]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blob - PWG/FLOW/Base/AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator.cxx
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / PWG / FLOW / Base / AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator.cxx
1 /**************************************************************************
2  * Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
3  *                                                                        *
4  * Author: The ALICE Off-line Project.                                    *
5  * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate.              *
6  *                                                                        *
7  * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its   *
8  * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted   *
9  * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all   *
10  * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice   *
11  * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims     *
12  * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is          *
13  * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.                  *
14  **************************************************************************/
16 /*****************************************************************
17   AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator
19   Create events with realstic spectra and v_n values
20   store as AliFlowEventSimple
22   usage: see $ALICE_ROOT/PWGCF/FLOW/macros/GenerateOnTheFlyEvents.C
24   origin:       Redmer Alexander Bertens, rbertens@cern.ch, rbertens@nikhef.nl, rbertens@uu.nl
25                 Carlos Eugenio Perez Lara
26                 Andrea Dubla
27 ******************************************************************/
29 #include "Riostream.h"
30 #include "TObjArray.h"
31 #include "TClonesArray.h"
32 #include "TFile.h"
33 #include "TList.h"
34 #include "TTree.h"
35 #include "TParticle.h"
36 #include "TMath.h"
37 #include "TH1.h"
38 #include "TH1F.h"
39 #include "TH1D.h"
40 #include "TF1.h"
41 #include "TString.h"
42 #include "TProfile.h"
43 #include "TParameter.h"
44 #include "TBrowser.h"
45 #include "AliFlowTrackSimple.h"
46 #include "AliFlowEventSimple.h"
47 #include "TRandom.h"
48 #include "TVirtualMCDecayer.h"
49 #include "AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator.h"
51 using std::endl;
52 using std::cout;
54 static Int_t OnTheFlyEventGeneratorCounter = 0;
56 ClassImp(AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator)
57 //_____________________________________________________________________________
58 AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator() : fGenerators(0), fEmbedMe(0), fFlowEvent(0), fDecayer(0), fAddV2Mothers(0), fAddV3Mothers(0), fAddV2Daughters(0), fAddV3Daughters(0), fPsi2(0), fPsi3(0), fPrecisionPhi(.001), fMaxNumberOfIterations(100), fQA(0), fFF(0) {/* constructor used for IO by root */}
59 //_____________________________________________________________________________
60 AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator(Bool_t qa, Int_t ff, Int_t mult, TVirtualMCDecayer* decayer, Bool_t a, Bool_t b, Bool_t c, Bool_t d) : fGenerators(0), fEmbedMe(0), fFlowEvent(0), fDecayer(0), fAddV2Mothers(0), fAddV3Mothers(0), fAddV2Daughters(0), fAddV3Daughters(0), fPsi2(0), fPsi3(0), fPrecisionPhi(.001), fMaxNumberOfIterations(100), fQA(qa), fFF(ff) {
61     // contructor
62     if(!fFlowEvent) fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(mult, (AliFlowEventSimple::ConstructionMethod)0, 0x0, 0, TMath::TwoPi(), -.9, .9);
63     if(!fGenerators) {
64         fGenerators = new TObjArray();
65         fGenerators->SetOwner(kTRUE);
66         InitGenerators();
67     }
68     fDecayer = decayer;         // decayer: user has ownership of decayer (see dtor)
69     if(fDecayer) fDecayer->Init();
70     fAddV2Mothers = a;
71     fAddV3Mothers = b;
72     fAddV2Daughters = c; 
73     fAddV3Daughters = d;
74     if(fAddV3Mothers||fAddV3Daughters) printf(" > WARNING - v3 is not impelmented yet ! \n <");
75 }
76 //_____________________________________________________________________________
77 AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::~AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator() 
78 {
79     // destructor
80     if(fGenerators)     delete fGenerators; 
81     if(fFlowEvent)      delete fFlowEvent;
82 }
83 //_____________________________________________________________________________
84 AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator* AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::Find(Short_t pdg, Bool_t make)  
86     // return instance of generator class for given fPDG value
87     for(int i(0); i < fGenerators->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
88         if(((NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator*)fGenerators->At(i))->GetPDGCode()==pdg) {
89             return (NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator*)(fGenerators->At(i));
90         }
91     }
92     if(make) {
93         AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator* _tmp = new AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator(pdg, fQA, fFF);
94         fGenerators->Add(_tmp);
95         return _tmp;
96     }
97     return 0x0;
98 }
99 //_____________________________________________________________________________
100 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::SetPtSpectrum(const char* func, Short_t species)
101 {
102     // set pt spectrum for species, override default
103     NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator* gen = Find(species, kTRUE);
104     TF1* spectrum = gen->GetPtSpectrum();
105     TString name = "";
106     if(spectrum) {
107         name = spectrum->GetName();
108         delete spectrum;
109     }
110     else name = Form("pt_%i", (int)species);
111     gen->SetPtSpectrum(new TF1(name.Data(), func, 0., 20));
112 }
113 //_____________________________________________________________________________
114 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::SetPtDependentV2(const char* func, Short_t species)
115 {
116     // set pt dependent v2 for species, override default
117     NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator* gen = Find(species, kTRUE);
118     TF1* v2 = gen->GetDifferentialV2();
119     TString name = "";
120     if(v2) { // if v2 is already present, get its name and release its memory
121         name = v2->GetName();
122         delete v2;
123     }
124     else name = Form("v2_%i", (int)species);
125     gen->SetDifferentialV2(new TF1(name.Data(),func, 0., 20));
126 }
127 //_____________________________________________________________________________
128 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::SetPtDependentV3(const char* func, Short_t species)
129 {
130     // set pt dependent v2 for species, override default
131     NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator* gen = Find(species, kTRUE);
132     TF1* v3 = gen->GetDifferentialV3();
133     TString name = "";
134     if(v3) { // if v3 is already present, get its name and release its memory
135         name = v3->GetName();
136         delete v3;
137     }
138     else name = Form("v3_%i", (int)species);
139     gen->SetDifferentialV3(new TF1(name.Data(), func, 0., 20));
140 }
141 //_____________________________________________________________________________
142 AliFlowEventSimple* AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::GenerateOnTheFlyEvent(TClonesArray* event, Int_t nSpecies, Int_t species[], Int_t mult[], Int_t bg, Bool_t fluc)
143 {
144     // generate a flow event according to settings provided in GENERATOR INTERFACE
145     fPsi2 = gRandom->Uniform(-TMath::Pi(), TMath::Pi());
146     // generate a random number which will be used for flow fuctuations (if requested)
147     Double_t fluc_poi(-1), fluc_rp(-1);
148     if(fFF == 1 || fFF == 3 ) fluc_poi = gRandom->Uniform();
149     if(fFF == 2) fluc_rp = gRandom->Uniform();
150     if(fFF == 3) fluc_rp = fluc_poi;    // poi and rp fluctuations are fully correlated
151     // calculate the total multiplicity for the event
152     Int_t multPiKPr[] = {(int)(.7*bg/2.), (int)(.2*bg/2.), (int)(.1*bg/2.)};
153     Int_t fPDGPiKPr[] = {211, 321, 2212};
154     Int_t totalRPMultiplicity(0), totalPOIMultiplicity(0);
155     for(int i(0); i < nSpecies; i++) totalPOIMultiplicity+=mult[i];
156     for(int i(0); i < 3; i++)        totalRPMultiplicity+=multPiKPr[i];
157     Int_t totalMultiplicity(totalRPMultiplicity+totalPOIMultiplicity);
158     // generate the particles of interest. if requested, a vn boost is given to the primary particles
159     for(int i(0); i < nSpecies; i++) {
160       if(fluc) GenerateOnTheFlyTracks((Int_t)(gRandom->Uniform(mult[i]-TMath::Sqrt(mult[i]), mult[i]+TMath::Sqrt(mult[i]))), species[i], event, fluc_poi);
161         else GenerateOnTheFlyTracks(mult[i], species[i], event, fluc_poi);
162     }
163     // generate reference particles. if requested, a vn boost is given to the primary particles
164     for(int i(0); i < 3; i++) {
165         if(fluc) {
166           GenerateOnTheFlyTracks((Int_t)(gRandom->Uniform(multPiKPr[i]-TMath::Sqrt(multPiKPr[i]), multPiKPr[i]+TMath::Sqrt(mult[i]))), fPDGPiKPr[i], event, fluc_rp);
167           GenerateOnTheFlyTracks((Int_t)(gRandom->Uniform(multPiKPr[i]-TMath::Sqrt(multPiKPr[i]), multPiKPr[i]+TMath::Sqrt(mult[i]))), -1*fPDGPiKPr[i], event, fluc_rp);
168         }
169         else {
170             GenerateOnTheFlyTracks(multPiKPr[i], fPDGPiKPr[i], event, fluc_rp);
171             GenerateOnTheFlyTracks(multPiKPr[i], -1*fPDGPiKPr[i], event, fluc_rp);
172         }
173     }
174     // if requested, decay the event
175     if(fDecayer)        DecayOnTheFlyTracks(event); 
176     // if an embedded event is given to the generator at this point, embed it
177     if(fEmbedMe) {
178         event->AbsorbObjects(fEmbedMe); // event has ownership of embedded event
179         fEmbedMe = 0x0;                 // reset to aviod embeddding more than once
180     }
181     // if requested, the secondaries are given a vn boost
182     if(fAddV2Daughters) AddV2(event);
183     // convert the event to an aliflowsimple event
184     // the tagging (rp) is done in this step, all tracks are tagged as rp's. 
185     // daughters are made orphans (i.e. primaries with secondaries are rejected from the sample)
186     // converting clears the event tclones array 
187     return ConvertTClonesToFlowEvent(event, totalMultiplicity);
188 }
189 //_____________________________________________________________________________
190 AliFlowEventSimple* AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::ConvertTClonesToFlowEvent(TClonesArray* event, Int_t totalMultiplicity)
191 {
192     // convert the content of a tclones array to an aliflowevent simple for output and tag particles as poi's and rp's
193     // first step, see if there's already a flow event available in memory. if not create one
194     if(!fFlowEvent) fFlowEvent = new AliFlowEventSimple(totalMultiplicity, (AliFlowEventSimple::ConstructionMethod)0, 0x0, 0, TMath::TwoPi(), -.9, .9);
195     // if there is a flow event, clear the members without releasing the allocated memory
196     else fFlowEvent->ClearFast();
197     fFlowEvent->SetMCReactionPlaneAngle(fPsi2);
198     // prepare a track
199     TParticle* pParticle = 0x0;
200     Int_t iSelParticlesRP(0);
201     for (Int_t i(0); i < event->GetEntries(); i++) {    // begin the loop over the input tracks
202         pParticle = (TParticle*)event->At(i);           // get the particle 
203         if (!pParticle) continue;                       // skip if empty slot (no particle)
204         if (pParticle->GetNDaughters()!=0) continue;    // see if the particle has daughters (if so, reject it)      
205         AliFlowTrackSimple* pTrack = new AliFlowTrackSimple(pParticle);         // allocate space for the new flow track
206         pTrack->SetWeight(pParticle->Pz());                                     // ugly hack: store pz here ...
207         pTrack->SetID(pParticle->GetPdgCode());                                 // set pid code as id
208         pTrack->SetForRPSelection(kTRUE);                                       // tag ALL particles as RP's, 
209         // ugly hack 2: set charge to -1 for primaries and 1 for secondaries
210         if(pParticle->GetFirstMother()==-1) pTrack->SetCharge(-1);
211         else pTrack->SetCharge(1);
212         iSelParticlesRP++;
213         fFlowEvent->AddTrack(pTrack);
214     }
215     fFlowEvent->SetNumberOfRPs(iSelParticlesRP);
216     // all trakcs have safely been copied so we can clear the event
217     event->Clear();
218     OnTheFlyEventGeneratorCounter = 0;
219     return fFlowEvent;
220 }
221 //_____________________________________________________________________________
222 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::AddV2(TParticle* part, Double_t v2, Double_t fluc)
223 {
224     // afterburner, adds v2, uses Newton-Raphson iteration
225     Double_t phi = part->Phi();
226     Double_t phi0=phi;
227     Double_t f=0.;
228     Double_t fp=0.;
229     Double_t phiprev=0.;
230     // introduce flow fluctuations (gaussian)
231     if(fluc > -.5) {
232         v2+=TMath::Sqrt(2*(v2*.25)*(v2*.25))*TMath::ErfInverse(2*fluc-1);
233         if(fQA) Find(part->GetPdgCode(), kTRUE)->FillV2(part->Pt(), v2);
234     }
235     for (Int_t i=0; i!=fMaxNumberOfIterations; ++i) {
236         phiprev=phi; //store last value for comparison
237         f =  phi-phi0+v2*TMath::Sin(2.*(phi-fPsi2));
238         fp = 1.0+2.0*v2*TMath::Cos(2.*(phi-fPsi2)); //first derivative
239         phi -= f/fp;
240         if (TMath::AreEqualAbs(phiprev,phi,fPrecisionPhi)) break;
241     }
242     part->SetMomentum( part->Pt()*TMath::Cos(phi), part->Pt()*TMath::Sin(phi), part->Pz(), part->Energy() );
243 }
244 //_____________________________________________________________________________
245 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::AddV2(TClonesArray* event)
246 {
247     // afterburner, adds v2 for different species to all tracks in an event
248     Double_t fluc(gRandom->Uniform());  // get a random number in case of fluctuations
249     // FIXME at the moment no distincition between mothers and daughters
250     TParticle *part;
251     for(Int_t nTrack=0; nTrack!=event->GetEntriesFast(); ++nTrack) {
252         part = (TParticle*) event->At(nTrack);
253         // for each track, call overloaded addv2 function with the correct generator
254         // create a generator in the case where the decayer has introduced a new particle species
255         if(part)
256           AddV2(part, Find(part->GetPdgCode(), kTRUE)->GetV2(part->Pt()), fluc);
257     }
258 }
259 //_____________________________________________________________________________
260 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::GenerateOnTheFlyTracks(Int_t mult, Int_t pid, TClonesArray* event, Double_t fluc) 
261 {
262     // generate tracks for the event. the tracks that are generated here are the mothers
263     Double_t ph, et, pt, mm, px, py, pz, ee;
264     // access the descired generator through the static find method. if the particle species is unknown, we add it to the generator
265     NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator* generator = Find(pid, kTRUE);
266     Int_t _tempCounter = OnTheFlyEventGeneratorCounter;
267     for(int i=_tempCounter; i<=mult+_tempCounter; ++i) {
268         OnTheFlyEventGeneratorCounter++;
269         TParticle* part = (TParticle*)event->ConstructedAt(i);
270         part->SetStatusCode(1);
271         part->SetFirstMother(-1);
272         part->SetLastMother(-1);
273         part->SetFirstDaughter(-1);
274         part->SetLastDaughter(-1);
275         ph = gRandom->Uniform(0,TMath::TwoPi());
276         et = gRandom->Uniform(-1.0,+1.0);
277         pt = generator->GetPt();
278         part->SetPdgCode( pid );
279         mm =  part->GetMass();
280         px = pt*TMath::Cos(ph);
281         py = pt*TMath::Sin(ph);
282         pz = pt*TMath::SinH(et);
283         ee = TMath::Sqrt( mm*mm + pt*pt+pz*pz );
284         part->SetMomentum( px, py, pz, ee );
285         // if requested add v2 to the sample of mothers
286         if(fAddV2Mothers) AddV2(part, generator->GetV2(pt), fluc);
287     }
288 }
289 //_____________________________________________________________________________
290 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::DecayOnTheFlyTracks(TClonesArray *event) 
291 {
292     // decay the tracks using a decayer that is set in the GenerateEventsOnTheFly.C macro
293     if(!fDecayer) return;       // shouldn't happen ...
294     Int_t kf;
295     TClonesArray*  arr = new TClonesArray("TParticle",10);
296     Int_t secondaries=0;
297     Int_t nStart=0;
298     Int_t nTracks = event->GetEntriesFast();
299     TParticle *part, *part1;
300     TClonesArray &in = *event;
301     for(Int_t loop=0; loop!=3; ++loop) {
302         secondaries=0;
303         for(Int_t nTrack=nStart; nTrack!=nTracks; ++nTrack) {
304             arr->Clear();
305             part = (TParticle*) event->At( nTrack );
306             if(!part) continue;
307             kf = TMath::Abs(part->GetPdgCode());
308             if(kf==22 )  ForceGammaDecay(arr, part);     // if gamma, we decay it by hand
309             else {      // else we let pythia do it
310                 TLorentzVector pmom( part->Px(), part->Py(), part->Pz(), part->Energy() );
311                 fDecayer->Decay(kf,&pmom);
312                 fDecayer->ImportParticles(arr);
313             }
314             Int_t nDaughters = arr->GetEntries();
315             if(nDaughters<2) continue;
316             for(Int_t nDaughter=1; nDaughter!=nDaughters; ++nDaughter) {
317                 part1 = (TParticle*) (arr->At(nDaughter));
318                 if(!part1) continue; // was part1, mistake?
319                 new(in[nTracks+secondaries]) TParticle( part1->GetPdgCode(),
320                                                         part1->GetStatusCode(),
321                                                         part1->GetFirstMother(),
322                                                         part1->GetSecondMother(),
323                                                         part1->GetFirstDaughter(),
324                                                         part1->GetLastDaughter(),
325                                                         part1->Px(),
326                                                         part1->Py(),
327                                                         part1->Pz(),
328                                                         part1->Energy(),
329                                                         part1->Vx(),
330                                                         part1->Vy(),
331                                                         part1->Vz(),
332                                                         part1->T());
333                 secondaries++;
334                 if(nDaughter==1) part->SetFirstDaughter(nTracks+secondaries);
335                 else if ((nDaughters-1)==nDaughter) part->SetLastDaughter(nTracks+secondaries);
336                 //else part->SetDaughter(nDaughter,nTracks+secondaries);
337                 }
338             }
339         nStart = nTracks;
340         nTracks = event->GetEntries();
341     }
342     delete arr;
343     return;
344 }
345 //_____________________________________________________________________________
346 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::ForceGammaDecay(TClonesArray* arr, TParticle* part)
347 {
348     // force gama decay
349     const Float_t mass1(gRandom->Uniform(0.0000001, .1));   // FIXME randomly sample photon 'mass'
350     const Float_t mass_d1(.000511);                         // daughter mass (electron)
351     const Float_t mass_d2(.000511);
352     Double_t p_dec1=sqrt((TMath::Abs(mass1*mass1-(mass_d1+mass_d2)*(mass_d1+mass_d2))*(mass1*mass1-(mass_d1-mass_d2)*(mass_d1-mass_d2))))/2/mass1;      // energy
353     TLorentzVector *p_d1=new TLorentzVector();              // lorentz vectors for daughters
354     TLorentzVector *p_d2=new TLorentzVector();
355     Double_t yy_m=part->Y();                                // pseudo rapidity of mother
356     Double_t pt_m=part->Pt();                               // pt of mother
357     Double_t mt_m=sqrt(mass1*mass1+pt_m*pt_m);              // transverse mass of mother
358     Double_t pz_m=mt_m*TMath::SinH(yy_m);                   // MAGIC
359     Double_t phi_m=gRandom->Rndm()*2*TMath::Pi();
360     Double_t px_m=pt_m*TMath::Cos(phi_m);
361     Double_t py_m=pt_m*TMath::Sin(phi_m);
362     Double_t costh_d=2*gRandom->Rndm()-1;
363     Double_t phi_d=gRandom->Rndm()*2*TMath::Pi();
364     Double_t pz_d=p_dec1*costh_d;
365     Double_t pt_d=p_dec1*sqrt(1-costh_d*costh_d);
366     Double_t px_d=pt_d*TMath::Cos(phi_d);
367     Double_t py_d=pt_d*TMath::Sin(phi_d);
368     p_d1->SetPxPyPzE(px_d,py_d,pz_d,sqrt(mass_d1*mass_d1+p_dec1*p_dec1));
369     p_d2->SetPxPyPzE(-px_d,-py_d,-pz_d,sqrt(mass_d2*mass_d2+p_dec1*p_dec1));
370     Double_t gamma_b=sqrt(mass1*mass1+pz_m*pz_m+pt_m*pt_m)/mass1;
371     Double_t bx=px_m/gamma_b/mass1;    
372     Double_t by=py_m/gamma_b/mass1;
373     Double_t bz=pz_m/gamma_b/mass1;
374     p_d1->Boost(bx,by,bz);
375     p_d2->Boost(bx,by,bz);
376     TParticle* daughter_1 = (TParticle*)arr->ConstructedAt(0);
377     TParticle* daughter_2 = (TParticle*)arr->ConstructedAt(1);
378     daughter_1->SetStatusCode(1);
379     daughter_1->SetFirstMother(-1);
380     daughter_1->SetLastMother(-1);
381     daughter_1->SetFirstDaughter(-1);
382     daughter_1->SetLastDaughter(-1);
383     daughter_1->SetPdgCode(11);
384     TLorentzVector& ref_p_d1 = *p_d1;
385     daughter_1->SetMomentum(ref_p_d1);
386     daughter_2->SetStatusCode(1);
387     daughter_2->SetFirstMother(-1);
388     daughter_2->SetLastMother(-1);
389     daughter_2->SetFirstDaughter(-1);
390     daughter_2->SetLastDaughter(-1);
391     daughter_2->SetPdgCode(-11);
392     TLorentzVector& pp = *p_d2;
393     daughter_2->SetMomentum(pp);
394 }
395 //_____________________________________________________________________________
396 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::InitGenerators()
397 {
398    // initializes generators for a list of common particles
399    // new generators will be created 'on the fly' if they are encountered
400    // if a generator is requested for a non-existent pdg value, things will get unstable ...
401    Short_t PDGcode[] = {11, -11, // e-               
402                         12, // v_e
403                         13, -13, // mu-
404                         14, // v_mu
405                         15, -15, // t-
406                         16, // v_t
407                         21, // g
408                         22, // gamma
409                         111, // pi0
410                         211, -211, // pi+
411                         113, // rho0
412                         213, -213, // rho+
413                         221, // eta
414                         331, // eta prime
415                         130, // k0l
416                         310, // k0s
417                         311, // k0
418                         313, // k*
419                         321, -321, // k+
420                         323, -323, // k*+
421                         223, // omega
422                         411, -411, // d+
423                         413, -413, // d*+
424                         421, // d0
425                         423, // d*0
426                         333, // phi
427                         443, // jpsi 
428                         2112, // neutron
429                         2212, -2212, // proton
430                         3122, // lambda0
431                         3312, -3312, // xi- (cascade)
432                         3314, -3314, // xi*-
433                         3322, // xi0
434                         3324, // xi*0
435                         3334}; // Omeg
436    for(int i(0); i < 47; i++) fGenerators->Add(new NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator(PDGcode[i], fQA, fFF));
437 }
438 //_____________________________________________________________________________
439 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::PrintGenerators()
440 {
441    // make sure all went ok
442    if(!fGenerators) {
443        printf(" > PANIC <\n");
444        return;
445    }
446    printf(" > %i species available in generator\n", fGenerators->GetEntriesFast());
447    for(int i(0); i < fGenerators->GetEntriesFast(); i++) 
448        printf("   - PDG: %i \n", ((NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator*)fGenerators->At(i))->GetPDGCode());
449    printf(" more can be created 'on the fly', but beware of non-existent pdg values !");
450 }
451 //_____________________________________________________________________________
452 void AliFlowOnTheFlyEventGenerator::DoGeneratorQA(Bool_t v2, Bool_t v3) 
453 {
454     // this function loops over all the species that are available in the fGenerators, which are
455     // a) created by the user (in the event generator) as mother particles or
456     // b) introduced by pythia (the decayer) as daughter particles
457     // c) made by the InitGenerators() function
458     // 'empty species' (i.e. species for which a generator exists but which were not actually sampled) are omitted
459     // the output histograms are written to a file named "GeneratorfQA.root"
460     if(!fQA) {
461         printf(" > Request has been made for QA plots but QA histograms have been disabled !\n");
462         return;
463     }
464     TFile *QAfile = new TFile("GeneratorfQA.root","RECREATE"); 
465     for(int i(0); i < fGenerators->GetEntriesFast(); i++) {
466         NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator* gen = (NaiveFlowAndSpectrumGenerator*)fGenerators->At(i);
467         if(!gen) continue;               // skip if we failed to get a generator
468         TH1F* QApt = (TH1F*)gen->GetQAType(0); 
469         TH2F* QAv2 = (TH2F*)gen->GetQAType(1);
470         TH2F* QAv3 = (TH2F*)gen->GetQAType(2);
471         if((!QApt)||(!QAv2)||(!QAv3)) {
472             printf(" > couldn't read qa histogrmas for species %i <\n", gen->GetPDGCode());
473             continue;
474         }
475         if(QApt->GetEntries()==0&&QAv2->GetEntries()==0&&QAv3->GetEntries()==0) continue; // skip if no tracks of this species have been sampled
476         printf(" > saving QA histograms for sampled species %i <\n", gen->GetPDGCode());
477         QAfile->mkdir(Form("fPDG_%i", gen->GetPDGCode()));        // create a directory in the output file
478         QAfile->cd(Form("fPDG_%i", gen->GetPDGCode()));              // cd into this directory
479         if(!QApt->GetEntries()==0) { // only plot the pt fSpectrum if this guy was generated
480             if(!gen->GetPtSpectrum()->Integral(0,20)==0) {
481                 QApt->Scale(gen->GetPtSpectrum()->Integral(0,20)/QApt->Integral(),"width");
482                 QApt->Write();
483             }
484         }
485         gen->GetPtSpectrum()->SetNpx(10000); // otherwise tf1 plot is very ugly
486         gen->GetPtSpectrum()->Draw();
487         gen->GetPtSpectrum()->Write();
488         if(v2) {
489             QAv2->Draw();
490             gen->GetDifferentialV2()->SetNpx(10000);
491             gen->GetDifferentialV2()->Draw();
492             gen->GetDifferentialV2()->Write();
493             QAv2->Write();
494         }
495         if(v3) {
496             QAv3->Draw();
497             gen->GetDifferentialV3()->Draw();
498             gen->GetDifferentialV3()->SetNpx(10000);
499             gen->GetDifferentialV3()->Write();
500             QAv3->Write();
501         }
502     }
503     QAfile->Close();
504 }
505 //_____________________________________________________________________________