]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - ITS/AliITSsimulationSPD.cxx
Using AliLog instead of Root error messages
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ITS / AliITSsimulationSPD.cxx
c7a4dac0 1/**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3 * *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
6 * *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
5bfe44ce 16/*
f8d9a5b8 19
5bfe44ce 20#include <Riostream.h>
b0f5e3fc 21#include <TH1.h>
9f033001 22#include <TString.h>
e8189707 23#include "AliITS.h"
e869281d 24#include "AliITSdigitSPD.h"
5bfe44ce 25#include "AliITShit.h"
9f033001 26#include "AliITSmodule.h"
c7a4dac0 27#include "AliITSpList.h"
5bfe44ce 28#include "AliITSCalibrationSPD.h"
29#include "AliITSsegmentationSPD.h"
b0f5e3fc 30#include "AliITSsimulationSPD.h"
f77f13c8 31#include "AliLog.h"
5bfe44ce 32#include "AliRun.h"
590d15ee 33#include "AliCDBEntry.h"
34#include "AliCDBLocal.h"
9f033001 35
bb6b39bf 36//#define DEBUG
e8189707 37
b0f5e3fc 38ClassImp(AliITSsimulationSPD)
5bfe44ce 40// Version: 1
590d15ee 41// Modified by D. Elia, G.E. Bruno, H. Tydesjo
42// Fast diffusion code by Bjorn S. Nilsen
5bfe44ce 43// March-April 2006
b0f5e3fc 44//
5bfe44ce 45// Version: 0
46// Written by Boris Batyunya
47// December 20 1999
21b825a4 48//
5bfe44ce 49//
50// AliITSsimulationSPD is to do the simulation of SPDs.
c7a4dac0 54//______________________________________________________________________
5bfe44ce 55AliITSsimulationSPD::AliITSsimulationSPD():
60 // Default constructor.
61 // Inputs:
aacedc3e 62 // none.
63 // Outputs:
64 // none.
65 // Return:
66 // A default constructed AliITSsimulationSPD class.
5bfe44ce 67
68 AliDebug(1,Form("Calling default constructor"));
69// Init();
b0f5e3fc 70}
c7a4dac0 71//______________________________________________________________________
8ba39da9 72AliITSsimulationSPD::AliITSsimulationSPD(AliITSDetTypeSim *dettyp):
5bfe44ce 74fHis(0),
77 // standard constructor
78 // Inputs:
79 // AliITSsegmentation *seg A pointer to the segmentation class
80 // to be used for this simulation
81 // AliITSCalibration *resp A pointer to the responce class to
82 // be used for this simulation
aacedc3e 83 // Outputs:
84 // none.
85 // Return:
5bfe44ce 86 // A default constructed AliITSsimulationSPD class.
aacedc3e 87
5bfe44ce 88 AliDebug(1,Form("Calling standard constructor "));
89// AliITSCalibrationSPD* res = (AliITSCalibrationSPD*)GetCalibrationModel(fDetType->GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD());
90// res->SetTemperature(0.0);
91// res->SetDistanceOverVoltage(0.0);
aacedc3e 92 Init();
5bfe44ce 95void AliITSsimulationSPD::Init(){
96 // Initilization
aacedc3e 97 // Inputs:
98 // none.
99 // Outputs:
100 // none.
101 // Return:
102 // none.
5bfe44ce 103 const Double_t kmictocm = 1.0e-4; // convert microns to cm.
c7a4dac0 104
5bfe44ce 105 SetModuleNumber(0);
106 SetEventNumber(0);
107 SetMap(new AliITSpList(GetNPixelsZ(),GetNPixelsX()));
108 AliITSCalibrationSPD* res = (AliITSCalibrationSPD*)GetCalibrationModel(fDetType->GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD());
8ba39da9 109 AliITSsegmentationSPD* seg = (AliITSsegmentationSPD*)GetSegmentationModel(0);
5bfe44ce 110 Double_t bias = res->GetBiasVoltage();
111// cout << "Bias Voltage --> " << bias << endl; // dom
112 res->SetDistanceOverVoltage(kmictocm*seg->Dy(),bias);
113// set kind of coupling ("old" or "new")
114 char opt[20];
115 res->GetCouplingOption(opt);
116 char *old = strstr(opt,"old");
117 if (old) {
118 fCoupling=2;
119 } else {
120 fCoupling=1;
121 } // end if
123 // Get the calibration objects for each module(ladder)
124 GetCalibrationObjects(0); //RunNr 0 hard coded for now
c7a4dac0 125
c7a4dac0 126}
5bfe44ce 128AliITSsimulationSPD::~AliITSsimulationSPD(){
c7a4dac0 129 // destructor
5bfe44ce 130 // Inputs:
aacedc3e 131 // none.
132 // Outputs:
133 // none.
134 // Return:
5bfe44ce 135 // none.
b0f5e3fc 136
c7a4dac0 137 if (fHis) {
aacedc3e 138 fHis->Delete();
139 delete fHis;
5bfe44ce 140 } // end if fHis
b0f5e3fc 141}
c7a4dac0 142//______________________________________________________________________
5bfe44ce 143AliITSsimulationSPD::AliITSsimulationSPD(const
144 AliITSsimulationSPD
145 &s) : AliITSsimulation(s){
146 // Copy Constructor
147 // Inputs:
148 // AliITSsimulationSPD &s The original class for which
149 // this class is a copy of
aacedc3e 150 // Outputs:
151 // none.
152 // Return:
c7a4dac0 153
5bfe44ce 154 *this = s;
c7a4dac0 155 return;
b0f5e3fc 156}
c7a4dac0 157//______________________________________________________________________
5bfe44ce 158AliITSsimulationSPD& AliITSsimulationSPD::operator=(const
159 AliITSsimulationSPD &s){
c7a4dac0 160 // Assignment operator
5bfe44ce 161 // Inputs:
162 // AliITSsimulationSPD &s The original class for which
163 // this class is a copy of
aacedc3e 164 // Outputs:
165 // none.
166 // Return:
c7a4dac0 167
5bfe44ce 168 if(&s == this) return *this;
169 this->fHis = s.fHis;
170 fCoupling = s.fCoupling;
171 fSPDname = s.fSPDname;
c7a4dac0 172 return *this;
5bfe44ce 173}
d2f55a22 174//______________________________________________________________________
5bfe44ce 175AliITSsimulation& AliITSsimulationSPD::operator=(const
176 AliITSsimulation &s){
d2f55a22 177 // Assignment operator
5bfe44ce 178 // Inputs:
179 // AliITSsimulationSPD &s The original class for which
180 // this class is a copy of
d2f55a22 181 // Outputs:
182 // none.
183 // Return:
d2f55a22 184
5bfe44ce 185 if(&s == this) return *this;
d2f55a22 186 Error("AliITSsimulationSPD","Not allowed to make a = with "
5bfe44ce 187 "AliITSsimulationSPD","Using default creater instead");
d2f55a22 188
189 return *this;
5bfe44ce 190}
d2f55a22 191
3a97c582 192//______________________________________________________________________
5bfe44ce 193void AliITSsimulationSPD::GetCalibrationObjects(Int_t RunNr) {
590d15ee 194 // Gets the calibration objects for each module (ladder)
195 // Inputs:
196 // RunNr: hard coded to RunNr=0 for now
197 // Outputs:
198 // none.
199 // Return:
200 // none.
5bfe44ce 202 AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
203 if(!man->IsDefaultStorageSet()) {
204 man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT");
205 }
206 AliCDBEntry *entrySPD = man->Get("ITS/Calib/CalibSPD", RunNr);
207 if(!entrySPD){
208 AliWarning("Cannot find SPD calibration entry!");
209 return;
210 }
211 TObjArray *respSPD = (TObjArray *)entrySPD->GetObject();
212 if ((! respSPD)) {
213 AliWarning("Cannot get data from SPD database entry!");
214 return;
215 }
216 for (Int_t mod=0; mod<240; mod++) {
590d15ee 217 fCalObj[mod] = (AliITSCalibrationSPD*) respSPD->At(mod);
5bfe44ce 218 }
222void AliITSsimulationSPD::InitSimulationModule(Int_t module, Int_t event){
223 // This function creates maps to build the list of tracks for each
224 // summable digit. Inputs defined by base class.
225 // Inputs:
226 // Int_t module // Module number to be simulated
227 // Int_t event // Event number to be simulated
228 // Outputs:
229 // none
230 // Returns:
231 // none
233 AliDebug(1,Form("(module=%d,event=%d)",module,event));
234 SetModuleNumber(module);
235 SetEventNumber(event);
236 ClearMap();
239void AliITSsimulationSPD::SDigitiseModule(AliITSmodule *mod,Int_t,
240 Int_t event){
241 // This function begins the work of creating S-Digits. Inputs defined
242 // by base class.
243 // Inputs:
244 // AliITSmodule *mod // module
245 // Int_t // not used
246 // Int_t event // Event number
247 // Outputs:
248 // none
249 // Return:
250 // test // test returns kTRUE if the module contained hits
251 // // test returns kFALSE if it did not contain hits
253 AliDebug(1,Form("(mod=%p, ,event=%d)",mod,event));
254 if(!(mod->GetNhits())){
255 AliDebug(1,Form("In event %d module %d there are %d hits returning.",
256 event, mod->GetIndex(),mod->GetNhits()));
257 return;// if module has no hits don't create Sdigits
258 } // end if
259 SetModuleNumber(mod->GetIndex());
260 SetEventNumber(event);
261 // HitToSDigit(mod);
262 HitToSDigitFast(mod);
590d15ee 263 RemoveDeadPixels(mod);
264// cout << "After Remove in SDigitiseModule !!!!!" << endl; // dom
265// cout << "Module " << mod->GetIndex() << " Event " << event << endl; // dom
5bfe44ce 266 WriteSDigits();
267 ClearMap();
270void AliITSsimulationSPD::WriteSDigits(){
271 // This function adds each S-Digit to pList
272 // Inputs:
3a97c582 273 // none.
5bfe44ce 274 // Outputs:
275 // none.
276 // Return:
277 // none
278 Int_t ix, nix, iz, niz;
279 static AliITS *aliITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");
281 AliDebug(1,Form("Writing SDigits for module %d",GetModuleNumber()));
590d15ee 282// cout << "WriteSDigits for module " << GetModuleNumber() << endl; // dom
5bfe44ce 283 GetMap()->GetMaxMapIndex(niz, nix);
284 for(iz=0; iz<niz; iz++)for(ix=0; ix<nix; ix++){
285 if(GetMap()->GetSignalOnly(iz,ix)>0.0){
590d15ee 286// cout << " Signal gt 0 iz ix " << iz << ix << " Module " << GetModuleNumber() << endl; // dom
5bfe44ce 287 aliITS->AddSumDigit(*(GetMap()->GetpListItem(iz,ix)));
288 if(AliDebugLevel()>0) {
289 AliDebug(1,Form("%d, %d",iz,ix));
290 cout << *(GetMap()->GetpListItem(iz,ix)) << endl;
291 } // end if GetDebug
292 } // end if GetMap()->GetSignalOnly(iz,ix)>0.0
293 } // end for iz,ix
294 return;
3a97c582 295}
297void AliITSsimulationSPD::FinishSDigitiseModule(){
5bfe44ce 298 // This function calls SDigitsToDigits which creates Digits from SDigits
299 // Inputs:
300 // none
301 // Outputs:
302 // none
303 // Return
304 // none
306 AliDebug(1,"()");
590d15ee 307// cout << "FinishSDigitiseModule for module " << GetModuleNumber() << endl; // dom
308 FrompListToDigits(); // Charge To Signal both adds noise and
5bfe44ce 309 ClearMap();
310 return;
313void AliITSsimulationSPD::DigitiseModule(AliITSmodule *mod,Int_t,
314 Int_t){
315 // This function creates Digits straight from the hits and then adds
316 // electronic noise to the digits before adding them to pList
317 // Each of the input variables is passed along to HitToSDigit
318 // Inputs:
319 // AliITSmodule *mod module
320 // Int_t Dummy.
321 // Int_t Dummy
322 // Outputs:
323 // none.
324 // Return:
325 // none.
3a97c582 326
5bfe44ce 327 AliDebug(1,Form("(mod=%p,,)",mod));
328 // HitToSDigit(mod);
329 HitToSDigitFast(mod);
330 RemoveDeadPixels(mod);
590d15ee 331// cout << "After Remove in DigitiseModule in module " << mod->GetIndex() << endl; // dom
332 FrompListToDigits();
5bfe44ce 333 ClearMap();
c7a4dac0 334}
5bfe44ce 336void AliITSsimulationSPD::HitToSDigit(AliITSmodule *mod){
337 // Does the charge distributions using Gaussian diffusion charge charing.
aacedc3e 338 // Inputs:
5bfe44ce 339 // AliITSmodule *mod Pointer to this module
340 // Output:
341 // none.
aacedc3e 342 // Return:
5bfe44ce 343 // none.
344 const Double_t kmictocm = 1.0e-4; // convert microns to cm.
345 TObjArray *hits = mod->GetHits();
346 Int_t nhits = hits->GetEntriesFast();
347 Int_t h,ix,iz,i;
348 Int_t idtrack;
349 Double_t x0=0.0,x1=0.0,y0=0.0,y1=0.0,z0=0.0,z1=0.0,de=0.0;
350 Double_t x,y,z,t,tp,st,dt=0.2,el,sig,sigx,sigz,fda;
351 AliITSsegmentationSPD* seg = (AliITSsegmentationSPD*)GetSegmentationModel(0);
352 AliITSCalibrationSPD* res = (AliITSCalibrationSPD*)GetCalibrationModel(fDetType->GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD());
353 Double_t thick = 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dy(); // Half Thickness
354 res->GetSigmaDiffusionAsymmetry(fda);
356 AliDebug(1,Form("(mod=%p) fCoupling=%d",mod,fCoupling));
357 if(nhits<=0) return;
358 for(h=0;h<nhits;h++){
359 if(AliDebugLevel()>0) {
360 AliDebug(1,Form("Hits, %d", h));
361 cout << *(mod->GetHit(h)) << endl;
362 } // end if GetDebug
363 if(!mod->LineSegmentL(h,x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1,de,idtrack)) continue;
364 st = TMath::Sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1+z1*z1);
365 if(st>0.0){
366 st = (Double_t)((Int_t)(st/kmictocm)); // number of microns
367 if(st<=1.0) st = 1.0;
368 dt = 1.0/st;
369 for(t=0.0;t<1.0;t+=dt){ // Integrate over t
370 tp = t+0.5*dt;
371 x = x0+x1*tp;
372 y = y0+y1*tp;
373 z = z0+z1*tp;
374 if(!(seg->LocalToDet(x,z,ix,iz))) continue; // outside
375 el = res->GeVToCharge((Double_t)(dt*de));
376 if(GetDebug(1)){
377 if(el<=0.0) cout<<"el="<<el<<" dt="<<dt
378 <<" de="<<de<<endl;
379 } // end if GetDebug
380 sig = res->SigmaDiffusion1D(TMath::Abs(thick + y));
381 // SpreadCharge(x,z,ix,iz,el,sig,idtrack,h);
382 sigx=sig;
383 sigz=sig*fda;
384 SpreadChargeAsym(x,z,ix,iz,el,sigx,sigz,idtrack,h);
385 cout << "sigx, sigz, y "<< sigx << " " << sigz<< " " << TMath::Abs(thick + y) << endl;// ciccio
386 } // end for t
387 } else { // st == 0.0 deposit it at this point
388 x = x0;
389 y = y0;
390 z = z0;
391 if(!(seg->LocalToDet(x,z,ix,iz))) continue; // outside
392 el = res->GeVToCharge((Double_t)de);
393 sig = res->SigmaDiffusion1D(TMath::Abs(thick + y));
394 // SpreadCharge(x,z,ix,iz,el,sig,idtrack,h);
395 sigx=sig;
396 sigz=sig*fda;
397 SpreadChargeAsym(x,z,ix,iz,el,sigx,sigz,idtrack,h);
398 } // end if st>0.0
399 // Coupling
400 switch (fCoupling) {
401 default:
402 break;
403 case 1: //case 3:
5bfe44ce 404 for(i=0;i<GetMap()->GetEntries();i++)
405 if(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)==0) continue;
406 else{
590d15ee 407 GetMap()->GetMapIndex(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)->GetIndex(),iz,ix);
5bfe44ce 408 SetCoupling(iz,ix,idtrack,h);
409 } // end for i
410 break;
411 case 2: // case 4:
5bfe44ce 412 for(i=0;i<GetMap()->GetEntries();i++)
413 if(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)==0) continue;
414 else{
590d15ee 415 GetMap()->GetMapIndex(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)->GetIndex(),iz,ix);
5bfe44ce 416 SetCouplingOld(iz,ix,idtrack,h);
417 } // end for i
418 break;
419 } // end switch
420 } // Loop over all hits h
421 if(GetDebug(2))Info("HitToSDigit","Finished fCoupling=%d",fCoupling);
c7a4dac0 422}
5bfe44ce 424void AliITSsimulationSPD::HitToSDigitFast(AliITSmodule *mod){
425 // Does the charge distributions using Gaussian diffusion charge charing. // Inputs:
426 // AliITSmodule *mod Pointer to this module
427 // Output:
428 // none.
aacedc3e 429 // Return:
5bfe44ce 430 // none.
431 const Double_t kmictocm = 1.0e-4; // convert microns to cm.
590d15ee 432 const Int_t kn10=10;
433 const Double_t kti[kn10]={7.443716945e-3,2.166976971e-1,3.397047841e-1,
5bfe44ce 434 4.325316833e-1,4.869532643e-1,5.130467358e-1,
435 5.674683167e-1,6.602952159e-1,7.833023029e-1,
436 9.255628306e-1};
590d15ee 437 const Double_t kwi[kn10]={1.477621124e-1,1.346333597e-1,1.095431813e-1,
5bfe44ce 438 7.472567455e-2,3.333567215e-2,3.333567215e-2,
439 7.472567455e-2,1.095431813e-1,1.346333597e-1,
440 1.477621124e-1};
441 TObjArray *hits = mod->GetHits();
442 Int_t nhits = hits->GetEntriesFast();
443 Int_t h,ix,iz,i;
444 Int_t idtrack;
445 Double_t x0=0.0,x1=0.0,y0=0.0,y1=0.0,z0=0.0,z1=0.0,de=0.0;
446 Double_t x,y,z,t,st,el,sig,sigx,sigz,fda;
447 AliITSsegmentationSPD* seg = (AliITSsegmentationSPD*)GetSegmentationModel(0);
448 AliITSCalibrationSPD* res = (AliITSCalibrationSPD*)GetCalibrationModel(fDetType->GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD());
449 Double_t thick = 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dy(); // Half thickness
450 res->GetSigmaDiffusionAsymmetry(fda);
451// cout << "Half Thickness " << thick << endl; // dom
452// cout << "Diffusion asymm " << fda << endl; // dom
454 AliDebug(1,Form("(mod=%p) fCoupling=%d",mod,fCoupling));
455 if(nhits<=0) return;
456 for(h=0;h<nhits;h++){
457 if(AliDebugLevel()>0) {
458 AliDebug(1,Form("Hits, %d", h));
459 cout << *(mod->GetHit(h)) << endl;
460 } // end if GetDebug
461 if(!mod->LineSegmentL(h,x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1,de,idtrack)) continue;
462 st = TMath::Sqrt(x1*x1+y1*y1+z1*z1);
590d15ee 463 if(st>0.0) for(i=0;i<kn10;i++){ // Integrate over t
464 t = kti[i];
5bfe44ce 465 x = x0+x1*t;
466 y = y0+y1*t;
467 z = z0+z1*t;
468 if(!(seg->LocalToDet(x,z,ix,iz))) continue; // outside
469 // el = res->GeVToCharge((Double_t)(dt*de));
590d15ee 470 // el = 1./kn10*res->GeVToCharge((Double_t)de);
471 el = kwi[i]*res->GeVToCharge((Double_t)de);
5bfe44ce 472 if(GetDebug(1)){
590d15ee 473 if(el<=0.0) cout<<"el="<<el<<" kwi["<<i<<"]="<<kwi[i]
5bfe44ce 474 <<" de="<<de<<endl;
475 } // end if GetDebug
476 sig = res->SigmaDiffusion1D(TMath::Abs(thick + y));
477 sigx=sig;
478 sigz=sig*fda;
479 //SpreadCharge(x,z,ix,iz,el,sig,idtrack,h);
480 SpreadChargeAsym(x,z,ix,iz,el,sigx,sigz,idtrack,h);
481 // cout << "sigx sigz " << sigx << " " << sigz << endl; // dom
482 } // end for i // End Integrate over t
483 else { // st == 0.0 deposit it at this point
484 x = x0;
485 y = y0;
486 z = z0;
487 if(!(seg->LocalToDet(x,z,ix,iz))) continue; // outside
488 el = res->GeVToCharge((Double_t)de);
489 sig = res->SigmaDiffusion1D(TMath::Abs(thick + y));
490 //SpreadCharge(x,z,ix,iz,el,sig,idtrack,h);
491 sigx=sig;
492 sigz=sig*fda;
493 SpreadChargeAsym(x,z,ix,iz,el,sigx,sigz,idtrack,h);
494 } // end if st>0.0
495 // Coupling
496 switch (fCoupling) {
497 default:
498 break;
499 case 1: // case 3:
5bfe44ce 500 for(i=0;i<GetMap()->GetEntries();i++)
501 if(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)==0) continue;
502 else{
590d15ee 503 GetMap()->GetMapIndex(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)->GetIndex(),iz,ix);
5bfe44ce 504 SetCoupling(iz,ix,idtrack,h);
505 } // end for i
506 break;
507 case 2: // case 4:
5bfe44ce 508 for(i=0;i<GetMap()->GetEntries();i++)
509 if(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)==0) continue;
510 else{
590d15ee 511 GetMap()->GetMapIndex(GetMap()->GetpListItem(i)->GetIndex(),iz,ix);
512 SetCouplingOld(iz,ix,idtrack,h);
5bfe44ce 513 } // end for i
514 break;
515 } // end switch
516 } // Loop over all hits h
517 if(GetDebug(2))Info("HitToSDigit","Finished fCoupling=%d",fCoupling);
21b825a4 518}
c7a4dac0 519//______________________________________________________________________
5bfe44ce 520void AliITSsimulationSPD::SpreadCharge(Double_t x0,Double_t z0,
521 Int_t ix0,Int_t iz0,
522 Double_t el,Double_t sig,Int_t t,
523 Int_t hi){
524 // Spreads the charge over neighboring cells. Assume charge is distributed
525 // as charge(x,z) = (el/2*pi*sig*sig)*exp(-arg)
526 // arg=((x-x0)*(x-x0)/2*sig*sig)+((z-z0*z-z0)/2*sig*sig)
527 // Defined this way, the integral over all x and z is el.
aacedc3e 528 // Inputs:
5bfe44ce 529 // Double_t x0 x position of point where charge is liberated
530 // Double_t y0 y position of point where charge is liberated
531 // Double_t z0 z position of point where charge is liberated
532 // Int_t ix0 row of cell corresponding to point x0
533 // Int_t iz0 columb of cell corresponding to point z0
534 // Double_t el number of electrons liberated in this step
535 // Double_t sig Sigma difusion for this step (y0 dependent)
536 // Int_t t track number
537 // Int_t ti hit track index number
538 // Int_t hi hit "hit" index number
aacedc3e 539 // Outputs:
5bfe44ce 540 // none.
aacedc3e 541 // Return:
5bfe44ce 542 // none.
543 const Int_t knx = 3,knz = 2;
544 const Double_t kRoot2 = 1.414213562; // Sqrt(2).
545 const Double_t kmictocm = 1.0e-4; // convert microns to cm.
546 Int_t ix,iz,ixs,ixe,izs,ize;
547 Float_t x,z;
548 Double_t x1,x2,z1,z2,s,sp;
549 AliITSsegmentationSPD* seg = (AliITSsegmentationSPD*)GetSegmentationModel(0);
21b825a4 550
3a97c582 551
5bfe44ce 552 if(GetDebug(4)) Info("SpreadCharge","(x0=%e,z0=%e,ix0=%d,iz0=%d,el=%e,"
553 "sig=%e,t=%d,i=%d)",x0,z0,ix0,iz0,el,sig,t,hi);
554 if(sig<=0.0) { // if sig<=0 No diffusion to simulate.
555 GetMap()->AddSignal(iz0,ix0,t,hi,GetModuleNumber(),el);
556 if(GetDebug(2)){
557 cout << "sig<=0.0=" << sig << endl;
558 } // end if GetDebug
559 return;
560 } // end if
561 sp = 1.0/(sig*kRoot2);
562 if(GetDebug(2)){
563 cout << "sig=" << sig << " sp=" << sp << endl;
564 } // end if GetDebug
565 ixs = TMath::Max(-knx+ix0,0);
566 ixe = TMath::Min(knx+ix0,seg->Npx()-1);
567 izs = TMath::Max(-knz+iz0,0);
568 ize = TMath::Min(knz+iz0,seg->Npz()-1);
569 for(ix=ixs;ix<=ixe;ix++) for(iz=izs;iz<=ize;iz++){
570 seg->DetToLocal(ix,iz,x,z); // pixel center
571 x1 = x;
572 z1 = z;
573 x2 = x1 + 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpx(ix); // Upper
574 x1 -= 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpx(ix); // Lower
575 z2 = z1 + 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpz(iz); // Upper
576 z1 -= 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpz(iz); // Lower
577 x1 -= x0; // Distance from where track traveled
578 x2 -= x0; // Distance from where track traveled
579 z1 -= z0; // Distance from where track traveled
580 z2 -= z0; // Distance from where track traveled
581 s = 0.25; // Correction based on definision of Erfc
582 s *= TMath::Erfc(sp*x1) - TMath::Erfc(sp*x2);
583 if(GetDebug(3)){
584 cout <<"el="<<el<<" ix0="<<ix0<<" ix="<<ix<<" x0="<<x<<
585 " iz0="<<iz0<<" iz="<<iz<<" z0="<<z<<
586 " sp*x1="<<sp*x1<<" sp*x2="<<sp*x2<<" s="<<s;
587 } // end if GetDebug
588 s *= TMath::Erfc(sp*z1) - TMath::Erfc(sp*z2);
589 if(GetDebug(3)){
590 cout<<" sp*z1="<<sp*z1<<" sp*z2="<<sp*z2<<" s="<<s<< endl;
591 } // end if GetDebug
592 GetMap()->AddSignal(iz,ix,t,hi,GetModuleNumber(),s*el);
593 } // end for ix, iz
c7a4dac0 594}
5bfe44ce 596void AliITSsimulationSPD::SpreadChargeAsym(Double_t x0,Double_t z0,
597 Int_t ix0,Int_t iz0,
598 Double_t el,Double_t sigx,Double_t sigz,
599 Int_t t,Int_t hi){
600 // Spreads the charge over neighboring cells. Assume charge is distributed
601 // as charge(x,z) = (el/2*pi*sigx*sigz)*exp(-arg)
602 // arg=((x-x0)*(x-x0)/2*sigx*sigx)+((z-z0*z-z0)/2*sigz*sigz)
603 // Defined this way, the integral over all x and z is el.
aacedc3e 604 // Inputs:
5bfe44ce 605 // Double_t x0 x position of point where charge is liberated
606 // Double_t y0 y position of point where charge is liberated
607 // Double_t z0 z position of point where charge is liberated
608 // Int_t ix0 row of cell corresponding to point x0
609 // Int_t iz0 columb of cell corresponding to point z0
610 // Double_t el number of electrons liberated in this step
611 // Double_t sigx Sigma difusion along x for this step (y0 dependent)
612 // Double_t sigz Sigma difusion along z for this step (y0 dependent)
613 // Int_t t track number
614 // Int_t ti hit track index number
615 // Int_t hi hit "hit" index number
aacedc3e 616 // Outputs:
5bfe44ce 617 // none.
aacedc3e 618 // Return:
5bfe44ce 619 // none.
620 const Int_t knx = 3,knz = 2;
621 const Double_t kRoot2 = 1.414213562; // Sqrt(2).
622 const Double_t kmictocm = 1.0e-4; // convert microns to cm.
623 Int_t ix,iz,ixs,ixe,izs,ize;
624 Float_t x,z;
625 Double_t x1,x2,z1,z2,s,spx,spz;
626 AliITSsegmentationSPD* seg = (AliITSsegmentationSPD*)GetSegmentationModel(0);
c7a4dac0 628
5bfe44ce 629 if(GetDebug(4)) Info("SpreadCharge","(x0=%e,z0=%e,ix0=%d,iz0=%d,el=%e,"
630 "sig=%e,t=%d,i=%d)",x0,z0,ix0,iz0,el,sigx,sigz,t,hi);
631 if(sigx<=0.0 || sigz<=0.0) { // if sig<=0 No diffusion to simulate.
632 GetMap()->AddSignal(iz0,ix0,t,hi,GetModuleNumber(),el);
633 if(GetDebug(2)){
634 cout << "sigx<=0.0=" << sigx << endl;
635 cout << "sigz<=0.0=" << sigz << endl;
636 } // end if GetDebug
637 return;
638 } // end if
639 spx = 1.0/(sigx*kRoot2); spz = 1.0/(sigz*kRoot2);
640 if(GetDebug(2)){
641 cout << "sigx=" << sigx << " spx=" << spx << endl;
642 cout << "sigz=" << sigz << " spz=" << spz << endl;
643 } // end if GetDebug
644 ixs = TMath::Max(-knx+ix0,0);
645 ixe = TMath::Min(knx+ix0,seg->Npx()-1);
646 izs = TMath::Max(-knz+iz0,0);
647 ize = TMath::Min(knz+iz0,seg->Npz()-1);
648 for(ix=ixs;ix<=ixe;ix++) for(iz=izs;iz<=ize;iz++){
649 seg->DetToLocal(ix,iz,x,z); // pixel center
650 x1 = x;
651 z1 = z;
652 x2 = x1 + 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpx(ix); // Upper
653 x1 -= 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpx(ix); // Lower
654 z2 = z1 + 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpz(iz); // Upper
655 z1 -= 0.5*kmictocm*seg->Dpz(iz); // Lower
656 x1 -= x0; // Distance from where track traveled
657 x2 -= x0; // Distance from where track traveled
658 z1 -= z0; // Distance from where track traveled
659 z2 -= z0; // Distance from where track traveled
660 s = 0.25; // Correction based on definision of Erfc
661 s *= TMath::Erfc(spx*x1) - TMath::Erfc(spx*x2);
662 if(GetDebug(3)){
663 cout <<"el="<<el<<" ix0="<<ix0<<" ix="<<ix<<" x0="<<x<<
664 " iz0="<<iz0<<" iz="<<iz<<" z0="<<z<<
665 " spx*x1="<<spx*x1<<" spx*x2="<<spx*x2<<" s="<<s;
666 } // end if GetDebug
667 s *= TMath::Erfc(spz*z1) - TMath::Erfc(spz*z2);
668 if(GetDebug(3)){
669 cout<<" spz*z1="<<spz*z1<<" spz*z2="<<spz*z2<<" s="<<s<< endl;
670 } // end if GetDebug
671 GetMap()->AddSignal(iz,ix,t,hi,GetModuleNumber(),s*el);
672 } // end for ix, iz
c7a4dac0 673}
5bfe44ce 675void AliITSsimulationSPD::RemoveDeadPixels(AliITSmodule *mod){
590d15ee 676 // Removes dead pixels on each module (ladder)
677 // Inputs:
678 // Module Index (0,239)
679 // Outputs:
680 // none.
681 // Return:
682 // none.
684 Int_t moduleNr = mod->GetIndex();
685 Int_t nrDead = fCalObj[moduleNr]->GetNrDead();
686 for (Int_t i=0; i<nrDead; i++) {
687 GetMap()->DeleteHit(fCalObj[moduleNr]->GetDeadColAt(i),fCalObj[moduleNr]->GetDeadRowAt(i));
5bfe44ce 688 }
590d15ee 691void AliITSsimulationSPD::FrompListToDigits(){
5bfe44ce 692 // add noise and electronics, perform the zero suppression and add the
693 // digit to the list
aacedc3e 694 // Inputs:
5bfe44ce 695 // none.
aacedc3e 696 // Outputs:
5bfe44ce 697 // none.
aacedc3e 698 // Return:
5bfe44ce 699 // none.
700 static AliITS *aliITS = (AliITS*)gAlice->GetModule("ITS");
701 Int_t j,ix,iz;
702 Double_t electronics;
703 Double_t sig;
590d15ee 704 const Int_t knmaxtrk=AliITSdigitSPD::GetNTracks();
5bfe44ce 705 static AliITSdigitSPD dig;
706 AliITSCalibrationSPD* res = (AliITSCalibrationSPD*)GetCalibrationModel(fDetType->GetITSgeom()->GetStartSPD());
590d15ee 707 if(GetDebug(1)) Info("FrompListToDigits","()");
5bfe44ce 708 for(iz=0; iz<GetNPixelsZ(); iz++) for(ix=0; ix<GetNPixelsX(); ix++){
709// NEW (for the moment plugged by hand, in the future possibly read from Data Base)
710// here parametrize the efficiency of the pixel along the row for the test columns (1,9,17,25)
711// if(iz==1 || iz == 9 || iz == 17 || iz == 25) {
712// Double_t eff,p1=0.,p2=0.;
713// Double_t x=ix;
714// switch (iz) {
715// case 1: p1=0.63460;p2=0.42438E-01;break;
716// case 9: p1=0.41090;p2=0.75914E-01;break;
717// case 17: p1=0.31883;p2=0.91502E-01;break;
718// case 25: p1=0.48828;p2=0.57975E-01;break;
719// } // end switch
720// eff=1.-p1*exp(-p2*x);
721// if (gRandom->Rndm() >= eff) continue;
722// } // end if
723 // END parametrize the efficiency
724 //
725 electronics = res->ApplyBaselineAndNoise();
726 UpdateMapNoise(ix,iz,electronics);
727 //
728 // Apply Threshold and write Digits.
729 sig = GetMap()->GetSignalOnly(iz,ix);
730 FillHistograms(ix,iz,sig+electronics);
731 if(GetDebug(3)){
732 cout<<sig<<"+"<<electronics<<">threshold("<<ix<<","<<iz
733 <<")="<<GetThreshold() <<endl;
734 } // end if GetDebug
735 if (sig+electronics <= GetThreshold()) continue;
736 dig.SetCoord1(iz);
737 dig.SetCoord2(ix);
738 dig.SetSignal(1);
590d15ee 739
740// dig.SetSignalSPD((Int_t) GetMap()->GetSignal(iz,ix));
741 Double_t aSignal = GetMap()->GetSignal(iz,ix);
742 if (TMath::Abs(aSignal)>2147483647.0) {
743 //PH 2147483647 is the max. integer
744 //PH This apparently is a problem which needs investigation
745 AliWarning(Form("Too big or too small signal value %f",aSignal));
746 aSignal = TMath::Sign((Double_t)2147483647,aSignal);
747 }
748 dig.SetSignalSPD((Int_t)aSignal);
750 for(j=0;j<knmaxtrk;j++){
5bfe44ce 751 if (j<GetMap()->GetNEntries()) {
752 dig.SetTrack(j,GetMap()->GetTrack(iz,ix,j));
753 dig.SetHit(j,GetMap()->GetHit(iz,ix,j));
754 }else { // Default values
755 dig.SetTrack(j,-3);
756 dig.SetHit(j,-1);
757 } // end if GetMap()
758 } // end for j
759 if(GetDebug(3)){
760 cout<<iz<<","<<ix<<","<<*(GetMap()->GetpListItem(iz,ix))<<endl;
761 } // end if GetDebug
762 aliITS->AddSimDigit(0,&dig);
763 } // for ix/iz
c7a4dac0 764}
5bfe44ce 766void AliITSsimulationSPD::CreateHistograms(){
767 // create 1D histograms for tests
aacedc3e 768 // Inputs:
5bfe44ce 769 // none.
aacedc3e 770 // Outputs:
5bfe44ce 771 // none.
aacedc3e 772 // Return:
5bfe44ce 773 // none.
775 if(GetDebug(1)) Info("CreateHistograms","create histograms");
777 fHis = new TObjArray(GetNPixelsZ());
778 TString fSPDname("spd_");
779 for(Int_t i=0;i<GetNPixelsZ();i++) {
780 Char_t pixelz[4];
781 sprintf(pixelz,"%d",i);
782 fSPDname.Append(pixelz);
783 fHis->AddAt(new TH1F(fSPDname.Data(),"SPD maps",
784 GetNPixelsX(),0.,(Double_t)GetNPixelsX()),i);
785 } // end for i
c7a4dac0 786}
5bfe44ce 788void AliITSsimulationSPD::FillHistograms(Int_t ix,Int_t iz,Double_t v){
789 // Fill the histogram
aacedc3e 790 // Inputs:
5bfe44ce 791 // none.
aacedc3e 792 // Outputs:
5bfe44ce 793 // none.
aacedc3e 794 // Return:
5bfe44ce 795 // none.
797 if(!GetHistArray()) return; // Only fill if setup.
798 if(GetDebug(2)) Info("FillHistograms","fill histograms");
799 GetHistogram(iz)->Fill(ix,v);
c7a4dac0 800}
5bfe44ce 802void AliITSsimulationSPD::ResetHistograms(){
803 // Reset histograms for this detector
aacedc3e 804 // Inputs:
5bfe44ce 805 // none.
aacedc3e 806 // Outputs:
5bfe44ce 807 // none.
aacedc3e 808 // Return:
5bfe44ce 809 // none.
811 if(!GetHistArray()) return; // Only fill if setup.
812 if(GetDebug(2)) Info("FillHistograms","fill histograms");
813 for ( int i=0;i<GetNPixelsZ();i++ ) {
814 if (fHis->At(i)) ((TH1F*)fHis->At(i))->Reset();
815 } // end for i
21b825a4 816}
5bfe44ce 817
c7a4dac0 818//______________________________________________________________________
590d15ee 819void AliITSsimulationSPD::SetCoupling(Int_t col, Int_t row, Int_t ntrack,
5bfe44ce 820 Int_t idhit) {
c7a4dac0 821 // Take into account the coupling between adiacent pixels.
f8d9a5b8 822 // The parameters probcol and probrow are the probability of the
823 // signal in one pixel shared in the two adjacent pixels along
824 // the column and row direction, respectively.
5bfe44ce 825 // Note pList is goten via GetMap() and module is not need any more.
826 // Otherwise it is identical to that coded by Tiziano Virgili (BSN).
f8d9a5b8 827 //Begin_Html
828 /*
829 <img src="picts/ITS/barimodel_3.gif">
830 </pre>
831 <br clear=left>
832 <font size=+2 color=red>
833 <a href="mailto:tiziano.virgili@cern.ch"></a>.
834 </font>
835 <pre>
836 */
837 //End_Html
5bfe44ce 838 // Inputs:
590d15ee 839 // Int_t col z cell index
840 // Int_t row x cell index
5bfe44ce 841 // Int_t ntrack track incex number
842 // Int_t idhit hit index number
843 // Outputs:
844 // none.
845 // Return:
846 // none.
f8d9a5b8 847 Int_t j1,j2,flag=0;
848 Double_t pulse1,pulse2;
aacedc3e 849 Double_t couplR=0.0,couplC=0.0;
f8d9a5b8 850 Double_t xr=0.;
5bfe44ce 852 GetCouplings(couplC,couplR);
590d15ee 853 if(GetDebug(3)) Info("SetCoupling","(col=%d,row=%d,ntrack=%d,idhit=%d) "
854 "Calling SetCoupling couplC=%e couplR=%e",
855 col,row,ntrack,idhit,couplC,couplR);
856 j1 = col;
857 j2 = row;
858 pulse1 = GetMap()->GetSignalOnly(col,row);
f8d9a5b8 859 pulse2 = pulse1;
590d15ee 860 for (Int_t isign=-1;isign<=1;isign+=2){// loop in col direction
aacedc3e 861 do{
862 j1 += isign;
aacedc3e 863 xr = gRandom->Rndm();
590d15ee 864 if ((j1<0) || (j1>GetNPixelsZ()-1) || (xr>couplC)){
865 j1 = col;
aacedc3e 866 flag = 1;
867 }else{
590d15ee 868 UpdateMapSignal(row,j1,ntrack,idhit,pulse1);
aacedc3e 869 // flag = 0;
870 flag = 1; // only first next!!
871 } // end if
872 } while(flag == 0);
590d15ee 873 // loop in row direction
aacedc3e 874 do{
875 j2 += isign;
aacedc3e 876 xr = gRandom->Rndm();
590d15ee 877 if ((j2<0) || (j2>GetNPixelsX()-1) || (xr>couplR)){
878 j2 = row;
aacedc3e 879 flag = 1;
880 }else{
590d15ee 881 UpdateMapSignal(j2,col,ntrack,idhit,pulse2);
aacedc3e 882 // flag = 0;
883 flag = 1; // only first next!!
884 } // end if
885 } while(flag == 0);
f8d9a5b8 886 } // for isign
590d15ee 889void AliITSsimulationSPD::SetCouplingOld(Int_t col, Int_t row,
5bfe44ce 890 Int_t ntrack,Int_t idhit) {
f8d9a5b8 891 // Take into account the coupling between adiacent pixels.
c7a4dac0 892 // The parameters probcol and probrow are the fractions of the
893 // signal in one pixel shared in the two adjacent pixels along
894 // the column and row direction, respectively.
c7a4dac0 895 //Begin_Html
896 /*
897 <img src="picts/ITS/barimodel_3.gif">
898 </pre>
899 <br clear=left>
900 <font size=+2 color=red>
901 <a href="mailto:Rocco.Caliandro@ba.infn.it"></a>.
902 </font>
903 <pre>
904 */
905 //End_Html
5bfe44ce 906 // Inputs:
590d15ee 907 // Int_t col z cell index
908 // Int_t row x cell index
5bfe44ce 909 // Int_t ntrack track incex number
910 // Int_t idhit hit index number
911 // Int_t module module number
912 // Outputs:
913 // none.
914 // Return:
915 // none.
c7a4dac0 916 Int_t j1,j2,flag=0;
917 Double_t pulse1,pulse2;
aacedc3e 918 Double_t couplR=0.0,couplC=0.0;
c7a4dac0 919
5bfe44ce 920 GetCouplings(couplC,couplR);
922 // Debugging ...
923// cout << "Threshold --> " << GetThreshold() << endl; // dom
924// cout << "Couplings --> " << couplC << " " << couplR << endl; //dom
590d15ee 927 if(GetDebug(3)) Info("SetCouplingOld","(col=%d,row=%d,ntrack=%d,idhit=%d) "
928 "Calling SetCoupling couplC=%e couplR=%e",
929 col,row,ntrack,idhit,couplC,couplR);
930 for (Int_t isign=-1;isign<=1;isign+=2){// loop in col direction
931 pulse1 = GetMap()->GetSignalOnly(col,row);
5bfe44ce 932 pulse2 = pulse1;
590d15ee 933 j1 = col;
934 j2 = row;
aacedc3e 935 do{
936 j1 += isign;
590d15ee 937 pulse1 *= couplC;
5bfe44ce 938 if ((j1<0)||(j1>GetNPixelsZ()-1)||(pulse1<GetThreshold())){
590d15ee 939 pulse1 = GetMap()->GetSignalOnly(col,row);
940 j1 = col;
aacedc3e 941 flag = 1;
942 }else{
590d15ee 943 UpdateMapSignal(row,j1,ntrack,idhit,pulse1);
5bfe44ce 944 // flag = 0;
945 flag = 1; // only first next !!
aacedc3e 946 } // end if
947 } while(flag == 0);
590d15ee 948 // loop in row direction
aacedc3e 949 do{
950 j2 += isign;
590d15ee 951 pulse2 *= couplR;
5bfe44ce 952 if((j2<0)||(j2>(GetNPixelsX()-1))||(pulse2<GetThreshold())){
590d15ee 953 pulse2 = GetMap()->GetSignalOnly(col,row);
954 j2 = row;
aacedc3e 955 flag = 1;
956 }else{
590d15ee 957 UpdateMapSignal(j2,col,ntrack,idhit,pulse2);
5bfe44ce 958 // flag = 0;
959 flag = 1; // only first next!!
aacedc3e 960 } // end if
961 } while(flag == 0);
c7a4dac0 962 } // for isign
21b825a4 963}