1 /**************************************************************************
2 * Copyright(c) 2004, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project. *
5 * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. *
7 * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its *
8 * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted *
9 * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all *
10 * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice *
11 * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims *
12 * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is *
13 * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. *
14 **************************************************************************/
16 /** @file AliFMDPedestalDA.cxx
17 @author Hans Hjersing Dalsgaard <canute@nbi.dk>
18 @date Mon Mar 10 09:46:05 2008
19 @brief Derived class for the pedestal detector algorithm.
22 // This class implements the virtual functions of the AliFMDBaseDA
23 // class. The most important of these functions, FillChannels(..) and
24 // Analyse(...) collect and analyse the data of each channel. The
25 // resulting pedestal and noise values are written to a comma
26 // separated values (csv) file on the go. The csv files produced in
27 // this way are the basic input to the AliFMDPreprocessor.
30 #include "AliFMDPedestalDA.h"
31 #include "AliFMDAltroMapping.h"
32 #include "AliFMDParameters.h"
33 #include "AliFMDCalibPedestal.h"
34 #include "AliFMDDigit.h"
47 //_____________________________________________________________________
48 ClassImp(AliFMDPedestalDA)
50 //_____________________________________________________________________
51 AliFMDPedestalDA::AliFMDPedestalDA()
54 fPedSummary("PedestalSummary","pedestals",51200,0,51200),
55 fNoiseSummary("NoiseSummary","noise",51200,0,51200),
59 fMinTimebin(3 * 4 * 3 * 16), // 3 ddls, 4 FECs, 3 Altros, 16 channels
60 fMaxTimebin(3 * 4 * 3 * 16), // 3 ddls, 4 FECs, 3 Altros, 16 channels
67 // Default constructor
68 Rotate("peds.csv", 3);
69 fOutputFile.open("peds.csv");
70 Rotate("ddl3072.csv", 10);
71 fZSfileFMD1.open("ddl3072.csv");
72 Rotate("ddl3073.csv", 10);
73 fZSfileFMD2.open("ddl3073.csv");
74 Rotate("ddl3074.csv", 10);
75 fZSfileFMD3.open("ddl3074.csv");
76 fDiagnosticsFilename = "diagnosticsPedestal.root";
79 //_____________________________________________________________________
80 AliFMDPedestalDA::AliFMDPedestalDA(const AliFMDPedestalDA & pedDA) :
83 fPedSummary("PedestalSummary","pedestals",51200,0,51200),
84 fNoiseSummary("NoiseSummary","noise",51200,0,51200),
88 fMinTimebin(pedDA.fMinTimebin),
89 fMaxTimebin(pedDA.fMaxTimebin),
90 fSummaryFMD1i(pedDA.fSummaryFMD1i),
91 fSummaryFMD2i(pedDA.fSummaryFMD2i),
92 fSummaryFMD2o(pedDA.fSummaryFMD2o),
93 fSummaryFMD3i(pedDA.fSummaryFMD3i),
94 fSummaryFMD3o(pedDA.fSummaryFMD3o)
99 //_____________________________________________________________________
100 AliFMDPedestalDA::~AliFMDPedestalDA()
105 //_____________________________________________________________________
106 void AliFMDPedestalDA::Init()
109 SetRequiredEvents(1000);
110 fMinTimebin.Reset(1024);
111 fMaxTimebin.Reset(-1);
116 //_____________________________________________________________________
117 void AliFMDPedestalDA::AddChannelContainer(TObjArray* sampleArray,
123 // Add a channel to the containers.
126 // sectorArray Array of sectors
131 AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance();
132 UInt_t samples = pars->GetSampleRate(det, ring, sec, strip);
133 for (UInt_t sample = 0; sample < samples; sample++) {
134 TString name(Form("FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d]_%d", det,ring,sec,strip,sample));
135 TH1S* hSample = new TH1S(name.Data(),name.Data(), 1024,-.5,1023.5);
136 hSample->SetXTitle("ADC");
137 hSample->SetYTitle("Events");
138 hSample->SetDirectory(0);
139 sampleArray->AddAtAndExpand(hSample, sample);
143 //_____________________________________________________________________
144 void AliFMDPedestalDA::AddSectorSummary(TObjArray* sectorArray,
150 TH1F* sumPed = new TH1F("Pedestals",
151 Form("Summary of pedestals in FMD%d%c[%02d]",
154 sumPed->SetXTitle("Strip");
155 sumPed->SetYTitle("Pedestal [ADC]");
156 sumPed->SetDirectory(0);
158 TH1F* sumNoise = static_cast<TH1F*>(sumPed->Clone("Noise"));
159 sumNoise->SetYTitle("Noise [ADC]");
160 sumNoise->SetDirectory(0);
162 Int_t n = sectorArray->GetEntriesFast();
163 sectorArray->AddAtAndExpand(sumPed, n + kPedestalOffset - 1);
164 sectorArray->AddAtAndExpand(sumNoise, n + kNoiseOffset - 1);
167 //_____________________________________________________________________
168 void AliFMDPedestalDA::FillChannels(AliFMDDigit* digit)
170 // Fill ADC values from a digit into the corresponding histogram.
173 // digit Digit to fill ADC values for.
174 UShort_t det = digit->Detector();
175 Char_t ring = digit->Ring();
176 UShort_t sec = digit->Sector();
177 UShort_t strip = digit->Strip();
179 AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance();
180 UInt_t samples = pars->GetSampleRate(det, ring, sec, strip);
181 for (UInt_t sample = 0; sample < samples; sample++) {
182 TH1S* hSample = GetChannel(det, ring, sec, strip, sample);
183 if (!hSample) continue;
185 hSample->Fill(digit->Count(sample));
190 //_____________________________________________________________________
191 void AliFMDPedestalDA::MakeSummary(UShort_t det, Char_t ring)
193 //Create summary hists for FMD pedestals
194 // std::cout << "Making summary for FMD" << det << ring << " ..."
198 fSummaryFMD1i = MakeSummaryHistogram("ped", "Pedestals", det, ring);
203 fSummaryFMD2i = MakeSummaryHistogram("ped", "Pedestals", det, ring);
206 fSummaryFMD2o = MakeSummaryHistogram("ped", "Pedestals", det, ring);
213 fSummaryFMD3i = MakeSummaryHistogram("ped", "Pedestals", det, ring);
216 fSummaryFMD3o = MakeSummaryHistogram("ped", "Pedestals", det, ring);
223 //_____________________________________________________________________
224 void AliFMDPedestalDA::Analyse(UShort_t det,
229 // Analyse a strip. That is, compute the mean and spread of the ADC
230 // spectra for all strips. Also output on files the values.
237 AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance();
240 case 1: summary = fSummaryFMD1i; break;
243 case 'I': summary = fSummaryFMD2i; break;
244 case 'O': summary = fSummaryFMD2o; break;
249 case 'I': summary = fSummaryFMD3i; break;
250 case 'O': summary = fSummaryFMD3o; break;
255 static bool first = true;
256 if (summary && first) {
257 std::cout << "Filling summary " << summary->GetName() << std::endl;
261 // Float_t factor = pars->GetPedestalFactor();
262 UInt_t samples = pars->GetSampleRate(det, ring, sec, strip);
263 for (UShort_t sample = 0; sample < samples; sample++) {
265 TH1S* hChannel = GetChannel(det, ring, sec, strip,sample);
266 if(!hChannel || hChannel->GetEntries() == 0) {
267 //AliWarning(Form("No entries for FMD%d%c, sector %d, strip %d",
268 // det,ring,sec,strip));
272 AliDebug(50, Form("Fitting FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d] with %d entries",
273 det,ring,sec,strip, int(hChannel->GetEntries())));
274 TF1 fitFunc("fitFunc","gausn",0,300);
275 fitFunc.SetParameters(100,100,1);
276 hChannel->Fit("fitFunc","Q0+","",10,200);
278 Float_t mean = hChannel->GetMean();
279 Float_t rms = hChannel->GetRMS();
283 hChannel->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(mean-5*rms,mean+5*rms);
285 mean = hChannel->GetMean();
286 rms = hChannel->GetRMS();
289 UShort_t ddl, board, altro, channel;
292 pars->Detector2Hardware(det,ring,sec,strip,sample,
293 ddl,board,altro,channel,timebin);
294 Int_t idx = HWIndex(ddl, board, altro, channel);
296 fMinTimebin[idx] = TMath::Min(Short_t(timebin), fMinTimebin[idx]);
297 fMaxTimebin[idx] = TMath::Max(Short_t(timebin+1), fMaxTimebin[idx]);
300 std::ostream* zsFile = 0;
302 case 1: zsFile = &fZSfileFMD1; break;
303 case 2: zsFile = &fZSfileFMD2; break;
304 case 3: zsFile = &fZSfileFMD3; break;
305 default: AliWarning("Unknown sample!"); break;
308 *zsFile << board << ','
319 chi2ndf = fitFunc.GetChisquare() / fitFunc.GetNDF();
322 Int_t sampleToWrite = 2;
323 if (samples == 2) sampleToWrite = 1;
324 else if (samples < 2) sampleToWrite = 0;
326 hChannel->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1,1024);
328 if(sample != sampleToWrite) continue;
331 fOutputFile << det << ','
337 << fitFunc.GetParameter(1) << ','
338 << fitFunc.GetParameter(2) << ','
342 Int_t bin = summary->FindBin(sec, strip);
343 summary->SetBinContent(bin, mean);
344 summary->SetBinError(bin, rms);
347 if(fSaveHistograms ) {
348 TH1F* sumPed = GetSectorSummary(det, ring, sec, true);
349 TH1F* sumNoise = GetSectorSummary(det, ring, sec, false);
351 gDirectory->cd(GetSectorPath(det, ring, sec, kTRUE));
352 TH1F* sumPed = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get("Pedestals"));
353 TH1F* sumNoise = dynamic_cast<TH1F*>(gDirectory->Get("Noise"));
354 Int_t nStr = (ring == 'I' ? 512 : 256);
356 sumPed = new TH1F("Pedestals",
357 Form("Summary of pedestals in FMD%d%c[%02d]",
360 sumPed->SetXTitle("Strip");
361 sumPed->SetYTitle("Pedestal [ADC]");
362 sumPed->SetDirectory(gDirectory);
365 sumNoise = new TH1F("Noise",
366 Form("Summary of noise in FMD%d%c[%02d]",
369 sumNoise->SetXTitle("Strip");
370 sumNoise->SetYTitle("Noise [ADC]");
372 sumNoise->SetDirectory(gDirectory);
375 sumPed->SetBinContent(strip+1, mean);
376 sumPed->SetBinError(strip+1, rms);
377 sumNoise->SetBinContent(strip+1, rms);
380 if(sumNoise->GetEntries() == nStr)
381 sumNoise->Write(sumNoise->GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite);
382 if(sumPed->GetEntries() == nStr)
383 sumPed->Write(sumPed->GetName(),TObject::kOverwrite);
386 fPedSummary.SetBinContent(fCurrentChannel,mean);
388 fNoiseSummary.SetBinContent(fCurrentChannel,rms);
392 gDirectory->cd(GetStripPath(det, ring, sec, strip, kTRUE));
393 hChannel->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1,1024);
401 //_____________________________________________________________________
402 void AliFMDPedestalDA::Terminate(TFile* diagFile)
404 // Called at the end of a job. Fills in missing time-bins and
405 // closes output files
406 if(fSaveHistograms && diagFile) {
410 fNoiseSummary.Write();
412 AliFMDAltroMapping* map = AliFMDParameters::Instance()->GetAltroMap();
413 for (Int_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
414 std::ofstream& out = (i == 0 ? fZSfileFMD1 :
415 i == 1 ? fZSfileFMD2 :
417 if (out.is_open() && fSeenDetectors[i]) {
418 FillinTimebins(out, map->Detector2DDL(i+1));
420 if (!fSeenDetectors[i]) {
421 TString n(Form("ddl%d.csv",3072+map->Detector2DDL(i+1)));
422 gSystem->Unlink(n.Data());
428 //_____________________________________________________________________
429 void AliFMDPedestalDA::FillinTimebins(std::ofstream& out, UShort_t /*ddl*/)
432 // Fill missing timebins
435 unsigned short boards[] = { 0x0, 0x1, 0x10, 0x11, 0xFFFF };
436 unsigned short* board = boards;
437 while ((*boards) != 0xFFFF) {
438 for (UShort_t altro = 0; altro < 3; altro++) {
439 for (UShort_t channel = 0; channel < 16; channel++) {
440 Int_t idx = HWIndex(ddl, *board, altro, channel);
442 AliWarning(Form("Invalid index for %4d/0x%02x/0x%x/0x%x: %d",
443 ddl, *board, altro, channel, idx));
446 Short_t min = fMinTimebin[idx];
447 Short_t max = fMaxTimebin[idx];
449 // Channel not seen at all.
450 if (min > 1023 || max < 0) continue;
452 out << "# Extra timebins for 0x" << std::hex
453 << board << ',' << altro << ',' << channel
454 << " got time-bins " << min << " to " << max-1
455 << std::dec << std::endl;
457 for (UShort_t t = 15; t < min; t++)
458 // Write a phony line
459 out << board << "," << altro << "," << channel << ","
460 << t << "," << 1023 << "," << 0 << std::endl;
462 for (UShort_t t = max; t < 1024; t++)
463 // Write a phony line
464 out << board << "," << altro << "," << channel << ","
465 << t << "," << 1023 << "," << 0 << std::endl;
469 // Write trailer, and close
471 out.write("# EOF\n", 6);
475 //_____________________________________________________________________
476 void AliFMDPedestalDA::WriteHeaderToFile()
479 // Write headers to output files
481 AliFMDParameters* pars = AliFMDParameters::Instance();
482 fOutputFile.write(Form("# %s \n",pars->GetPedestalShuttleID()),13);
484 fOutputFile << "# This file created from run # " << fRunno
485 << " @ " << now.AsString() << std::endl;
486 fOutputFile.write("# Detector, "
496 std::ostream* zss[] = { &fZSfileFMD1, &fZSfileFMD2, &fZSfileFMD3, 0 };
497 for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
498 *(zss[i]) << "# FMD " << (i+1) << " pedestals \n"
505 *(zss[i]) << "# This file created from run # " << fRunno
506 << " @ " << now.AsString() << std::endl;
510 //_____________________________________________________________________
511 TH1S* AliFMDPedestalDA::GetChannel(UShort_t det,
517 // Get the histogram corresponding to a strip sample.
527 // ADC spectra of a strip.
528 TObjArray* sampleArray = GetStripArray(det, ring, sec, strip);
529 if (!sampleArray) return 0;
530 TH1S* hSample = static_cast<TH1S*>(sampleArray->At(sample));
532 AliErrorF("No channel histogram for FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d]_%d",
533 det, ring, sec, strip, sample);
535 AliErrorF("Path is %s <- %s <- %s <- %s",
536 sampleArray->GetName(),
537 GetSectorArray(det, ring, sec)->GetName(),
538 GetRingArray(det, ring)->GetName(),
539 GetDetectorArray(det)->GetName());
545 //_____________________________________________________________________
546 TH1F* AliFMDPedestalDA::GetSectorSummary(UShort_t det,
551 TObjArray* secArray = GetSectorArray(det, ring, sec);
552 Int_t n = secArray->GetEntriesFast();
553 Int_t i = n - (pedNotNoise ? kNoiseOffset : kPedestalOffset);
554 return static_cast<TH1F*>(secArray->At(i));
557 //_____________________________________________________________________