]> git.uio.no Git - u/mrichter/AliRoot.git/blame - STEER/AliESDtrack.h
Making this class sortable (Sylwester)
[u/mrichter/AliRoot.git] / STEER / AliESDtrack.h
ae982df3 1#ifndef ALIESDTRACK_H
3/* Copyright(c) 1998-1999, ALICE Experiment at CERN, All rights reserved. *
4 * See cxx source for full Copyright notice */
ac3faee4 6/* $Id$ */
ae982df3 8//-------------------------------------------------------------------------
9// Class AliESDtrack
15614b8b 10// This is the class to deal with during the physics analysis of data
ae982df3 11//
12// Origin: Iouri Belikov, CERN, Jouri.Belikov@cern.ch
23904d16 14/*****************************************************************************
15 * Use GetExternalParameters() and GetExternalCovariance() to access the *
16 * track information regardless of its internal representation. *
17 * This formation is now fixed in the following way: *
18 * external param0: local Y-coordinate of a track (cm) *
19 * external param1: local Z-coordinate of a track (cm) *
20 * external param2: local sine of the track momentum azimuthal angle *
21 * external param3: tangent of the track momentum dip angle *
22 * external param4: 1/pt (1/(GeV/c)) *
23 *****************************************************************************/
ac3faee4 24
a866ac60 25#include <TBits.h>
c9ec41e8 26#include "AliExternalTrackParam.h"
304864ab 27#include "AliPID.h"
15e85efa 28#include "AliESDfriendTrack.h"
49edfa08 30class TParticle;
49d13e89 31class AliESDVertex;
ae982df3 32class AliKalmanTrack;
98937d93 33class AliTrackPointArray;
ae982df3 34
c9ec41e8 35class AliESDtrack : public AliExternalTrackParam {
ae982df3 36public:
37 AliESDtrack();
c4d11b15 38 AliESDtrack(const AliESDtrack& track);
49edfa08 39 AliESDtrack(TParticle * part);
51ad6848 40 virtual ~AliESDtrack();
15e85efa 41 const AliESDfriendTrack *GetFriendTrack() const {return fFriendTrack;}
d75007f6 42 void SetFriendTrack(const AliESDfriendTrack *t) {
43 delete fFriendTrack; fFriendTrack=new AliESDfriendTrack(*t);
44 }
00dce61a 45 void AddCalibObject(TObject * object); // add calib object to the list
46 TObject * GetCalibObject(Int_t index); // return calib objct at given position
9559cbc4 47 void MakeMiniESDtrack();
51ad6848 48 void SetID(Int_t id) { fID =id;}
e1e6896f 49 Int_t GetID() const { return fID;}
ae982df3 50 void SetStatus(ULong_t flags) {fFlags|=flags;}
51 void ResetStatus(ULong_t flags) {fFlags&=~flags;}
15614b8b 52 Bool_t UpdateTrackParams(const AliKalmanTrack *t, ULong_t flags);
ae982df3 53 void SetIntegratedLength(Double_t l) {fTrackLength=l;}
54 void SetIntegratedTimes(const Double_t *times);
8c6a71ab 55 void SetESDpid(const Double_t *p);
56 void GetESDpid(Double_t *p) const;
ae982df3 57
15e85efa 58 Bool_t IsOn(Int_t mask) const {return (fFlags&mask)>0;}
ae982df3 59 ULong_t GetStatus() const {return fFlags;}
60 Int_t GetLabel() const {return fLabel;}
a33a2f3d 61 void SetLabel(Int_t label) {fLabel = label;}
c9ec41e8 62
ae982df3 63 void GetExternalParameters(Double_t &x, Double_t p[5]) const;
64 void GetExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const;
23904d16 65
ae982df3 66 Double_t GetIntegratedLength() const {return fTrackLength;}
67 void GetIntegratedTimes(Double_t *times) const;
4a78b8c5 68 Double_t GetMass() const;
c0b978f0 69
c9ec41e8 70 Bool_t GetConstrainedPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const {
71 if (!fCp) return kFALSE;
72 return fCp->GetPxPyPz(p);
73 }
74 Bool_t GetConstrainedXYZ(Double_t *r) const {
75 if (!fCp) return kFALSE;
76 return fCp->GetXYZ(r);
77 }
6c4ef2ed 78 const AliExternalTrackParam *GetConstrainedParam() const {return fCp;}
c0b978f0 79 Bool_t GetConstrainedExternalParameters
80 (Double_t &alpha, Double_t &x, Double_t p[5]) const;
81 Bool_t GetConstrainedExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const;
c9ec41e8 82 Double_t GetConstrainedChi2() const {return fCchi2;}
67c3dcbe 83
67c3dcbe 84
c9ec41e8 85 Bool_t GetInnerPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const {
86 if (!fIp) return kFALSE;
87 return fIp->GetPxPyPz(p);
88 }
1d303a24 89 const AliExternalTrackParam * GetInnerParam() const { return fIp;}
c9ec41e8 90 Bool_t GetInnerXYZ(Double_t *r) const {
91 if (!fIp) return kFALSE;
92 return fIp->GetXYZ(r);
93 }
c0b978f0 94 Bool_t GetInnerExternalParameters
95 (Double_t &alpha, Double_t &x, Double_t p[5]) const;
96 Bool_t GetInnerExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const;
98937d93 97
1d303a24 98 const AliExternalTrackParam * GetOuterParam() const { return fOp;}
c0b978f0 99 Bool_t GetOuterPxPyPz(Double_t *p) const {
100 if (!fOp) return kFALSE;
101 return fOp->GetPxPyPz(p);
102 }
103 Bool_t GetOuterXYZ(Double_t *r) const {
104 if (!fOp) return kFALSE;
105 return fOp->GetXYZ(r);
c9ec41e8 106 }
c0b978f0 107 Bool_t GetOuterExternalParameters
108 (Double_t &alpha, Double_t &x, Double_t p[5]) const;
109 Bool_t GetOuterExternalCovariance(Double_t cov[15]) const;
c9ec41e8 111
98937d93 112 Int_t GetNcls(Int_t idet) const;
ef7253ac 113 Int_t GetClusters(Int_t idet, Int_t *idx) const;
98937d93 114
15e85efa 115 void SetITSpid(const Double_t *p);
116 void GetITSpid(Double_t *p) const;
ae982df3 117 Float_t GetITSsignal() const {return fITSsignal;}
13da10da 118 Float_t GetITSchi2() const {return fITSchi2;}
15e85efa 119 Int_t GetITSclusters(Int_t *idx) const;
62665e7f 120 UChar_t GetITSClusterMap() const {return fITSClusterMap;}
15e85efa 121 Int_t GetITSLabel() const {return fITSLabel;}
15e85efa 122 void SetITStrack(AliKalmanTrack * track){
123 fFriendTrack->SetITStrack(track);
124 }
125 AliKalmanTrack *GetITStrack(){
126 return fFriendTrack->GetITStrack();
127 }
129 void SetTPCpid(const Double_t *p);
130 void GetTPCpid(Double_t *p) const;
131 void SetTPCPoints(Float_t points[4]){
132 for (Int_t i=0;i<4;i++) fTPCPoints[i]=points[i];
133 }
134 void SetTPCPointsF(UChar_t findable){fTPCnclsF = findable;}
00dce61a 135 Int_t GetTPCNcls() const { return fTPCncls;}
136 Int_t GetTPCNclsF() const { return fTPCnclsF;}
e1e6896f 137 Float_t GetTPCPoints(Int_t i) const {return fTPCPoints[i];}
15e85efa 138 void SetKinkIndexes(Int_t points[3]) {
139 for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) fKinkIndexes[i] = points[i];
140 }
141 void SetV0Indexes(Int_t points[3]) {
142 for (Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) fV0Indexes[i] = points[i];
143 }
144 void SetTPCsignal(Float_t signal, Float_t sigma, UChar_t npoints){
145 fTPCsignal = signal; fTPCsignalS = sigma; fTPCsignalN = npoints;
146 }
13da10da 147 Float_t GetTPCsignal() const {return fTPCsignal;}
00dce61a 148 Float_t GetTPCsignalSigma() const {return fTPCsignalS;}
0eba927a 149 UShort_t GetTPCsignalN() const {return fTPCsignalN;}
13da10da 150 Float_t GetTPCchi2() const {return fTPCchi2;}
15e85efa 151 Int_t GetTPCclusters(Int_t *idx) const;
81e97e0d 152 Float_t GetTPCdensity(Int_t row0, Int_t row1) const;
15e85efa 153 Int_t GetTPCLabel() const {return fTPCLabel;}
154 Int_t GetKinkIndex(Int_t i) const { return fKinkIndexes[i];}
155 Int_t GetV0Index(Int_t i) const { return fV0Indexes[i];}
3a83c716 156 const TBits& GetTPCClusterMap() const {return fTPCClusterMap;}
a866ac60 157
15e85efa 158 void SetTRDpid(const Double_t *p);
159 void SetTRDQuality(Float_t quality){fTRDQuality=quality;}
160 Float_t GetTRDQuality()const {return fTRDQuality;}
161 void SetTRDBudget(Float_t budget){fTRDBudget=budget;}
162 Float_t GetTRDBudget()const {return fTRDBudget;}
6d45eaef 163 void SetTRDsignals(Float_t dedx, Int_t i, Int_t j) {fTRDsignals[i][j]=dedx;}
15e85efa 164 void SetTRDTimBin(Int_t timbin, Int_t i) {fTRDTimBin[i]=timbin;}
165 void GetTRDpid(Double_t *p) const;
79e94bf8 166 Float_t GetTRDsignal() const {return fTRDsignal;}
6d45eaef 167 Float_t GetTRDsignals(Int_t iPlane, Int_t iSlice=-1) const { if (iSlice == -1)
03ecfe88 168 return (fTRDsignals[iPlane][0] + fTRDsignals[iPlane][1] + fTRDsignals[iPlane][2])/3.0;
6d45eaef 169 return fTRDsignals[iPlane][iSlice];
170 }
15e85efa 171 Int_t GetTRDTimBin(Int_t i) const {return fTRDTimBin[i];}
13da10da 172 Float_t GetTRDchi2() const {return fTRDchi2;}
15e85efa 173 Int_t GetTRDclusters(Int_t *idx) const;
174 Int_t GetTRDncls() const {return fTRDncls;}
79e94bf8 175 void SetTRDpid(Int_t iSpecies, Float_t p);
176 Float_t GetTRDpid(Int_t iSpecies) const;
15e85efa 177 Int_t GetTRDLabel() const {return fTRDLabel;}
c9ec41e8 178
15e85efa 179 void SetTRDtrack(AliKalmanTrack * track){
180 fFriendTrack->SetTRDtrack(track);
181 }
182 AliKalmanTrack *GetTRDtrack(){
183 return fFriendTrack->GetTRDtrack();
184 }
c9ec41e8 185
15e85efa 186 void SetTOFsignal(Double_t tof) {fTOFsignal=tof;}
c630aafd 187 Float_t GetTOFsignal() const {return fTOFsignal;}
15e85efa 188 void SetTOFsignalToT(Double_t ToT) {fTOFsignalToT=ToT;}
85324138 189 Float_t GetTOFsignalToT() const {return fTOFsignalToT;}
13da10da 190 Float_t GetTOFchi2() const {return fTOFchi2;}
c630aafd 191 void SetTOFpid(const Double_t *p);
51ad6848 192 void SetTOFLabel(const Int_t *p);
c630aafd 193 void GetTOFpid(Double_t *p) const;
51ad6848 194 void GetTOFLabel(Int_t *p) const;
195 void GetTOFInfo(Float_t *info) const;
196 void SetTOFInfo(Float_t *info);
85324138 197 Int_t GetTOFCalChannel() const {return fTOFCalChannel;}
15e85efa 198 Int_t GetTOFcluster() const {return fTOFindex;}
199 void SetTOFcluster(Int_t index) {fTOFindex=index;}
200 void SetTOFCalChannel(Int_t index) {fTOFCalChannel=index;}
b67517ef 201
f4b3bbb7 202// HMPID methodes +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (kir)
203 void SetHMPIDsignal(Double_t theta) {fHMPIDsignal=theta;}
204 Float_t GetHMPIDsignal() const {return fHMPIDsignal;}
205 void SetHMPIDpid(const Double_t *p);
206 void GetHMPIDpid(Double_t *p) const;
207 void SetHMPIDchi2(Double_t chi2) {fHMPIDchi2=chi2;}
208 Float_t GetHMPIDchi2() const {return fHMPIDchi2;}
209 void SetHMPIDcluster(Int_t index) {fHMPIDcluIdx=index;}
210 Int_t GetHMPIDcluster() const {return fHMPIDcluIdx;}
211 void SetHMPIDcluIdx(Int_t ch,Int_t idx) {fHMPIDcluIdx=ch*1000000+idx;}
212 Int_t GetHMPIDcluIdx() const {return fHMPIDcluIdx;}
213 void SetHMPIDtrk(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t th, Float_t ph) {
214 fHMPIDtrkX=x; fHMPIDtrkY=y; fHMPIDtrkTheta=th; fHMPIDtrkPhi=ph;
15e85efa 215 }
f4b3bbb7 216 void GetHMPIDtrk(Float_t &x, Float_t &y, Float_t &th, Float_t &ph) const {
217 x=fHMPIDtrkX; y=fHMPIDtrkY; th=fHMPIDtrkTheta; ph=fHMPIDtrkPhi;
15e85efa 218 }
f4b3bbb7 219 void SetHMPIDmip(Float_t x, Float_t y, Int_t q, Int_t nph=0) {
220 fHMPIDmipX=x; fHMPIDmipY=y; fHMPIDqn=100000*q+nph;
15e85efa 221 }
f4b3bbb7 222 void GetHMPIDmip(Float_t &x,Float_t &y,Int_t &q,Int_t &nph) const {
223 x=fHMPIDmipX; y=fHMPIDmipY; q=fHMPIDqn/1000000; nph=fHMPIDqn%1000000;
15e85efa 224 }
f4b3bbb7 225 Bool_t IsHMPID() const {return fFlags&kHMPIDpid;}
b67517ef 226
2e1dcd14 228 Int_t GetEMCALcluster() {return fEMCALindex;}
229 void SetEMCALcluster(Int_t index) {fEMCALindex=index;}
230 Bool_t IsEMCAL() const {return fFlags&kEMCALmatch;}
ac2f7574 231
cf0f66c2 232 void SetTrackPointArray(AliTrackPointArray *points) {
233 fFriendTrack->SetTrackPointArray(points);
234 }
235 const AliTrackPointArray *GetTrackPointArray() const {
236 return fFriendTrack->GetTrackPointArray();
237 }
15e85efa 238 Bool_t RelateToVertex(const AliESDVertex *vtx, Double_t b, Double_t maxd);
49d13e89 239 void GetImpactParameters(Float_t &xy,Float_t &z) const {xy=fD; z=fZ;}
240 void GetImpactParameters(Float_t p[2], Float_t cov[3]) const {
241 p[0]=fD; p[1]=fZ; cov[0]=fCdd; cov[1]=fCdz; cov[2]=fCzz;
242 }
ac2f7574 243 virtual void Print(Option_t * opt) const ;
6c94f330 245 //MI
246 Bool_t PropagateTo(Double_t x, Double_t b, Double_t mass, Double_t maxStep,
247 Bool_t rotateTo=kTRUE, Double_t maxSnp=0.8);
ae982df3 249 enum {
8c6a71ab 250 kITSin=0x0001,kITSout=0x0002,kITSrefit=0x0004,kITSpid=0x0008,
251 kTPCin=0x0010,kTPCout=0x0020,kTPCrefit=0x0040,kTPCpid=0x0080,
252 kTRDin=0x0100,kTRDout=0x0200,kTRDrefit=0x0400,kTRDpid=0x0800,
253 kTOFin=0x1000,kTOFout=0x2000,kTOFrefit=0x4000,kTOFpid=0x8000,
f4b3bbb7 254 kHMPIDpid=0x20000,
2e1dcd14 255 kEMCALmatch=0x40000,
c4d11b15 256 kTRDbackup=0x80000,
4a78b8c5 257 kTRDStop=0x20000000,
8c6a71ab 258 kESDpid=0x40000000,
ae982df3 259 kTIME=0x80000000
260 };
f122c485 261 enum {
6d45eaef 262 kNPlane = 6,
2e1dcd14 263 kNSlice = 3,
264 kEMCALNoMatch = -999999999
f122c485 265 };
ae982df3 266protected:
90e48c0c 267
90e48c0c 268
49d13e89 269 ULong_t fFlags; // Reconstruction status flags
270 Int_t fLabel; // Track label
271 Int_t fID; // Unique ID of the track
272 Float_t fTrackLength; // Track length
273 Float_t fD; // Impact parameter in XY plane
274 Float_t fZ; // Impact parameter in Z
275 Float_t fCdd,fCdz,fCzz; // Covariance matrix of the impact parameters
304864ab 276 Float_t fTrackTime[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // TOFs estimated by the tracking
c9ec41e8 277 Float_t fR[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // combined "detector response probability"
ae982df3 278
49d13e89 279 Int_t fStopVertex; // Index of the stop vertex
ae982df3 280
e1e6896f 281 AliExternalTrackParam *fCp; // Track parameters constrained to the primary vertex
282 Double_t fCchi2; // chi2 at the primary vertex
67c3dcbe 284
d3547a27 285 AliExternalTrackParam *fIp; // Track parameters at the first measured point (TPC)
23904d16 286
e1e6896f 287
d3547a27 288 AliExternalTrackParam *fOp; // Track parameters at the last measured point (TPC or TRD)
ae982df3 289
ae982df3 290 // ITS related track information
291 Float_t fITSchi2; // chi2 in the ITS
292 Int_t fITSncls; // number of clusters assigned in the ITS
62665e7f 293 UChar_t fITSClusterMap; // map of clusters, one bit per a layer
ae982df3 294 Float_t fITSsignal; // detector's PID signal
304864ab 295 Float_t fITSr[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
6e5b1b04 296 Int_t fITSLabel; // label according TPC
15e85efa 297
ae982df3 298 // TPC related track information
15e85efa 299 Float_t fTPCchi2; // chi2 in the TPC
300 Int_t fTPCncls; // number of clusters assigned in the TPC
e1d4c1b5 301 UShort_t fTPCnclsF; // number of findable clusters in the TPC
15e85efa 302 TBits fTPCClusterMap; // Map of clusters, one bit per padrow; 1 if has a cluster on given padrow
303 Float_t fTPCsignal; // detector's PID signal
304 UShort_t fTPCsignalN; // number of points used for dEdx
e1d4c1b5 305 Float_t fTPCsignalS; // RMS of dEdx measurement
15e85efa 306 Float_t fTPCr[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
307 Int_t fTPCLabel; // label according TPC
308 Float_t fTPCPoints[4]; // TPC points -first, max. dens, last and max density
309 Int_t fKinkIndexes[3];// array of indexes of posible kink candidates
310 Int_t fV0Indexes[3]; // array of indexes of posible kink candidates
23904d16 311
ae982df3 312 // TRD related track information
79e94bf8 313 Float_t fTRDchi2; // chi2 in the TRD
314 Int_t fTRDncls; // number of clusters assigned in the TRD
c4d11b15 315 Int_t fTRDncls0; // number of clusters assigned in the TRD before first material cross
79e94bf8 316 Float_t fTRDsignal; // detector's PID signal
6d45eaef 317 Float_t fTRDsignals[kNPlane][kNSlice]; // TRD signals from all six planes in 3 slices each
ef7253ac 318 Int_t fTRDTimBin[kNPlane]; // Time bin of Max cluster from all six planes
304864ab 319 Float_t fTRDr[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
6e5b1b04 320 Int_t fTRDLabel; // label according TRD
15e85efa 321 Float_t fTRDQuality; // trd quality factor for TOF
322 Float_t fTRDBudget; // trd material budget
23904d16 324
ae982df3 325 // TOF related track information
c630aafd 326 Float_t fTOFchi2; // chi2 in the TOF
ef7253ac 327 Int_t fTOFindex; // index of the assigned TOF cluster
15e85efa 328 Int_t fTOFCalChannel; // Channel Index of the TOF Signal
c630aafd 329 Float_t fTOFsignal; // detector's PID signal
85324138 330 Float_t fTOFsignalToT; // detector's ToT signal
304864ab 331 Float_t fTOFr[AliPID::kSPECIES]; // "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
15e85efa 332 Int_t fTOFLabel[3]; // TOF label
333 Float_t fTOFInfo[10]; //! TOF informations
23904d16 334
b67517ef 335 // HMPID related track information (kir)
f4b3bbb7 336 Float_t fHMPIDchi2; // chi2 in the HMPID
337 Int_t fHMPIDqn; // 1000000*QDC + number of photon clusters
338 Int_t fHMPIDcluIdx; // 1000000*chamber id + cluster idx of the assigned MIP cluster
339 Float_t fHMPIDsignal; // HMPID PID signal (Theta ckov, rad)
340 Float_t fHMPIDr[AliPID::kSPECIES];// "detector response probabilities" (for the PID)
341 Float_t fHMPIDtrkTheta; // theta of the track extrapolated to the HMPID, LORS
342 Float_t fHMPIDtrkPhi; // phi of the track extrapolated to the HMPID, LORS
343 Float_t fHMPIDtrkX; // x of the track impact, LORS
344 Float_t fHMPIDtrkY; // y of the track impact, LORS
345 Float_t fHMPIDmipX; // x of the MIP in LORS
346 Float_t fHMPIDmipY; // y of the MIP in LORS
2e1dcd14 347
348 // EMCAL related track information
cf0f66c2 349 Int_t fEMCALindex; // index of associated EMCAL cluster (AliESDCaloCluster)
15e85efa 350
351 AliESDfriendTrack *fFriendTrack; //! All the complementary information
98937d93 352
e1e6896f 353 private:
355 AliESDtrack & operator=(const AliESDtrack & ) {return *this;}
62665e7f 357 ClassDef(AliESDtrack,34) //ESDtrack
ae982df3 358};