]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/history - TPC
Change digitization threshold to >=3 ACD units, now cut on ADC value of digit after...
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / TPC /
2010-02-08 marianAliTPCcalibDB.cxx AliTPCcalibDB.h - Adding AliFatal...
2010-02-08 marianAliTPCcalibBase - use of the current event, track...
2010-02-08 marianTry to get backtraces also for err*.log
2010-02-05 kowal2Next step of updating the material.
2010-02-05 marianLoading some of the OCDB entries only on request.
2010-02-04 marianAdding the macro for setup of the TPC calibration
2010-02-03 marianTPCCEda.cxx.diff Allow to change the monitoring...
2010-02-03 marianRESET detector function implemented
2010-02-03 kowal2more corrections
2010-02-03 kowal2Corrected rotations
2010-02-03 kowal2Geometry update - material (prepreg3, brass), rods, CM
2010-01-26 marianCoding violation fixing
2010-01-26 marianRemoving the coding violation
2010-01-22 marianAliTPCtrackerMI.cxx
2010-01-22 marianAliTPCRecoParam.h AliTPCRecoParam.cxx AliTPCtrack.cxx
2010-01-20 marianAliTPCCalibCE.cxx Fix savannah bug #60735
2010-01-19 haavardBug fixes from Christian
2010-01-18 marianRemoving part of the coding violation.
2010-01-17 hristovChanges requested in report #61429: PID: Separating...
2010-01-17 hristovFixed ordering in the array of tracks to avoid problems...
2010-01-14 marian1. Protection against cluster splitting
2010-01-14 marianGraphErrors * FitSlices
2010-01-11 marianRestart the fit from TPC backup parameters in case
2010-01-11 kowal2New Altro format
2009-12-19 marianSmall updates
2009-12-14 marianAliTPCcalibCalib.cxx - use also alignmnet - not implem...
2009-12-14 marianMinor changes:
2009-12-12 marianAdding the vdrift entry plots
2009-12-11 marianSwitch in CalibTimeGain - - Non cosmic data by default
2009-12-09 marianfix division by 0 in graph creation
2009-12-08 marianCalibMacros/CalibTimeVdrift.C - Removed obsolete code
2009-12-08 marianFixes for the new type of data
2009-12-07 marianCalibMacros/CalibTimeGain.C -use non defualt ranges...
2009-12-07 marianOK. AliTPCcalibDButil.cxx.diff formatting fix
2009-12-07 marianTPCCEda.cxx.diff update CEda for interleaved...
2009-12-06 marianBug fix
2009-12-04 marianMake OCDB Entry
2009-12-04 marianNew script added tpcCalibTrain.sh
2009-12-02 marianM CalibTimeVdrift.C - using smoothing of kalman...
2009-12-02 marianAdding OCDB configuration for different calibration...
2009-12-02 marianM CalibFileMerger.C - write calibration...
2009-12-02 marianM submitMerging.sh - Using groups for jobs...
2009-12-02 fcaFixing bug #57328
2009-11-30 marianAliRoot stress test. Scripts to submit jobs for all...
2009-11-30 marianM AliTPCcalibTime.cxx - removed printf message
2009-11-28 marianProtection againsr divison by zerro
2009-11-24 marianCalibEnv.C calibVarDescription.txt guiAlias.C
2009-11-24 marianAliTPCcalibDButil.cxx.diff Add NaN counter
2009-11-24 marianBug fix - array non initialized in certain conditions...
2009-11-24 marianGetting access to the main canvas
2009-11-23 marianAdding macro to create gui aliases
2009-11-23 marianBug fix - T0 form AliRelKamna in microseconds
2009-11-23 marianAdding alignemnt visualization (Marian)
2009-11-23 marianScipt to run/submit laser runs analysis
2009-11-23 marianmergeCalibRun.sh - merge result of calibra...
2009-11-23 marianM submitCalibJob.sh - remove data from the...
2009-11-23 marianMarian + Jens
2009-11-23 marianUpdate data QA
2009-11-22 marianMacro to create TimeGain OCDB entry from the calibratio...
2009-11-22 marianMacros to load TPC calib libraries
2009-11-22 marianAdding defualt plots
2009-11-20 marianAliTPCTransform.cxx - use L0L1 trigger delay if...
2009-11-20 marianBug fix - interpretation of the Trigger info
2009-11-19 marianAdding export of calibration from vdrift calibration
2009-11-19 marianM AliTPCcalibCalib.cxx - set after refitting...
2009-11-19 haavardCorrect memory leak in ExtractCE (double deletion of...
2009-11-19 marianUse the time gain correction only of specified in the...
2009-11-18 marianDouble delete problem in OCDB
2009-11-18 marianDon't request reference data during reconstruction
2009-11-17 marianAliTPCcalibDButil.h - Aligngment data ...
2009-11-17 marianAliTPCcalibDB.cxx.difF Add possibility to get...
2009-11-17 marianCreateRefMap.C new macro to create...
2009-11-17 hristovMajor update of the CMake compilation:
2009-11-16 marianMove the documentaion to the scripts directory
2009-11-16 marianM filterRecLog.sh - remove the ssyswatch...
2009-11-16 marianAdding histograms for absolute z residuals
2009-11-16 fcaimpoved num precision
2009-11-15 marianAliTPCcalibDButil.h.diff fix forward...
2009-11-15 marianCHANGES:
2009-11-12 marianForgotten commit.
2009-11-12 marianMemory leaks removal
2009-11-11 marianresubmitMissing.sh - resubmit calibration jobns for...
2009-11-09 marianhalloWorld.sh - print the system...
2009-11-08 marianBug fix - Not visible withour gcc
2009-11-08 marianResolved problems with merging
2009-11-08 marianAdding alarms and graphical representation of alarms
2009-11-07 marianUpdated filtering of the Goofie mesurements
2009-11-05 marianAdding the drift velocity monitoring
2009-11-05 marian1. Bug fix - double deletion, crash only in some fracti...
2009-11-04 marianAliTPCcalibDB - Applying filters for calration graph...
2009-11-04 marianAliTPCTempMap.h AliTPCTempMap.cxx - Filter values befor...
2009-11-02 marianAliTPCcalibDB.cxx - Calculate the distance to the...
2009-11-02 marianWarning removal (Marian)
2009-11-02 marianAdding Process of the TRD-TPC matching
2009-11-02 marianAdding visualization of the tree aliases
2009-11-02 marianWarning removal - Shadowed parameters
2009-11-01 haavardMake copy of temperature array before adding to CE...
2009-10-30 marianBug fix.
2009-10-30 haavardAdd protection for missing pressure sensors
2009-10-27 marianDrift velocity calibration - update