da6dc4 209 }
557ca324 210 //delete array...
211 for(Int_t i=0;i<iNpars;i++) delete [] derivPart[i]; delete [] derivPart;
76fd1a96 212 }
557ca324 213//---gradient calculations ended
76fd1a96 214
d3da6dc4 215}//FitFunction()
217void AliHMPIDCluster::Print(Option_t* opt)const
219//Print current cluster
220 const char *status=0;
221 switch(fSt){
d1bf51e1 222 case kFrm : status="formed " ;break;
223 case kUnf : status="unfolded (fit)" ;break;
224 case kCoG : status="coged " ;break;
225 case kLo1 : status="locmax 1 (fit)" ;break;
d1bf51e1 226 case kMax : status="exceeded (cog)" ;break;
227 case kNot : status="not done (cog)" ;break;
228 case kEmp : status="empty " ;break;
229 case kEdg : status="edge (fit)" ;break;
230 case kSi1 : status="size 1 (cog)" ;break;
231 case kNoLoc: status="no LocMax(fit)" ;break;
c5c19d6a 232 case kAbn : status="Abnormal fit " ;break;
d1bf51e1 233
234 default: status="??????" ;break;
d3da6dc4 235 }
e4a3eae8 236 Double_t ratio=0;
237 if(Q()>0&&QRaw()>0) ratio = Q()/QRaw()*100;
1d4857c5 238 Printf("%sCLU: ch=%i (%7.3f,%7.3f) Q=%8.3f Qraw=%8.3f(%3.0f%%) Size=%2i DimBox=%i LocMax=%i Chi2=%7.3f %s",
1006986d 239 opt,Ch(),X(),Y(),Q(),QRaw(),ratio,Size(),fBox,fNlocMax,fChi2,status);
d1bf51e1 240 if(fDigs) fDigs->Print();
d3da6dc4 241}//Print()
243Int_t AliHMPIDCluster::Solve(TClonesArray *pCluLst,Bool_t isTryUnfold)
245//This methode is invoked when the cluster is formed to solve it. Solve the cluster means to try to unfold the cluster
246//into the local maxima number of clusters. This methode is invoked by AliHMPIDRconstructor::Dig2Clu() on cluster by cluster basis.
247//At this point, cluster contains a list of digits, cluster charge and size is precalculated in AddDigit(), position is preset to (-1,-1) in ctor,
248//status is preset to kFormed in AddDigit(), chamber-sector info is preseted to actual values in AddDigit()
249//Method first finds number of local maxima and if it's more then one tries to unfold this cluster into local maxima number of clusters
250//Arguments: pCluLst - cluster list pointer where to add new cluster(s)
251// isTryUnfold - flag to switch on/off unfolding
252// Returns: number of local maxima of original cluster
76fd1a96 253 const Int_t kMaxLocMax=6; //max allowed number of loc max for fitting
255 CoG(); //First calculate CoG for the given cluster
e4a3eae8 256 Int_t iCluCnt=pCluLst->GetEntriesFast(); //get current number of clusters already stored in the list by previous operations
257 if(isTryUnfold==kFALSE || Size()==1) { //if cluster contains single pad there is no way to improve the knowledge
55a829a5 258 fSt = (isTryUnfold)? kSi1: kNot;
b38ac33a 259 if(fParam->GetInstType()) SetClusterParams(fXX,fYY,fCh);
d1bf51e1 260 new ((*pCluLst)[iCluCnt++]) AliHMPIDCluster(*this); //add this raw cluster
261 return 1;
262 }
76fd1a96 263
264//Phase 0. Initialise Fitter
265 Double_t arglist[10];
266 Int_t ierflg = 0;
267 TVirtualFitter *fitter = TVirtualFitter::Fitter(this,3*6); //initialize Fitter
269 arglist[0] = -1;
270 ierflg = fitter->ExecuteCommand("SET PRI", arglist, 1); // no printout
271 ierflg = fitter->ExecuteCommand("SET NOW", arglist, 0); //no warning messages
272 arglist[0] = 1;
273 ierflg = fitter->ExecuteCommand("SET GRA", arglist, 1); //force Fitter to use my gradient
275 fitter->SetFCN(AliHMPIDCluster::FitFunc);
277// arglist[0] = 1;
278// ierflg = fitter->ExecuteCommand("SET ERR", arglist ,1);
280// Set starting values and step sizes for parameters
d1bf51e1 282//Phase 1. Find number of local maxima. Strategy is to check if the current pad has QDC more then all neigbours. Also find the box contaning the cluster
283 fNlocMax=0;
e4a3eae8 284
76fd1a96 285 for(Int_t iDig1=0;iDig1<Size();iDig1++) { //first digits loop
e4a3eae8 287 AliHMPIDDigit *pDig1 = Dig(iDig1); //take next digit
c5c19d6a 288 Int_t iCnt = 0; //counts how many neighbouring pads has QDC more then current one
76fd1a96 289
d1bf51e1 290 for(Int_t iDig2=0;iDig2<Size();iDig2++) { //loop on all digits again
76fd1a96 291
d1bf51e1 292 if(iDig1==iDig2) continue; //the same digit, no need to compare
d3da6dc4 293 AliHMPIDDigit *pDig2 = Dig(iDig2); //take second digit to compare with the first one
da08475b 294 Int_t dist = TMath::Sign(Int_t(pDig1->PadChX()-pDig2->PadChX()),1)+TMath::Sign(Int_t(pDig1->PadChY()-pDig2->PadChY()),1);//distance between pads
d1bf51e1 295 if(dist==1) //means dig2 is a neighbour of dig1
c5c19d6a 296 if(pDig2->Q()>=pDig1->Q()) iCnt++; //count number of pads with Q more then Q of current pad
76fd1a96 297
d3da6dc4 298 }//second digits loop
76fd1a96 299
c5c19d6a 300 if(iCnt==0&&fNlocMax<kMaxLocMax){ //this pad has Q more then any neighbour so it's local maximum
76fd1a96 301
c5c19d6a 302 Double_t xStart=pDig1->LorsX();Double_t yStart=pDig1->LorsY();
b38ac33a 303 Double_t xMin=xStart-fParam->SizePadX();
304 Double_t xMax=xStart+fParam->SizePadX();
305 Double_t yMin=yStart-fParam->SizePadY();
306 Double_t yMax=yStart+fParam->SizePadY();
76fd1a96 307
308 ierflg = fitter->SetParameter(3*fNlocMax ,Form("x%i",fNlocMax),xStart,0.1,xMin,xMax); // X,Y,Q initial values of the loc max pad
309 ierflg = fitter->SetParameter(3*fNlocMax+1,Form("y%i",fNlocMax),yStart,0.1,yMin,yMax); // X, Y constrained to be near the loc max
343f4211 310 ierflg = fitter->SetParameter(3*fNlocMax+2,Form("q%i",fNlocMax),pDig1->Q(),0.1,0,10000); // Q constrained to be positive
76fd1a96 311
d1bf51e1 312 fNlocMax++;
76fd1a96 313
d3da6dc4 314 }//if this pad is local maximum
315 }//first digits loop
d1bf51e1 316
d3da6dc4 317//Phase 2. Fit loc max number of Mathiesons or add this current cluster to the list
e4a3eae8 318// case 1 -> no loc max found
76fd1a96 319 if ( fNlocMax == 0) { // case of no local maxima found: pads with same charge...
894758d4 321 ierflg = fitter->SetParameter(3*fNlocMax ,Form("x%i",fNlocMax),fXX,0.1,0,0); // Init values taken from CoG() -> fXX,fYY,fQRaw
322 ierflg = fitter->SetParameter(3*fNlocMax+1,Form("y%i",fNlocMax),fYY,0.1,0,0); //
343f4211 323 ierflg = fitter->SetParameter(3*fNlocMax+2,Form("q%i",fNlocMax),fQRaw,0.1,0,10000); //
76fd1a96 324
d1bf51e1 325 fNlocMax = 1;
326 fSt=kNoLoc;
327 }
e4a3eae8 328
329// case 2 -> loc max found. Check # of loc maxima
55a829a5 330 if ( fNlocMax >= kMaxLocMax) {
b38ac33a 331 if(fParam->GetInstType()) SetClusterParams(fXX,fYY,fCh); // if # of local maxima exceeds kMaxLocMax...
76fd1a96 332 fSt = kMax; new ((*pCluLst)[iCluCnt++]) AliHMPIDCluster(*this); //...add this raw cluster
333 } else { //or resonable number of local maxima to fit and user requested it
334 // Now ready for minimization step
335 arglist[0] = 500; //number of steps and sigma on pads charges
336 arglist[1] = 1.; //
338 ierflg = fitter->ExecuteCommand("SIMPLEX",arglist,2); //start fitting with Simplex
339 if (!ierflg)
340 fitter->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD" ,arglist,2); //fitting improved by Migrad
341 if(ierflg) {
c5c19d6a 342 Double_t strategy=2;
76fd1a96 343 ierflg = fitter->ExecuteCommand("SET STR",&strategy,1); //change level of strategy
344 if(!ierflg) {
345 ierflg = fitter->ExecuteCommand("SIMPLEX",arglist,2); //start fitting with Simplex
346 if (!ierflg)
347 fitter->ExecuteCommand("MIGRAD" ,arglist,2); //fitting improved by Migrad
c5c19d6a 348 }
349 }
76fd1a96 350 if(ierflg) fSt=kAbn; //no convergence of the fit...
351 Double_t dummy; char sName[80]; //vars to get results from Minuit
352 Double_t edm, errdef;
353 Int_t nvpar, nparx;
e4a3eae8 355 for(Int_t i=0;i<fNlocMax;i++){ //store the local maxima parameters
894758d4 356 fitter->GetParameter(3*i ,sName, fXX, fErrX , dummy, dummy); // X
357 fitter->GetParameter(3*i+1 ,sName, fYY, fErrY , dummy, dummy); // Y
76fd1a96 358 fitter->GetParameter(3*i+2 ,sName, fQ, fErrQ , dummy, dummy); // Q
359 fitter->GetStats(fChi2, edm, errdef, nvpar, nparx); //get fit infos
c5c19d6a 360 if(fSt!=kAbn) {
76fd1a96 361 if(fNlocMax!=1)fSt=kUnf; // if unfolded
362 if(fNlocMax==1&&fSt!=kNoLoc) fSt=kLo1; // if only 1 loc max
363 if ( !IsInPc()) fSt = kEdg; // if Out of Pc
364 if(fSt==kNoLoc) fNlocMax=0; // if with no loc max (pads with same charge..)
c5c19d6a 365 }
b38ac33a 366 if(fParam->GetInstType()) SetClusterParams(fXX,fYY,fCh); //need to fill the AliCluster3D part
e4a3eae8 367 new ((*pCluLst)[iCluCnt++]) AliHMPIDCluster(*this); //add new unfolded cluster
55a829a5 368
e4a3eae8 369 }
370 }
d1bf51e1 371
e4a3eae8 372 return fNlocMax;
d3da6dc4 374}//Solve()