]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/history - RICH
Adding some QCD diffractive states to the PDG list
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / RICH /
2003-03-19 morschCorrection in LoadHits.
2003-03-11 dibariA simple macro to display a selected chamber a la STAR
2003-03-11 dibariminor syntax bugs corrected
2003-02-12 hristovRemoving debug printout
2003-01-14 alibraryCleanup of STEER coding conventions
2002-12-09 morschVersion number increased.
2002-11-21 alibraryRemoving AliMC and AliMCProcess
2002-11-04 morschFurther corrcetions on Fresnel and Grid losses.
2002-11-04 morschCorrect orientation of modules. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-31 morschProblems with rotated RICH solved:
2002-10-29 morschFirst commit.
2002-10-29 morschFirst commit. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschTemplate for single ring run configuration. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschConfiguration of generators used for RICH analysis...
2002-10-29 morschObsolete.
2002-10-29 morschSwitch for different versions. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschUsing AliRICHDigitizer for simple digitization and...
2002-10-29 morschStreamlined menu. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschWrite histos to file. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschCorrected for rotated RICH. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morsch- Diagnostics updated.
2002-10-29 morschResetDigits put to the right place (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschMinor corrections on the display (adc counts readable...
2002-10-29 morschCorrections to reconstruction algorithm.
2002-10-29 morschCorrected drawing routine for RecHit3D (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschomega, theta, phi added (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschAliRICHDetectV1 added.
2002-10-29 morschSecond reconstruction algorithm. (J. Barbosa)
2002-10-29 morschStepManager and CreateMaterials removed (inherited...
2002-10-28 morschMethod Sector(x,y) added.
2002-10-28 morschMethod Sector(x,y) added.
2002-10-28 morschRotation of modules in x-y plane corrected.
2002-10-22 alibraryIntroducing Riostream.h
2002-10-14 hristovMerging the VirtualMC branch to the main development...
2002-07-09 hristovOld style include files needed on HP (aCC)
2002-07-09 hristovOld style include files needed on HP (aCC)
2002-05-28 morschRotation Angle is +60 deg.
2002-05-28 morschWrong order of arguments in for-statement corrected.
2002-05-28 morschAliRICHv3.cxx added.
2002-02-22 morschDummy Validate() method added.
2001-12-12 hristovClass version increased for the automatic schema evolution
2001-12-05 hristovDestructor corrected
2001-11-19 dibariinital import
2001-11-14 dibarideclaration for StepManager()
2001-11-14 dibariStepManager() copied from AliRICH.cxx for RECO debug
2001-11-14 dibariUse debug methods
2001-11-14 dibariPrint() added
2001-11-13 dibaricall to Init() added to deafult ctor
2001-11-13 dibariProtaction agains libPhysics reload
2001-11-13 dibarirules checked
2001-11-13 dibariInit() moved to ctor
2001-11-13 dibariPrint() added + const
2001-11-13 dibariOffset Alpha Beta angles added
2001-11-09 dibariSetters fro models moved to header
2001-11-09 dibariDebug ficility added (previously in AliRICHv3) + minor...
2001-11-09 dibariDebug staff moved to AliRICH
2001-11-09 dibariSingle copies of geom, response and segment added to...
2001-11-09 dibarifDebugLevel based bits facility added
2001-11-08 dibariPrint() override added
2001-11-08 dibarictor with initialising of parmeters added
2001-11-08 dibariinitialising of pad size added to ctor
2001-11-08 dibariPrint() override added
2001-11-08 dibariReinit them
2001-11-08 dibariITS START RICH active by default
2001-11-07 dibariInitial import
2001-11-07 dibariInitial import
2001-11-07 dibarictor + Print() added
2001-11-07 hristovMinor correction of the Log part
2001-11-06 dibariAliRICHv3 added
2001-11-06 dibarisetter&getter for rotation angle
2001-11-06 dibariAliRICHv3 added
2001-11-06 dibariminor correcttion of Taligent rules
2001-11-06 dibariGetX() GetY() GetZ() added
2001-11-06 dibariInitial import
2001-11-02 hristovDigitizer class created. Code cleaning and bug fixes...
2001-10-25 hristovOld style include needed on HP
2001-10-23 hristovThe access to several data members was changed from...
2001-10-21 hristovSeveral pointers were set to zero in the default constr...
2001-10-15 hristovUpdated version of the non-recursive Makefiles. See...
2001-10-10 morschUse segmentation v1 and wire sag as default. It does...
2001-10-09 hristovNew nonrecursive makefiles
2001-10-09 hristovModifications needed by Root.03.01.06 (J.Chudoba)
2001-09-07 hristovPointers initialised to 0 in the default constructors
2001-09-05 hristovThe energy of feedback photons calculated correctly
2001-08-30 hristovThe operator[] is replaced by At() or AddAt() in case...
2001-05-16 alibraryNew files for folders and Stack
2001-05-14 hristovstdlib.h included (for Alpha)
2001-05-14 hristovDefault arguments declared once
2001-05-10 jbarbosaCorrected some overlaps (thanks I. Hrivnacovna).
2001-05-10 jbarbosaUpdate.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaRemoved hit display, added rec. ring properties.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaChanged drwaing routines.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaAdded mean radius data member.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaChanged call to SetTrack.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaUpdated Config.C.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaUpdated Config.C
2001-05-10 jbarbosaNew call to reconstuction algorithm.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaAltered some histograms.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaCorrected occupancy calculation.
2001-05-10 jbarbosaRepositioned the RICH modules.