]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/commitdiff
Starting a collection of QA/Comparison macros
authorbelikov <Iouri.Belikov@cern.ch>
Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:18:25 +0000 (11:18 +0200)
committerbelikov <Iouri.Belikov@cern.ch>
Mon, 14 Jul 2014 09:18:25 +0000 (11:18 +0200)
ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliITSUComparison.C [new file with mode: 0644]
ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliITSUComparisonCooked.C [new file with mode: 0644]
ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliTPCUComparison.C [new file with mode: 0644]
ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/check_radii.C [new file with mode: 0644]
ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/compClusHits.C [new file with mode: 0644]
ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/plotHits.C [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliITSUComparison.C b/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliITSUComparison.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2a734df
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+ *          Legacy comparison macro, adapted to the upgraded ITS.           *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *               Creates list of "trackable" tracks,                        *
+ *             calculates efficiency, resolutions etc.                      *
+ *  The ESD tracks must be in an appropriate state (kITSin or kITSrefit)    *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * Before running, load the ITSU libraries:                                 *
+ *  gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeBase");gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeRec");   *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *           Origin: I.Belikov, IPHC, Iouri.Belikov@iphc.cnrs.fr            *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
+  #include <TMath.h>
+  #include <TError.h>
+  #include <Riostream.h>
+  #include <TH1F.h>
+  #include <TH2F.h>
+  #include <TTree.h>
+  #include <TParticle.h>
+  #include <TCanvas.h>
+  #include <TLine.h>
+  #include <TText.h>
+  #include <TBenchmark.h>
+  #include <TStyle.h>
+  #include <TFile.h>
+  #include <TROOT.h>
+  #include "AliStack.h"
+  #include "AliHeader.h"
+  #include "AliTrackReference.h"
+  #include "AliRunLoader.h"
+  #include "AliRun.h"
+  #include "AliESDEvent.h"
+  #include "AliESDtrack.h"
+  #include "UPGRADE/AliITSUClusterPix.h"
+  #include "UPGRADE/AliITSULoader.h"
+Int_t GoodTracksITS(const Char_t *dir=".");
+extern AliRun *gAlice;
+extern TBenchmark *gBenchmark;
+extern TROOT *gROOT;
+static Int_t allgood=0;
+static Int_t allselected=0;
+static Int_t allfound=0;
+Int_t AliITSUComparison
+(Float_t ptcutl=0., Float_t ptcuth=2., const Char_t *dir=".") {
+   gBenchmark->Start("AliITSUComparison");
+   ::Info("AliITSUComparison.C","Doing comparison...");
+   TH1F *hp=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hp");
+   if (!hp) hp=new TH1F("hp","PHI resolution",50,-20.,20.); 
+   hp->SetFillColor(4);
+   TH1F *hl=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hl");
+   if (!hl) hl=new TH1F("hl","LAMBDA resolution",50,-20,20);
+   hl->SetFillColor(4);
+   TH1F *hpt=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hpt");
+   if (!hpt) hpt=new TH1F("hpt","Relative Pt resolution",30,-10.,10.); 
+   hpt->SetFillColor(2);
+   TH1F *hmpt=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hmpt");
+   if (!hmpt) 
+      hmpt=new TH1F("hmpt","Transverse impact parameter",30,-777,777); 
+   hmpt->SetFillColor(6);
+   TH1F *hz=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hz");
+   if (!hz) hz=new TH1F("hz","Longitudinal impact parameter",30,-777,777); 
+   Int_t nb=100;
+   TH1F *hgood=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgood");
+   if (!hgood) hgood=new TH1F("hgood","Good tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   TH1F *hfound=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfound");
+   if (!hfound) hfound=new TH1F("hfound","Found tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   TH1F *hfake=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfake");
+   if (!hfake) hfake=new TH1F("hfake","Fake tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   TH1F *hg=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hg");
+   if (!hg) hg=new TH1F("hg","Efficiency for good tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   hg->SetLineColor(4); hg->SetLineWidth(2);
+   TH1F *hf=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hf");
+   if (!hf) hf=new TH1F("hf","Efficiency for fake tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   hf->SetFillColor(1); hf->SetFillStyle(3013); hf->SetLineWidth(2);
+   TH1F *he=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("he");
+   if (!he) 
+      he =new TH1F("he","dE/dX for pions with 0.4<p<0.5 GeV/c",50,0.,200.);
+   TH2F *hep=(TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hep");
+   if (!hep) hep=new TH2F("hep","dE/dX vs momentum",50,0.,2.,50,0.,400.);
+   hep->SetMarkerStyle(8);
+   hep->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+   Char_t fname[100];
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksITS.root",dir);
+   TFile *refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
+   if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
+   ::Info("AliITSUComparison.C","Marking good tracks (will take a while)...");
+     if (GoodTracksITS(dir)) {
+        ::Error("AliITSUComparison.C","Can't generate the reference file !");
+        return 1;
+     }
+   }
+   refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
+   if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
+     ::Error("AliITSUComparison.C","Can't open the reference file !");
+     return 1;
+   }   
+   TTree *itsTree=(TTree*)refFile->Get("itsTree");
+   if (!itsTree) {
+     ::Error("AliITSUComparison.C","Can't get the reference tree !");
+     return 2;
+   }
+   TBranch *branch=itsTree->GetBranch("ITS");
+   if (!branch) {
+     ::Error("AliITSUComparison.C","Can't get the ITS branch !");
+     return 3;
+   }
+   TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *refs=&dummy;
+   branch->SetAddress(&refs);
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDs.root",dir);
+   TFile *ef=TFile::Open(fname);
+   if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
+      sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDits.root",dir);
+      ef=TFile::Open(fname);
+      if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
+         ::Error("AliITSUComparison.C","Can't open AliESDits.root !");
+         return 4;
+      }
+   }
+   AliESDEvent* event = new AliESDEvent();
+   TTree* esdTree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree");
+   if (!esdTree) {
+      ::Error("AliITSComparison.C", "no ESD tree found");
+      return 6;
+   }
+   event->ReadFromTree(esdTree);
+   //******* Loop over events *********
+   Int_t e=0;
+   while (esdTree->GetEvent(e)) {
+     cout<<endl<<endl<<"********* Processing event number: "<<e<<"*******\n";
+     Int_t nentr=event->GetNumberOfTracks();
+     allfound+=nentr;
+     if (itsTree->GetEvent(e++)==0) {
+        cerr<<"No reconstructable tracks !\n";
+        continue;
+     }
+     Int_t ngood=refs->GetEntriesFast(); 
+     allgood+=ngood;
+     const Int_t MAX=15000;
+     Int_t notf[MAX], nnotf=0;
+     Int_t fake[MAX], nfake=0;
+     Int_t mult[MAX], numb[MAX], nmult=0;
+     Int_t k;
+     for (k=0; k<ngood; k++) {
+       AliTrackReference *ref=(AliTrackReference*)refs->UncheckedAt(k); 
+        Int_t lab=ref->Label(), tlab=-1;
+        Float_t ptg=TMath::Sqrt(ref->Px()*ref->Px() + ref->Py()*ref->Py());
+        if (ptg<ptcutl) continue;
+        if (ptg>ptcuth) continue;
+        allselected++;
+        hgood->Fill(ptg);
+        AliESDtrack *esd=0;
+        Int_t cnt=0;
+        for (Int_t i=0; i<nentr; i++) {
+           AliESDtrack *t=event->GetTrack(i);
+          UInt_t status=t->GetStatus();
+           if ((status&AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)==0) continue;
+           Int_t lbl=t->GetLabel();
+           if (lab==TMath::Abs(lbl)) {
+             if (cnt==0) {esd=t; tlab=lbl;}
+              if (lbl> 0) {esd=t; tlab=lbl;}  
+              cnt++;
+           }
+        }
+        if (cnt==0) {
+           notf[nnotf++]=lab;
+           continue;
+        } else if (cnt>1){
+           mult[nmult]=lab;
+           numb[nmult]=cnt; nmult++;        
+        }
+        if (lab==tlab) hfound->Fill(ptg);
+        else {
+          fake[nfake++]=lab;
+          hfake->Fill(ptg); 
+        }
+        Double_t alpha=esd->GetAlpha(),xv,par[5]; 
+        esd->GetExternalParameters(xv,par);
+        Float_t phi=TMath::ASin(par[2]) + alpha;
+        if (phi<-TMath::Pi()) phi+=2*TMath::Pi();
+        if (phi>=TMath::Pi()) phi-=2*TMath::Pi();
+        Float_t lam=TMath::ATan(par[3]); 
+        Float_t pt_1=TMath::Abs(par[4]);
+        Float_t phig=TMath::ATan2(ref->Py(),ref->Px());
+        hp->Fill((phi - phig)*1000.);
+        Float_t lamg=TMath::ATan2(ref->Pz(),ptg);
+        hl->Fill((lam - lamg)*1000.);
+        Float_t d,z; esd->GetImpactParameters(d,z);
+        hmpt->Fill(10000*d);
+        hz->Fill(10000*z);
+        hpt->Fill((pt_1 - 1/ptg)/(1/ptg)*100.);
+        Float_t mom=(TMath::Abs(pt_1)>1e-5) ? 1./(pt_1*TMath::Cos(lam)) : 1e+5;
+        Float_t dedx=esd->GetITSsignal();
+        hep->Fill(mom,dedx,1.);
+        Int_t pdg=(Int_t)ref->GetLength();  //this is particle's PDG !
+        if (TMath::Abs(pdg)==211) //pions
+           if (mom>0.4 && mom<0.5) he->Fill(dedx,1.);
+     }
+     cout<<"\nList of Not found tracks :\n";
+     for (k=0; k<nnotf; k++){
+       cout<<notf[k]<<"\t";
+       if ((k%9)==8) cout<<"\n";
+     }
+     cout<<"\n\nList of fake  tracks :\n";
+     for (k=0; k<nfake; k++){
+       cout<<fake[k]<<"\t";
+       if ((k%9)==8) cout<<"\n";
+     }
+     cout<<"\n\nList of multiple found tracks :\n";
+     for (k=0; k<nmult; k++) {
+         cout<<"id.   "<<mult[k]
+             <<"     found - "<<numb[k]<<"times\n";
+     }
+     cout<<endl;
+     cout<<"Number of found tracks : "<<nentr<<endl;
+     cout<<"Number of \"good\" tracks : "<<ngood<<endl;
+     refs->Clear();
+   } //***** End of the loop over events
+   delete event;
+   delete esdTree;
+   ef->Close();
+   delete itsTree;
+   refFile->Close();
+   Stat_t ng=hgood->GetEntries(), nf=hfound->GetEntries();
+   if (ng!=0) cout<<"\n\nIntegral efficiency is about "<<nf/ng*100.<<" %\n";
+   cout<<"Total number selected of \"good\" tracks ="<<allselected<<endl<<endl;
+   cout<<"Total number of found tracks ="<<allfound<<endl;
+   cout<<"Total number of \"good\" tracks ="<<allgood<<endl;
+   cout<<endl;
+   gStyle->SetOptStat(111110);
+   gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
+   TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,700,850);
+   Int_t minc=33; 
+   TPad *p1=new TPad("p1","",0,0.3,.5,.6); p1->Draw();
+   p1->cd(); p1->SetFillColor(42); p1->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   hp->SetFillColor(4);  hp->SetXTitle("(mrad)"); 
+   if (hp->GetEntries()<minc) hp->Draw(); else hp->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p2=new TPad("p2","",0.5,.3,1,.6); p2->Draw(); 
+   p2->cd(); p2->SetFillColor(42); p2->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hl->SetXTitle("(mrad)");
+   if (hl->GetEntries()<minc) hl->Draw(); else hl->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p3=new TPad("p3","",0,0,0.5,0.3); p3->Draw();
+   p3->cd(); p3->SetFillColor(42); p3->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   hpt->SetXTitle("(%)");
+   if (hpt->GetEntries()<minc) hpt->Draw(); else hpt->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p4=new TPad("p4","",0.5,0,1,0.3); p4->Draw();
+   p4->cd(); p4->SetFillColor(42); p4->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hmpt->SetXTitle("(micron)");
+   if (hmpt->GetEntries()<minc) hmpt->Draw(); else hmpt->Fit("gaus"); 
+   hz->Draw("same"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p5=new TPad("p5","",0,0.6,1,1); p5->Draw(); p5->cd(); 
+   p5->SetFillColor(41); p5->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hfound->Sumw2(); hgood->Sumw2(); hfake->Sumw2();
+   hg->Divide(hfound,hgood,1,1.,"b");
+   hf->Divide(hfake,hgood,1,1.,"b");
+   hg->SetMaximum(1.4);
+   hg->SetYTitle("Tracking efficiency");
+   hg->SetXTitle("Pt (GeV/c)");
+   hg->Draw();
+   TLine *line1 = new TLine(ptcutl,1.0,ptcuth,1.0); line1->SetLineStyle(4);
+   line1->Draw("same");
+   TLine *line2 = new TLine(ptcutl,0.9,ptcuth,0.9); line2->SetLineStyle(4);
+   line2->Draw("same");
+   hf->SetFillColor(1);
+   hf->SetFillStyle(3013);
+   hf->SetLineColor(2);
+   hf->SetLineWidth(2);
+   hf->Draw("histsame");
+   TText *text = new TText(0.461176,0.248448,"Fake tracks");
+   text->SetTextSize(0.05);
+   text->Draw();
+   text = new TText(0.453919,1.11408,"Good tracks");
+   text->SetTextSize(0.05);
+   text->Draw();
+   TCanvas *c2=new TCanvas("c2","",320,32,530,590);
+   TPad *p6=new TPad("p6","",0.,0.,1.,.5); p6->Draw();
+   p6->cd(); p6->SetFillColor(42); p6->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   he->SetFillColor(2); he->SetFillStyle(3005);  
+   he->SetXTitle("Arbitrary Units"); 
+   if (he->GetEntries()<minc) he->Draw(); else he->Fit("gaus"); c2->cd();
+   TPad *p7=new TPad("p7","",0.,0.5,1.,1.); p7->Draw(); 
+   p7->cd(); p7->SetFillColor(42); p7->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hep->SetXTitle("p (Gev/c)"); hep->SetYTitle("dE/dX (Arb. Units)"); 
+   hep->Draw(); c1->cd();
+   TFile fc("AliITSUComparison.root","RECREATE");
+   c1->Write();
+   c2->Write();
+   fc.Close();
+   gBenchmark->Stop("AliITSUComparison");
+   gBenchmark->Show("AliITSUComparison");
+   return 0;
+Int_t GoodTracksITS(const Char_t *dir) {
+   if (gAlice) { 
+       delete AliRunLoader::Instance();
+       delete gAlice;//if everything was OK here it is already NULL
+       gAlice = 0x0;
+   }
+   Char_t fname[100];
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/galice.root",dir);
+   AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fname,"COMPARISON");
+   if (!rl) {
+      ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't start session !");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   rl->LoadgAlice();
+   rl->LoadHeader();
+   rl->LoadKinematics();
+   AliITSULoader* itsl = (AliITSULoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
+   if (itsl == 0x0) {
+       ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can not find the ITSLoader");
+       delete rl;
+       return 4;
+   }
+   itsl->LoadRecPoints();
+   Int_t nev=rl->GetNumberOfEvents();
+   ::Info("GoodTracksITS","Number of events : %d\n",nev);  
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksTPC.root",dir);
+   TFile *tpcFile=TFile::Open(fname);
+   if ((!tpcFile)||(!tpcFile->IsOpen())) {
+       ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't open the GoodTracksTPC.root !");
+       delete rl;
+       return 5; 
+   }
+   TClonesArray dum("AliTrackReference",1000), *tpcRefs=&dum;
+   TTree *tpcTree=(TTree*)tpcFile->Get("tpcTree");
+   if (!tpcTree) {
+       ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the TPC reference tree !");
+       delete rl;
+       return 6;
+   }
+   TBranch *tpcBranch=tpcTree->GetBranch("TPC");
+   if (!tpcBranch) {
+      ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the TPC reference branch !");
+      delete rl;
+      return 7;
+   }
+   tpcBranch->SetAddress(&tpcRefs);
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksITS.root",dir);
+   TFile *itsFile=TFile::Open(fname,"recreate");
+   TClonesArray dummy2("AliTrackReference",1000), *itsRefs=&dummy2;
+   TTree itsTree("itsTree","Tree with info about the reconstructable ITS tracks");
+   itsTree.Branch("ITS",&itsRefs);
+   //********  Loop over generated events 
+   for (Int_t e=0; e<nev; e++) {
+     Int_t k;
+     rl->GetEvent(e);  itsFile->cd();
+     Int_t np = rl->GetHeader()->GetNtrack();
+     cout<<"Event "<<e<<" Number of particles: "<<np<<endl;
+     //******** Fill the "good" masks
+     Int_t *good=new Int_t[np]; for (k=0; k<np; k++) good[k]=0;
+     TTree *cTree=itsl->TreeR();
+     if (!cTree) {
+        ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the cluster tree !"); 
+        delete rl;
+        return 8;
+     }
+     const Int_t nLayers=7;
+     TBranch *branch[nLayers];
+     TClonesArray clusters[nLayers];
+     for (Int_t layer=0; layer<nLayers; layer++) {
+       TClonesArray *ptr = 
+       new(clusters+layer) TClonesArray("AliITSUClusterPix",1000);
+       Char_t bname[33];
+       sprintf(bname,"ITSRecPoints%d\0",layer);
+       branch[layer]=cTree->GetBranch(bname);
+       if (!branch[layer]) {
+          ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the clusters branch !"); 
+          delete rl;
+          return 9;
+       }
+       branch[layer]->SetAddress(&ptr);
+     }
+     Int_t entr=(Int_t)cTree->GetEntries();
+     for (k=0; k<entr; k++) {
+         cTree->GetEvent(k);
+         for (Int_t lay=0; lay<nLayers; lay++) {
+             Int_t ncl=clusters[lay].GetEntriesFast(); if (ncl==0) continue;
+             while (ncl--) {
+                AliITSUClusterPix *pnt=
+                (AliITSUClusterPix*)clusters[lay].UncheckedAt(ncl);
+                Int_t l0=pnt->GetLabel(0);
+               if (l0>=np) {
+//                cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l0<<endl;
+                  continue;
+               }
+                Int_t l1=pnt->GetLabel(1);
+               if (l1>=np) {
+//                cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l1<<endl;
+                  continue;
+               }
+                Int_t l2=pnt->GetLabel(2);
+               if (l2>=np) {
+//                cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l2<<endl;
+                  continue;
+               }
+                Int_t mask=1<<lay;
+                if (l0>=0) good[l0]|=mask; 
+                if (l1>=0) good[l1]|=mask; 
+                if (l2>=0) good[l2]|=mask;
+            }
+             clusters[lay].Clear();
+        }
+     }
+     //****** select tracks which are "good" enough
+     AliStack* stack = rl->Stack();
+     tpcTree->GetEvent(e);
+     Int_t nk=tpcRefs->GetEntriesFast();
+     Int_t nt=0;
+     for (k=0; k<nk; k++) {
+        AliTrackReference *tpcRef=(AliTrackReference *)tpcRefs->UncheckedAt(k);
+        Int_t lab=tpcRef->Label();
+        if (good[lab] != 0x7F) continue;
+        TParticle *p = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(lab);
+        if (p == 0x0) {
+           cerr<<"Can not get particle "<<lab<<endl;
+           continue;
+        }
+       AliTrackReference *ref=new((*itsRefs)[nt]) AliTrackReference(*tpcRef);
+       ref->SetMomentum(p->Px(),p->Py(),p->Pz());
+       ref->SetPosition(p->Vx(),p->Vy(),p->Vz());
+        nt++;
+     }
+     tpcRefs->Clear();
+     itsTree.Fill();
+     itsRefs->Clear();
+     delete[] good;
+   } //*** end of the loop over generated events
+   itsTree.Write();
+   itsFile->Close();
+   delete tpcTree;
+   tpcFile->Close();
+   delete rl;
+   return 0;
diff --git a/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliITSUComparisonCooked.C b/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliITSUComparisonCooked.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3aec0d4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
+ *          A standalone comparison macro for the upgraded ITS.             *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *               Creates list of "trackable" tracks,                        *
+ *             calculates efficiency, resolutions etc.                      *
+ *  The ESD tracks must be in an appropriate state: kITSrefit               *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *          The efficiency and resolutions are calculated                   * 
+ *   wrt "primary-like" pions within the acceptance tan(lambda)~[-1,1]      *
+ *        and for tracks having all 7 clusters correctly assigned.          *
+ *                                                                          *
+ * Before running, load the ITSU libraries:                                 *
+ *  gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeBase");gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeRec");   *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *           Origin: I.Belikov, IPHC, Iouri.Belikov@iphc.cnrs.fr            *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
+  #include <TMath.h>
+  #include <TError.h>
+  #include <Riostream.h>
+  #include <TH1F.h>
+  #include <TH2F.h>
+  #include <TTree.h>
+  #include <TParticle.h>
+  #include <TCanvas.h>
+  #include <TLine.h>
+  #include <TText.h>
+  #include <TBenchmark.h>
+  #include <TStyle.h>
+  #include <TFile.h>
+  #include <TROOT.h>
+  #include "AliStack.h"
+  #include "AliHeader.h"
+  #include "AliGenEventHeader.h"
+  #include "AliTrackReference.h"
+  #include "AliRunLoader.h"
+  #include "AliRun.h"
+  #include "AliESDEvent.h"
+  #include "AliESDtrack.h"
+  #include "UPGRADE/AliITSUClusterPix.h"
+  #include "UPGRADE/AliITSULoader.h"
+Int_t GoodTracksCooked(const Char_t *dir=".");
+extern AliRun *gAlice;
+extern TBenchmark *gBenchmark;
+extern TROOT *gROOT;
+static Int_t allgood=0;
+static Int_t allselected=0;
+static Int_t allfound=0;
+void root(TH1 *h) {
+  Int_t nb=h->GetNbinsX();
+  for (Int_t i=0; i<nb; i++) {
+    Float_t c=h->GetBinContent(i);
+    c=TMath::Sqrt(c);
+    h->SetBinContent(i,c);
+    Float_t e=h->GetBinError(i);
+    if (c!=0) e = 0.5*e/c;
+    h->SetBinError(i,e);
+  }
+void divide(TH1 *h) {
+  Int_t nb=h->GetNbinsX();
+  for (Int_t i=0; i<nb; i++) {
+    Float_t c=h->GetBinContent(i);
+    c *= h->GetBinCenter(i);
+    h->SetBinContent(i,c);
+    Float_t e=h->GetBinError(i);
+    e *= h->GetBinCenter(i);
+    h->SetBinError(i,e);
+  }
+Int_t AliITSUComparisonCooked
+(Float_t ptcutl=0.01, Float_t ptcuth=10., const Char_t *dir=".") {
+   gBenchmark->Start("AliITSUComparisonCooked");
+   ::Info("AliITSUComparisonCooked.C","Doing comparison...");
+   TH1F *hp=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hp");
+   if (!hp) hp=new TH1F("hp","PHI resolution",50,-20.,20.); 
+   hp->SetFillColor(4);
+   TH1F *hl=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hl");
+   if (!hl) hl=new TH1F("hl","LAMBDA resolution",50,-20,20);
+   hl->SetFillColor(4);
+   //TH1F *hz=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hz");
+   //if (!hz) hz=new TH1F("hz","Longitudinal impact parameter",30,-777.,777.); 
+   Int_t nb=100;
+   Float_t xbins[nb+1];
+   Double_t a=TMath::Log(ptcuth/ptcutl)/nb;
+   for (Int_t i=0; i<=nb; i++) xbins[i] = ptcutl*TMath::Exp(i*a);
+   TH1F *hgood=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgood");
+   if (!hgood) hgood=new TH1F("hgood","Good tracks",nb,xbins);
+   TH1F *hfound=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfound");
+   if (!hfound) hfound=new TH1F("hfound","Found tracks",nb,xbins);
+   TH1F *hfake=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfake");
+   if (!hfake) hfake=new TH1F("hfake","Fake tracks",nb,xbins);
+   TH1F *hg=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hg");
+   if (!hg) hg=new TH1F("hg","Efficiency for good tracks",nb,xbins);
+   hg->SetLineColor(4); hg->SetLineWidth(2);
+   TH1F *hf=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hf");
+   if (!hf) hf=new TH1F("hf","Efficiency for fake tracks",nb,xbins);
+   hf->SetFillColor(1); hf->SetFillStyle(3013); hf->SetLineWidth(2);
+   TH1F *hpt=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hpt");
+   if (!hpt) hpt=new TH1F("hpt","Relative Pt resolution",nb,xbins); 
+   hpt->Sumw2();
+   TH1F *hd=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hd");
+   if (!hd) 
+      hd=new TH1F("hd","Transverse impact parameter",nb,xbins); 
+   hd->Sumw2();
+   Char_t fname[100];
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksCooked.root",dir);
+   TFile *refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
+   if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
+   ::Info("AliITSUComparisonCooked.C","Marking good tracks (will take a while)...");
+     if (GoodTracksCooked(dir)) {
+        ::Error("AliITSUComparisonCooked.C","Can't generate the reference file !");
+        return 1;
+     }
+   }
+   refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
+   if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
+     ::Error("AliITSUComparisonCooked.C","Can't open the reference file !");
+     return 1;
+   }   
+   TTree *itsTree=(TTree*)refFile->Get("itsTree");
+   if (!itsTree) {
+     ::Error("AliITSUComparisonCooked.C","Can't get the reference tree !");
+     return 2;
+   }
+   TBranch *branch=itsTree->GetBranch("ITS");
+   if (!branch) {
+     ::Error("AliITSUComparisonCooked.C","Can't get the ITS branch !");
+     return 3;
+   }
+   TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *refs=&dummy;
+   branch->SetAddress(&refs);
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDs.root",dir);
+   TFile *ef=TFile::Open(fname);
+   if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
+      sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDits.root",dir);
+      ef=TFile::Open(fname);
+      if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
+         ::Error("AliITSUComparisonCooked.C","Can't open AliESDits.root !");
+         return 4;
+      }
+   }
+   AliESDEvent* event = new AliESDEvent();
+   TTree* esdTree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree");
+   if (!esdTree) {
+      ::Error("AliITSComparison.C", "no ESD tree found");
+      return 6;
+   }
+   event->ReadFromTree(esdTree);
+   //******* Loop over events *********
+   Int_t e=0;
+   while (esdTree->GetEvent(e)) {
+     cout<<endl<<endl<<"********* Processing event number: "<<e<<"*******\n";
+     Int_t nentr=event->GetNumberOfTracks();
+     allfound+=nentr;
+     if (itsTree->GetEvent(e++)==0) {
+        cerr<<"No reconstructable tracks !\n";
+        continue;
+     }
+     Int_t ngood=refs->GetEntriesFast(); 
+     allgood+=ngood;
+     const Int_t MAX=15000;
+     Int_t notf[MAX], nnotf=0;
+     Int_t fake[MAX], nfake=0;
+     Int_t mult[MAX], numb[MAX], nmult=0;
+     Int_t k;
+     for (k=0; k<ngood; k++) {
+       AliTrackReference *ref=(AliTrackReference*)refs->UncheckedAt(k); 
+        Int_t lab=ref->Label(), tlab=-1;
+        Float_t ptg=TMath::Sqrt(ref->Px()*ref->Px() + ref->Py()*ref->Py());
+        Int_t pdg=(Int_t)ref->GetLength();  //this is particle's PDG !
+        if (TMath::Abs(pdg)!=211) continue; //select pions only
+        if (ptg<ptcutl) continue;
+        if (ptg>ptcuth) continue;
+        allselected++;
+        hgood->Fill(ptg);
+        AliESDtrack *esd=0;
+        Int_t cnt=0;
+        for (Int_t i=0; i<nentr; i++) {
+           AliESDtrack *t=event->GetTrack(i);
+          UInt_t status=t->GetStatus();
+           if ((status&AliESDtrack::kITSrefit)==0) continue;
+           if (t->GetITSclusters(0)<4) continue;
+           Int_t lbl=t->GetLabel();
+           if (lab==TMath::Abs(lbl)) {
+             if (cnt==0) {esd=t; tlab=lbl;}
+              if (lbl> 0) {esd=t; tlab=lbl;}  
+              cnt++;
+           }
+        }
+        if (cnt==0) {
+           notf[nnotf++]=lab;
+           continue;
+        } else if (cnt>1){
+           mult[nmult]=lab;
+           numb[nmult]=cnt; nmult++;        
+        }
+        if (lab==tlab) hfound->Fill(ptg);
+        else {
+          fake[nfake++]=lab;
+          hfake->Fill(ptg); 
+        }
+        if (esd->GetLabel()<0) continue; //resolutions for good tracks only
+        Double_t alpha=esd->GetAlpha(),xv,par[5]; 
+        esd->GetExternalParameters(xv,par);
+        Float_t phi=TMath::ASin(par[2]) + alpha;
+        if (phi<-TMath::Pi()) phi+=2*TMath::Pi();
+        if (phi>=TMath::Pi()) phi-=2*TMath::Pi();
+        Float_t lam=TMath::ATan(par[3]); 
+        Float_t pt_1=TMath::Abs(par[4]);
+        Float_t phig=TMath::ATan2(ref->Py(),ref->Px());
+        hp->Fill((phi - phig)*1000.);
+        Float_t lamg=TMath::ATan2(ref->Pz(),ptg);
+        hl->Fill((lam - lamg)*1000.);
+        Float_t d,z; esd->GetImpactParameters(d,z);
+        d*=10000; //microns
+        Float_t w=d*d;
+        hd->Fill(ptg, w);
+        //z*=10000; //microns
+        //hz->Fill(z);
+        w=(pt_1 - 1/ptg)*100 * (pt_1-1/ptg)*100;
+        hpt->Fill(ptg, w);
+     }
+     cout<<"\nList of Not found tracks :\n";
+     for (k=0; k<nnotf; k++){
+       cout<<notf[k]<<"\t";
+       if ((k%9)==8) cout<<"\n";
+     }
+     cout<<"\n\nList of fake  tracks :\n";
+     for (k=0; k<nfake; k++){
+       cout<<fake[k]<<"\t";
+       if ((k%9)==8) cout<<"\n";
+     }
+     cout<<"\n\nList of multiple found tracks :\n";
+     for (k=0; k<nmult; k++) {
+         cout<<"id.   "<<mult[k]
+             <<"     found - "<<numb[k]<<"times\n";
+     }
+     cout<<endl;
+     cout<<"Number of found tracks : "<<nentr<<endl;
+     cout<<"Number of \"good\" tracks : "<<ngood<<endl;
+     refs->Clear();
+   } //***** End of the loop over events
+   delete event;
+   delete esdTree;
+   ef->Close();
+   delete itsTree;
+   refFile->Close();
+   Stat_t ng=hgood->GetEntries(), nf=hfound->GetEntries();
+   if (ng!=0) cout<<"\n\nIntegral efficiency is about "<<nf/ng*100.<<" %\n";
+   cout<<"Total number selected of \"good\" tracks ="<<allselected<<endl<<endl;
+   cout<<"Total number of found tracks ="<<allfound<<endl;
+   cout<<"Total number of \"good\" tracks ="<<allgood<<endl;
+   cout<<endl;
+   gStyle->SetOptStat(111110);
+   gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
+   TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,700,850);
+   Int_t minc=33; 
+   TPad *p1=new TPad("p1","",0,0.3,.5,.6); p1->Draw();
+   p1->cd(); p1->SetFillColor(42); p1->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   hp->SetFillColor(4);  hp->SetXTitle("(mrad)"); 
+   if (hp->GetEntries()<minc) hp->Draw(); else hp->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p2=new TPad("p2","",0.5,.3,1,.6); p2->Draw(); 
+   p2->cd(); p2->SetFillColor(42); p2->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hl->SetXTitle("(mrad)");
+   if (hl->GetEntries()<minc) hl->Draw(); else hl->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p3=new TPad("p3","",0,0,0.5,0.3); 
+   p3->SetLogx(); p3->SetGridx(); p3->SetGridy();
+   p3->Draw();
+   p3->cd(); p3->SetFillColor(42); p3->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   hpt->SetXTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)");
+   hpt->SetYTitle("(%)");
+   TH1F *hh=new TH1F(*hfound);
+   //hh->Add(hfake);
+   hpt->Divide(hh);
+   root(hpt);
+   divide(hpt);
+   hpt->Draw(); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p4=new TPad("p4","",0.5,0,1,0.3); 
+   p4->SetLogx(); p4->SetGridx(); p4->SetGridy();
+   p4->Draw();
+   p4->cd(); p4->SetFillColor(42); p4->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hd->SetXTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)");
+   hd->SetYTitle("(micron)");
+   hd->Divide(hh);
+   root(hd);
+   hd->Draw(); c1->cd();
+   //hz->Draw("same"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p5=new TPad("p5","",0,0.6,1,1); 
+   p5->SetLogx(); p5->SetGridx(); p5->SetGridy(); 
+   p5->Draw(); p5->cd(); 
+   p5->SetFillColor(41); p5->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hfound->Sumw2(); hgood->Sumw2(); hfake->Sumw2();
+   hg->Divide(hfound,hgood,1,1.,"b");
+   hf->Divide(hfake,hgood,1,1.,"b");
+   hg->SetYTitle("Tracking efficiency (%)");
+   hg->SetXTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)");
+   hg->Scale(100);
+   hg->Draw();
+   hf->SetFillColor(1);
+   hf->SetFillStyle(3013);
+   hf->SetLineColor(2);
+   hf->SetLineWidth(2);
+   hf->Scale(100);
+   hf->Draw("histsame");
+   TText *text = new TText(0.4, 20., "Fake tracks");
+   text->SetTextSize(0.05);
+   text->Draw();
+   text = new TText(0.4, 80., "Good tracks");
+   text->SetTextSize(0.05);
+   text->Draw();
+   TFile fc("AliITSUComparisonCooked.root","RECREATE");
+   c1->Write();
+   fc.Close();
+   gBenchmark->Stop("AliITSUComparisonCooked");
+   gBenchmark->Show("AliITSUComparisonCooked");
+   return 0;
+Int_t GoodTracksCooked(const Char_t *dir) {
+   if (gAlice) { 
+       delete AliRunLoader::Instance();
+       delete gAlice;//if everything was OK here it is already NULL
+       gAlice = 0x0;
+   }
+   Char_t fname[100];
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/galice.root",dir);
+   AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fname,"COMPARISON");
+   if (!rl) {
+      ::Error("GoodTracksCooked","Can't start session !");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   rl->LoadgAlice();
+   rl->LoadHeader();
+   rl->LoadKinematics();
+   AliITSULoader* itsl = (AliITSULoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
+   if (itsl == 0x0) {
+       ::Error("GoodTracksCooked","Can not find the ITSLoader");
+       delete rl;
+       return 4;
+   }
+   itsl->LoadRecPoints();
+   Int_t nev=rl->GetNumberOfEvents();
+   ::Info("GoodTracksCooked","Number of events : %d\n",nev);  
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksCooked.root",dir);
+   TFile *itsFile=TFile::Open(fname,"recreate");
+   TClonesArray dummy2("AliTrackReference",1000), *itsRefs=&dummy2;
+   TTree itsTree("itsTree","Tree with info about the reconstructable ITS tracks");
+   itsTree.Branch("ITS",&itsRefs);
+   //********  Loop over generated events 
+   for (Int_t e=0; e<nev; e++) {
+     Int_t k;
+     rl->GetEvent(e);  itsFile->cd();
+     Int_t np = rl->GetHeader()->GetNtrack();
+     cout<<"Event "<<e<<" Number of particles: "<<np<<endl;
+     AliGenEventHeader *h=rl->GetHeader()->GenEventHeader();
+     TArrayF vtx(3);
+     h->PrimaryVertex(vtx);
+     Bool_t skip=kFALSE;
+     if (TMath::Abs(vtx[2]) > 10.) {
+        cout<<"Skipping an event with Zv="<<vtx[2]<<endl;
+        skip=kTRUE;
+     }
+     //******** Fill the "good" masks
+     Int_t *good=new Int_t[np]; for (k=0; k<np; k++) good[k]=0;
+     TTree *cTree=itsl->TreeR();
+     if (!cTree) {
+        ::Error("GoodTracksCooked","Can't get the cluster tree !"); 
+        delete rl;
+        return 8;
+     }
+     const Int_t nLayers=7;
+     TBranch *branch[nLayers];
+     TClonesArray clusters[nLayers];
+     for (Int_t layer=0; layer<nLayers; layer++) {
+       TClonesArray *ptr = 
+       new(clusters+layer) TClonesArray("AliITSUClusterPix",1000);
+       Char_t bname[33];
+       sprintf(bname,"ITSRecPoints%d\0",layer);
+       branch[layer]=cTree->GetBranch(bname);
+       if (!branch[layer]) {
+          ::Error("GoodTracksCooked","Can't get the clusters branch !"); 
+          delete rl;
+          return 9;
+       }
+       branch[layer]->SetAddress(&ptr);
+     }
+     Int_t entr=(Int_t)cTree->GetEntries();
+     for (k=0; k<entr; k++) {
+         cTree->GetEvent(k);
+         for (Int_t lay=0; lay<nLayers; lay++) {
+             Int_t ncl=clusters[lay].GetEntriesFast(); if (ncl==0) continue;
+             while (ncl--) {
+                AliITSUClusterPix *pnt=
+                (AliITSUClusterPix*)clusters[lay].UncheckedAt(ncl);
+                Int_t l0=pnt->GetLabel(0);
+               if (l0>=np) {
+//                cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l0<<endl;
+                  continue;
+               }
+                Int_t l1=pnt->GetLabel(1);
+               if (l1>=np) {
+//                cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l1<<endl;
+                  continue;
+               }
+                Int_t l2=pnt->GetLabel(2);
+               if (l2>=np) {
+//                cerr<<"Wrong label: "<<l2<<endl;
+                  continue;
+               }
+                Int_t mask=1<<lay;
+                if (l0>=0) good[l0]|=mask; 
+                if (l1>=0) good[l1]|=mask; 
+                if (l2>=0) good[l2]|=mask;
+            }
+             clusters[lay].Clear();
+        }
+     }
+     //****** select tracks which are "good" enough
+     AliStack* stack = rl->Stack();
+     Int_t nt=0;
+     for (k=0; k<np; k++) {
+        if (good[k] != 0x7F) continue;
+        if (skip) continue; //No good primary vertex for this event
+        TParticle *p = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(k);
+        if (p == 0x0) {
+           cerr<<"Can not get particle "<<k<<endl;
+           continue;
+        }
+        if (p->Pt() <= 0.) continue;
+        if (TMath::Abs(p->Pz()/p->Pt())>0.999) continue;
+        Double_t dx=p->Vx()-vtx[0], dy=p->Vy()-vtx[1], dz=p->Vz()-vtx[2];
+        if (TMath::Sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy)>0.0001) continue; //Primary-like
+        if (TMath::Abs(dz) > 0.0001) continue;
+       AliTrackReference *ref=new((*itsRefs)[nt]) AliTrackReference();
+        ref->SetLabel(k);
+        Int_t pdg=p->GetPdgCode();
+        ref->SetLength(pdg);  //This will the particle's PDG !
+       ref->SetMomentum(p->Px(),p->Py(),p->Pz());
+       ref->SetPosition(p->Vx(),p->Vy(),p->Vz());
+        nt++;
+     }
+     itsTree.Fill();
+     itsRefs->Clear();
+     delete[] good;
+   } //*** end of the loop over generated events
+   itsTree.Write();
+   itsFile->Close();
+   delete rl;
+   return 0;
diff --git a/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliTPCUComparison.C b/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/AliTPCUComparison.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..077c6d1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+ *           Legacy comparison macro, adapted to the upgraded ITS.          *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *               Creates list of "trackable" tracks,                        *
+ *             calculates efficiency, resolutions etc.                      *
+ *     There is a possibility to run this macro over several events.        *
+ *                                                                          *
+ *           Origin: I.Belikov, IPHC, Iouri.Belikov@iphc.cnrs.fr            *
+ * with several nice improvements by: M.Ivanov, GSI, m.ivanov@gsi.de        *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
+  #include <TMath.h>
+  #include <TError.h>
+  #include <Riostream.h>
+  #include <TH1F.h>
+  #include <TH2F.h>
+  #include <TTree.h>
+  #include <TParticle.h>
+  #include <TCanvas.h>
+  #include <TLine.h>
+  #include <TText.h>
+  #include <TBenchmark.h>
+  #include <TStyle.h>
+  #include <TFile.h>
+  #include <TROOT.h>
+  #include <TGeoGlobalMagField.h>
+  #include "AliStack.h"
+  #include "AliHeader.h"
+  #include "AliTrackReference.h"
+  #include "AliRunLoader.h"
+  #include "AliRun.h"
+  #include "AliMagF.h"
+  #include "AliESDEvent.h"
+  #include "AliESDtrack.h"
+  #include "Base/AliSimDigits.h"
+  #include "Base/AliTPCParamSR.h"
+  #include "Base/AliTPCLoader.h"
+  #include "Base/AliTPCcalibDB.h"
+  #include "Sim/AliTPC.h"
+  #include "Rec/AliTPCClustersRow.h"
+  #include "AliCDBManager.h"
+Int_t GoodTracksTPC(const Char_t *dir=".");
+extern TBenchmark *gBenchmark;
+extern TROOT *gROOT;
+static Int_t allgood=0;
+static Int_t allselected=0;
+static Int_t allfound=0;
+Int_t AliTPCUComparison
+(Float_t ptcutl=0., Float_t ptcuth=2., const Char_t *dir=".") {
+   gBenchmark->Start("AliTPCUComparison");
+   ::Info("AliTPCUComparison.C","Doing comparison...");
+   TH1F *hp=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hp");
+   if (!hp) hp=new TH1F("hp","PHI resolution",50,-20.,20.); 
+   hp->SetFillColor(4);
+   TH1F *hl=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hl");
+   if (!hl) hl=new TH1F("hl","LAMBDA resolution",50,-20,20);
+   hl->SetFillColor(4);
+   TH1F *hpt=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hpt");
+   if (!hpt) hpt=new TH1F("hpt","Relative Pt resolution",30,-10.,10.); 
+   hpt->SetFillColor(2);
+   TH1F *hmpt=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hmpt");
+   if (!hmpt) 
+      hmpt=new TH1F("hmpt","Relative Pt resolution (pt>4GeV/c)",30,-60,60); 
+   hmpt->SetFillColor(6);
+   Int_t nb=100;
+   TH1F *hgood=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hgood");
+   if (!hgood) hgood=new TH1F("hgood","Good tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   TH1F *hfound=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfound");
+   if (!hfound) hfound=new TH1F("hfound","Found tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   TH1F *hfake=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hfake");
+   if (!hfake) hfake=new TH1F("hfake","Fake tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   TH1F *hg=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hg");
+   if (!hg) hg=new TH1F("hg","Efficiency for good tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   hg->SetLineColor(4); hg->SetLineWidth(2);
+   TH1F *hf=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("hf");
+   if (!hf) hf=new TH1F("hf","Efficiency for fake tracks",nb,ptcutl,ptcuth);
+   hf->SetFillColor(1); hf->SetFillStyle(3013); hf->SetLineWidth(2);
+   TH1F *he=(TH1F*)gROOT->FindObject("he");
+   if (!he) 
+      he =new TH1F("he","dE/dX for pions with 0.4<p<0.5 GeV/c",50,0.,100.);
+   TH2F *hep=(TH2F*)gROOT->FindObject("hep");
+   if (!hep) hep=new TH2F("hep","dE/dX vs momentum",50,0.,2.,50,0.,400.);
+   hep->SetMarkerStyle(8);
+   hep->SetMarkerSize(0.4);
+   Char_t fname[100];
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksTPC.root",dir);
+   TFile *refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
+   if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
+     ::Info("AliTPCUComparison.C","Marking good tracks (will take a while)...");
+     if (GoodTracksTPC(dir)) {
+        ::Error("AliTPCUComparison.C","Can't generate the reference file !");
+        return 1;
+     }
+   }
+   refFile=TFile::Open(fname,"old");
+   if (!refFile || !refFile->IsOpen()) {
+     ::Error("AliTPCUComparison.C","Can't open the reference file !");
+     return 2;
+   }   
+   TTree *tpcTree=(TTree*)refFile->Get("tpcTree");
+   if (!tpcTree) {
+     ::Error("AliTPCUComparison.C","Can't get the reference tree !");
+     return 3;
+   }
+   TBranch *branch=tpcTree->GetBranch("TPC");
+   if (!branch) {
+     ::Error("AliTPCUComparison.C","Can't get the TPC branch !");
+     return 4;
+   }
+   TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *refs=&dummy;
+   branch->SetAddress(&refs);
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDs.root",dir);
+   TFile *ef=TFile::Open(fname);
+   if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
+      sprintf(fname,"%s/AliESDtpc.root",dir);
+      ef=TFile::Open(fname);
+      if ((!ef)||(!ef->IsOpen())) {
+         ::Error("AliTPCUComparison.C","Can't open AliESDtpc.root !");
+         return 5;
+      }
+   }
+   AliESDEvent* event = new AliESDEvent();
+   TTree* esdTree = (TTree*) ef->Get("esdTree");
+   if (!esdTree) {
+      ::Error("AliTPCUComparison.C", "no ESD tree found");
+      return 6;
+   }
+   event->ReadFromTree(esdTree);
+   //******* Loop over events *********
+   Int_t e=0;
+   while (esdTree->GetEvent(e)) {
+      cout<<endl<<endl<<"********* Processing event number: "<<e<<"*******\n";
+      Int_t nentr=event->GetNumberOfTracks();
+      allfound+=nentr;
+      if (tpcTree->GetEvent(e++)==0) {
+        cerr<<"No reconstructable tracks !\n";
+         continue;
+      }
+      Int_t ngood=refs->GetEntriesFast(); 
+      allgood+=ngood;
+      const Int_t MAX=15000;
+    //MI change
+      Int_t track_notfound[MAX], itrack_notfound=0;
+      Int_t track_fake[MAX], itrack_fake=0;
+      Int_t track_multifound[MAX],track_multifound_n[MAX],itrack_multifound=0;
+      Int_t i;
+      for (Int_t k=0; k<ngood; k++) {
+       AliTrackReference *ref=(AliTrackReference*)refs->UncheckedAt(k); 
+        Int_t lab=ref->Label(), tlab=-1;
+        Float_t ptg=TMath::Sqrt(ref->Px()*ref->Px() + ref->Py()*ref->Py());
+        if (ptg<1e-33) continue; // for those not crossing 0 pad row
+        if (ptg<ptcutl) continue;
+        if (ptg>ptcuth) continue;
+        allselected++;
+        hgood->Fill(ptg);
+        AliESDtrack *track=0;
+        for (i=0; i<nentr; i++) {
+          track=event->GetTrack(i);
+          tlab=track->GetTPCLabel();
+          if (lab==TMath::Abs(tlab)) break;
+        }
+        if (i==nentr) {
+          track_notfound[itrack_notfound++]=lab;
+           continue;
+        }
+        //MI change  - addition
+        Int_t micount=0;
+        Int_t mi;
+        AliESDtrack * mitrack;
+        for (mi=0; mi<nentr; mi++) {
+         mitrack=event->GetTrack(mi);          
+         if (lab==TMath::Abs(mitrack->GetTPCLabel())) micount++;
+        }
+        if (micount>1) {
+         track_multifound[itrack_multifound]=lab;
+         track_multifound_n[itrack_multifound]=micount;
+         itrack_multifound++;
+        }
+        if ((track->GetStatus()&AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit)==0) continue;
+        if (lab==tlab) hfound->Fill(ptg);
+        else { 
+         track_fake[itrack_fake++]=lab;
+         hfake->Fill(ptg); 
+        }
+        Double_t pxpypz[3]; track->GetInnerPxPyPz(pxpypz);
+        Float_t phi=TMath::ATan2(pxpypz[1],pxpypz[0]);
+        if (phi<-TMath::Pi()) phi+=2*TMath::Pi();
+        if (phi>=TMath::Pi()) phi-=2*TMath::Pi();
+        Double_t pt=TMath::Sqrt(pxpypz[0]*pxpypz[0]+pxpypz[1]*pxpypz[1]);
+        Float_t lam=TMath::ATan2(pxpypz[2],pt); 
+        Float_t pt_1=1/pt;
+        Int_t pdg=(Int_t)ref->GetLength();  //this is particle's PDG !
+        if (TMath::Abs(pdg)==11 && ptg>4.) {//high momentum electrons
+           hmpt->Fill((pt_1 - 1/ptg)/(1/ptg)*100.);
+        } else {
+           Float_t phig=TMath::ATan2(ref->Py(),ref->Px());
+           hp->Fill((phi - phig)*1000.);
+           Float_t lamg=TMath::ATan2(ref->Pz(),ptg);
+           hl->Fill((lam - lamg)*1000.);
+           hpt->Fill((pt_1 - 1/ptg)/(1/ptg)*100.);
+        }
+        Float_t mom=pt/TMath::Cos(lam);
+        Float_t dedx=track->GetTPCsignal();
+        hep->Fill(mom,dedx,1.);
+        if (TMath::Abs(pdg)==211) //pions
+          if (mom>0.4 && mom<0.5) {
+              he->Fill(dedx,1.);
+           }
+      }
+      cout<<"\nList of Not found tracks :\n";
+      for ( i = 0; i< itrack_notfound; i++){
+        cout<<track_notfound[i]<<"\t";
+        if ((i%5)==4) cout<<"\n";
+      }
+      cout<<"\nList of fake  tracks :\n";
+      for ( i = 0; i< itrack_fake; i++){
+        cout<<track_fake[i]<<"\t";
+        if ((i%5)==4) cout<<"\n";
+      }
+      cout<<"\nList of multiple found tracks :\n";
+      for ( i=0; i<itrack_multifound; i++) {
+          cout<<"id.   "<<track_multifound[i]
+              <<"     found - "<<track_multifound_n[i]<<"times\n";
+      }
+      cout<<"Number of found tracks ="<<nentr<<endl;
+      cout<<"Number of \"good\" tracks ="<<ngood<<endl;
+      refs->Clear();
+  }// ***** End of the loop over events
+   delete event;
+   delete esdTree;
+   ef->Close();
+   delete tpcTree;
+   refFile->Close();
+   Stat_t ng=hgood->GetEntries(), nf=hfound->GetEntries();
+   if (ng!=0) cout<<"\n\nIntegral efficiency is about "<<nf/ng*100.<<" %\n";
+   cout<<"Total number selected of \"good\" tracks ="<<allselected<<endl<<endl;
+   cout<<"Total number of found tracks ="<<allfound<<endl;
+   cout<<"Total number of \"good\" tracks ="<<allgood<<endl;
+   cout<<endl;
+   gStyle->SetOptStat(111110);
+   gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
+   TCanvas *c1=new TCanvas("c1","",0,0,700,850);
+   Int_t minc=33; 
+   TPad *p1=new TPad("p1","",0,0.3,.5,.6); p1->Draw();
+   p1->cd(); p1->SetFillColor(42); p1->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   hp->SetFillColor(4);  hp->SetXTitle("(mrad)"); 
+   if (hp->GetEntries()<minc) hp->Draw(); else hp->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p2=new TPad("p2","",0.5,.3,1,.6); p2->Draw(); 
+   p2->cd(); p2->SetFillColor(42); p2->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hl->SetXTitle("(mrad)");
+   if (hl->GetEntries()<minc) hl->Draw(); else hl->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p3=new TPad("p3","",0,0,0.5,0.3); p3->Draw();
+   p3->cd(); p3->SetFillColor(42); p3->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   hpt->SetXTitle("(%)");
+   if (hpt->GetEntries()<minc) hpt->Draw(); else hpt->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p4=new TPad("p4","",0.5,0,1,0.3); p4->Draw();
+   p4->cd(); p4->SetFillColor(42); p4->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hmpt->SetXTitle("(%)");
+   if (hmpt->GetEntries()<minc) hmpt->Draw(); else hmpt->Fit("gaus"); c1->cd();
+   TPad *p5=new TPad("p5","",0,0.6,1,1); p5->Draw(); p5->cd(); 
+   p5->SetFillColor(41); p5->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hfound->Sumw2(); hgood->Sumw2(); hfake->Sumw2();
+   hg->Divide(hfound,hgood,1,1.,"b");
+   hf->Divide(hfake,hgood,1,1.,"b");
+   hg->SetMaximum(1.4);
+   hg->SetYTitle("Tracking efficiency");
+   hg->SetXTitle("Pt (GeV/c)");
+   hg->Draw();
+   TLine *line1 = new TLine(ptcutl,1.0,ptcuth,1.0); line1->SetLineStyle(4);
+   line1->Draw("same");
+   TLine *line2 = new TLine(ptcutl,0.9,ptcuth,0.9); line2->SetLineStyle(4);
+   line2->Draw("same");
+   hf->SetFillColor(1);
+   hf->SetFillStyle(3013);
+   hf->SetLineColor(2);
+   hf->SetLineWidth(2);
+   hf->Draw("histsame");
+   TText *text = new TText(0.461176,0.248448,"Fake tracks");
+   text->SetTextSize(0.05);
+   text->Draw();
+   text = new TText(0.453919,1.11408,"Good tracks");
+   text->SetTextSize(0.05);
+   text->Draw();
+   TCanvas *c2=new TCanvas("c2","",320,32,530,590);
+   TPad *p6=new TPad("p6","",0.,0.,1.,.5); p6->Draw();
+   p6->cd(); p6->SetFillColor(42); p6->SetFrameFillColor(10); 
+   he->SetFillColor(2); he->SetFillStyle(3005);  
+   he->SetXTitle("Arbitrary Units"); 
+   if (he->GetEntries()<minc) he->Draw(); else he->Fit("gaus"); c2->cd();
+   TPad *p7=new TPad("p7","",0.,0.5,1.,1.); p7->Draw(); 
+   p7->cd(); p7->SetFillColor(42); p7->SetFrameFillColor(10);
+   hep->SetXTitle("p (Gev/c)"); hep->SetYTitle("dE/dX (Arb. Units)"); 
+   hep->Draw(); c1->cd();
+   TFile fc("AliTPCUComparison.root","RECREATE");
+   c1->Write();
+   c2->Write();
+   fc.Close();
+   gBenchmark->Stop("AliTPCUComparison");
+   gBenchmark->Show("AliTPCUComparison");
+   return 0;
+Int_t GoodTracksTPC(const Char_t *dir) {
+   Char_t fname[100];
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/galice.root",dir);
+   AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fname,"COMPARISON");
+   if (!rl) {
+      ::Error("GoodTracksTPC","Can't start session !");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   rl->LoadgAlice();
+   rl->LoadHeader();
+   rl->LoadKinematics();
+   rl->LoadTrackRefs();
+   AliTPCLoader *tpcl = (AliTPCLoader *)rl->GetLoader("TPCLoader");
+   if (tpcl == 0x0) {
+      ::Error("GoodTracksTPC","Can not find TPCLoader !");
+      delete rl;
+      return 2;
+   }
+   AliTPC *TPC=(AliTPC*)rl->GetAliRun()->GetDetector("TPC");
+   Int_t ver = TPC->IsVersion(); 
+   cout<<"TPC version "<<ver<<" has been found !\n";
+   if (ver==1) tpcl->LoadRecPoints();
+   else if (ver==2) tpcl->LoadDigits();
+   else {
+      ::Error("GoodTracksTPC","Wrong TPC version !");
+      delete rl;
+      return 3;
+   } 
+  TGeoGlobalMagField::Instance()->SetField(
+  new AliMagF("Maps","Maps", -1., -1., AliMagF::k5kG));
+   AliCDBManager *man=AliCDBManager::Instance();
+   man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB");
+   man->SetRun(0);
+   AliTPCParamSR *digp=
+   (AliTPCParamSR*)(AliTPCcalibDB::Instance()->GetParameters());
+   if (!digp) { 
+     ::Error("AliTPCUComparison.C","TPC parameters have not been found !");
+     delete rl;
+     return 4; 
+   }
+   Int_t nrow_up=digp->GetNRowUp();
+   Int_t nrows=digp->GetNRowLow()+nrow_up;
+   Int_t zero=digp->GetZeroSup();
+   Int_t gap=Int_t(0.125*nrows), shift=Int_t(0.5*gap);
+   Int_t good_number=Int_t(0.4*nrows);
+   Int_t nev=rl->GetNumberOfEvents();
+   ::Info("GoodTracksTPC","Number of events : %d\n",nev);  
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/GoodTracksTPC.root",dir);
+   TFile *file=TFile::Open(fname,"recreate");
+   TClonesArray dummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *refs=&dummy;
+   TTree tpcTree("tpcTree","Tree with info about the reconstructable TPC tracks");
+   tpcTree.Branch("TPC",&refs);
+   //********  Loop over generated events 
+   for (Int_t e=0; e<nev; e++) {
+     Int_t nt=0;
+     refs->Clear();
+     Int_t i;
+     rl->GetEvent(e);  file->cd();
+     Int_t np = rl->GetHeader()->GetNtrack();
+     cout<<"Event "<<e<<" Number of particles: "<<np<<endl;
+     //******** Fill the "good" masks
+     Int_t *good=new Int_t[np]; for (i=0; i<np; i++) good[i]=0;
+     switch (ver) {
+     case 1:
+       /*
+        {
+        AliTPCClustersArray *pca=new AliTPCClustersArray, &ca=*pca;
+        ca.Setup(digp);
+        ca.SetClusterType("AliTPCcluster");
+        ca.ConnectTree(tpcl->TreeR());
+        Int_t nrows=Int_t(ca.GetTree()->GetEntries());
+        for (Int_t n=0; n<nrows; n++) {
+          AliSegmentID *s=ca.LoadEntry(n);
+          Int_t sec,row;
+          digp->AdjustSectorRow(s->GetID(),sec,row);
+          AliTPCClustersRow &clrow = *ca.GetRow(sec,row);
+          Int_t ncl=clrow.GetArray()->GetEntriesFast();
+          while (ncl--) {
+              AliTPCcluster *c=(AliTPCcluster*)clrow[ncl];
+              Int_t lab=c->GetLabel(0);
+              if (lab<0) continue; //noise cluster
+              lab=TMath::Abs(lab);
+              if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                 if (row==nrow_up-1) good[lab]|=0x4000;
+              if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                 if (row==nrow_up-1-gap) good[lab]|=0x1000;
+              if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                 if (row==nrow_up-1-shift) good[lab]|=0x2000;
+              if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                 if (row==nrow_up-1-gap-shift) good[lab]|=0x800;
+              good[lab]++;
+          }
+          ca.ClearRow(sec,row);
+        }
+        delete pca;
+        }
+        break;
+       */
+     case 2:
+        {
+        TTree *TD=tpcl->TreeD();
+        AliSimDigits da, *digits=&da;
+        TD->GetBranch("Segment")->SetAddress(&digits);
+        Int_t *count = new Int_t[np];
+        Int_t i;
+        for (i=0; i<np; i++) count[i]=0;
+        Int_t sectors_by_rows=(Int_t)TD->GetEntries();
+        for (i=0; i<sectors_by_rows; i++) {
+          if (!TD->GetEvent(i)) continue;
+          Int_t sec,row;
+          digp->AdjustSectorRow(digits->GetID(),sec,row);
+         //cerr<<sec<<' '<<row<<'\r';
+          digits->First();
+          do { //Many thanks to J.Chudoba who noticed this
+              Int_t it=digits->CurrentRow(), ip=digits->CurrentColumn();
+              Short_t dig = digits->GetDigit(it,ip);
+              Int_t idx0=digits->GetTrackID(it,ip,0); 
+              Int_t idx1=digits->GetTrackID(it,ip,1);
+              Int_t idx2=digits->GetTrackID(it,ip,2);
+              if (idx0>=0 && dig>=zero && idx0<np) count[idx0]+=1;
+              if (idx1>=0 && dig>=zero && idx1<np) count[idx1]+=1;
+              if (idx2>=0 && dig>=zero && idx2<np) count[idx2]+=1;
+          } while (digits->Next());
+          for (Int_t j=0; j<np; j++) {
+              if (count[j]>1) {
+                 if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                  if (row==nrow_up-1    ) good[j]|=0x4000;
+                 if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                  if (row==nrow_up-1-gap) good[j]|=0x1000;
+                 if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                  if (row==nrow_up-1-shift) good[j]|=0x2000;
+                 if (sec>=digp->GetNInnerSector())
+                  if (row==nrow_up-1-gap-shift) good[j]|=0x800;
+                 good[j]++;
+              }
+              count[j]=0;
+          }
+        }
+        delete[] count;
+        }
+        break;
+     }
+     //****** select tracks which are "good" enough
+     AliStack* stack = rl->Stack();
+     for (i=0; i<np; i++) {
+        if ((good[i]&0x5000) != 0x5000)
+        if ((good[i]&0x2800) != 0x2800) continue;
+        if ((good[i]&0x7FF ) < good_number) continue;
+        TParticle *p = (TParticle*)stack->Particle(i);
+        if (p == 0x0) {
+         cerr<<"Can not get particle "<<i<<endl;
+         continue;
+        }
+        if (p->Pt() <= 0.) continue;
+        if (TMath::Abs(p->Pz()/p->Pt())>0.999) continue;
+        Double_t vx=p->Vx(),vy=p->Vy(),vz=p->Vz();
+        if (TMath::Sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy)>3.5) continue;
+        if (TMath::Abs(vz) > 50.) continue;
+        AliTrackReference *ref=new((*refs)[nt]) AliTrackReference();
+        ref->SetLabel(i);
+        Int_t pdg=p->GetPdgCode();
+        ref->SetLength(pdg);  //This will the particle's PDG !
+        ref->SetMomentum(0.,0.,0.);  
+        ref->SetPosition(0.,0.,0.);
+        nt++;
+     }
+     //**** check if there is also information at the entrance of the TPC
+     TTree *TR=rl->TreeTR();
+     TBranch *branch=TR->GetBranch("TrackReferences");
+     if (branch==0) {
+        ::Error("GoodTracksTPC","No track references !");
+        delete rl;
+        return 5;
+     }
+     TClonesArray tpcdummy("AliTrackReference",1000), *tpcRefs=&tpcdummy;
+     branch->SetAddress(&tpcRefs);
+     Int_t nr=(Int_t)TR->GetEntries();
+     for (Int_t r=0; r<nr; r++) {
+         //cerr<<r<<' '<<nr<<'\r';
+         TR->GetEvent(r);
+        Int_t nref = tpcRefs->GetEntriesFast();
+         if (!nref) continue;
+         AliTrackReference *tpcRef= 0x0;        
+        for (Int_t iref=0; iref<nref; ++iref) {
+          tpcRef = (AliTrackReference*)tpcRefs->UncheckedAt(iref);
+          if (tpcRef->DetectorId() == AliTrackReference::kTPC) break;
+          tpcRef = 0x0;
+        }
+        if (!tpcRef) continue;
+         Int_t j;
+        AliTrackReference *ref=0;
+         for (j=0; j<nt; j++) {
+          ref=(AliTrackReference *)refs->UncheckedAt(j);
+           if (ref->Label()==tpcRef->Label()) break;
+           ref=0;
+        }  
+         if (ref==0) continue;
+         ref->SetMomentum(tpcRef->Px(),tpcRef->Py(),tpcRef->Pz());
+         ref->SetPosition(tpcRef->LocalX(),tpcRef->LocalY(),tpcRef->Z());
+        tpcRefs->Clear();
+     }
+     tpcTree.Fill();
+     delete[] good;
+   } //****** end of the loop over generated events
+   tpcTree.Write();
+   file->Close();
+   delete rl;
+   return 0;
diff --git a/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/check_radii.C b/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/check_radii.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bcf3de9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
+  #include <TMath.h>
+  #include <TError.h>
+  #include <Riostream.h>
+  #include <TH1F.h>
+  #include <TH2F.h>
+  #include <TTree.h>
+  #include <TParticle.h>
+  #include <TCanvas.h>
+  #include <TLine.h>
+  #include <TText.h>
+  #include <TBenchmark.h>
+  #include <TStyle.h>
+  #include <TFile.h>
+  #include <TROOT.h>
+  #include <TNtuple.h>
+  #include <TEllipse.h>
+  #include <TGeoManager.h>
+  #include "AliStack.h"
+  #include "AliHeader.h"
+  #include "AliTrackReference.h"
+  #include "AliRunLoader.h"
+  #include "AliRun.h"
+  #include "AliESDEvent.h"
+  #include "AliESDtrack.h"
+  #include "UPGRADE/AliITSUClusterPix.h"
+  #include "UPGRADE/AliITSULoader.h"
+  #include "UPGRADE/AliITSUGeomTGeo.h"
+Int_t check_radii(const Char_t *dir=".") {
+   TFile *f=TFile::Open("xyz.root","recreate");
+   TNtuple *nt=new TNtuple("nt","my ntuple","x:y:z");
+   if (gAlice) { 
+       delete AliRunLoader::Instance();
+       delete gAlice;//if everything was OK here it is already NULL
+       gAlice = 0x0;
+   }
+   Char_t fname[100];
+   sprintf(fname,"%s/galice.root",dir);
+   AliRunLoader *rl = AliRunLoader::Open(fname,"COMPARISON");
+   if (!rl) {
+      ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't start session !");
+      return 1;
+   }
+   rl->LoadgAlice();
+   rl->LoadHeader();
+   rl->LoadKinematics();
+   AliITSULoader* itsl = (AliITSULoader*)rl->GetLoader("ITSLoader");
+   if (itsl == 0x0) {
+       ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can not find the ITSLoader");
+       delete rl;
+       return 4;
+   }
+   itsl->LoadRecPoints();
+   TGeoManager::Import("geometry.root");
+   AliITSUGeomTGeo* gm = new AliITSUGeomTGeo(kTRUE,kTRUE);
+   AliITSUClusterPix::SetGeom(gm);
+   Int_t nev=rl->GetNumberOfEvents();
+   ::Info("GoodTracksITS","Number of events : %d\n",nev);  
+   //********  Loop over generated events 
+   for (Int_t e=0; e<nev; e++) {
+     Int_t k;
+     rl->GetEvent(e);
+     TTree *cTree=itsl->TreeR();
+     if (!cTree) {
+        ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the cluster tree !"); 
+        delete rl;
+        return 8;
+     }
+     const Int_t nLayers=7;
+     TBranch *branch[nLayers];
+     TClonesArray clusters[nLayers];
+     for (Int_t layer=0; layer<nLayers; layer++) {
+       TClonesArray *ptr = 
+       new(clusters+layer) TClonesArray("AliITSUClusterPix",1000);
+       Char_t bname[33];
+       sprintf(bname,"ITSRecPoints%d\0",layer);
+       branch[layer]=cTree->GetBranch(bname);
+       if (!branch[layer]) {
+          ::Error("GoodTracksITS","Can't get the clusters branch !"); 
+          delete rl;
+          return 9;
+       }
+       branch[layer]->SetAddress(&ptr);
+     }
+     Int_t entr=(Int_t)cTree->GetEntries();
+     for (k=0; k<entr; k++) {
+         cTree->GetEvent(k);
+         for (Int_t lay=0; lay<nLayers; lay++) {
+             Int_t ncl=clusters[lay].GetEntriesFast(); if (ncl==0) continue;
+             while (ncl--) {
+                AliITSUClusterPix *pnt=
+                (AliITSUClusterPix*)clusters[lay].UncheckedAt(ncl);
+                Float_t g[3];
+                pnt->GetGlobalXYZ(g);
+                //pnt->GetLocalXYZ(g);
+                //cout<<g[0]<<' '<<g[1]<<' '<<g[2]<<endl;
+                nt->Fill(g);
+            }
+             clusters[lay].Clear();
+        }
+     }
+   } //*** end of the loop over generated events
+   nt->Draw("y:x");
+   Float_t rmin=19.44;
+   TEllipse *ellipse = new TEllipse(0,0,rmin,rmin,0,360,0);
+   ellipse->SetFillStyle(0);
+   ellipse->SetLineColor(2);
+   ellipse->Draw();
+   Float_t rmax=19.77;
+   ellipse = new TEllipse(0,0,rmax,rmax,0,360,0);
+   ellipse->SetFillStyle(0);
+   ellipse->SetLineColor(4);
+   ellipse->Draw();
+   delete rl;
+   return 0;
diff --git a/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/compClusHits.C b/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/compClusHits.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dfba178
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+#if !defined(__CINT__) || defined(__MAKECINT__)
+#include "TObjArray.h"
+#include "TFile.h"
+#include "TTree.h"
+#include "TH1F.h"
+#include "../ITS/UPGRADE/AliITSUClusterPix.h"
+#include "../ITS/UPGRADE/AliITSURecoLayer.h"
+#include "../ITS/UPGRADE/AliITSURecoDet.h"
+#include "../ITS/UPGRADE/AliITSUHit.h"
+#include "../ITS/UPGRADE/AliITSUGeomTGeo.h"
+#include "AliITSsegmentation.h"
+#include "AliGeomManager.h"
+#include "AliStack.h"
+#include "AliLoader.h"
+#include "AliCDBManager.h"
+#include "TROOT.h"
+#include "TStyle.h"
+#include "TGeoMatrix.h"
+#include "TParticle.h"
+#include "TCanvas.h"
+#include "TPaveStats.h"
+#include "TClonesArray.h"
+TObjArray histoArr;
+enum {kNPixAll=0,kNPixSPL=1,kDR=0,kDTXodd,kDTXeven,kDTZ, kDTXoddSPL,kDTXevenSPL,kDTZSPL};
+TPaveStats* GetStPad(TH1* hst);
+TPaveStats* SetStPadPos(TH1* hst,float x1,float x2,float y1,float y2, Int_t stl=-1,Int_t col=-1);
+TCanvas* DrawNP(int np, TObjArray* harr=0, TCanvas* cnv=0);
+TH1* GetHistoClSize(int npix,int id,TObjArray* harr=0);
+void DrawReport(const char* psname, TObjArray* harr=0);
+typedef struct {
+  Int_t evID;
+  Int_t volID;
+  Int_t lrID;
+  Int_t clID;
+  Int_t nPix;
+  Int_t nX;
+  Int_t nZ;
+  Int_t q;
+  Float_t pt;
+  Float_t eta;
+  Float_t phi;
+  Float_t xyz[3];
+  Float_t dX;
+  Float_t dY;
+  Float_t dZ;  
+  Bool_t split;  
+  Bool_t prim;
+  Int_t  pdg;
+  Int_t  ntr;
+} clSumm;
+void compClusHits(int nev=-1)
+  const int kSplit=0x1<<22;
+  const int kSplCheck=0x1<<23;
+  //
+  gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeBase");
+  gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeSim");
+  gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeRec");
+  gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
+  AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
+  man->SetDefaultStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT/OCDB");
+  man->SetSpecificStorage("GRP/GRP/Data",
+                         Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd()));
+  man->SetSpecificStorage("ITS/Align/Data",
+                         Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd()));
+  man->SetSpecificStorage("ITS/Calib/RecoParam",
+                         Form("local://%s",gSystem->pwd()));
+  man->SetRun(0);
+  gAlice=NULL;
+  AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root");
+  runLoader->LoadgAlice();
+  gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun();
+  runLoader->LoadHeader();
+  runLoader->LoadKinematics();
+  runLoader->LoadRecPoints();
+  runLoader->LoadSDigits();
+  runLoader->LoadHits();
+  AliLoader *dl = runLoader->GetDetectorLoader("ITS");
+  AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry("geometry.root");
+  TObjArray algITS;
+  AliGeomManager::LoadAlignObjsFromCDBSingleDet("ITS",algITS);
+  AliGeomManager::ApplyAlignObjsToGeom(algITS);
+  //
+  AliITSUGeomTGeo* gm = new AliITSUGeomTGeo(kTRUE);
+  AliITSUClusterPix::SetGeom(gm);
+  //
+  AliITSURecoDet *its = new AliITSURecoDet(gm, "ITSinterface");
+  its->CreateClusterArrays();
+  //
+  Double_t xg1,yg1,zg1=0.,xg0,yg0,zg0=0.,tg0;
+  //
+  TTree * cluTree = 0x0;
+  TTree *hitTree = 0x0;
+  TClonesArray *hitList=new TClonesArray("AliITSUHit");
+  //
+  TObjArray arrMCTracks; // array of hit arrays for each particle
+  //
+  Float_t xyzClGloF[3];
+  Double_t xyzClGlo[3],xyzClTr[3];
+  Int_t labels[3];
+  int nLab = 0;
+  int nlr=its->GetNLayersActive();
+  int ntotev = (Int_t)runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents();
+  printf("N Events : %i \n",ntotev);
+  if (nev>0) ntotev = TMath::Min(nev,ntotev);
+  //
+  // output tree
+  TFile* flOut = TFile::Open("clInfo.root","recreate");
+  TTree* trOut = new TTree("clitsu","clitsu");
+  clSumm cSum;
+  trOut->Branch("evID", &cSum.evID ,"evID/I");
+  trOut->Branch("volID",&cSum.volID,"volID/I");
+  trOut->Branch("lrID", &cSum.lrID ,"lrID/I");  
+  trOut->Branch("clID", &cSum.clID ,"clID/I");  
+  trOut->Branch("nPix", &cSum.nPix ,"nPix/I");
+  trOut->Branch("nX"  , &cSum.nX   ,"nX/I");
+  trOut->Branch("nZ"  , &cSum.nZ   ,"nZ/I");
+  trOut->Branch("q"   , &cSum.q    ,"q/I");
+  trOut->Branch("pt"  , &cSum.pt   ,"pt/F");  
+  trOut->Branch("eta"  ,&cSum.eta  ,"eta/F");  
+  trOut->Branch("phi"  , &cSum.phi  ,"phi/F");  
+  trOut->Branch("xyz",   cSum.xyz,  "xyz[3]/F");  
+  trOut->Branch("dX"  , &cSum.dX   ,"dX/F");
+  trOut->Branch("dY"  , &cSum.dY   ,"dY/F");
+  trOut->Branch("dZ"  , &cSum.dZ   ,"dZ/F");  
+  trOut->Branch("split",&cSum.split,"split/O");
+  trOut->Branch("prim", &cSum.prim, "prim/O");
+  trOut->Branch("pdg",  &cSum.pdg,  "pdg/I");
+  trOut->Branch("ntr",  &cSum.ntr,  "ntr/I");
+  //
+  for (Int_t iEvent = 0; iEvent < ntotev; iEvent++) {
+    printf("\n Event %i \n",iEvent);
+    runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
+    AliStack *stack = runLoader->Stack();
+    cluTree=dl->TreeR();
+    hitTree=dl->TreeH();
+    hitTree->SetBranchAddress("ITS",&hitList);
+    // 
+    // read clusters
+    for (int ilr=nlr;ilr--;) {
+      TBranch* br = cluTree->GetBranch(Form("ITSRecPoints%d",ilr));
+      if (!br) {printf("Did not find cluster branch for lr %d\n",ilr); exit(1);}
+      br->SetAddress(its->GetLayerActive(ilr)->GetClustersAddress());
+    }
+    cluTree->GetEntry(0); 
+    its->ProcessClusters();
+    //
+    // read hits
+    for(Int_t iEnt=0;iEnt<hitTree->GetEntries();iEnt++){//entries loop degli hits
+      hitTree->GetEntry(iEnt);
+      int nh = hitList->GetEntries();      
+      for(Int_t iHit=0; iHit<nh;iHit++){
+       AliITSUHit *pHit = (AliITSUHit*)hitList->At(iHit);
+       int mcID = pHit->GetTrack();
+       TClonesArray* harr = arrMCTracks.GetEntriesFast()>mcID ? (TClonesArray*)arrMCTracks.At(mcID) : 0;
+       if (!harr) {
+         harr = new TClonesArray("AliITSUHit"); // 1st encounter of the MC track
+         arrMCTracks.AddAtAndExpand(harr,mcID);
+       }
+       //
+       new ( (*harr)[harr->GetEntriesFast()] ) AliITSUHit(*pHit);
+      }
+    }
+    //
+    // compare clusters and hits
+    //
+    printf(" tree entries: %lld\n",cluTree->GetEntries());
+    //
+    for (int ilr=0;ilr<nlr;ilr++) {
+      AliITSURecoLayer* lr = its->GetLayerActive(ilr);
+      TClonesArray* clr = lr->GetClusters();
+      int nClu = clr->GetEntries();
+      printf("Layer %d : %d clusters\n",ilr,nClu);
+      //
+      for (int icl=0;icl<nClu;icl++) {
+       AliITSUClusterPix *cl = (AliITSUClusterPix*)clr->At(icl);
+       int modID = cl->GetVolumeId();
+       //------------ check if this is a split cluster
+       int sInL = modID - gm->GetFirstChipIndex(ilr);
+       if (!cl->TestBit(kSplCheck)) {
+         cl->SetBit(kSplCheck);
+         // check if there is no other cluster with same label on this module
+         AliITSURecoSens* sens = lr->GetSensor(sInL);
+         int nclSn = sens->GetNClusters();
+         int offs = sens->GetFirstClusterId();
+         //    printf("To check for %d (mod:%d) N=%d from %d\n",icl,modID,nclSn,offs);
+         for (int ics=0;ics<nclSn;ics++) {
+           AliITSUClusterPix* clusT = (AliITSUClusterPix*)lr->GetCluster(offs+ics); // access to clusters
+           if (clusT==cl) continue;
+           for (int ilb0=0;ilb0<3;ilb0++) {
+             int lb0 = cl->GetLabel(ilb0); if (lb0<=-1) break;
+             for (int ilb1=0;ilb1<3;ilb1++) {
+               int lb1 = clusT->GetLabel(ilb1); if (lb1<=-1) break;
+               if (lb1==lb0) {
+                 cl->SetBit(kSplit);
+                 clusT->SetBit(kSplit);
+                 /*
+                   printf("Discard clusters of module %d:\n",modID);
+                   cl->Print();
+                   clusT->Print();
+                 */
+                 break;
+               }
+             }
+           }
+         }
+       }
+       //------------
+       const AliITSsegmentation* segm = gm->GetSegmentation(ilr);
+       //
+       cl->GetGlobalXYZ(xyzClGloF);
+       int clsize = cl->GetNPix();
+       for (int i=3;i--;) xyzClGlo[i] = xyzClGloF[i];
+       const TGeoHMatrix* mat = gm->GetMatrixSens(modID);
+       if (!mat) {printf("failed to get matrix for module %d\n",cl->GetVolumeId());}
+       mat->MasterToLocal(xyzClGlo,xyzClTr);
+       //
+       int col,row;
+       segm->LocalToDet(xyzClTr[0],xyzClTr[2],row,col); // effective col/row
+       nLab = 0;
+       for (int il=0;il<3;il++) {
+         if (cl->GetLabel(il)>=0) labels[nLab++] = cl->GetLabel(il);
+         else break;
+       }
+       // find hit info
+       for (int il=0;il<nLab;il++) {
+         TClonesArray* htArr = (TClonesArray*)arrMCTracks.At(labels[il]);
+         if (!htArr) {printf("did not find MChits for label %d ",labels[il]); cl->Print(); continue;}
+         //
+         int nh = htArr->GetEntriesFast();
+         AliITSUHit *pHit=0;
+         for (int ih=nh;ih--;) {
+           AliITSUHit* tHit = (AliITSUHit*)htArr->At(ih);
+           if (tHit->GetChip()!=modID) continue;
+           pHit = tHit;
+           break;
+         }
+         if (!pHit) {
+           printf("did not find MChit for label %d on module %d ",il,modID); 
+           cl->Print(); 
+           htArr->Print();
+           continue;
+         }
+         //
+         pHit->GetPositionG(xg1,yg1,zg1);
+         pHit->GetPositionG0(xg0,yg0,zg0,tg0);
+         //
+         double txyzH[3],gxyzH[3] = { (xg1+xg0)/2, (yg1+yg0)/2, (zg1+zg0)/2 };
+         mat->MasterToLocal(gxyzH,txyzH);
+         double rcl = TMath::Sqrt(xyzClTr[0]*xyzClTr[0]+xyzClTr[1]*xyzClTr[1]);
+         double rht = TMath::Sqrt(txyzH[0]*txyzH[0]+txyzH[1]*txyzH[1]);
+         //
+         GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDR,&histoArr)->Fill((rht-rcl)*1e4);
+         if (cl->TestBit(kSplit)) {
+           if (col%2) GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXoddSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4);
+           else       GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXevenSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4);
+           GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTZSPL,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4);
+           GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixSPL,&histoArr)->Fill(clsize);
+         }
+         if (col%2) GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXodd,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4);
+         else       GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTXeven,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4);
+         GetHistoClSize(clsize,kDTZ,&histoArr)->Fill((txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4);
+         GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixAll,&histoArr)->Fill(clsize);
+         //
+         cSum.evID = iEvent;
+         cSum.volID = cl->GetVolumeId();
+         cSum.lrID = ilr;
+         cSum.clID = icl;
+         cSum.nPix = cl->GetNPix();
+         cSum.nX   = cl->GetNx();
+         cSum.nZ   = cl->GetNz();
+         cSum.q    = cl->GetQ();
+         cSum.split = cl->TestBit(kSplit);
+         cSum.dX = (txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4;
+         cSum.dY = (txyzH[1]-xyzClTr[1])*1e4;
+         cSum.dZ = (txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4;
+         int label = cl->GetLabel(0);
+         TParticle* part = 0;
+         if (label>=0 && (part=stack->Particle(label)) ) {
+           cSum.pdg = part->GetPdgCode();
+           cSum.eta = part->Eta();
+           cSum.pt  = part->Pt();
+           cSum.phi = part->Phi();
+           cSum.prim = stack->IsPhysicalPrimary(label);
+         }
+         cSum.ntr = 0;
+         for (int ilb=0;ilb<3;ilb++) if (cl->GetLabel(ilb)>=0) cSum.ntr++;
+         for (int i=0;i<3;i++) cSum.xyz[i] = xyzClGloF[i];
+         //
+         trOut->Fill();
+         /*
+         if (clsize==5) {
+           printf("\nL%d(%c) Mod%d, Cl:%d | %+5.1f %+5.1f (%d/%d)|H:%e %e %e | C:%e %e %e\n",ilr,cl->TestBit(kSplit) ? 'S':'N',
+                  modID,icl,(txyzH[0]-xyzClTr[0])*1e4,(txyzH[2]-xyzClTr[2])*1e4, row,col,
+                  gxyzH[0],gxyzH[1],gxyzH[2],xyzClGlo[0],xyzClGlo[1],xyzClGlo[2]);
+           cl->Print();
+           pHit->Print();
+           //
+           double a0,b0,c0,a1,b1,c1,e0;
+           pHit->GetPositionL0(a0,b0,c0,e0);
+           pHit->GetPositionL(a1,b1,c1);
+           float cloc[3];
+           cl->GetLocalXYZ(cloc);
+           printf("LocH: %e %e %e | %e %e %e\n",a0,b0,c0,a1,b1,c1);
+           printf("LocC: %e %e %e | %e %e %e\n",cloc[0],cloc[1],cloc[2],xyzClTr[0],xyzClTr[1],xyzClTr[2]);
+         }
+         */
+         //
+       }
+      }
+    }
+    //    layerClus.Clear();
+    //
+    arrMCTracks.Delete();
+  }//event loop
+  //
+  flOut->cd();
+  trOut->Write();
+  delete trOut;
+  flOut->Close();
+  flOut->Delete();
+  DrawReport("clinfo.ps",&histoArr);
+  //
+void DrawReport(const char* psname, TObjArray* harr) 
+  gStyle->SetOptFit(1);
+  if (!harr) harr = &histoArr;
+  TCanvas* cnv = new TCanvas("cl","cl",900,600);
+  //
+  TString psnm1 = psname;
+  if (psnm1.IsNull()) psnm1 = "clusters.ps";
+  TString psnm0 = psnm1.Data(); 
+  psnm0 += "[";
+  TString psnm2 = psnm1.Data(); 
+  psnm2 += "]";
+  cnv->Print(psnm0.Data());
+  //
+  TH1* clall = GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixAll,harr);
+  clall->SetLineColor(kRed);
+  clall->Draw();
+  TH1* clSpl = GetHistoClSize(0,kNPixSPL,harr);
+  clSpl->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  clSpl->Draw("sames");
+  gPad->Modified();
+  gPad->Update();
+  SetStPadPos(clall,0.75,0.97,0.8,1.,-1,clall->GetLineColor());
+  SetStPadPos(clSpl,0.75,0.97,0.6,0.8,-1,clSpl->GetLineColor());
+  gPad->Modified();
+  gPad->Update();
+  gPad->SetLogy(1);
+  //
+  cnv->cd();
+  cnv->Print(psnm1.Data());
+  //
+  // plot cluster sized from 1 to 10
+  for (int i=1;i<=10;i++) {
+    if (clall->GetBinContent(clall->FindBin(i))<100) continue;
+    DrawNP(i,harr,cnv);
+    cnv->Print(psnm1.Data());
+  }
+  cnv->Print(psnm2.Data());
+TH1* GetHistoClSize(int npix,int id,TObjArray* harr)
+  // book histos
+  TH1* h = 0;
+  if (!harr) harr = &histoArr;
+  //
+  if (npix<1) {
+    if (harr->GetEntriesFast()>=id && (h=(TH1*)harr->At(id))) return h;
+    h = new TH1F("npixAll","npixAll",150,0.5,54.5); 
+    h->SetDirectory(0);
+    h->SetLineColor(kRed);
+    harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, kNPixAll);
+    //
+    h = new TH1F("npixSpl","npixSpl",150,0.5,54.5);
+    h->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+    h->SetDirectory(0);
+    harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, kNPixSPL);
+    //
+    h = (TH1*)harr->At(id);
+    if (!h) {printf("Unknown histo id=%d\n",id); exit(1);}
+    return h;
+  }
+  //
+  int idh = npix*10+id;
+  if (harr->GetEntriesFast()>=idh && (h=(TH1*)harr->At(idh))) return h;
+  //
+  const int nbin=100;
+  const double kdiff=80;
+  // need to create set of histos
+  //
+  h = new TH1F(Form("dxy_npix%d",npix),Form("dr_npix%d",npix),nbin,-kdiff,kdiff);
+  h->SetDirectory(0);
+  harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, npix*10 + kDR);
+  //
+  h  = new TH1F(Form("dtxODD_npix%d",npix),Form("dtxODD_npix%d",npix),nbin,-kdiff,kdiff);
+  h->SetDirectory(0);
+  h->SetLineColor(kRed);
+  harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, npix*10 + kDTXodd);
+  h  = new TH1F(Form("dtxEVN_npix%d",npix),Form("dtxEVN_npix%d",npix),nbin,-kdiff,kdiff);
+  h->SetDirectory(0);
+  h->SetLineColor(kBlue);
+  harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, npix*10 + kDTXeven);
+  //
+  h  = new TH1F(Form("dtz_npix%d",npix),Form("dtz_npix%d",npix),nbin,-kdiff,kdiff);
+  h->SetLineColor(kGreen);
+  h->SetDirectory(0);
+  harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, npix*10 + kDTZ);
+  //
+  //
+  h  = new TH1F(Form("SPL_dtxODD_npix%d",npix),Form("SPL_dtxODD_npix%d",npix),nbin,-kdiff,kdiff);
+  h->SetLineColor(kMagenta);
+  h->SetFillColor(kMagenta);
+  h->SetFillStyle(3001);  
+  h->SetLineStyle(2);
+  h->SetDirectory(0);
+  harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, npix*10 + kDTXoddSPL);
+  h  = new TH1F(Form("SPL_dtxEVN_npix%d",npix),Form("SPL_dtxEVN_npix%d",npix),nbin,-kdiff,kdiff);
+  h->SetLineColor(kCyan);
+  h->SetFillColor(kCyan);
+  h->SetFillStyle(3006);  
+  h->SetLineStyle(2);
+  h->SetDirectory(0);
+  harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, npix*10 + kDTXevenSPL);
+  //
+  h  = new TH1F(Form("SPL_dtz_npix%d",npix),Form("SPLdtz_npix%d",npix),nbin,-kdiff,kdiff);
+  harr->AddAtAndExpand(h, npix*10 + kDTZSPL);
+  h->SetDirectory(0);
+  //
+  h->SetLineColor(kGreen+2);
+  h->SetFillColor(kGreen+2);
+  h->SetLineStyle(2);
+  h->SetFillStyle(3001);
+  h = (TH1*)harr->At(idh);
+  if (!h) {printf("Unknown histo id=%d\n",idh); exit(1);}
+  return h;
+TCanvas* DrawNP(int np, TObjArray* harr, TCanvas* cnv)
+  if (!harr) harr = &histoArr;
+  if (!cnv) cnv = new TCanvas(Form("cnv%d",np),Form("cnv%d",np),900,700);
+  cnv->Clear();
+  cnv->Divide(2,1);
+  cnv->cd(1);
+  //
+  TH1* dxodd = (TH1*)harr->At(np*10+kDTXodd);
+  TH1* dxevn = (TH1*)harr->At(np*10+kDTXeven);
+  TH1* dxoddS =(TH1*)harr->At(np*10+kDTXoddSPL);
+  TH1* dxevnS =(TH1*)harr->At(np*10+kDTXevenSPL);
+  double max = TMath::Max(dxodd->GetMaximum(),dxevn->GetMaximum());
+  dxodd->SetMaximum(1.1*max);
+  dxodd->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#DeltaX, #mum");
+  dxodd->SetTitle(Form("#DeltaX for clSize=%d",np));
+  dxodd->Fit("gaus","","");
+  dxevn->Fit("gaus","","sames");
+  //
+  dxoddS->Draw("sames");
+  dxevnS->Draw("sames");
+  //
+  gPad->Modified();
+  gPad->Update();
+  SetStPadPos(dxodd,0.75,0.97,0.8,1., -1,dxodd->GetLineColor());
+  SetStPadPos(dxevn,0.75,0.97,0.6,0.8, -1,dxevn->GetLineColor());
+  SetStPadPos(dxoddS,0.75,0.97,0.4,0.6, -1,dxoddS->GetLineColor());
+  SetStPadPos(dxevnS,0.75,0.97,0.2,0.4, -1,dxevnS->GetLineColor());
+  //
+  cnv->cd(2);
+  TH1* dz  = (TH1*)harr->At(np*10+kDTZ);
+  dz->SetTitle(Form("#DeltaZ for clSize=%d",np));
+  dz->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#DeltaZ, #mum");
+  dz->Fit("gaus");
+  TH1* dzS = (TH1*)harr->At(np*10+kDTZSPL);
+  dz->Draw("sames");
+  gPad->Modified();
+  gPad->Update();
+  SetStPadPos(dz,0.75,0.97,0.8,1., -1, dz->GetLineColor());
+  SetStPadPos(dzS,0.75,0.97,0.5,0.7, -1, dzS->GetLineColor());
+  gPad->Modified();
+  gPad->Update();
+  //
+  cnv->cd();
+  return cnv;
+TPaveStats* GetStPad(TH1* hst)
+  TList *lst = hst->GetListOfFunctions();
+  if (!lst) return 0;
+  int nf = lst->GetSize();
+  for (int i=0;i<nf;i++) {
+    TPaveStats *fnc = (TPaveStats*) lst->At(i);
+    if (fnc->InheritsFrom("TPaveStats")) return fnc;
+  }
+  return 0;
+  //
+TPaveStats* SetStPadPos(TH1* hst,float x1,float x2,float y1,float y2, Int_t stl, Int_t col)
+  TPaveStats* pad = GetStPad(hst);
+  if (!pad) return 0;
+  pad->SetX1NDC( x1 );
+  pad->SetX2NDC( x2 );
+  pad->SetY1NDC( y1 );
+  pad->SetY2NDC( y2 );
+  if (stl>=0) pad->SetFillStyle(stl);
+  if (col>=0) pad->SetTextColor(col);
+  pad->SetFillColor(0);
+  //
+  gPad->Modified();
+  return pad;
diff --git a/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/plotHits.C b/ITS/UPGRADE/macros/QA/plotHits.C
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7c25df3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+void plotHits(Int_t ilay=3, Int_t ilrs=1, Int_t nev=-1, Int_t evStart=0)
+  // Adapted from readHit.C macro - M.S. 10 jul 14
+  enum {kLSLayer, kLSStave , kLSHalfStave, kLSModule,
+       kLSChip , kLSSensor, kLSNumPar   };
+  char lrsNames[kLSNumPar][10];
+  Int_t i = -1;
+  strcpy(lrsNames[++i],"Layer");
+  strcpy(lrsNames[++i],"Stave");
+  strcpy(lrsNames[++i],"HalfStave");
+  strcpy(lrsNames[++i],"Module");
+  strcpy(lrsNames[++i],"Chip");
+  strcpy(lrsNames[++i],"Sensor");
+  Int_t idWrapVol[7] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2};
+  Bool_t argerr = kFALSE;
+  if (ilay < 0 || ilay > 6 ||
+      ilrs < 0 || ilrs >= kLSNumPar ) argerr = kTRUE;
+  if (argerr) {
+    printf("Wrong parameters! ilay = %d - ilrs = %d\n\n",ilay,ilrs);
+    printf("Usage:\n.x plotHit(ilay, ilrs, nev, evStart)\n");
+    printf("   ilay : layer number (0 < ilay < 7, default 0)\n");
+    printf("   ilrs : local reference system (0 layer, 1 stave, 2 half stave, 3 module, 4 chip, 5 sensor, default 1)\n");
+    printf("   nev : number of events (default -1 = all)\n");
+    printf("   evStart : first event (default 0)\n");
+    return;
+  }
+  printf("--> Plotting hits at %s level for Layer %d <--\n",
+        lrsNames[ilrs],ilay);
+  gROOT->SetStyle("Plain");
+  // Load libraries, geometry, pointers, whatever
+  gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeBase");
+  gSystem->Load("libITSUpgradeSim");
+  gAlice=NULL;
+  AliRunLoader* runLoader = AliRunLoader::Open("galice.root");
+  runLoader->LoadgAlice();
+  gAlice = runLoader->GetAliRun();
+  runLoader->LoadHeader();
+  runLoader->LoadKinematics();
+  runLoader->LoadSDigits();
+  runLoader->LoadHits();
+  AliGeomManager::LoadGeometry("geometry.root");
+  AliITSUGeomTGeo* gm = new AliITSUGeomTGeo(kTRUE);
+  AliLoader *dl = runLoader->GetDetectorLoader("ITS");
+  // Create histos
+  char volName[15];
+  sprintf(volName,"ITSU%s%d",lrsNames[ilrs],ilay);
+  TGeoBBox *vShape = (TGeoBBox*)(gGeoManager->GetVolume(volName)->GetShape());
+  Double_t xHist = 1.1*vShape->GetDX(); // 10% greater
+  Double_t yHist = 1.1*vShape->GetDY();
+  Double_t zHist = 1.1*vShape->GetDZ();
+  // OB stave are strongly asymmetric in Y: dimension increased for better view
+  if (ilay > 2 && ilrs == kLSStave) yHist*=1.20;
+  char histTitle[50];
+  sprintf(histTitle," X - Y %s Local coordinates",lrsNames[ilrs]);
+  TH2F *xy = new TH2F("xy",histTitle,100,-xHist,xHist,100,-yHist,yHist);
+  xy->SetXTitle("X (cm)");
+  xy->SetYTitle("Y (cm)");
+  xy->SetMarkerStyle(7);
+  sprintf(histTitle," X - Z %s Local coordinates",lrsNames[ilrs]);
+  TH2F *xz = new TH2F("xz",histTitle,100,-xHist,xHist,100,-zHist,zHist);
+  xz->SetXTitle("X (cm)");
+  xz->SetYTitle("Z (cm)");
+  xz->SetMarkerStyle(7);
+  sprintf(histTitle," Z - Y %s Local coordinates",lrsNames[ilrs]);
+  TH2F *zy = new TH2F("zy",histTitle,100,-zHist,zHist,100,-yHist,yHist);
+  zy->SetXTitle("Z (cm)");
+  zy->SetYTitle("Y (cm)");
+  zy->SetMarkerStyle(7);
+  // Get number of events which to loop on
+  Int_t nevTot = (Int_t)runLoader->GetNumberOfEvents();
+  printf("Total events : %i\n\n",nevTot);
+  evStart = evStart<nevTot ? evStart : nevTot-1;
+  if (evStart<0) evStart = 0;
+  Int_t lastEv = nev<0 ? nevTot : evStart+nev;
+  if (lastEv > nevTot) lastEv = nevTot;
+  // Loop on hit structure
+  TTree *hitTree = 0x0;
+  TClonesArray *hitList=new TClonesArray("AliITSUHit");
+  TString path;
+  TGeoMatrix *mat = 0x0;
+  char nodName[15], parName[15];
+  for (Int_t iEvent = evStart; iEvent < lastEv; iEvent++) {
+    printf("Event\t%d\n",iEvent);
+    runLoader->GetEvent(iEvent);
+    hitTree = dl->TreeH();
+    hitTree->SetBranchAddress("ITS",&hitList);
+    for(Int_t iEnt=0; iEnt<hitTree->GetEntries(); iEnt++){
+      hitTree->GetEntry(iEnt);
+      for(Int_t iHit=0; iHit<hitList->GetEntries();iHit++){
+       AliITSUHit *pHit = (AliITSUHit*)hitList->At(iHit);
+       Int_t id = pHit->GetChip();
+       Int_t lr = gm->GetLayer(id);
+       Int_t st = gm->GetStave(id);
+       Int_t hs = gm->GetHalfStave(id);
+       Int_t md = gm->GetModule(id);
+       Int_t cp = gm->GetChipIdInModule(id);
+       if (lr == ilay) {
+         Double_t xg, yg, zg=0.;
+         Double_t loc[3], mas[3];
+         pHit->GetPositionG(xg, yg, zg);
+         mas[0] = xg;
+         mas[1] = yg;
+         mas[2] = zg;
+         path.Clear();
+         path = Form("/ALIC_1/ITSV_2/");
+         path += Form("ITSUWrapVol%d_1/ITSULayer%d_1",idWrapVol[ilay],ilay);
+         if (ilrs > kLSLayer)
+           path += Form("/ITSUStave%d_%d",ilay,st);
+         if (ilrs > kLSStave)
+           path += Form("/ITSUHalfStave%d_%d",ilay,hs);
+         if (ilrs > kLSHalfStave)
+           path += Form("/ITSUModule%d_%d",ilay,md);
+         if (ilrs > kLSModule)
+           path += Form("/ITSUChip%d_%d",ilay,cp);
+         if (ilrs > kLSChip)
+           path += Form("/ITSUSensor%d_1",ilay);
+         // Get the matrix for the current volume
+         gGeoManager->PushPath();
+         if (!gGeoManager->cd(path.Data())) {
+           gGeoManager->PopPath();
+           printf("Error in cd-ing to %s!\n",path.Data());
+           printf("Chip id %5d | Lr:%2d Stave:%3d, HStave:%3d Module:%3d Chip:%3d\n",
+                  id,lr,st,hs,md,cp);
+           return 1;
+         }
+         mat = gGeoManager->GetCurrentMatrix();
+         gGeoManager->PopPath();
+         // Convert global coordinate to local reference system
+         mat->MasterToLocal(mas, loc);
+         xy->Fill(loc[0],loc[1]);
+         xz->Fill(loc[0],loc[2]);
+         zy->Fill(loc[2],loc[1]);
+       } // lr == ilay
+      }//loop hit 
+    }//entryloopHitList
+  }//event loop
+  // Finally plot the histos
+  TCanvas *xyCanv =  new TCanvas("xyCanv","Hit X-Y positions",500,500);
+  xyCanv->cd();
+  xy->Draw();
+  TCanvas *xzCanv =  new TCanvas("xzCanv","Hit X-Z positions",500,500);
+  xzCanv->cd();
+  xz->Draw();
+  TCanvas *zyCanv =  new TCanvas("zyCanv","Hit Z-Y positions",500,500);
+  zyCanv->cd();
+  zy->Draw();