]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - MFT/AODtrain.C
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[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / MFT / AODtrain.C
e21f8bf5 1// ### Settings that make sense when using the Alien plugin
3Int_t runOnData = 0; // Set to 1 if processing real data
4Int_t iCollision = 0; // 0=pp, 1=Pb-Pb
6Bool_t usePhysicsSelection = kTRUE; // use physics selection
7Bool_t useTender = kFALSE; // use tender wagon
8Bool_t useCentrality = kTRUE; // centrality
9Bool_t useV0tender = kFALSE; // use V0 correction in tender
10Bool_t useDBG = kTRUE; // activate debugging
11Bool_t useMC = kTRUE; // use MC info
12Bool_t useKFILTER = kTRUE; // use Kinematics filter
13Bool_t useTR = kTRUE; // use track references
14Bool_t useCORRFW = kFALSE; // do not change
15Bool_t useAODTAGS = kFALSE; // use AOD tags
16Bool_t useSysInfo = kFALSE; // use sys info
18// ### Analysis modules to be included. Some may not be yet fully implemented.
20Int_t iAODhandler = 1; // Analysis produces an AOD or dAOD's
21Int_t iESDMCLabelAddition= 0;
22Int_t iESDfilter = 1; // ESD to AOD filter (barrel + muon tracks)
23Int_t iMUONcopyAOD = 1; // Task that copies only muon events in a separate AOD (PWG3)
24Int_t iJETAN = 0; // Jet analysis (PWG4)
25Int_t iJETANdelta = 0; // Jet delta AODs
26Int_t iPWGHFvertexing = 0; // Vertexing HF task (PWG3)
27Int_t iPWGDQJPSIfilter = 0; // JPSI filtering (PWG3)
28Int_t iPWGHFd2h = 0; // D0->2 hadrons (PWG3)
29Bool_t doPIDResponse = 1;
30Bool_t doPIDqa = 1; //new
32// ### Configuration macros used for each module
34 TString configPWGHFd2h = (iCollision==0)?"$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/ConfigVertexingHF.C"
35 :"$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/ConfigVertexingHF_Pb_AllCent.C";
37// Temporaries.
38class AliOADBPhysicsSelection;
39AliOADBPhysicsSelection *CreateOADBphysicsSelection();
40void AODmerge();
41void AddAnalysisTasks(Int_t);
42Bool_t LoadCommonLibraries();
43Bool_t LoadAnalysisLibraries();
44Bool_t LoadLibrary(const char *);
45TChain *CreateChain();
48void AODtrain(Int_t merge=0)
50// Main analysis train macro.
51 AliLog::SetGlobalDebugLevel(3);
52 if (merge) {
53 TGrid::Connect("alien://");
54 if (!gGrid || !gGrid->IsConnected()) {
55 ::Error("QAtrain", "No grid connection");
56 return;
57 }
58 }
59 // Set temporary merging directory to current one
60 gSystem->Setenv("TMPDIR", gSystem->pwd());
61 // Set temporary compilation directory to current one
62 gSystem->SetBuildDir(gSystem->pwd(), kTRUE);
63 printf("==================================================================\n");
64 printf("=========== RUNNING FILTERING TRAIN ==========\n");
65 printf("==================================================================\n");
66 printf("= Configuring analysis train for: =\n");
67 if (usePhysicsSelection) printf("= Physics selection =\n");
68 if (useTender) printf("= TENDER =\n");
69 if (iESDfilter) printf("= ESD filter =\n");
70 if (iMUONcopyAOD) printf("= MUON copy AOD =\n");
71 if (iJETAN) printf("= Jet analysis =\n");
72 if (iJETANdelta) printf("= Jet delta AODs =\n");
73 if (iPWGHFvertexing) printf("= PWGHF vertexing =\n");
74 if (iPWGDQJPSIfilter) printf("= PWGDQ j/psi filter =\n");
75 if (iPWGHFd2h) printf("= PWGHF D0->2 hadrons QA =\n");
77 // Load common libraries and set include path
78 if (!LoadCommonLibraries()) {
79 ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not load common libraries");
80 return;
81 }
83 // Make the analysis manager and connect event handlers
84 AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("Analysis Train", "Production train");
85 if (useSysInfo) mgr->SetNSysInfo(100);
86 // Load analysis specific libraries
87 if (!LoadAnalysisLibraries()) {
88 ::Error("AnalysisTrain", "Could not load analysis libraries");
89 return;
90 }
92 // Create input handler (input container created automatically)
93 // ESD input handler
94 AliESDInputHandler *esdHandler = new AliESDInputHandler();
95 mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdHandler);
96 // Monte Carlo handler
97 if (useMC) {
98 AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler();
99 mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler);
100 mcHandler->SetReadTR(useTR);
101 }
102 // AOD output container, created automatically when setting an AOD handler
103 if (iAODhandler) {
104 // AOD output handler
105 AliAODHandler* aodHandler = new AliAODHandler();
106 aodHandler->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.root");
107 mgr->SetOutputEventHandler(aodHandler);
108 }
109 // Debugging if needed
110 if (useDBG) mgr->SetDebugLevel(3);
112 AddAnalysisTasks(merge);
113 if (merge) {
114 AODmerge();
115 mgr->InitAnalysis();
116 mgr->SetGridHandler(new AliAnalysisAlien);
117 mgr->StartAnalysis("gridterminate",0);
118 return;
119 }
120 // Run the analysis
121 //
122 TChain *chain = CreateChain();
123 if (!chain) return;
125 TStopwatch timer;
126 timer.Start();
127 mgr->SetSkipTerminate(kTRUE);
128 if (mgr->InitAnalysis()) {
129 mgr->PrintStatus();
130 mgr->StartAnalysis("local", chain);
131 }
132 timer.Print();
136void AddAnalysisTasks(Int_t merge){
137 // Add all analysis task wagons to the train
138 AliAnalysisManager *mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager();
140 //
141 // Tender and supplies. Needs to be called for every event.
142 //
143 AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("AODQA.root");
144 if (useTender) {
145 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/TenderSupplies/AddTaskTender.C");
146 // IF V0 tender needed, put kTRUE below
147 AliAnalysisTaskSE *tender = AddTaskTender(useV0tender);
148// tender->SetDebugLevel(2);
149 }
151 if (usePhysicsSelection) {
152 // Physics selection task
153 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C");
154 mgr->RegisterExtraFile("event_stat.root");
155 AliPhysicsSelectionTask *physSelTask = AddTaskPhysicsSelection(kFALSE);
156// AliOADBPhysicsSelection * oadbDefaultPbPb = CreateOADBphysicsSelection();
157// physSelTask->GetPhysicsSelection()->SetCustomOADBObjects(oadbDefaultPbPb,0,0);
158// if (!merge) mgr->AddStatisticsTask(AliVEvent::kAny);
159 }
160 // Centrality (only Pb-Pb)
161 if (iCollision && useCentrality) {
162 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskCentrality.C");
163 AliCentralitySelectionTask *taskCentrality = AddTaskCentrality();
164 taskCentrality->SelectCollisionCandidates(AliVEvent::kAny);
165 }
167 if(iESDMCLabelAddition) {
168 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG/muondep/AddTaskESDMCLabelAddition.C");
169 AliAnalysisTaskESDMCLabelAddition *esdmclabel = AddTaskESDMCLabelAddition(kFALSE);
170 }
172 if (iESDfilter) {
173 // ESD filter task configuration.
174 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros/AddTaskESDFilter.C");
175 if (iMUONcopyAOD) {
176 printf("Registering delta AOD file\n");
177 mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.Muons.root");
178 mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.Dimuons.root");
179 AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kTRUE, kFALSE, kFALSE /*usePhysicsSelection*/,kFALSE,kTRUE,kTRUE,kTRUE,1100,1);
180 } else {
181 AliAnalysisTaskESDfilter *taskesdfilter = AddTaskESDFilter(useKFILTER, kFALSE, kFALSE, kFALSE /*usePhysicsSelection*/,kFALSE,kTRUE,kTRUE,kTRUE,1100,1);
182 }
183 }
185// ********** PWG3 wagons ******************************************************
186 // PWGHF vertexing
187 if (iPWGHFvertexing) {
188 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/macros/AddTaskVertexingHF.C");
189 if (!iPWGHFd2h) TFile::Cp(gSystem->ExpandPathName(configPWGHFd2h.Data()), "file:ConfigVertexingHF.C");
190 AliAnalysisTaskSEVertexingHF *taskvertexingHF = AddTaskVertexingHF();
191 if (!taskvertexingHF) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskSEVertexingHF cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
192 else mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.VertexingHF.root");
193 taskvertexingHF->SelectCollisionCandidates(0);
194 }
196 // PWGDQ JPSI filtering (only pp)
197 if (iPWGDQJPSIfilter && (iCollision==0)) {
198 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGDQ/dielectron/macros/AddTaskJPSIFilter.C");
199 AliAnalysisTaskSE *taskJPSIfilter = AddTaskJPSIFilter();
200 if (!taskJPSIfilter) ::Warning("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskDielectronFilter cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
201 else mgr->RegisterExtraFile("AliAOD.Dielectron.root");
202 taskJPSIfilter->SelectCollisionCandidates(0);
203 }
205 // PWGHF D2h
206 if (iPWGHFd2h) {
207 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGHF/vertexingHF/AddD2HTrain.C");
208 TFile::Cp(gSystem->ExpandPathName(configPWGHFd2h.Data()), "file:ConfigVertexingHF.C");
209 AddD2HTrain(kFALSE, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
210 }
212 // ********** PWG4 wagons ******************************************************
213 // Jet analysis
215 // Configurations flags, move up?
216 TString kDeltaAODJetName = "AliAOD.Jets.root"; //
217 Bool_t kIsPbPb = (iCollision==0)?false:true; // can be more intlligent checking the name of the data set
218 TString kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch = "";
219 TString kJetSubtractBranches = "";
220 UInt_t kHighPtFilterMask = 128;// from esd filter
221 UInt_t iPhysicsSelectionFlag = AliVEvent::kMB;
222 if (iJETAN) {
223 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG4/macros/AddTaskJets.C");
224 // Default jet reconstructor running on ESD's
225 AliAnalysisTaskJets *taskjets = AddTaskJets("AOD","UA1",0.4,kHighPtFilterMask,1.,0); // no background subtraction
226 if (!taskjets) ::Fatal("AnalysisTrainNew", "AliAnalysisTaskJets cannot run for this train conditions - EXCLUDED");
227 if(kDeltaAODJetName.Length()>0) taskjets->SetNonStdOutputFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
228 if (iJETANdelta) {
229 // AddTaskJetsDelta("AliAOD.Jets.root"); // need to modify this accordingly in the add task jets
230 mgr->RegisterExtraFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
231 TString cTmp("");
232 if(kIsPbPb){
233 // UA1 intrinsic background subtraction
234 taskjets = AddTaskJets("AOD","UA1",0.4,kHighPtFilterMask,1.,2); // background subtraction
235 if(kDeltaAODJetName.Length()>0)taskjets->SetNonStdOutputFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
236 }
237 // SICONE
238 taskjets = AddTaskJets("AOD","SISCONE",0.4,kHighPtFilterMask,0.15,0); //no background subtration to be done later....
239 if(kDeltaAODJetName.Length()>0)taskjets->SetNonStdOutputFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
240 cTmp = taskjets->GetNonStdBranch();
241 if(cTmp.Length()>0)kJetSubtractBranches += Form("%s ",cTmp.Data());
243 // Add the clusters..
244 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG4/macros/AddTaskJetCluster.C");
245 AliAnalysisTaskJetCluster *taskCl = 0;
246 Float_t fCenUp = 0;
247 Float_t fCenLo = 0;
248 Float_t fTrackEtaWindow = 0.9;
249 taskCl = AddTaskJetCluster("AOD","",kHighPtFilterMask,iPhysicsSelectionFlag,"KT",0.4,0,1, kDeltaAODJetName.Data(),0.15,fTrackEtaWindow,0); // this one is for the background and random jets, random cones with no skip
250 taskCl->SetBackgroundCalc(kTRUE);
251 taskCl->SetNRandomCones(10);
252 taskCl->SetCentralityCut(fCenLo,fCenUp);
253 taskCl->SetGhostEtamax(fTrackEtaWindow);
254 kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch = Form("%s_%s",AliAODJetEventBackground::StdBranchName(),taskCl->GetJetOutputBranch());
256 taskCl = AddTaskJetCluster("AOD","",kHighPtFilterMask,iPhysicsSelectionFlag,"ANTIKT",0.4,2,1,kDeltaAODJetName.Data(),0.15);
257 taskCl->SetCentralityCut(fCenLo,fCenUp);
258 if(kIsPbPb)taskCl->SetBackgroundBranch(kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch.Data());
259 taskCl->SetNRandomCones(10);
260 kJetSubtractBranches += Form("%s ",taskCl->GetJetOutputBranch());
262 taskCl = AddTaskJetCluster("AOD","",kHighPtFilterMask,iPhysicsSelectionFlag,"ANTIKT",0.2,0,1,kDeltaAODJetName.Data(),0.15);
263 taskCl->SetCentralityCut(fCenLo,fCenUp);
264 if(kIsPbPb)taskCl->SetBackgroundBranch(kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch.Data());
265 kJetSubtractBranches += Form("%s ",taskCl->GetJetOutputBranch());
268 if(kIsPbPb&&kJetSubtractBranches.Length()){
269 gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG4/macros/AddTaskJetBackgroundSubtract.C");
270 AliAnalysisTaskJetBackgroundSubtract *taskSubtract = 0;
271 taskSubtract = AddTaskJetBackgroundSubtract(kJetSubtractBranches,1,"B0","B%d");
272 taskSubtract->SetBackgroundBranch(kDefaultJetBackgroundBranch.Data());
273 if(kDeltaAODJetName.Length()>0)taskSubtract->SetNonStdOutputFile(kDeltaAODJetName.Data());
274 }
275 }
276 }
280Bool_t LoadCommonLibraries()
282// Load common analysis libraries.
283 if (!gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) {
284 ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommonLibraries", "Analysis train requires that analysis libraries are compiled with a local AliRoot");
285 return kFALSE;
286 }
287 Bool_t success = kTRUE;
288 // Load framework classes. Par option ignored here.
289 success &= LoadLibrary("libSTEERBase.so");
290 success &= LoadLibrary("libESD.so");
291 success &= LoadLibrary("libAOD.so");
292 success &= LoadLibrary("libANALYSIS.so");
293 success &= LoadLibrary("libOADB.so");
294 success &= LoadLibrary("libANALYSISalice.so");
295 success &= LoadLibrary("libCORRFW.so");
296 gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/include");
297 if (success) {
298 ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Load common libraries: SUCCESS");
299 ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Include path for Aclic compilation:\n%s",
300 gSystem->GetIncludePath());
301 } else {
302 ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadCommodLibraries", "Load common libraries: FAILED");
303 }
304 return success;
308Bool_t LoadAnalysisLibraries()
310// Load common analysis libraries.
311 if (useTender) {
312 if (!LoadLibrary("TENDER") ||
313 !LoadLibrary("TENDERSupplies")) return kFALSE;
314 }
315 if (iESDfilter || iPWGMuonTrain) {
316 if (!LoadLibrary("PWGmuon")) return kFALSE;
317 }
318 if (iESDMCLabelAddition) {
319 if (!LoadLibrary("PWGmuondep")) return kFALSE;
320 }
321 // JETAN
322 if (iJETAN) {
323 if (!LoadLibrary("JETAN")) return kFALSE;
324 }
325 if (iJETANdelta) {
326 if (!LoadLibrary("JETAN") ||
327 !LoadLibrary("CGAL") ||
328 !LoadLibrary("fastjet") ||
329 !LoadLibrary("siscone") ||
330 !LoadLibrary("SISConePlugin") ||
331 !LoadLibrary("FASTJETAN")) return kFALSE;
332 }
333 // PWG3 Vertexing HF
334 if (iPWGHFvertexing || iPWGHFd2h) {
335 if (!LoadLibrary("PWGflowBase") ||
336 !LoadLibrary("PWGflowTasks") ||
337 !LoadLibrary("PWGHFvertexingHF")) return kFALSE;
338 }
339 // if (iPWGHFvertexing || iPWG3d2h) {
340 // if (!LoadLibrary("PWG3base") ||
341 // !LoadLibrary("PWGHFvertexingHF")) return kFALSE;
342 // }
343 // PWG3 dielectron
344 if (iPWGDQJPSIfilter) {
345 if (!LoadLibrary("PWGDQdielectron")) return kFALSE;
346 }
348 ::Info("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadAnalysisLibraries", "Load other libraries: SUCCESS");
349 return kTRUE;
353Bool_t LoadLibrary(const char *module)
355// Load a module library in a given mode. Reports success.
356 Int_t result;
357 TString mod(module);
358 if (!mod.Length()) {
359 ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadLibrary", "Empty module name");
360 return kFALSE;
361 }
362 // If a library is specified, just load it
363 if (mod.EndsWith(".so")) {
364 mod.Remove(mod.Index(".so"));
365 result = gSystem->Load(mod);
366 if (result < 0) {
367 ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not load library %s", module);
368 return kFALSE;
369 }
370 return kTRUE;
371 }
372 // Check if the library is already loaded
373 if (strlen(gSystem->GetLibraries(Form("%s.so", module), "", kFALSE)) > 0) return kTRUE;
374 result = gSystem->Load(Form("lib%s.so", module));
375 if (result < 0) {
376 ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::LoadLibrary", "Could not load module %s", module);
377 return kFALSE;
378 }
379 return kTRUE;
384TChain *CreateChain()
386// Create the input chain
387 chain = new TChain("esdTree");
388 if (gSystem->AccessPathName("AliESDs.root"))
389 ::Error("AnalysisTrainNew.C::CreateChain", "File: AliESDs.root not in ./data dir");
390 else
391 chain->Add("AliESDs.root");
392 if (chain->GetNtrees()) return chain;
393 return NULL;
397void AODmerge()
399// Merging method. No staging and no terminate phase.
400 TStopwatch timer;
401 timer.Start();
402 TString outputDir = "wn.xml";
403 TString outputFiles = "EventStat_temp.root,AliAOD.root,AliAOD.Muons.root";
404 TString mergeExcludes = "";
405 TObjArray *list = outputFiles.Tokenize(",");
406 TIter *iter = new TIter(list);
407 TObjString *str;
408 TString outputFile;
409 Bool_t merged = kTRUE;
410 while((str=(TObjString*)iter->Next())) {
411 outputFile = str->GetString();
412 // Skip already merged outputs
413 if (!gSystem->AccessPathName(outputFile)) {
414 printf("Output file <%s> found. Not merging again.",outputFile.Data());
415 continue;
416 }
417 if (mergeExcludes.Contains(outputFile.Data())) continue;
418 merged = AliAnalysisAlien::MergeOutput(outputFile, outputDir, 10, 0);
419 if (!merged) {
420 printf("ERROR: Cannot merge %s\n", outputFile.Data());
421 return;
422 }
423 }
424 // all outputs merged, validate
425 ofstream out;
426 out.open("outputs_valid", ios::out);
427 out.close();
428 timer.Print();