]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/history - TGeant4
added const to Construct()
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TGeant4 /
2001-08-22 ivanaadded const to Construct()
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class title, author;
2001-08-21 ivanaInitial version
2001-08-21 ivanaInitial version (replaced TG4SpecialCuts)
2001-08-21 ivananot used typedef removed
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class name title,...
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class name title,...
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class name title,...
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class name title,...
2001-08-21 ivanaUpdated class description: added class name title,...
2001-08-09 ivanaInitial version
2001-08-09 ivanaattribute fSDManager added; delegation of some methods...
2001-08-09 ivanaattribute fSDManager added
2001-08-09 ivanalocal variable renamed to follow coding conventions
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from geometry to digits+hits
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from geometry to digits+hits; added comment lines...
2001-08-09 ivanaattribute fSDConstruction and its getter added; added...
2001-08-09 ivanaattribute fSDConstruction and its getter added
2001-08-09 ivanaupdated to introduction of new TG4SDServices class...
2001-08-09 ivanamethod Initialize() updated to introduction of new...
2001-08-09 ivanamethods GstparCut(), GstparControl(), Gstpar()(partly...
2001-08-09 ivanamethods GstparCut(), GstparControl(), Gstpar() moved...
2001-08-09 ivanadata members comments added
2001-08-09 ivanalocal variable renamed to follow coding conventions
2001-08-09 ivanamethods NofSensitiveDetectors(), GetVolumeID(), GetVolu...
2001-08-09 ivanamethods NofSensitiveDetectors(), GetVolumeID(), GetVolu...
2001-08-09 ivanamethods VolId(), VolName(), NofVolumes(), VolId2Mate...
2001-08-09 ivanamethods VolId(), VolName(), NofVolumes(), VolId2Mate...
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from physics to global
2001-08-09 ivanamoved from physics to global; added comment lines separ...
2001-08-09 ivanaadded copy constructor and assignement operator (giving...
2001-08-09 ivanacopy constructor and assignement operator added
2001-08-09 ivanaadded comment lines separating methods
2001-08-08 ivanaarguments in the constructor changed
2001-08-08 ivanaupgrade: all volumes list tree related functions/data...
2001-08-08 ivanaupdate to geant4 3.2 - RW calls changed to STL
2001-08-08 ivanaadded units
2001-08-08 ivanadrawing volumes added, using new TG4ListTreeFrame class
2001-08-08 ivanaflistTreeFrame attribute added; fCanvasWindow removed
2001-08-08 ivanaDICTH updated for a new class TG4ListTreeFrame
2001-08-08 ivanaupdated for a new class TG4ListTreeFrame
2001-08-08 ivanaInitial version
2001-08-08 ivanamethods separating commented lines added
2001-08-08 ivanamethods for geometry definition with double precision...
2001-08-08 ivanamethods for geometry definition with double precision...
2001-08-08 ivanaupdate to geant4 3.2 - RW calls changed to STL
2001-08-08 ivanaapplying kinetic energy cut limited to charged particle...
2001-08-08 ivanachanged ordering of includes from Root to avoid compila...
2001-08-08 ivanafgkDefaultMaxStep data member added
2001-08-08 ivanaTG4StdStringVector typedef added
2001-08-08 ivanaupdate to geant4 3.2 - RW calls changed to STL
2001-08-08 ivanamethods for geometry definition with double precision...
2001-08-08 ivanamethods for geometry definition with double precision...
2001-06-06 ivanaadding geantino in MapParticles() corrected
2001-06-06 ivanacomment correction only
2001-05-03 ivanaupdated for new classes (TG4Materials/VolumesFrames...
2001-05-03 ivanaDICTH updated for new classes (TG4Materials/VolumesFram...
2001-05-03 ivanamajor update of geometry browser classes by D.Adamova...
2001-05-03 ivanaTG4GUI renamed to TG4MainFrame; major update of geometr...
2001-05-03 ivanaInitial version
2001-05-03 ivanaTG4GUI renamed to TG4MainFrame
2001-05-02 ivanaSetExternalDecayer(), Decayer() implemented
2001-05-02 ivanahardwired numbers width(7) and precision(3) changed...
2001-05-02 ivanaattributes fNW, fNP, fgkDefaultNumWidth, fgkDefaultNumP...
2001-05-02 ivanacopy constructor changed with usage of = operator
2001-05-02 ivanafTrackingAction/fSteppingAction type changed to TG4Trac...
2001-05-02 ivanakMaxNofSteps changed to 30000
2001-05-02 ivanaupdated to g4 3.1 release (change of G4TrackVector...
2001-05-02 ivanaTG4_SPECIAL_FLAGS_H changed to TG4_SPECIAL_CONTROLS_H
2001-05-02 ivanainitialization, deleting of fDecayer added; kPBrem...
2001-05-02 ivanaSetExternalDecayer(), Decayer() implemented
2001-05-02 ivanaInitial version
2001-05-02 ivanaSetting of external decayer (in ConstructGeneral()...
2001-05-02 ivanaattribute fExtDecayer, copy constructor and assignment...
2001-05-02 ivanaadded comment only
2001-05-02 ivanacopy constructor changed with usage of = operator
2001-03-16 ivanamethod WritePara() added
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to changes in TG4PhysicsManager
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming in global category
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming of TG3Attribute type
2001-02-13 ivanathe fPhysicsList type changed to G4VModularPhysicsList...
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming/changes in global/physics category;
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming in physics(global) category
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to major changes of TG4PhysicsManager
2001-02-13 ivanamajor upgrade: separated TG4ParticlesManager, TG4G3Phys...
2001-02-13 ivanamerged commands from removed TG4PhysicsListMessenger...
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming in physics(global) category
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming in global category
2001-02-13 ivanausage of TG4PhysicsManager changed to TG3PhysicsManager...
2001-02-13 ivanaupdated to renaming in physics category
2001-02-13 ivanaadded removing of optimization for TG4PhysicsConstructo...
2001-02-13 ivanaTG3VisAttribute renamed to TG4G3VisAttribute
2001-02-13 ivanaTG4SpecialFlags renamed to TG4SpecialControls
2001-02-13 ivanaSeparated from TG4PhysicsManager (Initial version)
2001-02-13 ivanamerged to TG4Messenger
2001-02-13 ivanaInitial version
2001-02-13 ivanaTG4PhysicsList replaced with TG4ModularPhysicsList...
2001-02-13 ivanaTG4FlagVector renamed to TG4G3ControlVector
2001-02-13 ivanaTG4CutVector renamed to TG4G3CutVector
2001-02-13 ivanaTG3Process removed (replaced with AliMCProcess)