]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - ANALYSIS/macros/AnalysisTrainFilterMC.C
Adding analysis task for equalizing the VZERO signals in 2010 p-p data (David)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / ANALYSIS / macros / AnalysisTrainFilterMC.C
1 //===================== ANALYSIS TRAIN =========================================
2 // To use: copy this macro to your work directory, modify the global part to match
3 // your needs, then run root.
4 //    root[0] .L AnalysisTrain.C
5 // Grid full mode as below (other modes: test, offline, submit, terminate)
6 //    root[1] AnalysisTrainNew("grid", "full")
7 // CAF mode (requires root v5-23-02 + aliroot v4-16-Rev08)
8 //    root[2] AnalysisTrainNew("proof")
9 // Local mode requires AliESds.root or AliAOD.root in ./data directory
10 //    root[3] AnalysisTrainNew("local")
11 // In proof and grid modes, a token is needed and sourcing the produced environment file.
12 //
13 // If 'saveTrain' flag is set, the train will generate a directory name and run
14 // in this directory. A configuration file 'ConfigTrain.C' will be generated. 
15 // One can replay at any time the train via:
16 //    root[1] AnalysisTrainNew(ana_mode, plugin_mode, "train_default_<date>/ConfigTrain.C")
18 //==================   TRAIN NAME   ============================================
19 TString     train_name         = "FILTERsim"; // local folder name
20 TString     train_tag          = "_Pb-Pb_";        // Train special tag appended to 
21                                             // visible name. ("data", "sim", "pp", "highmult", ...)
22                // Name in train page (DON'T CHANGE)
23 TString     visible_name       = Form("FILTER%s$2_$3", train_tag.Data()); //# FIXED #
24                // Add train composition and other comments
25 TString     job_comment        = "Standard AODs + deltas";
26 TString     job_tag            = Form("%s: %s", visible_name.Data(), job_comment.Data());
27 //==============================================================================
29 // ### Settings that make sense in PROOF only
30 //==============================================================================
31 TString     proof_cluster      = "alice-caf.cern.ch";
32 Bool_t      useAFPAR           = kFALSE;  // use AF special par file
33 TString     AFversion          = "AF-v4-17";
34 // Change CAF dataset here
35 TString     proof_dataset      = "/COMMON/COMMON/LHC09a4_run8100X#/esdTree";
36 TString     proof_outdir       = "";
38 // ### Settings that make sense when using the Alien plugin
39 //==============================================================================
40 Int_t       runOnData          = 0;       // Set to 1 if processing real data
41 Int_t       iCollision         = 1;       // 0=pp, 1=Pb-Pb
42 Bool_t      usePLUGIN          = kTRUE;   // do not change
43 Bool_t      useProductionMode  = kTRUE;   // use the plugin in production mode
44 // Usage of par files ONLY in grid mode and ONLY if the code is not available
45 // in the deployed AliRoot versions. Par file search path: local dir, if not there $ALICE_ROOT.
46 // To refresh par files, remove the ones in the workdir, then do "make <target.par>" in 
47 // AliRoot.
48 Bool_t      usePAR             = kFALSE;  // use par files for extra libs
49 Bool_t      useCPAR            = kFALSE;  // use par files for common libs
50 TString     root_version       = "v5-34-02-1";  // *CHANGE ME IF MORE RECENT IN GRID*
51 TString     aliroot_version    = "v5-04-26-AN";  // *CHANGE ME IF MORE RECENT IN GRID*                                          
52 // Change production base directory here (test mode)
53 TString     alien_datadir      = "/alice/sim/2011/LHC11f1";
54 Int_t       run_flag           = 1100;   // year (2011 = 1100)
56                // Work directory in GRID (DON'T CHANGE)
57 TString     grid_workdir       = "/alice/cern.ch/user/a/alidaq/AOD/AOD$2";
58                // Data pattern - change as needed for test mode
59 TString     data_pattern       = "*ESDs.root";
60 // Set the run range
61 Int_t run_numbers[10] = {130480}; // **********************!!!!!!!
62 //Int_t       run_range[2]       =  {114786, 114949};  // LHC09a7   *CHANGE ME*
63 // AliEn output directory. If blank will become output_<train_name>
64                // Output directory (DON'T CHANGE)
65 TString     alien_outdir       = "$1/AOD$2";
66                // Input collection (production mode)
67 TString     data_collection    = "$1/qa1.xml";
68 // Output folder to write delta AOD's. Considered if not null.
69 TString     outputSingleFolder = "";
70 //TString     outputSingleFolder = "deltas";
71 // Number of files merged in a chunk
72 Int_t       maxMergeFiles      = 30;
73 // Number of test files
74 Int_t       nTestFiles         = 10;
75 // Files that should not be merged
76 TString     mergeExclude       = "AliAOD.root AliAOD.VertexingHF.root FilterEvents_Trees.root AliAOD.Jets.root AliAOD.Muons.root AliAODGammaConversion.root";
77 TString     mergeDirName       = "AOD$2";
78 // Make replicas on the storages below
79 TString     outputStorages      = "disk=4";
80 Int_t       outputReplicas      = 4;
81 // Number of runs per master job
82 Int_t       nRunsPerMaster     = 10;
83 // Maximum number of files per job (gives size of AOD)
84 Int_t       nFilesPerJob       = 10;
85 // Int_t       nFilesPerJob       = 1; (AOD->delta AOD production case)
86 // ### Settings that make sense only for local analysis
87 //==============================================================================
88 // Change local xml dataset for local interactive analysis
89 TString     local_xmldataset   = "";
91 // ### Other flags to steer the analysis
92 //==============================================================================
93 Bool_t        doCDBconnect      = 1;
94 Bool_t      usePhysicsSelection = kTRUE; // use physics selection
95 Bool_t      useTender           = kFALSE; // use tender wagon
96 Bool_t      useCentrality       = kTRUE; // centrality delta AOD
97 Bool_t      useV0tender         = kFALSE;  // use V0 correction in tender
98 Bool_t      useMergeViaJDL      = kTRUE;  // merge via JDL
99 Bool_t      useFastReadOption   = kFALSE;  // use xrootd tweaks
100 Bool_t      useOverwriteMode    = kTRUE;  // overwrite existing collections
101 Bool_t      useDATE             = kFALSE; // use date in train name
102 Bool_t      useDBG              = kFALSE;  // activate debugging
103 Bool_t      useMC               = kTRUE;  // use MC info
104 Bool_t      useTAGS             = kFALSE;  // use ESD tags for selection
105 Bool_t      useKFILTER          = kTRUE;  // use Kinematics filter
106 Bool_t      useTR               = kFALSE;  // use track references
107 Bool_t      useCORRFW           = kFALSE; // do not change
108 Bool_t      useAODTAGS          = kFALSE; // use AOD tags
109 Bool_t      saveTrain           = kTRUE;  // save train configuration as: 
110 Bool_t      saveCanvases        = kFALSE;  // save canvases created in Terminate
111 Bool_t      saveProofToAlien    = kFALSE; // save proof outputs in AliEn
113 // ### Analysis modules to be included. Some may not be yet fully implemented.
114 //==============================================================================
115 Int_t       iITSImprover       = 1;   //ITSImprover resolutions
116 Int_t       iAODanalysis       = 0;      // Analysis on input AOD's
117 Int_t       iAODhandler        = 1;      // Analysis produces an AOD or dAOD's
118 Int_t       iESDfilter         = 1;      // ESD to AOD filter (barrel + muon tracks)
119 Int_t       iMUONcopyAOD       = 0;      // Task that copies only muon events in a separate AOD (PWG3)
120 Int_t       iJETAN             = 0;      // Jet analysis (PWG4)
121 Int_t       iJETANdelta        = 0;      // Jet delta AODs
122 Int_t       iPWG4partcorr      = 0;      // Gamma-hadron correlations task (PWG4)
123 Int_t       iPWGGAgammaconv    = 0;      // Gamma conversion analysis (PWG4)
124 Int_t       iPWG4omega3pi      = 0;      // Omega to 3 pi analysis (PWG4)
125 Int_t       iPWGHFvertexing     =1;      // Vertexing HF task (PWG3)
126 Int_t       iPWG3hfe           = 0;      // Electrons analysis (PWG3)
127 Int_t       iPWGDQJPSIfilter    = 0;      // JPSI filtering (PWG3)
128 Int_t       iPWGDQJPSI          = 0;      // JPSI analysis (PWG3)
129 Int_t       iPWGHFd2h           = 1;      // D0->2 hadrons (PWG3)
130 Int_t       iPWGMuonTrain     = 0;      // Muon analysis train
131 Int_t       iPWG2femto         = 0;      // Femtoscopy task (PWG2)
132 Int_t       iPWG2spectra       = 0;      // Spectra tasks (PWG2
133 Int_t        iPWG2protons      = 0;         // Proton-antiproton analysis
134 Int_t        iPWG2checkcascade = 0;         // Check cascades task
135 Int_t        iPWG2perfcascade  = 0;         // Check performance cascade
136 Int_t        iPWG2checkv0      = 0;         // Check V0 task
137 Int_t        iPWG2strange      = 0;         // Strangeness task
138 Int_t        iPWG2central      = 0;         // Anisothropy in central collisions
139 Int_t       iPWG2flow          = 0;      // Flow analysis tasks (PWG2)
140 Int_t       iPWG2res           = 0;      // Resonances task (PWG2)
141 Int_t        iPWG2rsneff       = 0;      // Resonances efficiency
142 Int_t       iPWG2kink          = 0;      // Kink analysis tasks (PWG2)
143 Int_t        iPWG2kinkESDMC    = 0;         // Kink ESD-MC comparison (PWG2)
144 Int_t        iPWG2kinkLSKstar  = 0;      // Kink like-sign K* (PWG2)
145 Int_t        iPWG2kinkLSL1520  = 0;      // Kink like-sign L1520 (PWG2)
146 Int_t        iPWG2kinkLSPhi    = 0;      // Kink like-sign Phi (PWG2)
147 Int_t        iPWG2kinkKstarESD = 0;      // Kink Kstar ESD (PWG2)
148 Int_t        iPWG2kinkKstarMC  = 0;      // Kink Kstar MC (PWG2)
149 Int_t        iPWG2kinkL1520ESD = 0;      // Kink L1520 ESD (PWG2)
150 Int_t        iPWG2kinkL1520MC  = 0;      // Kink L1520 MC (PWG2)
151 Int_t        iPWG2kinkPhiESD   = 0;      // Kink resonances Phi ESD (PWG2)
152 Int_t        iPWG2kinkPhiMC    = 0;      // Kink resonances Phi MC (PWG2)
153 Int_t       iPWG2evchar        = 0;      // Event characteristics (PWG2)
154 Int_t       iPWG2unicor        = 0;      // Unicor analysis (PWG2)
155 Int_t       iPWG2forward       = 0;      // FMD analysis (PWG2)
156 Int_t       iPWGLF             =0;       //PWGLF/SPECTRA/ChargedHadrons/dNdPt/macros
157 Bool_t doPIDResponse  = 1;
158 Bool_t doPIDqa        = 1; //new
160 // ### Configuration macros used for each module
161 //==============================================================================
162 TString     configPWG2femto    = "$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/Train/Train3/ConfigFemtoAnalysis.C";
163 //TString     configPWG3d2h      = "$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/ConfigVertexingHF_Pb_Cent2080.C";
164 //  TString     configPWG3d2h      = "$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/ConfigVertexingHF_highmult.C";
165 //  TString     configPWG3d2h      = "$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/ConfigVertexingHF_ITSUpgrade.C";
166    TString     configPWG3d2h      = "$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/ConfigVertexingHF_ITSUpgrade_D0Lc_wPID.C";
167 //  TString     configPWG3d2h      = "$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/ConfigVertexingHF_Pb_AllCent_NoLS_16var.C";
168 // Temporaries.
169 TString anaPars = "";
170 TString anaLibs = "";
171 // Function signatures
172 class AliAnalysisAlien;
174 //______________________________________________________________________________
175 void AnalysisTrainNew(const char *analysis_mode="grid", 
176                       const char *plugin_mode="full",
177                       const char *config_file="")
178 {
179 // Main analysis train macro. If a configuration file is provided, all parameters
180 // are taken from there but may be altered by CheckModuleFlags.
181    if (strlen(config_file) && !LoadConfig(config_file)) return;
182    TString smode(analysis_mode);
183    smode.ToUpper();
184    TString spmode(plugin_mode);
185    spmode.ToLower();
186    if (spmode == "test") useProductionMode = kFALSE;
187    // Check compatibility of selected modules
188    CheckModuleFlags(smode);
189    if (saveTrain)              WriteConfig();
191    printf("==================================================================\n");
192    printf("===========    RUNNING ANALYSIS TRAIN %s IN %s MODE   ==========\n", train_name.Data(),smode.Data());
193    printf("==================================================================\n");
194    printf("=  Configuring analysis train for:                               =\n");
195    if (iAODanalysis) printf("=  AOD analysis                                                  =\n");
196    else              printf("=  ESD analysis                                                  =\n");
197    if (usePhysicsSelection)   printf("=  Physics selection                                                =\n");
198    if (useTender)    printf("=  TENDER                                                        =\n");
199    if (iESDfilter)   printf("=  ESD filter                                                    =\n");
200    if (iMUONcopyAOD) printf("=  MUON copy AOD                                                 =\n");
201    if (iJETAN)       printf("=  Jet analysis                                                  =\n");
202    if (iJETANdelta)  printf("=     Jet delta AODs                                             =\n");
203    if (iPWG2spectra) {
204       printf("=  PWG2 SPECTRA tasks :                                          =\n");
205       if (iPWG2protons)      printf("=     PWG2 proton-antiproton                                     =\n");
206       if (iPWG2checkcascade) printf("=     PWG2 check cascades                                        =\n");
207       if (iPWG2perfcascade)  printf("=     PWG2 performance cascades                                  =\n");
208       if (iPWG2checkv0)      printf("=     PWG2 check V0                                              =\n");
209       if (iPWG2strange)      printf("=     PWG2 strangeness                                           =\n");
210       if (iPWG2central)      printf("=     PWG2 central                                               =\n");
211    }   
212    if (iPWG2femto) {
213       printf("=  PWG2 femtoscopy                                               =\n");
214       printf("   +++ configured by: %s\n", configPWG2femto.Data());
215    }   
216    if (iPWG2flow)    printf("=  PWG2 flow                                                     =\n");
217    if (iPWG2res)     printf("=  PWG2 resonances                                               =\n");
218       if (iPWG2rsneff)    printf("=     PWG2 resonances efficiency                                    =\n");
219    if (iPWG2kink) {
220       printf("=  PWG2 kink analysis tasks:                                     =\n");
221       if (iPWG2kinkESDMC)    printf("=     PWG2 ESD-MC kinks                                          =\n");
222       if (iPWG2kinkLSKstar)  printf("=     PWG2 kink like-sign analysis K*                            =\n");
223       if (iPWG2kinkLSL1520)  printf("=     PWG2 kink like-sign analysis L1520                         =\n");
224       if (iPWG2kinkLSPhi)    printf("=     PWG2 kink like-sign analysis Phi                           =\n");
225       if (iPWG2kinkKstarESD) printf("=     PWG2 kink Kstar ESD analysis                               =\n");
226       if (iPWG2kinkKstarMC)  printf("=     PWG2 kink Kstar MC analysis                                =\n");
227       if (iPWG2kinkL1520ESD) printf("=     PWG2 kink L1520 ESD analysis                               =\n");
228       if (iPWG2kinkL1520MC)  printf("=     PWG2 kink L1520 MC analysis                                =\n");
229       if (iPWG2kinkPhiESD) printf("=     PWG2 kink Phi ESD analysis                                 =\n");
230       if (iPWG2kinkPhiMC)  printf("=     PWG2 kink Phi MC analysis                                  =\n");
231   }   
232    if (iPWG2evchar)    printf("=  PWG2 event characteristics                                    =\n");
233    if (iPWG2unicor)    printf("=  PWG2 Unicor analysis                                          =\n");
234    if (iPWG2forward)   printf("=  PWG2 forward: sharing, density, bkg. correction, dNdEta       =\n");
235    if (iPWGHFvertexing) printf("=  PWG3 vertexing                                                =\n");
236    if (iPWG3hfe)       printf("=  PWG3 electrons                                                =\n");
237    if (iPWGDQJPSIfilter) printf("=  PWG3 j/psi filter                                             =\n");
238    if (iPWGDQJPSI)      printf("=  PWG3 j/psi                                                    =\n");
239    if (iPWGHFd2h) {
240       printf("=  PWG3 D0->2 hadrons QA                                     =\n");
241    }         
242    if (iPWGMuonTrain) printf("=  PWG3 muon train                                               =\n");
243    if (iPWG4partcorr)  printf("=  PWG4 gamma-hadron, pi0 and gamma-jet correlations             =\n");
244    if (iPWGGAgammaconv) printf("=  PWG4 gamma conversion                                         =\n");
245    if (iPWG4omega3pi)  printf("=  PWG4 omega to 3 pions                                         =\n");
246    printf("==================================================================\n");
247    printf(":: use physics selection: %d\n", (UInt_t)usePhysicsSelection);
248    printf(":: use centrality:        %d\n", (UInt_t)useCentrality);
249    printf(":: use xrootd tweaks:     %d\n", (UInt_t)useFastReadOption);
250    printf(":: use overwrite xml    : %d\n", (UInt_t)useOverwriteMode);
251    printf(":: use merge via JDL:     %d\n", (UInt_t)useMergeViaJDL);
252    printf(":: use MC truth:          %d\n", (UInt_t)useMC);
253    printf(":: use KINE filter:       %d\n", (UInt_t)useKFILTER);
254    printf(":: use track references:  %d\n", (UInt_t)useTR);
255    printf(":: use tags:              %d\n", (UInt_t)useTAGS);
256    printf(":: use AOD tags:          %d\n", (UInt_t)useAODTAGS);
257    printf(":: use debugging:         %d\n", (UInt_t)useDBG);
258    printf(":: use PAR files:         %d\n", (UInt_t)usePAR);
259    printf(":: use AliEn plugin:      %d\n", (UInt_t)usePLUGIN);
261    //==========================================================================
262    // Connect to back-end system
263 //   if (!Connect(smode)) {
264 //      ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not connect to %s back-end", analysis_mode);
265 //      return;
266 //   }   
268    // Load common libraries and set include path
269    if (!LoadCommonLibraries(smode)) {
270       ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not load common libraries");
271       return;
272    }
274    // Make the analysis manager and connect event handlers
275    AliAnalysisManager *mgr  = new AliAnalysisManager("Analysis Train", "Production train");
276    if (saveProofToAlien) mgr->SetSpecialOutputLocation(proof_outdir);
277    if (!strcmp(plugin_mode, "test")) mgr->SetNSysInfo(100);
278    // Load analysis specific libraries
279    if (!LoadAnalysisLibraries(smode)) {
280       ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not load analysis libraries");
281       return;
282    }   
284    // Create input handler (input container created automatically)
285    if (iAODanalysis) {
286    // AOD input handler
287       AliAODInputHandler *aodH = new AliAODInputHandler();
288       if (iPWGHFd2h) aodH->AddFriend("AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
289       mgr->SetInputEventHandler(aodH);
290    } else {   
291    // ESD input handler
292       AliESDInputHandler *esdHandler = new AliESDInputHandler();
293       if (useTAGS) esdHandler->SetReadTags();
294       mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdHandler);       
295    }
296    // Monte Carlo handler
297    if (useMC && !iAODanalysis) {
298       AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler();
299       mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler);
300       mcHandler->SetReadTR(useTR); 
301    }   
302    // AOD output container, created automatically when setting an AOD handler
303    if (iAODhandler) {
304       // AOD output handler
305       AliAODHandler* aodHandler   = new AliAODHandler();
306       aodHandler->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.root");
307       mgr->SetOutputEventHandler(aodHandler);
308       if (iAODanalysis) {
309          aodHandler->SetFillAOD(kFALSE);
310          aodHandler->SetCreateNonStandardAOD();
311          if (iJETAN)         aodHandler->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.Jets.root");
312 //         if (iPWGHFvertexing) aodHandler->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
313       } 
314    }
315    // Debugging if needed
316    if (useDBG) mgr->SetDebugLevel(3);
317    if (saveCanvases) mgr->SetSaveCanvases(kTRUE);
319    //==========================================================================
320    // Create the chain. In this example it is created only from ALIEN files but
321    // can be done to work in batch or grid mode as well.
322    TChain *chain = CreateChain(smode, plugin_mode);
324    //==========================================================================
325    // Load the tasks configuration macros for all wagons. These files are supposed now to be
326    // in the current workdir, but in AliEn they will be in the file catalog, 
327    // mapped from AliRoot and pecified in the jdl input list.
329    // For now connection to top input container and common AOD output container
330    // is done in this macro, but in future these containers will be connected
331    // from each task configuration macro.
333    AddAnalysisTasks();                                                                                                                     
334    // Run the analysis                                                                                                                     
335    //                                                                                                                                      
336    if (usePLUGIN) {                                                                                                                        
337       AliAnalysisGrid *alienHandler = CreateAlienHandler(plugin_mode);                                                                     
338       AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->SetGridHandler(alienHandler);                                                              
339    }                                                                                                                                       
341    if (mgr->InitAnalysis()) {                                                                                                              
342       mgr->PrintStatus();                                                                                                                  
343       if (saveTrain || strlen(config_file)) gSystem->ChangeDirectory(train_name);                                                          
344       StartAnalysis(smode, chain);                                                                                                         
345    }                                                                                                                                       
346 }                                                                                                                                          
348 //______________________________________________________________________________                                                           
349 void AddAnalysisTasks(){                                                                                                                                          
350   // Add all analysis task wagons to the train                                                                                               
351    AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();                                                                     
353    //
354   // PIDResponse(JENS)
355   //
356   if (doPIDResponse) {
357     gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPIDResponse.C"); 
358     AliAnalysisTaskPIDResponse *PIDResponse = AddTaskPIDResponse();
359 //    PIDResponse->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kAny);
360   }
361  //
363   // CDB connection
364   //
365   if (doCDBconnect && !useTender) {
366     gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/PilotTrain/AddTaskCDBconnect.C");
367     AliTaskCDBconnect *taskCDB = AddTaskCDBconnect();
368     if (!taskCDB) return;
369     AliCDBManager *cdb = AliCDBManager::Instance();
370     cdb->SetDefaultStorage("raw://");
371     taskCDB->SetRunNumber(run_numbers[0]);
372   }    
374   //
375   // Tender and supplies. Needs to be called for every event.
376   //
377    if (useTender) {
378       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/TenderSupplies/AddTaskTender.C");
379       // IF V0 tender needed, put kTRUE below
380       AliAnalysisTaskSE *tender = AddTaskTender(useV0tender);
381 //      tender->SetDebugLevel(2);
382    }
384    if (usePhysicsSelection) {
385    // Physics selection task
386       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C");
387       mgr->RegisterExtraFile("event_stat.root");
388       AliPhysicsSelectionTask *physSelTask = AddTaskPhysicsSelection(useMC);
389       mgr->AddStatisticsTask(AliVEvent::kAny);
390    }
392    if (useCentrality) {
393       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskCentrality.C");
394       AliCentralitySelectionTask *taskCentrality = AddTaskCentrality(); 
395    }
397    //
398   // PIDqa(JENS)
399   //
400   if (doPIDqa) {
401     gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPIDqa.C");
402     AliAnalysisTaskPIDqa *PIDQA = AddTaskPIDqa();
403     PIDQA->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kAny);
404   }  
406 //Jacek
407    if (iPWGLF) {
408       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/SPECTRA/ChargedHadrons/dNdPt/macros/AddTask_jacek_dNdPtTrackDumpTaskPbPb_TPCITS.C");
409       AddTask_jacek_dNdPtTrackDumpTaskPbPb_TPCITS();
410    }   
413    if (iESDfilter && !iAODanalysis) {
414       //  ESD filter task configuration.
415       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskESDFilter.C");
416       if (iMUONcopyAOD) {
417          printf("Registering delta AOD file\n");
418          mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.Muons.root");
419          mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.Dimuons.root");
420  //        AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kTRUE, kFALSE, usePhysicsSelection, kFALSE, AliESDpid::kBest_T0); // e
421  //        AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kTRUE, kFALSE, kFALSE /*phis Sel*/,kFALSE,AliESDpid::kTOF_T0,kTRUE); // others
422          AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kTRUE, kFALSE, kFALSE /*usePhysicsSelection*/,kFALSE,kTRUE,kFALSE,kFALSE,run_flag); // others  
423       } else {
424  //      AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kFALSE, kFALSE, usePhysicsSelection, kFALSE, AliESDpid::kBest_T0); // e
425  //     AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kFALSE, kFALSE, kFALSE /*phis Sel*/ ,kFALSE,AliESDpid::kTOF_T0,kTRUE); // others
426            AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kFALSE, kFALSE, kFALSE /*usePhysicsSelection*/,kFALSE,kTRUE,kFALSE,kFALSE,run_flag); // others
427       }   
428  /*
429       Double_t v0Cuts[7];
430       Double_t cascadeCuts[8];
432       v0Cuts[0] = 33. ; // max allowed chi2
433       v0Cuts[1] = 0.1 ; // min allowed impact parameter for the 1st daughter
434       v0Cuts[2] = 0.1 ; // min allowed impact parameter for the 2nd daughter
435       v0Cuts[3] = 1. ; // max allowed DCA between the daughter tracks
436       v0Cuts[4] = .998; // min allowed cosine of V0's pointing angle
437       v0Cuts[5] = 0.9 ; // min radius of the fiducial volume
438       v0Cuts[6] = 100. ; // max radius of the fiducial volume
440       cascadeCuts[0] = 33. ; // max allowed chi2 (same as PDC07)
441       cascadeCuts[1] = 0.05 ; // min allowed V0 impact parameter
442       cascadeCuts[2] = 0.008; // "window" around the Lambda mass
443       cascadeCuts[3] = 0.03 ; // min allowed bachelor's impact parameter
444       cascadeCuts[4] = 0.3 ; // max allowed DCA between the V0 and the bachelor
445       cascadeCuts[5] = 0.999; // min allowed cosine of the cascade pointing angle
446       cascadeCuts[6] = 0.9 ; // min radius of the fiducial volume
447       cascadeCuts[7] = 100. ; // max radius of the fiducial volume
449       taskesdfilter->SetV0Cuts(v0Cuts);
450       taskesdfilter->SetCascadeCuts(cascadeCuts);
452       taskesdfilter->EnableV0CascadeVerticesReco();
453       taskesdfilter->DisableZDC();
454 */
455    }   
457    // AOD tags
458    if (useAODTAGS) {
459       AliAnalysisTaskTagCreator* tagTask = new AliAnalysisTaskTagCreator("AOD Tag Creator");
460       mgr->AddTask(tagTask);
461       AliAnalysisDataContainer *coutTags = mgr->CreateContainer("cTag",  TTree::Class(), 
462                                            AliAnalysisManager::kOutputContainer, "AOD.tag.root");
463       mgr->ConnectInput (tagTask, 0, mgr->GetCommonInputContainer());
464       mgr->ConnectOutput(tagTask, 1, coutTags);
465    }   
467 // ********** PWG2 wagons ******************************************************
468    AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("PWG2histograms.root");
470    // Proton analysis
471    if (iPWG2spectra) {
472       // protons
473       if (iPWG2protons) {
474         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/SPECTRA/macros/AddTaskProtons.C");
475         AliAnalysisTaskProtons *taskprotons = AddTaskProtons();
476         if (!taskprotons) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskProtons cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
477       }  
478       // cascades
479       if (iPWG2checkcascade) {
480         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/SPECTRA/macros/AddTaskCheckCascade.C");
481         AliAnalysisTaskCheckCascade *taskcheckcascade = AddTaskCheckCascade(iCollision,runOnData);
482         if (!taskcheckcascade) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskCheckCascade cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
483       }  
484       // v0's
485       if (iPWG2checkv0) {
486         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/SPECTRA/macros/AddTaskCheckV0.C");
487         AliAnalysisTaskCheckV0 *taskcheckV0 = AddTaskCheckV0();
488         if (!taskcheckV0) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskCheckV0 cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
489       }  
490       // strangeness
491       if (iPWG2strange) {
492         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/SPECTRA/macros/AddTaskStrange.C");
493         AliAnalysisTaskStrange *taskstrange = AddTaskStrange();
494         if (!taskstrange) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskStrange cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
495       }  
496       // performance cascades
497       if (iPWG2perfcascade) {
498         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/SPECTRA/macros/AddTaskCheckPerformanceCascade.C");
499         AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade *taskperfcascade = AddTaskCheckPerformanceCascade();
500         if (!taskperfcascade) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
501       }  
502        // central
503       if (iPWG2central) {
504         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/SPECTRA/macros/AddTaskCentral.C");
505         AliAnalysisTaskCentral *taskcentral = AddTaskCentral();
506         if (!taskcentral) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskCentral cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
507       }  
508   }   
510    // Femtoscopy analysis modules
511    if (iPWG2femto) {
512       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/AddTaskFemto.C");
513       AliAnalysisTaskFemto *taskfemto = AddTaskFemto(configPWG2femto);
514       if (!taskfemto) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskFemto cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
515    }   
517    // Kink analysis
518    if (iPWG2kink) {
519       if (iPWG2kinkESDMC) {
520         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKink.C");
521         AliAnalysisKinkESDMC *taskkink1 = AddTaskKink();
522         if (!taskkink1) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisKinkESDMC cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
523       }   
524       if (iPWG2kinkLSKstar) {
525         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResLikeSignKstar.C");
526         AliResonanceKinkLikeSign *taskkink2 = AddTaskKinkResLikeSignKstar();
527         if (!taskkink2) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliResonanceKinkLikeSign cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
528       }  
529       if (iPWG2kinkLSL1520) {
530         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResLikeSignL1520.C");
531         AliResonanceKinkLikeSign *taskkink3 = AddTaskKinkResLikeSignL1520();
532         if (!taskkink3) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliResonanceKinkLikeSign cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
533       }  
534       if (iPWG2kinkLSPhi) {
535         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResLikeSignPhi.C");
536         AliResonanceKinkLikeSign *taskkink4 = AddTaskKinkResLikeSignPhi();
537         if (!taskkink4) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliResonanceKinkLikeSign cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
538       }  
539       if (iPWG2kinkKstarESD) {
540         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResonanceKstarESD.C");
541         AliAnalysisTaskKinkResonance *taskkink5 = AddTaskKinkResonanceKstarESD();
542         if (!taskkink5) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisKinkResonanceKstarESD cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
543       }   
544       if (iPWG2kinkKstarMC) {
545         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResonanceKstarMC.C");
546         AliAnalysisTaskKinkResonance *taskkink6 = AddTaskKinkResonanceKstarMC();
547         if (!taskkink6) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisKinkResonanceKstarMC cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
548       }   
549       if (iPWG2kinkL1520ESD) {
550         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResonanceL1520ESD.C");
551         AliAnalysisTaskKinkResonance *taskkink7 = AddTaskKinkResonanceL1520ESD();
552         if (!taskkink7) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisKinkResonanceL1520ESD cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
553       }   
554       if (iPWG2kinkL1520MC) {
555         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResonanceL1520MC.C");
556         AliAnalysisTaskKinkResonance *taskkink8 = AddTaskKinkResonanceL1520MC();
557         if (!taskkink8) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisKinkResonanceL1520MC cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
558       }   
559       if (iPWG2kinkPhiESD) {
560         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResonancePhiESD.C");
561         AliAnalysisTaskKinkResonance *taskkink9 = AddTaskKinkResonancePhiESD();
562         if (!taskkink9) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisKinkResonancePhiESD cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
563       }   
564       if (iPWG2kinkPhiMC) {
565         gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/KINK/macros/AddTaskKinkResonancePhiMC.C");
566         AliAnalysisTaskKinkResonance *taskkink10 = AddTaskKinkResonancePhiMC();
567         if (!taskkink10) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisKinkResonancePhiMC cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
568       }   
569    }   
571    // Event characterization
572    if (iPWG2evchar) {
573       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/EVCHAR/macros/AddTaskSPDdNdEta.C");
574       AliAnalysisTaskSPDdNdEta *taskspddndeta = AddTaskSPDdNdEta();
575       if (!taskspddndeta) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskSPDdNdEta cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
576       taskspddndeta->SetReadMC(useMC);
577    }   
579    // Unicor
580    if (iPWG2unicor) {
581       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/UNICOR/AddTaskUnicor.C");
582       AliAnalysisTaskUnicor *taskunicor = AddTaskUnicor();
583       if (!taskunicor) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskUnicor cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
584    }   
586    // FMD
587    AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("forward.root");
588    if (iPWG2forward) {
589       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FORWARD/analysis/AddTaskFMD.C");
590       AliFMDAnalysisTaskSE *taskfmd = AddTaskFMD();
591       if (!taskfmd) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliFMDAnalysisTaskSE cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
592    }   
593    AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("PWG2histograms.root");
595    // Flow analysis
596    if (iPWG2flow) {
597       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/FLOW/macros/AddTaskFlow.C");
598       Bool_t SP       = kTRUE;
599       Bool_t LYZ1SUM  = kTRUE;
600       Bool_t LYZ1PROD = kTRUE;
601       Bool_t LYZ2SUM  = kFALSE; 
602       Bool_t LYZ2PROD = kFALSE;
603       Bool_t LYZEP    = kFALSE; 
604       Bool_t GFC      = kTRUE;
605       Bool_t QC       = kTRUE;
606       Bool_t FQD      = kFALSE;
607       Bool_t MCEP     = kFALSE; //does not work yet 24/12/08
608       Bool_t kineFromESD = kTRUE;
610       // Analysis type can be ESD, AOD, MC, ESDMC0, ESDMC1
611       TString type = "AOD";
612       if (!iAODanalysis) type = "ESD";
613       // Boolean to fill/not fill the QA histograms
614       Bool_t QA = kTRUE;   
615       // Boolean to use/not use weights for the Q vector
616       Bool_t WEIGHTS[] = {kFALSE,kFALSE,kFALSE}; //Phi, v'(pt), v'(eta)
617       AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent* taskFE = AddTaskFlow(type,METHODS,QA,WEIGHTS);
618       if (!taskFE) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskFlowEvent cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
619    }   
621    // PWG2 resonances
622    AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("resonances.root");
623    if (iPWG2res) {
624       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/RESONANCES/macros/train/AddAnalysisTaskRsnNew.C");
625       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/RESONANCES/macros/train/AddAnalysisTaskRsnEffNew.C");
626       TString path = gROOT->GetMacroPath();
627       path += ":$ALICE_ROOT/PWG2/RESONANCES/macros/train";
628       gROOT->SetMacroPath(path);
629       AddAnalysisTaskRsn(kTRUE);
630       if (iPWG2rsneff) AddAnalysisTaskRsnEff();
631    }   
632    AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("PWG2histograms.root");
634 // ********** PWG3 wagons ******************************************************
635    AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("PWG3histograms.root");
636    //its immprove upgrade task        
637    if(iITSImprover){
638      gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/macros/AddTaskImproveITS.C");
639  //    TString taskName="AddTaskImproveITS.C"; //taskName.Prepend(loadMacroPath.Data());
640  //    gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName.Data());
641      const char *resfileCur="$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/macros/ITSgraphs_Current.root";
642      const char *resfileUpg="$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/macros/ITSgraphs_NewAll-X0.3-Res4um.root";
643      AddTaskImproveITS(kTRUE, resfileCur,resfileUpg,1);
644    }
646    // PWG3 vertexing
647    if (iPWGHFvertexing) {
648       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/macros/AddTaskVertexingHF.C");
649       if (!iPWGHFd2h) TFile::Cp(gSystem->ExpandPathName(configPWG3d2h.Data()), Form("%s/ConfigVertexingHF.C", train_name.Data()));
650       AliAnalysisTaskSEVertexingHF *taskvertexingHF = AddTaskVertexingHF();
651       // Now we need to keep in sync with the ESD filter
652       if (!taskvertexingHF) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskSEVertexingHF cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
653       else mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
654       taskvertexingHF->SelectCollisionCandidates(0);
655    }   
657    // PWG3 electrons
658    if (iPWG3hfe) {
659       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG3/hfe/AddTaskHFE.C");
660       AliAnalysisTaskHFE *taskHFE = AddTaskHFE();
661       if (!taskHFE) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskHFE cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
662    }   
664    // PWG3 JPSI filtering
665    if (iPWGDQJPSIfilter) {
666       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGDQ/dielectron/macros/AddTaskJPSIFilter.C");
667       AliAnalysisTaskSE *taskJPSIfilter = AddTaskJPSIFilter();
668       if (!taskJPSIfilter) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskDielectronFilter cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
669       else mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.Dielectron.root");
670       taskJPSIfilter->SelectCollisionCandidates(0);
671    }   
673    // PWG3 JPSI
674    if (iPWGDQJPSI) {
675       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGDQ/dielectron/macros/AddTaskJPSI.C");
676       AliAnalysisTask *taskJPSI = AddTaskJPSI();
677       if (!taskJPSI) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskMultiDielectron cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
678    }   
680    // PWG3 D2h
681    if (iPWGHFd2h) {   
682      gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/AddD2HTrain.C");
683      TFile::Cp(gSystem->ExpandPathName(configPWG3d2h.Data()), 
684                Form("%s/ConfigVertexingHF.C", train_name.Data()));
686      AddD2HTrain(kFALSE, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);                                 
687    }
689    // PWG3 muon
690    if (iPWGMuonTrain) {
691       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG/muon/AddPWG3MuonTrain.C");
692       // iESDAnalysis, iAODAnalysis -> flags to select if the train is AOD or ESD based
693       // iMuonDistributions, iSingleMuonANAlysis -> flags to switch on/off analysis wagons
694       Int_t isESDAnalysis = (iAODanalysis)?0:1;
695       Int_t isAODAnalysis = (iAODanalysis)?1:0;
696       Int_t addMuonDistributions = 1;
697       Int_t addSingleMuonAnalysis = 1;
698       Int_t addMuonHFAnalysis = 1;
699       Int_t ntaskmuon = AddPWG3MuonTrain(isESDAnalysis,isAODAnalysis,addMuonDistributions,addSingleMuonAnalysis,addMuonHFAnalysis);
700       printf("Added %d muon tasks\n", ntaskmuon);
701    }
703    // ********** PWG4 wagons ******************************************************
704    AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("PWG4histograms.root");
706    // Jet analysis
708    // Configurations flags, move up?
709    TString kDeltaAODJetName = "AliAOD.Jets.root"; //
710    Bool_t  kIsPbPb = true; // can be more intlligent checking the name of the data set
711    TString kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch = "";
712    TString kJetSubtractBranches = "";
713    UInt_t kHighPtFilterMask = 768;// from esd filter
714    if(run_flag==1000)kHighPtFilterMask = 272;// from esd filter for 2010
715    UInt_t iPhysicsSelectionFlag = 0;
716    if (iJETAN) {
717      gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGJE/macros/AddTaskJets.C");
718      if (!iAODanalysis) {
719        // Default jet reconstructor running on ESD's
720        AliAnalysisTaskJets *taskjets = AddTaskJets("AOD","UA1",0.4,kHighPtFilterMask,1.,0); // no background subtraction     
721        if(kDeltaAODJetName.Length()>0)taskjets->SetNonStdOutputFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
722        if (!taskjets) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskJets cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
723        if (iJETANdelta) {
724          //            AddTaskJetsDelta("AliAOD.Jets.root"); // need to modify this accordingly in the add task jets
725          mgr->RegisterExtraFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
726          TString cTmp("");
727          if(kIsPbPb){
728            // UA1 intrinsic background subtraction
729            taskjets = AddTaskJets("AOD","UA1",0.4,kHighPtFilterMask,1.,2); // background subtraction
730            if(kDeltaAODJetName.Length()>0)taskjets->SetNonStdOutputFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
731          }
733          // Add the clusters..
734          gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGJE/macros/AddTaskJetCluster.C");
735          AliAnalysisTaskJetCluster *taskCl = 0;
736          Float_t fCenUp = 0;
737          Float_t fCenLo = 0;
738          Float_t fTrackEtaWindow = 0.9;
739          taskCl = AddTaskJetCluster("AOD","",kHighPtFilterMask,iPhysicsSelectionFlag,"KT",0.4,0,1, kDeltaAODJetName.Data(),0.15,fTrackEtaWindow,0); // this one is for the background and random jets, random cones with no skip                                                                                 
740          taskCl->SetBackgroundCalc(kTRUE);
741          taskCl->SetNRandomCones(1);
742          taskCl->SetCentralityCut(fCenLo,fCenUp);
743          taskCl->SetGhostEtamax(fTrackEtaWindow);
744          kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch = Form("%s_%s",AliAODJetEventBackground::StdBranchName(),taskCl->GetJetOutputBranch());
746          taskCl = AddTaskJetCluster("AOD","",kHighPtFilterMask,iPhysicsSelectionFlag,"ANTIKT",0.4,0,1,kDeltaAODJetName.Data(),0.15);
747          taskCl->SetCentralityCut(fCenLo,fCenUp);
748          if(kIsPbPb)taskCl->SetBackgroundBranch(kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch.Data());
749          kJetSubtractBranches += Form("%s ",taskCl->GetJetOutputBranch());
751          taskCl = AddTaskJetCluster("AOD","",kHighPtFilterMask,iPhysicsSelectionFlag,"ANTIKT",0.3,0,1,kDeltaAODJetName.Data(),0.15);
752          taskCl->SetCentralityCut(fCenLo,fCenUp);
753          if(kIsPbPb)taskCl->SetBackgroundBranch(kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch.Data());
754          kJetSubtractBranches += Form("%s ",taskCl->GetJetOutputBranch());
757          if(kIsPbPb&&kJetSubtractBranches.Length()){
758            gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGJE/macros/AddTaskJetBackgroundSubtract.C");
759            AliAnalysisTaskJetBackgroundSubtract *taskSubtract = 0;
760            taskSubtract = AddTaskJetBackgroundSubtract(kJetSubtractBranches,1,"B0","B%d");
761            taskSubtract->SetBackgroundBranch(kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch.Data());
762            if(kDeltaAODJetName.Length()>0)taskSubtract->SetNonStdOutputFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
763          }
764        } 
765      } else {
766        // AOD-based analysis. Add all reconstructors to write into delta AOD's
767        if (iJETANdelta) {
768          Int_t ntasksjets = AddTaskJetsDelta("AliAOD.Jets.root",0,kFALSE);
769          if (ntasksjets) printf("Added %d jet reconstructors\n", ntasksjets);
770        }
771      }    
772    }
774    // PWG4 hadron correlations
775    if (iPWG4partcorr) {
776       Bool_t isSimulation = (runOnData)?kFALSE:kTRUE;
777       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGJE/macros/AddTaskPartCorr.C");
778       AliAnalysisTaskParticleCorrelation *taskpartcorrPHOS = AddTaskPartCorr("AOD", "PHOS", kFALSE, isSimulation);
779       if (!taskpartcorrPHOS) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskParticleCorrelation PHOS cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
780       AliAnalysisTaskParticleCorrelation *taskpartcorrEMCAL = AddTaskPartCorr("AOD", "EMCAL", kFALSE, isSimulation);
781       if (!taskpartcorrEMCAL) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskParticleCorrelation EMCAL cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
782       mgr->RegisterExtraFile("deltaAODPartCorr.root");
783    }   
785    // PWG4 omega to 3 pions analysis
786    if (iPWG4omega3pi) {
787       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG4/macros/AddTaskomega3pi.C");
788       AliAnalysisTaskOmegaPi0PiPi *taskomega3pi = AddTaskomega3pi();
789       if (!taskomega3pi) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskomega3pi cannot run for these train conditions - EXCLUDED");
790    } 
791    if (iPWGGAgammaconv) {
792       gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGGA/GammaConv/macros/AddTask_ConversionAODProduction.C");
793       AliAnalysisTask *taskconv = AddTask_ConversionAODProduction(iCollision);
794       mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAODGammaConversion.root");
795    }   
796 }
798 //______________________________________________________________________________
799 void StartAnalysis(const char *mode, TChain *chain) {
800 // Start analysis.
801    Int_t imode = -1;
802    AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
803    if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0;
804    if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1;
805    if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID"))  imode = 2;
806    switch (imode) {
807       case 0:
808          if (!chain) {
809             ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::StartAnalysis", "Cannot create the chain");
810             return;
811          }   
812          mgr->StartAnalysis(mode, chain);
813          return;
814       case 1:
815          if (!proof_dataset.Length()) {
816             ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::StartAnalysis", "proof_dataset is empty");
817             return;
818          }   
819          mgr->StartAnalysis(mode, proof_dataset, 1000);
820          return;
821       case 2:
822          if (usePLUGIN) {
823             if (!mgr->GetGridHandler()) {
824                ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::StartAnalysis", "Grid plugin not initialized");
825                return;
826             }   
827             mgr->StartAnalysis("grid");
828          } else {
829             if (!chain) {
830                ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::StartAnalysis", "Cannot create the chain");
831                return;
832             }   
833             mgr->StartAnalysis(mode, chain);
834          }   
835          return;
836    }      
837 }          
839 //______________________________________________________________________________
840 void CheckModuleFlags(const char *mode) {
841 // Checks selected modules and insure compatibility
842    Int_t imode = -1;
843    if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0;
844    if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1;
845    if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID"))  imode = 2;
846    if (!iJETAN) iJETANdelta = 0;
847    if (imode==1) {
848       if (!usePAR) {
849          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PAR files enabled due to PROOF analysis");
850          usePAR = kTRUE;
851       }   
852    }  
853    if (imode != 2) {
854       ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "AliEn plugin disabled since not in GRID mode");
855       usePLUGIN = kFALSE; 
856    }   
857    if (iAODanalysis) {
858    // AOD analysis
859       if (useMC)
860          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "MC usage disabled in analysis on AOD's");
861       if (useAODTAGS)
862          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "AOD tags usage disabled in analysis on AOD's");
863       useMC = kFALSE;
864       useTR = kFALSE;
865       useAODTAGS = kFALSE;
866       if (iESDfilter)
867          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "ESD filter disabled in analysis on AOD's");
868       iESDfilter   = 0;
869       if (!iAODhandler) {
870          if (iJETAN) 
871             ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "JETAN disabled in analysis on AOD's without AOD handler");
872          iJETAN = 0;
873          iJETANdelta = 0;
874       }
875       // Disable tasks that do not work yet on AOD data
876       if (iPWGGAgammaconv)
877          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG4gammaconv disabled on AOD's without AOD handler");
878       iPWGGAgammaconv = 0;   
879       if (iPWG2central)
880          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2central disabled on AOD's");
881          iPWG2central = 0;
882       if (iPWG2flow)
883          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2flow disabled on AOD's");
884          iPWG2flow = 0;
885       if (iPWG2femto)
886          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2femto disabled on AOD's");
887          iPWG2femto = 0;
888       if (iPWG2res)
889          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2res disabled on AOD's");
890          iPWG2res = 0;
891        if (iPWG2rsneff)
892          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2rsneff disabled on AOD's");
893          iPWG2rsneff = 0;
894      if (iPWG2kink)         
895          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2kink disabled in analysis on AOD's");
896          iPWG2kink = 0;
897       if (iPWG2unicor)         
898          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2unicor disabled in analysis on AOD's");
899          iPWG2unicor = 0;
900       if (iPWG2evchar)
901          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG4evchar disabled on AOD's");
902          iPWG2evchar = 0;
903       if (iPWG2forward)         
904          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2forward disabled in analysis on AOD's");
905          iPWG2forward = 0;
906       if (iPWG3hfe)
907          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG3hfe disabled on AOD's");
908          iPWG3hfe = 0;
909       if (iPWG4omega3pi)
910          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG4omega3pi disabled on AOD's");
911          iPWG4omega3pi = 0;
912    } else {   
913    // ESD analysis
914       if (!useMC) useTR = kFALSE;
915    }
916    if (!useMC) {
917       if (iPWG2perfcascade)
918          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2perfcascade disabled without MC info");
919       iPWG2perfcascade = 0;   
920       if (iPWG2central)
921          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CheckModuleFlags", "PWG2central disabled without MC info");
922          iPWG2central = 0;
923    }   
924    if (iJETAN && !iAODanalysis) iESDfilter=1;
925    if (iESDfilter) {iAODhandler=1; useCORRFW = kTRUE;}
926    if (iPWG2spectra || iPWG2flow || iPWGHFvertexing || iPWG3hfe || iPWG2res || iPWG2rsneff) useCORRFW = kTRUE;
927    if (useKFILTER && !useMC) useKFILTER = kFALSE;
928    if (useAODTAGS && !iAODhandler) useAODTAGS = kFALSE;
929 }
931 //______________________________________________________________________________
932 Bool_t Connect(const char *mode) {
933 // Connect <username> to the back-end system.
934    Int_t imode = -1;
935    if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0;
936    if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1;
937    if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID"))  imode = 2;
938    TString username = gSystem->Getenv("alien_API_USER");
939    switch (imode) {
940       case 0:
941          break;
942       case 1:
943          if  (!username.Length()) {
944             ::Error(Form("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Connect <%s>", mode), "Make sure you:\n \
945                            1. Have called: alien-token-init <username>\n \
946                            2. Have called: >source /tmp/gclient_env_$UID");
947             return kFALSE;
948          }
949          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Connect", "Connecting user <%s> to PROOF cluster <%s>", 
950                 username.Data(), proof_cluster.Data());
951          gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy", "2");
952 //         TProof::Open(Form("%s@%s:31093", username.Data(), proof_cluster.Data()));       
953          TProof::Open(Form("%s@%s", username.Data(), proof_cluster.Data()));       
954          if (!gProof) {
955             if (strcmp(gSystem->Getenv("XrdSecGSISRVNAMES"), "lxfsrd0506.cern.ch"))
956                ::Error(Form("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Connect <%s>", mode), "Environment XrdSecGSISRVNAMES different from lxfsrd0506.cern.ch");
957             return kFALSE;
958          }
959          TGrid::Connect("alien://");
960          if (gGrid) {
961             TString homedir = gGrid->GetHomeDirectory();
962             TString workdir = homedir + train_name;
963             if (!gGrid->Cd(workdir)) {
964                gGrid->Cd(homedir);
965                if (gGrid->Mkdir(workdir)) {
966                   gGrid->Cd(train_name);
967                   ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew::Connect()", "Directory %s created", gGrid->Pwd());
968                }
969             }
970             gGrid->Mkdir("proof_output");
971             gGrid->Cd("proof_output");
972             proof_outdir = Form("alien://%s", gGrid->Pwd());
973          }   
974          break;
975       case 2:      
976          if (usePLUGIN && !gSystem->Getenv("alien_CLOSE_SE")) {
977             ::Error(Form("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Connect <%s>", mode), 
978                            "When using the AliEn plugin it is preferable to define the \
979                            variable alien_CLOSE_SE in your environment.");
980             return kFALSE;
981          }
982          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Connect", "Connecting user <%s> to AliEn ...", 
983                 username.Data());
984          TGrid::Connect("alien://");
985          if (!gGrid || !gGrid->IsConnected()) return kFALSE;
986          break;
987       default:
988          ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Connect", "Unknown run mode: %s", mode);
989          return kFALSE;
990    }
991    ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Connect","Connected in %s mode", mode);
992    return kTRUE;
993 }
995 //______________________________________________________________________________
996 Bool_t LoadCommonLibraries(const char *mode)
997 {
998 // Load common analysis libraries.
999    Int_t imode = -1;
1000    if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0;
1001    if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1;
1002    if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID"))  imode = 2;
1003    if (!gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) {
1004       ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommonLibraries", "Analysis train requires that analysis libraries are compiled with a local AliRoot"); 
1005       return kFALSE;
1006    }   
1007    Bool_t success = kTRUE;
1008    // ROOT libraries
1009    gSystem->Load("libTree.so");
1010    gSystem->Load("libGeom.so");
1011    gSystem->Load("libVMC.so");
1012    gSystem->Load("libPhysics.so");
1013    gSystem->Load("libMinuit.so");
1015    // Load framework classes. Par option ignored here.
1016    switch (imode) {
1017       case 0:
1018       case 2:
1019          if (useCPAR) {
1020             success &= LoadLibrary("STEERBase", mode, kTRUE);
1021             success &= LoadLibrary("ESD", mode, kTRUE);
1022             success &= LoadLibrary("AOD", mode, kTRUE);
1023             success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSIS", mode, kTRUE);
1024             success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSISalice", mode, kTRUE);
1025             if (useCORRFW) success &= LoadLibrary("CORRFW", mode, kTRUE);
1026          } else {   
1027             success &= LoadLibrary("libSTEERBase.so", mode);
1028             success &= LoadLibrary("libESD.so", mode);
1029             success &= LoadLibrary("libAOD.so", mode);
1030             success &= LoadLibrary("libANALYSIS.so", mode);
1031             success &= LoadLibrary("libANALYSISalice.so", mode);
1032             if (useCORRFW) success &= LoadLibrary("libCORRFW.so", mode);
1033             gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/include");
1034          }   
1035          break;
1036       case 1:
1037          Int_t ires = -1;
1038          if (useAFPAR && !gSystem->AccessPathName(AFversion)) ires = gProof->UploadPackage(AFversion);
1039          if (ires < 0) {
1040             success &= LoadLibrary("STEERBase", mode);
1041             success &= LoadLibrary("ESD", mode);
1042             success &= LoadLibrary("AOD", mode);
1043             success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSIS", mode);
1044             success &= LoadLibrary("ANALYSISalice", mode);
1045             if (useCORRFW) success &= LoadLibrary("CORRFW", mode);
1046          } else { 
1047             ires = gProof->EnablePackage(AFversion);
1048             if (ires<0) success = kFALSE;
1049             if (useCORRFW) success &= LoadLibrary("CORRFW", mode);
1050          }
1051          break;         
1052       default:
1053          ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommonLibraries", "Unknown run mode: %s", mode);
1054          return kFALSE;
1055    }
1056    if (success) {
1057       ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Load common libraries:    SUCCESS");
1058       ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Include path for Aclic compilation:\n%s",
1059               gSystem->GetIncludePath());
1060    } else {           
1061       ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Load common libraries:    FAILED");
1062    }   
1064    return success;
1065 }
1067 //______________________________________________________________________________
1068 Bool_t LoadAnalysisLibraries(const char *mode)
1069 {
1070 // Load common analysis libraries.
1071    Bool_t success = kTRUE;
1072    if (useTender || doCDBconnect) {
1073       if (!LoadLibrary("TENDER", mode, kTRUE) ||
1074           !LoadLibrary("TENDERSupplies", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1075    }       
1076    // CDBconnect
1077    if (doCDBconnect && !useTender) {
1078       if (!LoadLibrary("PWGPP", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1079    }
1081    if (iESDfilter || iPWGMuonTrain) {
1082       if (!LoadLibrary("PWGmuon", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1083    }   
1084    // JETAN
1085    if (iJETAN) {
1086       if (!LoadLibrary("JETAN", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1087    }
1088    if (iJETANdelta) {
1089       if (!LoadLibrary("JETAN", mode, kTRUE) ||
1090           !LoadLibrary("CGAL", mode, kTRUE) ||
1091           !LoadLibrary("fastjet", mode, kTRUE) ||
1092           !LoadLibrary("siscone", mode, kTRUE) ||
1093           !LoadLibrary("SISConePlugin", mode, kTRUE) ||
1094           !LoadLibrary("FASTJETAN", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1095    }     
1096    // PWG4 particle correlations
1097    if (iPWG4partcorr) {   
1098       if (!LoadLibrary("EMCALUtils", mode, kTRUE) ||
1099           !LoadLibrary("PHOSUtils", mode, kTRUE) ||
1100           !LoadLibrary("PWG4PartCorrBase", mode, kTRUE) ||
1101           !LoadLibrary("PWG4PartCorrDep", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1102    }
1103    // PWG4 gamma conversion
1104    if (iPWGGAgammaconv) {
1105       if (!LoadLibrary("PWGGAGammaConv", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1106    }      
1107    // PWG4 omega to 3 pions
1108    if (iPWG4omega3pi) {
1109       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG4omega3pi", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1110    }      
1111    // PWG2 task protons 
1112    if (iPWG2spectra) {
1113       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2spectra", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1114    }
1115    // PWG2 flow
1116    if (iPWG2flow) {
1117       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2flowCommon", mode, kTRUE) ||
1118           !LoadLibrary("PWG2flowTasks", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1119    }
1120    // PWG2 resonances
1121    if (iPWG2res || iPWG2rsneff) {
1122       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2resonances", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1123    }   
1124    // PWG2 kink
1125    if (iPWG2kink) {
1126       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2kink", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1127    }   
1128    // PWG2 unicor
1129    if (iPWG2unicor) {
1130       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2unicor", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1131    }   
1132    // PWG2 evchar
1133    if (iPWG2evchar) {
1134       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2evchar", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1135    }   
1136    // PWG2 femtoscopy
1137    if (iPWG2femto) {
1138       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2AOD", mode, kTRUE) ||
1139           !LoadLibrary("PWG2femtoscopy", mode, kTRUE) ||
1140           !LoadLibrary("PWG2femtoscopyUser", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1141 //      TFile::Cp(gSystem->ExpandPathName("$(ALICE_ROOT)/PWG2/FEMTOSCOPY/macros/ConfigFemtoAnalysis.C"), Form("%s/ConfigFemtoAnalysis.C", train_name.Data()));
1142 //      anaLibs += "ConfigFemtoAnalysis.C ";
1143    }   
1144    // PWG2 FORWARD
1145    if (iPWG2forward) {
1146       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG2forward", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1147    }   
1148     // PWG3 Vertexing HF
1149    if (iPWGHFvertexing || iPWGHFd2h) {
1150       if (!LoadLibrary("PWGflowBase", mode, kTRUE) ||
1151           !LoadLibrary("PWGflowTasks", mode, kTRUE) ||
1152           !LoadLibrary("PWGHFvertexingHF", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1153    }   
1154    // PWG3 hfe
1155    if (iPWG3hfe) {
1156       if (!LoadLibrary("PWG3hfe", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1157    }   
1158    // PWG3 dielectron
1159    if (iPWGDQJPSIfilter || iPWGDQJPSI) {
1160       if (!LoadLibrary("PWGDQdielectron", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1161    }   
1162    if (iPWGLF) {
1163       if (!LoadLibrary("TENDER", mode, kTRUE)  || !LoadLibrary("PWGUDbase", mode, kTRUE)  ||
1164        !LoadLibrary("TPCcalib", mode, kTRUE)  ||
1165        !LoadLibrary("PWGPP", mode, kTRUE)  ||
1166        !LoadLibrary("PWGLFspectra", mode, kTRUE)) return kFALSE;
1167    }   
1168    ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadAnalysisLibraries", "Load other libraries:   SUCCESS");
1169    return kTRUE;
1170 }
1172 //______________________________________________________________________________
1173 Bool_t LoadLibrary(const char *module, const char *mode, Bool_t rec=kFALSE)
1174 {
1175 // Load a module library in a given mode. Reports success.
1176    Int_t imode = -1;
1177    Int_t result;
1178    TString smodule(module);
1179    if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0;
1180    if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1;
1181    if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID"))  imode = 2;
1182    TString mod(module);
1183    if (!mod.Length()) {
1184       ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadLibrary", "Empty module name");
1185       return kFALSE;
1186    }   
1187    // If a library is specified, just load it
1188    if (smodule.EndsWith(".so")) {
1189       mod.Remove(mod.Index(".so"));
1190       result = gSystem->Load(mod);
1191       if (result < 0) {
1192          ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not load library %s", module);
1193          return kFALSE;
1194       }
1195       if (rec) anaLibs += Form("%s.so ",mod.Data()); 
1196       return kTRUE;
1197    } 
1198    // Check if the library is already loaded
1199    if (strlen(gSystem->GetLibraries(Form("%s.so", module), "", kFALSE)) > 0)
1200       return kTRUE;    
1201    switch (imode) {
1202       case 0:
1203       case 2:
1204          if (usePAR) {
1205             result = SetupPar(module);
1206             if (rec) anaPars += Form("%s.par ", module);
1207          } else {
1208             result = gSystem->Load(Form("lib%s.so", module));
1209             if (rec) anaLibs += Form("lib%s.so ", module);
1210          }   
1211          break;
1212       case 1:
1213          result = gProof->UploadPackage(module);
1214          if (result<0) {
1215             result = gProof->UploadPackage(gSystem->ExpandPathName(Form("$ALICE_ROOT/%s.par", module)));
1216             if (result<0) {
1217                ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not find module %s.par in current directory nor in $ALICE_ROOT", module);
1218                return kFALSE;
1219             }
1220          }   
1221          result = gProof->EnablePackage(module);
1222          break;
1223       default:
1224          return kFALSE;
1225    }         
1226    if (result < 0) {
1227       ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not load module %s", module);
1228       return kFALSE;
1229    }
1230    return kTRUE;
1231 }           
1234 //______________________________________________________________________________
1235 TChain *CreateChain(const char *mode, const char *plugin_mode)
1236 {
1237 // Create the input chain
1238    Int_t imode = -1;
1239    if (!strcmp(mode, "LOCAL")) imode = 0;
1240    if (!strcmp(mode, "PROOF")) imode = 1;
1241    if (!strcmp(mode, "GRID"))  imode = 2;
1242    TChain *chain = NULL;
1243    // Local chain
1244    switch (imode) {
1245       case 0:
1246          if (iAODanalysis) {
1247             if (!local_xmldataset.Length()) {
1248                // Local AOD
1249                chain = new TChain("aodTree");
1250                if (gSystem->AccessPathName("data/AliAOD.root")) 
1251                   ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CreateChain", "File: AliAOD.root not in ./data dir");
1252                else {
1253                   if (!saveTrain) chain->Add("data/AliAOD.root");
1254                   else            chain->Add("../data/AliAOD.root");
1255                }   
1256             } else {
1257                // Interactive AOD
1258                chain = CreateChainSingle(local_xmldataset, "aodTree");
1259             }
1260          } else {      
1261             if (!local_xmldataset.Length()) {
1262                // Local ESD
1263                chain = new TChain("esdTree");
1264                if (gSystem->AccessPathName("data/AliESDs.root")) 
1265                   ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CreateChain", "File: AliESDs.root not in ./data dir");
1266                else {
1267                   if (!saveTrain) chain->Add("data/AliESDs.root");
1268                   else            chain->Add("../data/AliESDs.root");
1269                }   
1270             } else {
1271                // Interactive ESD
1272                chain = CreateChainSingle(local_xmldataset, "esdTree");
1273             }   
1274          }
1275          break;
1276       case 1:
1277          break;
1278       case 2:
1279          if (usePLUGIN) {
1280 //            AliAnalysisGrid *alienHandler = CreateAlienHandler(plugin_mode);
1281 //            AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->SetGridHandler(alienHandler);
1282          } else {
1283             TString           treeName = "esdTree";
1284             if (iAODanalysis) treeName = "aodTree";
1285             chain = CreateChainSingle("wn.xml", treeName);
1286          }
1287          break;      
1288       default:   
1289    }
1290    if (chain && chain->GetNtrees()) return chain;
1291    return NULL;
1292 }   
1294 //______________________________________________________________________________
1295 TChain* CreateChainSingle(const char* xmlfile, const char *treeName)
1296 {
1297    printf("*******************************\n");
1298    printf("*** Getting the ESD Chain   ***\n");
1299    printf("*******************************\n");
1300    TAlienCollection * myCollection  = TAlienCollection::Open(xmlfile);
1302    if (!myCollection) {
1303       ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CreateChainSingle", "Cannot create an AliEn collection from %s", xmlfile) ;
1304       return NULL ;
1305    }
1307    TChain* chain = new TChain(treeName);
1308    myCollection->Reset() ;
1309    while ( myCollection->Next() ) chain->Add(myCollection->GetTURL("")) ;
1310    chain->ls();
1311    return chain;
1312 }
1314 //______________________________________________________________________________
1315 Int_t SetupPar(char* pararchivename)
1316 {
1317    if (!pararchivename || !strlen(pararchivename)) return -1;
1318    char processline[1024];
1319    if (gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("%s.par", pararchivename))) {
1320       if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(Form("%s/%s.par", gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"),pararchivename))) {
1321          ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::SetupPar", "Getting %s.par from $ALICE_ROOT", pararchivename);
1322          TFile::Cp(gSystem->ExpandPathName(Form("$ALICE_ROOT/%s.par", pararchivename)), 
1323                    Form("%s.par",pararchivename));
1324       } else {
1325          ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::SetupPar", "Cannot find %s.par", pararchivename);
1326          return -1;
1327       }   
1328    }
1329    if (usePLUGIN && saveTrain) gSystem->Exec(Form("ln -s ../%s.par %s",pararchivename, train_name.Data()));
1330    gSystem->Exec(Form("tar xvzf %s.par", pararchivename));
1332    TString ocwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
1333    if (!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(pararchivename)) return -1;
1335    // check for BUILD.sh and execute
1336    if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {
1337       printf("*******************************\n");
1338       printf("*** Building PAR archive    ***\n");
1339       printf("*******************************\n");          
1340       if (gSystem->Exec("PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh")) {
1341          Error("runProcess","Cannot Build the PAR Archive! - Abort!");
1342          return -1;
1343       }
1344    }
1346         // check for SETUP.C and execute
1347         if (!gSystem->AccessPathName("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C")) {
1348             printf("*******************************\n");
1349             printf("*** Setup PAR archive       ***\n");
1350             printf("*******************************\n");
1351             gROOT->Macro("PROOF-INF/SETUP.C");
1352         }       
1353         if (!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(ocwd.Data())) return -1;
1354    return 0;
1355 }
1357 //______________________________________________________________________________
1358 AliAnalysisAlien* CreateAlienHandler(const char *plugin_mode)
1359 {
1360 // Check if user has a valid token, otherwise make one. This has limitations.
1361 // One can always follow the standard procedure of calling alien-token-init then
1362    AliAnalysisAlien *plugin = new AliAnalysisAlien();
1363 // Set the run mode (can be "full", "test", "offline", "submit" or "terminate")
1364    plugin->SetRunMode(plugin_mode);
1365    if (useProductionMode) {
1366       plugin->SetProductionMode();
1367       plugin->AddDataFile(data_collection);
1368    }   
1370    if (!outputSingleFolder.IsNull()) {
1371       plugin->SetOutputSingleFolder(outputSingleFolder);
1372       plugin->SetOutputToRunNo();
1373    }   
1374    plugin->SetJobTag(job_tag);
1375    plugin->SetNtestFiles(nTestFiles);
1376    plugin->SetCheckCopy(kFALSE);
1377    plugin->SetMergeDirName(mergeDirName);
1378 // Set versions of used packages
1379    plugin->SetAPIVersion("V1.1x");
1380    plugin->SetROOTVersion(root_version);
1381    plugin->SetAliROOTVersion(aliroot_version);
1382 // Declare input data to be processed.
1383 // Method 1: Create automatically XML collections using alien 'find' command.
1384 // Define production directory LFN
1385    plugin->SetGridDataDir(alien_datadir);
1386 // Set data search pattern
1387    plugin->SetDataPattern(data_pattern);
1388    if (!useProductionMode) {
1389       if (runOnData) {
1390          plugin->SetRunPrefix("000");
1391       }   
1392 //   if (!iAODanalysis) plugin->SetRunRange(run_range[0], run_range[1]);
1393       for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) {
1394          if (run_numbers[i]==0) break;
1395          plugin->AddRunNumber(run_numbers[i]);
1396       }   
1397    }   
1398 // Define alien work directory where all files will be copied. Relative to alien $HOME.
1399    plugin->SetGridWorkingDir(grid_workdir);
1400 // Declare alien output directory. Relative to working directory.
1401    if (alien_outdir.IsNull()) alien_outdir = Form("output_%s",train_name.Data());
1402    plugin->SetGridOutputDir(alien_outdir);
1404    TString ana_sources = "";
1405    TString ana_add = "";
1406    if (usePAR && anaPars.Length()) {
1407       printf("%s\n", anaPars.Data());
1408       TObjArray *arr;
1409       TObjString *objstr;
1410       arr = anaPars.Tokenize(" ");
1411       TIter next(arr);
1412       while ((objstr=(TObjString*)next())) plugin->EnablePackage(objstr->GetString());
1413       delete arr;
1414    } 
1415 // Add external packages
1416    if (iJETAN || iJETANdelta) {
1417       plugin->AddExternalPackage("boost::v1_43_0");
1418       plugin->AddExternalPackage("cgal::v3.6");
1419       plugin->AddExternalPackage("fastjet::v2.4.2");
1420    }   
1422 // Declare the analysis source files names separated by blancs. To be compiled runtime
1423 // using ACLiC on the worker nodes.
1424    ana_sources = ana_sources.Strip();
1425 // Declare all libraries (other than the default ones for the framework. These will be
1426 // loaded by the generated analysis macro. Add all extra files (task .cxx/.h) here.
1427    anaLibs     = anaLibs.Strip();   
1428    if (ana_sources.Length()) plugin->SetAnalysisSource(ana_sources);
1429    if (anaLibs.Length())     plugin->SetAdditionalLibs(anaLibs);
1431 // Declare the output file names separated by blancs.
1432 // (can be like: file.root or file.root@ALICE::Niham::File)
1433    plugin->SetDefaultOutputs();
1434    plugin->SetMergeExcludes(mergeExclude);
1435    plugin->SetMaxMergeFiles(maxMergeFiles);
1436    plugin->SetNrunsPerMaster(nRunsPerMaster);
1437 // Optionally define the files to be archived.
1438 //   plugin->SetOutputArchive("log_archive.zip:stdout,stderr@ALICE::NIHAM::File root_archive.zip:AliAOD.root,AOD.tag.root@ALICE::NIHAM::File");
1441    // Put default output files to archive
1442    TString listhists = "";
1443    TString listaods  = "";
1444    AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
1445    TIter next(mgr->GetOutputs());
1446    AliAnalysisDataContainer *output;
1447    while ((output=(AliAnalysisDataContainer*)next())) {
1448       const char *filename = output->GetFileName();
1449       if (!(strcmp(filename, "default"))) {
1450          if (!mgr->GetOutputEventHandler()) continue;
1451          filename = mgr->GetOutputEventHandler()->GetOutputFileName();
1452          if (listaods.Length()) listaods += ",";
1453          listaods += filename;
1454          listaods += ",";
1455          listaods += "pyxsec_hists.root";
1456       } else {
1457          if (!strcmp(filename, "pyxsec_hists.root")) continue;
1458          if (listhists.Contains(filename)) continue;
1459          if (listhists.Length()) listhists += ",";
1460          listhists += filename;
1461       }
1462    }
1463    if (mgr->GetExtraFiles().Length()) {
1464       if (listaods.Length()) listaods += ",";
1465       listaods += mgr->GetExtraFiles();
1466       listaods.ReplaceAll(" ", ",");
1467    }
1468    if (listhists.Length()) listhists = Form("hist_archive.zip:%s@%s", listhists.Data(), outputStorages.Data());
1469    if (listaods.Length())  listaods  = Form("aod_archive.zip:%s@%s", listaods.Data(), outputStorages.Data());
1470    if (!listhists.Length() && !listaods.Length()) {
1471       ::Fatal("AnalysisTrainNew", "No task output !");
1472    }
1473    TString outputArchive = Form("log_archive.zip:stderr@%s", outputStorages.Data());
1474    if (listaods.Length()) {
1475       outputArchive += " ";
1476       outputArchive += listaods;
1477    }   
1478    if (listhists.Length()) {
1479       outputArchive += " ";
1480       outputArchive += listhists;
1481    }   
1483 // Set friends
1484 //   if (iAODanalysis && iPWG3d2h) 
1485 //      plugin->SetFriendChainName("AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
1486 //   plugin->SetOutputArchive(outputArchive);
1487 // Optionally set a name for the generated analysis macro (default MyAnalysis.C)
1488    plugin->SetAnalysisMacro(Form("%s.C", train_name.Data()));
1489 // Optionally set a name for the generated validation script
1490    plugin->SetValidationScript("FILTERvalidation.sh");
1491 // Optionally set maximum number of input files/subjob (default 100, put 0 to ignore)
1492    plugin->SetSplitMaxInputFileNumber(nFilesPerJob);
1493 // Optionally set number of failed jobs that will trigger killing waiting sub-jobs.
1494 //   plugin->SetMaxInitFailed(5);
1495 // Optionally modify the number of replicas
1496    plugin->SetNumberOfReplicas(outputReplicas);
1497 // Optionally resubmit threshold.
1498 //   plugin->SetMasterResubmitThreshold(90);
1499 // Optionally set time to live (default 30000 sec)
1500    plugin->SetTTL(70000);
1501 // Optionally set input format (default xml-single)
1502    plugin->SetInputFormat("xml-single");
1503 // Optionally modify the name of the generated JDL (default analysis.jdl)
1504    plugin->SetJDLName(Form("%s.jdl", train_name.Data()));
1505 // Optionally modify the executable name (default analysis.sh)
1506    plugin->SetExecutable(Form("%s.sh", train_name.Data()));
1507 // Optionally modify job price (default 1)
1508    plugin->SetPrice(1);      
1509 // Merge via JDL
1510    plugin->SetMergeViaJDL(useMergeViaJDL);
1511 // Use fastread option
1512    plugin->SetFastReadOption(useFastReadOption);
1513 // UseOverwrite mode
1514    plugin->SetOverwriteMode(useOverwriteMode);   
1515    plugin->SetExecutableCommand("aliroot -b -q");
1516 // Optionally modify split mode (default 'se')    
1517    plugin->SetSplitMode("se");
1518    plugin->SetNumberOfReplicas(outputReplicas);
1519    return plugin;
1520 }
1522 //______________________________________________________________________________
1523 void WriteConfig()
1524 {
1525 // Write train configuration in a file. The file name has the format:
1526 // train_[trainName]_ddMonthyyyy_time.C
1527    if (useDATE) {
1528       gSystem->Exec("date +%d%b%Y_%Hh%M > date.tmp");
1529       ifstream fdate("date.tmp");
1530       if (!fdate.is_open()) {
1531          ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Export","Could not generate file name");
1532          return;
1533       }
1534       const char date[64];
1535       fdate.getline(date,64);
1536       fdate.close();
1537       gSystem->Exec("rm date.tmp");
1538       train_name = Form("%s_%s", train_name.Data(), date);
1539    }   
1540    TString cdir = gSystem->WorkingDirectory();
1541    gSystem->MakeDirectory(train_name);
1542    gSystem->ChangeDirectory(train_name);
1543    ofstream out;
1544    out.open(Form("%sConfig.C",train_name.Data()), ios::out); 
1545    if (out.bad()) {
1546       ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::Export", "Cannot open ConfigTrain.C for writing");
1547       return;
1548    }
1549    out << "{" << endl;
1550    out << "   train_name      = " << "\"" << train_name.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1551    out << "   proof_cluster   = " << "\"" << proof_cluster.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1552    out << "   useAFPAR        = " << useAFPAR << ";" << endl;
1553    if (useAFPAR) 
1554       out << "   AFversion       = " << AFversion.Data() << ";" << endl;
1555    out << "   proof_dataset   = " << "\"" << proof_dataset.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1556    out << "   usePLUGIN       = " << usePLUGIN << ";" << endl;
1557    out << "   usePAR          = " << usePAR << ";" << endl;
1558    out << "   useCPAR         = " << useCPAR << ";" << endl;
1559    out << "   root_version    = " << "\"" << root_version.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1560    out << "   aliroot_version = " << "\"" << aliroot_version.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1561    out << "   alien_datadir   = " << "\"" << alien_datadir.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1562    if (!alien_outdir.Length()) alien_outdir = Form("output_%s",train_name.Data());
1563    out << "   alien_outdir    = " << "\"" << alien_outdir.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1564    out << "   maxMergeFiles   = " << maxMergeFiles << ";" << endl;
1565    out << "   mergeExclude    = " << "\"" << mergeExclude.Data() << "\";" << endl;
1566    out << "   nRunsPerMaster  = " << nRunsPerMaster << ";" << endl;
1567    out << "   nFilesPerJob    = " << nFilesPerJob << ";" << endl;
1568 //   for (Int_t i=0; i<10; i++) {
1569 //      if (run_numbers[i]) 
1570 //         out << "   run_numbers[" << i << "]  = " << run_numbers[i] << ";" << endl;
1571 //   }
1572 //   out << "   run_range[0]    = " << run_range[0] << ";" << endl;
1573 //   out << "   run_range[1]    = " << run_range[1] << ";" << endl;
1574    out << "   usePhysicsSelection = " << usePhysicsSelection << ";" << endl;
1575    out << "   useTender       = " << useTender << ";" << endl;
1576    out << "   useMergeViaJDL  = " << useMergeViaJDL << ";" << endl;
1577    out << "   useOverwriteMode  = " << useOverwriteMode << ";" << endl;
1578    out << "   useFastReadOption = " << useFastReadOption << ";" << endl;
1579    out << "   useDBG          = " << useDBG << ";" << endl;
1580    out << "   useMC           = " << useMC << ";" << endl;
1581    out << "   useTAGS         = " << useTAGS << ";" << endl;
1582    out << "   useKFILTER      = " << useKFILTER << ";" << endl;
1583    out << "   useTR           = " << useTR << ";" << endl;
1584    out << "   useCORRFW       = " << useCORRFW << ";" << endl;
1585    out << "   useAODTAGS      = " << useAODTAGS << ";" << endl;
1586    out << "   saveTrain       = " << "kFALSE;" << endl << endl;
1587    out << "   // Analysis modules" << endl;
1588    out << "   iAODanalysis    = " << iAODanalysis << ";" << endl;
1589    out << "   iAODhandler     = " << iAODhandler << ";" << endl;
1590    out << "   iESDfilter      = " << iESDfilter << ";" << endl;
1591    out << "   iMUONcopyAOD    = " << iMUONcopyAOD << ";" << endl;
1592    out << "   iJETAN          = " << iJETAN << ";" << endl;
1593    out << "   iJETANdelta     = " << iJETANdelta << ";" << endl;
1594    out << "   iPWG4partcorr   = " << iPWG4partcorr << ";" << endl;
1595    out << "   iPWGGAgammaconv  = " << iPWGGAgammaconv << ";" << endl;
1596    out << "   iPWG4omega3pi   = " << iPWG4omega3pi << ";" << endl;
1597    out << "   iPWGHFvertexing  = " << iPWGHFvertexing << ";" << endl;   
1598    out << "   iPWG3hfe        = " << iPWG3hfe << ";" << endl;   
1599    out << "   iPWGDQJPSIfilter = " << iPWGDQJPSIfilter << ";" << endl;   
1600    out << "   iPWGDQJPSI       = " << iPWGDQJPSI << ";" << endl;   
1601    out << "   iPWGHFd2h        = " << iPWGHFd2h << ";" << endl;   
1602    out << "   iPWGMuonTrain      = " << iPWGMuonTrain << ";" << endl;   
1603    out << "   iPWG2femto      = " << iPWG2femto << ";" << endl;
1604    out << "   iPWG2spectra    = " << iPWG2spectra << ";" << endl;
1605    out << "     iPWG2protons      = " << iPWG2protons << ";" << endl;
1606    out << "     iPWG2checkcascade = " << iPWG2checkcascade << ";" << endl;
1607    out << "     iPWG2perfcascade  = " << iPWG2perfcascade << ";" << endl;
1608    out << "     iPWG2checkv0      = " << iPWG2checkv0 << ";" << endl;
1609    out << "     iPWG2strange      = " << iPWG2strange << ";" << endl;
1610    out << "     iPWG2central      = " << iPWG2central << ";" << endl;
1611    out << "   iPWG2flow       = " << iPWG2flow << ";" << endl;
1612    out << "   iPWG2res        = " << iPWG2res << ";" << endl;
1613    out << "     iPWG2rsneff   = " << iPWG2rsneff << ";" << endl;
1614    out << "   iPWG2kink       = " << iPWG2kink << ";" << endl;
1615    out << "     iPWG2kinkESDMC    = " << iPWG2kinkESDMC << ";" << endl;
1616    out << "     iPWG2kinkLSKstar  = " << iPWG2kinkLSKstar << ";" << endl;
1617    out << "     iPWG2kinkLSL1520  = " << iPWG2kinkLSL1520 << ";" << endl;
1618    out << "     iPWG2kinkLSPhi    = " << iPWG2kinkLSPhi << ";" << endl;
1619    out << "     iPWG2kinkKstarESD = " << iPWG2kinkKstarESD << ";" << endl;
1620    out << "     iPWG2kinkKstarMC  = " << iPWG2kinkKstarMC << ";" << endl;
1621    out << "     iPWG2kinkL1520ESD = " << iPWG2kinkL1520ESD << ";" << endl;
1622    out << "     iPWG2kinkL1520MC  = " << iPWG2kinkL1520MC << ";" << endl;
1623    out << "     iPWG2kinkPhiESD   = " << iPWG2kinkPhiESD << ";" << endl;
1624    out << "     iPWG2kinkPhiMC    = " << iPWG2kinkPhiMC << ";" << endl;
1625    out << "   iPWG2unicor     = " << iPWG2unicor << ";" << endl;
1626    out << "   iPWG2evchar     = " << iPWG2evchar << ";" << endl;
1627    out << "   iPWG2forward    = " << iPWG2forward << ";" << endl << endl;
1628    out << "// Configuration fot the wagons" << endl;
1629    out << "   configPWG2femto = \"" << configPWG2femto << "\";" << endl;
1630    out << "   configPWG3d2h   = \"" << configPWG3d2h << "\";" << endl;
1631    out << "}" << endl;
1632    ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::WriteConfig", "Train configuration wrote to file %s", Form("config_%s.C", train_name.Data()));
1633    gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cdir);
1634 }   
1636 //______________________________________________________________________________
1637 Bool_t LoadConfig(const char *filename)
1638 {
1639 // Read train configuration from file
1640    if (gSystem->AccessPathName(filename)) {
1641       ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadConfig", "Config file name not found");
1642       return kFALSE;
1643    }   
1644    gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".x %s", filename));
1645    ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadConfig", "Train configuration loaded from file %s", filename);
1646    return kTRUE;
1647 }